Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent

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Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
September/October 2018                       

     Small merchants, global audience
                       How the payments industry can help small shops
                             become international marketplaces

001_ISO1018 1                                                                     9/11/18 4:52 PM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
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002_ISO091018_001 2                                            9/12/2018 2:05:14 PM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
                                                                                                       Small merchants,
                                                                                                       global audience
                                                                                                       How the payments industry can help
                                                                                                       small shops become international

          Technology                                 Technology                                  Technology
          03                                         12                                          17
          Costco takes only a slice of the           Google Pay stands firmly                    How Zillow is changing the market
          Apple Pay wallet                           on shaky shoulders                          for digital rent payments
          The warehouse store finally accepts        The journey from Google Wallet to           Zillow is far from the first company to
          Apple Pay, but in a restrictive way that   Google Pay was long and complicated         try to modernize rent payments. But its
          consumers may not expect.                  — and that’s a good thing.                  entry to the market raises the stakes.

          Regulation                                 Security                                    Payments
          06                                         14                                          18
          Cannabis processors fight                  How new mPOS hacks made                     Trump’s policies threaten payments,
          a complex war                              hardware vendors safer                      but with little effect
          Cryptocurrency may be a solution to the    A widely publicized hack of one’s hard-     Trump’s administration has threatened
          challenges of handling pot payments —      ware should be a bad thing, right? It can   remittances, mergers and partnerships.
          but it invites a new wave of regulatory    also be a catalyst for change.              But overall the payments industry has
          headaches.                                                                             endured.

                                                     The battle over big-dollar
                                                     Several companies are allowing higher
                                                     limits for transfers in key markets.

                                                                           September/October 2018 ISO&AGENT 1

001_ISO091018 1                                                                                                                     9/12/2018 11:50:44 AM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
Editor’s View

                                                                                                       Going global
                          1 STATE STREET PLAZA, 27TH FLOOR
                          NEW YORK, NY 10004 • (212) 803-8200

                                         Daniel Wolfe

                                    CONTRIBUTING EDITOR
                                        David Heun

                                          ART DIRECTOR
                                          Robin Henriquez                                              Small merchants have a big opportunity, and ISOs and
                                   Richard Melville                                                    agents can help them on this path.

                                          VP, RESEARCH
                                          Dana Jackson

                              SALES MANAGER, ADVERTISING
                                                                                                                                   The internet long ago enabled the free exchange
                                        Philip Redgate                                                                          of ideas and culture around the world, but the flow of
                                                                                        money was still very much restricted.
                EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CONTENT OPERATIONS AND                                                                         That’s changing as new technologies and initiatives
                             CREATIVE SERVICES
                                 Michael Chu                                                                                    make it possible for even the smallest shops to sell their
                                    MARKETING MANAGER                                                                           wares across the globe. The same trends are making
                                     Deborah Vanderlinder

                                   FULFILLMENT MANAGER                                                                          it easier for international travelers to use their famil-
                                    Christopher Onyekaba
                                                                                                                                iar payment products in unfamiliar countries, such as
                                      CUSTOMER SERVICE
                                         212-803-8500                                                                           Alipay users who venture to the U.S. from China.
                                                                                                         But merchants can’t tap into this trend without the right technology and sup-
                                                                                                       port. Countries still have their own distinct regulations and currencies, meaning
                                                                                                       there is still a need for someone to handle these complexities.
                                                                                                         This presents an opportunity for ISOs and agents to deepen their relation-
                                                                                                       ships with their merchant clients by serving as a guide to these newly available
                                                                                                         And as technologies like blockchain and faster payments develop, more of
        CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER�����������������������������������Gemma Postlethwaite
                                                                                                       these markets will open up and more merchants will want access to a global
        CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER�����������������������������������������������������������Sean Kron
        EVP & CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER ��������������������������������David Longobardi                  audience.
        CHIEF SUBSCRIPTION OFFICER������������������������������������������� Allison Adams
        SVP, CONFERENCES & EVENTS������������������������������������������ John DelMauro
        SVP, HUMAN RESOURCES������������������������������������������������������������ Ying Wong

                                                                                                       —Daniel Wolfe

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           ISO&Agent is published 6 times a year by SourceMedia,
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       2 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

002_ISO091018 2                                                                                                                                                                      9/12/2018 11:51:13 AM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent

                                                    Mobile Wallets
                                                                                                customers at the checkout point also
                                                                                                translates to more money in Costco’s
                                                                                                pocket, so adding contactless and mo-
                                                                                                bile payment is an advantage, accord-
                                                                                                ing to Crone.
                                                                                                   “EMV checkout is painful and
                                                                                                slow, and Costco wants to find any
                                                                                                way around that, first through acti-
                                                                                                vating contactless for the Near Field
                                                                                                Communication-enabled Citi Costco
                                                                                                co-branded cards, and now by riding
                                                                                                the coattails of Apple Pay and others,”
                                                                                                Crone said.
                                                                                                   Contactless cards are ubiquitous
                                                                                                outside the U.S., with mass merchant
                                                                                                adoption in Australia, the U.K. and
                                                                                                across most European markets. Up to
                                                                                                20% of all transactions are contactless

       Costco takes only a slice
                                                                                                in most of these regions, according to a
                                                                                                report from A.T. Kearney.

