SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School

SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
BKHS King Henry VIII
Sixth Form

     Entry 2022
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
Welcometo BKHS King Henry VIII Sixth Form
The Sixth Form is a vibrant and dynamic             Students leave the Sixth Form with strong
environment where pupils enjoy their learning       intellectual characteristics such as leadership,
and are encouraged to work hard to achieve          confidence, humility and aspiration.          The
their goals.    We balance strong academic          outcomes are amazing! Results are excellent
support with increasing student independence,       and our students go on to attend the very best
developing the skills that will be needed for       universities. I am proud of each one of our
successful A level grades but also in life beyond   students as they leave and move to the next
school. We also balance academic achievement        stage of their life feeling proud of their School
with co-curricular opportunity, to provide a        and well prepared for the challenges ahead.
holistic approach that maximises potential.
                                                                                  Mr Philip Dearden,
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
Why BKHS King Henry VIII Sixth Form?             4
An Inspiring Environment		                       5
Enriched Academic Path at BKHS King Henry VIII   6
A Level Subjects at BKHS King Henry VIII
      Art & Design				7
      Biology				8
      Business				9
      Chemistry				10
      Classical Civilisation			11
      Computer Science			12
      DT: Product Design			           13
      Drama and Theatre Studies		     14
      Economics				15
      English Language			16
      English Literature			17
      French					18
      Geography				19
      German				20
      History				21
      Latin					22
      Law					23
      Mathematics				24
      Further Mathematics			25
      Music 					26
      Philosophy, Religion and Ethics 27
      Physical Education 			          28
      Physics				29
      Psychology 				30
      Spanish 				31

Extended Project Qualification             32
Supervised Study Support		                 32
Co-Curricular Enrichment		                 33
Work Experience and Careers Guidance       34

Important Information
      Entry Requirements		                 34
      Scholarships and Bursaries           34
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
Why BKHS King Henry VIII Sixth Form?
Academic Excellence                                     The Co-Curricular
King Henry VIII garnered their best results in          We have excellent co-curricular provision which
several years with an impressive 40% of all grades      shapes well-rounded individuals. These include
at A* or A in 2021. Over half of our students           fantastic opportunities in music and sport as
achieved all A*/A grades. All students wanting          well as the Extended Project Qualification, Young
to go to university gained a place last year. One       Enterprise, Young Engineers, and MEDSOC. We also
secured a prestigious apprenticeship with JCB           offer leadership and collaboration opportunities
and others decided to embark on an exciting gap         in fundraising, peer support, student council and
year. Over half our students study at Russell Group     events management.
universities on leaving BKHS King Henry VIII and
we enjoy yearly success with Oxbridge.                  Pastoral Care
                                                        We are a supportive community that is typified
Expert Teaching                                         by the superb pastoral care and tutor support
All our classes are taught by teachers who are          they experience daily. We value our students and
not only highly-qualified specialist staff but also     their talents with Academic, Sports, and Music
passionate about their subject. Class sizes are small   Scholarships available.
allowing for personalised learning experiences. To
support academic progress we identify students          Unique Facilities
for individual and small group mentoring schemes        We are fortunate to have a purpose-built Sixth
to help them reach their potential.                     Form Centre with its own garden and café. On the
                                                        main school site there is a 25m swimming pool
Careers Guidance and Oxbridge                           and a state-of-the-art gym. We are also in close
Our professionally qualified Head of Careers            proximity to various forms of public transport and
offers extensive support throughout the two             the town centre.
years of VI Form. Alongside this our Oxbridge
Coordinator, form tutors, and subject teachers
support students through the process of applying
to Oxford and Cambridge including coaching and
administering entrance tests.
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
Head Boy
Studying at BKHS King Henry
VIII Sixth Form allows for so
many opportunities to expand
your interests. With the excellent
teaching staff, students are able
to thrive inside and outside of the

I feel this breadth lets student’s
reach their full potential, leaving the

                                          An Inspiring Environment
school as well-rounded individuals
who have explored a variety of
paths, so that they can succeed in
their future endeavours.                  The Sixth Form at BKHS King          of their careers. Having the Sixth
                                          Henry VIII is about so much more     Form Centre across the road
                                          than the timetabled curriculum       from the main school allows our
                                          and academic success. Whilst we      students to move away from
                                          pride ourselves on the academic      normal school routines whilst not
                                          achievements of our Sixth            wholly cutting the ties or security
                                          Formers and on the support we        of these. The business suits our
                                          give them all to maximise their      Sixth Form students wear also
                                          academic potential, we also          mirror this.
                                          have a strong pastoral system
                                          that offers constant support to      A wide range of co-curricular
Head Girl                                 help our students develop into       activities allow students to
                                          confident young people who are       contribute to many areas of
BKHS King Henry VIII Sixth Form           able to make the most of life’s      school life and it is an integral part
offers a fantastic environment            opportunities. At the forefront      of our ethos that we encourage
in which students can learn and           of this is a greater degree of       Sixth Formers to recognise their
grow. The guidance given to               independence and accountability      potential and take on leadership
pupils, both academically and             in how they manage their time        roles within the school.
pastorally, provides great support        and their studies including during
and assurance as they tackle their        study periods and at home.           Our Sixth Form is a dynamic and
ALevels and explore the future                                                 vibrant community and we look
paths they are yet to take.               The recently upgraded Sixth Form     forward to welcoming you to it.
                                          Centre offers an environment
Whilst constantly striving for the        that embraces and encourages
success of students, the social life at   work. It benefits from a suite of
KHVIII allows sixth formers to relax      computers, a silent study area, a
and unwind. There are numerous            common room, and café. We are
opportunities to get involved in a        constantly striving to improve       Mrs C Dowding
range of activities, including sports,    the use of these areas and model     Deputy Head
music and drama, and of course to         university and professional life     (Head of Sixth Form)
develop new and lasting friendships.      in preparation for the next stage
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
Enriched Academic Path at BKHS King Henry VIII
 At BKHS King Henry VIII Sixth Form,            This    is  complemented      with
                                                                                                     Personal, Social and
 we have designed an enriched                   curriculum enhancements through                        Health Education
 academic path borne of the high                Extended Studies, guided Private
 ambition and aspiration we share               Study, independent study periods,                1 period per week, but also
 with our students and parents.                 Games, Community Service, and a                  through form time, assemblies,
                                                programme of Personal, Social and                and consultations, with a
                                                                                                 focus upon helping students
 For most this will consist of a choice         Health Education. Some students will
                                                                                                 develop the knowledge, skills
 of three A Levels from a broad                 study four A Levels and undertake                and attributes needed to make
 range of subjects, plus the Extended           the EPQ in Upper VI.                             positive choices and navigate
 Project Qualification (EPQ).                                                                    the demands of modern life both
                                                                                                 now and in the future.

