Siriano - CT Voice Magazine

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Siriano - CT Voice Magazine


             A CONVERSATION

  Siriano >>                                            FIERCE
                                                        BY DESIGN
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine
• Master of Business Administration, MBA Accelerated, Accounting, Finance,              Advance Your Career
                                                                                       With a Graduate Degree
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• Reading, MS, 6th Year
• Reading and Language Arts Consultant, Post-Masters Certificate
• Remedial Reading and Language Arts Specialist, Graduate Certificate
• School Counseling, MS, 6th Year, Post-Masters Certificate
• School Health Education, MS
• School Library Media, Certificate Cross Endorsement, Initial Teacher Certification
• School Psychology, MS, 6th Year
• Special Education, MS, 6th Year Assistive Technology, Autism Spectrum
  Disorders and other Developmental Disabilities, Emotional and
  Behavioral Disorders, Learning Disabilities
Movement Sciences
• Athletic Training, MAT (Summer 2021)
• Exercise Science, MS. Clinical Exercise Physiology, Human Performance,
  Sport Psychology
• Physical Activity and Chronic Disease, MS
Health and Wellness
• Addiction Counseling, Post-Master’s Certificate
• Clinical Mental Health Counseling, MS, Post-Masters Certificate
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• Romance Languages, MA French, Italian, Spanish
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• Women’s & Gender Studies, MA, Graduate Certificate
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Siriano - CT Voice Magazine
UConn Health believes in equitable, inclusive
health care for all.
Our providers welcome the opportunity to partner
with you on your well-being in a safe and supportive
environment. Many of our primary care providers and
specialists offer specific LGB+ and transgender care to
meet your individual needs.
We are honored to be recognized as a Top Performer
by the Human Rights Campaign for providing inclusive
health care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
patients, and we are proud to offer specialized health
care to our community.

Siriano - CT Voice Magazine

                                    Welcome, Winter!                                       Visit us online at
                                    Cold weather and short days are
                                                                                          Follow us on Twitter
                                    characteristic for Connecticut winters. As we
                                    move indoors and celebrate the holidays, it’s
                                    a time for reflection, togetherness, warmth,          Like us on Facebook
                                    and the distinct pleasures of the season. 

                                    In my second issue as editor, we’re
                                    continuing to gather diverse voices that
                                    reflect and support LGBTQ+ people in our
                                                                                          Connecticut VOICE™
                                    state. If this issue has a theme, it’s about
                                                                                     is published by Seasons Media
                                    expanding communities, opportunities for
                                    connection and caring and sensitivity for all.         Publisher /Owner
                                                                                              James Tully
                                     We’re particularly pleased to share with
                                     you the representatives of different faith
                                                                                           Christopher Byrne
  traditions—all of whom are reaching out to LGBTQ+ people looking for a                                                     When icicles hang by the wall
  place to practice their faiths. For many, this has been a difficult issue, and           Creative Director
  we’re encouraged by the expansiveness, welcome and open invitations these                  Stacy Murray                      And Dick the shepherd blows his nail
  leaders are providing. For those seeking a home in which to celebrate faith,                                               And Tom bears logs into the hall
                                                                                      Sales & Marketing Executive
  many more doors are open.
                                                                                           Doreen Chudoba                      And milk comes frozen home in pail,
  Brian Lipton scored an interview with designer Christian Siriano, and he’s,               Sales Executive                  When blood is nipp'd and ways be foul,
  well, “fierce,” a term he popularized in the Project Runway series that                   Paul Whitman
  jumpstarted his career. He’s also a man passionate about his art. Frank                                                    Then nightly sings the staring owl,
  Rizzo talked to the largely nonbinary and gender expansive team at Elm City               Cover Photo by
                                                                                           Shane LaVancher                                  Tu-whit;
  Games, another—and very different—community that welcomes anyone who
  wants to sit down and play. and Jane Latus profiles a program at Middlesex            Shane LaVancher Studio               Tu-who, a merry note,
  Health dedicated to teens finding their authentic selves.                              New York, New York
                                                                                                                             While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.
  In other coverage, we address a difficult but important subject for our
  community—financial planning. Over the next issues and online, we'll                                                       When all aloud the wind doth blow
  address the unique issues facing LGBTQ+ communities in this area. Michelle
  Cutrali kicks us off with an article on long-term care. Finally, Tedd Levine                                                 And coughing drowns the parson's saw
  writes about some of the legal issues related to living together and some of                                               And birds sit brooding in the snow
  the pitfalls people don’t always considering.
                                                                                                                               And Marian's nose looks red and raw,
  I’ve been pleased and encouraged by the number of people who have                                                          When roasted crabs hiss in the bowl,
  reached out to me in the past few months. I am excited and inspired by
  the conversations that have been started, and I look forward to continuing.                                                Then nightly sings the staring owl,
  Please reach out to me at the Editor’s Corner at                             To advertise in                                 Tu-whit;
                                                                                       Connecticut VOICE contact
  From all of us at CT Voice, warmest wishes for a healthy and happy winter                                                  Tu-who, a merry note,
  and holiday season.                                                                      Doreen Chudoba                    While greasy Joan doth keel the pot.


                                                                                            Paul Whitman                                 From Shakespeare's
                                                                                                                                         Love's Labour's Lost
  Christopher Byrne, Editor

4 CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                              CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022 5
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine

                                                                                                                          CELEBRATE LOVE
                                                                                        COVER STORY
                                                                                        World-class designer (and
                                                                                        Westport resident) spills
                                                                                        the tea about his career
                                                                                        and what matters to him.

     8                                            36                                  53
     CONTRIBUTORS                                 HEALTH AND                          COMMUNITY
     Meet the writers behind the                                                      A new survey profiles
     stories in this issue.
                                                  WELLNESS                            Connecticut's LGBTQ+
                                                  How Middlesex Health
                                                  programs support teens and
     9-23                                         families as the teens search for
     WHAT’S THE BUZZ                              their authentic selves.             72
     Author Steven Petrow on                                                          PETS
     growing old. Artist Dan Crowley              40                                  The role of dogs in community
     on growing up gay. Actor Rory                                                    policing, and the positive impact
     O'Malley on his new Netflix
                                                  CULTURE                             they're having on many lives.
                                                  Elm City Games is a haven for
     series. Backstage on Broadway.
                                                  gamers of all identies...right in
     Senator Chris Murphy on
     advocating for transgender
                                                  New Haven.                          80
     youth, legal and financial issues                                                THE LAST WORD
     for the LGBTQ+ community, and                46                                  The Rev. Darrell L. Goodwin on
     more.                                                                            "Queering the Faith."
                                                  Layering lets you be on-trend                                                        CUSTOM DESIGNS AVAILABLE
     30                                           and toasty this season.
                                                                                                                                  IF YOU CAN DREAM IT, WE CAN CREATE IT
     Leaders in faith traditions invite
     and welcome LGBTQ+ people
     into their congregations.

                                 66                                                                                        GLASTONBURY MOHEGAN SUN WEST HARTFORD WESTPORT WELLESLEY
                                 Charceuterie                                                                            @LuxBondGreen           800.524.7336
                             makes a dramatic
                               contribution to
                          holiday entertaining.

6 CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine
CONTRIBUTORS //                                                                                                                        WHAT’S THE BU ZZ ?