       of Apple Pay
                                                                                                   U.S. issuers were late to the con-
                                                                                                tactless card movement because of a
                                                                                                false early start a decade ago when
                                                                                                terminals weren’t ready. Afterward,
       Costco’s acceptance of Apple Pay doesn’t give it the full
                                                                                                in the rush to meet the October 2015
       range of cards supported by Apple’s mobile wallet.                                       EMV liability shift, most issuers skipped
                                                                                                adding contactless technology because
       By Kate Fitzgerald
                                                                                                there was still no critical mass of NFC-
                                                                                                ready terminals.
       Along with activating contactless              Costco rolled out the Costco Any-            Costco’s U.S. gas pumps are de-
       payments at its store terminals, Costco      where Visa card in mid-2016, equipping      signed accept contactless payments,
       has opened its checkout lines to Apple       the entire 7 million-plus credit card       but that feature is not yet live. The
       Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay. But         portfolio is with EMV contactless tech-     chip-card liability shift goes into effect
       there’s a catch.                             nology. For about two years, Costco         for U.S. gasoline merchants in October
          Costco confirms it still accepts only     co-branded credit card users were un-       2020 and many are working to recon-
       Visa credit cards at its stores, including   able to use the feature at Costco stores    figure their pumps.
       through digital wallets, as part of the      until the terminals went live this month.      Citi was the first U.S. issuer to
       deal it struck with Citigroup when it          It’s no coincidence that Costco has       commit to a fully contactless credit
       split with longtime cobranded credit         opened Apple Pay and others along           card portfolio, embedding the latest
       card partner American Express in 2015.       with contactless card payment at its        generation of EMV contactless in all of
          Because Apple Pay and the other           terminals, said Richard Crone, CEO of       the Costco cards.
       wallet apps are digital form factors for     Crone Consulting LLC.                          EMV contactless card payments are
       existing cards, the merchant sets the          “Cobranded card deals include spe-        accepted at a few major merchants,
       parameters on which cards to accept,         cific interchange pricing, and Costco is    including McDonald’s and Walgreens.
       and Citi’s deal with Costco specifically     getting that pricing from Citi and theo-       Most older contactless-enabled
       narrows acceptance to Visa. The same         retically on Visa cards, so Costco wants    terminals, including unattended vend-
       restriction does not apply to debit cards    to stick to that plan,” Crone said.         ing machines, do not recognize EMV
       accepted at Costco.                            But time saved by speeding up             contactless cards. ISO

                                                                         September/October 2018 ISO&AGENT 3

003_ISO091018 3                                                                                                                    9/12/2018 11:51:25 AM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent

                                                    Pot payments
                                                                                                na legislatively rather than through a
                                                                                                ballot initiative. The company is already
                                                                                                active in California and Arizona.
                                                                                                   While state laws vex legal cannabis
                                                                                                payment providers, cryptocurrency reg-
                                                                                                ulations are also a challenge, given the
                                                                                                volatility of rulemaking. In late July, the
                                                                                                Financial Action Task Forcepublished
                                                                                                a report that contained recommenda-
                                                                                                tions for risk mitigation in cryptocur-
                                                                                                   Alt Thirty Six hopes this provides
                                                                                                clarity to ease regulations for crypto-
                                                                                                   Alt Thirty Six recently entered into a
                                                                                                partnership with CannTrade to support
                                                                                                the cryptocurrency Dash for cannabis
                                                                                                payments. The blockchain technology
                                                                                                allows real-time payments that take
                                                                                                less than one second, cutting the expo-
                                                                                                sure to rapidly changing cryptocurrency

       Cannabis processors
                                                                                                   “FATF published reports with the
                                                                                                aim to help financial institutions fight
                                                                                                cryptocurrency money laundering and

       fight a complex war                                                                      terrorist financing,” Ramirez said. Alt
                                                                                                Thirty Six’s goal is go above and be-
                                                                                                yond current regulations, or to evolve its
       The companies that want to process cannabis payments
                                                                                                compliance protocols as new guidelines
       are also confronting crypto regulations.                                                 and laws develop. “In fact, many law
                                                                                                enforcement and state governments
       By John Adams
                                                                                                frequently propose rules, bills and acts
                                                                                                to regulate cryptocurrency financial
       State laws on marijuana are confusing          “The medical and recreational             institutions, which often causes confu-
       and constantly changing, as are the          cannabis industry is relatively new with    sion.”
       laws governing the cryptocurrency            many gray areas in terms of regulation,”       Cryptocurrency can work as a
       that’s a possible solution to reduce         said Ken Ramirez, co-founder and CEO        cannabis payment alternative, but it is
       dispensaries’ reliance on cash.              of Alt Thirty Six, a Tempe, Ariz.-based     a heavy compliance lift on the federal
          Many cannabis sellers have trouble        payments platform for the canna-            level as well.
       getting a bank account or acquirer           bis industry. “These gray areas and            Cannabis is still illegal under federal
       relationship due to their conflicted legal   different regulations within each state     law and cryptocurrency regulations
       status at the state and federal levels.      can cause confusion, but also promote       are, to be kind, confusing. The federal
       Despite their category’s regulatory          innovation.”                                government has taken a more permis-
       complexity — or perhaps motivated by           Alt Thirty Six is applying for money      sive stance recently, with prior foes of
       it — a new breed of merchant acquirers       transfer licenses in Oregon, Nevada and     legal cannabis such as former U.S. Rep
       is slicing through the thick government      Colorado and is considering an appli-       John Boehneractually investing in the
       red tape to process cannabis payments,       cation in Vermont, which recently be-       industry.
       one state at a time.                         came the first state to legalize marijua-      As the legal cannabis market

       4 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

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Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
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005_ISO091018 5                                                                                                           9/12/2018 2:05:16 PM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
Regulation | Pot payments

