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THE ARMY’S OFFICIAL PROFESSIONAL BULLETIN ON SUSTAINMENT JANUARY-MARCH 2021 WWW.ALU.ARMY.MIL/ALOG TALENT MANAGEMENT People First Insights from the Army’s Chief of Staff Developing Logistics Leaders for the Multi- Domain Environment Owning our Expertise Influencing, Networking Essential to Warrant Officer Success Civilian Logisticians Talent Management for Department of the Army Civilians The Battalion Command Assessment Program PB 700–21–01 Headquarters, Department of the Army • Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
48 SUSTAINMENT THROUGHOUT "Our Army is COVID Supporting RSOI During a Pandemic composed By: 1st Lt. Lauren Toner and Warrant Officer 1 Erik Hodge of individual 52 CASH IS KING Units Must Incorporate Cash and Finance Soldiers and 22 48 59 Operations By: Col. Greg Worley civilians with 58 CIVILIAN LOGISTICIANS a variety of Talent Management for Department of the Army Civilians By: Jeff Garland and Kesha Johnson talents and 62 strengths. CONTENTS THE BATTALION COMMAND 4 AMC COMMANDER 28 LEADERSHIP GOALS ASSESSMENT PROGRAM (BCAP) By: Maj. Christopher J. Denton Aligning the The War for Talent By: Gen. Ed Daly Cultivating a Culture of Assessments By: Maj. Gen. J.P. McGee and Michael 66 FEEDING THE FORCE force into Arnold cohesive Class I in a Compromised Environment 6 ARMY G-4 By: Lt. Col. Christopher M. Richardson, Command Talent Management: Enabling Total 32 PREDICTIVE READINESS Sgt. Maj. Willie C. Allen Jr., Maj. Phillip Hetteburg, Army Readiness By: Lt. Gen. Duane A. Gamble Examining Army Total Force Policy in the Pacific and 1st Lt. Rebecca Jeffrey teams is what 8 CASCOM CG By: Col. John Stibbard and Maj. Brendan Balestrieri makes our Managing Talent Within Our Sustainment Force 36 TALENT MANAGEMENT Army the best By: Maj. Gen. Rodney Fogg and Lt. Col. in the world." Insights from the Army's Senior John Mitchel Enlisted Sustainer By: Command Sgt. Maj. Alberto Delgado 11 OWNING OUR EXPERTISE Maj. Gen. Rodney Fogg Influencing, Networking Essential to Warrant Officer Success 40 FORWARD SUPPORT COMPANY By: Chief Warrant Officer 5 Mark W. TRENDS IN A DECISIVE ACTION By: Cpt. David Peplinski and Master Sgt. Hickman Jaime Mastache 16 PEOPLE FIRST 44 FUSION CELL UTILIZATION: Insights from the Army's Chief of Staff LESSONS IN LOGISTICS FROM By: Gen. James C. McConville DEFENDER20 By: 2nd Lt. Dylan W. Nigh 22 DEVELOPING LOGISITICS LEADERS FOR THE MULTI- DOMAIN ENVIRONMENT Lt. Col. Shaalim David, branch chief for casualty and mortuary affairs at U.S. Army By: Col. Eric A. McCoy Human Resources Command, relocates a plank on the double culvert obstacle to help his team overcome a challenge of the Leader Reaction Course during the Battalion Commander Assessment Program Jan. 23, 2020, at Fort Knox, Ky. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Daniel Schroeder, Army Talent Management Task Force) ii | January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management | iii
JANUARY-MARCH 2021 VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 MEMBERS ARMY LOGISTICS UNIVERSITY Maj. Gen. Rodney D. Fogg (Chairman) Brig. Gen. James M. Smith Commander, Combined Arms Support Command President Lt. Gen. Duane A. Gamble William R. Stanley Deputy Chief of Staff, G-4, Department of the Army Civilian Deputy READ ARMY SUSTAINMENT ONLINE Lt. Gen. Robert L. Marion Col. Aaron M. Stanek Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Commandant/Military Deputy Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology For current and past issues of Army Lt. Gen. Donnie Walker STAFF Deputy Commanding General, Army Materiel Command Sustainment Professional Gregory E. Jones Lt. Gen. Thomas A. Horlander Bulletin, go to Military Deputy for Budget to the Assistant Secretary of the Editor Army for Financial Management and Comptroller Amy N. Perry WWW.ALU.ARMY.MIL/ALOG Lt. Gen. R. Scott Dingle Associate Editor Army Surgeon General Frank Badalucco Army Sustainment is seeking articles on Assistant Editor EX OFFICIO Sarah Lancia Visual Information Specialist techniques, tactics and procedures; emerging Col. Michelle K. Donahue Quartermaster General Brig. Gen. Michelle M. T. Letcher trends; lessons learned; and other experiences. JANUARY-MARCH 2021 Chief of Ordnance WWW.ALU.ARMY.MIL/ALOG Brig. Gen. James M. Smith This medium is approved for the official dissemination Chief of Transportation of material designed to keep individuals within the Army knowledgeable of current and emerging devel- T Col. Stephen K. Aiton opments within their areas of expertise for the purpose Commander, Army Soldier Support Institute of enhancing their professional development. he editorial staff from Army Sustainment is value are typically not as strong as those submissions Maj. Gen. Paul H. Pardew Commanding General, Army Contracting Command By Order of the Secretary of the Army: seeking submissions from the community. that offer real, actionable sustainment information. TALENT MANAGEMENT Brig. Gen. Michael J. Talley Commanding General, Army Medical Research and Development Command JAMES C. MCCONVILLE General, United States Army Chief of Staff As with all content submitted to Army Sustainment, it should be sustainment focused, While the editorial staff here at Army Sustainment Official: provide professional development information, do conduct our own review and editorial process and and should not contain any classified or sensitive have authority to approve content submitted to us for KATHLEEN S. MILLER Administrative Assistant information. public release, we recommend at least some basic to the Secretary of the Army 2103603 professional coordination between the submitting ON THE COVER Submissions should be well-developed narrative author and their organization’s public affairs articles and can be opinions, techniques, tactics and or public information office, especially for U.S. The Army's People Strategy of 2019 PB 700–21–01 PHONE: 804-765-4754 (DSN 539-4754) outlines how the Army will use the procedures (TTPs), lessons learned, exploration of personnel working in NATO or other multinational VOLUME 53, ISSUE 01 ARMYSUSTAINMENT@MAIL.MIL individual skills, knowledge, and JANUARY-MARCH 2021 WEBSITE: WWW.ALU.ARMY.MIL/ALOG new technologies or emerging trends, or other similar organizations. behaviors of it's entire enterprise to content of a valuable nature to fellow sustainers. develop a cohesive team of teams. Army Sustainment (ISSN 2153–5973) is a quarterly pro- Reprints: Articles may be reprinted with credit to Army fessional bulletin published by the Army Logistics University, Sustainment and the author(s), except when copyright is Army Sustainment chooses new topics for each 2401 Quarters Road, Fort Lee, VA 23801-1705. Periodicals indicated. postage is paid at Petersburg VA 23804-9998, and at addi- General public affairs style coverage or content bulletin and accepts contributions from the sustain- tional mailing offices. Distribution: Official (Army-funded) subscriptions to Army Sustainment (for organizations and individuals with on units, exercises, initiatives and events that do not ment field. Check out our social media, including our Mission: Army Sustainment is the Department of the