Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

Page created by Joanne Gross
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

Course Guide
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

                       WITH IMPACT
                                          WESTERN SYDNEY
                                          ADVANTAGE ENTRY PROGRAMS
                                                                       FREQUENTLY ASKED

                                          ALTERNATIVE ENTRY PATHWAYS
                                                                       UNLIMITED DEGREES

                       YOUR WAY
                                          HOW TO APPLY
                                                                       THE COLLEGE

                       LIFE ON CAMPUS
                                          SERVICES AND SUPPORT FOR

                       TRAVEL AND STUDY
                                          THE FACTS ON FEES
                                                                       CONTACTS AND
                                                                       IMPORTANT DATES

Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University
Located in the heart of one of Australia’s fastest growing economic
regions, Western Sydney University offers unlimited potential to
students with the talent, drive and ambition to succeed.
Western Sydney is an exciting place to be. As the nation’s third
largest economy, and one of the fastest growing population and
employment centres, it is an increasingly important, dynamic and
culturally diverse hub of business, industry and innovation.
With a large multicultural population of more than two million
people from 170 nations, Western Sydney’s global links are
creating unlimited opportunities for international business,
investment, education and cultural exchange.
Ranked amongst the top two per cent of universities in the
world, Western Sydney University values academic excellence,
integrity and the pursuit of knowledge. We are globally focused,
research led and committed to making a positive impact on the
communities we engage with.
Your success starts here.
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

6                 Western Sydney University
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University
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Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

8                 Western Sydney University
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

                       ≥	LEADERSHIP IN ONE OF                         ≥	OUR STUDENTS SIT
                         AUSTRALIA’S FASTEST                             AT THE HEART OF
                         GROWING REGIONS                                 EVERYTHING WE DO
                           estern Sydney is Australia’s third largest
                                                                          Our student-centred approach offers
                          and fastest growing economy. With a vast        you the choice of on-campus, online and
                          multicultural population and expanding          flexible study options combined with work-
                          international reach, Western Sydney University  integrated learning. Through work experience
                          is uniquely placed to help students tap into a  placements, internships and volunteering
                          global mindset.                                 opportunities, you’ll get the real-life
                                                                          experience, practical skills and knowledge
                                                                          that you need for your future career.
                       ≥	REPUTATION FOR
                                                                       ≥	OUR CURRICULUM PREPARES
                        We’re ranked among the top two per cent
                        of universities in the world, with a growing
                                                                         YOU FOR TODAY’S WORLD
                        international reputation for research-led,     	
                                                                        We work with our community, business
                        student-centred learning.                       partners and industry leaders to develop
                                                                        course content that meets the needs of
                                                                        employers and the jobs of the future, and
                                                                        which responds to the challenges of a global

                                                                       ≥	WE EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY-
                                                                         ENRICHED LEARNING
                                                                           rom our innovative social learning spaces,
                                                                          online learning environments and use of digital
                                                                          technologies to enhance the study experience,

                                                                          to our on-campus computer laboratories
                                                                          and state-of-the-art library, research and
                                                                          clinical facilities, we adopt new and emerging
                                                                          technologies to provide a richer educational

                                                                       ≥	OUR RESEARCH HAS
                                                                         GLOBAL IMPACT
                                                                        We see learning and research as connected
                                                                        aspects of the student experience, putting

                                                                        you close to world-leading research that is
                                                                        changing lives in the communities we serve.

                                                                       ≥	WE ARE GLOBALLY FOCUSED
                                                                         AND CONNECTED

                                                                        With our growing international reach and
                                                                        reputation, we offer the opportunity to travel,
                                                                        learn and work in more than 300 destinations
                                                                        around the world through our overseas study,
                                                                        internship and work placement programs.

                                                                       ≥	ADVANCED OPPORTUNITY.
                                                                         UNLIMITED SUCCESS
                                                                        From advanced degrees and The Academy, to
                                                                        The College and alternative entry programs,
                                                                        scholarships, internships and student
                                                                        exchange opportunities, we provide multiple
                                                                        pathways for entry and academic success.                                                                                                    9
Course Guide 2019 - UNLIMITED - Western Sydney University

10                Western Sydney University

                           Western Sydney
                         University at a Glance

                                                      #1 UNI
                                                 IN SYDNEY FOR EMPLOYER

                                                     IN UNDERGRADUATE

                        CLUBS & SOCIETIES
                                                INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE

                        FACEBOOK LIKES
                                                   TOP 2%
                                             OF UNIVERSITIES WORLDWIDE**

                                                            *Employer Satisfaction Survey 2018 (85.6% satisfaction rating)
                                            **Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings, 2017; Webometrics                                                                                                    11

                  TRAVEL OPTIONS
                  ≥ Public transport – visit
                       for up-to-date travel information.
                  ≥ Shuttle buses run regularly between train
                       stations and campuses and the next arrival
                       can be easily tracked on the Western
                       Sydney App, or the Shuttle Tracker page.
              - search for Shuttle
                  ≥ Bike – on-campus bike parking is available.
                       Check the Cycling at Western Sydney
                       University web page for locations.
              - search for bike
                  ≥ Drive or car pool – for parking permit fees
                       see the Parking web page.
              - search for parking

12                                        Western Sydney University


    Wollemi                          w                                Windsor
    National                      Ha
                                                                                                                                                                         National Park

                                                    HAWKESBURY                           NIRIMBA
                                                    CAMPUS                               CAMPUS
                            International Regatta
                            Centre Penrith
                            Whitewater Stadium

                                                                      Quakers Hill                               PARRAMATTA
                                                                                                                 CAMPUS           *
                                                       THE COLLEGE
                                                                                                 PARRAMATTA CITY                      Pennant Hills

Mountains                                                                                                                             THE COLLEGE
 National                                                                                                                                                                                                    Manly Beach
                                 PENRITH                                                                                              SYDNEY                               Chatswood
                                 CAMPUS                                       Eastern                                                 OLYMPIC PARK                                                       Manly
                                                                              Creek                                       Rydalmere             Ryde                       SYDNEY CITY
                                 50 KM

                                                                           30 KM

                                                                                                                 20 KM


                                                                                                                                                     Rive r
                                                                                                                                                                                  CITY CENTRE

                                                                                                                                                                                 Central     Bondi
                                                                                                                                           Ashfield                                          Junction
                                                         LIVERPOOL                                                                                                                                   Beach
                         Road                            CAMPUS                                                   Bankstown
                         Train Line
                                                                                                                   BANKSTOWN                                     Airport
                                                                                                    East Hills
                                                                                                                   CAMPUS              *
               On-campus                                                                Glenfield                                                     Kogarah

               Train line link                                                                                                                                  Botany Bay
                                                                                                                                                                                                        S E

        *      Short bus ride
               to station
                                                                                                                                                                                                 A N

                        10                                                                                                                                                                                      13
                                                                                                                                                                Cronulla Beach

               Kilometres                                      Campbelltown                                                                                   Cronulla

                                                       Macarthur Station                                              Royal



BANKSTOWN                                                                                           CAMPBELLTOWN
Located in Milperra, the Bankstown campus                                                           The Campbelltown campus, located in the
provides a warm, friendly, multicultural                                                            historic Macarthur region of south-west
environment with modern, spacious buildings                                                         Sydney, offers a unique balance between city
and landscaped gardens.                                                                             and rural lifestyles.