       expands, it has taken on the chal-          rency and the legal status for cannabis    sumer and businesses will adopt it.”
       lenges of more traditional merchant         as a product. And CanPay Tuesday              By working within guidelines that
       acquiring, such as CRM and inventory        announced it has launched its payment      appear to be ever-shifting, CanPay
       management around seasonal spikes           platform to 115 retailers in New York,     developed a closed-loop debit network
       such as the 4/20 “weed holiday” before      Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Massa-        for cannabis stores, and is live in 17
       shedding the rudimentary compliance         chusetts, Maine, Maryland and Florida,     states and Puerto Rico.
       challenges such as figuring out where       placing CanPay in 16 states plus Puerto       CanPay works with approximate-
       cannabis is legal as a product.             Rico. It plans to enter Rhode Island,      ly 25 banks to create a private debit
          “The federal government can still        New Jersey and Vermont sometime this       network and uses ACH transactions to
       apply its regulations, such as CFPB         year.                                      process the payments, not the Visa and
       rules, as the cryptocurrency is likely to     CanPay’s model is different, using       Mastercard rails.
       fall under prepaid regulations,” said       a closed-loop network of about two            The CanPay purchasing experience
       Tim Sloane, vice president of payments      dozen banks to support debit payments      resembles that of using the Starbucks
       innovation at Mercator Advisory Group,      for legal cannabis. This makes compli-     or Dunkin’ Donuts app — the app uses
       adding compliance with the Bank             ance easier because dispensaries in its    a one-time token and PIN, and a QR
       Secrecy Act could also be in play. “It      network must be in a regulatory-ap-        code that the cashier scans from the
       would probably be wiser to identify the     proved cannabis banking program, said      smartphone’s screen.
       regulations that would be the easiest       Dustin Eide, CEO CanPay, adding there         “We want to provide a stable and
       to comply with and then address all         are some complications since not all       transparent payment alternative for re-
       aspects of them, such as a prepaid          states allow in-store, e-commerce and      tailers to be able to offer to their retail
       closed loop or restricted authorization     delivery for cannabis.                     customers,” Eide said. “It’s seamless,
       network.”                                     CanPay also avoids blockchain and        just like a Starbucks experience.”
          Alt Thirty Six isn’t alone. Tokes uses   other emerging payment models to              It is hard not to draw similarities
       a blockchain to manage compliance           keep things simple for users, Eide said.   between CanPay Debit and popular
       for the entire cannabis supply chain,       “The more traditional service we can       mobile apps from the likes of PayPal,
       anticipating risks beyond cryptocur-        provide, the more likely it is that con-   Venmo and Starbucks in terms of how
                                                                                              they operate. When CanPay customers
                                                                                              sign up for the service they are verified
                                                                                              with standard know-your-customer
                                                                                              procedures and are asked to download
                                                                                              an app.
                                                                                                 But like Alt Thirty Six and Tokes, the
                                                                                              goal is to reduce cash payments and
                                                                                              other regulatory workarounds that are
                                                                                              risky for merchants and consumers.
                                                                                                 “Cash is definitely still a major form
                                                                                              of payment in the industry because of
                                                                                              the banking issues that cannabis com-
                                                                                              panies face,” Ramirez said.
                                                                                                 “There are many ‘reverse ATM’
                                                                                              platforms out there that use round-
                                                                                              about methods to enable customers
                                                                                              to use their debit/credit cards to make
                                                                                              purchases,” Ramirez said. “However,
                                                                                              many customers have been burned by
                                                                                              these companies because they often
                                                                                              lack proper licensing and are working
                                                                                              through loopholes.” ISO

       6 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

006_ISO091018 6                                                                                                                  9/12/2018 11:51:22 AM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
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007_ISO091018 7                                                    9/12/2018 2:05:19 PM
Small merchants, global audience - How the payments industry can help small shops become international marketplaces - Arizent
Small merchants, gl

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       8 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018                             iso

008_ISO091018 8                             9/12/2018 11:51:16 AM

s, global audience
              How the payments industry can help small
              shops become international marketplaces.
                                                                                     By Cheryl Winokur Munk

         International e-commerce is booming          To compete effectively, many pay-       e-commerce, given that the fraud rate
         these days and so too are the opportu-     ments providers are adding ancillary      for international orders is around 1.5
         nities—and challenges—for payments         services beyond just processing. These    times higher than domestic purchases,
         players.                                   include regulatory compliance, tax        according to a 2016 report from Cyber-
            Within the past decade or so, a         compliance, shopper support, charge-      Source, a unit of Visa.
         growing number of payments platforms       back and refund management and               “There’s plenty of opportunity for
         has targeted international e-commerce      fraud detection analysis, payments        others to get into this,” said Dangel-
         transactions, and with good reason.        professionals say.                        maier, who contracts with a third-party
         Research firm Forrester predicts that        “I think most processors and pay-       provider for the company’s fraud detec-
         cross-border e-commerce will outpace       ments providers are looking for ways      tion services.
         domestic growth, with a compound           to add value to merchants outside of         One sticking point for would-be en-
         annual growth rate of 17 percent be-       just payments,” said Erich Litch, chief   trants is that while a payments provider
         tween 2017 and 2022, compared with 12      revenue officer at 2Checkout, a global    may be well-versed at fighting fraud
         percent for overall B2C ecommerce.         e-commerce and payment platform           in the U.S., replicating those services
            Today, many payments providers          that allows companies to accept online    in other countries isn’t so easy. For
         that focus on international e-commerce     and mobile payments from buyers           instance, in certain countries the tools
         are trying to do more than simply          worldwide, with localized payment         available to ensure people are who
         process transactions. They are focus-      options. “Anything processors can do to   they claim to be may not be as sophis-
         ing on solving the various pain points     do that is going to be a very important   ticated, Dangelmaier said.
         for merchants that make international      area,” he said.                              Another problem payments provid-
         e-commerce especially difficult. These                                               ers are increasingly trying to solve is the
         include significant decline rates for      Global pain points                        difficulty merchants have with approval
         cross-border credit card transactions, a   Fraud prevention is one area some         rates for international credit card trans-
         high occurrence of fraud and increas-      payments providers are focusing on to     actions, according to Igal Rotem, chief
         ingly burdensome tax requirements. At      deepen relationships with international   executive of Credorax, a full-service
         the same time, payments providers are      e-commerce merchants, according to        acquiring bank specializing in e-com-
         also running up against an increasing      Ralph Dangelmaier, chief executive of     merce payments and services.
         number of challenges, including slews      BlueSnap, an online payment platform.        Many banks—issuers or acquir-
         of complex local regulations and the         Having stellar fraud protection is      ers—will decline cross-border trans-
         need to build appropriate scale.           particularly pertinent to international   actions for fear of fraud. So while an

                                                                       September/October 2018 ISO&AGENT 9

  009_ISO091018 9                                                                                                               9/12/2018 11:51:17 AM
Technology | E-commerce