a professional or operational need for this publication) can Army’s official professional bulletin on sustainment. Its mis- be requested through our website or by calling or emailing otherwise hold additional professional development page on Facebook, to learn about upcoming topics. sion is to publish timely, authoritative information on Army our offices. Subscribers should submit address changes and Defense sustainment plans, programs, policies, opera- directly to Army Sustainment (see address below). Army tions, procedures, and doctrine for the benefit of all sustain- Sustainment also is available at http://www.army.mil/army- ment personnel. Its purpose is to provide a forum for the sustainment. exchange of information and expression of original, creative, and innovative thought on sustainment functions. Disclaimer: Articles express opinions of authors, not Postmaster: Send address changes to: EDITOR ARMY SUSTAINMENT/ALU/2401 QUARTERS RD/FT LEE VA 23801-1705. Find more information: www.alu.army.mil/alog/submissions.html the Department of Defense or any of its agencies, and do not change or supersede official Army publications. The mascu- line pronoun may refer to either gender. 2| January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management |3
AMC COMMANDER The War for Talent the Sergeants Major Assessment for training and development Our CSA, Gen. James McConville, Program, was held late last year. with individual development has repeatedly said, “We’re in a war The new Assignment Satisfaction plans tailored to requirements. for talent.” With these changes Key-Enlisted Module gives Furthermore, hiring and selection and your dedication, we have the ranked assignment choices to staff panels must be fair, transparent, and opportunity to better develop the sergeants through master sergeants. unbiased to ensure the viability and next generation of talented leaders. These programs enhance interaction sustainability of the APS. Because in the end, it is talent that thought, experience, race, ethnicity and discussions with leaders across between NCOs and talent managers will win this war. And winning and gender – organizations can the Army, to more effectively assign while allowing Soldiers more input We are supporting these changes matters. perform exponentially better. As the colonels transparently. We are also into their assignments. by leveraging new technologies Gen. Ed Daly serves as the commanding gen- Army’s Senior Sustainer, I can say examining ways to integrate and and refining advanced analytics. eral of the U.S. Army Materiel Command. He that we continue to progress within expand the LG-BOD’s role in As the commander of a workforce Information gathered by these served three years as the deputy commanding general of AMC in his previous assignment. the sustainment community, nested identifying and developing talent that is mostly civilian, I know systems and processes will help He managed the day-to-day operations of the under the Army. through the entire pipeline of we cannot achieve our mission us continually assess and adjust Army’s logistics enterprise, and also served as the senior commander of Redstone Arse- officers from majors to colonels, without dedicated and talented to develop and manage talent nal, Alabama. He served as the commanding A fundamental aspect of this synchronized with the U.S. Army Department of the Army Civilians. appropriately. Meanwhile, the general of Army Sustainment Command at Rock Island Arsenal, Illinois, and as AMC's change is the new Army Talent Human Resources Command and The Army People Strategy (APS) Integrated Personnel and Pay deputy chief of staff, overseeing the roles and Alignment Process (ATAP). This the Colonels Officer Management has identified critical priorities from System ‐ Army will soon begin to functions of the headquarters staff. new method is a collaborative, Office. More than ever, this will transforming workforce planning integrate many of these changes transparent, data-driven online require leaders in the field to be and management to building world- into its online platform and will market-style approach where involved in mentoring, coaching class supervisors. This must be better enable talent management By Gen. Ed Daly officers and warrant officers detail and training to identify that talent. accomplished through opportunities across the Total Force. T their Knowledge, Skills, Behaviors he Army is at war. and Preferences (KSB-Ps), and Identifying the next generation of It is a war for our commanders match KSB-Ps to brigade and battalion commanders greatest strength and positions within their organizations.is a critical decision. In conjunction most important wea- with ATAP, the Army has begun pon system, and the outcome will This approach helps assign the five-day, in-person Colonel and determine our ability to win all right person to the right unit where Battalion Command Assessment future wars. It is a war for talent. their unique KSB-Ps can best be Programs (CCAP/BCAP) with utilized. However, we will need to written, verbal, and physical TAKE OUR READER SURVEY The Chief of Staff of the Army expand the scope of our professional assessments, including a double- The Army Sustainment Survey takes just a couple of minutes to complete but will provide critical feedback highlighted this war’s importance by horizons and be driven by a purpose blind board to reduce unconscious that will help us improve our publication. Provide input announcing that “People” are our #1 greater than ourselves, with bias. When compared to a legacy on the type of content you get the most out of and the ways in which you access that content, so we can better priority. We are now transforming organizations and leaders letting system’s selection list, officers cho- deliver the right content to the right place at the right from an industrial age personnel some of their officers “go to grow” sen by CCAP/BCAP demonstrated time for you, our readers. management process to an infor- for the betterment of the individual they are more physically fit, mation age talent management and the Army. more cognitively capable, and approach, where the goal is to communicate more effectively. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/F3ZB9XP expand the skills and experiences Within the Logistics Corps, the of our people and fully capitalize Logistics Board of Directors (LG- Talent management for the on their remarkable capabilities. BOD) is a diverse group of six backbone of our Army – Studies show that by empowering general officers who oversee a year- noncommissioned officers (NCOs) a workforce and fostering a culture long process that utilizes ATAP, – is also changing. The enlisted of diversity – including diversity of along with other data, feedback, version of command assessments, 4| January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management |5