The College at Bankstown houses over 1,000                                                          Top facilities:
students and features accommodation, a                                                              ≥≥ Purpose-built School of Medicine
range of lecture theatres, multi-purpose                                                            ≥≥ National Institute for Complementary
computer labs and a student common room.                                                                Medicine (NICM)
                                                                                                    ≥≥ The UniClinic, a state-of-the-art clinical
Top facilities:                                                                                         training facility for health science students
≥≥ Early Childhood Centre                                                                           ≥≥ Anatomy laboratories
≥≥ The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour                                                        ≥≥ Nursing clinical practice unit
    and Development
≥≥ Centre for Educational Research (CER)
≥≥ Psychology laboratories

                                                 Situated in Richmond in the Hawkesbury River
                                                 Valley, north-west of Sydney, this stunning
                                                 location at the foot of the Blue Mountains is an
                                                 ideal place to study.

                                                 Top facilities:
                                                 ≥≥ Food Processing Pilot Plant
                                                 ≥≥ Dedicated Crime Scene House
                                                 ≥≥ Nursing clinical practice unit
                                                 ≥≥ Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment
                                                 ≥≥ Animal Science facilities – including the
                                                     reptile house and small marsupial house

LIVERPOOL                                                                                           NIRIMBA
Located in Macquarie Street in the heart of                                                         Located in the Nirimba Education Precinct at
the Liverpool CBD this purpose-built facility                                                       Quakers Hill (Blacktown LGA), this leafy green
will service the needs of more than 1,000                                                           campus is a learning hub with a host of local
students.                                                                                           and international students ranging from high
                                                                                                    school to mature-age.
Top facilities:
≥≥ 3,000sqm campus                                                                                 Top facilities:
≥≥ High-quality, modern, technology-rich and                                                       ≥≥ Early Childhood Centre
    highly-flexible space                                                                           ≥≥ Tiered and flat-floored lecture theatres
≥≥ Whole floor library facility                                                                     ≥≥ Well-resourced library
≥≥ Home to Launch Pad smart business                                                               ≥≥ Outstanding recreation facilities
    centre, which brings together government,
    corporate and University expertise and
    provides mentorship to start-ups and early
    stage businesses

14                                                                                                                            Western Sydney University

PARRAMATTA                                                                                           PARRAMATTA CITY
This campus offers a combination of heritage                                                         State-of-the-art campus located in the heart of
and contemporary buildings. The campus                                                               the Parramatta CBD at 169 Macquarie Street.
spans two sites in Rydalmere.
                                                                                                     Top facilities:
Top facilities:                                                                                      ≥≥ Sydney Graduate School of Management
≥≥ Institute for Culture and Society                                                                ≥≥ Four interactive, technology-enabled
≥≥ Nursing clinical practice unit                                                                      learning studios per level
≥≥ Moot court                                                                                       ≥≥ More than 120 student PCs available
≥≥ Computing laboratories                                                                           ≥≥ Collaborative and quiet study spaces
≥≥ New Science and Psychology building                                                               ≥≥ Library hub
≥≥ New purpose-built production studio,                                                             ≥≥ Group study rooms with screen sharing and
    design and creative arts facility                                                                    video conferencing
≥≥ New Engineering precinct                                                                         ≥≥ Free shuttle bus to Parramatta South
≥≥ Advanced Materials Fabrication and                                                               ≥≥ Launch Pad - technology business incubator
    Characterisation facilities                                                                      Note: The Parramatta City campus at 100
≥≥ New Industrial Design Centre                                                                     George Street is home to international students
                                                                                                     of The College.

                                               Located over three sites in Kingswood and
                                               Werrington, the Penrith campus is renowned for
                                               its state-of-the-art facilities and scenic grounds.
                                               Top facilities:
                                               ≥≥ Centre for Infrastructure Engineering
                                               ≥≥ Mechatronics and Robotics facility
                                               ≥≥ World-class music facilities
                                               ≥≥ Home of the Solar Car and Formula SAE
                                                   Racing Car projects
                                               ≥≥ Advanced Manufacturing and 3D Print Hub
                                               ≥≥ New state of the art Library with world
                                                   class facilities
                                               ≥≥ Psychology clinics
                                               ≥≥ Launch Pad - technology business incubator

SYDNEY CITY                                                                                          SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK
Located in the heart of the Sydney CBD, this                                                         The Sydney Olympic Park campus is situated
new campus is close to transport, shops,                                                             at Level 4, 8 Australia Avenue, Sydney
cafes, bars, gyms and more.                                                                          Olympic Park. Home to The College’s English
                                                                                                     Language programs, the Sydney Olympic Park
Top facilities:                                                                                      campus is located just 20 minutes from the
≥≥ Brand new, purpose-built high-tech                                                              Sydney CBD and conveniently located next to
    campus                                                                                           Sydney Olympic Park train station.
≥≥ Small classes and a more personalised
    learning experience                                                                              Top facilities:
≥≥ Flexible session dates                                                                           ≥≥ English Language program
≥≥ Fast-track your degree                                                                           ≥≥ English Test Centre (IELTS and Pearson
≥≥ Access to services and facilities at any                                                              testing)
    Western Sydney University campus                                                                 ≥≥ Collaborative learning spaces                                                                                                                              15

Future thinking.
Unlimited possibilities.
The Academy at Western
Sydney University.