       e-commerce merchant in the U.S. who            “Anything that processors can do to        One region at a time                                      comm
       solely does business domestically might        simplify the transactions for merchants    Because of all the complexities, it’s                     conti
       expect that around 98 percent of the           is an interesting area,” he said.          not feasible for payments companies                       meth
       transactions are approved, Rotem                  The consultative approach               to specialize in every country. Instead,                  globa
       estimates that about 30 percent to 35             Some payments companies, like In-       payments companies should seek to be                      at 19
       percent of cross-border transactions           genico, consult with merchants to help     strong in a few markets and not try to                    7 per
       are denied at the first attempt; denial        them find the best approach for their      be all things to all people. “Specializa-                    Bu
       rates are even higher in less developed        business. For some this might mean set-    tion is key,” said Leija of Ingenico.                     prefe
       areas of the world.                            ting up a legal entity within the region      Accordingly, some payments pro-                        For e
          “This is a very, very big number,” said     where they want to expand.                 viders are finding success by focusing                    opera
       Rotem, whose company was founded to               This offers advantages for payment      on one or two international markets for                   acce
       help merchants improve their approval          cost acceptance, but there are addi-       e-commerce, while others are targeting                    princ
       rates. “This is where the pain is and this     tional costs and complexities as well.     more niche markets around the globe.                      on ba
       is where the opportunity is.”                  The rules and regulations are different       dLocal, for example, focuses on                        Mexi
          Tax management is another area              for each type of payment, said Joe Lei-    emerging markets. The company,                            throu
       where payments providers are in-               ja, general manager for North America      whose biggest market is Brazil, is                        big p
       creasingly seeking to help merchants.          at Ingenico ePayments, the online and      continually broadening its global reach.                  Brazi
       Traditionally, payments processors             mobile commerce unit of Paris-based        In mid-August, dLocal announced the                       cards
       didn’t get involved at all in taxes. That’s    terminal manufacturer Ingenico Group.      expansion of its payments platform                           Fo
       because in the past, most online trans-           A merchant can’t just put up a          to the Middle East and North Africa,                      very
       actions weren’t taxed. But little by little,   website and expect to sell all over the    starting with Egypt and Morocco. These                    shoc
       countries realized they were missing out       world. “It takes more knowledge and        areas are both considered high growth                     prima
       on sales revenue, and they are starting        expertise now to expand globally,” he      opportunities based on factors such as                    coun
       to crack down.                                 said.                                      regulatory reform, technology advance-
          Argentina, for instance, recently              Certainly, payments providers that      ments and demographics. In Egypt, for                     Wha
       instituted a local tax on e-commerce           do work in various markets around the      example, a population of mostly young                     One
       transactions and other countries are           world need to have a local expertise       shoppers (50 percent under age 30) is                     is the
       weighing the possibility, said Eric Chris-     and understanding of the requirements      driving the transition to online shopping                 meth
       tensen, group vice president of com-           in each region. For example, there’s       and payments, according to dLocal.                        you h
       merce business infrastructure at Digital       PSD2 and GDPR in Europe; and in               “These nascent markets offer incred-                   meth
       River, a global provider of e-commerce         many markets, payments providers           ible growth opportunities for innovative,                 to su
       solutions and the merchant of record           have to have a physical presence to do     trail-blazing companies,” said Sebastian                  said
       for major online brands.                       business.                                  Kanovich, the company’s chief execu-                         On
          If efforts in countries that tax inter-        “Regulations can vary quite wide-       tive, in a press release announcing its                   comp
       national e-commerce are successful,            ly from one market to the next,” and       expansion.                                                of cry
       more countries are likely to develop           it’s important for payments providers         “While there are market barriers,                      e-com
       tax schemes of their own, Christensen          to get these things right, said Casey      many cross-border e-commerce oppor-                       presi
       said. “The local governments want their        Bullock, general manager of global en-     tunities are emerging in both Egypt and                   ment
       share of those cross-border transac-           terprise e-commerce for North America      Morocco where governments are mak-                        speci
       tions,” he said.                               at Worldpay. “The fines that are tied to   ing efforts to improve financial inclusion                mana
          This trend signals a growth opportu-        these things can be massive.”              through digital banking supported by                      merc
       nity for payments providers. As a result          It’s also not always easy for a pay-    payments solutions,” he said.                             cies c
       of various new regulations, there more         ments processor to start doing business       Certainly, payments providers need                     wide
       of a need to for payments companies            in another country. For example, it took   to acutely understand how customers                       little
       to help merchants with tax-related is-         Worldpay five years to get its credit      want to pay in the various markets they                   going
       sues such as proper withholding and re-        card acquiring license in Japan in a       are in.                                                      Fo
       porting in accordance with a particular        long and complicated process. “Markets        According to 2Checkout’s first quar-                   respe
       region’s rules, said Litch of 2Checkout.       aren’t cookie cutter,” he said.            ter 2018 benchmark report on digital                      crypt

       10 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018                                                                                                                    iso

010_ISO091018 10                                                                                                                   9/12/2018 11:51:18 AM
commerce trends, Visa and Mastercard        ing technology can keep up with large        and sellers working together directly,
                 continue to dominate among payment          number of payments and whether there         but that’s changed as the marketplace
 es              methods, accounting for 68 percent of       will be enough liquidity to make them a      business model has evolved, said Hy-
ad,              global online sales; followed by PayPal     viable payment option for international      perwallet’s Ting.
 o be            at 19 percent and American Express at       e-commerce transactions, he said. Even         “The fact that there are all these
    to           7 percent.                                  so, Spear predicts cryptocurrency will       people who are earning really small
 za-                But certain countries show stronger      eventually become a viable option for        amounts of money and need to be paid
                 preferences for local payment methods.      international e-commerce transactions.       is a new phenomenon. It didn’t exist
o-               For example, as a merchant, you can’t         “It’s just a question of time before it    20 years ago,” he said. With thousands
ng               operate in the Netherlands and not          ends up happening,” Spear predicts.          and thousands of individuals buy-
 s for           accept iDEAL, said Jochen Kaempfer, a         The importance of scale                    ing and selling, modern marketplace
eting            principal at A.T. Kearney who focuses         It can be very difficult for start-up      payments require technology and scale,
 be.             on banking and payments. To sell in         payment companies to simply jump             he said. A lot of the banks are now
                 Mexico, you need to accept payments         into the global e-commerce market.           providing more of the infrastructure
                 through OXXO, whereas in China, the           A lot of companies don’t realize how       to move the money, but leaving the
                 big payment method is Alipay and in         much scale it takes to work globally,        details to innovators to handle the user
each.            Brazil, people tend to use local credit     saud Michael Ting, senior vice presi-        experience, he said.
 he              cards.                                      dent of global markets at Hyperwallet,         There are even opportunities for ISOs
m                   For payments companies that are          a facilitator of cross-border payments       to win business in the burgeoning space
a,               very focused on the U.S., it can be a       and payouts for sellers on online mar-       of international e-commerce.
 hese            shock to realize that cards aren’t the      ketplaces. (PayPal recently inked a deal       Many startup merchants can
 wth             primary method of payment in many           to buy the company; the transaction is       bypass ISOs by working with a global
h as             countries, Kaempfer said.                   expected to close in the fourth quarter.)    payments company that deals with
ance-                                                          Consider, for instance, the prospect       cross-border e-commerce. But there are
    for          What about crypto?                          of different tax laws in every region.       also brick and mortar merchants that
 ung             One challenge for payments providers        This could make it even more challeng-       want to sell their wares online to people
 ) is            is the proliferation of new payment         ing for new and existing processors to       in other countries. ISOs have an oppor-
pping            methods. If you want to maximize sales,     do business in multiple countries, saud      tunity to forge partnerships to help their
 l.              you have to support those payment           Christensen of Digital River. Companies      merchants do this—and maintain and
 red-            methods across the world and you need       may need to hire local experts in each       enhance that merchant relationship in
ative,           to support lots of different currencies,    of the jurisdictions, or outsource to a      the process, said Conal Cunningham,
 stian           said Litch of 2Checkout.                    third party. Either option has to be built   general manager at Inovio Payments,
cu-                 One area to watch is how payments        into a payment company’s economics.          a global payment gateway provider
its              companies will deal with the world                                                       whose parent company is North Ameri-
                 of cryptocurrencies for international       Other opportunities for payments             can Bancard.
                 e-commerce, said Brandon Spear,             providers and ISOs                             While many merchants are interest-
 por-            president of MSTS, a global B2B pay-          Another trend that is changing the         ed in selling their wares online globally,
    and          ment and credit solutions provider that     landscape for payments companies is          a typical ISO won’t have the connec-
mak-             specializes in commercial transaction       the proliferation of online marketplaces.    tions to allow them to do that. His com-
usion            management. There are some online             The growth of these marketplac-            pany partners with several acquirers
by               merchants who accept cryptocurren-          es—and the desire for sellers to peddle      and ISOs to allow their merchants to
                 cies currently, but there hasn’t yet been   their wares internationally—also means       sell their good internationally online.
eed              widespread adoption. “There’s still a       multiple opportunities for payments            “ISOs don’t have to be out of this
ers              little uncertainty about how this is all    companies on both sides of the busi-         race. They can compete, but they have
 they            going to play out,” he says.                ness—payments collection and the             to get out of their comfort zone and
                    For example, it’s still unclear how      disbursement of mass payments.               find some partners to help them deliver
uar-             respective governments will regulate          Payouts used handled solely by             what the marketplace is demanding,”
al               cryptocurrency, whether the underly-        banks, when it was individual buyers         Cunningham said. ISO