TALENT MANAGEMENT The data from CAP evaluations and assessments, as well as data from multiple The ATAP marketplace is new to all of us. The rules have changed and we Enabling Total Army Readiness matching cycles, can be used to identify no longer hold the position of subject ARMY G-4 trends over time. There is a reciprocal matter expert in career progression for mutual benefit to this future-focused those we command. Leaders are in the developing, and retaining the best poss- detailed their unique knowledge, skills, predictive capability. Soldiers can better position of having to take their hand off ible candidates and making the best use and experience. Likewise, commanders manage their careers according to their the wheel to a certain degree. I encourage of their varied talents is decisive – not and human resource managers described specific skills and preferences, and the you to become familiar with the new way only to winning, but also to maintaining the unique requirements of available jobs Army can better manage its workforce of operating so that you, and those you our all-volunteer force. within their units. and respond to future force readiness lead, can make the most of the system. We are on a good path. A few years Within ATAP, officers can see all issues with a better supply pipeline that correlates with actual talent requirements. I challenge leaders to ensure position descriptions are clear, accurate, and up to Talent ago, the Army Talent Management Task Force (ATMTF) set out to shift away available assignments for which they are qualified; units see all available qualified Continued collection of talent-related date. I’ve checked, and many are blank or weak. management from the industrial-age precept of personnel; and – through preference information through the programs and personnel management, which focuses ranking – the units and officers find systems implemented by ATMTF will A responsive and ready Army – of is fundamental on filling empty billets with available each other. It is the matching of supply allow the Army to develop the diversity of today and certainly tomorrow – depends By Lt. Gen. Duane A. Gamble personnel, to talent management, which considers the knowledge, skills, and (Soldier) to demand (jobs). However, the ATAP marketplace deviates somewhat talent we need to fight and win well into the future. Diversity of talent will enable on having the right people, in the right job, at the right time in their careers, and to the sustainment I behaviors (KSBs) of an individual who is from typical supply-and-demand the agility required to protect against with the right skills and knowledge. In have vivid memories of the part of a more strategic workforce. Talent conventions, since it is supply-driven. A competition with near peer adversaries 1973, our Army transitioned to an all- United States Total Army Personnel Command’s 1980s management is about having the right person, in the right job (with the right Soldier’s preferences are considered above the requesting units’. and achieve the technological leaps required for continued modernization. volunteer force. Maintaining this in the 21st century requires full transparency of of our “one size fits all” approach to ordnance officer assignments: vivid, but KSBs) at the right time. The “right-ness” endeavors to maximize individual and With ATAP and AIM, the Army As logistics leaders, we have an im- the jobs, skills, requirements, preferences, and trends over time. people; it not good. The prescriptive process, called organizational capabilities. also has modern methods and tools to portant role in managing the talent of the Operational Personnel Management collect data across myriad variables. The those under our command. We know the The new talent management systems helps build System (OPMS), was grounded in a post- Talent management is fundamental to data – both qualitative and quantitative skills and knowledge we need to keep the of AIM 2.0, ATAP, and, ultimately, World War II (Officer Personnel Act of 1947) industrial-age understanding the sustainment of our people; it helps build human endurance and resilience. – can be analyzed to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses at the Army operating. We also have experience back-filling critical knowledge gaps. Our IPSS-A provide the transparency and understanding that we logisticians have human of labor force management for large organizations. OPMS encouraged And, talent management, like good sustainment and logistics practices, individual, cohort, or enterprise level. For example, data collected during a goal is to be forward- looking and develop a cadre of trained logistics specialists who garnered for other weapon systems cri- tical to the fight. The talent management endurance and equivalence and uniformity, and we recruited and developed Soldiers as demands full visibility, a means to align supply with demand, and a predictive Command assessment program (CAP) allows the Army to identify the leaders can adjust as the sustainment landscape changes. To get there, we must mentor framework developed by ATMTF will guide the strategy, management, resilience. interchangeable cogs in the larger capability to forecast future need. who have the appropriate aptitude and and coach with a long view. measurement, and improvement of machine of the Army. character and place them in a command personnel. If implemented well, the The web-based Assignment Inter- that will benefit from their experience We have ceded some control in Army will achieve the diversity and This sameness may have made sense active Module 2.0 (AIM 2.0), which will and specific skill set. Whereas, the legacy guiding career development to the multiplicity of talents we need to attain in the industrial age, but today we are eventually be superseded by Integrated system relied on a single subjective data Soldier or officer. That is a positive, to be Total Army readiness. competing for talent in the information Personnel and Pay System-Army point (evaluations from superiors), the sure; but the onus remains with leaders at Lt. Gen. Duane A. Gamble, Deputy Chief age. To overcome the challenges and (IPPS-A), enables an online talent new CAP evaluations and assessments all levels to guide individuals to specific of Staff, Headquarters, Department of the adversaries of tomorrow, the Army must marketplace, the Army Talent Alignment add greater perspective and objectivity development opportunities, including Army, G-4, oversees policies and procedures used by U.S. Army attract and retain a diverse talent pool that Process (ATAP). In the last year, more and offer a clearer picture of a candidate’s training, education, and assignments that Logisticians. He has masters of science de- can operate across multiple domains and than 14,000 active duty officers built readiness – and willingness – for will support both the individual and the grees from Florida Institute of Technology, and Industrial College of the Armed Forces. win against near-peer threats. Attracting, comprehensive resumes in AIM 2.0 that advancement. field of Army logistics. 6| January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management |7