Success is not just about    The Academy at Western Sydney        ≥ unprecedented opportunities for
                             University offers advanced              industry and real life experience
getting a degree, but        degrees that prepare you to thrive
developing the critical      in the face of change and seize      ≥ world-class research,
                                                                     researchers, teachers,
thinking and leadership      success at every opportunity.
                                                                     experts and innovation labs
                             Whether your dream is to achieve
skills to support a          as a professional, an entrepreneur   ≥ travel to national and
successful career.           or an academic, you will learn to       international leadership
                             think differently and creatively        experiences and conferences
It’s about learning skills   in whatever you do.
for your chosen life, not    The Academy offers high-
                                                                  ≥ a range of professional
                                                                     and personal development
just a job.                  achieving students a unique,            workshops
                             hands-on approach to learning in
                             an interdisciplinary environment.    ≥ internship, service learning and
                             Led by Professor Jonathon Allen,        volunteering opportunities
                             The Academy draws on the unique
                             experience of leading thinkers,      ≥ personalised career planning
                             social change agents, community
                                                                  ≥ mentorship
                             leaders, and high-achieving
                             students both                        ≥ applied leadership experience in
                             past and present.                       student-led, community-focused
                             With a focus on ethical leadership
                             and critical thinking, built on      Visit
                             the pillars of academic rigour,      theacademy for more information.
                             community engagement, and
                             professional and personal
                             development, The Academy
                             offers students access to:

            The Academy

18                                                                                    Western Sydney University

BIG                19

Success Unlimited.
Western Sydney Alumni.

At Western Sydney University, we prepare
our students to go places and do great
things in their communities, their workplaces
and the world. Through our alumni, our
graduates become part of a strong network
of global citizens who remain connected to,
and engaged with, the University.

Our graduates have gone on to become
Oxford and Cambridge scholars, business
and community leaders, world-renowned
researchers, sporting stars and well-known
personalities in the arts and entertainment
industries. To name a few, they include
high-profile museum director, Melissa
Chiu; Archibald Prize-winning artist, Ben
Quilty; defence lawyer, Deng Thiak Adut;
and Engineering Project Manager at Tesla
Motors, Jay Manley.

20                                              Western Sydney University
UNLIMITED. 2019                21

22                Western Sydney University
UNLIMITED. 2019               23

Study options for
unlimited career

At Western Sydney University, we’ll show        Over two thirds of our students combine
you how to harness every asset you have to      study with work. Get real work experience
open up fantastic career opportunities. We’ll   with your degree at Western Sydney
give you the tools to make your future and      University. For more information, visit
go wherever you want to go.           

With one of the most comprehensive range        To find out more about courses, contact the
of courses in Australia, our curriculum and     Course Information Centre on 1300 897 669
approach to flexible learning with real work    or
experience is designed to be a springboard
for the career success and life you’ve always
dreamed of.

24                                                                                            Western Sydney University

THE COLLEGE.               25

Ruby-Leigh Tonks

“It was the extra benefits such as
 winning a scholarship, entrance into
 The Academy and the convenient
 location of the campus that attracted
 me to study here. My advice is to
 think about what you’d really love to
 study and the field you potentially
 want work in. Select a course that
 will get you into that field.”

26                                       Western Sydney University

ARCHITECTURE                                      ARTS                                                BUSINESS

Capitalise on the change                          An Arts degree has the potential                    With today’s fast pace of change,
and growth taking place in                        to open career doors to the                         you need a business degree that’s
the Greater Wester Sydney                         world. Your degree will be                          going to keep up.
region by undertaking our                         supported by academics who
                                                                                                      It’s why we’ve revamped our Bachelor of
new and innovative Bachelor                       are internationally recognised.                     Business to be more tailor made to the
of Architectural Design,                                                                              challenges and demands of changes in
                                                  You will find yourself immersed in Cultural
commencing in Spring 2018 as                      and Social Analysis, Creative Writing, Digital      industry, technology and careers. With a
Australia’s newest architecture                   Cultures, International Relations and Asian         course structure unique to Western, you build
degree program.                                   Studies, Languages, or Psychological                your degree as you go to best suit your area
                                                                                                      of specialisation. We’ve opened the degree to
                                                  Studies to name just a few major areas of
This degree directly relates architectural                                                            majors right across the University. This means,
                                                  study. Combine your studies to broaden
design problems to urban transformation of                                                            unlike traditional degrees, you can now choose
                                                  your horizons with Business, Information
contemporary cities, preparing architects                                                             majors outside the business stream to give you
                                                  Technology, Law, Science or Teaching.
for global employment by giving them the                                                              a more diverse set of skills and knowledge.
technological and intellectual skills to create   Career opportunities
sustainable, resilient, and well-designed                                                             What’s more, with Western you begin your
                                                  Study in the humanities is designed to develop
environments. The Bachelor of Architectural                                                           major in the first year of study. No more
                                                  communication and personal skills, creativity
Design focuses on a studio-based education                                                            waiting to dive into the areas that interests
                                                  and capacity for independent thought,
that fosters creative thinking, hands-on                                                              you most. And depending on the majors and
                                                  adaptability to new situations, and problem-
making, collaboration and interdisciplinary                                                           electives you choose, the Bachelor of Business
                                                  solving skills. As a graduate, you may find
integration.                                                                                          can also see you graduate with industry-
                                                  employment as an arts administrator, teacher
                                                                                                      specific accreditation from Australia’s leading
                                                  (with further study), writer, author, journalist,
You will be provided with a combination                                                               institutions. Taught out of our innovative
                                                  politician, diplomat, community planner,
of the skills and knowledge required by                                                               Parramatta City campus, the mix of theory and
                                                  librarian, historian, publisher or researcher.
contemporary architects. This includes studies                                                        participation in real-world industry projects
in spatial design, graphic communication,         Career opportunities also exist in non-             doesn’t just get you work ready, it has you
history and theory of architecture, digital       government organisations and community-             ready to thrive. You’ll soon find that this unique
design and fabrication, construction              based industries, overseas organisations and        degree isn’t the old way of doing business.
technology, and professional studies to meet      in social policy development. The wide range
all the accreditation pathway requirements                                                            Career opportunities
                                                  of double degrees on offer provides scope for
of the Architects Accreditation Council                                                               These courses provide the foundations
                                                  further career opportunities.
of Australia, and in conjunction with the                                                             for the development of Australia’s future
proposed Master of Architecture (Urban            Find out more                                       business leaders. As a graduate, you may
Transformation) program.                          Contact the Course Information                      seek a management traineeship, become
                                                  Centre on 1300 897 669 or                           involved in a management consultancy
Career opportunities                                              or find a career associated with the
As a graduate of architectural design, you can                                                        discipline in which you complete a major.
look forward to career opportunities in:          ≥ PAGE 56-57                                        Examples include employment in public
≥≥ Architecture                                                                                       practice, taxation consulting, merchant
≥≥ Urban Design                                                                                       banking, financial services management,
≥≥ Urban Planning                                                                                     economic advising, roles in service-oriented
≥≥ Interior Architecture                                                                              businesses, employment relations, human
                                                                                                      resources, industrial relations, marketing
Find out more                                                                                         firms, operations or logistics organisations,
Contact the Course Information                                                                        international property, property development
Centre on 1300 897 669 or                                                                             and valuation firms.
                                                                                                      Find out more
≥ PAGE 56                                                                                             Contact the Course Information
                                                                                                      Centre on 1300 897 669 or

