Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide
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Sloan Valve Company Product LEED® Qualification Guide The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating System represents the U.S. Green Building Council’s effort to provide a national standard for what constitutes a “green building.” Through its use as a design guideline and third-party certification tool, it aims to improve occupant well-being, environmental performance and economic returns of buildings using established innovative practices, standards and technologies. The following document refers to the points (credits) for LEED NC v2.2, LEED 2009 and LEED- EB:O&M 2009. Additional LEED points may be available in various other LEED documents such as LEED for Schools, LEED for Retail, or LEED CI. Numerous products from Sloan Valve Company can help earn points toward LEED certification. S LOA N VA LV E CO M PA N Y 8 0 0 . 9 . VA LV E . 9 (800.982.5839) w w w. s l o a nva l ve. co m
LEED® Water Efficiency At-a-Glance Water Water Prerequisite Efficient Performance Landscaping Measurement LEED v2.2 NA WE Credit 1.1: Reduce NA potable water consumption for irrigation by 50% from calculated baseline. WE Credit 1.2: Eliminate the use of potable water for landscape irrigation. 5 Water points possible 1-2 points possible LEED 2009 Use 20% less water from the WE Credit 1: Reduce potable NA baseline calculated. water consumption for irrigation by 50% from calculated baseline AND/OR eliminate the use of potable water for landscape irrigation. 10 Water points possible 0 points possible 2-4 points possible LEED: EB-O&M 2009 Use 120% if 1993 water from water consumption for building and subsystem water baseline calculated. irrigation by 50% to 100% performance with metering compared with conventional devices. means of irrigation. 14 Water points possible 0 points possible 1-5 points possible 1-2 points possible Sloan Solutions and LEED 2009 brings a Comments prerequisite to Water Efficiency for the first time. Now buildings must meet a water usage threshold. In order to achieve this threshold, consider using Sloan high- efficiency faucets and HET fixtures and Flushometers, which use 1.28 gpf or less. Another option is Sloan urinals, which use less than the 1.0 gpf baseline. For applicable products, see product pages. Using Sloan products can contribute toward the 20% reduction required in the LEED 2009 prerequisite. GREEN = Credits that pertain to indoor water use. BLUE = Sloan solution. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 2
Water Use Innovative Cooling Reduction/Additional Wastewater Tower Innovation & Design Process Indoor Plumbing Fixture & Technologies Management Fitting Efficiency WE Credit 2: Option 1 WE Credit 3.1: Use 20% less NA ID Credit 1.1: Show exceptional Reduce potable water water than baseline performance above requirements use for building sewage calculated. set by LEED and/or innovative conveyance by 50% performance in Green Building WE Credit 3.2: Use 30% less through the use of strategies not addressed in LEED. water than baseline water conserving calculated. fixtures Option 2 Treat 50% of wastewater on- site to tertiary standards. 1 point possible 1-2 points possible 1 point possible Same as LEED v2.2 WE Credit 3: Use 30% to NA Same as LEED v2.2 40% less water than baseline calculated. 2 points possible 2-4 points possible 1 point possible NA WE Credit 2: Use 10% to WE Credit 4: Have a water 30% less water than baseline management plan for cooling calculated. tower AND/OR Use makeup water that consists of at least 50% non-potable water. 1-5 points possible 1-2 points possible This often is the most Using Sloan’s water-efficient Exceptional performance above challenging credit in the products that surpass the the requirements or innovative Water Efficiency section baseline fixture performance strategies set by LEED allow for of LEED. Sloan’s high- requirements as stated in design opportunities in energy efficiency fixtures such EPAct 92 (for LEED v2.2) performance and water as waterfree urinals and/or the 2006 model efficiency. For example, a 2003 drastically reduce plumbing codes (for LEED CIR ruling established a method wastewater volumes, 2009) would contribute to by which Innovation Credits are improving