Managing Talent Within Our for sustainment Soldiers and provides that did not align with their talents Soldier’s knowledge, skills, and behaviors foundational doctrine that Soldiers or strengths. We must overcome this effectively. The Combined Arms Center use to build their knowledge base. Our shortfall and manage sustainment (CAC) has developed Project Athena as CASCOM CG Sustainment Force schoolhouses impart knowledge to Soldiers and continually evolve to remain relevant to the Army’s current operational personnel by combining the advances of the 21st century with over two hundred years of experience in supporting and the model to assess officers participating in PME courses starting with BOLC, Captains Career Course (C3), and challenges and remain battle focused. defending our nation. Command and General Staff Officer harness their talents to achieve maximum Knowledge, Skills, and Course. readiness across the total force. Behaviors The second critical part of Soldier The six Sustainment Branch Proponent The Army’s new talent management development is the operational force, offices are diligently examining their In Fiscal Year 2021, Sustainment As the Army Chief of Staff, Gen. James approach starts with the main which provides hands-on, individual, respective populations to determine lieutenants will complete eight McConville’s number one priority is the components of talent including an and collective training to develop Soldier the talents that key positions at each assessments during their respective Army’s people. He put it best when he individual’s knowledge, skills, and skills and reinforce professional behaviors. grade must possess to be successful. A BOLCs. Lieutenants on the way to said, “We win through our people, and behaviors (KSB). When leaders leverage The operational training that a Soldier question we need to ask ourselves is how their first assignments use the results people will drive success in our readiness, the right talent against the right job, it is receives starts with the professional do we prioritize and categorize these of their assessments to build an modernization, and reform priorities.” a force multiplier. NCO corps and progresses through field characteristics to develop the talents individual development plan (IDP). Changes brought about by McConville’s training, rotations at our world-class we need? It’s evident that each person This IDP should be shared with their vision for the Army’s future will have Knowledge – a topically organized combat training centers, and contingency possesses numerous KSBs. For instance, new organizational leadership on how long-lasting impacts across the total force. set of facts and information acquired by deployments. a logistics major serving as a support they will develop themselves for future a person through experience, education, operations officer within a brigade positions in the Army. Captains at Our Army is composed of individual or training, which supports work related The third and final component is self- support battalion is likely to have diverse Logistics C3 complete five assessments By Maj. Gen. Rodney Fogg and Soldiers and civilians with a variety of performance. development. Soldiers have a duty to talents. However, it is critical that this under the Project Athena construct, the Lt. Col. John Mitchel talents and strengths. Aligning the force Skill – a person’s proficiency and ability continue extending their knowledge, major is able to: anticipate sustainment Career Courses’ Cognitive Assessment I into cohesive teams is what makes our to perform a job-related activity that skills, and behaviors beyond what requirements based on schemes of Battery and take the Graduate Record n war, winning matters. Factors Army the best in the world. Building contributes to effective performance or they learn from the institutional and maneuver, develop brigade level Examination. such as economy or technology, cohesive teams is done by fostering learning. operational force. Leaders are equally concepts of support, and lead outside which have been crucial in positive relationships with our teammates Behavior – a person’s values, attitudes, responsible for ensuring that their of organizational boundaries to achieve During BOLC and C3, Officers will securing our position as the through inclusion, trust, and empathy and temperament as evidenced through Soldiers receive the time, resources, and collective success on the battlefield. use the Army Career Tracker (found at world’s superpower, are eroding. The toward one another. Cohesive teams are their actions. support necessary for individual growth. https://actnow.army.mil/) to create their Army of the future must be ready to the catalyst for synergy. Through the institutional, operational, Each grade of sustainment officer specific IDP. The IDP module within deploy, fight, and win decisively, against Soldiers develop KSBs in three and self-development approach, requires a progressive set of crucial Army Career Tracker allows the officer any adversary, in a joint, multi-domain, In 2018, the Army created the Talent ways. First, we impart knowledge our Army operates with continuous KSBs that grow from experiences to choose a leader to help them along and high-intensity conflict. Meeting the Management Task Force to operationalize and behaviors to Soldiers attending professional growth and maintains a throughout a career. These KSBs are the development path, set both short- challenges of the future requires a full the talent process across the Army. The institutional training. This starts with force of talented leaders. not all encompassing but reflect the long-term goals, and track the progress investment in the Army’s most valued Talent Management Task Force used a Soldier’s initial entry level training most important to be successful in the in completing those goals. These goals asset: our people. We must continue authorities within the 2019 National (basic training and advanced individual Sustainment leaders identify which sustainment community. can include achieving preferred positions to recruit and retain talented people to Defense Authorization Act to develop training) for enlisted troops and ROTC, talents are required to perform critical within their units, completing advanced maintain our competitive advantage innovative ways to acquire, assess, and military academies, and basic officer jobs at each grade. In the past, we often Assessments civilian education and certification, and over the nation’s adversaries. The Army position Soldiers to ensure that the Army leadership courses (BOLC) for officers, charted career pathways for Soldiers Talent assessments are a set of achieving personal goals like starting accomplishes this through a disciplined retains the right talent and utilizes them and it continues throughout a Soldier’s to follow based on what positions were instruments that provide a standardized a family or finishing an endurance talent management process. The Army in critical areas. These initiatives will grow career as they attend professional military deemed most essential to expand a common lens and are valid and reliable challenge. People Strategy outlines how we as a better leaders, strengthen our fighting education (PME) and promote through Soldiers experience. The Army did this for the purpose of providing accurate total force must change our thinking organizations, and allow the Army to the ranks. In its role as the Sustainment without formally assessing each Soldier’s and granular talent data on an individual. Under the purview of the Army in terms of managing our Soldiers and operate a more efficient and effective Center of Excellence, CASCOM is the knowledge, skills, and behaviors and To best manage the Army’s personnel, Talent Management Task Force, Department of the Army Civilians to team on the battlefields of tomorrow. lead for the Army’s institutional training potentially placed individuals into roles leaders need to be able to assess each lieutenant colonels and colonels undergo 8| January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management |9