                                                                                                      ≥ PAGE 57-58                                                                                                                                  27

COMPUTING                                            CONSTRUCTION                                     CREATIVE
                                                     MANAGEMENT                                       INDUSTRIES

Become an in-demand computing                        With our degrees in Construction                 Our unique degree in Creative
professional. Our real-world                         Technology and Construction                      Industries will prepare you with
experience will give you the edge.                   Management, you will be able                     solid creative skills. Study in our
                                                     to pursue your aspirations                       new state-of-the art studios and
If you want to develop advanced programming
skills or a thorough technical understanding
                                                     in the rapidly expanding                         facilities at the Parramatta South
of modern networked computer systems, or             fields of building design and                    campus.
sound skills in the discipline of information        construction management and
                                                                                                      Recognised and accredited by the key
systems security, then our Computing degrees         the development of smart cities.                 governing bodies, our Creative Industries
are tailor made for you.
                                                                                                      courses offer opportunities to engage our
                                                     These programs encourage work experience
With our professionally-recognised degrees in                                                         local community and work on live projects at
                                                     while studying in order to achieve a mix
Computing, Information and Communications                                                             industry standards.
                                                     of theoretical, practical and hands-on
Technology and Information Systems you will          knowledge, which is greatly valued in the
                                                                                                      Career opportunities
be able to pursue exciting opportunities in          construction industry.
                                                                                                      The creative industries are growing rapidly
diverse areas of technology development and
                                                                                                      in NSW, especially Western Sydney, and
application to address the global goals and          In addition to receiving high-calibre academic
                                                                                                      encompass careers including advertising,
challenges set by humanity.                          guidance, your study will include practical
                                                                                                      creative writing, design, journalism, media
And if you are a budding entrepreneur in                                                              arts production, music and public relations.
the field of computing, our new Bachelor             Our Construction Technology degree               Through working with our diverse community
of Entrepreneurship (Games Design and                emphasises applied and practical knowledge       of partners, your studies will be grounded in
Simulation) will help you develop the mindset,       of the building sciences that are relevant to    dealing with the commercial, ethical, legal
risk tolerance, creativity, passion, big thinking,   general construction.                            and professional issues in creative practice.
team formation and leadership capabilities,
                                                     Career opportunities                             As a graduate, you may find roles in a range
needed by high-impact entrepreneurs who
                                                     As a graduate, you may find employment           of creative industries including journalism,
want to be game-changers and pursue their
                                                     as a property developer, housing project         digital and social media communication,
ideas all the way to a technology start-up.
                                                     manager, site supervisor, estimator, building    design, and music. These include advocacy
Career opportunities                                 surveyor, design and construction manager,       for non-government organisations, corporate
As a graduate, you may find employment in            or projects manager.                             and international public sectors, advertising
computer security, systems programming,                                                               account management and creative direction,
network development, support and                     Find out more                                    TV, media, film and documentary production.
management, real-time programming,                   Contact the Course Information                   You might also seek a career as a professional
systems engineering, games and mobile                Centre on 1300 897 669 or                        animator, graphic designer, web designer,
applications development, information                             professional photographer, illustrator, art
systems management, health information                                                                director, musician, composer, teacher (with
management, database and systems                     ≥ PAGE 59                                        further study), artistic director or production
administration, or as a web developer.                                                                manager.

Find out more                                                                                         Find out more
Contact the Course Information                                                                        Contact the Course Information
Centre on 1300 897 669 or                                                                             Centre on 1300 897 669 or                                                                  

≥ PAGE 58-59                                                                                          ≥ PAGE 59

28                                                                                                                            Western Sydney University

CRIMINOLOGY                                       DATA SCIENCE                                     ENGINEERING

Our Western Sydney University                     In the world of tomorrow, data                   Be innovative. Think creatively in
program in Criminology is the                     skills will be essential – no matter             our brand new, state-of-the-art,
most popular in New South                         what other qualifications you may                green facilities. Our Engineering
Wales and one of the largest in                   have. Western’s Bachelor of Data                 degree will give you real-world
Australia. When you choose to                     Science is one of a kind.                        experiences.
study criminology or criminal
                                                  It is unique because it can only be studied in   Our Engineering programs are at the
and community justice, you will                   conjunction with another degree.                 forefront of Australian education, research
develop the skills essential for                                                                   and development, and we are preparing our
corrective service roles.                         This is a real advantage in a competitive        students to take on those challenges and
                                                  environment; graduates who understand            succeed.
Our Bachelor of Policing is the only              the intricacies of extracting information and
metropolitan Sydney-based policing degree.        knowledge from data are highly sought after,     Our programs offer a balance of theory and
This degree places a strong emphasis              whatever their discipline.                       practical field studies, broad unit choices,
on modern policing methods. Regular                                                                flexible course structures, extensive industry-
consultation with NSW Police recruiters           Blend Data Science with courses like             based projects and placements, and local
means you’ll increase your chances of             Marketing, Engineering, Information and          and international work-based study and
joining the NSW or Australian Federal Police      Communications Technology, Science, or           experience opportunities.
agencies. The Criminology or Criminal and         Psychology to graduate with a combined
Community Justice degrees allow you to            degree.                                          With our interconnected degrees in
develop skills essential for corrective service                                                    Engineering, ICT and Industrial Design you
and policy roles within the broad field of        Career opportunities                             will be able to pursue exciting opportunities
criminal and social justice.                      Integrating computing, mathematics and           in diverse areas of technology development
                                                  statistics, our Data Science programs open a     and application to address any challenge the
Career opportunities                              wide range of career options in commercial       future holds.
As a graduate, you may find a career in           and government institutions.
policing, other Commonwealth or state law                                                          Career opportunities
enforcement and criminal justice agencies,        Find out more                                    As a graduate, you may find employment
intelligence agencies, border protection,         Contact the Course Information                   in civil, construction, electrical, robotic and
security management, fraud management             Centre on 1300 897 669 or 		                     mechatronic engineering, manufacturing and
and investigation roles within the corporate                       utilities, commercial, medical and industrial
or local government sectors, forensics, and                                                        product design, project management and
computer forensics.                               ≥ PAGE 60                                        consultancy, or industrial, commercial or
                                                                                                   residential development.
Graduates also seek roles in corrective
services, probation and parole, crime                                                              Find out more
prevention, or as policy advisors or social                                                        Contact the Course Information
workers in the area of community corrections.                                                      Centre on 1300 897 669 or
Find out more
Contact the Course Information                                                                     ≥ PAGE 60
Centre on 1300 897 669 or