the likelihood this credit. For example, the awarded – points can be earned of achieving this credit. baseline requires 1.6 gpf per incremental benchmarks or For applicable products, toilets. In order to achieve the next threshold of see product pages. this credit, consider using achievement. For LEED v2.2 WE Sloan HET fixtures and Credit 3, the exemplary Flushometers, which use 1.28 performance threshold is a 40% gpf or less. Another option is water reduction. The exemplary Sloan urinals, which use less performance Innovation point is than the 1.0 gpf baseline. For awarded because the project applicable products, see has reached the next LEED product pages. threshold, not for use of a specific technology. Using Sloan products can contribute up to Using Sloan products Sloan water-efficient 1 point toward can contribute up to products can contribute LEED v2.2 or up to 2 points toward LEED v2.2 1 point toward this credit. 2 points toward LEED or 2-4 pointes toward For applicable products, see 2009 Certification. LEED 2009 Certification. product pages. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 3
PRODUCTS AT-A-GLANCE Model/Description Manual Electronic Water Savings Estimate LEED LEED LEED-EB: v2.2 2009 O&M 2009 HEU Systems WEUS 1002.1001-0.25/WEUS 1000.1001-0.13 X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS 1002.1401-0.25 G2/WEUS 1000.1401-0.13 G2 X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS1002.1201-0.25 SOLIS/WEUS 1000.1201-0.13 SOLIS X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS 1002.1302-0.25 HWS/WEUS 1000.1302.013 HWS X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS1000.1301-0.25 ESS/WEUS 1000.1301-0.13 ESS X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS1002.1403-0.25 SMOOTH/WEUS 1000.1403-0.13 SMOOTH X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS 1002.1402-0.25 SMO/WEUS 1000.1402-0.13 SMO X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS 1012.1311-0.25/WEUS 1010.1311-0.13 X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% WEUS 1012.1011-0.25/WEUS 1010.1011-0.13 X 75-87% 75-87% 95-107% HEU Flushometers* G2 Optima Plus 8186-0.5 X 50% 50% 70% SOLIS 8186-0.5 X 50% 50% 70% Royal 186-0.5 ESS X 50% 50% 70% Royal 186-0.5 SMOOTH X 50% 50% 70% Royal 186-0.5 SMO X 50% 50% 70% Royal 186-0.5 X 50% 50% 70% Crown 186-0.5 ESS X 50% 50% 70% Crown 186-0.5 SMOOTH X 50% 50% 70% Crown 186-0.5 SMO X 50% 50% 70% Crown 186-0.5 X 50% 50% 70% Waterfree Urinals WES-1000 100% 100% 120% WES-2000 100% 100% 120% WES-4000 100% 100% 120% WES-5000 100% 100% 120% HET Systems WETS 2002.1101-1.6/1.1 ECOS X 21% 21% 41% WETS 2002.1202-1.6/1.1 SOLIS 21% 21% 41% WETS 2002.1002-1.6/1.1 X 21% 21% 41% WETS 2000.1401-1.28 G2 X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2000.1201-1.28 SOLIS X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2000.1301-1.28 ESS X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2000.1302-1.28 HWS X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2000.1402-1.28 SMO X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2000.1403-1.28 SMOOTH X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2000.1001-1.28 X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2052.1101-1.6/1.1 ECOS X 21% 21% 41% WETS 2052.1201-1.6/1.1 SOLIS X 21% 21% 41% WETS 2052.1002-1.6/1.1 X 21% 21% 41% WETS 2050.1401-1.28 G2 X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1201-1.28 SOLIS X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1301-1.28 ESS X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1302-1.28 HWS X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1402-1.28 SMO X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1403-1.28 SMOOTH X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1001-1.28 X 20% 20% 40% WETS 2050.1006-1.28 CROWN X 20% 20% 40% *Note: Lower flushing volumes such as 0.25 gpf and 0.13 gpf may be available. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 4