assessments at the Battalion Commander positions. The end result assigns the right Army-People-Strategy-Final.pdf, lays out Assessment Program (BCAP) and people to the right job by providing mu- how the Army must change its mindset the Colonels Command Assessment tual collaboration. This was a game and procedures in the managing the Program. These two programs holistically changer in the assignment process. With Soldiers, families, and Army Civilians to assess prospective battalion and brigade the success of the pilot on the officer maximize the talents within the Army. commanders to ensure the Army selects corps, the Army is implementing this the very best leaders to command at these alignment process to warrant officers, The branch proponency offices will critical echelons. The NCO cohorts are and a pilot for senior noncommissioned codify the elements of talent management developing initiatives including the First officers is forthcoming. within the Army’s personnel policies to Sergeant Talent Alignment Assessment ensure it becomes ingrained within our and the Sergeant Major Assessment Career predictability is a common area sustainment culture. The branch specific program which works in conjunction of concern with Soldiers, particularly chapters for officers (DA Pam 600-3) with BCAP. with junior officers. As a means to and NCOs (DA Pam 600-25) will be identify superb talent and help retain published in January 2021 on MilSuite. In the near future, the CAC will ex- the best of our junior officers, the Talent Those chapters can be found at https:// pand assessments into the warrant officer Management Task Force developed the www.milsuite.mil/book/groups/smartbook- Influencing, Networking Essential to Warrant Officer Success and NCO cohorts. The assessment of Talent Based Career Alignment program. da-pam-600-3 and https://www.milsuite. By Chief Warrant Off icer 5 Mark W. Hickman the total force will empower the Army This is a volunteer program implemented mil/book/groups/smartbook-da-pam-600- with the ability to align the best people during Logistics C3, assigns post 25. against mission requirements. The command captains to nominative P implementation for these leader cohorts positions based on their preferences and Conclusion is in the initial planning and development assesses knowledge, skills and behaviors. It is every leader’s responsibility rior to assuming re- My thoughts on “owning our gain throughout a breadth and depth stage. Selected captains will follow a career to manage the talent within their sponsibilities as the 8th expertise” are my thoughts alone. of positions are the building blocks pathway that begins at the conclusion of organization. The Army is inherently a Chief Warrant Officer They are ever evolving and are shaped upon which we develop our future Talent Management the C3 and ends with attendance at the “people business,” and we must continue (WO) of the Adjutant by over 28 years of Army service; 16 capabilities. As such, it is critical Several of the Talent Management Task CGSC as a Major. A recent Logistics to invest in our people in order to win on General (AG) Corps, I experienced of those years serving as a warrant that WOs are assigned to varying Force’s initiatives are fully developed and C3 class participated in the first pilot of the future battlefield. Right now there is senior leader sentiments regarding officer in numerous positions ranging positions of increased responsibilities utilized throughout the Army. Many of this program. The initial pilot included a war for talent and if we don’t manage it, warrant officers’ need to “regain their from Personnel Services Branch to within the operational Army, as well these initiatives begin as pilots within the approximately 250 students across four we will lose it. expertise,” to which I took umbrage. It Corps, and multiple assignments as positions in the generating force, officer corps but will extend into both the captains career courses. The Army plans is my belief the warrant officer cohort at the AG School influencing the driving enterprise deployment and Maj. Gen. Rodney Fogg, commanding gen- warrant officer and noncommissioned to expand the program in the near future. eral of Combined Arms Support Command, is stronger than ever; never before has full range of doctrine, organization, policy development of sustainment officer corps. One such initiative is is a graduate of Quartermaster Basic and so much been asked of the warrant training, materiel, leadership and competencies. Few warrant officers Advanced Officer Leadership Courses, Com- the Army Talent Alignment Process, Resources mand and General Staff College, and the officer, and we continue to deliver. education, personnel, facilities, and will have the opportunity or time Army War College. He has a master's degree which uses an interactive platform to There are many resources available to in logistics management from Florida Insti- From an AG perspective, while officer policy. In most cases, my thoughts to serve in each area at every level. assign officers to new positions. The assist Soldiers, NCOs, and officers learn tute of Technology and a master's degree and enlisted requirements dropped do not refer to specific technical However, individual warrant officers in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War Assignment Interactive Module Version more about Talent Management. The College. 14% and 18% respectively, warrant knowledge or any one system or and assignment influencers, to in- 2 interactive marketplace gives officers, Army Talent Management Task Force Lt. Col. John Mitchel is the Logistics Branch officer requirements increased by 20%. function, but rather the capacities of clude senior warrant officers, assign- who are in their movement cycle, home page, located at https://talent.army. Proponency chief at CASCOM. He recently In my previous role as a proponent, warrant officers across the spectrum ment managers, talent managers, commanded the Army Field Support Battal- visibility of all available positions and mil, contains a repository of each talent ion - Drum. His previous assignments include warrant officers were the most often who own their expertise through mentors, and personal champions, duty with the 4th Infantry Division, 2nd Cav- details about these positions to facilitate management program they oversee for alry Regiment, and the 10th Mountain Divi- requested solution to organizational the focused action of individuals, must strive to ensure WOs achieve the ranking and decision making process. the Army. sion. Mitchel has earned a bachelor’s degree gaps. Furthermore, my experience influencers, and the entire network a breadth of experience serving in from the University of California, Davis and a Concurrently, organizations with open master’s degree from the University of Texas, in the operational Army repeatedly of warrant officer professionals. positions in both the operational El Paso. He also completed the U.S. Army positions can view prospective candidates The Army People Strategy, located at High Performance Leader Development Pro- revealed warrant officers as one of and generating forces. DA Pamphlet and identify the critical knowledge, skills, https://people.army.mil/wordpress/wp- gram at the Center for Creative Leadership, every commander’s critical priority of Individuals 600-3 is a great resource that depicts Greensboro, NC. and behaviors required for each of their content/uploads/2019/10/The-2020- fill on unit status reports. Experience. The experiences we the professional development model 10 | January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management | 11