                                                                                                                                           Getting Ready for the
                                                                                                                                           Senior Fling … So To Speak

                                                                                                                                                      on’t let the title                                                                           siblings to get their dad to
                                                                                                                                                      fool you. Steven                                                                             use a walker, or even a cane.
                                                                     DAWN ENNIS                                                                       Petrow’s new book,                                                                           He cites statistics on how
                                                                     Dawn Ennis talked with faith
                                                                                                      STAN GODLEWSKI                                  Stupid Things I                                                                              effective these are, and at the
                                                                     leaders around the state         Stan Godlewski is a                  Won’t Do When I Get Old, is                                                                             same time, he writes about
                                                                     for our piece on faith and       photojournalist who has              more than just a laundry list                                                                           how the device can become
                                                                     LGBTQ+ people. (Page 30)         worked for magazines and             of things older people do that                                                                          a fashion accessory—if you
                                   BRIAN SCOTT                       She is an award-winning          newspapers for 30 years              annoy younger people and                                                                                can convince someone to use
                                   LIPTON                            journalist, a professor at       covering news, sports,               their families. It’s a thoughtful                                                                       it. All of it, though, is written
                                   Brian Scott Lipton talked with    University of Hartford and       features and celebrities.            collection of essays that just                                                                          with good humor, love and
  FRANK RIZZO                      Christian Siriano for our cover   writes for several news          His favorites thing to
                                                                                                      photograph is his next thing
                                                                                                                                           happens to have a waggish—
                                                                                                                                           and attention-getting—title.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   caring, even within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   frustration he and his family
                                   story (Page 24) and he gave       outlets. Ennis was America’s
  Frank Rizzo caught up with                                                                          to photograph.                                                                                                                               often experience.
                                   his fashion sense a seasonal      first transgender journalist
  playwright Douglas Lyons
                                   turn with our piece on layering   in a TV network newsroom                                              Petrow says that the book
  (Page 10) and rolled the dice                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Some of Petrow’s wisdom
                                   (Page 46). He has been a          when she came out nine                                                is “all about the stupid
  with Elm City Games (Page                                                                                                                                                                                                                        is hard-won. He is a cancer
                                   nationally renowned journalist    years ago. Follow her @                                               things that my parents did
  40). He has written about                                                                                                                                                                                                                        survivor, has gone through
                                   for over 30 years. Among          lifeafterdawn on Twitter,                                             wrong as they were getting
  the arts in Connecticut and                                                                                                                                                                                                                      a divorce from his husband,
                                   his many accomplishments,         Facebook and Instagram.                                               into their seventies. And I
  nationally for more than 40                                                                                                                                                                                                                      has been living with HIV
                                   he has been Editor in Chief       Ennis and her family                                                  was a smart 50-something
  years; for the The New York                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for many years, and as a
                                   of and           reside in West Hartford,                                              who was taking notes. I’m
  Times, American Theatre                                                                                                                                                                                                                          result had to reset his path
  Magazine and dozens of           Resident Publications,            Connecticut.                                                          a journalist and I became
                                   Managing Editor of men’s                                                                                interested in how I might do                                                                            and identity on several
  other outlets. He is also a                                                                                                                                                                                                                      occasions. He’s particularly
  theater critic for Variety.      fashion magazines DNR                                                                                   things better when my turn
                                   and MR, and his byline has                                                                              came, and that list got bigger                                                                          concerned that LGBTQ+
  Follow Frank’s work at                                                                                                                                                       Steven Petrow is smart about getting old. Photo by Bethany Cabino   individuals stay active and and on Twitter       appeared in such publications                                                                           and bigger. It turned into a
                                   as Forbes, The Wall Street                                                                              New York Times essay, and it                                                                            involved in life. “You know,
                                   Journal and Where. He is a                                         CARLA TEN EYCK                       turned into a book.
                                                                                                                                                                               any age and not buying into         theme throughout the book
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   we become invisible in our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   culture whether it’s at 40 or
                                   proud member of the LGBTQ                                          Carla Ten Eyck is a Queer
                                                                                                                                           “And when I’m not being a           presumed cultural attitudes,        is the advice to accept what    50, and that’s a detriment to
                                   community.                                                         Hartford CT native who
                                                                                                                                           smartass, I would say that          or what others might think.         comes your way without          everybody.” The refusal to be
                                                                                                      focuses on storytelling,                                                 To that end, he recommends          using setbacks or challenges    invisible is what inspired the
                                                                                                                                           it’s really a manifesto about
                                                                                                      inclusivity and joy. She has                                             having friends of all ages and      as a reason to withdraw         orange pants. “That was a
                                                                                                      been photographing weddings,         aging and the things that we
                                                                                                                                           can all do in our daily lives to    being open to new ideas and         from the world. One chapter     lesson my mom taught me,”
                                                                                                      events and families for 20                                               the inevitable changes that         in particular, “I Won’t         he says. “She was always very
                                                                                                      years. She is a two time             sort of retrain our brains away

                                                                                                                                           from some of the anti-aging         time brings. He also advises        Let a Walker Ruin
                                                                                                      published author and a                                                   living in the present and not       My Style (but I’ll
                                                                                                      podcaster and loves sharing          stereotypes that are part of
                                                                                                                                           our culture.”                       worrying about things that          Still Use It)”
                                                                     RENEE DININO                     stories.
                                                                                                                                                                               are out of his control—great        describes the
                                                                     Renee DiNino is our resident                                          At the heart of Petrow’s            advice for everyone.                difficulty of
                                                                     pet maven and wrote the piece                                         manifesto is the central                                                Steven
  JANE LATUS                                                         dogs in community policing.                                           admonishment for people             Like many middle-aged               and
  Jane Latus covers health and                                       (Page 72) She is the director                                         not to “go gently into that         people, he had to come              his
  politics. She followed up on                                       of community affairs for                                              good night,” as Dylan               to terms with the realities
  two breaking political stories                                     iHeartMedia in Connecticut,                                           Thomas wrote. For example,          of dealing with his aging
  in CT (Pages 19 & 22) and                                          the midday host on The River                                          he won’t stop rocking stylish       parents and their deaths.
  explored Middlesex Health's      DANIEL EUGENE                     105.9 and host of an hour-                                            clothing, including orange          Several chapters deal
  commitment to the LGBTQ+                                           long syndicated talk show on                                                                              with end-of-life issues
  community (Page 32). She is      KAMINSKI                          all Connecticut iHeartRadio
                                                                                                                                           pants, because they don’t
                                                                                                                                           fit external notions of what        with the very good and
  a writer and personal trainer    Daniel Eugene is a visual         stations. She also appears
  living in Canton. She and        artist, singer, and documentary   weekly on WFSB Channel 3’s       ​​ALEX ACQUARULO                     people his age “should”             practical advice that
                                                                                                                                                                               people should have as much
                                                                                                                                           wear. He also won’t color his
  her husband Ken have an          photographer who is a native      “Better Connecticut.” An avid    ​​Alex Acquarulo grew up in          hair—one of the funniest            control over the end of their
  escalating number of cats        and resident of Bethany,          animal lover and advocate, she   North Haven and is the owner
                                                                                                                                           pieces in the book in which         lives as possible. Among
  and two grown sons, one          CT. Outside of freelance          and her husband Sal have a       of CT FoodGirly, LLC, a social
                                                                                                                                           he learned what worked              these are making sure that
  transgender and one gay.         work Eugene focuses his           German Shepherd, Luke, they      media marketing platform that
                                                                                                                                           for Diane Sawyer didn’t for         you plan your own funeral
                                   photographic pursuits             rescued in Hartford. instagram   discovers and showcases
                                                                                                                                           him—or refuse a hearing aid,        and memorials, accepting
                                   documenting drag performance      @reneedinino.                    Connecticut’s best restaurants.
                                                                                                                                           should the time come when           physical challenges with
                                   and grassroots stock car                                           You can follow her via Instagram
                                                                                                                                           he needs it. Bottom line:           grace, and being sure to
                                   racing culture throughout New                                      (@ctfoodgirly), Facebook
                                                                                                      (CTFoodGirly) and her website,       Petrow is a strong advocate         say goodbye to people as
                                   England. Eugene also keeps
                                                                                             To learn        for staying engaged in life at      they are dying. A significant
                                   a daily drawing practice and
                                   performs regularly as drag                                         more about Ashley Amendola
                                   queen Sorcia Warhol.                                               and Coven Catery, visit
8 CT VOICE    |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CT VOICE    |   WINTER 2021-2022 9
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine
fashionable well into the 70s and 80s.     WHAT’S THE BU ZZ ?
So, I’ve been a proponent of wearing
skinny jeans and neon-colored
clothes. It’s part of who I am, but it’s
also a part of just being visible in the
                                             Douglas Lyons’s
Petrow also pledges not to be
disappointed with his life. Writing
about his very accomplished father,
his heart breaks for a man who at
the end, departed without a sense            Comedy Made It
                                             To Broadway
of fulfillment. Like many men of his
generation, as the gay son, Petrow,
had a cordial but somewhat distant
relationship with his father, and there
is a sense in the chapter about what
was lost in that. Petrow refuses to go
down the same path. As he observes,
“We are only given a limited number
of decades in our lives—it would be
a terrible thing to come to their end
with a sense of disappointment. I am
in charge of how my life turns out,
and I will make the most of it.”