                                                                                  September/October 2018 ISO&AGENT 11

          011_ISO091018 11                                                                                                                 9/12/2018 11:51:19 AM

                                                  Mobile Wallets
                                                                                                a consumer could use Google Wallet
                                                                                                only with a Citi card on a Sprint mobile
                                                                                                phone. Getting traction was difficult at
                                                                                                best and near-impossible at worst.
                                                                                                   “And the secure element meant the
                                                                                                hardware manufacturer had to partic-
                                                                                                ipate, but if we hadn’t gone through
                                                                                                that, we wouldn’t have moved to host
                                                                                                card emulation, which got rid of a lot of
                                                                                                the hardware dependencies,” Connors
                                                                                                   The payments industry wouldn’t have
                                                                                                moved as quickly to tokenization of
                                                                                                mobile payments without seeing what
                                                                                                Google was dealing with during its ini-
                                                                                                tial wallet experiment, Connors added.
                                                                                                “You have to start somewhere, and it’s
                                                                                                the iterations, I think, that have made

       Google Pay stands firm
                                                                                                Google Pay what it is today.”
                                                                                                   Google also didn’t hesitate in estab-

       on shaky shoulders
                                                                                                lishing Near Field Communication as
                                                                                                its connection between the consumer
                                                                                                device and the POS. It was a technol-
                                                                                                ogy that the short-lived Softcard and,
       The rocky journey from Google Wallet to Google Pay
                                                                                                eventually, Apple Pay would also adopt,
       ultimately made the final product stronger.                                              reinforcing what Google had in play at
                                                                                                its starting gate.
       By David Heun
                                                                                                   All mobile wallet providers have tak-
                                                                                                en a similar path “to reach their unique
       Did it take Google seven years to          boarding passes.                              value adds,” Connors acknowledged,
       perfect its mobile wallet, or did Google      “The different evolutions of Google’s      but it was especially vital for Google
       Wallet’s tough launch guide today’s        payments ventures are well document-          as a pioneer in the field to learn about
       Google Pay?                                ed, but I would venture to say that           what it would take to keep mobile pay-
          Google can’t underestimate the          we wouldn’t be where we are today”            ments on an upward trajectory.
       importance of its maiden voyage with       without Google Wallet, Connors said at           Google Pay is a significantly differ-
       Google Wallet and the lessons the          the annual Mobile Payments Confer-            ent look than what the search-engine
       company learned in being one of the        ence. “Any time you are trying to do          company deployed about 15 years ago
       first to offer payments through cell-      something new, it is difficult, but this is   to get e-commerce merchants engaged
       phones in the U.S., said Jack Connors,     a multisided market.”                         with customers and receiving online
       manager of merchant global partner-           To make Google Wallet work, it             payments.
       ships at Google.                           needed to get the technology to work             “We have always viewed ourselves
          In the past year, Google has re-        on smartphones and at point of sale           as an enabler for merchants,” Connors
       branded Android Pay as Google Pay,         terminals, obtain bank support, ne-           said. “If you wanted to sell something,
       expanded into other markets, became a      gotiate access to the secure element          you could advertise on,
       payment option through the Safari and      of a handset to store credentials, and        and the consumer would go to the mer-
       Chrome browsers, and gained some           educate merchants on acceptance and           chant website and, hopefully, fill out a
       adoption as a mobile pay method for        consumers on its operation.                   web form with their name, address and
       transit cards and storing tickets and         That was a handful in 2011. Initially,     credit card credentials.” ISO

       12 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

012_ISO091018 12                                                                                                                 9/12/2018 11:51:04 AM