we make? What are other ways cation, intelligence, and initiative.align, and develop their talents in to look at problems? What were This is reinforced with the passion accordance with the professional keys to success for others? Taking to develop special skillsets which development model is crucial to the time to intelligently think and includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that warrant officers look at issues, concerns, problems, systems, databases, leadership, receive proper development. This and solutions exercises the mind policy, and operations. Initiative process also ensures that the right to generate the best outcomes. drives us to gain the experience organizations are supported by the Understanding one’s (and others) and education to pursue individual right warrant officer at the right preferred method of learning will time by sharing awareness of the passions, such as technology, science, enable efficient approaches to and organizational leadership, to individual’s unique knowledge, problems. We don’t always get it further shape our individual and skills, and behaviors (KSBs) to right, but reflection and correction organizational capabilities. other influencers (help the warrant are key parts to increasing one’s officer become “known”). There intelligence and self-awareness. Influencers are many avenues that influencers Emotional intelligence is a key trait Mentorship. Providing and and warrant officers can utilize to that every warrant officer should receiving mentorship is an honor accelerate a warrant officer’s unique work to improve, and there is always and a privilege that requires and talents resulting in actionable room for improvement. The ability demonstrates trust and respect results to their organizations. Some to engage in different environments between the mentor and the mentee. examples include: skill building is critical to ensuring maximum Mentorship extends well beyond courses in advanced data analytics, capacity to serve in a multitude of a senior-subordinate relationship; business intelligence, and training positions and environments. it’s a relationship that exists from with industry, with an expectation above, below, and parallel to one’s of actionable results as an output Initiative. The level to which grade and position, and should of the training. Providing the right one gains experience, education, be mobile as careers progress and opportunity is not about playing and intelligence is largely an locations change. favorites with the assignment output of their initiative. Inherent process; it’s about ensuring the Warrant Officer Marcus Corum, Task Force 11, 7th Transportation Brigade (Expeditionary), and Sgt. Pilar Gonzalez, Task Force 11, 7th Transportation responsibilities, and all the little Development. Development can assignment makes sense while Brigade (Expeditionary) navigate U.S. Army Vessel Chickahominy, Landing Craft Utility 2011, during a Joint Readiness exercise Sept. 14, 2019. This “extras,” are driven by one’s initiative be defined and approached in many supporting the individual warrant JRE allows the Army to train transportation units, which are essential for deploying U.S. combat power around the world. (Photo by Pfc. Joshua Cowden) and desire to improve one’s self, different ways. It can take the form officer, other warrant officers, and their organizations, and others of direct “Oak Tree Counseling” the Army. specific to each warrant officer through study of common and best Intelligence. It is important that in expanding areas of influence. about job performance and career specialty. Achieving great depth in practices in a learning environment. leaders develop practical knowledge Initiative is fluid; there are those management, desk side training, or Talent Management. Talent one without the perspective of the based on the fundamentals of the who lack it, those who show it at casual conversations exploring the management is a balance of other inhibits the ability to maximize Leadership. Through selfde- Army profession. Leaders achieve intervals during their career, and why and how of the sustainment or identifying and using an individual’s total Army awareness and develop velopment and experience, warrant this by reading professional books those who continuously integrate Army profession. In any capacity, unique talents while developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities officers continue to hone their own (by military, business leaders, it into every aspect of their life. influencers can have a huge impact additional talents required to required at mid-grade and senior- leadership skills and develop skills thought provokers, and politicians), Warrant officers get it done; if they towards the development of others. progress professionally. In today’s warrant officer levels. in their subordinates and peers. studying and understanding don’t know something, they figure it environment of providing officers Expertise in leadership is just as operational and strategic frame- out and find the answer or solution Opportunities. Influencers should and commands greater input to Education. Professional military important as expertise in one’s works and interrelationships, to the problem; this takes initiative. be champions of the talents and assignments, the need to develop education and civilian education technical field; both can be achieved practice, and taking weighted stewards of the professional talent through a variety of positions strengthen and provide depth of through observation, education, risks. Some questions to consider Talents. One’s talents are derived development of those they in- and experiences must be constantly knowledge and empower individuals practice, challenging assignments, include: How do others think? from the previously discussed fluence. Steering warrant officers reinforced. My fear is that warrant to create new skills and abilities and focused mentorship. Why do we make the decisions competencies in experience, edu- toward opportunities to utilize, officers and commands will silo 12 | January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management | 13
