Page created by Floyd Matthews
Willowbrook High School

Skyline                           Volume 62 Lorem ipsum
                                  Issue 6 499
                                  February 25, 2021

               cartoon by Rachelle Paulsen
2                     Skyline
                                Skyline                              February
                                                                      January 25,
                                                                              20122021                                     Opinion
Child stars need greater protection                                                                                    laws could be put in place to pro-
                                                                                                                       tect them.
      O        A                            She developed an eating disor-     ing to Metro. The channel was on            For example, with the crip-
           N       E                     der working on iCarly, which she      hiatus for thirteen months.             pling pressure Jennette McCurdy
                                         struggled to overcome. But when          During that time, there were ru-     suffered, which led to an eating
   Family classic films, shows,          she started working on her new        mors of divorce spreading amongst       disorder, why were there no child
entertainment have left a lasting        show, Sam & Cat, she relapsed.        their fans. Many people were fo-        psychiatrists on set monitoring
impact on pop culture, but the              When interviewed about her         cused on the Shay and Colette re-       the child actors’ wellbeing? This
greatest impact might be left on         work on the Nickelodeon show,         lationship, but imagine if you were     could have helped prevent the
the child stars who made the me-         Sam & Cat, McCurdy told the           one of their children. Your parents     progression of her illness. It could
dia that we know and love today.         HuffPost, “the shallowness of my       have immense pressure on their          also give child actors a safe outlet
Yet where we see a family classic,       success...made me resent it. That     relationship due to infidelity, your    to vent any problems they may be
we can almost always see a horror        resentment festered, providing        father is dealing with alcoholism       having, whether from the job pres-
story.                                   even more fuel for my disordered      and is going away to rehab, and         sure or problems with other actors
     Vulnerable children, whether        eating. I actively began to engage    the whole internet knows.               or the show’s crew. It could protect
they want to be stars or not, are        in anorexic behavior again.”             Even with child privacy laws,        their lives.
exposed to an array of dangers.             McCurdy is just one of the         such as the Children’s Online               Their parents or guardians have
More child stars have been coming        many former child stars exploit-      Privacy Protection Act (COPPA),         the option to sit in and observe, but
forward to detail the struggles and      ed by stardom. Some young stars       which protects children under the       is that enough if the parents’ inten-
awful situations they were put           have been exposed to the dark side    age of thirteen by placing their        tions are not known? The parent
through. But, even with all those        of the media through other means,     guardians in control of what infor-     or guardian could easily dismiss
coming out against the Hollywood         like YouTube.                         mation can be collected on them,        the child’s welfare if it means they
dream, it does not appear that              The Shaytards are one example      not all kids are protected under        get a fat check; in fact, it happens
much has changed to protect those        of a family vlogging channel that     this law. Thus, many apps and           often enough that it is not at all
minors.                                  has caused family problems.           programs have special settings          shocking.
   Jennette McCurdy, well known             The family channel, with 4.89      for child content and child content         Some notable names of child
as Sam Puckett in Nickelodeon’s          million followers, has been active-   producers, but the Shaytard chil-       actors who were used for financial
iCarly, is an example of how fame        ly posting since 2009. The channel    dren are not protected.                 gain by their own parents include
has a damaging effect on minors.          is run by Shay Carl Butler and his       Children are not legally able to     Macaulay Culkin, who lost a great
With the iCarly reboot well un-          wife Colette; together they have      consent: it is up to their parents or   amount of his fortune due to his
derway, many of its former leads         five children.                        guardians. The Shaytard kids, as        parents divorcing, and Shirley
are all set to return. However, Mc-         Their vlogs mainly revolve         well as other child stars, are at the   Temple, whose parents spent most
Curdy has not publicly mentioned         around the family’s daily life,       mercy of their parents or guard-        of her $3.2 million earnings by the
returning, or even acknowledged          which, as it is, seems harmless.      ians.                                   time she was old enough to get
the reboot, according to News-           But when you take into account           Besides the cyberbullying and        into her own bank account, leaving
week.                                    all the ups and downs families go     harassment done to the family and       her a measly $44,000, according to
   McCurdy, in a now deleted             through, it is a lot. In 2016, the    children through their social me-       Insider.
bio from her website, jennettem-         family was caught in a scandal.       dia, it is likely they faced similar        There are no laws in place pro-, wrote, “I started out        Shay Carl was exposed for having      issues in their personal lives, and     tecting the minor’s earnings for
as a child actor...that certainly lent   an affair with an adult performer.     even at school. All the children        them.Imagine having no control
some psychological trauma (sound         The family stayed silent on the       were minors at the time.                over your earnings, and then being
guys can be especially creepy!)”         matter, but nine months later, Shay      Should it be legal for children      used by people you think you can
   McCurdy has been quite open           Carl came forward with an apolo-      to be stars when they are put un-       trust, for money.
about her personal struggles. She        gy.                                   der enormous pressure, sometimes            There need to be more protec-
has come forward about how her              He claimed full responsibility,    even put in dangerous situations?       tions put in place. There are too
acting jobs triggered her eating         and apologized profusely, later       It would be nearly impossible to        many instances when kids are
disorders. She felt immense pres-        adding he was dealing with alco-      outright ban them since their par-      emotionally, mentally, and physi-
sure to be a role model for kids.        holism and going to rehab, accord-    ents or guardians consent but more      cally exploited for financial gain.