≥ PAGE 60                                                                                                                             29

HEALTH AND                                       INDUSTRIAL                                       LAW
SPORT SCIENCES                                   DESIGN

Get plenty of practical, hands-on                Industrial design is a vital part of             Western’s courses are a unique
experience. Our Health Sciences                  modern-day living. Every day we                  alternative to more traditional
programs equip you for the                       encounter products designed and                  law schools, with community law
important work of advancing                      manufactured with the intention                  activities that give you real-world
human health.                                    of making our lives easier.                      experience.
The clinical health science programs cover       It is industrial designers, incorporating a      Here’s just one example of how our law
Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy,             lateral and cross-disciplinary approach to       students gain experience through interaction.
Paramedicine, Podiatry, and Traditional          problem solving, who create the most useful      Since 2010, the University has operated
Chinese Medicine. Further programs               products.                                        the Parramatta Community Justice Clinic,
target Health Promotion, Health Services                                                          providing a much-needed service, while
Management, Therapeutic Recreation,              The primary focus of our Industrial Design,      giving students a unique learning opportunity.
Public Health, Sport and Exercise Science,       and Design and Technology, degrees is            Experiences like this empower you to make
Sport Development, and Health and Physical       ensuring that our graduates are industry         positive change in the world, wherever your
Education (HPE).                                 ready, able to think strategically and provide   degree takes you.
                                                 innovative product and user experience (UX)
As a graduate, you will have a solid grounding   solutions in a commercial context.               Our lecturers will challenge, stretch and
in evidence-based practice and lifelong                                                           inspire you, and our connection with
learning skills which are highly regarded by     Practical work experience opportunities,         prominent, respected professional networks
the health industry. All programs include        encouraging professional development, are an     will set you up for career success.
valuable work experience where you can build     integral part of our design programs.
professional networks.                                                                            Law programs are offered at the
                                                 Career opportunities                             Campbelltown and Parramatta campuses.
The innovative National Institute of             As a graduate, you may find employment as        Both offer excellent facilities, including
Complementary Medicine (NICM) is located         an in-house or consultant industrial designer,   moot courts for practising advocacy skills, a
at the Campbelltown campus, as is the            in a product development team for areas          comprehensive library and computer-based
UniClinic, a therapeutic health practice where   such as: medical products, furniture, digital    law research facilities. In 2019, you will have
treatments are provided by students under        wearables, architectural products, building      even more options to combine your studies
the supervision of qualified clinicians.         design, sports equipment, smart gadgets or       with another degree.
                                                 new products for an internet of things (IoT)
Career opportunities                             start-up business.                               Career opportunities
Depending on which course you undertake,                                                          In our Law programs, special emphasis
you may find a career in the public or private   As a graduate of our Design and Technology       is placed on professional legal skills. As a
sector, for example, in hospitals, ambulance     program you may work as a product designer       graduate, you may find employment in legal
services, the defence force, rehabilitation      or follow a pathway to our Masters of Teaching   practice as a solicitor or barrister, and roles in
centres, insurance companies, schools,           to become a technological and applied studies    the banking and finance sector, accounting
large corporations, private practices and in     teacher in NSW high schools. Here you apply      firms and management consultancies,
government policy units. You may also work       your STEM and Industrial Design skills such as   corporate management, education and
with athletes and sporting organisations, or     design thinking, graphics, manufacturing or      publishing, government departments and
work in a business as a personal trainer.        even 3D printing and making in a classroom       regulatory authorities, marketing, human
                                                 environment.                                     resources, and telecommunication industries.
Find out more
Contact the Course Information                   Find out more                                    Find out more
Centre on 1300 897 669 or 		                     Contact the Course Information                   Contact the Course Information                       Centre on 1300 897 669 or 		                     Centre on 1300 897 669 or
≥ PAGE 61
                                                 ≥ PAGE 61                                        ≥ PAGE 61-62

30                                                                                                                          Western Sydney University

                       Angus McNally
                       SURGERY, 2012

                       “I felt drawn to study at Western
                        because the medical program
                        offered hands-on, practical learning
                        options. Once I started I felt right at
                        home with the massive family at the
                        School of Medicine.”                                        31