their experience and talents senior with a courtesy copy of No single individual does all of vice broadening them. This will their intent. Conversely, HRC or the contributing, and all do not inevitably lessen the ability of other influencers should, within contribute every time, but everyone the Army, via career managers, their ethical, legal, and moral responds and receives as needed, to place fully qualified warrant boundaries, ensure seniors are aware often realizing gains that would officers in positions of increasing of correspondence either directly otherwise have been unachievable responsibility and scope. It is or as a copy to a response. In a on their own. A reactive network, imperative that career and talent collaborative and communicative in which warrants only provide managers, mentors, champions, and environment, this should not be an assistance when requested, holds others are cognizant of the effects issue. value as well, but is generally not as of siloed experience, and they take productive as proactive networks. action to educate warrant officers The Warrant Officer Network and commands on the components (All of Us) Create a community of colla- of the professional development Further Develop and Sustain boration and communication model. This model is not merely a the WO Network of Professionals. with a sense of purpose towards list of assignments, but rather a path The warrant officer network is the common goals. WOs should strive that ensures warrant officers meet envy of the officer and enlisted to contribute to each other’s success the experiential and educational cohorts, but it is not a network and should openly collaborate requirements through a series of that exists without the constant and communicate to achieve both progressive assignments. reinforcement of our actions and individual and community success. the inherent responsibilities to This sense of community does not Serving as a Senior. To me, being grow and maintain the network. preclude individuals from striving the senior in an organization or Proactive networking, as opposed to be the best of the best; it rein- location that has other like-MOS to reactive networking, takes work, forces the idea that such aspirations warrant officers means something. time, and constant maintenance can be achieved without doing harm Being a senior is an important of personal and professional to others (for example, harboring privilege that comes with distinct relationships. Proactive networks products, lessons learned, tactics, responsibilities. I expect seniors to gather, reinforce, and champion techniques and procedures , etc.). be the senior, and I expect their best practices, TTPs, and solutions, All warrant officers should seek to subordinates to understand and and often include a slate of warrant consistently share and collaborate support the role of that senior. officers in key supporting positions to build the community’s success Chief Warrant Officer 4 Tivon London, 406th Army Field Support Brigade regional food program manager, checks the production schedule with Sgt. Lavasia Johnson, a culinary specialist assigned to 287th Quartermaster Field Feeding Company, Special Troops Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division Sustain- Seniors do not have the right to who understand (i.e., Combined by over communicating in local and ment Brigade, during the Phillip A. Connelly competition Nov. 10, 2020, at the Hunter Army Airfield Consolidated Dining Facility, Hunter Army Airfield, be reclusive. They must be involved Arms Support Command, Human greater networks. We are stronger Georgia. (Photo by Sgt. Laurissa Hodges) in the mentorship, development, Resources Command, Forces Co- because we are a team of talented championing, and maintenance mmand, Army National Guard, individuals who are focused on a and demands that we provide management of our careers, we Chief Warrant Officers 5 Mark W. Hickman is a Human Resources technician currently of their warrant officers. Seniors Army Reserves). The best common goal of getting the job accurate and blunt assessments must be aware of what is expected serving as the Chief Warrant Officer of the need to be aware of what is going representations of proactive net- done, day in and day out. We also of our warfighting functions and of us, and we must be connected Adjutant General’s Corps. CW5 Hickman’s Adjutant General career started in 1992 as on within their footprint; if not di- works I’ve seen are those that take extra efforts to contribute on a our technical requirements. We and supportive of each other's a traditional guardsman in the Montana Army National Guard, and he entered ac- rectly, they should achieve aware- over communicate in circles of higher level beneficial towards our are the linchpins between enlisted successes. Most importantly, we tive duty in 1993. Hickman has served as ness via their subordinate seniors. relevant commonality. These circles branch, our warfighting function, and officers, and we execute with must own our expertise through Human Resources Technician in multiple operational and generating force assign- As such, juniors should be strongly encompass groups of warrant and the warrant officer cohort. standards and discipline, while not only our individual efforts, but ments; his previous assignment was as America’s First Corps G1 Senior Human encouraged to not reach out directly officers at a location, within same- holding each other responsible and those who we mentor and coach, Resources Technician at Joint Base Lew- to HRC or other influencers (i.e., type organizations (all CABs), We have a voice, and we are accountable for our performance. and as a community of mutually is-McChord, Washington. He has deployed to Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq. division to command bypassing within a grade band or an MOS, agents for change. Our experience We must be selfless in our supportive warrant officers. a corps) without providing their or even across the Total Army. and position enables, empowers, approach to our contributions and 14 | January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management | 15
Insights from the Army’s Chief of Staff By Gen. James C. McConville Chief of Staff of the Army Gen. James C. McConville attends the 2019 Army Navy Game in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 14, 2019. (Photo by Sgt. Dana Clarke) 16 | January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management | 17