Always looking for the positive—and
the possibilities—in any situation,
Petrow says, “I won’t stop believing
in magic.” I am a proponent of                                                                                                          Ebony Marshall-Oliver, Michael Urie & Aigner Mizzelle in a scene   Cleo King & the Cast of Chicken & Biscuits. Photo by Emilio Madrid
magic, but I’m a bigger proponent                                                                                                       from Chicken & Biscuits. Photo by Emilio Madrid
of science. I remember as a kid, the
wonderment I had and a belief in the
possibilities of the world.                                                                                                                           I asked Lyons how he would                           “The love in the room was            celebrate black women who
                                                                                                                                                                                                           palpable. It was a joyous night
“And as I got older, that kind of got                                                                                                                    describe his comedy: “The                         I’ll never forget.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                are so often in mainstream
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                media reduced to pain and
beat out of me as it happens to                                                                                                                         tone [of the play] would be                                                             suffering and taking care
many of us. We become pragmatists                                                                                                                                                                          Chicken & Biscuits, which            of everyone else. My goal
and, you know, everything seems                                                                                                                        The Book of Mormon meets                            is set in New Haven, draws           to open up what blackness
incremental. One of the good things          Ebony Marshall-Oliver, Michael Urie, & Devere Rogers in a scene from                                    Tyler Perry. Or, if you saw the                       from that community, Lyons’          look like and for us to be the
that came out of me having cancer in         Chicken & Biscuits. Photo by Bethany Cabino                                                                                                                   family, and their church. His        center of the story. There is so
                                                                                                                                                      film Soul Food, it’s more like

my twenties was a good friend, gave                                                                                                                                                                        mother is the first female
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                much joy and beauty that I’ve
                                                                                                                                                                                                           pastor of the Thomas Chapel
me this Fairy God Bunny. This was
                                                                hen we last talked          “This family comedy, with its cheek                     that; like a homecooked meal                           Church of Christ in New Ha-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                grown up among the black
really a nonbinary gender-neutral                                                                                                                                                                                                               women in my life. I want
bunny who had a tutu and a wand
                                                                with playwright-            and secrets and eulogies and amens,                              with a familiar family.”                      ven on White Street.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to show the layers and the
                                                                actor Douglas Lyons,        wants to offer audiences living in bad
and so on. It was given to me as a                              he was isolated at          times an old-fashioned good one,”                                                                                                                   varieties and the laughter of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lyons wrote much of Chicken
talisman when I was going through                               his New York City           wrote theatre critic Jesse Green in The                                                                                                             that world that the American
treatment. And it was something             apartment during the pandemic, and              New York Times.
                                                                                                                                                                    Sounds delicious.                      & Biscuits backstage when he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                theatre has missed out on.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                           was appearing in the long run
that I came to believe in, held onto,       crossing his fingers for some future                                                                                Now pass the biscuits.                     of Broadway’s Beautiful. (His
took to all my appointments and kind        life for his play Chicken & Biscuits,           New York Magazine’s Helen Shaw                                                                                 previous Broadway show, The          Chicken & Biscuits, which
of created this wonder again. That’s        whose run at a small Queens venue               wrote: “Going to Chicken & Biscuits                                                                            Book of Mormon, was a gig            stars Tony Award-nominee
where that thought about staying            was cut short when theaters shut                does feel like being fed by loving but                                                                         he landed after he graduated         Norm Lewis and Michael Urie,
in this moment of possibility and           down in mid-March 2020. (See VOICE              overweening relatives…it’s a meal full                                                                         from the Hartt School at the         runs through Jan. 2.
magic and seeing where that takes           Winter 2020/2021 issue.)                        of comfort dishes, difficulties resolved,                                                                      University of Hartford.)
us comes from.”                                                                             and love requited.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                And for the show’s future?
                                            Flash forward to October when Lyons’                                                                                                                           Lyons is one of eight Black
As one reads Petrow’s book, it’s clear      comedy—which centers on a vola-                 And this from Variety’s Ayanna Pre-                                                                            playwrights being produced           “The church doors are
that rather than avoiding doing             tile African-American family during             scod: Chicken & Biscuits is a feast of                                                                         on Broadway this season, a
                                            the funeral of its patriarch— pened                                                                                                                                                                 open and who knows what
                                                                                            a production, and there is enough                                                                              record number. The show has
stupid things, the trick is to stay in                                                                                                                                                                                                          blessings are in store,” says
                                            at Broadway’s Circle in the Square              sustenance and libation for the entire                                                                         also attracted many celebs,
the game, no matter how that may                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lyons. “We’re already getting
                                            Theater.                                        family...with a brilliant script that’s                                                                        including Billy Porter, Lupita
shift. These essays are a good start—                                                                                                                                                                                                           licensing requests, so hope-
                                                                                            fresh, relatable and laugh-out-loud                                                                            Nyong’o, Lea DeLaria and
and a useful roadmap.                       The reviews were mixed, but even                                                                                                                                                                    fully a couple years from now
                                                                                            funny. “                                                                                                       Nick Jonas, who also signed
                                            critics who had reservations about                                                                                                                             on as one of the producers.          Chicken & Biscuits will be in
You can hear my full interview with         the New Haven-set family play that              “Opening Night felt like a wedding,                                                                                                                 every community around the
Steven Petrow on the Voice OutLoud          features LGBTQ characters, acknowl-             though I’m very much single,” says                                                                                                                  country.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lyons says his play was writ-
podcast.                                    edged audiences’ enthusiasm, and                Lyons, 34, who was born and raised in                                                                          ten in part “to amplify and to                         —Frank Rizzo
                                            the welcome uplift of the show.                 the Fairhaven section of New Haven.
                   —Christopher Byrne