PRODUCTS AT-A-GLANCE Model/Description Manual Electronic Water Savings Estimate LEED LEED LEED-EB: v2.2 2009 O&M 2009 HET Flushometers ECOS 8111-1.6/1.1 X 21% 21% 41% SOLIS 8111-1.6/1.1 X 21% 21% 41% WES-111-1.6/1.1 X 21% 21% 41% G2 Optima Plus 8111-1.28 X 20% 20% 40% SOLIS 8111-1.28 X 20% 20% 40% Royal 111-1.28 ESS X 20% 20% 40% Royal 111-1.28 HWS X 20% 20% 40% Royal 111-1.28 SMO X 20% 20% 40% Royal 111-1.28 SMOOTH X 20% 20% 40% Royal 111-1.28 X 20% 20% 40% Crown 111-1.28 X 20% 20% 40% Crown 111-1.28 ESS X 20% 20% 40% Crown 111-1.28 SMO X 20% 20% 40% Crown 111-1.28 SMOOTH X 20% 20% 40% OTHER PRODUCTS Parts A-1045-A 1.28 diaphragm closet (Royal®) X X 20% 20% 40% A-1043-A 0.5 diaphragm kit urinal (Royal®) X X 50% 50% 70% Faucets SOLIS® X 80% 80% 100% LINO ™ X 80% 80% 100% Optima Plus® X 80% 80% 100% Optima® X 80% 80% 100% Showerhead AC-11 2.0 gpm Act-O-Matic® X 20% 20% 40% AC-450 2.0 gpm Act-O-Matic ® X 20% 20% 40% Hand dryer XLerator® X Greywater System Sloan AQUS® Greywater System X Sloan Monitored X Systems RETROFITS UPPERCUT® X 21% 21% 41% SMOOTH® X 20-50% 20-50% 40-70% SMO X 20-50% 20-50% 40-70% ES-S X 20-50% 20-50% 40-70% G2 Optima Plus ® X 20-50% 20-50% 40-70% Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 5
PRODUCTS R SLOAN® SENSOR FAUCETS SOLA ED ER Sensor faucets save water! In addition, they increase hygiene and enhance the restroom image. POW SOLIS® EAF-275 solar-powered faucet transforms light into power. Optimal performance is achieved in any type of light. SOLIS conserves water with its standard 0.5-gpm spray head SOLIS® EAF-275 while utilizing renewable energy. LINO™ EAF-200/250 electronic hand washing faucets operate by means of a dual infrared sensor and LINO™ microprocessor-based logic. The modular design incorporates all of the operating components of the faucet, including the sensor, solenoid and circuitry, above the sink within a die-cast metal spout with an 0.5 gpm/1.9 Lpm aerator spray head. Optima® ETF-80 electronic faucet operates by means of an infrared sensor. Once the user enters the sensor’s effective range, the solenoid activates the water flow. Tempered water Optima® ETF-80 flows from the faucet until hands are moved away. The faucet then automatically shuts off. The ETF-80 conserves water with its standard 0.5-gpm spray head. Optima Plus® EBF-85 battery-powered, electronic faucet operates by means of an adaptive infrared sensor that is linked to the faucet by a fiber optic cable. Once the user’s hands Optima Plus® EBF-85 enter the sensor’s effective range, the solenoid activates the water flow. Tempered water flows from the faucet until hands are moved away. The faucet then automatically shuts off. The EBF-85 conserves water with its standard 0.5-gpm spray head. ETF-610/EBF-615 electronic faucets provide hygienic, touch- Optima® ETF-610 free electronic operation and are engineered for reliable, long- Optima Plus® EBF-615 lasting performance in high-traffic restrooms. These chrome- plated brass faucets provide the ultimate in user convenience for tempered or hot/cold water operation with a 0.5-gpm spray head. The Optima® ETF-610 is AC-powered, while the Optima Plus® EBF-615 is battery-powered. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 6
PRODUCTS Optima® ETF-600 electronic faucet operates by means of an infrared sensor. Once the user’s hands enter the sensor’s effective range, the solenoid activates the water flow. Tempered water flows from the faucet until hands are moved away. The faucet then automatically shuts off. The ETF-600 conserves water with its standard 0.5-gpm spray head. Optima® ETF-600 Optima Plus® EBF-650 Optima Plus® EBF-650 battery-powered faucet operates by means of an infrared sensor. Once the user’s hands enter the sensor’s effective range, the solenoid activates the water flow. Tempered water flows from the faucet until hands are moved away. The faucet then automatically shuts off. The EBF-650 conserves water with its standard 0.5-gpm spray head. Optima® i.q.™ EAF-100 electronic faucet operates by means of a dual infrared sensor and microprocessor-based logic that utilizes self-adapting technology to ensure superior performance. The modular design incorporates all of the operating components of the faucet, including the sensor, solenoid and circuitry, above the sink within a die-cast metal spout. A water-saving 0.5 gpm/1.9 Lpm spray head is available as an option. Optima® i.q.™ EAF-100 Optima® i.q.™ EAF-150 Optima® i.q.™ EAF-150 battery-powered faucet operates by means of a dual infrared sensor and microprocessor-based logic that utilizes self-adapting technology to ensure superior performance. The modular design incorporates all of the operating components of the faucet, including the sensor, solenoid, circuitry and battery, above the sink within a die-cast metal spout. A water-saving 0.5 gpm/1.9 Lpm spray head is available as an option. 