T he events of 2020 put a spotlight on how taking care of people. Army senior leaders are emphasizing Talent Management our Army. It is within the battalion that most of our Soldiers essential Army sustainment is to our nation’s building cohesive teams and the Golden Triangle, which is We are doing a lot to move from an industrial age are influenced and inspired to continue their service. defense, more than at any other time in our our effort to reinforce how leaders take care of Soldiers by personnel management system to a 21st century talent history. From tension with Iran in January to building a connection with the families and buddies of those management system. We are in a war for talent and we have Assignments Process February’s dynamic force employment of troops to Defender they lead. Sgt. Maj. of the Army Michael Grinston is leading to compete for talent in the future. We need the best and The Army Talent Alignment Process (ATAP) is a Europe to the outbreak of COVID in March to civil unrest “This is My Squad,” to get everyone engaged in thinking brightest to come into the Army who represent the diversity decentralized, regulated, market-style hiring system that beginning in May and natural disasters over the summer and about their team, no matter what rank or position they are in. of the nation. aligns officers with jobs based on preferences. By October into the fall, the great talent of our sustainment professionals The bottom line is, we have to get leaders thinking about the 2019, the majority of active duty officers and units participated was on full display year-round to our fellow Americans, our connections they are building with their Soldiers, families We also need the most senior level positions in the Army in the ATAP for their summer 2020 assignments. Officers partners and allies, and our strategic competitors. People and buddies in order to build a climate of trust and respect, to include the talented officers across all branches. use AIM 2.0 to access the ATAP until it becomes available in are the United States Army’s greatest strength and most where we all take care of each other. the Integrated Personnel and Pay System – Army (IPPS-A). important weapon system, and it is because of our people – Talent management means capturing the knowledge, our Soldiers, Families, Army Civilians, veteran Soldiers for Readiness skills, behaviors, and even preferences (KSB-Ps) of This process uses more detailed information about officers Life, and retirees – that we were ready to respond to each of People are central to how we will look at our readiness. individuals during their career. Using more information and units than the traditional distribution system. Rather these crises. The idea that investing in people is an investment We understand that the readiness focus has put significant about individuals will than just being assigned Every Soldier has a story, in all priorities, especially readiness, is why former Secretary demands and stress on our units, leaders, Soldiers and families. enable us to align them to a specific assignment of the Army Ryan McCarthy announced last October that Therefore, we areare going to start the implementation of the to positions where without really having “people” would officially become the Army’s new number one priority. The Secretary and I constantly promote a philosophy Regionally Aligned Readiness and Modernization Model (ReARMM) to balance the operations tempo of our forces. they will feel valued and contribute more and we need to listen to much input, now with ATAP individuals can of “People First,” and we published the first Army People Strategy in October 2019. So what exactly does it mean now ReARMM includes reviewing our requirements, working productively. That is what the programs that that story. The strength of see what assignments are available and compete for people to be our first priority? with combatant commands to right size those requirements in both force size and duration, as well as reducing or we are putting in place are going to do. our Army comes from the for them. The U.S. Army’s official priorities are a signal to both external audiences and Army leaders. They communicate eliminating the demanding training gates that lead up to CTC rotations or rotational deployments. This means the Assessments diversity of our people. ATAP gives officers the opportunity to choose how the Army intends to drive transformation and how Army institutional planning will nest within national, focus for training will be on the foundation: the individual, team, squad, and platoon levels. I have found that those units We established se- veral assessment pro- That is why we need to from a wider variety of assignments which DoD, and joint strategic guidance. By prioritizing people that have spent more time focused on their foundation, have grams that have com- focus on people and make best suit their KSB- first, the Army is signaling that investing resources in our had great success at CTC rotations because they have built pletely changed the Ps. The organizations people initiatives is the most effective way to accomplish our strong cohesive teams of highly trained, disciplined, and fit selection process for sure everyone feels that have access to a greater they are a valued member constant mission – to deploy, fight, and win our nation’s wars Soldiers. some of our most number of available by providing ready, prompt, and sustained land dominance consequential command officers to preference by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the Joint Force. We have a high level of readiness, but if we want to maintain it over the long run, we must focus on our people. and acquisition leader positions. Since 2019, we of the team. the right people for their teams. We believe conducted two battalion this collaborative and We are implementing a 21st century Talent Management Modernization commander assessment programs. This year we ran our first transparent process will ultimately enhance job satisfaction, System in order to better assess, assign, and promote talent People are also central to how we transform the colonels assessment for brigade commanders, an acquisition improve readiness and help us retain a larger portion of the within our Army. This year we launched Project Inclusion, our Army. Modernization is not just about new equipment. leader assessment program, and we are working on the first talent that is critical to our Army in the years ahead. effort to ensure we are an organization that is truly inclusive Modernization means changing doctrine, organizations, how sergeant’s and sergeant’s major programs. and everyone feels like a valued member of the team. We will we train, new equipment, and most of all, how we manage Promotions also continue to aggressively resource improvements in five the talented people in our Army. We made sure the right Selection for battalion and brigade level commands is one The way we promote is changing. We established merit- quality of life areas that get after taking care of our people. Soldiers were involved in our new cross-functional teams of the most important personnel decisions that the Army based promotions to recognize top performers. We started under the Army Futures Command. This ensures our designs makes. These programs expand our understanding of each it this year for majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels. We In addition to resourcing these programs, we are engaging are Soldier centric, and we are getting critical feedback early officer’s talents and assess their potential and fitness for also established the brevet promotion program, which selects with leaders across the force to change the way they think about in the design and procurement process for new systems. command. To me, these are the most consequential leaders in officers for temporary promotion to serve at the next higher 18 | January-March 2021 | Army Sustainment armysustainment@mail.mil | Talent Management | 19
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