MEDICINE                                           NURSING AND                                           PSYCHOLOGY

Advances in medicine rely on                       Western Sydney University is                          Psychology at Western will
advances in knowledge. It’s why                    home to Australia’s No 1 ranked                       open your mind to a world of
11 years ago Western Sydney                        nursing and midwifery facilities.                     possibilities. Because Western
University created a new kind of                   Our undergraduate courses                             ranks among the world’s top
School of Medicine.                                are designed with the vision of                       universities for Psychology, you’ll
                                                   preparing graduates for work into                     learn from respected experts in
Since then we’ve seen over 600 graduates
enter the medical profession and make a
                                                   the future, making a difference to                    the field.
difference. Our Doctor of Medicine (MD)            the lives of people, especially those
                                                                                                         Study in Bankstown, Penrith or at our new
offers an innovative degree that combines          in the Western Sydney region.                         state-of-the-art facilities in Parramatta.
problem-based learning and intensive clinical
                                                   All courses are underpinned by a primary
practice with leading theory and research. As                                                            Our Psychology courses emphasise
                                                   health care philosophy supported by a flexible
you progress through the degree you’ll find                                                              community needs, equipping you to make a
                                                   learning approach throughout the course. The
yourself moving from classroom to clinical                                                               positive difference to health, work, education,
                                                   curriculum includes high-quality, evidence-
placements ensuring the utmost competence                                                                relationships and family life. Career options
                                                   based studies, emphasising a balance of
and confidence in your future career. Our                                                                can include clinical psychology, forensic
                                                   theory, clinical practice and interdisciplinary
innovation doesn’t stop with how you’ll learn.                                                           psychology, policy development, human
                                                   learning to prepare you for work in the nursing
It carries through to where you’ll learn too.                                                            resources, community services, youth work
                                                   and midwifery sectors. We are internationally
Taught out of our Campbelltown Campus,                                                                   and more. Wherever your future takes you,
                                                   known for producing nursing and midwifery
our world class facilities boast stimulated                                                              you’ll gain deep understanding about how we
                                                   graduates who enjoy very high employment
learning spaces for clinical skills learning, an                                                         perceive and make a difference in the lives of
                                                   rates, particularly in the Western Sydney region.
anatomy laboratory, state-of-the-art research                                                            others.
facilities, and our neuroscience behavioural       This year we also opened state-of-the-art
investigation laboratory.                          nursing simulation facilities and technology-         Career opportunities
                                                   enabled learning spaces in our brand new              As a graduate, you may find psychology
Our brand new Macarthur Clinical School,           Liverpool campus.                                     or research positions in government
located at Campbelltown Hospital, brings                                                                 departments and the private sector, in clinical,
together expert medical teachers and newly         Career opportunities
                                                                                                         industrial and organisational psychology,
renovated clinical training facilities. It’s       As a nursing graduate, you may work in acute
                                                                                                         counselling psychology, vocational
why our School of Medicine is one of the           care hospitals, aged care services, child and
                                                                                                         psychology, forensic psychology, health
most advanced medical training centres in          adolescent health, community health, medical
                                                                                                         psychology, and sports psychology.
Australia.                                         practice nursing, disability services, emergency
                                                   or trauma units, justice health, mental               The program has been designed to prepare
Career opportunities                               health services, forensics, drug and alcohol,         Psychology scientists and practitioners. You
As a graduate you won’t just be highly skilled,    occupational health, oncology, operating              also have the opportunity to study electives
you’ll be highly prepared for your internship      theatres, palliative care, rehabilitation services,   from other disciplines, including applied
and have a range of career paths to choose         nursing education, and health administration.         leadership and critical thinking, data science,
from including medical practice, medical                                                                 law, and social sciences. These will provide
                                                   Registered midwives may work in a range
research, administration or medical teaching.                                                            you with more career opportunities in today’s
                                                   of maternity areas within community
Graduates are eligible for registration by the                                                           ever-changing world.
                                                   settings and private and public hospitals in
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation
                                                   metropolitan, rural and remote areas.
Agency (AHPRA), and may be able to apply                                                                 Find out more
for registration in overseas countries.            These include midwifery group practice, team          Contact the Course Information
                                                   midwifery, caseload midwifery, homebirth,             Centre on 1300 897 669 or
Find out more                                      birth centres, antenatal clinics, postnatal wards,
Contact the Course Information                     birthing units, postnatal clinics and community
Centre on 1300 897 669 or                          midwifery services. Midwives also work in             ≥ PAGE 62                         policy, research, education and management.

≥ PAGE 62                                          Find out more
                                                   Contact the Course Information
                                                   Centre on 1300 897 669 or
                                                   ≥ PAGE 62

32                                                                                                                                Western Sydney University

SCIENCES                                        SOCIAL                                          TEACHING AND
                                                SCIENCES                                        EDUCATION

Our $30 million state-of-the-art                Shape the world we live in with                 Our pathway to teaching degrees
teaching and research facilities                our Bachelor of Social Science.                 give you the skills to explore your
and laboratories provide you with               Expand your knowledge of                        prospects beyond the classroom.
valuable real-world experiences.                the social world through                        In a fast-changing world,
                                                theory, research and practical                  tomorrow belongs to people who
The Science facilities span three campuses
(Campbelltown, Hawkesbury and Parramatta)
                                                application.                                    are ready for anything. We’ll
and include Anatomical, Biological and                                                          train you to be a critical thinker,
                                                Get a deep understanding of the complex,
Chemical facilities, Nuclear Magnetic           culturally diverse and dynamic world we
                                                                                                not a narrow specialist.
Resonance, the Mass Spectroscopy Lab and        live in. Built in flexibility and choice in a   The practical experience you will gain in our
Confocal Bio-Imaging facility. For those        range of offerings in the social sciences.      teaching programs will also give you the
students whose work involves animals, there     Choose your own majors and sub-majors           confidence to succeed from your first day
is the Australian Freshwater Turtle Research    from Child and Community, Geography and         of teaching. Teacher education at Western
facility, Mammal and Reptile House, and the     Urban Studies, Heritage and Tourism, Peace      Sydney is only for those who want to make a
Hawkesbury farm.                                and Development Studies, Sociology, and         difference in the lives of children and young
                                                Criminology and Criminal Justice. Create a      people.
Hawkesbury campus is also home to a
                                                degree as specialised or as broad as your
dedicated Crime Scene House used by
                                                desired career path. Study Social Science       Career opportunities
students of the Bachelor of Science (Forensic
                                                at Western – Top 2% of Universities in the      As a graduate, you can work as a teacher in
Science) and the Hawkesbury Institute for the
                                                world and Top 150 for Sociology (QS World       an early childhood centre, a government or
Environment. A food pilot plant and modern
                                                University Rankings).                           non-government school, or college, relevant
industrial kitchens support students in Food
and Nutrition courses.                                                                          to the postgraduate qualification and the
                                                Our Social Science programs also include        majors studied in your undergraduate degree.
                                                Cyber Security and Behaviour, Social Work,      This includes roles as an early childhood
Career opportunities
                                                Criminology, Community Welfare, Policing,       teacher, a primary school teacher, a secondary
Depending on the majors and electives
                                                Psychology, and Tourism and Urban Planning.     school teacher, an education field officer in a
chosen, your career opportunities include
roles in government, research, forensics,                                                       variety of industries including sport, welfare,
                                                Career opportunities
patents, food science, quality control,                                                         community education, and also in training and
                                                As a graduate, you may find a career in
universities, product development,                                                              development facilities in industry.
                                                development and peacekeeping agencies,
environmental analysis, scientific              international aid, police work, investigative
instrumentation, medical laboratories, and                                                      Find out more
                                                and intelligence agencies, organisations
technical management. You will also have                                                        Contact the Course Information
                                                undertaking cyber security, policy
the option of becoming a secondary school                                                       Centre on 1300 897 669 or
                                                development, analysis and social research,
science or mathematics teacher, or you might                                          
                                                social and community planning organisations,
pursue a high-level research career through a   heritage and tourism organisations and          ≥ PAGE 65
Master of Research.                             centres, and welfare and community
                                                development agencies.
Find out more
Contact the Course Information                  Find out more
Centre on 1300 897 669 or 		                    Contact the Course Information                      Centre on 1300 897 669 or
≥ PAGE 63
                                                ≥ PAGE 64                                                                                                                            33