     A Level Programme

Most students follow three A Levels,
delivered through six periods
per subject per week. Students
choose any three A Levels from
those available (see contents page:
A Level Subjects at BKHS King
Henry VIII). We do not have pre-
determined subject combinations
and endeavour to manipulate the
timetable around student choices.*

      Extended project
Two periods per week: Generally
studied in Lower VI. Please see
page 32 for more information.

    Games and Community
Two periods per week; students
can represent BKHS King Henry
VIII in team sports such as Rugby,
Hockey, Netball, Cricket, Athletics
and Cross Country. The multi-                         independent Studies                                 Extended Studies
sport option includes Basketball,
Handball, Dodgeball, Swimming,                   Seven periods per week. Private                   1 period per week: A broad
Table Tennis, Badminton and much                 study is an essential part of the Sixth           programme      of   enrichment
more, whilst students can also                   Form provision, therefore in order                options. Recent options have
choose ice-skating. Community                    to encourage positive study habits,               included: Philosophy; Italian;
Service involves supporting local                students will complete some time in               Maths for Biologists; Young
primary schools or working in                    supervised study sessions with our                Enterprise; Modern Dance; First
charitable organisations.                        dedicated student manager.                        Aid, and Self-defence. Options
                                                                                                   change yearly.

*Every effort is made to ensure each course runs but with such a broad range on offer reduced lesson allocation may be introduced if student
numbers drop below five and in very rare cases low take-up may mean a course is not viable. The usual group size ranges from five to 14.
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
“Creativity takes courage”
                         Henri Matisse                                    Art & Design
                                                                                     Future Jobs / Careers
                                                                                     Successful A Level Art students can
                                                                                     go on to study a range of Art & Design
                                                                                     foundation and degree courses,
                                                                                     nationally     and     internationally,
                                                                                     before going on to become an
                                                                                     Artist, Designer, Architect, or Arts
                                                                                     Professional in a broad variety of
                                                                                     specialist areas.
                                                                                     The creative and cultural Arts
                                                                                     industries express and reflect
                                                                                     the importance of creativity and
                                                                                     culture in our society. All around us
                                                                                     artists create the world we inhabit,
                                                                                     and contribute to a thriving and
                                                                                     important industry which has a vast
                                                                                     range of exciting career options and
                                                                                     • Fine Art
                                                                                     • Fashion Design
                                                                                     • Graphic Design
                                                                                     • Architecture

Why Choose Art & Design at BKHS King Henry VIII?
1. The Art teachers bring to the         2. The ethos of the department                3. Our city centre location means
   department diverse artistic              provides a friendly, lively                   that there are tremendous
   experiences to provide a breadth         environment and a mature work                 resources from museums and
   and depth to a student’s creative        ethic is fostered.                            galleries right on our doorstep.
   education.                                                                             We visit them regularly to
                                                                                          enhance art experience.

A Level Art allows you to develop an exciting and                The second practical component is a themed set task
extensive range of creative and technical skills. Unique         known as the Timed Test. Previous themes include: Circles
to studying Art at A Level, you build up a very personal         and Curves; Backstage – The Theatre; Architectural
and continually evolving body of practical work, guided          Façades. This is given on the 1st of February in Upper VI.
and supported by your teachers. Individual exploration           Students have three months to work extensively on their
and development of your personal skills and creative             chosen theme, and then sit a timed test over three days
directions is a special aspect of this subject.                  for a total of 15 hours to create and complete a personal,
                                                                 creative Final Piece.
A Level Art prepares you to produce two major pieces
of assessed work. The first is a Personal Investigation,            “It is a creative and enjoyable A Level to study.
which allows you to devise and put together a personal              Taking Art A Level has developed my fine motor skills, hand-
body of creative coursework, including extensive                    eye coordination, problem solving skills, lateral thinking,
practical work, a 3,000 word illustrated essay and a fully          complex analysis and critical thinking skills.”
developed and resolved Final Piece Project. You do this
                                                                                                                 Upper VI Student
without time limits, during the course.

                                                             7           Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Miss S Mould
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
                                                                      “If you know you are on the right track, if you
                                                                       have this inner knowledge, then nobody can
                                                                            turn you off... no matter what they say.”

                                                                                                  Barbara McClintock
  Why Choose Biology at BKHS
  King Henry VIII?
                                               Topics Studied                      Future Jobs / Careers
                                               •    Foundations in Biology         •   Medicine/ Dentistry/
   1. You will be taught by highly
      experienced and well qualified           •    Exchange and Transport             Veterinary Science
      teachers who understand the              •    Biodiversity, Evolution        •   Research e.g. Clinical,
      requirements for you to succeed at            and Disease                        Pharmaceutical, Genetics
      A Level.                                 •    Communication,                 •   Science Journalist/
   2. You will receive individual support           Homeostasis and Energy             Communicator
      to allow you to achieve your             •    Genetics, Evolution and
      potential in the subject. The                                                •   Conservationist/ Ecologist
      department offers additional
      revision and support sessions,
                                                          You are unique. Why? Biology holds the answers.
      alongside extension activities such
      as participation in the Biology
                                                    Biology is essential to the understanding of many areas
                                                      from the molecular basis of life to the study of whole
   3. You will develop a wide range of
      transferable skills that are essential                                                          ecosystems.
      for further education and the work
      place. Practical work is an important
      aspect of our course and in addition          “The teaching is fantastic and the lessons are thoroughly
      to the experiments you complete in            enjoyable.”
                                                                                                      Lower VI Student
      class, you will attend a residential
      Biology field course.

Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Dr D Norman         8
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
     “Great things in business are never done
   by one person. They are done by a team of

                   Steve Jobs, former CEO of Apple

Studying Business at A Level will not (immediately) turn you into the next Branson, but you might
just start to understand his success.

Every topic will relate to businesses and products that you already know from Beats x Fendi,
Coca-Cola, Google, Burberry, and Amazon, and some you probably don’t such as Semco and Real
Burger World. You will have a wealth of examples to contribute at your disposal.

Why Choose Business at                     Topics Studied                         Future Jobs / Careers
BKHS King Henry VIII?
                                           •    Marketing and Finance             •   Banking, finance and
1. It is interesting and topical.          •    Operation and Human                   accounting
                                                Resource management.              •   Business and management
2. Business works with a wide              •    Entrepreneurship, leadership      •   Human resources and
   range of Art and Science                     and strategy                          marketing
   A Level choices.                        •    External influences and global    •   Exciting new business startup!
                                                business issues
3. We aim to make it as practical,
   interesting and interactive as           “One of the most useful, relevant and varied A Level subjects that
   possible.                                you can do.”