10 CT VOICE    |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                                                            CT VOICE       |   WINTER 2021-2022 11
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine

                                                                                                    DRAWING ON EXPERIENCE:
                                                                                                    Artist Dan Crowley’s New Book
                                                                                                    Celebrates Creativity
                                                                                                              ven as far as we’ve    it turned out it was the host’s   area, and so he turned to           book where he is looking at
                                                                                                              come as a society,     grandfather made it during        drawing and creativity as a         the beauty of another boy
                                                                                                              coming out as          the 1918 lockdown. Wow.           means of expression, and he         but trying not to be noticed.
                                                                                                              LGBTQ+ is always                                         says he found teachers who          He says, “I got really good at
                                                                                                              a big deal. For kids   “And so I, I thought, well,       supported and mentored              hiding.”
                                                                                                              of the Baby Boom       if I’m remembering the            him. Still his awakening as
                                                                                                    generation, it was often even    [current] lockdown, I want to     LGBTQ+ wasn’t easy.                 Today, Crowley is no longer
                                                                                                    tougher, as the culture wasn’t   create something. This was                                            hiding, and he’s sharing his
                                                                                                    ready to accept kids who         my chance, and so I decided       He says that seventh                stories in a warm, witty and
                                                                                                    were “different.” And yet, so    to write a book or make a         and eighth grade were               highly approachable way.
                                                                                                    many were.                       book about what it was like       particularly difficult. “I think    Readers may see themselves
                                                                                                                                     growing up gay and creative,      for a lot of us who grew up
                                                                                                                                                                                                           reflected in some of his
                                                                                                                                     and to make something that        gay, that was a pivotal time.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           vignettes, or they may recall
                                                                                                                                     would help kids and families      We were aware that we were
                                                                                                                                                                                                           their own. As Crowley says,
                                                                                                                                     who are going through this        gay. We were aware that we
                                                                                                                                                                                                           he wants everyone—of
                                                                                                                                     or have gone through it.”         were outside of what was
                                                                                                                                                                       happening with our peers            every age—simply to be
                                                                                                                                     The geography of Crowley’s                                            themselves, however that

     Never Stop Creating.
                                                                                                                                                                       who were starting to date
                                                                                                                                     growing up was different as       members of the opposite sex.        may be expressed.
                                                                                                                                     well. “I was born in New York,    And because we’re virtually
                                                                                                                                     and then we moved to Sao          of the same age, we were            Danny, Growing Up Gay
                                                                                                                                     Paulo, Brazil. And I spent a      hiding completely.                  & Creative is available on
                                                                                                                                     few years of my young life                                            Amazon.
                                                                                                                                     speaking Portuguese and           “My peripheral vision really
                                                                                                                                     living in South America.          got developed during those          You can hear my entire
                                                                                                                                     Then we come back to              early years. I didn’t want          conversation with Dan on the
    Seabury is a community where residents and members are encouraged and given every               Artist and author Dan Crowley.   Connecticut, and I go into        anyone to know that I was           Voice Out Loud Podcast.
                                                                                                                                     first grade in a Catholic         looking over here.” Crowley
    opportunity to pursue their artistic passions.                                                                                   school. This was a completely     mentions one                                  —Christopher Byrne
                                                                                                    Artist and author Dan            different world than anything     drawing in the
                                                                                                    Crowley, who spent part of       I’d ever experienced in my
    As a Life Plan Community for adults 50 and over, we have many thriving artists on and           his growing up in Wilton,        life. So, I couldn’t help but
                                                                                                    knew that he was “different”     stand out. And the nuns used
    off campus. Some are lifelong practitioners, and some are just getting started, but they’re     from an early age, and           to think that I was trying
    all creating beautiful art that enhances our environment.                                       he’s taken that experience
                                                                                                    and put it into a new book
                                                                                                                                     to speak in tongues when,
                                                                                                                                     when Portuguese would
                                                                                                    Danny, Growing Up Gay and        come now, I kept getting
                                                                                                    Creative. Over the course of     punished for trying to be a
    Come tour the Seabury campus art galleries and meet some of the creative artists                fifty drawings with captions,    class clown.”
    who make their home here.                                                                       the reader follows Dan on
                                                                                                    his journey from birth to        Crowley found his
                                                                                                    age 18, how he expressed his     way to fit in as the
                                                                                                    difference, and how he grew      class artist. His
                                 Make an appointment today to learn more, call                      into his own authenticity.       drawing talent
                                                                                                                                     made him popular,
                                       860-243-4033 or 860-243-6018                                 Crowley says the project         and as he says, it
                                                                                                    was born out of the COVID        was his “weirdness”
                                                                                                    lockdown. “I was working         that made him
                                                                                                    on several different book        different and at the
                                                                                                    projects of my own, and then     same time gave him
                                                                                                    the lockdown happened            some power, and prestige,
                                                                                                    last March. I decided that I     with his peer group.
                                               200 Seabury Drive | Bloomfield, CT 06002             wanted to use the lockdown
                                                                                                    time to create something         That didn’t solve all the
                                        |             important to me. I had been      problems, however. When
                                                                                                    to a party years ago where I     he was in middle school, his
                                                                                                    saw this old doll house, and     family lived in a fairly remote

12 CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                        CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022 13
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine

                                                                                                                                                            A CULTURE OF DIVERSITY,
                                                                                                                                                            EQUITY, AND INCLUSION
   Moving In Together? Think About                                                                                                                         “At FactSet, we are proud to support the LGBTQ+ community

   Potential Legal Issues                                                                                                                                   through the efforts and activation of our Global Pride
                                                                                                                                                            Business Resource Group (BRG) and organizational
                                                                                                                                                            practices. We’re proud to have been recognized with multiple