                                                                                      Terminal Choices                                               POS Systems

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013_ISO091018 13                                                                                                                                                                              9/12/2018 2:05:15 PM
SECURITY                                                                             Sec
                                                      Point of sale
                                                                                                ic stripe and remote attacks such as                     that
                                                                                                denial of service. Square did not provide                trans
                                                                                                an executive for an interview, but                       on ca
                                                                                                confirmed it has dropped Miura M010                      fully”
                                                                                                readers in favor of contactless and chip                 attem
                                                                                                card readers. Miura did not return a                        Th
                                                                                                request for comment.                                     on th
                                                                                                   In a statement, Square said the                       For e
                                                                                                M010 was offered as a stopgap, adding                    send
                                                                                                Square accelerated plans to drop                         mPO
                                                                                                support for the M010 and transfer to                     cial-e
                                                                                                a free Square reader for contactless                     at ge
                                                                                                and chip.”It’s important to note that                    trans
                                                                                                this is not a vulnerability in any Square                chan
                                                                                                hardware or software, and we have no                        W
                                                                                                indication that any Square sellers have                  actio
                                                                                                been impacted by it.”                                    a $5
                                                                                                   PayPal would not comment beyond                       like a
                                                                                                a statement saying: “Security is a top

       How new mPOS hacks
                                                                                                                                                         er’s is
                                                                                                priority at PayPal and we recognize the                  attac
                                                                                                important role that researchers and                      effec

       make vendors safer                                                                       our user community play in helping to
                                                                                                keep PayPal secure. PayPal’s systems
                                                                                                                                                         a mo
                                                                                                                                                         can e
                                                                                                were not impacted and our teams have                     acco
       Newly exposed mPOS vulnerabilities put vendors on the                                    remediated the issues raised by the                         “N
       spot to patch things up.                                                                 researcher.”                                             a bus
                                                                                                   iZettle, a Stockholm-based mPOS                       paym
       By John Adams and Karen Epper Hoffman                                                    company that PayPal is in the process                    their
                                                                                                of buying, provided a similar response:                  Leigh
          After researchers exposed how            problems comes as billions in invest-        “Security is paramount to iZettle. The                   Black
       hackable mobile point of sale systems       ments flow through the mobile point of       issue flagged to us by the researcher                    tion g
       are, vendors quickly shored up their        sale industry.                               is resolved, and the iZettle service and                 that
       defenses — while also blaming some             Mobile point of sale terminals have       its community remain unaffected...                       the m
       vulnerabilities on payment methods          been a lifeline for micromercants and        At iZettle, we comply with the highest                   relati
       they characterize as outdated.              small businesses for most of the cat-        security standards in our industry. We                   acqu
          iZettle, PayPal, SumUp, and Square       egory’s existence, but the companies         perform thorough security checks of                      mPO
       all countered researchers’ contention of    behind this technology are taking on         every merchant who wishes to use the                     be as
       security vulnerabilities via unattributed   debt or shelling out billions of dollars     iZettle service.”                                           Th
       statements saying they have fixed the       in acquisitions to diversify services and       Like PayPal and iZettle, SumUp also                   blam
       vulnerability in question and minimized     reach a larger range of retailers. There’s   issued an unattributed statement: “Su-                   of sa
       the scope of any threat.                    also security pressure on the industry,      mUp can confirm that there has never                     less t
          Researchers from Positive Tech-          since PCI scope reduction is part of the     been any fraud attempted through its                     ing th
       nologies demonstrated at the recent         appeal for mobile point of sale hard-        terminals using the magnetic stripe-                     the d
       Black Hat conference ways to hack           ware.                                        based method outlined in this report.”                      “C
       seven mobile point of sale readers from        The researchers demonstrated                 SumUp added more detail, saying                       the v
       Square, SumUp, PayPal and IZettle,          vulnerabilities that allow man-in-the-       the “magnetic stripe” trick uses an                      term
       which PayPal expects to own by the          middle attacks, fake code, the ability       obsolete technology that relies on                       Gallo
       third quarter. The contention of security   to alter transaction values via magnet-      signatures rather than PINs. It noted                    lead

       14 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018                                                                                                                 iso

014_ISO091018 14                                                                                                                 9/12/2018 11:50:59 AM
Security | Point of sale

s                that less than 0.22% of SumUp’s current      outside provider, there’s less consider-    into a card skimmer; shortly thereafter,
ovide            transactions involve the magnetic stripe     ation for the ecosystem.”                   Square received an investment from
                 on cards. SumUp says it has “success-          There’s also a compliance factor, in      Visa and began talking openly about
 10              fully” removed any possibility of such an    that companies rarely do more than          plans to add encryption.
chip             attempt at fraud in the future.              protect their systems beyond what’s            But there is some good news, since
                    The type of attack typically depends      required, Galloway said.                    unlike retailer data breaches over the
                 on the ultimate goal of the attacker.          Square manufactures its own hard-         past few years, it wasn’t real crooks
                 For example, a cyber-criminal might          ware, softening the risk, according to      exploiting vulnerabilities in mobile point
ding             send an arbitrary command to the             Galloway (Square confirmed it manu-         of sale systems.
                 mPOS system as part of a larger so-          factures its hardware in-house). “If you       “Mobile point of sale certainly has
o                cial-engineering attack that is aimed        manufacture your own product, there’s       seen its share of security challenges
s                at getting the cardholder to run their       more of a holistic consistency across       over the years, which is not surprising
t                transaction again through a less secure      the board,” Galloway said.                  given the pace of innovation here,” said
are              channel.                                       Square faced similar allegations dat-     Julie Conroy, a research director at Aite
    no              Whereas by tampering with trans-          ing back to when its only product was       Group.
ave              action amounts, hackers could make           a small magstripe reader that plugged          “I think what you have to keep in
                 a $5 transaction at point-of-sale look       into the audio jack of a smartphone.        mind is that the Black Hat revelations
ond              like a $50 transaction to the cardhold-      The rival terminal maker Verifone           were mostly based on lab exercises—
op               er’s issuing bank. RCE exploits allow        demonstrated how a rogue application        we haven’t seen a lot of these exploits
    the          attackers to access the device memory,       paired with Square’s device could turn it   in the wild yet.” ISO
d                effectively turning a mPOS reader into
 to              a mobile skimmer from which they
ms               can electronically collect cardholders’
have             account information.
                    “Normally, a [customer] goes into
                 a business and interacts with the
S                payment terminal directly, or hands
ess              their card to the merchant,” researcher
nse:             Leigh-Anne Galloway said during her
he               Black Hat presentation. “The transac-
er               tion goes to the merchant acquirer,
 nd              that talks to the issuer. … But with
                 the mPOS [transaction], there is no
est              relationship directly with the merchant
We               acquirer.” Merchants “work with the
f                mPOS provider, who may or may not
 he              be assessing security risk.”
                    The researchers partly place the
also             blame on lower prices for mobile point
Su-              of sale hardware, which are offered at
ver              less than $100 for some models, affect-
 its             ing the level of security that is put into
-                the devices.
 t.”                “Commonly the manufacturer and
g                the vendor of the mobile point of sale
                 terminal are separate.” said Leigh-Anne
                 Galloway, the cybersecurity resilience
d                lead for Positive Technologies. “With an

