MCI - Management of Confl icting Interests

Page created by Lori Norris
MCI - Management of Confl icting Interests
MCI – Management of Conflicting Interests
Identify real or potential conflicting interests confidently and with greater sophistication

Financial Software
MCI - Management of Confl icting Interests
2 I MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests

                                               institution, these conflicts cannot    When despite such measures
                                               be ignored but rather must be         conflicting interests cannot be
                                               identified and handled correctly.      avoided, then the bank is ultimately
                                                                                     bound to disclose the conflicting
                                               Conflicting interests may arise        interests to the customer.
                                               between a bank and its customer,
                                               between other businesses, within      The software solution Management
                                               senior management, between            of Conflicting Interests (MCI) from
                                               employees and/or other intercon-      Bosch Financial Software helps you
                                               nected individuals.                   to more confidently recognize
                                                                                     actual or potential conflicting
                                               To recognize and treat conflicting     interests and with greater sophisti-
                                               interests, each bank must take        cation than with manual methods
                                               lasting, effective organizational      or simple checklists. In addition,
                                               precautions. When a juncture of       it ensures complete documentation
                                               potentially opposing interests        of identified conflicting interests
Conflicting Interests within                   cannot be averted, measures to        and tracks the measures taken.
Financial Service Providers                    avoid an actual conflict of interest
                                               must be taken. Among these are
Banks and other financial service               physical separation, separation
providers are confronted daily with            of reporting lines, delegation of
potential conflicting interests. While          power in areas of authority, and
conflicts can often be due to the               the transfer of tasks to another
wide range of activities within an             business unit.
MCI - Management of Confl icting Interests
MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests I 3

Observing Legal Points                Following is a summary of the             For financial service providers
                                      requirements of the MiFID in regard       outside the European Union, such
In the European Union, the Markets    to conflicting interests:                  as in Switzerland, the MiFID is
in Financial Instruments Directive                                              becoming increasingly important.
(MiFID) regulates conflicting inter-   ▶ Conflicting interests are open          Since 1 January 2011 the basic
ests in business relations in the       to scrutiny companywide to be           provisions have changed in
area of investment services.            ascertained and documented.             Switzerland, because of revised the
                                                                                Lugano Convention. In cross-border
In Germany the implementation of      ▶ Conflicting interests must be           business, the provisions of MiFID
the directive took place at the end     supported by measures.                  are applicable between Swiss banks
of 2007 through modifications to                                                 and their German customers.
the Wertpapierhandelsgesetz           ▶ The so-defined measures are to
(WpHG), the Kreditwesengesetz           be implemented.
(KWG) and the Börsengesetz
(BörsG), as well as supplementary,    ▶ Measures regarding conflicting
concrete regulations of the Bundes-     interests must be regularly
ministeriums der Finanzen and the       monitored and updated.
Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienst-
leistungsaufsicht (BaFin).
MCI - Management of Confl icting Interests
4 I MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests

Quickly Detect and Manage                      bly defined by the system configura-
Conflicting Interests                          tion and be made available. When
                                               necessary, therefore, it is possible
The basis for the identification of             through MCI to define further types
potential conflicting interests in              of circumstances.
MCI is a detailed accounting of
relevant activities, as well as the
circumstances within the bank.                    Typical Types of Circumstances:
Particular attention is given to the
                                                  ▶ An employee receives a
areas of investment advice, propri-
                                                     gift from a customer
etary trading, financial portfolio
management, corporate financing,                   ▶ An employee gives a gift to
underwriting and placement of                        a customer
securities, as well as mergers and
acquisitions.                                     ▶ An employee makes credit
                                                     decisions for a customer
Depending on the business model
                                                  ▶ An employee takes charge
and product portfolio of the bank,
                                                     of mandates for a company
MCI can also give attention to
additional, more specific types of                 ▶ An employee performs part-
information, which also produce                      time work for the company in
potential conflicting interests. The                  addition to working for the
MCI solution is designed so that                     financial institution
types of circumstances can be flexi-
MCI - Management of Confl icting Interests
MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests I 5

Manual Data Entry and Automatic        ▶ General time period in which the
Importing of Information                 relevant circumstances occur

Relevant conflict of interest circum-   ▶ Description of the circumstances
stances can be manually input in
MCI as well as imported automati-      ▶ Other information
cally. Manual data collection can
be done either locally by individual   As an alternative to manual input, it
employees (as direct notifications),    is possible to import already exist-
or centrally through the Compliance    ing data into the system automati-
department. Sample data collected:     cally. Examples include: a list of
                                       investment companies where the
▶ Declaration to the employee and/     bank holds a significant interest, a
  or, if necessary, additional         list of clients and asset declarations
  connected parties                    that the employee of the bank
                                       presents such as mandates, being
▶ Types of circumstances and           a member of the board of directors
  parameters for further specifica-     for another company, or a list of
  tion. That includes e.g. consult-    potential clients in the sales
  ing mandates in the area of          pipeline which has impending
  mergers and acquisitions and         business with another company.
  parameters for giving advice to a
  company acquiring a business
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6 I MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests

                                                                                      After that, only new or changed
                                                                                      information is taken into account
                                                                                      for further comparison.