                                                                                                                                                            awards for our analytical and data-driven solutions; I am
        n a relationship, few           in a divorce, couples who             extent, but oral contracts, if
                                                                                                                                                            particularly proud that we have achieved a score of 100%
                                                                                                                    that was transferred to the
        things are as exciting          are merely cohabiting are             proven, can be as binding             relationship, even though no            for six years in a row by the Human Rights Campaign®
        as the prospect of living       vulnerable to legal action,           as written ones. Somewhat             actual money was involved.              Corporate Equality Index for our LGBTQ+ inclusive policies
        together. It’s a big            which can be both financially         similar to this is the claim          The argument, then, is that             and practices. We are unified by the spirit of Inclusion,
        step, and it’s one that         and emotionally draining.             that a business partnership           the partner against whom
   shouldn’t be taken lightly. No
                                                                                                                                                            and are committed to building a diverse workforce where
                                        In my practice, I’ve had to           was formed, and the person            the action is being brought
   one wants to be a buzz kill or       handle a number of cases of           suing is entitled to the assets       was unjustly enriched by                all talent can thrive, and one that is reflective of the
   undermine all the romantic           couples separating in which           of that partnership.                  the efforts of the one who              communities we operate in.”
   parts of anticipating a shared       one party chooses to sue                                                    brought the action. Did that
   home and a life together.            the other for distribution            You can be accused of fraud.          really happen? If so, what was         -Vinay Kapoor, Global Chief Diversity Officer
   At the same time, as you             of assets and income. All             In other words, a partner can         it worth? As you can probably
   address the practical matters        these cases have a couple of          claim that the other partner          see, there’s a lot of room (not
   of cohabitation, you’ll want to      things in common. Either the          somehow fraudulently                  to say a “yawning chasm”) for 
   consider the legal issues that       parties didn’t set up a clear         induced them to live with             interpretation and argument,
   could arise if the relationship      agreement of how assets and           him or her or they and gain           which is why cases of this
   doesn’t work out.                    income would be handled,              access to their knowledge             nature can drag on over time.
                                        or one party thought they             and efforts and are thus
                                        had set things up clearly,            entitled to compensation and          Finally, with regard to
                                        only to find an action                damages.                              property, if you choose to
                                        brought against him or her                                                  put a partner’s name on a                                             F I N A N C I A L   D ATA   |   A N A LY T I C S    |   T E C H N O L O G Y   |   S E R V I C E S
                                        that was never anticipated.           Another argument that I’ve            real estate deed, you could
                                        Unfortunately, such cases             also seen in my practice—and          be subject to an action of
                                        dragged on for years after the        in some high-profile celebrity        partition. The partner who
                                        relationships ended.                  breakups—is the concept of            brings the action would be

                                                                              “constructive trust.” In this         entitled to half the asset, even
                                        I know you may be thinking,           case the claim is that one            if they never contributed a
                                        “well, what really could              partner is legally holding the        dime to it.
                                        happen if we’re not married?          other’s assets. That partner
                                        Wouldn’t we just go our                                                     Now, the purpose of this

                                                                              somehow obtained control
                                        separate ways? What’s                 of the assets and is now              is not to scare you off
                                        the big deal?” Well, buckle           denying them. The partner             living together. Far from it.
                                        up because even though                would then be unjustly                Couples need to address                                                                                                  The best is yet to come!
                                        Connecticut has never had             enriched by not relinquishing         all the practical matters of
                                        common law marriage—one               the assets and instead                their relationship in order to
   Attorney Ted Levine                  of the issues I hear with
                                        some regularity—a partner
                                                                              keeping them for themselves.
                                                                              Since a constructive trust is
                                                                                                                    provide a strong foundation
                                                                                                                    for growth and sharing; this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        FRIday, MAR. 11, 2022 | 7 p.m.
                                        can still make certain claims         implied rather than stated,           is just one more component
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Cameron Carpenter is
   This is particularly true if
                                        against the other’s assets and
                                        income, and just because it
                                                                              there are four elements
                                                                              that must be proven: a
                                                                                                                    of that. In our next column,
                                                                                                                    we’ll talk about the steps                          live                                                                                                              the world’s most visible
   you choose not to marry.
   Marriage provides certain
                                        may be tough to prevail in
                                        some of these claims, getting
                                                                              confidential or fiduciary
                                                                              relationship, a promise, a
                                                                                                                    you can take to ensure
                                                                                                                    clear understanding and
                                                                                                                                                                      events                                                     DIVA POWER                                               organist, the first ever
   rights, which have only
   been available to same sex
                                        to a settlement (versus
                                        going to court) can be time
                                                                              transfer made on the basis
                                                                              of that promise, and unjust
                                                                                                                    protection for each person.                       return                                                                                                              to be nominated for a
   couples since the Obergefell
   decision legalizing so-called
                                        consuming and expensive.              enrichment. Proving these
                                                                              can be messy. For instance,
                                                                                                                    In the meantime, if you
                                                                                                                    have questions, please click
                                                                                                                                                                       2022                                                                                                               GRAMMY Award for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a solo album. In this
   gay marriage in 2015. That           One of the more common                one partner may claim that            over to the Editor’s Corner
   said many couples, of all            claims we see is that an oral         they took care of property            on, and we’ll                                                                                                                                             unique and intimate
   kinds, choose to live together       contract was formed, which            while the other earned the            answer questions of general                                                                                                                                           concert experience,
   without being married, and           provided for sharing income           bulk of the alleged joint             interest.
   there are issues to be aware         and assets into the future.           assets. That work, which                                                                                                                                                                                    Cameron will once
   of. Whereas married couples          This ends up as a “they said/         benefitted both partners,                       —Tedd S. Levine, Esq.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          again prove why he’s
   would have to settle issues          they said” argument to some           could be called an asset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          described as “The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Maverick Organist” by
   DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this column does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice or be relied upon in any many; instead,                                                                                                                                  The New York Times.
   all information in this article is for general informational purposes only. Please contact your lawyer for advice based on your individual situation.

                                                                                                                       Photo by T. Charles Erickson

14 CT VOICE     |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CT VOICE     |   WINTER 2021-2022 15
Siriano - CT Voice Magazine

                                     Proudly serving the     FATHERHOOD, HAMILTON AND NETFLIX:
                                     primary care needs      Talking with Rory O’Malley
                                      of LGBTQ seniors
                                                                        or Tony- and Drama     it. And it’s just, it’s been an
                                                                        Desk-nominated         incredible experience, to be

                                       and long-term                    actor Rory O’Malley,
                                                                        the pandemic
                                                                        took him offstage
                                                                                               playing a gay character, to
                                                                                               be a gay man, playing a gay
                                                                                               character and to have two

                                       surivors of HIV.
                                                             but not out of performing.        generations of gay characters

   Primary Care                                              His latest project is voicing
                                                             the character of Daniel in
                                                             the new, animated Netflix
                                                                                               be portrayed in the same
                                                                                               show because an 18-year-old
                                                                                               now who’s gay has a very

  Sexual Health                                              series, Chicago Party Aunt.
                                                             Daniel is gay and struggling
                                                             with whether or not to go
                                                                                               different life experience for
                                                                                               somebody who’s middle-
                                                                                               aged, and certainly a gay

  HIV Treatment                                              to Stanford for college,
                                                             and while his parents are
                                                             encouraging him to go
                                                                                               man of color. So, to have
                                                                                               these two characters and
                                                                                               to have RuPaul play it so

  LGBTQ Health                                               the traditional route, his
                                                             aunt, Diane, is encouraging
                                                             him to find himself. Diane
                                                                                               perfectly is a real treat. And I
                                                                                               got to be on zoom calls and
                                                                                               table reads with RuPaul, and

    PrEP & PEP                                               herself was a hard partying
                                                             young woman—and the
                                                             party has never stopped for
                                                                                               really trying to get any kind
                                                                                               of spoiler about drag race
                                                                                               out of them. So that was like

  Covid Vaccines                                             her. As O’Malley says it’s an
                                                             opportunity for both of them
                                                             to grow and “learn some
                                                                                               beyond, beyond a dream.”

