Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC

Page created by Ann Smith
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
Indian Heights
                 United Methodist Church
            10211 Nall Avenue, Overland Park, KS, 66207

           July 4, 2021
   Sixth Sunday After Pentecost

            As Christians We Are:
Seeking, Sowing, Loving and Serving All People!
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
ORDER OF WORSHIP                             JULY 4, 2021
* Please stand if you are able

Prelude              God of Our Fathers (arr. Jenifer Cook)

Gathering and Discipleship Opportunities

*Call to Worship
L: How wonderful it is to be in a dwelling place for God!
P: The refreshing springs of God’s love cleans and restore us.
L: There is a place here for everyone. No one is turned away.
P: The least and the lost; the homeless and hopeless are always
welcome in God’s house.
L: Praise to God who invites and shelters us all.
P: Praise to God who heals and sends us forth to serve. AMEN

*Opening Hymn              “This is My Song”                     UMH # 437

*Opening Prayer
In the beauty of this place,
we have come to pray, to worship,
to receive healing and hope.
We come from the struggles and triumphs of the week,
needing to feel the soothing presence of God.
Lord, be with us this day.
Calm and soothe our souls.
Cause us to rejoice that you have provided a special place
where we may gather to talk of your presence and love;
to sing your praises;
and to be empowered to go forth to serve you. AMEN.

Hymn of Praise              “Out of the Depths”                  FWS #2136

Prayer Hymn            “O Lord, Hear My Prayer”               FWS #2200

Pastoral Prayer
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those
who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom, and the power and
the glory forever. Amen.

Scripture      Old Testament: Daniel 3:8-30

Leader: The Word of God for the People of God
All: Thanks be to God, Amen.

Message                  "The Fiery Furnace"           Rev. Ali Haynes

Offering            “Battle Hymn of the Republic” (arr. Mark Hayes)

*Doxology                        “Praise God...”             UMH #95

The Great Thanksgiving

Receiving of Bread and Cup

*Passing the Peace of Christ

*Sending Song
          “Would I Have Answered When You Called” FWS #2137


Postlude              “America the Beautiful”
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
Today’s Music Notes From
     Rachel Schulz                       The next hymn, Out of the Depths, I
                                         was immediately drawn to because
The music for this Sunday balances       the title suggests the depths of
the fiery furnace and the national       despair in a fiery furnace. The
holiday July 4th. The prelude, God       refrain "here in this community"
of Our Fathers, refers to freedom        reminds us of our duty to each other,
and calls for God's help as our ruler,   an appropriate July 4th theme.
guardian, guide, and stay. In the
fiery furnace, they had faith that God   The last hymn, Would I have
was their ruler and would protect        Answered When You Called, is a
them. So in a way, this scripture is     more direct response to the account
an account of our spiritual fathers'     of the fiery furnace. Do we have the
faith.                                   strength to stand up for our faith in
                                         the face of death? The hymn
The first hymn, This is My Song, has     answers in the last lines, "O Christ, I
similar themes of asking for God's       cannot search my heart...I only pray
protection, but also emphasizes          that when you call, "Come, follow,
peace and God's role as Lord of all      follow me!" you'll give me strength
the Nations.                             beyond my own to follow faithfully."
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
Happy Birthday/Anniversary to all
celebrating this week.

Celebrating...the Freedoms we
celebrate in America; summer travels,
family gatherings

For those who grieve…

Healing/Comfort...Dee Hubbard;
Cheri White; Jim Treakle; Pat Favero

Extended Family and Friends: Pat
Rhodes; Joe Dolinski; Gaile;
Margaret Tannahill; Gary Ratliff;
Vickie; Ann; Annie: Alex; Michelle
Grogan; Liz and her new baby girl;
Jim Dolinski; Marilyn Franz; Candice     Church Staff
Westphal; Kelly Nichols and family;
Debbie; Donald Lawrence; Rod;            Senior Pastor
Those unnamed who are struggling         Rev. Ali Haynes (
with cancer and other illnesses
                                         Music Staff
Continued Prayers: for our nation        Rachel Schulz
                                         Jae Moyer
and the world as we deal with the
pandemic; for safe summer travels;       Children & Families Ministry Coordinator
for efforts to stop all forms of         Julie Gibson (
discrimination; for those struggling
with depression; for the stopping of     Head Liturgist
gun violence                             Ken McAlpin

 ** To add someone to this list, email   Administrative Assistant
            the prayer chain:            Suzette Mack (
          or the Church Office:          Office: (913) 649-9040   
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
Updated Mask News
We are worshiping in person again!
Masks are still mandated when you
are in the building, but can come off
once you are in your small group or
seating in the Sanctuary unless you
have not been vaccinated. PLEASE
keep your mask on when walking
around the common area in the
church until future notice. There are
masks on the table near the
Sanctuary if you need one.
                                           This Week’s Calendar
              Giving                     Sunday, July 4
Statements of giving will be mailed in    10am Outdoor Worship
early July for giving through June 30.    Kingdom Kids - Worship with
Remember you can donate through            Parents today (no formal meeting)
our website if that is more               11am Picnic
convenient.                               7pm AA
                                         Monday, July 5
                                            Office Closed in Recognition of I
                                              Independence Day

                                         Tuesday, July 6
                                          11am Prayer Circle
                                          6:30pm Heart of Worship
                                            (Young Adult Group; meets at
                                              various venues)

                                         Wednesday, July 7
                                          9:30am Moms Matter
                                          Noon AlaNon
     Greeters & Ushers                    7pm AA
We need greeters and ushers for
summer worship; please sign up on        Sunday, July 11
the sheets outside the Sanctuary.         10am Kingdom Kids
Thank you!!                               10:30am Worship
                                          7pm AA
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
Link here to
         our July

VBS Volunteers Needed
 VBS is coming July 26-30, from
6:30-8pm. Registration went live
this week and we are so excited!! In
order for this to be successful, we
need lots of volunteers - can you
help for even one evening?

There are lots of ways to help!
• Do you want to help lead praise
songs? (It goes with a video and              July 4th
• Would you like to sit and check
                                          Worship and Picnic
people in?                             On Sunday, July 4th, we will only
• Would you like to help with decor
                                       worship at 10am (outside) and then
prep and set up?                       we’ll have an all-church bring-your-
• Help with tear down and clean
                                       own-picnic!! All are welcome; bring
up?                                    chairs/blankets to sit on. For the
• Would you like to serve snacks?
                                       rest of the summer, we will worship
• Would you like to lead a game or
                                       at 10:30 (inside) except on Sundays
  experiment? (This would need         when we will have a picnic - July 4,
  Safe Gatherings certification).      August 8 and September 5 (no 9am
                                       outdoor worship as originally
Please reach out to Julie if you are   planned). Note that on July 4
interested! VBS is going to be         Kingdom Kids will worship and
LOTS of fun!                           picnic with their families (no KK
                                       meeting in classrooms).
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
Registration is now open for
    VBS!! Sign up soon
     as space is limited:

     The sign-up form is
      on our website:

Lots of volunteers are needed!!
 Reach out to Julie if you can
     help/with questions!!!
Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - July 4, 2021 - Indian Heights United Methodist Church - Indian Heights UMC
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