4. You will almost certainly use            “Business gives you unique skills that you can use in any job and
   some of the experiences in your          everyday life. It opens many doors and gives you a whole host of
   future careers – whatever they           opportunities”
   might be!                                                                                           Upper VI Students

                                                           9     Exam Board: Edexcel | Head of Department: Mr N Meynell
SIxtH Form BKHS King Henry VIII - Entry 2022 - King Henry VIII School
                                                                           “Every aspect of the world today – even politics
                                                                                   and international relations – is affected
                                                                                                             by chemistry.”
                                                                                                               Linus Pauling

   An interesting and challenging subject that will broaden students’ understanding of everyday materials
   and significantly enhance their problem solving abilities.
   Highly respected A Level by all universities for any numerate course and many others.

   Topics Studied                                                Future Jobs / Careers
   •   Organic Chemistry: Carbonyls, esters,                     •    Medicine, Pharmacy and other medical professions
       alcohols, amines and benzene                              •    Petrochemical industry from oil to cosmetics
   •   Inorganic Chemistry: redox reactions,                     •    Any numerical problem solving profession from law
       variable oxidation state & catalysis                           to accountancy.
   •   Physical Chemistry: Ph, rates of                          •    Analytics and forensics
       reaction, equilibria

                                                                      “You get to do fun and more challenging experiments;
                                                                           you learn the problem solving skills you need for
                                                                          “You learn about the fundamental aspects of what
                                                                                                  materials are made from.”
                                                                                                               Upper VI Student

   Why Choose Chemistry at BKHS King Henry VIII?
   1. All lessons are taught       2. Experienced and                3. Strong track record        4. Support for national
      in excellent lab                knowledgeable staff               of good results               competitions
      facilities allowing an          who have a passion                and progression               including the
      in depth practical              for their subject                 to competitive                Olympiad and
      program which                   and to see students               university courses.           Cambridge Lower
      includes high quality           achieve their                                                   Sixth Chemistry
      guidance on the                 potential.                                                      Challenge.
      required practicals.

Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mr J Miller           10
Classical Civilisation
 “Each man delights in the work that suits
 him best”

 Homer: The Odyssey

The answers to virtually everything come from two small countries that prospered over 2000 years ago.
Studying ‘old stuff’ with a really modern approach.

 Why Choose Classical                        Topics Studied                         Future Jobs / Careers
 Civilisation at BKHS King                   •   Greek and Roman Epic – the         Doctor, lawyer, Prime Minister,
 Henry VIII?                                     Odyssey and the Aeneid (what       anything you want Classical
                                                 all modern literature comes
                                                                                    Civilisation is an academic A
  1. Unlock the wisdom and                       from)
                                             •   Augustus – how he uses             Level that makes your CV stand
     secrets of some of the most
                                                 propaganda to establish his        out and shows employers that
     renowned philosophers that
     ever lived.                                 reign                              you can research, evaluate ideas,
                                             •   Late Republic – politicians with   analyse and make arguments.
                                                 massive egos and a refusal to
  2. Grapple with powerful and
                                                 compromise (sound familiar?)
     exciting texts that have
     shaped culture and ideas for
                                             “The best thing is how even though it’s over 2000 years old, it’s all
     time immemorial.
                                             so relevant to now”
  3. Explore the civilisations
     from which modern Europe                “I love the fact that there’s not loads of us – we can work together
     emerged.                                and it feels like we support each other”
                                                                                                      Upper VI Students

                                                            11          Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mr N Jones
Computer Science
                                                                          Everyone should know how to program a
                                                                          computer, because it teaches you how to
                                                                                                    Steve Jobs, Apple

  Why Choose Computer                          Topics Studied                       Future Jobs / Careers
  Science at BKHS King Henry
                                           •    In-depth understanding of how       •   Mobile App Developer
                                                computer technology works           •   Software or Data Engineer
   1. Last year’s successes saw                 and a look at what goes on          •   Cyber Security Expert
      one student go to Oxford
                                                “behind the scenes”.                •   Computer scientists are
      University and another gain a
      scholarship to study Computer        •    Computational thinking,                 needed in every type of
      Science.                                  analysis and problem-solving            industry
                                                skills through the study of         “It’s the only A Level which
   2. Small class sizes with lots of            computer programming.               relates to real life!
      support.                                                                      It looks great on your CV.”
                                           •    An independent programming
                                                project where you could create
   3. Learn how to problem solve;                                                   “It’s a fun way to challenge
      an essential skill in all areas of        a game, use AI, or create a fully
                                                                                    yourself and solve real
      life.                                     working website… the choice is      world problems in our ever
                                                yours!                              changing modern society.”
   4. Theory mixed with lots of                                                                      Upper VI Student
      practical programming.

  A modern course for a modern world! It’s for those who want to create their
  own software, create the next best selling app, design and implement IT
  systems, and work in a highly paid industry.

Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mrs J Mattu          12
“Design creates culture. Culture shapes
values. Values determine the future.”
                                                    Design and Technology:
Robert L. Peters                                                         Product Design

Why Choose Product Design at BKHS King Henry VIII?
1. We are an energetic                     2. The application of Technology
   department with award                      will only be bigger in the future
   winning staff supporting                   so it’s a vital subject for the
   students who have gone on to               future job market!
   be award winning themselves.

At A Level, students have the opportunity to work               professional designers and engineers work.
for ‘live clients’, encouraging a greater depth and             The opportunities following a Design qualification are
understanding of the important role Design &                    endless. Whether you choose to take an Engineering
Technology plays in every part of our lives. This also          route or follow a more creative path, the background
encourages students to produce commercial quality               understanding of complex design approaches to
projects, engage collaboratively with professionals and         problem solving are entirely transferable to any walk of
work to the tight deadlines that they will experience in        life.
university and employment.
                                                                “The course is really challenging but rewarding. We are
Throughout the course, the students will develop their          encouraged and supported to produce really high quality
analytical skills and they are encouraged to broaden            work; the sense of achievement when you finish a project is
and deepen their understanding through practical and            amazing.”
theoretical study. At KS5, they are encouraged to make
full use of modern materials and technology, including          “I love the challenge of designing for real clients, solving
the use of 3D printing for rapid prototype work. The
                                                                real problems and working on complex solutions; the
design process followed mirrors that which is used in
                                                                possibilities are endless.”            Lower & Upper VI Students
industry to allow the students to understand fully how

                                                           13            Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mr A Rendle
Drama & Theatre Studies
                                                                               “Every person who is really an artist desires
                                                                                to create inside of himself another, deeper,
                                                                                     more interesting life than the one that
                                                                                                    actually surrounds him.”
                                                                                                      Constantin Stanislavski

  Through theatre, we become other people. In doing so, we become a better version of ourselves.
  Drama and Theatre Studies will develop your performance, design skills, academic writing and
  independent thinking.