                                            Skyline Staff
       Executive Board:                                         Staff:                          Letter Policy:
                                            Enana Abdulhussain, Tristan Alibudbud,       Skyline accepts letters to the
  Sports Editor: Erika Rich                 Maritza Elena, Logan Faulk, Natalia          editor on a wide variety of          Skyline reserves
  Features Editor: Mahira Shujathullah      Garcia-Avila, Tessa Goodman, Alexander       topics. Letters must not be          the right to edit
  News Editor: Orlina Abdulhussain          Hirsch, Neeraja Kumar, Farwah Mirza, Lily    libelous or defamatory, and
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                                         Photographers: Tessa Goodman
                                                                                         mailed to Skyline c/o
                                                                                         Willowbrook High School,
News                            Skyline                            February 25, 2021                                                  3
More Americans receive Covid vaccine
         M           E                    A COVID-19 vaccine can cause         it was in late January. 32,559 vac-    37.8% of the doses administered
         S       W                     mild side effects after the first or     cines were administered on Feb-        went to residents in the suburbs,
                                       second dose, including pain, red-       ruary 1, as reported by The Chi-       according to IDPH. About 8.3%
   The first supply of COVID-19        ness, or swelling where the shot        cago Tribune. Over the first week      of the state’s population had then
vaccine receiving Emergency Use        was given, fever, muscle pain,          of February, an average of 55,455      received at least one dose of the
Authorization by the U.S. Food         chills, nausea and vomiting, and        vaccinations had been adminis-         vaccine, and less than 2.4% of the
and Drug Administration (FDA)          swollen lymph nodes. After get-         tered daily in Illinois. The next      state’s has been fully vaccinated,
began distribution in the U.S. on      ting a vaccine there is a possibility   week, the average was 45,787.          as stated by IDPH.
December 14, 2020. During the          of being monitored for 15 minutes          The federal government has de-           “There’s still a much higher
initial period, referred to as Phase   in case of any immediate reac-          livered 2,385,950 doses of vaccine     likelihood that someone is not
1a, supplies were limited, and         tions. Most side effects happen          to Illinois since distribution began   immunized, and we need to get to
therefore allocated to health care     within the first three days and typ-    in mid-December and 1,549,108          70% to 80% to achieve herd im-
personnel and long-term care res-      ically last only one to two days.       doses had been administered. So        munity,” Pinsky said.
idents and staff. By January 21,             The COVID-19 vaccine may           far, 346,773 people had been fully          A relative of WBHS student
the vaccine supply was increased       cause side effects similar to signs      vaccinated by mid-February, ac-        Hiba Mirza has been vaccinated.
in order for Phase 1b to begin.        and symptoms of COVID-19.               cording to The Daily Herald.           Mirza described their symptoms.
   Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19            If there has been exposure to               “It’s exciting that more people       “The first dose was not too bad,
vaccine has an efficacy rate of          COVID-19, and symptoms devel-           are getting vaccinated than there      as in no sickness, but the second
95%. This means that about 95%         op for more than three days after       are new cases. That’s definitely       dose was really bad for his health
of people who get the vaccine are      getting vaccinated, or the symp-        good news,” said Dr. Jonathan          for a few days. He had a lot of
protected from infection with the      toms last more than two days, it is     Pinsky, medical director of in-        headaches, chills and a huge fe-
COVID-19 virus. This vaccine           recommended to self-isolate and         fection control and prevention at      ver, and a lot of muscle soreness
is for people age 16 and older. It     get tested, as specified by Mayo        Edward Hospital in Naperville, to      and dizziness,” said Mirza.
requires two injections given 21       Clinic.                                 The Daily Herald. “But it’s still a         Another WBHS student, Iza-
days apart. The second dose can            On February 8, Illinois public      very small percentage of the pop-      bella Carmona, has a brother who
be given up to six weeks after the     health officials said 58,189              ulation that has received a vac-       has been vaccinated.
first dose if needed, as specified     COVID-19 vaccinations were              cination, and to have an impact            “He had the Pfizer vaccine; he
by Mayo Clinic.                        administered, bringing the state        on transmissions, you need a lot       said it felt like any other shot he’s
   The Moderna COVID-19 vac-           total to 1,417,156. The number of       more people immunized.”                gotten. His arm hurt the next day
cine has an efficacy rate of 94.1%.      Illinois residents who have been            In suburban Cook County, an        from where he got the shot, but
This vaccine is for people 18 and      fully vaccinated, meaning they          estimated 2.3% of the popula-          it didn’t last too long,” said Car-
older. It requires two injections      have received both of the required      tion was fully vaccinated as of        mona. “He did feel a bit fatigued,
given 28 days apart. The second        two shots, reached 311,569 as           Monday, February 8. In addi-           but that also didn’t last too long,
dose can be given up to six weeks      reported by The Chicago Tribune.        tion, 7.7% of the population had       and after getting his second shot
after the first dose if needed, also       The daily number of vaccina-        received at least one dose of the      he said he didn’t feel any side ef-
according to Mayo Clinic.              tions was significantly higher than     vaccine. Since mid-December,           fects.”