                                                                                  September/October 2018 ISO&AGENT 15

          015_ISO091018 15                                                                                                                 9/12/2018 11:51:01 AM

                                                     Cross border
                                                                                               wants to defend it market share.
                                                                                                  “We launched our service in India in
                                                                                               February 2015 in order to help India’s
                                                                                               hard-working overseas community have
                                                                                               a secure, fast, and affordable way to
                                                                                               send money back home,” said Josh Hug,
                                                                                               co-founder and COO of Remitly. “As a
                                                                                               part of that mission, we’ve launched an
                                                                                               industry-first same day $30k send limit
                                                                                               to ensure our customers are able to
                                                                                               send more when they need to.”
                                                                                                  It should be noted that for consum-
                                                                                               ers to access these higher daily trans-
                                                                                               action limits, remittance companies are
                                                                                               required by law to collect critical KYC
                                                                                               information. These enable companies
                                                                                               to identify consumers, cross-check
                                                                                               against appropriate Treasury SDN and

       The battle over big-
                                                                                               OFAC lists as well as provide the neces-
                                                                                               sary government reporting.
                                                                                                  There are two major trends that

       dollar remittances                                                                      are shaping the remittance industry,
                                                                                               prompting companies such as Xoom,
                                                                                               Remitly, and even Ant Financial —
       More companies are raising the dollar limit for cross-bor-                              which tried to purchase MoneyGram
       der transfers in key markets.                                                           last year — to build or consolidate their
                                                                                               market share positions.
       By Michael Moeser                                                                          First, the payment volume of re-
                                                                                               mittances is on the rise. According to
       In the combative U.S.-to-India remit-       transmitter license just this March, and    the World Bank, the volume of global
       tance corridor, Seattle-based Remitly       TransferWise, which cut its fees last No-   remittances is expected to reach $642
       just raised its game by increasing its      vember in response to the heating up        billion in 2018, up from $613 billion in
       daily transfer limits to $30,000 and        of global competition. Both companies       2017 which is almost 5% growth. The
       hiring a Bollywood actor, R. Madhavan,      are based in London.                        single largest recipient country in 2017
       as its brand ambassador.                      “The market is competitive and            was India which took in $69 billion,
          Remitly’s moves are clearly in           providers compete on not just price         followed by China ($64 billion), the Phil-
       response to the growing competitive         but brand trust, ease of use, transfer      ippines ($33 billion) and then Mexico
       pressure being placed in a key U.S.         amounts and transaction speed” noted        ($31 billion).
       outbound corridor. On June 4th Xoom         Sarah Grotta, director, debit and alter-       The second major factor is that the
       (a unit of PayPal) increased its daily      native products of Mercator.                market remittances being sent from
       transfer limit to $25,000 to 50 countries     The U.S.-to-India remittance corridor     the U.S. are going through a digital
       including India, Canada, the U.K. and       represents an almost $11 billion annual     transformation and very likely globally
       the Philippines.                            payment flow according to the Pew           as well. Using mobile phones to send
          Additional pressure comes from           Research Group. This makes it the third     money cross-border provides con-
       digital cross-border specialists that       largest U.S. outbound remittance corri-     sumers with not only convenience, but
       have made significant inroads to the        dor after Mexico and China.                 also allows recipients greater ease to
       U.S. market. These include WorldRemit,        The U.S. to India corridor has been       choose how they want the funds to be
       which received its New York money           very successful for Remitly, which likely   disbursed. ISO

       16 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

016_ISO091018 16                                                                                                                 9/12/2018 11:50:55 AM

                                                    Rent payments
                                                                                                and shared economy marketplaces
                                                                                                including brands such as HomeAway
                                                                                                and VRBO. In May, YapStone launched
                                                                                                Kigo Marketplace with Kigo, a unit of
                                                                                                RealPage, to provide a platform for
                                                                                                vacation rental listings.
                                                                                                   To fuel its expansion efforts, Yap-
                                                                                                Stone has been very active in raising
                                                                                                funds. In February 2018, YapStone com-
                                                                                                pleted its latest funding round, which
                                                                                                was led by Premji Invest and raised $71
                                                                                                   “It’s all for M&A, as acquisitions are
                                                                                                clearly part of our roadmap. I probably
                                                                                                spend 50% of my time evaluating com-
                                                                                                panies and opportunities,” said Tom
                                                                                                Villante, co-founder, chairman and CEO
                                                                                                of YapStone.

       Zillow’s effect on digital                                                                  This year’s round, which was its
                                                                                                Series C, followed a string of successful

       rent payments                                                                            fundraising and debt placements which
                                                                                                provided over $186 million in capital
                                                                                                according to Crunchbase, which tracks
       As Zillow enters the market for digital rent payments,                                   funding of private startups. Investors
       existing providers must adapt to its presence.                                           include Accel Partners, Mastercard,
                                                                                                and Meritech Capital Partners. Debt
       By Michael Moeser                                                                        financing came from Comerica Bank
                                                                                                and Bregal Sagemount in an earlier
       As the digital rent market attracts new        The other major challenge is frag-        debt round in 2015.
       entrants like Zillow, mainstays like Cozy    mentation. Of the roughly 44 million           YapStone expects to generate $350
       and YapStone are pressured to diversify      rental units currently available, Zahnd     million in revenue for 2018, which is sev-
       and seek new audiences for their digital     estimates that up to 75% are owner/op-      en-fold increase in the last seven years,
       payments technologies.                       erators who have 20 rental units or less,   added Villante.
          Zillow is a formidable opponent —         making it difficult for vendors to build       YapStone partnered recently with
       the company claims 35 million renters        scale. “The small landlords invent their    PPRO Group, a cross-border e-payment
       visit its websites and mobile apps           own way of working … As an industry,        specialist to help it provide alterna-
       each month in search of a home or            we have barely scratched the surface in     tive payment methods (APMs) local
       apartment — and it’s far from the only       the U.S., which is probably why Zillow      to the various marketplaces serviced
       challenge that niche providers face.         has entered,” Zahnd said.                   by YapStone. Essentially this will allow
          Not only is the digital rent check          Cozy’s solution to this problem is to     YapStone customers to be able to
       market getting more crowded, it’s faced      bundle payments with tools such as          access dozens of APMs from around the
       with other big challenges.                   tenant screening, lease capture and         world, including iDEAL (Netherlands)
          “The real estate industry is one of the   maintenance management.                     and SOFORT (Germany).
       last big industries to come online,” said      As for YapStone, its growth strategy         This effort is critical to YapStone’s
       Gino Zahnd, founder and CEO of Cozy.         now puts it on a collision course with      geographic growth — in many coun-
       According to the Federal Reserve, 80%        payment processing powerhouses              tries, consumers may prefer to use a
       of rent is still paid by cash, check or      such as Stripe, Adyen and PayPal. It        bank transfer method, direct debit, or
       money order.                                 now targets the travel, vacation, rental    other method, Villante added. ISO