  Topics Studied                                                                      Future Jobs / Careers

  •   Devising – Creating,                                                            •   Theatre, Film and Television
      scripting and staging an                                                            – Performance, Direction,
      original performance piece                                                          Design, Production.
      (performance/ design).                                                          •   Communications, PR, Media
  •   Text in Performance –                                                               and Marketing.
      Performing/ designing from                                                      •   Government, social welfare,
      scripted text in groups, plus a                                                     dramatherapy.
      monologue/ duologue.                                                            •   Education – community and
  •   Live Theatre – Analysing                                                            adult education, primary,
      and evaluating live theatre,                                                        secondary, college, HE.
      exploring lighting, sound,
      costume, set and props.
  •   Set Texts – Two set texts
      explored practically and
      theoretically from the
      perspective of performers,
      designers and directors.
                                                           “A Level Theatre Studies has helped with my confidence in my
                                                              writing ability, and my confidence in public speaking. It has
                                                          developed me as a person. There is never a dull lesson. Theatre
                                                               Studies is well worth taking at A Level, a brilliant two-year
                                                                                       experience that I will never regret.”
                                                                                                           Upper VI Student

  Why Choose Drama & Theatre Studies at BKHS King Henry VIII?
   1. Intensive, one-to-           2. Regular opportunities        3. The best subject choice   4. An exciting, creative
      one development of              to attend world-                for actively developing      and dynamic syllabus,
      acting and/or design            class live theatre              confidence, leading to       with texts tailored
      skills, with a range            productions.                    improved presentation        to suit the individual
      of pathways: acting,                                            skills, interview            students that sign up
      set design, lighting                                            technique and public         for the course.
      design, sound design,                                           speaking ability.
      costume design or a
      combination route.

Exam Board: Edexcel | Head of Department: Miss G Spring       14

                   “The master-economist must possess a rare combination of gifts... He must be mathematician,
                     historian, statesman, philosopher — in some degree. He must understand symbols and speak
                    in words. He must contemplate the particular, in terms of the general, and touch abstract and
                                                                         concrete in the same flight of thought.”

                                                                                                      John Maynard Keynes

    Why Choose Economics at BKHS King Henry VIII?
    1. It is interesting and      2. Economics works             3. It will develop             4. Top Economists are in
       topical.                      with a wide range of           your analytical and            shortage and sought
                                     Arts and Sciences A            evaluative skills.             after, and when that
                                     Levels.                                                       happens, wages will…

    Topics Studied                      Future Jobs / Careers                  “The skills you acquire through Economics
•    Supply and demand, the             •   Banking and finance                A-Level will be relevant to your whole life,
     market system and market                                                  whether you choose to study it beyond A
                                        •   Accounting
                                                                               Level or not.”
                                        •   Business and management
•    The UK economy.
                                        •   Rockstars and top Premiership      “Economics requires you to think in a
•    Labour markets, poverty and                                               different way to any other subject at A
     inequality.                                                               Level”
•    Behavioural economic theory
                                                                                                   Lower & Upper VI Students
     and global economic issues.

                                                            15          Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mr N Meynell
“Language is a means to an end of
         English Language                                                            understanding who you are and what
                                                                                     society is like.”
                                                                                     David Crystal, author of over 100 books on the English

  Why Choose English                              Written and spoken communication is at the heart of this course
  Language at BKHS King                           — studying how we use and shape language for a particular
  Henry VIII?                                     audience and purpose is very rewarding!

   1. You will be well supported                                                                      Future Jobs / Careers
                                                  Topics Studied
      and encouraged by highly
      knowledgeable subject                       •      How meanings and                             •    English as a global language.
      specialists.                                       representations are conveyed.                •    Journalism
                                                  •      How gender influences                        •    Education
   2. We have engaging debates                           language use.                                •    Law
      about our subject!                          •      Child language acquisition.                  •    Human Resources

   3. We achieve strong results.

    “Studying A Level English Language has been really                “I am really enjoying the subject; I am particularly fascinated
    interesting; it has made me think more deeply about the           by the subtle meanings and representations that words have.”
    type of words I use in certain situations.”
                                                                                                              Upper VI Students

Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mrs L Collett                  16
“Writing is perhaps the greatest of human

                                                                 English Literature
  inventions, binding together people who
 never knew each other, citizens of distant
epochs. Books break the shackles of time.
  A book is proof that humans are capable
               of working magic.” Carl Sagan

 Who doesn’t love to read and discuss how a text has been constructed?! Are you fascinated by the
 influences upon an author and how the content of the text is shaped and presented?

 Why Choose English Literature                 Topics Studied                           Future Jobs / Careers
 at BKHS King Henry VIII?                      •    Shakespeare and one other           •   Journalism

   1. You will take part in lively                  drama.                              •   Marketing
      discussions with passionate subject      •    Comparative and contextual          •   Media
      specialists!                                  study of two novels.
                                                                                        •   Publishing
                                               •    Post 2000 and pre-1900

   2. We have dedicated teaching                    poetry

      rooms filled with a variety of           •    Comparative coursework on

      wider reading to supplement your              two texts.

                                                   “There is so much to love about studying English Literature:
   3. We achieve strong results.                   analysing the novels, the poetry, researching the context…
                                                   Most of all, I really enjoy our discussions about the texts and
   4. We offer an exciting variety of
      texts to study.                              sharing ideas.”                                       Upper VI Student

                                                          17         Exam Board: Edexcel | Head of Department: Mrs L Collett
French                                                                 “Parle-moi dans la
                                                                                                langue de Molière!

   Learning a foreign language correlates with higher IQ, multi-tasking capability, improved memory, better
   perception, and decision making, as well as delayed onset of mental deterioration.

   French is the world’s third most important business language (after Mandarin and English) and is one of
   the highest traits sought by employers.

   Why Choose French at                     Topics Studied                                 Future Jobs / Careers
   BKHS King Henry VIII?                    •   Lower VI – Aspects of French-
                                                                                            •   Banking and finance
    1. Studying French at A Level               speaking society – the changing
                                                                                            •   Transnational sales and
       enhances communication skills,           nature of the family; the digital world;
       and increases your employability                                                         marketing
                                                the place of voluntary work. Artistic
       in the job market.                       culture – the cultural diversity of         •   Speech therapist
                                                France and its heritage; contemporary       •   United Nations (and
    2. You will learn more about French         francophone music; cinema.                      many more careers!)
       culture, music and politics and      •   Film analysis – students study one
       have a greater understanding of          film from a prescribed list.               “Communication is so
       what it is to be a French citizen.   •   Upper VI – Aspects of French-              important nowadays, and
                                                speaking society – positive features       French is an important
    3. You enjoy communicating with             of a diverse society; life for the
                                                                                           language for me”.
       people in their own language.            marginalised; how criminals are
                                                treated. Political life – teenagers and
    4. Fewer and fewer British students         the right to vote; demonstrations and      “French has provided
       are learning a foreign language          strikes; politics and immigration.         me with an alternative,
       at A Level. You are thus a rarer     •   Literary text – students study a text
                                                                                           desirable skill”
       commodity!                               from a prescribed list.                                 Upper VI Students

Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mrs E Bains            18
 “Geography explains the past, illuminates the
 present and prepares us for the future. What
 could be more important than that?”
 Michael Palin, former President of the
 Royal Geographical Society
                                                 Topics Studied                        Future Jobs / Careers
                                                  Core Physical Geography:             Our aim in the department is to
                                                  •   Hydrology and fluvial            help students acquire the skills that
 Why Choose Geography
                                                      geomorphology                    will help them to understand the
 at BKHS King Henry VIII?                                                              processes through which places at
                                                  •   Atmosphere and weather
                                                                                       different scales have evolved in both
  1. Linear examinations for the                  •   Rocks and weathering
                                                                                       physical and human terms. Instilling
     CIE modules, which gives                     Core Human Geography:
                                                                                       a spirit of enquiry is important for
     significantly more teaching,                 •   Population                       our students to develop the highly
                                                  •   Migration                        transferable skills of research,
     time when compared to the
                                                  •   Settlement dynamics              data collection and presentation,
     modular approach.
                                                  Advanced Physical Geography:         analysis        and       evaluation.
                                                  •   Coastal environments
  2. Azores field trip that                                                            By their very nature these
                                                  •   Hazardous environments
     directly supports your                                                            transferable skills can help students
                                                  Advanced Human Geography:
     syllabus.                                                                         access specifically geographical jobs
                                                  •   Environmental management
                                                                                       such as cartography or geology, but
                                                  •   Global interdependence           are just as useful in careers such as
  3. Devon field trip.
                                                                                       journalism or finance.

Whoever we are, and wherever we live, we all inhabit Planet Earth. Through the study of the processes that affect
both our human and physical environments, Geography helps us to understand where we live at a range of scales. In
these unprecedented times of climatic and political change, it has never been more relevant!

    “The Azores trip was amazing and has really opened my eyes
    to the wider world.”
     “The skills I learnt in my Geography A Level have helped me so
    much on my University course.”
    “I didn’t realise just how interesting and thought provoking
    Geography at A Level would be!”
                                                        Upper VI Students

                                          Exam Board: Cambridge International Examinations | Head of Department: Miss M Griffiths
                                                                     “If I’m selling to you, I speak your language.
                                                                     If I’m buying, dann müssen Sie Deutsch
                                                                     Willy Brandt, former German Chancellor

   Why Choose German at               Thinking of a career in business, economics or journalism?
   BKHS King Henry VIII?              Speaking German can bring you mega-bucks!

                                       Topics Studied                               Future Jobs / Careers
   1. The opportunity to              • Aspects of German-speaking society,          • Journalism and broadcasting
      explore Germany                   the changing nature of the family,           • Business, Accountancy and
                                        the digital world and youth culture            Finance
      through its culture,
                                        including fashion, television, the           • Government and diplomatic
      media, history and                                                               service
                                        media and the internet.
      literature.                     • Multiculturalism; racism, integration        • Tourism, Marketing and Media
                                        and immigration.                             • Interpreting or Translation
   2. Enthusiastic and                • Artistic culture and political life of       • Scientific and Medical
                                        Germany. Art, Architecture, Festivals,         Research, companies such as
      committed teachers,
                                        Theatre and Berlin.                            Siemens, Bosch or Bayer
      who achieve excellent
                                      • Literary text – der Besuch der alten         • Engineering, especially in
      exam results.                     Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt.                  the automobile industry with
                                      • Film analysis – das Leben der                  firms such as BMW, Audi, VW
   3. 1-1 support and help              Anderen directed by Florian Henckel            or Mercedes
      from our dedicated                von Donnersmarck (2006).

      German Language                 “People often underestimate the power of a foreign language. It enables us to
      Assistants.                     integrate more and meet new people more easily.”
                                      “Learning German has allowed me to hone my communication skills and deepen
                                      my understanding of the country through History, Media, Literature and Film.”
                                                                                                          Upper VI Students

Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mrs A Clegg        20
       “The most effective way to destroy
 people is to deny and obliterate their own
            understanding of their history.”
                                       George Orwell

                                                           “The wide ranging resources provided by the staff
                                                           help to further our understanding of the topics.”
                                                           “The lessons are intriguing and entertaining.”
                                                                                                           Upper VI Students

Historians are the custodians of the human experience: a thin line between
politicians, journalists, and their abuse of the past.
Imagine the chaos if we weren’t there. Unthinkable!

Why Choose History                              Topics Studied                        Future Jobs / Careers
at BKHS King Henry VIII?
                                                                                        • There are varied options open to
                                                 • Churchill 1929-51 and                  A Level Historians as it’s seen as
 1. History is studied in a variety of
                                                       British Politics 1951-97           a facilitating subject by Russell
    different ways; your lessons will be
                                                       (British Depth Study)              Group Universities, a subject
    varied and engaging, not endless
                                                                                          that offers a wide variety of
    note making!
                                                 • The American Revolution                skills suitable to future study
 2. You will learn crucial skills of                                                      and future careers.
                                                       1740-96 (Wider World
    analysis, evaluation and debating.                                                  • Past students have taken a
 3. The topic based essays offer a real                                                   range of courses varying from
    opportunity to study the History                                                      medicine through to law.
                                                 • Russia and its Rulers 1855-          • Future careers are varied,
    that you love: you chose the
                                                       1964 (Thematic Study)              ranging from the obvious,
    subject and we guide you through
                                                                                          teaching and the heritage
    the process.
                                                 • Essay based on a topic of              industry, to the more exotic,
 4. We believe in creating students
                                                       your choice                        campaign management,
    who are historians, who possess                                                       marketing, journalism, law.
    the skills needed to navigate the                                                   • History is a subject that keeps
    ever changing world around us.                                                        opportunities open.

                                                                 21          Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mrs M Gould
                                                                    “The reason we should study Latin and Greek is that
                                                                    they are the key to a phenomenal and unsurpassed
                                                                    treasury of literature and history and philosophy,
                                                                    and we cannot possibly understand our modern
                                                                    world unless we understand the ancient world that
  Why Choose Latin at BKHS King                                     made us all”
                                                                                                          Boris Johnson
  Henry VIII?