Hybrid learning is the next phase around the area
         N        K                    the spread of SARS-CoV-2. This          learning in person.                    began full hybrid learning around
          S      W                     can be complicated, as schools             Students seem thrilled with the     late October and closed promptly
                                       must open as safely and as quick-       return as supported by multiple        after new restrictions were put in
    District 88 Willowbrook and        ly as possible, and remain open to      social media posts on the District     order from the Illinois State gov-
Addison Trail High Schools are         achieve the benefits of in-person       45 and 48 social media pages.          ernment. The school went back
still contemplating the timing of      learning.                               Hybrid scheduling has also given       into hybrid learning after winter
their move to hybrid for a variety         Hybrid schedules allow a tran-      these schools the ability to use re-   break.
of reasons, including concerns over    sitional period for students to         mote learning on days of inclem-          “It involves me going into
teacher vaccinations and safety,       adjust back to normal in-person         ent weather. Snow days may be a        school twice a week,” said Sejal.
parental preferences, COVID-19         learning. In addition, they provide     relic of the past.                     “It’s pretty straightforward with a
rates and recommendations of the       many of the common and missed              Information on school schedul-      few changes to the schedule when
state and DuPage County. Near-         benefits of in-person learning.         ing and hybrid programs is varied      unexpected circumstances hap-
by Fenton High School, which is            Meanwhile, many local area          across district websites. Some are     pen.”
in the same conference for most        high schools have already adopted       more clear than others in their hy-       According to Sejal, the school
sports, is in a similar position and   a hybrid schedule, including both       brid planning. Students in hybrid      has also begun to open up the
is still completely remote, accord-    York High School and Hinsdale           school districts such as York and      school for sports activities. Aca-
ing to their school website.           School District 86 ever since Octo-     Naperville School 204 feel there       demic extracurriculars have been
    According to the CDC, com-         ber of 2020. As of February, both       are benefits to the hybrid schedule.   strictly remote.
munities need to plan safe delivery    District 45 and 48, WB’s feeder         One student from York participat-         “It’s all about adapting to all the
of in-person instruction in K-12       districts, have returned to an AM/      ing in hybrid learning, Sejal Re-      new changes,” said Sejal. “Things
schools in which they protect stu-     PM hybrid schedule in which stu-        shamwala, gave her opinion of the      are confusing but I’m sure students
dents, teachers, and staff and slow     dents spend half their class time       learning modality. York originally     will get used to this eventually.”
4                     Skyline
                               Skyline                               February
                                                                      January 25,
                                                                              20122021                                    News
ISBE adds a new learning standard       these rules, here’s what the stan-     edge of academic material but will     student.”
            L       M                   dards really accomplish. This pro-     have to demonstrate knowledge in             For some, though, the issue
            S                           posed rule amends the section of       concepts that are not only conten-     isn’t lack of education; it’s sim-
      With the majority of Illinois     the Illinois Administrative Code       tious but push an overtly political    ply lack of tolerance for the issues
schools closed for almost an entire     that governs standards for Illinois    ideology.”                             these standards bring forward.
year as a result of the pandem-         teachers. Because all public school            This story hits particularly         “The biggest argument I’ve
ic, tensions around the state have      teachers in Illinois must become       close to home, as one Willow-          seen is, ‘Most teachers were al-
been running high. To add to these      licensed before obtaining a job        brook junior, Eric Veal Jr, is a       ready doing this, why does it need
unique educational circumstances,       in a school, this rule would affect     member of the ISBE Student Ad-         to be standard?’” said Veal. “If
a new controversial issue was in-       almost every educator, and future      visory Council. Veal was chosen        most teachers are already incorpo-
troduced at the end of last year.       educator.                              for the position to specifically       rating these practices, why is it an
     In December, the Illinois State           Most “controversial” provi-     work in the Diversity and Equality     issue that we’re proposing them?”
Board of Education (ISBE) pro-          sions of this rule do not differ from   subcommittee, helping inspire the            On February 17th, the Joint
posed a new rule that would re-         the pre-existing provisions, but the   Board to make important decisions      Committee of Administrative
quire culturally responsive teach-      wording in others has the opposi-      about diversity and inclusion for      Rules (JCAR), which consists of
ing and learning standards to be        tion concerned that teachers with      all Illinois students and schools.     twelve lawmakers from the Gen-
incorporated into all Illinois teach-   certain ideological views may feel     This new rule is something he and      eral Assembly, ruled in favor of
er training and professional devel-     unwelcome in schools after being       the other members of his subcom-       the culturally responsive teaching
opment programs. Ideally, this rule     asked to “embrace and encourage        mittee advised on, making the con-     and learning standards, approving
would expand training to include        inclusive viewpoints.” To the op-      troversy surrounding it devastating    them and passing them into law.
issues of equity and equality, im-      position, the idea of training ed-     to many in our community. When               “I feel elated that standards
perative when it comes to teaching      ucators to appropriately interact      asked about the controversy, Veal      across our state are now made to
children of all backgrounds.            with students of all backgrounds,      stressed that most of the opposi-      include all students, especially stu-
       But some critics throughout      ethnicities, sexualities, and gender   tion was due to inadequate infor-      dents who look like me and identi-
the state believe otherwise. Many       identities does not matter as much     mation about the standards.            fy as minorities,” Veal explained.