                                                                         September/October 2018 ISO&AGENT 17

017_ISO091018 17                                                                                                                  9/12/2018 11:50:48 AM


       Trump’s policies threaten payments,
       but with little effect
       President Trump has put policies in place that threaten the payments industry, but
       have seldom changed the course of the market.
       By John Adams

       Since his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump      been relatively muted, and Maas’ wish      development.
       has loomed over the international pay-     is probably just that.                       The tie between the Iran deal and
       ments system with a series of threats        This recent development in Germany       payments, as Haas sees it, is European
       that are proving increasingly empty.       does not involve anything Trump has        countries won’t be able to provide the
          While it remains to be seen if Ger-     said or promised directly; generally, he   economic incentives to Iranian com-
       man Foreign Minister Heiko Maas’ call      has had little to say about the Europe-    panies—particularly Iranian banks—if
       for an independent payment system          an payments market.                        European companies and banks face
       to save the Iranian nuclear deal will        Maas contends in an open letter that     punishment from the U.S. for doing
       actually happen, the potential severity    independent European payment rails         business with Iran.
       of such a move joins a growing list of     can save the Iran nuclear deal. Trump        “In this situation, it is of strategic
       Trump-era potential casualties includ-     in May broke with European allies by       importance that we clearly tell Wash-
       ing remittance bans, foreign technology    saying the U.S. would pull out of the      ington [that we] want to work together.
       worker visa shutoffs, canceled mergers     2015 Iranian deal, in which economic       But we will not let you act on our heads
       and choked fintech collaboration.          sanctions would be lifted on Iran in       [and] over our heads,” Maas wrote,
          All that said, the impact to date has   exchange for concessions on nuclear        according to a translation. “That is why

       18 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

018_ISO091018 18                                                                                                                9/12/2018 11:50:40 AM

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019_ISO091018 19                                                          9/12/2018 2:15:35 PM
Payments | Regulation

       it is essential that we strengthen Euro-
       pean autonomy by setting up payment
       channels independent of the U.S., cre-
       ating a European Monetary Fund and
       building an independent Swift system.”
          How that would happen is unclear,
       as is the impact on the global econo-
       my, the burgeoning cross-border pay-
       ments market, gig economy payrolls
       and the card networks. Maas himself
       says the “devil is in a thousand details.”
          It wouldn’t be the first dramatic
       change to payments that was signaled
       by Trump’s rhetoric but never came to
       be. Trump’s plan to strong-arm Mexico
       to pay for his border wall originally
       hinged on shutting off remittance corri-
       dors. That didn’t happen.                    Ant Financial’s bid to acquire U.S.-based Moneygram fell apart under regulatory pressure.
          Other possible impacts of Trump’s
       proposals on payments volume, such           as India, where government-driven de-              Chancellor Angela Merkel, a member of
       as a crackdown on technology worker          monetization has sparked a huge move               the same political party as Maas, said
       visas, or tariffs on Chinese goods, have     toward digital payments, or China,                 she was opposed to an independent
       yet to fully materialize.                    where government support for outside               payment system.
          Companies that process interna-           payment processors is a moving target                  The concept of a distinct European
       tional payments for contract workers         that’s kept Visa and Mastercard from               payment system has some political
       have noticed an uptick in volume that        developing business inside China.                  traction in the European Union over the
       corresponds with possible changes to            The underlying payments technol-                years, though it’s not been successful,
       visas.                                       ogy for cross-border payments is also              according to Eric Grover, a principal at
          The payments industry’s most no-          improving.                                         Intrepid Ventures.
       table casualty of the current political         JPMorgan Chase has acquired                         The Monnet Project, for example,
       environment in the U.S. is likely the        WePay (a Redwood City, Calif.-based                included about two dozen European
       scuttled Ant/Moneygram acquisition,          company unrelated to WeChat) to                    banks that would have provided a
       though even in that case Ant has found       support small businesses that sell                 Pan-European alternative to Master-
       large market in the U.S. in supporting       online internationally, while emerging             card and Visa. The project failed in
       travel payments for Chinese tourists         technology such as blockchainmakes                 2013 over regulatory uncertainty and
       and temporary residents.                     it easier and less costly to process the           concerns over the sustainability.
          Travelers from China provide the          frequent small transactions that are                   “If Maas were simply urging the
       largest source of international tourist      part of e-commerce.                                formation of a new payment system to
       spending in the U.S., with more than            While the Maas plan has some                    increase competition that would be a
       a decade of double digit growth.             comparison to Russia’s independent                 formidable challenge, but I’d applaud
       Travel and tourism exports account for       Mir payment system set up in response              it,” Grover said, adding the concept of
       nearly two-thirds of all U.S. exports to     to Western sanctions as a way to dilute            a distinct European payment system is
       China. Chinese tourism is a particularly     the market share of Visa and Master-               borne more out of resentment toward
       important source of revenue for large        card, the Russian market is not nearly             the U.S. “The supranational EU at its
       U.S. cities such as Los Angeles and New      as intertwined with the U.S. as the                heart, however, is a political project.”
       York.                                        European market.                                       The challenge for any Swift rival
          These impacts fall far short of the          Within hours of Maas’ declaration               would be to achieve critical mass —
       politically driven moves elsewhere, such     of payments independence, German                   and relevance, Grover said. ISO

       20 ISO&AGENT September/October 2018

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