   1. Studying Latin improves your            Latin – it’s not just for tattoos. Choose something that
      ability to learn, helping to           challenges you and makes you stand out from the crowd.
      focus and recall information.
                                             Latin is the language of law, government, logic, theology and
   2. You’ll improve your                    medicine
      English through deepened
      understanding of language
      structure.                             Topics Studied                       Future Jobs / Careers
                                              • Language like at GCSE but          • Medicine and the Sciences
   3. Immersion into dedicated                  closer to authentic Latin
      teaching and a wealth of                                                     • Law and Political Science
      subject knowledge.                      • Virgil, Ovid, Catullus – the
                                                greatest poetry ever written       • Vet, Journalist, Physicist,
   4. It gives variety and broadens                                                  Accountant, anything you
      your appeal.                            • Tacitus, Suetonius – history         want Latin is a subject which
                                                about some really unpleasant         makes your CV stand out

                                          ‘I love the fact that we can spend all lesson talking about two lines
                                          of poetry – it’s so different from every other subject’

                                           ‘It’s great knowing we learnt the grammar at GCSE so I can now
                                          practise using my knowledge’                        Lower & Upper VI Students

Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mr N Jones        22
 No man is above the law, and no
                man is below it”
                 Theodore Roosevelt

Law is the overarching framework that supports our society and protects our liberty and freedoms.

The study of law develops skills in reasoning, precision, logical analysis and critical awareness.

Why Choose Law at BKHS                   Topics Studied                      Future Jobs / Careers
King Henry VIII?                          • Legal system and law making       • Barrister
                                          • Criminal law                      • Solicitor
1. It’s relevant, challenging and
                                          • Tort law                          • Politics
                                          • Contract law                      • Criminology/forensics

2. No ‘split teaching’ – one
                                         “I loved taking the role of a barrister in the mock trial competition
   dedicated specialist for all
   sessions.                             at Birmingham Crown Court. It brought my study of the criminal
                                         justice system to life and allowed me to put some of the criminal
3. A great programme of trips,           law theory we had studied into practice.”
   activities and guest speakers
   to bring the subject to life.
                                         “I enjoy the challenge of solving problem questions using
                                         legal authority from real cases. There’s always a good mixture
4. An excellent foundation for
   a Law degree or to support            of activities in the lessons too; we have lots of opportunities
   higher level studies in other         to review key content in interesting ways through games and
   subjects.                             quizzes.”
                                                                                                Upper VI Students

                                                       23         Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mr D Lovell
                                                                      “If people do not believe that mathematics
                                                                           is simple, it is only because they do not
                                                                                   realize how complicated life is.”
                                                                                                   John Von Neumann

   The language that reveals the secrets of the universe.
   Essential skills to improve your future.

   Why Choose Mathematics                 Topics Studied                            Future Jobs / Careers
   at BKHS King Henry VIII?               • Pure Mathematics, the                    • Scientist
                                            secrets of algebra, calculus,            • Engineering
   1. Taught by subject specialists         trigonometry and how to apply            • Economist
      with years of expertise and           them
                                                                                     • Accountant
                                                                                     • Practically anything!
                                          • Mechanics – modelling the
   2. It opens the door to so many          Newtonian world through
                                            kinetics, projectiles and forces
      future possibilities.

                                          • Statistics – understanding the
   3. It is a requirement for many          chaos of the modern world via
      university courses.                   probability distribution and
                                            hypothesis testing
                                                                                     “It really gets you thinking!”
                                                                               “10/10. Would highly recommend!”
                                                                                                   Upper VI students

Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Dr S Barge         24
Further Mathematics
“True pleasure lies not in the discovery of
truth, but in the search for it.”

Why Choose Further Mathematics          Expand your knowledge of the universe still further…
at BKHS King Henry VIII?                Learn the most important result in history: e^iπ+1=0.

1. An essential requirement             Topics Studied                          Future Jobs / Careers
   for many courses at the top                                                   • Mathematician
                                         • Further Pure Mathematics –
   universities.                                                                 • Research Scientist
                                           complex numbers, differential
                                           equations and hyperbolic              • Economist
2. Students can choose their               functions.
   Applied Maths options.
                                         • Further Mechanics – circular        “Supports my science
3. People will think that you              motion and centres of mass.         subjects, especially Physics.”
   are the smartest person in
                                         • Further Statistics – chi-squared
   the room – and you probably                                                 “More fun than just doing
                                           tests and expectation algebra.
   will be!
                                                                               Maths – it provides a
                                         • Discrete Mathematics –              complete picture rather than
                                           algorithms, graph theory and
                                                                               just part of it.”
                                           game theory.
                                                                                                   Upper VI students

                                                      25           Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Dr S Barge
                                                                                  “If I were not a physicist, I would be
                                                                                                           a musician.”

  Be part of a wonderfully dynamic and exciting department, developing skills across a huge variety
  of areas in a creative, stimulating subject.

  Topics Studied                       Future Jobs / Careers                             “Tough but rewarding’”

   • Composition comprises             • Performance, arts administration,               “Every music lesson is an
     writing two pieces - one             broadcasting, teaching
                                                                                         adventure!”       Upper VI Student
     free and one to a brief.          • Law, medicine, politics, Civil Service
     The briefs are connected          • Develops skills in many areas –
     to the different areas of
                                          teamwork, self-management,
     study represented in the
                                          creativity, analysis, problem-solving
     listening paper.
                                          so highly valued by employers
   • Performance is a crucial
     part of A Level music.
     Students have to perform
     a 10 minute recital of
     Grade 7 and 8 repertoire
     which will be recorded in
     April of Upper VI.

   • Composers including
     Mozart, Shostakovich,
     Sondheim, Bach, Beyonce,
     and many more...

  Why Choose Music at BKHS King Henry VIII?
   1. Mix of practical and       2. Wide range of                3. Incredible support        4. Develop language and
      cognitive skills in           university and career           from a team with             reasoning: musicians
      a deeply engaging             choices.                        huge experience              perform better across
      subject that embraces                                         in education and             all subjects than their
      diverse topics.                                               professional music           peers.

Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mr R Newton           26
“You never step in the same river twice”        Philosophy, Religion &

How do you know what is right or wrong, good or evil?                       Future Jobs / Careers
                                                                            Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
How can we best understand reality around us?
                                                                            is a highly regarded subject, and
                                                                            we have had students pursue a

Why Choose PRE at BKHS
                                    Topics Studied                          huge range of subjects at Russell
                                                                            Group and Oxbridge universities.
King Henry’s?                       • Philosophy, which includes areas
                                      such as Greek philosophical
                                      influence, arguments for and          Common pathways include:
1. A small, specially catered
                                      against the existence of God           • Law
  seminar room, ideal for our         and the issues of experience and       • Medicine
  in-depth discussions.               language.                              • Politics
                                    • Ethics, which includes ethical         • Business
                                      theories both religious and non-       • Creative Arts
2. Excellent resources and            religious, their application to
                                      euthanasia, business and sexuality,
  support from a highly
                                      as well as the validity of ethical
  experienced team.                                                         “Philosophy, Religion and
                                      discourse itself.
                                    • Developments in Christian             Ethics at its core helps you to
                                      Thought, which is a Theology unit     engage with why humanity
3. Department ICT facilities.         including topics such as human
                                      nature, moral principles and
                                                                            and society are as they are,
                                      actions, as well as the modern        and how they should be”
                                      world, incorporating ideas such as
                                      feminism and secularisation.                             Upper VI Student

                                                   27           Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mr P Bond
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most
       Physical Education                                                important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis
                                                                           of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”
                                                                                                          John F Kennedy

  The scientific study of exercise, health and sport is big business, from the riches of
  professional sport to the equally important personal fitness sector. The impact of sport on
  both our individual lives and the global economy cannot be overstated.