TOURISM                                              THE                                                 ABORIGINAL
AND URBAN                                            ACADEMY                                             AND TORRES
PLANNING                                                                                                 STRAIT

The Tourism and Urban Planning                       Unique to Western Sydney                            Western Sydney University
programs at Western Sydney                           University, The Academy                             is committed to providing
University are among Australia’s                     offers high-achieving students                      higher education pathways
finest.                                              opportunities to gain the                           for our Aboriginal and Torres
                                                     intellectual and practical                          Strait Islander students and
These courses offer a balance of theory and
practical field studies, broad subject choices,
                                                     skills needed in today’s ever-                      contributing to the process of
flexible course structures, industry-based           changing world.                                     reconciliation.
projects and placements, and local and
                                                     Focusing on ethical leadership within               The block mode study model is designed
international work experience opportunities.
                                                     an interdisciplinary environment, The               to help our students remain in their
Career opportunities                                 Academy provides extension-level academic           community so they can fulfil their family,
If you are interested in a career in urban, social   development, community-engaged service              career, cultural and social responsibilities.
or cultural planning, the Bachelor of Planning       learning opportunities, international and
pathway to the Master of Urban Management            national experiences, and a range of                The Bachelor of Education (Primary)
and Planning is for you. This course equips          professional and personal development               Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
students to take leadership roles in urban           workshops.                                          Education is offered in block mode.
management, strategic planning and policy
                                                     If you enrol in any of our advanced degrees         Western Sydney University’s School of
                                                     and/or have an ATAR of 90 or higher you will        Medicine recognises the large Aboriginal
As a graduate of Tourism Management,                 automatically be invited to join The Academy        and Torres Strait Islander population in
you may seek to build a career in festival           and given access to all the experiences and         Western Sydney, and throughout rural
and event management and programming,                advantages it offers.                               and regional Australia, and the need for
leisure and tourism policy development, tour                                                             more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                     Career opportunities                                doctors. Since 2007, the University
operations, destination marketing, visitor
                                                     The Academy offers internships, industry-           has offered a Medicine degree and has
attractions management, outdoor recreation,
                                                     based mentoring programs, community-                committed to increasing the number
hospitality provision, cultural, tourism and
                                                     engaged service learning, volunteering              of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
leisure industry development, state and
                                                     opportunities and industry links, as well as        studying Medicine.
federal government departments concerned
                                                     real-life experiences with employers. These
with urban and regional affairs, or planning
                                                     will provide you with the skills and contacts for   Find out more
                                                     a wide range of careers.                            Contact the Course Information
Find out more                                                                                            Centre on 1300 897 669 or
                                                     Applied Leadership and Critical Thinking  
Contact the Course Information
Centre on 1300 897 669 or
                                                     Being a member of The Academy qualifies you         ≥ PAGE 67
                                                     to enrol in the Bachelor of Applied Leadership
≥ PAGE 65                                            and Critical Thinking. This degree is designed
                                                     to be undertaken in combination with any
                                                     other Bachelor degree.

                                                     Find out more
                                                     Contact the Course Information
                                                     Centre on 1300 897 669 or

                                                     ≥ PAGE 66

34                                                                                                                                 Western Sydney University

ONLINE                                         COMBINED
DEGREES                                        DEGREES

Western Sydney University                      Your study options at Western
will offer a growing selection of              Sydney University are increasing.
online degrees in 2019.                        Now you can tailor your
                                               studies to your specific goals by
These degrees provide you with the
opportunity to study online from anywhere,
                                               combining more degrees.
at any time, while still accessing all the     For example, you can combine Arts and
support you need to succeed in your            Business, Communication and Creative
studies. Study materials, academic matters,    Industries, Engineering and Business, Music
assessments and graduation will all be         and Creative Industries, or Zoology and
handled by the University. Offered in either   Animal Science to name a few.
full or part-time mode, the courses we
offer will open up career opportunities in     In 2019, the University will also offer a
the areas of Business, Communication,          number of concurrent degrees, including a
Criminology and Science, and Public Health.    Bachelor of Data Science and a Bachelor of
                                               Entrepreneurship. For example, you may wish
For more detailed information about            to combine your Bachelor of Engineering or
the course structure and units, visit          Bachelor of Industrial Design degree with a                    Bachelor of Entrepreneurship. The choice is
≥ PAGE 67
                                               The Bachelor of Data Science combines your
                                               choice of Bachelor degree with a focus on
                                               mathematics, statistics and computing.

                                               Graduates will know how to embark on data-
                                               driven investigations, and conduct visual and
                                               computational analytics for application in their
                                               own primary research.

                                               Note, the Bachelor of Data Science is not
                                               a stand-alone degree. It can only be taken
                                               in combination with an existing Bachelor

                                               The Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Games
                                               Design and Simulation) is a stand-alone
                                               degree. However, there is a concurrent option
                                               for the Bachelor of Entrepreneurship.

                                               Find out more
                                               For more detailed information about
                                               the course structure and units, visit

                                               ≥ PAGE 67-68                                                                                          35
Parramatta Science and Psychology facility

Western Sydney            Situated on the University’s Parramatta
                          South campus, the three-storey facility
                                                                          One of the University’s most important
                                                                          scientific facilities – the Advanced Materials
University’s state-of-    has been built to meet the world’s highest      Characterisation Facility (AMCF) – is

the-art, $30 million      sustainability standards.                       located in the new building.

six-star green Science    The new facility means the University can
                          offer more Science programs on campus
                                                                          Boasting specially designed, purpose-
                                                                          built teaching spaces, the building has the
and Psychology facility   and, for the first time, gives you the chance   capacity for over 400 students and staff.

opened in 2017.           to study Medical Science, Psychology, Art
                          Therapy and Social Work at Parramatta.          Studying here means you are gaining
                                                                          valuable, hands-on practical experience
                          The new building also provides an               from the start, so you can have the best
                          opportunity for significant expansion of the    preparation for field placements and future
                          University’s science and medical science        practice.
                          research programs by taking advantage
                          of the new and expanded research

Parramatta City campus

Study in the heart of   Our world-class, 14-storey Parramatta City
                        campus features:
                                                                     ≥≥ one-stop student support

the Parramatta CBD.                                                  ≥≥ access to business, industry, food and
                        ≥≥ creative collaborative learning studios      shopping districts

                        ≥≥ well-equipped, quiet and collaborative    ≥≥ close proximity to public transport.
                           learning spaces
                        ≥≥ fast Wi-Fi, everywhere

                        ≥≥ rooms for physical and online meetings,


Associate Professor
Catherine Attard

“In my teaching, the students need
 to see the relevance of what they
 experience at university, so I make
 sure that everything I do is going to
 be useful to their future careers. I
 give my students assessments that
 are real and relevant, and replicate
 the jobs of an actual teacher, such
 as assessing students and creating
 interesting maths tasks.”