                                                                                      The rule technology of Visual Rules
                                                                                      and the use of the detailed informa-
                                                                                      tion about the particular circum-
                                                                                      stances allow for an intelligent
                                                                                      examination. This is generated only
                                                                                      for the configurations that match
                                                                                      and have a potential for conflict.
                                                                                      Irrelevant combinations of circum-
                                                                                      stances can be excluded in advance
                                                                                      and under adherence to due
                                               Intelligent Examination                diligence.
                                               with Visual Rules
                                                                                      Moreover, the logic depicted in the
                                               On the basis of the collected and      graphical rule models can be easily
                                               consolidated information, MCI          adapted to the particular needs of
                                               enforces an automatic examination      the institution as well as expanded
                                               in order to determine potential        to the individually defined types of
                                               conflicting interests. Initially, all   circumstances.
                                               existing information in the system
                                               is compared against each other.
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Dealing with Potential Conflicting Interests at a Glance

                   Manual Data

                                                                                                   Audit Proof Documentation
                                                      Continual Monitoring

                                                                                                                               Compliance Officer
                   Importing Informa-
                   tion, e.g., List of              Potential Conflicting Interests
                   List of Equity                     Workflow Integration
                   Sales Pipeline
                                                    Front-End Application
                                                    „ Clarification
                                                    „ Scrutiny
8 I MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests

Automatic Transfer of Matches
into Worklists                                 Possible Measures for an Actual Conflict
                                               of Interest:
The matches scored by the system
are automatically transferred into             ▶ Physical separation
the internal case management
                                               ▶ Separation of reporting lines
and appear on the Compliance
Officer’s worklist for clarification.             ▶ Delegation of power in areas of authority
Where it makes sense functionally,
the system summarizes multiple                 ▶ The transfer of tasks to another business
matched-pair hits together in a                  unit
case. Thus, the total number of
                                               ▶ Training and/or sensitizing of employees
processes are reduced. The
Compliance Officer evaluates the                 ▶ Disclosure, as the ultimate measure
case management whether there
is an actual conflict of interest               All inputs and changes within the framework
and, accordingly, documents the                of case processing, as well as the preceding
measures to be taken. If need be,              data collection of circumstances, are automati-
the available list of measures can             cally logged and auditable.
be adapted or extended by configu-
MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests I 9

Management of Conflicting                Modules of the Compliance Suite
Interests (MCI) Integrated in the
Compliance Suite
                                             Compliance Suite

MCI is the newest module in the
                                             MLDS                     NMC                       NMT
Compliance Suite from Bosch                  Money Laundering         Name Matching             Name Matching
Financial Software. It is built on the       Detection System         Customer                  Transaction
building block principle so that all
                                             Risk-based monitor-      Automated identifica-      Examination of
functions can be used in a standard          ing of money launder-    tion of PEPs and other    transactions against
interface and multiple systems do            ing, considering the     suspicious persons        embargo and
                                             KYC Profile/ Customer     with respect to their     sanctions lists before
not need to be maintained. This
                                             Due Diligence            risk potential, even at   execution
makes for a lean IT infrastructure,                                   the account opening
reducing overhead.

                                             MAID                     FDS                       MCI
                                             Market Abuse & Insider   Fraud Detection           Management of
                                             Dealing Detection        System                    Conflicting Interests

                                             Monitoring of insider    Detection of fraud        Handling of
                                             trading and detection    patterns in the           conflicting interests
                                             of market abuse          application with a        and tracking the
                                                                      plausibility check        measures taken
10 I MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests

                                                In Summary:
                                                ▶ Intelligent discovery and
                                                  intervention of potential
                                                  Conflicting Interests

                                                ▶ User-defined types of
                                                  circumstances are delin-
                                                  eated and supplemented

                                                ▶ Adopted measures are
                                                  documented and tracked

                                                ▶ Auditable Dokumentation

                                                ▶ All-in-One: A single user
                                                  interface and worklist for
                                                  the different Compliance
MCI ‒ Management of Conflicting Interests I 11

Bosch Financial Software, a subsidiary of the Bosch   The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of
Group designs, develops, markets, and implements      technology and services. According to preliminary
innovative software solutions and technologies for    figures, its roughly 290,000 associates generated
banks and insurance companies worldwide. Fields       sales of 48.9 billion euros in 2014. Its operations are
covered by the company include credit and risk        divided into four business sectors: Mobility
management, compliance, client management, claims     Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods,
management as well as specific process solutions for   and Energy and Building Technology. The Bosch
insurance companies.                                  Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its more
                                                      than 360 subsidiaries and regional companies in
Bosch Financial Software employs some 100 associ-     some 50 countries. If its sales and service partners
ates at locations in Immenstaad (Germany), Chicago    are included, then Bosch is represented in roughly
(USA), and Singapore.                                 150 countries. This worldwide development,
                                                      manufacturing, and sales network is the foundation
                                                      for further growth. In 2014, Bosch applied for some
                                                      4,600 patents worldwide. The Bosch Group’s strate-
                                                      gic goal is to deliver innovations for connected life.
                                                      Bosch improves quality of life worldwide with
                                                      products and services that are innovative and spark
                                                      enthusiasm. In short, Bosch creates technology that
                                                      is “Invented for life.”

More information can be found at                      Additional information can be accessed at                            ,,
Bosch Financial Software

EMEA                                 USA                             Asia & Pacific
Ziegelei 5                           161 N. Clark Street
88090 Immenstaad                     Suite 3590                      11 Bishan Street 21
Germany                              Chicago, Illinois 60601/USA     Singapore 573943
Tel. +49 7545 202-400                Tel. +1 312 368-2500            Tel. +65 6571 2220
Fax +49 7545 202-401                 Fax +1 312 268-6286             Fax +65 6258 4671                              

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