   Why Choose Physical Education
   at BKHS King Henry VIII?
    1. Excellent sports facilities that
       enables teaching outside of the

    2. Thought provoking lessons that are
       linked to practical examples.

    3. Student centred learning

    4. Physical Education enables you to
       analyse the sports you love in great
       detail and thereby improve your
       own performance.

    5. The wide range of theory will be
       applied to practical performance
       throughout the course making it
       specific for your learning.

  Topics Studied                          Future Jobs / Careers                “A Level PE lessons are my favourite
  • Sports Performance,                   • Physiotherapist                    of the week. I enjoy how passionate
     Evaluation and Analysis              • Sports Therapist                   the teachers are for the subject and
  • Contemporary Issues in                • Sports Psychologist                really go the extra mile to support me
     Physical Activity and Sport          • PE Teacher                         through the more difficult topics”

  • Sport in Society                      • Exercise Physiologist
                                                                               “A Level PE is a subject that always
  • Biomechanics                          • Sports Technology Developer
                                                                               has a practical application. I find that
  • Sport Psychology                      • Sports Analyst
                                                                               whatever I have learnt in the lesson,
  • Skill Acquisition                     • Sports Development Officer         I can use to improve my own sports
  • Exercise Physiology                   • Professional Performer             performance. This helps me understand
  • Anatomy and Physiology                • Sports Coach                       each topic in more depth”
                                          • Fitness Industry
                                                                                                         Upper VI Students

Exam Board: OCR | Head of Department: Mr C McKee               28
“Somewhere, something incredible is
waiting to be known.”
Carl Sagan

Physics lets us stare deep into the universe and see its internal workings. The skills
you develop within Physics A Level are extremely highly regarded by universities and
employers alike.

Why Choose Physics                    Topics Studied                      Future Jobs / Careers
at BKHS King Henry VIII?
                                      • Particle Physics and Quantum       • Physics, Astrophysics,
1. Brilliant expert teaching.            Phenomena                             Geophysics
                                      • Mechanics                          • Engineering
2. Plenty of practical work.
                                      • Electricity                        • Medicine
3. Trip to CERN in Summer of Y12.     • Waves                              • Finance

4. Engineering Education Scheme.

                                       “The Sixth Form trip to CERN is an amazing experience to see
                                       Physics applied into the real world.”

                                       “You get to go to Switzerland and have the best time!”

                                                                                                Upper VI Students

                                                      29     Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Dr H Buttrick
“The more you know yourself, the more
                 Psychology                                                  patience you have for what you see in
                                                                                     others.” Erik Erikson (1902-1994)

  Why are you the person you are? Why do those around you do what they do? Psychology is the study of
  how we perceive, experience and react to the world around us through the brain and mind.

  Why Choose Psychology                   Topics Studied                        Future Jobs / Careers
  at BKHS King Henry VIII?                • Theoretical Perspectives:           The applications of Psychology to
                                            biological, psychodynamic,          future careers are many and varied
   1. The course offered trains you to
                                            behaviourist, cognitive, and        and range across: marketing and
      think like a Psychologist through
                                                                                human resources and personnel in
      its focus on five different           positive
                                                                                the business world.
      theoretical approaches.
                                          • Explaining relationships and        It is also a valued asset for medicine
   2. The content has personal              other human behaviours              and health care career pathways.
      relevance and opens up
      academic questions about the        • Scientific research methods         There are also many specialist careers
      nature of being human.                in Psychology                       it can lead to: criminal psychologist,
                                                                                clinical psychologist, counselling,
   3. It is applicable to almost any                                            academic research, teaching to name
                                          • Applying Psychology
      area of life and its problems and                                         just a few.
                                            to an understanding of
                                            Schizophrenia, Stress,              Within the UK Psychology is the
                                            Bullying and Criminal               fourth most popular degree subject
   4. Studying psychology will
                                            Behaviours                          and highly regarded by many
      develop research skills as you
      carry out experiments. You
      will learn to make informed
      judgements on complex issues
                                                                              “Psychology is life. It is something
      and write with clarity and
      sophistication.                                                         to be passionate about as it
                                                                              transforms your outlook on to the

                                                                              “Psychology is so varied in the
                                                                              academic questions it tackles
                                                                              makes the subject engaging,
                                                                              exciting and often surprising.”
                                                                                                     Upper VI Students

Exam Board: EDUQAS (WJEC) | Head of Department: Mr P Manning
“A different language is a
different vision of life.”
Federico Felini

If you love travel, Spanish is great. It is spoken in 20 countries and by 450 million people- a whole new
world to explore!
Whether you wish to study the language and its heritage or study languages as a complimentary
component as part of your degree course, it makes for an exciting and impressive qualification that makes
you stand out from the crowd.

                                    Topics Studied                          Future Jobs / Careers
Why Choose Spanish
at BKHS King Henry VIII?            • Aspects of Hispanic society –         • Languages don’t just lead
                                      Modern and traditional values;          to a career but make a
                                      cyberspace; equal rights.               great addition to any future
 1. You will be taught be fun,
                                    • Artistic culture – modern day           profession
    vibrant and well experienced                                            • Translating/interpreting
                                      idols; Spanish regional identity;
    skilled professionals.                                                  • Foreign language intelligence
                                      cultural heritage or cultural
                                                                            • Global social media
 2. Talking in Spanish will be                                                coordinator!
                                    • Literary text – La Casa de
    exercise for your brain!          Bernarda Alba.                       “Spain and the Spanish speaking
    Learning a language keeps       • Aspects of Hispanic society         world has such great diversity in its
    your brain healthy- this is a     –immigration; integration;          culture and history…not knowing
                                      racism.                             about it is inconceivable!”
                                    • Political life – today’s
                                                                           “ Spanish lessons bring the
                                      youth, tomorrow’s citizens;
 3. Your knowledge of                                                     language to life, it’s always a bit
                                      monarchies, republics and
    English will widen and                                                strange at the end of a lesson when
                                      dictatorships; popular              you realise you’ve only been sat in
    develop as you get to             movements.                          a classroom as you feel as though
    grips with the workings of      • Film analysis – El Laberinto del    you’ve been transported to the
    language, expressions and         Fauno.                              Spanish speaking world!”
    idiosyncrasies too!                                                                        Upper VI Students

                                                    31       Exam Board: AQA | Head of Department: Mrs M Hussein
Extended Project Qualification
                                                                 Abstract:- How does the
                                                                 wing design affect the
                                                                 flight of a foam plane?