                                                                                               O’Malley has been doing
                                                                                               more than just recording in        as King George in the             humor. “Sometimes were
                                                             different lessons about life.
                                                                                               his garage in Los Angeles.         Los Angeles company of            the butt of his jokes. But you
                                                             And comedy ensues.”
                                                                                               He’s been actively involved        Hamilton, and he’s loving         gotta’ hand it to him; the kid
                                                                                                                                  being back on stage. “We          knows comedy.”
 Visit us online at:
                                                                                               in Broadway Impact, an
                                                                                               organization he founded with       couldn’t talk about how
                                                                                               fellow Broadway star Gavin         much we missed that feeling       Like so many others, O’Malley                                                                       Creel. Originally formed           for the last year-and-a-          says he was fortunate to
                                                                                               with Broadway Cares/Equity         half. We had to suppress it       be able to make it through
                                                                                               Fights AIDS to promote             because there was a time          the pandemic. He says, “it’s
                                                                                               marriage equality. O’Malley is     when I thought it might           nice that we’ve been find
                                                                                               proud of what this group of        be four or five years before      other ways to create and
                                                                                               artists accomplished, though       we got back into a theater        communicate.” At first, he
                                                                                               the work is not done. During       again.” He says that the          says he wasn’t comfortable
                                                                                               the worst of the pandemic,         excitement of being on stage      with all the technology he
                                                                                               the organization worked            in front of a live audience       had to master, but he says,
                                                                                               with Broadway Cares to             sharing an experience is          “I’ve been able to figure out
                                                                                               raise money for the many           something everyone in the         new ways to be creative. And
                                                                                               actors who were out of work.       company is feeling—as are         that’s the plus side of what
                                                                                               There were, O’Malley notes,        the audiences.                    we’ve all been going through
                                                                                               many people who work in                                              as artists: we’ve found new
                                                                                               all aspects of theater who         And as if all that wasn’t         ways to create.”
                                                             Rory O'Malley                     didn’t have resources, so          enough to keep him busy,
                                                                                               he worked with the Actors’         O’Malley with his husband is      The first season of Chicago
                                                                                               Fund to help raise money for       now a dad to a two-and-a-         Party Aunt is on Netflix. It’s
                                                                                               those in need. He stresses         half-year-old son, which he       rated TV-MA. Hamilton is
                                                             O’Malley is proud of the work     how important—and                  calls “the greatest thing that    at the Pantages Theater in
                                                             and thrilled to be working        appreciated—it was for the         ever happened to me. I’m a        Los Angeles, slated to run
                                                             with a host of actors who         community to come together         luck guy, and I’ve gotten to
    618 West Avenue                                          identify as LGBTQ+, including     during the darkest period          do so many cool things in
                                                                                                                                                                    through January 2022.

                                                             RuPaul. “I am not over the
   Norwalk, CT 06850                                         fact that RuPaul is a part of
                                                                                               many theater people have
                                                                                               ever known.
                                                                                                                                  my career, but to be a dad
                                                                                                                                  to our son, it’s what I’m on
                                                                                                                                                                    You can hear my full
                                                                                                                                                                    conversation with Rory on the
                                                             something that I’m doing                                             this planet to do.” Among all
       203.852.9525                                          because I bow down to             Now that theaters are open,        the other exciting parts of
                                                                                                                                                                    Voice Out Loud podcast.

                                                             the queen, and I’ I think         O’Malley is back on stage.         parenthood, O’Malley says
                                                             that RuPaul’s fantastic in        He just began performing           his son has a great sense of                —Christopher Byrne

16 CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                 CT VOICE    |   WINTER 2021-2022 17

   Senator Murphy Expands Efforts
   To Help Transgender Youth

            enator Christopher                                      or legal names. The            for fearmongering. In
            Murphy has                                              consequences of                April, a federal judge
            consistently                                            failing in these areas,        dismissed a lawsuit            Tune in
            worked to help                                          Murphy writes, can             that attempted to ban
   mend and support the
                                                                    result in delay in care        transgender participation
   mental health system in                                          or inappropriate care.                                        Public Radio
                                                                                                   in sports, though an
   the U.S. In late September,                                                                                                    Weekdays 1 p / 9p
                                                                    Approximately 2 percent        appeal is in the works.
   the Senator redoubled                                                                                                          Sat noon
   his efforts, addressing the                                      of youth identify as
                                                                                                   Connecticut has banned
   Departments of Health                                            transgender. In the                                           Stream
                                                                    United States, over            discrimination based
   and Human Services and                                                                                               
   Substance Abuse Services,                                        1.9 million youth are          on gender identity and
   calling attention to                                             estimated to be LGBT           expression for a decade,
   much-needed action on                                            between 13-17 years            but that doesn’t stop
   behalf of adolescents in          Senator Christopher Murphy     of age, with almost            bills being put forward.
   general and transgender                                          150,000 self-identifying       While this is only one
   and nonbinary youth,                                             as transgender. TGE            area of concern, 21
   in particular.                                                   youth may experience           states nationwide
                                     Council (BHCC), along          a host of mental health        have introduced bills
   He cited a national survey        with experts in the field of   burdens including anxiety,
                                                                                                   that would deny
   of LGBTQ+ youth released          adolescent transgender         depression, and suicidal
   by The Trevor Project that        care, to offer guidance        thoughts, largely due
                                     on best practices for          to societal stigma and         healthcare to youth.
   showed that more than
   half of transgender and           adolescent inpatient           lack of access to care.
                                                                                                   Senator Murphy’s letter
   nonbinary youth had               mental health care
                                     for these youth. Our           This effort is imperative      was co-signed by Senator
   serious suicidal thoughts
   in 2020. The survey               goal is to help mental         to the health and              Blumenthal, and stresses
   sample included 45                health providers offer         wellbeing of transgender       how important it is for this
   percent youth of color and        the best care they can         youth in Connecticut,          population to have a voice
   38 percent identifying as         to the nation’s TGE            as this remains a highly       that is heard and receive
   transgender or nonbinary.         youth without a delay          vulnerable population, too     the care they deserve.
                                     in treatment. The focus        often treated as a political
   In his letter to the              of this request is for         football and a platform                —Christopher Byrne
   departments, Murphy               the pressing needs of
   wrote, “Nationally,               hospital or residential
   adolescent mental health          care even as we recognize
   providers have expressed          the need for guidance
   concern for the increasing        across all settings of
   need for adolescent               mental health care.”
   behavioral health services.
   We have also heard from           Murphy also notes the
   health care providers             need for guidance on
   about the need to answer          best practices for serving
   an urgent call for the            gender diverse youth, in
   unmet mental health               all types of residential and
   needs for transgender             treatment environments,
   and gender expansive              and the essential need
   (TGE) adolescents,                for gender-affirming
   including exploring,              care, understanding
   non-binary, agender,              terminology,
   genderfluid and queer             pronoun usage, and
   youth. As co-chairs, we           acknowledging patients
   encourage the Behavioral          by their chosen names
   Health Coordinating               and not their given                                                                          You can access the entire Connecticut Public Radio show line up wherever you download podcasts, or get
                                                                                                                                   them and all national and local public media programs by downloading our free Connecticut Public app.
18 CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                              CT VOICE | WINTER 2021-2022 19

                                                                                                 Our Mission
                                                                                                 To empower and advocate for
                                                                                                 LGBTQ+ people in Connecticut
                                                                                                 through programing focused on
                                                                                                 community, health and learning.