have said that this rule requires       as ensuring that they’re smart               “A lot of people don’t know      “These standards will impact
educators to embrace left-leaning       enough to educate these children       what the standards are for, and        teachers and students for genera-
ideology and prioritize political       in the first place. An op-ed pub-      what they do,” said Veal. “The         tions, so I’m ecstatic that lawmak-
and social activism in classrooms       lished in the Chicago Tribune          standards are not something re-        ers are actually putting forth effort
at a time when Illinois schools are     stated, “With these new proposed       sponsible for indoctrinating stu-      to make sure that everyone is re-
already struggling.                     standards in place, a teacher in       dents, rather giving teachers tools    ceiving the highest quality of ed-
      While some are up in arms         Illinois will need not demonstrate     to make their classrooms more eq-      ucation.”
about the left and right regarding      competency in their basic knowl-       uitable and more inclusive to every

Store-bought baby food may be dangerous
                                        ers and their testing data: Gerber,          The FDA has not set official           A representative from the com-
    M           S
                                        Beech-Nut Nutrition Company,           standardized guidelines and reg-       pany has told various news sourc-
        F               E
                                        Nurture, and Hain Celestial Group.     ulations for baby food regarding       es that this meeting wasn’t a secret
    In a recent report to Congress       There were still many other com-      this yet. There are some limits        and was done to figure a solution
from the House Subcommittee on          panies that refused to cooperate       placed on arsenic in rice cereal,      to the growing toxicity problem.
Economic and Consumer Policy,           with this investigation: Walmart       and some limits on arsenic, lead,      They even provided documents
investigators discovered that many      and Sprout Organic Foods were          and cadmium in water, juice, and       and information about what is in
of the ingredients found in baby        some of them.                          candy, as mentioned by The New         their food. Since the meeting, the
food have harmful amounts of tox-           Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Demo-       York Times.                            company has tried to reduce those
ic heavy metals like arsenic, lead,     cratic Representative from Illinois,       The investigation also revealed    high numbers through ingredient
mercury, and cadmium. These             is the head of the subcommittee        reports on a secret presentation       changes and more testing, with
metals were found in both organic       that carried out the investigation.    given to the FDA by the Hain Ce-       some level of success thus far, ac-
and inorganic baby foods.               He has said their decision to re-      lestial Group back in August 2019.     cording to CNN.
     According to The New York          main uncooperative “raises the         This presentation revealed that this        No official actions have been
Times, these metals consumed            concern that perhaps they have         company, like many others, con-        taken as of now, but the subcom-
over time can lead to brain dam-        evidence of even higher metallic       ducts tests on their food prior to     mittee is calling on the FDA to set
age, behavioral issues, and death.      content in their baby foods, com-      the finished product and usually on    standardized guidelines regarding
Their effects on a growing child         pared to their competitors,” as re-    each ingredient separately. How-       heavy metals in baby food and test-
are detrimental to their mental         ported by The New York Times.          ever, the complete product is what     ing on finished products. Parents
development, as young children               In a conversation with CNN,       should be tested to get an accurate    and guardians are being asked to
are sensitive to these neurotoxic       Kishanmurti has said the numbers       number on the metal levels, as the     watch what they are feeding their
chemicals.                              showed hundreds of parts per bil-      actual numbers of toxic metals, in     children and take precautions.
     This report came about after       lion of dangerous metals in baby       the end, turned out higher than the
gathering information from four         food; that number should stay          data collected from the ingredients
different baby food manufactur-          within the single digits range.        on their own.
Features                       Skyline                           February 25, 2021                                                   5

WB observes Black History Month
                                                                                                                       month long celebration, Willow-
          Lංඅඒ Mඈඋ඀ൺඇ
                                                                                                                       brook hosted a special in-school
          Sඍൺൿൿ Wඋංඍൾඋ
                                                                                                                       virtual field trip for the staff and
    This February, Willowbrook,                                                                                        students in all of District 88. A
and the world, celebrated Black                                                                                        Conversation With The Bland
History Month. This month is an                                                                                        Family, was truly the crowning
annual celebration of achieve-                                                                                         event of this month-long celebra-
ments by the African American                                                                                          tion, where students and staff alike
community, and it’s also a time for                                                                                    were invited to a Zoom meeting to
recognizing their central role in                                                                                      have a conversation with Shante
U.S. history.                                                                                                          Needham, the sister of the late
    Every year, Black History                                                                                          Willowbrook alum, Sandra Bland.