                                                                 The aim of my EPQ
                                                                 was to investigate how
                                                                 wing design effects the
                                                                 flight of a foam plane.
                                                                 I designed and built
The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a                    a model plane out of
tremendously enriching and engaging nationally                   hobby foam board with three separate wing designs
recognised qualification in which students chose a topic         which I compared to find the most efficient wing.
of their own desire and then write an extended essay             The research portion of my project outlines the basic
or create an artefact based upon their topic. Previous           concepts of flight as well as explaining how a wing
essays have focussed upon dental phobias, equality in            works. I really enjoyed my whole project as I learned so
sport, what makes serial killers. Recent artefacts have          many new things from both my research and the actual
included a: terrianum; crossbow; working computer;               build process.
guitar and a bench made from upcycled snowboards.
                                                                 Abstract: To what extent is Islam responsible for conflict
The EPQ is highly regarded by employers and                      in the world?
Universities due to the high level of independent
learning and original thinking that students have to go          Terrorism has become increasingly prevalent within
through to achieve the award. The culmination of the             society, with horrific attacks such as 911 and the
project is a presentation evening which is always well           Manchester Arena bombing. In my essay I investigate the
received both in the Hall and on social media.                   Qur’an’s teachings on when conflict is acceptable and
                                                                 whether it promotes the act of terrorism. Furthermore,
     “Entering a room of 60 students all bursting with           I look at the controversial “Sword Verses” within the
enthusiasm to share their research project with guests           Qur’an. Oppositely, I talk about the hate crimes and
                   is quite a unique educational event.          islamophobic attitudes that the Muslim community
                                                                 are having to face on a daily basis as a consequence of
                                        School Governor
                                                                 terrorism from their extremist counterparts.

Supervised Study Support                                         The step up from GCSE to Sixth Form work is significant
                                                                 and can be daunting. Independent study is an
                                                                 essential skill that students have to master in order to
                                                                 be completely successful; it is the difference between
                                                                 study at GCSE and A Level. It is important students
                                                                 start working at the required level early in Lower VI and
                                                                 we aim for 20 hours of independent work each week,
                                                                 this includes homework.

                                                                 Our student manager will work closely with you to
                                                                 help develop the disciplines and skills required and
                                                                 will design a study plan, which incorporates both the
As you enter the Sixth Form, it will be the first time in
                                                                 required number of hours of study and commitments/
your school career that you will not have timetabled
                                                                 co-curricular activities a student may have. Ongoing
lessons for the whole of your school day. Private
                                                                 support and mentoring is always available to help
study is an essential part of the Sixth Form provision,
                                                                 overcome barriers or issues and students have access
therefore in order to encourage positive study habits,
                                                                 to numerous tools and strategies to help them study
students will complete some time in supervised study
sessions with our dedicated student manager.
Co-Curricular at BKHS King Henry VIII                               Leadership Opportunities
                                                                    There is tremendous scope for leadership
Our co-curriculum is exceptional: you can develop new               within the school community and BKHS King
interests, deepen your subject knowledge, let off steam, take       Henry VIII Sixth Form students are encouraged
responsibility, show initiative and take the lead. We want our      to apply for the most prestigious roles of
students to become resilient, confident, charming adults and
                                                                    their school career. During this time students
citizens, and we know that it takes more than an exclusively
                                                                    develop most importantly their collaborative
academic curriculum to achieve that. We offer an extremely
diverse range of co-curricular activities in which every student    skills; managing, directing and inspiring a team
plays a part.                                                       to accomplish positive results. Elections take
                                                                    place during the Lower Sixth for Head Boy,
                                Sport                               Head Girl and their Deputies.
                                Our sports provision is
                                extensive and caters for            Also, there is the opportunity to hold prominent
                                sportsmen and women at all          posts such as Senior Prefect, House Captain,
                                levels. We have a large number      Senior Librarian or member of the Core Council,
                                of elite participants who           Peer Support or Social Committee. These
                                represent their county, region      positions of responsibilities are the highest
                                and even country and also           ambassadorial roles for our Sixth Formers and
                                run clubs and competitions
                                                                    each student thrives and develops personal
                                for those playing socially and
                                                                    attributes beyond their expectation.
                                maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Outdoor Education                                                   Personal, Social and Health Education
We are very proud of our Outdoor Education program at BKHS
                                                                    PSHE is an important and integral part of
King Henry VIII, which includes the opportunity for students
                                                                    the Sixth Form curriculum and we have a
to pursue their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, either as a
continuation to their Bronze or Silver, or as a direct gold entry   comprehensive two year programme. Themes
participant.                                                        are covered during an extended form period
                                                                    encompassing aspects of personal, social and
                                 Music and Performing Arts          health education.
                                 From the latest epic senior
                                 production of Les Miserables       The weekly sessions are delivered through
                                 to our bi-annual concert at        tutors or visiting speakers and students are
                                 the Warwick Arts Centre,           expected to participate in group activities
                                 and our international tours        or undertake independent learning. We aim
                                 (most recently to Prague),         for the topics to complement the soft skills
                                 there are myriad musical and       students acquire from the school’s Intellectual
                                 dramatic opportunities, for all
                                                                    Characteristics ethos such as humility, self
                                 abilities and interests, from
                                                                    assurance, good judgement and collaboration.
                                 social to elite performer.
                                                                    Our PSHE Programme includes;
Trips and Residentials
There are multiple trips for our students to take part in,          • CV Writing            • Introduction to
whether it is the Senior Sports Tour to South Africa, the           • Personality             UCAS and SACU
recent Music Trip to Prague or Economics Trip to Munich. Most         Profiling             • Student Finance
departments also offer a trip for students, which is curriculum
focused.                                                            • Time Management       • Apprenticeships
                                                                    • Safe Driving          • Gap Year
Clubs and Societies                                                 • Stem Cell             • Mock Interview
There is a wide range of clubs and societies for our senior           Awareness               Preparation
students, such as Law Society, Amnesty International and
                                                                    • Blood Donation        • Charity – Coventry
                                                                    • Health Issues           Cyrenians
Our House System                                                    • Relationships,        • Mindfulness
Our house system is at the heart of BKHS King Henry VIII and          Consent and STIs        Workshops
students feel a strong allegiance to their house, representing
                                                                    • Higher Education
them and competing for them in various events and
competitions throughout the year.                                     – Why go to

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