2.0 GPM SHOWERHEAD PM AC-11 and AC-450 2.0 gpm Act-O-Matic® showerhead 2.0 G features unique Self-Cleaning action that eliminates clogging particles after each use. Fingertip Control on the AC-11 allows users to adjust Act-O-Matic to a water flow that meets their individual comfort needs. The Sloan Act-O-Matic showerhead delivers an invigorating “cone-within-a-cone” spray that has become synonymous with luxury. The Act-O-Matic is crafted AC-11 AC-450 for performance, quality Act-O-Matic® Act-O-Matic® and durability. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 7
PRODUCTS High-Efficiency Urinal (HEU) Systems WEUS 1000.1403-0.13 SMOOTH, Part of The Efficiency Series by Sloan®, these products utilize as WEUS 1002.1403-0.25 SMOOTH little as a pint of water to flush. The Sloan HEU Systems These HEU Systems feature a battery- combine the vitreous china fixture with either a manual or powered, sensor-operated SMOOTH® sensor-operated Flushometer. The HEUs combine the Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal performance of both the fixture and the flush valve to ensure fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1403-0.13 a true, water-efficient system. flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS 1002.1403-0.25 uses a full quart to flush. WEUS 1000.1001-0.13, WEUS 1002.1001-0.25 These HEU Systems feature a manual Royal® Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1001- WEUS 1000.1402-0.13 SMO, 0.13 flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS 1002.1402-0.25 SMO WEUS 1002.1001-0.25 uses a full quart These HEU Systems feature a battery- to flush. powered, sensor-operated Optima® SMO (Side Mount Operator) Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1402-0.13 flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS 1002.1402-0.25 uses a full WEUS 1000.1302-0.13 HWS, quart to flush. WEUS 1002.1302-0.25 HWS These HEU Systems feature a hardwired, sensor-operated SMOOTH® Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1302-0.13 HWS flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS 1000.1201-0.13 SOLIS, WEUS 1002.1302-0.25 HWS uses a WEUS 1002.1201-0.25 SOLIS full quart to flush. These HEU Systems feature a solar- powered, sensor-operated Sloan SOLIS® Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1201-0.13 flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS 1002.1201-0.25 uses a full WEUS 1000.1301-0.13, quart to flush. WEUS 1000.1301-0.25 These HEU Systems feature a hardwired, sensor-operated Optima® Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1301-0.13 flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS WEUS 1000.1401-0.13 G2, 1000.1301-0.25 uses a full quart WEUS 1002.1401-0.25 G2 to flush. These HEU Systems feature a battery- powered, sensor-operated G2 Optima Plus® Flushometer and a vitreous china urinal fixture. Model WEUS 1000.1401- 0.13 flushes with a pint of water. Model WEUS 1002.1401-0.25 uses a full quart to flush. Note: HEU Systems are also available in rear spud configurations. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 8
PRODUCTS High-Efficiency Urinals are defined by the EPA through the SLOAN® SOLIS® 8186-0.5 WaterSenseSM Program, as fixtures or flushing devices that have The Sloan SOLIS® urinal Flushometer an average flush volume of 0.5 gpf or less while functioning provides ground-breaking water efficiency to the performance requirements of ASME/CSA fixture and utilizes state-of-the-art photovoltaic standards. This is lower then the LEED® baseline of 1.0 gpf. technology. Its solar-powered, electronic, infrared sensor allows automatic 0.5 GPF SENSOR FLUSHOMETERS operation. It harvests light from natural or artificial indoor light – providing G2 Optima Plus® 8186-0.5 power even in rooms with occupancy- G2 Optima Plus® 0.5 gpf, the industry’s controlled lighting. most advanced battery-operated urinal Flushometer with a high-tech look, features Sloan’s latching Solenoid Operator 0.5 GPF MANUAL FLUSHOMETERS and a new sensor that is NEMA 6 compliant against moisture to eliminate Royal® 186-0.5 most detection errors and field The 0.5 gpf/1.9 Lpf ultra low-flow