Month has a theme around which                                                                                             During this field trip, Needham
the celebrations are centered. The                                                                                     talked openly with the students
theme for 2021 is, “Black Family:                                                                                      about Sandra’s life story and what
Representation, Identity, and Di-                                                                                      her mission in life really was: to
versity.” This theme intends to ex-                                                                                    use her voice to address societal
plore the diversity of all different                                                                                   injustices she felt impacted her
types of black families across the                                                                                     community. Needham’s moving
country, in an effort to unite and                                                                                     recount of the final days of her
educate everyone.                                                                                                      sister’s life showcased some of the
    Keeping in accordance with the                                                                                     injustices Sandra dedicated her
official celebrations, Willowbrook                                                                                     life to, and displayed the strength
set up some events of its own,                                                                                         and perseverance of her family.
in order to celebrate within our                                                                                       Discussing these last days allowed
school community and educate ev-       With web pages designed by Kim Jackson-Petrella of WB’s library,                Shante to touch on sensitive topics,
eryone on these important topics,      the community had access to resources and a full calendar of activi-            such as the importance of mental
even while virtual. Willowbrook        ties, including a Zoom with the family of WB alum Sandra Bland.                 health and how to deal with grief,
Junior and B.O.S.S president, Eric     could find a calendar full of events   Nights and Black Family Nights,          showing everyone in attendance
Veal Jr, was heavily involved in the   planned by B.O.S.S. to continue the    both of which included themes            that there should be no shame in
planning and execution of said         celebration. These events included     for these families to gather and         suffering.
events, and he discussed his feel-     Movie Day and Movie Discussion         discuss. According to Eric Veal Jr.,         By speaking with our student
ings about being able to partake       Day, where members of the staff        these nights have been a smashing        body, Needham continued her sis-
in this celebration with our school    and students alike could attend a      success.                                 ter’s mission to educate the next
community.                             Zoom meeting and watch Pixar’s             “For Black Family Nights we’ve       generation on the injustices that
    “I feel fantastic. In the world    Soul together, before coming to-       had many families coming out,            plague our world, and she had
we live in that’s so divisive, where   gether and having a meaningful         students and parents alike attend-       quite the audience. On average 433
everything is polarized and po-        discussion about it two days later.    ing, as well as the administration,”     students and staff members attend-
liticized, seeing our school come      The movie was released on Christ-      he said.                                 ed the virtual field trip across the
together to celebrate a huge piece     mas Day and has since been her-            In addition to the great turn-       three periods to talk to Needham
of the rich culture of America has     alded as one of the best of the en-    out, Veal also explained why these       about her experiences and to learn
been amazing,” said Veal Jr.           tire year for its important themes     events were so important amidst          more about the woman behind the
    All February long, students        and its inclusion of African Amer-     the celebrations.                        headline, Sandra Bland. The vir-
could access a special subsection      ican characters and culture.               “In order to successfully get to     tual field trip ended with one re-
of the school website, dedicated to       Veal explained why discussing       black students, we have to also take     sounding message from our guest
Black History Month, created by        the movie was just as important as     time to talk to the families, because    speaker, “Be the change you want
Ms. Jackson-Petrella. From there,      viewing it together.                   we’re all together. A great African      to see,” and she challenged every-
students had access to dozens of          “We wanted to make sure that        parable says, ‘it takes a village to     one to use their voices to do just
resources to further their educa-      people didn’t just think we picked     raise a child,’ It’s important that we   that.
tion on black history, and the peo-    the movie because it was good,         reach out to the entire village and          This Black History Month was
ple of color who paved the way in      but also because it had a strong       make sure that all the people inside     truly something to celebrate. The
various fields, including science,     cultural connection,” said Veal. A     these families can also succeed and      main theme of this month was
technology, music, and arts. The       lot of times in movies you get the     make sure everyone there has a fair      “Black Family,” and Willowbrook
website also featured suggestions      one token black person, but in this    shot,” said Veal. “A lot of times not    celebrations showcased just that.
on books by African American           movie there was so much variety        everyone has a fair shot. That’s why     Between the Black Family Nights,
authors, and films that included       and so much to be proud of, it was     we’re really focusing this year on       Movie Night, and the conversation
black history and showcased di-        amazing.”                              the black influences of America. It      with Needham, our communi-
verse characters.                         Also throughout the month,          all ties together really.”               ty learned a lot about family and
    Also on that website, students     Willowbrook hosted Black Parent            And just in time to finish off the   black history.
6                      Skyline
                               Skyline                              February
                                                                     January 25,
                                                                             20122021                                   Letters
Willowbrook students send teachers letters of appreciation
                                       3. Raymond Gajardo | Mrs.
                       -               Allespach

                                           Dear Mrs. Allenspach,
                                       English class has become the
In the midst of so much going on,      highlight of my day! No matter
we wanted to thank you teachers        how stressed or grumpy I may
for all you do. With this month full   be, I always look forward to 7th
of love, here’s a couple messages      period! Thank you for being un-
from some Warriors!                    derstanding of us. This has been
                                       such a hard time, and you always
1. Lia Galindo | Mr. Warren            know how to make it feel worth
                                       it. Thank you for all your funny
   I truly think that Mr. Warren       jokes and riddles. Thank you for
deserves more than a thank you         putting a smile on my face. Of
for all he has done! He suffices at      course, I say thank you for letting
                                                                                                                                  image by Natalia Garcia
every aspect of being a teacher and    me show off my origami collection
then exceeds it. He incorporates       (more to come). You have made          6. Emma Rattana | Mr. Tiu              9. Alex Tobias | Mrs. Murphy
many different learning methods         a place where we can feel safe
so all students can be accounted       and happy; a place where we can           Dear Mr. Tiu,                          Dear Mrs, Murphy,
for, including videos, independent     connect and laugh together. I am       I don’t even know where to begin       Thank you for all you have done to
work, group projects, interactive      ever grateful for that. I hope we      to express my gratitude towards        help me this year; you truly are one
websites, partner work, drawing        turn out stronger on the other side!   you. Through my brother, you           of a kind. You are such an amaz-
and taking notes. The subject he                                              have known me since I walked           ing, energetic, and confident teach-
teaches (PLTW Human Body Sys-          Sincerely, Raymond Gajardo             into Willowbrook’s doors as a          er and always have my best inter-
tems in my case) isn’t one that                                               freshman. Since then, you have         est in mind, and I’m so glad I got
would be commonly enjoyed or           4. Mahnoor Fatani | Ms. Karos          helped me grow academically            to spend my senior year with you.
