Corporate reputation in the nordiCs Leading With PurPose -
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Ikea, Google and Microsoft Top In- ternational Brands Corporate Reputation in the Nordics Leading With Purpose
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Introduction With a total population of around 25 million, For comparison and benchmarking purposes, a num- the Nordic market constitutes the eleventh largest ber of international and additional Nordic compa- PURPOSE PERFORMANCE economy in the world. It is renowned for big, nies from key sectors were included in the research. Trust Products and Services established brands such as Lego, Nokia and Volvo Advocacy Financially Strong and - thanks to high levels of internet penetration The link between economic challenges and corpo- Responsible Behaviour Innovation and entrepreneurial activity - has also recently rate responsibility is clear. There is a perception that Public Image Strong Leadership spawned a new generation of tech companies such companies do not pay their fair share of taxation Good Employer Communicates in as Skype and Spotify. The region is a stronghold and the demand for companies to give back to a relevant way Environmental of the oil and gas industries as well as clean tech- society in other ways is high across all countries. Responsibility nologies and renewable energy. Positive Contribution Our findings confirm that having a clearly defined to Community In a period of prolonged economic uncertainty, Corporate Purpose helps to build trust and a com- where trust in corporations is generally low and petitive advantage among Nordic stakeholders. consumers are looking for reassurance that cor Good customer service, treating employees well porations are playing their part as responsible and engaging with local communities are all key citizens, we set out to discover what drives drivers of trust and what turns customers into corporate reputation in the Nordics. brand advocates. Research shows that a strong and well communicated Corporate Purpose can also We asked over 4500 people from Denmark, Finland, impact financial performance up to 17%[1]. Norway and Sweden what is important to them in their roles as consumers, employees, investors and We hope that this Nordic market insight will help not least citizens. We also asked them to rate the companies understand what drives corporate top 100 Nordic companies across a range of metrics reputation in the Nordics and how to balance from trust and responsible behaviour, to innova- Purpose and Performance in their communications. tion, leadership and financial performance. [1] IMD’s regression analysis on industry standardised return on investments over two five-year periods (2205-2009 and 2007-2011). 2
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Part 1 Corporate Rankings 3
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Purpose & Performance Index – TOP 10 Nordic Companies When asked to rank the top 100 Nordic companies Danish companies score highly on both PURPOSE PERFORMANCE on a range of metrics from trust and responsible Performance and Purpose, with a tendency Trust Products and Services behaviour to leadership and financial performance, to rate better on Performance. Advocacy Financially Strong Norwegian dairy producer Tine came out top Responsible Behaviour Innovation overall, scoring particularly well on Purpose metrics. Finnish and Swedish companies tend to do slightly Public Image Strong Leadership Danish toy company Lego was rated top on better on Purpose metrics than Performance. Good Employer Communicates in Environmental Responsibility a relevant way Performance. Only one Swedish company, Volvo, Positive Contribution made it into the top 10 list. Norwegian companies do very slightly to Community better on Performance ratings than Purpose. Top 10 Nordic COMPANIES PURPOSE PERFORMANCE Total Score 2.01 1.89 1.80 1.81 1.72 1.64 1.60 1.58 1.54 1.56 1.52 1.52 1.47 1.47 1.50 1.44 1.43 1.38 1.38 1.30 1.31 1.28 1.30 1.28 1.27 1.24 1.24 1.28 1.26 1.16 Tine Lego System Novo Nordisk Carlsberg SOK/S-ryhmä Norsk Tipping Valio Arla KONE Volvo 4
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Purpose & Performance Index – Across all Sectors Consumer facing sectors such as manufacturing, It is worth noting that the manufacturing and tech- construction, finance and telecoms are also sectors technology, food and drink, and retail score best nology sectors score particularly well on Performance that do less well. The biggest discrepancy between by far on the Nordic Purpose & Performance Index. metrics, whereas retail and food and drink companies Purpose and Performance is for the telecom sector are seen to have a stronger Corporate Purpose. which is rated particularly poorly on Corporate Among the international companies included in the Purpose. Nordic telecom companies score low on research for benchmarking purposes, the technology As a sector, ‘business services’ is ranked lowest on trust, public image, responsible behaviour and their sector also tops the ranking. the Nordic Purpose & Performance Index. Energy, consumers are not prepared to act as advocates. ALL SECTORS PURPOSE PERFORMANCE Total Score *Nordic companies only TOP SECTORS* BOTTOM SECTORS* 0.41 0.38 0.38 0.37 0.34 0.35 0.33 0.29 0.31 0.27 0.19 0.11 0.07 -0.05 -0.07 -0.11 -0.17 -0.19 -0.17-0.19 -0.22 -0.31 -0.31 -0.29-0.31 -0.34 -0.36 -0.42 -0.48 -0.45 -0.5 -0.51 -0.57 -0.7 -0.77 -0.83 Manu Food and Shipping/ Paper/ Con Business facturing Technology drink Retail Oil and gas Logistics Forestry Telecoms Financial struction Energy Services 5