adjustments. Royal® urinal Flushometer, with its patented Dual Filtered Fixed By-Pass Royal® 186-0.5 ES-S Diaphragm, accurately meters water ES-S 0.5 gpf Optima® urinal for today’s water-conscious Flushometer operates automatically consumer. The 0.5 gpf urinal valve and ensures access and ease of use. maximizes fixture performance and By eliminating the need for manual minimizes water usage. valve operation, the spread of disease is greatly reduced and the valves are Crown® 186-0.5 less susceptible to the abuses of The 0.5 gpf/1.9 Lpf ultra low-flow user operation. Crown® urinal Flushometer provides outstanding water saving capabilities Royal® 186-0.5 SMOOTH® by precisely metering every flush. Optima® SMOOTH® 0.5 gpf urinal Crown Flushometers engineered for Flushometers provide the ultimate in today’s low-consumption sanitary protection and automatic environments, features a unique operation. There is no need for AC cover design that isolates the hookups or wall alterations. The threads from the water source, Flushometer operates by means of a protecting the threads from harsh battery-powered infrared sensor. water conditions and ensuring State-of-the-art technology enables uninterrupted performance. activation of a manual override without “double flushing” occurring as the user departs. Royal® 186-0.5 SMO The 0.5 gpf Side Mount Operator urinal valve maximizes fixture performance and minimizes water usage. Flushometers operate automatically and ensure access and ease of use. By eliminating the need for manual operation, the spread of disease is greatly reduced and the valves are less susceptible to the abuses of user operation. Note: Flushometers are also available in lower flushing volumes. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 9
PRODUCTS High-Efficiency Toilet (HET) Systems WETS 2000.1302-1.28 HWS Part of The Efficiency Series by Sloan™, combine vitreous china HET System features a hardwired, toilet fixtures with your choice of water-efficient electronic and sensor-operated Sloan Optima® manual Flushometers that use no more than 1.28 gpf on SMOOTH® Flushometer and a vitreous average. Electronic Flushometers are available in hardwired, china toilet fixture. Its AC-powered, battery-powered and solar-powered models. electronic, infrared sensor allows for automatic operation. The sensor WETS 2000.1101-1.6/1.1 ECOS features automatic range adjustment. HET System features an electronic dual- flush Sloan ECOS® Flushometer and a vitreous china toilet fixture. Its battery- powered, electronic sensor operates by pushing the small green button for a 1.1 gpf flush to eliminate liquid waste WETS 2000.1402-1.28 SMO or by pushing the large chrome button HET System features a battery-powered, to initiate a full, 1.6 gpf flush for solid sensor-operated Sloan Royal® Optima® waste. If the user does not depress a SMO Flushometer and a vitreous china button, the Flushometer’s Dual-Flush toilet fixture. Features include a battery- Smart Sense Technology™ takes over and powered, electronic Side Mount automatically initiates a flush cycle, Operator; infrared sensor range based on how long the user remains in adjustment screw and reset button; and the sensor range. Users who stay within manual override flush button. the sensor range less than a minute activate the reduced flush; users who stay longer activate the full flush. WETS 2000.1403-1.28 SMOOTH HET System features a battery-powered, sensor-operated SMOOTH® (Side- WETS 2000.1401-1.28 G2 Mount-Operator-Over-The-Handle) HET System features an electronic G2 Flushometer and a vitreous china toilet Optima Plus® Flushometer and a vitreous fixture. Its battery-powered, electronic china toilet fixture. Its battery-powered, infrared sensor allows automatic electronic infrared sensor allows for operation. The sensor features automatic operation. automatic range adjustment. WETS 2000.1301-1.28 WETS 2000.1201-1.28 SOLIS HET System features a hardwired, HET System features a solar-powered, electronic Optima® Flushometer and a sensor-operated Sloan SOLIS® vitreous china toilet fixture. Its Flushometer and a vitreous china toilet hardwired, electronic, self-adaptive fixture. Its solar-powered, electronic, infrared sensor allows for automatic infrared sensor allows automatic operation. It features a non-hold-open operation. It uses light to charge a integral solenoid operator, fixed highly efficient capacitor, providing metering bypass and no external volume power even in rooms with occupancy- adjustment to ensure water efficiency. controlled lighting. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 10