                                                                         Contact TCC
                                                                         Mon-Fri: 10 AM - 6 PM
                                                                          650 West Avenue        Counseling
                                                                          Norwalk, CT 06850
                                                                                                 Free in-house counseling
                                                                            (203) 853-0600       services for the LGBTQ+
                                                                  community. TCC offers both in
ENJOY WARM FIRES & WATER VIEWS                                
                                                                                                 person and virtual sessions.
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WHAT’S THE BU ZZ ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Plan Today
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to be Prepared
   Plan for the Long Run                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Tomorrow

          ong-term care              and nonbinary people,         average. The Association        sensitive plans, however,        insurance versus           As noted, many
          is an important            and the right to marry.       for LTC Planning                and the premiums can             self-funding, as           people are nervous
          factor in the plans        Now, there may be the         estimates that in-home          be steep. Many experts           there are additional       or uncomfortable
          you create or              ability to have more          care can cost more than         suggest that the time            advantages that            talking about these
   continue to develop. You          conventional financial        $50,000 per year, and           to purchase these plans          come with private          issues. They feel it’s
   are doing that, right? And        and estate planning.          nursing home costs can          is between ages 45 and           insurance including
                                                                                                                                                               depressing or dark.
   hopefully with the help of                                      be upwards of $100K             55. And the sooner the           care management
                                     That’s where long-term                                                                                                    It certainly can be
   a professional.                                                 per year. Such expenses         better. It may seem              and risk sharing,
                                     planning is important.        deplete savings in a very       simplistic, but it’s easier      which can benefit          a downer to think
                                     Approximately 70 percent      short time, especially          to get insurance when            you in the event of        about end-of-life
   For LGBTQ+ individuals,
                                     of Americans turning          when coming out of              the likelihood of needing        a catastrophic long-       needs. But I like to
   future planning is
                                     65 today will need some       a pre-tax IRA. These            it is further in the future.     term care event.           take a “set-it-and-              Call 860-559-2183 & let's prepare!
   especially critical. Various
                                     type of long-term care        expenses can take an            Plans vary, so it’s best                                    forget-it approach.”
   studies, including one
                                     during their remaining        emotional toll as well          to talk with a financial         Medicaid does cover        By that I mean,                                     MICHELLE CUTRALI, CLTC
   from Experian in 2018,                                                                                                                                                                                          Certified Long Term Care Planner
                                     years, according to           as causing financial            professional who can             some long-term             if you spend a
   showed that LGBTQ+                                                                                                                                                                                              & Financial Services Professional*
                                     the U.S. Department           hardship.                       guide you to the best            care services (unlike
   people spent more on                                                                                                                                        comparatively short
                                     of Health and Human                                           possible solution for your       Medicare, which                                                                860-559-2183
   discretionary items than                                                                                                                                    amount of time
                                     Services (HHS). Such care     At the same time, many          unique case.                     most people are                                                      
   on saving and planning            runs the gamut from           people turn to their                                                                        facing the inevitable
                                                                                                                                    surprised to learn
   for the future. There             assistance with the basics    families for their long-        Linked-benefit or hybrid         does not cover long-       and many potential
   are many sociological             of daily living, to in-home   term care needs, but            plans combine long-              term care) but you         eventualities, you           * Registered Representative offering securities through NYLIFE Securities LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC, A
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Licensed Insurance Agency. NYLIFE Securities LLC is a New York Life Company.
   and historical reasons            assistance, to memory         many LGBT+ people               term care insurance with         need to spend down         can make a plan to                    360 Bloomfield Ave, Ste 402, Windsor, CT 06095, 860 285 8884
   we could explore as to            care, or to residential       don’t have children. By         life insurance, providing        most of your assets to     suit your life and
   why this is. Many of the          care. According to the        the time they need care,        broader coverage and             qualify and you need       your assets. Once
   extraordinary concerns            Administration on Aging,      there may be no one             greater flexibility usually      to receive care in an      the plan is in place,
   of LGBTQ+ people in past          women will require            in the family willing or        at a slightly higher price       approved facility. In      you can go back to
   years are no longer as            about 3.7 years of long-      able to provide it. While       point since you are              essence, you would         your life, and you
   pressing, including the           term care, while men          this may sound grim,            insuring multiple risks.         have to bankrupt
                                                                                                                                                               have the advantage
   acceptance of LGBTQ+              will require 2.2 years, on    it’s a reality. Clear-eyed      If you don’t need the            yourself before you
                                                                                                   life insurance portion of                                   of knowing you’ve
                                                                   planning can provide                                             are eligible to receive
                                                                   answers for the future—         this type of policy, or if                                  taken care of part of
                                                                                                                                    this. Medicaid also
                                                                   and peace of mind now.          you can meet your life           requires you to be         your future. I’d always                         I can assist you with all of
                                                                                                   insurance objectives             unable to perform          rather plan today                                 your real estate needs.
                                                                   HOW TO PLAN FOR                 through other means,             at least two of the        than panic tomorrow.                               Call or text me today!
                                                                   LONG-TERM CARE                  this may not be the plan         six criteria. for daily
                                                                   Depending on your age,          for you. For LGBTQ+                                         I also like to think of                                 212.203.7087
                                                                                                                                    living. If you are
                                                                   health, means and needs,        people considering who           eligible, however,         long-term planning
                                                                   there are several ways to       their heirs are and how          Medicaid will likely       as a bet I hope I lose,
                                                                   address long-term care.         they want to provide             cover the entire costs     but it’s one that
                                                                                                   for them will be a factor        of care. However,          makes a lot of sense
                                                                   Long-term care                  in determining if the            Medicaid does not          to take.
                                                                   planning options:               increased cost is the way        provide-in home care
                                                                   Standalone or traditional       to go.                           in many states.               –Michelle Cutrali, CLTC
                                                                   long-term care insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      c: 212.203.7087
                                                                   plans generally provide         Self-fund
                                                                   the most robust long-           You may be able to pay                                                                                                            flf l @rich_companik_homes
                                                                   term care coverage based        for long-term care out-
                                                                   on the premiums paid,           of-pocket if you have
                                                                                                                                    DISCLAIMER: This article is for informational
                                                                   can be customized to suit       significant assets.if you
                                                                                                                                    purposes only, and it does not replace
                                                                   your needs, and offer the       have significant assets.         professional investment advice, for legal, tax,
                                                                   option to receive care          While this may be an             financial, or any other. It is recommended that
                                                                   at home, in an assisted         option for some, it’s            you seek such advice from a Financial Advisor
                                                                   living facility, or a nursing   often valuable to weigh          or Certified Long Term Care Planner who will
                                                                   home. These are age-            the benefits of private          understand your individual situation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Four Elm Street,
                                                                                                     Photo by T. Charles Erickson                                                                                                                              New Canaan, CT 06840

22 CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                                                                                    CT VOICE             |   WINTER 2021-2022 23
FEATURE //                                                      Whether he’s designing
                                                                  couture collections that
                                                                  will be worn for years or
                                                                  glamorous one-night only

  CHRISTIAN                                                       dresses for celebrities,
                                                                  Connecticut resident

   SIRIANO:                                                       Christian Siriano can be
                                                                  counted on to create
                                                                  memories for a lifetime …
          A MAN of

               BY BRIAN SCOTT LIPTON

                                    t age 36, Christian Siriano
                                    has already accomplished
                                    more than most people
                                    twice his age. A recent
                                    resident of Westport,
                                    Siriano first became one
                                    of the country’s most
                                    coveted fashion designers
                                    after winning the popular
                                    television competition
   show, Project Runway, a decade ago. Since then, he has
   created multiple retail collections, been inducted into the
   prestigious Council of Fashion Designers of America
   (CFDA) and collaborated with a galaxy of the world’s
   biggest celebrities—from Lady Gaga to Jennifer Lopez to
   First Ladies Dr. Jill Biden and Michelle Obama—to create
   memorable, news-worthy looks.