easily learned by students. Despite                                           and athletically. You always be-
that so much of the curriculum            Ms. Karos exemplifies what it       lieve in me more than I believe        10. Samantha Solis | Mr. Shanahan
involves being in the lab and con-     means to not only be a phenomenal      in myself sometimes, and that
ducting experiments, Mr. Warren        teacher, but an even more phenom-      goes for both on the court and in         Happy Valentine’s Day and
has more than successfully been        enal human being. In everything        the classroom! Thanks for every-       thank you so very much for being
able to adapt to Zoom. Not only        that she does, she looks out for       thing Mr. Tiu, you’re the best.        such an understanding teacher Mr.
managing to create a classroom         the welfare and the health of her                                             Shanahan. Having you as a coach
environment that is equally fun,       students. She discerns that times      7. Bobby Ernst | Mrs. Wathier          freshman year was honestly an
but replacing the labs with inter-     are hard for a lot of people, with                                            enjoyment, and you were always
active websites and videos to get      COVID-19 numbers continuously             Mrs. Wath, thank you so much        pleasant to speak with. This year, I
a similar experience as if we were     rising and with having to adapt to     for being so great and understand-     am luckily a disciple of yours once
doing in-school learning. I always     this remote environment. As such,      ing during these hard times for        again. While I do not get to take
look forward to his class and be-      she implements extremely lenient       learning! You have been such a good    your class in person, I do enjoy
lieve he deserves to be appreciated    policies when it comes to assign-      educator and guide! Thank you!         reading the novels and poetry you
for all his efforts. Thank you Mr.      ments and taking tests in her class-                                          have chosen for the class. They
Warren for keeping my passion for      es. But what truly makes Ms. Karos     8. Thalia Sanchez | Mr. Maguire        really do resonate. I am also so
science just as alive as ever!         an incredible Warrior is her ability                                          very grateful to you for not dock-
                                       to empathize. She truly puts her-      Hi Mr. Maguire!!                       ing points off of late assignments.
2. Dylan Jenkins | Mr. Bannon          self in her students’ shoes and acts                                          This has truly saved my grade time
                                       in accordance with what would            You are one of the most positive     and time again. Once again thank
   First of all, I want to say thank   be the most beneficial for them.       and engaged teachers I’ve ever         you so much and Oedipus Rex. : )
you to all teachers. They have been                                           met. Your teaching is on-point,
working hard to give us the best       5. Esmeralda De Anda | Ms.             and we can see how much you            Samantha Solis
high school experience possible        Martinez                               enjoy your job; it isn’t boring,
during these times. However, there                                            and it’s even interesting. At a time     I’d like to finish by saying that
is one teacher who I want to give         Thank you for understanding         like this where school is online,      we can never thank you enough for
a big thanks to, Mr. Bannon. He        that lots of students struggle with    you are putting so many smiles         being more than just an educator. It
has made his classroom exciting,       e-learning. I appreciate you trying    on peoples’ faces because of how       has not been easy, whether person-
interactive, and most of all, fun.     to still find a connection with stu-   lenient and patient you are. We all    al or regarding school, but you all
From our warm up videos to Froot       dents even though it’s hard to do      do appreciate your efforts. You are     have showed up ready to make our
Loops, we appreciate him every         so virtually. Biology has become       an amazing teacher. Keep doing         day the best it can be. I’m so proud
day in that class.                     the highlight of my day.               what you’re doing; you are very        to be apart of such a giving school.
                                                                              appreciated by us all, Happy Val-      Wish you all the best, know that
From, Dylan Jenkins                    Sincerely, Esmeralda                   entine’s Day, and have a good day!     your students appreciate you, a lot!
Features                        Skyline                            February 25, 2021                                                   7

Speech team finishes season at state
                                       include Sean Shepherd, Michael          ous Duet Acting and Dramatic             different schools for meets and for
          L       F
                                       Poirier, Siobhan Heneghan, Mel-         Duet Acting. Shepherd explained          regionals and sectionals, or travel-
                                       anie Gercone, Neeraja Kumar,            that these partnered events, along       ling to Springfield for state.