PRODUCTS High-Efficiency Toilet Systems continued WETS 2052.1101-1.6/1.1 ECOS This HET System features an electronic dual-flush Sloan ECOS® Flushometer and WETS 2002.1201-1.6/1.1 SOLIS DF a vitreous china water closet. Its battery- HET System features a solar-powered, powered, electronic sensor allows for sensor-operated dual-flush Sloan SOLIS® hands-free operation while delivering Flushometer and a vitreous china toilet water-saving dual-flush performance. Its fixture. Its solar-powered, electronic Smart Sense Technology™ delivers the sensor allows automatic operation. appropriate flush volume – Dual-flush operation: Push the small automatically. Users who stay within the button for a 1.1 gpf flush to eliminate sensor range less than a minute activate liquid waste, or push the large button to the reduced flush (1.1 gpf); users who initiate a 1.6 gpf flush for solid waste. If stay longer activate the full flush (1.6 the user does not depress a button, the gpf). Its split button design also Flushometer’s Dual-Flush Smart Sense accommodates manual flushing. Technology™ automatically initiates a flush cycle: Users who stay within the sensor range less than a minute activate the reduced flush; users who stay longer activate the full flush. It uses light to WETS 2050.1201-1.28 SOLIS charge a highly efficient capacitor, This HET System features a solar- providing power even in rooms with powered, sensor-operated Sloan SOLIS® occupancy-controlled lighting. Flushometer and a wall-hung, vitreous china water closet. Its solar-powered, electronic, infrared sensor allows automatic operation. It harvests light from natural or artificial indoor light – WETS 2000.1001-1.28 providing power even in rooms with HET System features a manual Royal® occupancy-controlled lighting. Flushometer and a vitreous china toilet fixture. Features include a non-hold- open handle, fixed metering bypass and no external volume adjustment to ensure water efficiency. WETS 2050.1301-1.28 ES-S This HET System features a hardwired, sensor-operated Sloan® Royal® Optima® Flushometer and a vitreous china water closet. Its AC-powered, electronic, WETS 2000.1002-1.6/1.1 infrared sensor allows for automatic HET System features a manual dual-flush operation. The sensor features UPPERCUT® Flushometer and a vitreous automatic range adjustment. china toilet fixture. Manual dual-flush operation: Lift handle up for a reduced flush of 1.1 gpf, or push down for a standard 1.6 gpf flush. The antimicrobial-coated green handle WETS 2050.1001-1.28 reduces germ transmission. This HET System features a manual Royal® Flushometer and a wall-hung, vitreous china water closet. Features include a non-hold-open handle, fixed metering bypass and no external volume adjustment to ensure water efficiency. As an option, other Sloan Flushometers can be used with the vitreous china water closet. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 11
PRODUCTS An HET is defined as a fixture that flushes with an average SOLIS 8111-1.28 flush volume of 1.28 gpf or less while meeting the ASME/CSA The Sloan SOLIS® water closet fixture performance requirements. This is 20 percent below Flushometer provides ground-breaking the 1.6 gpf LEED® requirement. water efficiency and utilizes state-of-the- art photovoltaic technology. Its solar- SENSOR FLUSHOMETERS powered, electronic, infrared sensor allows automatic operation. It harvests Sloan ECOS 8111-1.6/1.1 light from natural or artificial indoor light SLOAN ECOS® Dual-Flush Electronic Flushometer – providing power even in rooms with is a battery-powered Flushometer with buttons occupancy-controlled lighting. that can be pressed for either a full flush (1.6 gpf) or reduced flush SOLIS 8111-1.6/1.1 IC (1.1 gpf). If a user does not TRON The Sloan SOLIS® dual-flush, water closet ELEC FLUSH Flushometer features a solar-powered, push the button, the unit will L DUA electronic, infrared sensor that allows choose a flush cycle based on how long the user is in range. automatic dual-flush operation. Its