   Moreover, in the past few years, Siriano has both returned
   to Project Runway as a “mentor” and executive producer
   and seen his work exhibited in museums nationwide
   (including the current “A Lexicon of American Fashion”
   at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art), created a
   highly anticipated coffee-table book, Dresses to Dream
   About, hosted the Bravo talk show, So Siriano, and even
   recently started his own interior design business. He also
   claims to sleep.

   Siriano recently took some time from his ultra-busy
   schedule to chat with CT Voice about his many projects,
   his “favorite” celebrities to work with, how the Covid-19                Photo by Shane Lavancher Studio
   pandemic changed his business and his outlook on life,
   and so much more.

   Note: This interview has been edited and condensed
   for clarity.
                                      CONTINUED ON PAGE 26

24 CT VOICE    |   WINTER 2021-2022                                     CT VOICE   |   WINTER 2021-2022 25
: What was your earliest                   you can have in this business. Of course,         : You have both a career                                                       happening. Then, once I got started, I
recollection of “fashion”?                    they’re not all the same; sometimes it is     retrospective exhibition at the                                                    felt like I had to hold up my end of the
CS: My earliest memories are being with       very quick, practically off-the-cuff, and     Savannah College of Art and                                                        bargain by making more and more, and
my sister when she was studying to be         sometimes it takes weeks and months.          Design (SCAD) this fall and                                                        as the pandemic continued, it became
a ballet dancer and going backstage and       Personally, it doesn’t work, at least for     you’re releasing an updated                                                        even more important to keep doing
seeing all those costumes. I also loved       me, when the celebrity or his or her team     version of your book, Dresses to
                                              overthink the outfit. I am just not an                                                                                           this—even if we weren’t making money
watching the transformation from girls                                                      Dream About. What has it been
in warm-up clothes to becoming fairies        overthinker by nature. I am reactionary;      like looking back at your career                                                   from it! Eventually, we did find a way
on stage. That really sparked my interest.    that’s how I roll.                            this way?                                                                          to a make some money from it, but
And my mom was quite fashionable                                                            CS: What’s good is I am not a regretful                                            ultimately, it’s one of the things I’ve done
and stylish. Instead of something                : At the risk of asking you                designer. In fact, sometimes, I get excited                                        that I am most proud of!
traditional, she got married in a Diane Von   about “favorites,” can you                    to see what I did just starting out, even
Furstenberg wrap dress! I am lucky that       name a few celebrities you’re                 knowing how much I’ve grown. And no                                                   : So, do you think a lot
my mom, who is a teacher, encouraged          particularly happy to work with?              matter what outfits I’ve designed, they all                                        about what the future holds
both her children to be creative and follow   CS: Alicia Silverstone was my whole           have memories—even the bad ones! So
                                              muse growing up, thanks to Clueless, and                                                                                         in store for Christian Siriano,
their passion, instead of doing something                                                   it’s been fun!                                                                     professionally and personally?
they really didn’t want to.                   I still love working with her. Christina
                                              Hendricks is one of the nicest women on          : Speaking of “bad,” more                                                       CS: As far as fashion, I really admire
   : Now you inspire a lot of other           the planet! Billy Porter just works it, no    than ever, the mainstream                                                          what Donna Karan, Marc Jacobs, Oscar
young designers by being a                    matter what we come up with. Janelle          media really talks about fashion,                                                  de la Renta and some of the other
mentor on Project Runway?                     Monae is wonderful because she’s such a       especially red carpets like at the                                                 American houses were able to build.
What are the greatest rewards—                creative artist. She can be tough because     recent Met Gala. How does that                                                     People don’t realize American designers
and challenges—of working                     she knows what she likes and she thinks       affect you and your work?
                                                                                                                                                                               simply don’t have the same amount of
with these contestants?                       about fashion differently than some other     CS: I don’t take the criticism of my
                                              people, and I love that. I adore working
                                                                                                                                          “I don’t want any woman              money to work with as the European
CS: What’s great is these young designers                                                   work personally, but I don’t like that the
are so obsessed with this world of fashion    with people like Kristin Chenoweth            media seems to attack the person wearing      to feel bad about herself.           designers. I really think people forget—
that it inspires me, especially when I have   and Danielle Brooks, both of whom are         something, whether I made it or not, by                                            or don’t understand—how hard it is
                                              always so fun to be with. It’s honestly a
                                                                                                                                          And what makes me
a hard day, by reminding me that there                                                      saying how it’s doesn’t flatter her, or                                            to survive in this industry, especially
are so many people who would perhaps          big list.                                     it doesn’t fit her. No one wants to hear      angrier is that we haven’t           after this pandemic when people aren’t
literally kill to do what I do. The biggest                                                 they look fat or ugly in a dress, and I                                            shopping the way they used to be. That’s
challenge of being on the show, however,         : As that list also proves,                don’t want any woman to feel bad about
                                                                                                                                          learned, especially since the
                                              you’ve been a big champion of                                                                                                    one reason why I will never again put
is that it takes a lot of time and the one                                                  herself. And what makes me angrier is         pandemic, is how much we
thing I don’t have these days is a lot of     body diversity in fashion! Why is             that we haven’t learned, especially since                                          all my eggs in one proverbial basket
time.                                         that so important to you?                     the pandemic, is how much we need to
                                                                                                                                          need to be kinder to each            and why I have taken on so many other
                                              CS: I made a very important decision          be kinder to each other. At the end of the    other. At the end of the day,        projects. It’s not only that I have to be
   : That’s an understatement!                early on that I didn’t want to alienate       day, this is just fashion—we’re not curing                                         stimulated in other ways than just making
In the past few months, you                   any customer, famous or not. I feel like      cancer.
                                                                                                                                          this is just fashion—we’re not
                                                                                                                                                                               clothes; it’s also that the pandemic
designed an entire couture                    what I want to leave behind is being                                                        curing cancer.”                      taught me—and maybe all of us—that
collection and created countless              known for more than just designing great        : Speaking of the Covid
celebrity outfits for award                   clothes, but for representing all women.      pandemic, it was particularly                                 –CHRISTIAN SIRIANO   everything could be taken away just like
shows and galas, among your                   Otherwise, to me, this business would be      hard on the luxury fashion                                                         that. These days, I focus more on my
many other projects. Is it                    nothing more than packing up dresses and      industry. But you took the                                                         family, my health and my new house.
really fun for you to work with               shipping them to stores. Trust me, the        initiative to make over three                                                      That said, I do have to finish my pre-fall
celebrities, or is it just part of            nitty gritty of the fashion business is not   million PPE masks. Why did you                                                     collection, which shows in December. I
the game?                                     fun. I say to people, “You think this is      do that?                                                                           still have a lot of energy. I know that I
CS: I definitely feel like working with       all glamour? Do you want to see all the       CS: In the beginning, it was a completely
                                                                                                                                                                               can drive some people crazy. But for me,
celebrities is as true a collaboration as     bills I have to pay?”                         emotional reaction to what was
                                                                                                                                                                               at least, that’s a good thing!

26 CT VOICE     |   WINTER 2021-2022                                                                                                                                               CT VOICE     |   WINTER 2021-2022 27
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