  As the seasons begin to transition   Emily Maher, Katie Wentworth,           with others he has done in the last          “Though most of the compe-
from winter to spring, certain         Marchello Berlin, Caitlin Brennan,      four years, allowed him to use his       titions were different because of
clubs, sports, and other activities    and Amelia Tortorici. Sectional         creativity.                              the virtual structure, the way that
undergo a period of a falling          finalists include Sean Shepherd,          “I’m so glad that I’ve been a          the recent regional and section-
action. Some teams have smooth         Katie Wentworth, Michael Poirier,       part of the speech team over the         al competitions have been held
transitions into the end of the year   Caitlin Brennan, and Amelia Tor-        last four years because it really        have granted the most normalcy
with little concern. The speech        torici.                                 gave me a creative output,” said         of anything in this past year,” said
team, however, is not that type of        Normally, tournaments would          Shepherd. “Also, I definitely have       Assistant Coach and WB English
team. Sending two members to           be held in-person at various            learned the values of public speak-      teacher Andy Wilhoit.
state, senior Sean Shepherd and        schools, hosting around 30 schools      ing, and being on the speech team            Wilhoit, much like Shepherd,
sophomore Amelia Tortorici, this       per tournament.                         helped build my confidence.”             is tremendously proud of the
year’s speech team was deter-              This season, having its differ-         Additionally, Shepherd spoke          achievements that this year’s team
mined to finish as strong as any       ences, has been held virtually with     on the success of the team.              has been able to accomplish.
year before, despite the unpredict-    participants pre-recording their           “I think our team as a whole has          “We have had two events going
able circumstances.                    events during the week prior to         set a high standard for ourselves        to state, five events that qualified
    The Willowbrook speech team        “judgment day,” or the Saturday of      this year. We have set a lot of team     for sectionals, and six that quali-
started right on schedule this year    that week when the judges look at       records and had a lot of success         fied for regionals,” said Wilhoit.
in September, and spent the ma-        all submissions and make assess-        this year,” said Shepherd. “Over-        “This is attributed to the many tal-
jority of September and October        ments. Out of the 10 competitions       all, I think we are all proud of what    ented underclassmen as well as the
preparing and practicing. In a usu-    they were involved in, they fin-        we were able to do this year based       number of strong, dedicated mem-
al year, competitions would start      ished 5th or higher, with individ-      on how many obstacles we had.”           bers of the senior class.”
at the end of October and finish       ual students consistently finishing        Of course, the primary obsta-             It is evident that this team has
at the end of February depending       in first or second place for their      cle that everyone had been faced         thrived in its own work and ded-
on if a member reaches regionals,      respective events.                      with was Covid-19. As previous-          ication.
sectionals, or state. Several par-         Sean Shepherd, a current senior     ly stated, the format was entirely
ticipants who made it to regionals     on the team, competed in Humor-         virtual as opposed to travelling to

Netflix releases final To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
                                       portrayed through her work, Han         horo), Chris (Madeleine Arthur),         clude the trip to Korea, it does
         N      S
                                       admits that she too wrote love let-     Trevor (Ross Butler), Genevieve          include the senior Beach Week,
          S      W
                                       ters as a teenager, and she still has   (Emilija Baranac), and the wait-         where John Ambrose McClaren
   The infamous To All The Boys        them! If you’re sad about the end-      ress named Joan (June B. Wilde).         makes a reappearance. I was really
I’ve Loved Before movie trilogy        ing of this book series, never fear,    This movie also introduces new           hoping they would include this in
concluded on Friday, February          as she has another trilogy called       characters, such as Mr. Kavinsky         the movie as it introduces McClar-
12th with the release of To All        The Summer I Turned Pretty.             (Henry Thomas), and Trina Roth-          en’s girlfriend, Dipti. Her role is
The Boys: Always and Forever.             Most of the cast in this movie       schild (Sarayu Blue). Trina was in       important in giving his character
This movie opens with the Covey        appeared throughout the previous        the sequel as well, but her role was     the closure after his crush on Lara
trip to South Korea during spring      ones, like Lana Condor, known           a lot smaller.                           Jean as acknowledged in the sec-
break of protagonist Lara Jean’s       for her roles in Alita Battle Angel        This film adaptation was not          ond book and movie.
senior year. It includes Lara Jean’s   (Koyomi) and X-Men: Apocalypse          quite as accurate as the other mov-         The movies also leave out Pe-
college application process, the       (Jubilee), as Lara Jean Covey.          ies were. For instance, while I did      ter’s lacrosse games, which are
class trip to New York City, prom,     Noah Centineo, known for his            like that they chose to include the      especially important in this third
and her dad’s wedding. When Lara       roles as Jamey (Sierra Burgess is       trip to Korea in the movie when it       movie as it gives insight into Pe-
Jean is rejected from the college      a Loser) and Brooks Rattigan (The       was not in the novel, I did not like     ter’s mother’s character, who is
she and her boyfriend Peter plan       Perfect Date), also continues his       that Dr. Covey and Trina joined          overly protective of her son and
on attending, there are problems in    role as Peter Kavinsky. In addition     the sisters on their trip, as the book   his feelings.
paradise.                              to being a Netflix original post-       intended for it to be a bonding ex-         The ending of the book centers
   Author Jenny Han was the ex-        er boy, Centineo also stars as the      perience with their Korean grand-        around the graduation of the Adler
ecutive producer of all three film     love interest in Camila Cabello’s       mother.                                  High senior class of 2021, which
adaptations of her bestselling book    Havana music video. Addition-              The movies also have a differ-         brings us to recognize our own
series, and she shared during her      al familiar faces include Margot        ent setting than the books, which        class of 2021. Congratulations on
interview on The Kelly Clarkson        Covey (Pretty Little Liars star         did not really matter until the third    all you have achieved. We will
Show that there is a touch of truth    Janel Parrish), Katherine “Kitty”       movie when the colleges that Lara        miss you all!