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES SCORE BETTER ON PERFORMANCE When benchmarking against the international Technology companies generally score highly on companies included in the research it becomes the Purpose & Performance Index because they are “Companies need to think more apparent that, whereas Nordic companies are seen as financially robust and as having a well- than just about maximizing profits. generally seen as strong on Purpose driven metrics developed products and services offering. They are They need to pay taxes in the coun such as trust, non-Nordic brands score best on also perceived as having a strong public image but Performance related metrics like innovation being weak on environmental responsibility and try they’re working in, not hiding and financial strength. not viewed as “caring about the environment”. it away.” F IN L AND Ikea tops the list, being perceived across the Nordics as financially strong, innovative and a company that communicates well with its customers. “ I want to know that the company Although not headquartered in the region, Ikea remains active in the community, is still perceived as Swedish and is popular in all using the profits to reinvest. This is four Nordic countries. Swedish stakeholders still describe Ikea as a “leading Swedish company”. an easy way to contribute to where they are active.” swe de n 6
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Part 2 Corporate purpose and leadership 7
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Corporate purpose drives trust Good customer service, treating employees well and engaging with local communities are all key “Trusting means that the company “The company must operate drivers of trust. Not surprisingly, the most trusted is open and honest about its openly and honestly in accordance companies within each market tend to be domestic. finances, and also has a reputation to its values. It should treat its This is also true when comparing Nordic and inter- national companies where we see Nordic companies as a good employer” employees well and be honest N o rway outperforming international ones thanks to higher with its customers.” FIN L AND Purpose scores. TOP 5 MOST TRUSTED COMPANIES BY MARKET MOST TRUSTED NORDIC COMPANIES 1. Tine Denmark Finland Norway Sweden 2. Carlsberg 3. Norsk Tipping 1 Lego Fazer Tine ICA 4. OP-Pohjola 2 Carlsberg Kone Norsk Tipping SKF 5. Lego 3 Coop OP-Pohjola Coop Arla 4 Novo Nordisk Valio Gjensidige Forsikring Scania 5 Mærsk SOK/S-ryhmä Posten Norge Volvo 8
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Purpose Three Times More Important Than Financial Performance Two thirds of Nordic stakeholders believe that Which of the following the CEO should be the public face of a company is closer to your view? “Good leaders should not only and that CEOs need to have a strong profile both CEOs do not need to be think in terms of profit, but internally and externally. well known outside of their own company should position the company Among those that feel that CEOs should have to be part of the community, a strong profile, Corporate Purpose and vision and act to the society’s were identified as the issues CEOs should be most benefit.” N o rway concerned about both inside and outside of their organisation. In fact, communicating a company’s Purpose and core values are deemed to be more than three times as important as communicating 38 % “Company leaders must be a company’s financial performance. responsive – inform the Danish companies are seen as having particularly employees and then the media. strong leadership among Nordic stakeholders. 62 % They should be unafraid to apologise when there are Companies with errors and not let subordinates strong leadership take the hit for them.” Swe de n 1. Maersk CEOs should be the public face 2. Novo Nordisk of a company: they need to 3. Lego have a strong profile internally and externally 4. Reitangruppen 5. Statoil 9
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Sustainability is more than just the environment The environment is an important issue for the Nordic public and nearly 80% of stakeholders across Top 5 companies by topic the region say that they are concerned about the environmental impact of companies. But they also agree that, for a company, sustainability Making a positive is more than just being environmentally friendly. contribution to the Good working conditions, contributing to the local Seen to care about communities where Behaving in a community, less focus on quarterly earnings and the environment they operate responsible manner more of a long-term view on financial performance are all definitions of sustainability. 1 Vestas Tine Coop 2 Coop Norsk Tipping Tine “A company should make sure that it does not harm 3 Tine Coop Novo Nordisk the environment in the short and long term. Environmental 4 Valio Posten Norge Norsk Tipping considerations in particular should be taken into 5 SOK/S-ryhmä SOK/S-ryhmä Lego account for the life cycle of products.” Swe de n 10
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Part 3 Consumer insight 11
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Clear link between economic challenges and corporate responsibility Our research shows that Danes and Norwegians The link between economic challenges and corpo- to local communities and overall this is one of the are more positive about the state of their nation rate responsibility is clear. In Finland particularly metrics that the companies included in this survey than Swedes and Finns. Over half of Danes think there is a perception that companies do not pay performed worst on. their country is heading in the right direction their fair share of taxes. compared with just one fifth of Finns. Danes and Contributing to the community can, however, take Norwegians are also more positive about the Across the Nordics, there is a demand for com many forms. Respecting the local environment, economy while only 13% of Finns feel their economy panies to give back to society. Two thirds feel that creating new jobs, paying taxes and contributing is going in the right direction. companies have a responsibility to contribute to charities are all important. Top 5 companies that ‘make a positive contribution’ by market Top Nordic Employers 1. SOK/S-ryhmä 2. KONE Denmark Finland Norway Sweden 3. Novo Nordisk/Valio 1 Lego Fazer Tine ICA 4. Tine/Lego 5. Carlsberg 2 Coop Valio Norsk Tipping Arla 3 Carlsberg SOK/S-ryhmä Posten Norge SCA 4 Mærsk KONE Statoil Volvo 5 Nortura OP-Pohjola Coop SKF/Scania/Ericsson/Skanska 12