Smart Sense Technology™ delivers the appropriate G2 Optima Plus 8111-1.28 flush volume, which automatically initiates a G2 Optima Plus® 1.28 gpf , the industry’s most 1.1 gpf or 1.6 gpf flush, depending on the advanced battery-operated Flushometer with a length of time the user remains in range, if high-tech look, features Sloan’s latching the user does not depress a button manually. Solenoid Operator and a new sensor that is NEMA 6 compliant against moisture to eliminate most detection errors and field adjustments. MANUAL FLUSHOMETERS Royal 111-1.28 SMOOTH WES 111-1.6/1.1 Optima® SMOOTH® Royal® 1.28 gpf Uppercut® Dual-Flush Flushometer Flushometers provide the ultimate in is the first commercial Flushometer to sanitary protection and automatic reduce water volume by approximately operation. State-of-the-art technology 30% (on the Up flush). The enables activation of a manual override Dual-Flush handle is also H without “double flushing” occurring as available as a retrofit to FLUS the user departs (locks out sensor for D UAL convert most existing approximately 10 seconds). manual valves. Royal 111-1.28 SMO Royal 111-1.28 Optima® SMO Royal® 1.28 gpf flow- The 1.28 gpf/4.8 Lpf low-consumption consumption, battery-powered water closet Royal® Flushometer, with its patented Dual Flushometer maximizes fixture performance Filtered Fixed By-Pass Diaphragm, and minimizes water usage. Flushometers accurately meters water for today’s water- operate automatically and provide easy conscious consumer. The 1.28 gpf/4.8 Lpf access. By eliminating the need for manual valve maximizes fixture performance operation, the spread of disease is greatly and minimizes water usage. reduced and the valves are less susceptible to the abuses of user operation. Crown 111-1.28 The 1.28 gpf/4.8 Lpf low-consumption Royal 111-1.28 ES-S Crown® piston Flushometer provides Optima® ES-S Royal® 1.28 gpf ESS low- outstanding water saving capabilities by consumption, sensor-activated water closet precisely metering every flush. Crown Flushometer maximizes fixture performance Flushometers engineered for today’s low- and minimizes water usage. The consumption environments, features a Flushometer operates by means of an unique cover design that isolates the infrared sensor that adapts to its threads from the water source, protecting surrounding. User makes no physical the threads from harsh water conditions contact with the valve. and ensuring uninterrupted performance. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 12
PRODUCTS GPF WATERFREE URINALS ZERO ER Sloan® Waterfree Urinals provide 100% water savings, are easy to install and create a more hygienic, odor-free restroom. WAT WES-5000 Waterfree Urinal has a compact design that makes it ideal for new construction or in areas where space is at a premium. This new urinal utilizes the same time-tested Waterfree Technology that has saved millions of gallons of water across the country and around the world. No expensive sealants or unrealistic bi-monthly maintenance. WES-4000 A new compact, wall-hung Waterfree Urinal, utilizes the same time-tested Waterfree Technology that has saved millions of gallons of water across the country and around the world. WES-2000 Waterfree Urinal eliminates water and sewer costs from urinals; reduces maintenance and repair bills; and creates hygienic, odor-free restrooms. WES-1000 Waterfree Urinal eliminates water and sewer costs from urinals; reduces maintenance and repair bills; and creates hygienic, odor-free restrooms. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 13
PRODUCTS FLUSHMATE® III FLUSHMATE® PRESSURE-ASSIST OPERATING SYSTEM FLUSHMATE® III uses less than 1.6 gallons (6 liters) per flush without sacrificing performance (saves up to 20% more water than conventional 1.6 gpf technologies). 