38                                       Western Sydney University

Research with impact.
As a research-led institution, Western Sydney University
sees learning and research as connected aspects of the
student experience.
                       Our research doesn’t just happen in the lab. We    Responding to regional, national and global
                       work with regional, national and international     priorities, we deliver tangible outcomes
                       partners to deliver research that has a            through the work of our four research
                       positive impact on the economic, social and        institutes:
                       environmental wellbeing of our communities.

                       Responding to the challenges faced by the          HAWKESBURY INSTITUTE
                       communities we serve, our research work is         FOR THE ENVIRONMENT
                       focused on four key themes:                        ≥ HAWKESBURY CAMPUS
                                                                          Investigating the impact of climate change
                       Urban Living and Society
                                                                          on native trees and forests.
                       Our research in this area seeks to understand
                       and guide change in the economy, our society
                       and the culture we live in. Our research work
                       shows how the places we live, the work we
                       do, the way we describe ourselves and the          INSTITUTE FOR CULTURE AND SOCIETY
                       relationships we form interrelate.                 ≥ PARRAMATTA CAMPUS
                                                                          Research to meet the challenges of our
                       Health and Wellbeing                               changing social landscape.
                       We take an integrated approach to health
                       research, based on the assumption that the
                       environments in which we live, the cultural
                       background from which we come and the work
                                                                          MARCS INSTITUTE FOR BRAIN, BEHAVIOUR
                       we do all affect our physical and mental health.
                                                                          AND DEVELOPMENT
                       Our research explores how health initiatives can
                                                                          ≥ BANKSTOWN CAMPUS
                       prevent disease and illness, encourage healthy
                       lifestyles in individuals and communities, and     Dedicated to understanding the scientific
                       reduce the cost and impact of illness.             basis of human communication.
                       Education: Access, Equity, Pathways and
                       Aspirational Change
                       We draw on the diversity of Western Sydney
                                                                          AUSTRALIA-CHINA INSTITUTE FOR ARTS
                       to underpin research that explores education
                                                                          AND CULTURE
                       access on a global scale. This research            ≥ PARRAMATTA CAMPUS
                       theme respects the economic, social and
                       cultural aspirations of the individuals and        Forging a greater understanding of
                       communities we support. We are committed           Chinese culture, relationships with Chinese
                       to realising the opportunities offered by          universities and supporting students studying
                       new pedagogies and transformational                Chinese language and culture.
                       technologies for all of our students.    
                       Environmental Sustainability
                       We are in the midst of unprecedented global
                       environmental changes affecting the world.
                       These are creating new challenges that
                       range from contested land use, to urban
                       and agricultural climate change adaptation,
                       to biodiversity conservation and new
                       interdisciplinary ways of engaging with socio-
                       ecological dynamics. Our research takes a
                       practical and collaborative approach to solving
                       these challenges by focusing on maintaining
                       and managing the diversity of urban ecologies,
                       and agricultural and natural systems.                                                                                                    39

40                Western Sydney University

Unlimited learning
possibilities beyond your
undergraduate degree.

We live in a fast-paced and ever-changing
world. That’s why Western Sydney University
consults with business and industry to
develop postgraduate programs that respond
to the challenges of a global workplace – with
a focus on practical skills, critical thinking and
professional accreditation so you graduate
with marketable qualifications. We also offer
you flexible study options, with variable entry
and exit points, to suit your work and life

Why not attend one of our Postgraduate
information sessions to learn about our
career-enhancing programs?

For more information on Postgraduate
studies and courses, visit                                              41

42                Western Sydney University

WAY                    Unlimited
                       for success.

                       Western Sydney University invests in
                       providing new study options, pathway
                       programs and support services to ensure
                       that students in the Western Sydney region
                       and across Australia have access to a
                       greater range of high-quality undergraduate
                       and postgraduate opportunities.                                             43

One of the best things about                        WS ORGSYNC                                      LIBRARY
                                                    Stay informed, get involved. Be a part of the   The Library is for you - on campus and on the
life on campus is there’s always
                                                    online OrgSync Community, find exciting         go. We offer students access to six libraries
something happening. From table                     events and take ownership of your student       across campuses which include 24-hour study
tennis comps, outdoor chess,                        experience.                                     hall access with quiet, silent and group study
sports and Unigames, to one of                                                                      spaces as well as bookable study rooms. You can
many social events organised by                     Discover exciting Campus Life events, Clubs,    also enjoy access to over seventy million digital
                                                    sports, student representation opportunities    resources anytime and anywhere with access
the University or student clubs,                    and much more. You can even check out           to material for both study and recreation. We
you’re bound to find something                      where free brekkies are on campus, browse       have close to a million items you can borrow and
that’s right for you.                               Clubs you’d like to join or even see the        over 700,000 e-books to download instantly.
                                                    calendar of events and plan your week ahead.    Online and face-to-face study assistance is
All of our Campus Life Officers (CLOs) work                                                         also available. From computers, free digital
tirelessly to ensure there’s always something                                                       newspapers and magazines, printing services
                                                    UNIVERSITY SPORT
going on at your campus. The CLOs are                                                               and device charging stations, to laptops for loan
                                                    Western Sydney University is actively
behind most things that happen on campus                                                            and sleep pods, you will find it all at the Library.
                                                    involved in providing opportunities for
including pop-ups, social events and free
                                                    students in all forms of sport. From social
                                                    lunchtime Quidditch or Dodgeball, to            OUT AND ABOUT
                                                    supporting our elite athletes to succeed both   Western Sydney University has developed a
STUDENT CENTRAL                                     on and off the field.                           program of activities and adventures open to
Student Central is the first point of contact for                                                   all students. The Out & About trip list includes
any question you have. We can give advice           Western Sydney University is the best place     one bushwalk each month, overnight camps
about enrolment and fees, help with forms           to get involved in sport clubs, Elite Athlete   and regular adrenalin experiences.
and e-forms, and have a range of information        programs, representative sport such as
brochures. To find out more, just call the          University Games, Inter-varsity tournaments     Being run and coordinated wholly by Campus
Student Central Infoline on 1300 668 370.           and social sport.                               Life staff means that Out & About trips and

44                                                                                                                             Western Sydney University
You can also read