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller The nordic Consumer A company’s values are important for the Nordic How important do you think it consumer who is willing to pay a premium price is for a company to have a strong for a product or service from a company they view presence on social media? as responsible. A quarter of Nordic consumers say they have advised someone to use or buy products from a company because it has acted responsibly. 41% of Nordic consumers would like companies to 14 % Very important engage with them on the issues they want to hear more about: mainly the companies’ commitment to Can you think of social responsibility and the wider impact they have on society and the economy. Social media is an effec- 40 % 30 % any companies that Somewhat Not very are particularly good at tive tool for customer engagement and Ica, Telenor important important utilising social media? and Ikea are companies that are seen as particularly good at utilising social media for engagement. 15 % Not at all important “Engaging with me is how I become familiar with a company and its values and practices – and makes me more likely to be loyal to them.” Norway Overall Nordics 13
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller FIVE Tips for Effective Communication in the Nordics 1. Define And Communicate 3. Maximise CEO Profile 5. Use Social Media Your Corporate Purpose Internally and Externally For Customer Engagement Corporate Purpose has evolved from Corporate There is a growing demand from consumers, Nordic stakeholders want companies to engage Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability and employees, investors and other stakeholders for with them, but not just for advertising and promo- is today a distinct concept in itself. Whereas CSR CEOs to be the public face of a company and to tional purposes. Social media is an excellent tool is often seen as a bolt-on to a company’s core have a strong profile both internally and externally. for engagement if used correctly. As a first step, business, Purpose cuts across all business func- A company’s Purpose and values are seen as the ensure that your own social media channels are tions. Part of a company’s DNA and its raison key issues a CEO should be most concerned with used for discussions and dialogue rather than d’être, Purpose guides and informs the basis of communicating both inside and outside the promotion. As a next step, participate in all the the mission, vision and values of a company. organization. other discussions taking place on the web around your products and brands. 2. Walk The Talk 4. “Localise” Communication Corporate Purpose is key for both internal and The 25 million people that make up the Nordic external communication, however the Purpose market are culturally and linguistically close to one “Performance with a Purpose is comes first, it is not a communications tool. Pur- another. The Nordic public also shares core values based on the belief that companies pose is central to strategy development and guides and beliefs around the role of companies in today’s can – and must achieve business business decisions, allowing companies to take society. However, as our research shows, the most a holistic view and strategically align values, trusted companies within each market tend to and financial success while also organisational culture and operations. This helps be domestic: communicating in local language, leaving a lasting and positive to avoid any disconnect between what companies engaging with local communities, treating employ- imprint on society” say they do and how they actually operate. It also ees well and having good customer service. I n dr a N o oyi , C h ai r m an , P e ps i Co helps avoid accusations of “greenwashing”. 14
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Methodology Burson-Marsteller commissioned leading research firm Penn The following companies are included in the research Schoen and Berland to under- take an online quantitative survey of 4531 people in the Nordic region between July and September 2014. Quotas were set for gender, age and region to ensure that the sample is representative of each population. To find out more about your company’s Purpose & Performance ranking, please contact: Sara Alsén Managing Director, Strategy Nordic Region +46 (0)761107057 15
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Burson-Marsteller, established in 1953, is a Penn Schoen Berland (PSB), a member of leading global public relations and communications Young & Rubicam Group and the WPP Group, agency with unrivalled presence and expertise in the is a global research-based consultancy that Nordic region. Our teams of experienced consultants specialises in messaging and communications in Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo and Stockholm work strategy for blue-chip political, corporate and enter- closely together on a day-to-day basis to provide tainment clients. PSB’s operations include over 200 clients with strategic insight and innovative public consultants and a sophisticated in-house market relations, public affairs, reputation and crisis manage- research infrastructure with the capability to ment, digital strategy, advertising and other commu- conduct work in over 90 countries. The company nications services. Having wholly-owned offices in all operates offices in Washington, D.C., New York, Nordic countries, not only sets Burson-Marsteller London, Seattle, Los Angeles, Dubai, Delhi, Miami, apart from the competition but ensures that we can The Dominican Republic and Denver, which are deliver seamless communications services across supported by an in-house fielding capability and the region. Worldwide, Burson-Marsteller operates are fully equipped to provide the complete in 110 countries across six continents. creative solutions PSB clients need. 16
Corporate Reputation in the Nordics – Leading With Purpose / Burson-marsteller Foto: Shutterstock Burson-Marsteller Denmark Burson-Marsteller Norway Kronprinsessegade 54 Kirkegata 17 1306 København K 0153 Oslo Tel: +45 3332 7878 Tel: +47 23 16 45 00 Mail: Mail: Burson-Marsteller Sweden Burson-Marsteller Finland Mäster Samuelsgatan 56 Kalevankatu 20, PL 1062 111 21 Stockholm 00101 Helsinki Tel: +46 8 440 1200 Tel: +358 10 424 5900 Mail: Mail: 17
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