1.0 ON FLUSHMATE® IV uses less than 1.0 gallon (4 liters) per flush GALL without sacrificing performance (saves up to 45% more water than conventional 1.6 gpf technologies). FLUSHMATE® IV For a complete list of FLUSHMATE® fixture manufacturers go to GREYWATER SYSTEM Sloan AQUS® Greywater System The system reclaims water that flows down bathroom lavatory drains by filtering and reusing it in toilets – saving thousands Greywater System of gallons of water annually. The reclaimed water goes to a storage reservoir under the sink. When a toilet that is connected to the system flushes, it pumps water from the reservoir to the flush tank. XLERATOR® DRYER Ultra-fast drying XLerator® Hand Dryers completely dry hands in 10-15 seconds. Water droplets are first blown from XLerator® hands with a strong controlled air blast. Residual moisture is then evaporated with a warm stream of air up to 135°F/57°C. GreenSpec® approved. O RETR EASY RETROFIT KITS FITS Quickest, easiest way to conserve. The A-1043-A 0.5 and A-1045-A 1.28 GPF INSIDE A-1043-A A-1045-A PARTS KITS converts Sloan manual Flushometers to an ultra-low water-efficient products. The UPPERCUT® WES-212 water-efficient tune-up kit WES-212 includes a dual-flush handle. The dual-flush retrofit handle is for exposed, low consumption and water saver water closet Flushometers. The UPPERCUT® WES-213 water-efficient tune-up kit includes a dual-flush handle and a diaphragm kit. The dual- WES-213 flush retrofit handle and dual filtered 1.6 gpf/6.0 Lpf diaphragm kit is for exposed water closet Flushometers. Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 14
Sample LEED 2009 Work Sheet See your water savings at a glance. Step 1: Determine the annual days of operation and full time building occupants. Then calculate the Baseline water usage with the given LEED flowrate requirements and determine the annual water use. Step 2: Calculate the projected water use based on the products you will be using and specify how many fixtures and their respective flowrates. Then determine the annual water use. Step 3: Write in your total calculated Baseline and Project daily and yearly water use from above. Then determine the Water Savings by calculating the difference from the Baseline to the Project totals. Finally, find out if you reached your percentage reduction goal by dividing the Water Savings by the Baseline totals. Project Name _____________________ Annual days of operation ________ Full time occupants ________ Visitors per day ________ Assumption: Males uses urinals twice per day; closets once per day; females use closets three times per day. Both males and females use faucets three times per day. Calculate Annual Water Use (gallons) Calculate Daily = Annual days of Water Use (gallons) operation x Daily STEP 1 – BASELINE WATER USE Daily uses Type Water use = Daily uses x Water use water use Men’s Restroom: Urinals ________ Standard urinal 1.0 gpf ________ ________ Water closets ________ Standard water closet 1.6 gpf ________ ________ Lavatory faucet ________ Standard faucet 2.2 gpm ________ ________ Women’s Restroom: Water closets ________ Standard water closet 1.6 gpf ________ ________ Lavatory faucet ________ Standard faucet 2.2 gpm ________ ________ Other: Shower ________ Standard shower 2.5 gpm ________ ________ TOTAL ________ ________ STEP 2 – PROJECTED WATER USE Men’s Restroom: Urinals ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ Water closets ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ Lavatory faucet ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ Women’s Restroom: Water closets ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ Lavatory faucet ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ Other: Shower ________ ________________ ________ ________ ________ TOTAL ________ ________ STEP 3 – PROJECT RESULTS Daily Yearly % Project Water Use ________ ________ ________ Baseline Water Use ________ ________ ________ Water Savings ________ ________ ________ LEED-NC v2.2 WE Credits Points LEED 2009 WE Credits Points 20% Water Reduction LEED WE Credit 3.1 ________ LEED 2009 WE Prerequisite ________ 30% Water Reduction LEED WE Credit 3.2 ________ LEED WE Credit 3 ________ 35% Water Reduction N/A ________ N/A LEED WE Credit 3 ________ 40% Water Reduction LEED ID Credit for Water ________ LEED WE Credit 3 ________ 50% Water Reduction for Sewage Conveyance LEED WE Credit 2 ________ LEED WE Credit 2 ________ Total points possible ________ Total points possible ________ Sloan Valve Company Product LEED Qualification Guide 15
For more information on any Sloan product, contact: Sloan Valve Company 10500 Seymour Avenue Franklin Park, IL 60131 Phone: 800-9-VALVE-9 (982-5839) Fax: 800-501-3989 ©2009 Sloan Valve Company Printed in USA SLV9128.2
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