to these books. When asked if          Covey (Anna Cathcart), Dr. Covey        Jean applied to are all different.
there was anything relating to her     (John Corbett), Lucas (Trezzo Ma-          While the novel does not in-
8                   Skyline
                              Skyline                                February
                                                                      January 25,
                                                                              20122021                                   Sports

                                                                                                                                photo by Patricia Goodman
          WB fans can watch live streams of events and games at @WB_ATHLETICS on twitter, and the website,

Girls Badminton adjusts to the Covid changes
      E           A                   by all of the athletes as they make      they won’t be playing against as        Amelia Gesicki.
          S           W               it through the season.                   many different schools as they typ-           “Sure it might not look the
                                            “This season is going really       ically do.                              same as past seasons; however, it
       Being a low-risk sport and     well, I believe. Playing a high-in-             These changes have made          doesn’t mean we can’t work hard
with schools easing Covid restric-    tensity sport with a mask is defi-       things more difficult, whether it         and compete,” said Rattana. “My
tions, badminton at Willowbrook       nitely a challenge; however, we          be the masks or keeping track of        experience with the sport for my
is back in session. The team has      take more breaks during matches          whose birdie is whose. However,         past 3 years has all been positive,
been back about three weeks and       and practices,” shared doubles           the players are always ready to         my teammates are some of my best
had their first match against Hins-   player Emma Rattana.                     adapt to any obstacle. Rather than      friends and we get to be together
dale South on February 10th.                Along with this, other adjust-     dwell on their circumstances, they      from 2-3 hours a day, which is
         “Unfortunately we didn’t     ments have been made to ensure           are now focusing on what mat-           something I used to take advantage
come out with a win, but Coach        safety. From temperature checks,         ters most. While it is nice having      of, but now it is such a blessing.”
Tiu simply didn’t care,” said sin-    health surveys, cleaning sprays,         people support from the sidelines,           This sense of bonding goes a
gles player Rebecca Lopez-Egan.       and even a new protocol where ev-        their absence can’t be helped.          long way and has allowed the
       “He just kept reminding us     eryone is issued their own birdie,            “Previously, you could have        team to push forward. While ev-
how we are finally back, and it       many measures have been taken.           parents and other spectators come       eryone is a bit under the weather,
brings him so much joy just seeing          On top of this, the season has     to games, but now there›s no            the badminton team continues to
us after so long playing the game     been slightly shortened, and the         one. Only the coaches and your          persevere.
we love.”                             team can only play against WSC           teammates, which sometimes is
    Coach Tiu’s optimism is shared    Gold and Silver teams. This means        all you need,” said doubles player

WB bowling team has a promising start
              E       R               ing promise of a strong season.          and preparing for a competitive         South, the WB girls showed great
          S           E                    Covid-19 restrictions and the       season.                                 dedication, for they collectively
                                      shutting down of the majority of             Junior Megan Beausoleil recalls     reached their goal of 3,005 points.
     Under recent instruction from    public facilities held all athletes at   her previous season and hopes for       Though losing the match in the
the IHSA and the state govern-        a disadvantage, but especially the       more success in upcoming compe-         end, this achievement so early on
ment, school sports and activities    bowlers. Bowling lanes were shut         titions.                                in the season is exciting.
are able to resume and compete        down along with everything back              “I had gained the most momen-            Behind every good team is a
once again. After nearly a year of    in November of 2020 and have re-         tum towards the end of last year        strong leader and coach. Beau-
quarantine and stay-at-home or-       cently opened at partial capacity in     and earned some of my highest           soleil shared that Coach Allen
ders, it is refreshing to know that   late January.                            scores,” said Beausoleil. “At our       always encourages the players to
so many dedicated athletes are            Technique and practice are the       regional competition, I had a game      stay confident no matter how well
able to practice and improve in       keys to being successful in this         of 247, which was my highest se-        they are doing.
their sports. With that being said,   sport, and with bowling alleys           ries of the year.”                           “He’s not only a leader, but a
updates and live stream links for     closed, the practice in between               As a team, the players strive to   friend to everyone,” shared Beau-
many sports and activities can be     seasons was lacking. Thankfully,         collect 3,000 points per series and     soleil. “His experience in bowling
found on Willowbrook’s twitter        through zoom meetings and video          individually reach games above          inspires my teammates and me to
page, @WB_ATHLETICS, and              calls, the team was able to get to       200. As of February 22, the bowl-       be more like him.”
website,   know each other and work on at-          ing team has had three matches,               With a positive atmosphere,
brook/.                               home drills before the season ac-        and some players have already           talented bowlers, and hard work,
      Along with a slew of other      tually started.                          hit their goals of surpassing 200       WB bowlers expect this season
sports beginning their season, the         Now practicing in person, the       points.                                 to have a favorable outcome with
WB girls bowling team has recent-     head coach, Kevin Allen, and his               In their competition on Feb-      many victories.
ly started up and is already show-    team are strengthening their skills      ruary 18 against Downers Grove
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