Page created by Dennis Dixon

                                    OUTDOOR ADVERTISING

                                                Public Transport Services
                                                ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited is a leading
                                                provider of public transport services (bus and rail)
                                                in Singapore.
Revenue (S$’mil)
                                                Scheduled Bus
                                                2017 marked the first full year that SBS Transit

                                                Ltd operated under the Bus Contracting Model
                                                (BCM), where the provision of bus services and the
                                                corresponding standards are all determined by the
                                                Land Transport Authority (LTA). In all, SBS Transit
Total operating fleet size                      operates eight bus packages under the Negotiated
                                                Contracts (NC).
                                                     In April 2017, SBS Transit was awarded the contract

                                                for the Seletar Bus Package which comprises 26 bus
                                                services that are operating from the Ang Mo Kio, Yio
                                                Chu Kang and Yishun Bus Interchanges. This is the
                                                third Package under the BCM. As part of the Package,
Total number of employees                       SBS Transit also took over the operations of the newly-
                                                built Seletar Depot, which has been purpose built to
                                                house close to 530 buses, in the third quarter of 2017.
                                                The 96,000 square metre Depot boasts many features
                                                including mobile phone charging stations, free Wi-Fi
                                                access and a gym for the staff working there.
                                                     In February 2018, the LTA announced that SBS
                                                Transit had won the Bukit Merah Bus Package, the first
                                                Package under the NC that was put up for competitive
                                                tendering in April 2017. This is the fourth Bus Package
                                                under the BCM and it consists of 18 bus services,
                                                including two cross-border services to Johor Bahru,
                                                all of which are already operated by SBS Transit. This
                                                Package will be implemented from the last quarter
                                                of 2018.
                                                     During the year, SBS Transit took delivery of 146 new
                                                buses. These included Germany’s MAN buses that were
                                                added to its fleet for the very first time. It also received
                                                its first three articulated buses, increasing its total fleet
                                                size by 127 or 4.1% to 3,246 buses. Of these, 43% are
                                                double decks.

                                                                                      Annual Report 2017   29

   SBS Transit also rolled out            Marathon, Yellow Ribbon Run,           Rail
the last nine of its bus services         OCBC Cycle as well as the ASEAN        For the year in review, demand for
as wheelchair accessible in               School Games 2017.                     SBS Transit’s rail services continued
August 2017. With this, all of SBS            Demand for its five premium        to grow. Rail ridership increased
Transit’s 208 bus services are now        bus services remained steady           by 8.2% to more than 356 million
wheelchair friendly.                      throughout the year. It successfully   passenger trips.
   More details on our scheduled          tendered for five new contracts,           The increase came largely from
bus operations can be found in            renewed a number of its existing       the 42-kilometre long Downtown
SBS Transit’s 2017 Annual Report.         ones and continued to provide          Line (DTL), which became fully
                                          school bus services to six             operational on 21 October 2017 with
Unscheduled Bus                           local schools.                         the opening of the last 16 stations.
The Group’s wholly-owned                      Recently, ComfortDelGro Bus        Compared to 2016, average daily
subsidiary, ComfortDelGro Bus             was awarded a large Shell Eastern      ridership on DTL grew by 26.7% to
Pte Ltd, has a fleet size of 347          Petroleum (Pte) Ltd contract           279,116. As at January 2018, average
buses. It operates employee               to provide bus transportation          daily weekday ridership on the DTL
and school bus charters as well           services in Bukom for 10 years.        has hit a new high of 470,000.
as overland bus services to                   To retain its bus drivers and          Ridership also increased on
West Malaysia. It also operates           attract new ones, ComfortDelGro        the North East Line (NEL) and the
premium bus services, and shuttle         Bus implemented various schemes,       Sengkang-Punggol Light Rail Transit
bus services for industrial parks,        including an employee referral         (SPLRT) systems. Compared to 2016,
shopping malls, educational               scheme. It also introduced             ridership on the NEL increased by
institutions and condominiums.            one-off bonuses, transport             1.7% to 210.2 million while ridership on
    In 2017, ComfortDelGro Bus            reimbursements and monthly             the SPLRT systems grew by 5.6% to
provided bus services for events          incentives to bolster remuneration     44.1 million in 2017.
such as the Republic of Singapore         packages for bus drivers.                  To cater to the increase in
Air Force Open House, Chingay                 During the year, ComfortDelGro     passenger demand, SBS Transit
Parade, Istana Garden Party,              Bus disposed of 23 buses and           added 146 more weekly trips to
National Day Rally, as well as            bought 21 new ones. It plans to        the NEL, and 252 daily trips to the
marathons and sports activities           purchase 15 more in 2018 as part of    SPLRT. It also extended its two-car
such as the Standard Chartered            fleet expansion.                       train operations to weekends and

30    ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
public holidays on both the Sengkang
West LRT Loop and the Punggol East
LRT Loop.
     SBS Transit continued to improve
its rail reliability. Its Mean Kilometre
Between Failure (MKBF1), a reliability
measure used globally in the rail
industry, was 650,000 train-km for
DTL and 663,000 train-km for the
NEL, which compared favourably to
the nationwide network’s average of
390,000 train-km. For the SPLRT, SBS
Transit achieved 115,000 car-km while
the nationwide network’s average was
77,000 car-km.
     More details on our rail
operations can be found in SBS
Transit’s 2017 Annual Report.                    popular among passengers. In just           In May 2017, ComfortDelGro
                                                 10 days, the number of flat fare        Taxi and RYDE signed a strategic
Taxi                                             bookings crossed the 100,000-           partnership to give RYDE app
ComfortDelGro Taxi remained                      mark, and in October 2017, it           users access to its taxis, and its taxi
Singapore’s largest taxi operator                crossed the 3 million-mark. To          drivers access to 100,000 users.
with a combined fleet of about                   familiarise the public more about           In June, ComfortDelGro
13,340 Comfort and CityCab taxis.                its Flat Fare option, ComfortDelGro     launched CabRewards+, which
    Despite intense competition,                 Taxi not only rolled out 920 taxis      rewards passengers with double
ComfortDelGro’s volume of booking                with the “Flat Fare, No Surge           the cabpoints when they continue
jobs remained strong during the                  Pricing” body wraps but it also         their bus or train journeys with
year. Its ComfortDelGro App also                 launched a two-week “Flat Because       ComfortDelGro taxis. These
experienced a 35% increase in its                Who Likes Bumps?” contest on            cabpoints can be used to redeem a
average daily new downloads as a                 Facebook. The contest encouraged        variety of rewards including instant
result of targeted promotions and                Facebook users to compare flat          discounts for taxi booking jobs
new services that were launched.                 fare bookings with fixed fares,         via the ComfortDelGro App, taxi
One of these new services was                    and the ones that showed the            vouchers or free transfers to the
the Flat Fare option, which offers               highest savings win. The contest        airport via the CabRewards website.
passengers who book via the                      drew close to 190 entries and 47            As cashless payments
ComfortDelGro App, the certainty                 participants were rewarded. As a        gained momentum in Singapore,
of the fare upfront, with no hidden              result of marketing efforts, close to   ComfortDelGro Taxi became the
add-ons and no surge pricing.                    4.6 million Flat Fare bookings were     first taxi company in Asia to extend
The Flat Fare option proved to be                catered for the year.                   the Masterpass™ payment, a digital

    MKBF refers to the mean km travelled between delays of more than five minutes.

                                                                                                         Annual Report 2017   31

payment service which requires            Cabby Hardship Fund that was            pumps on its premises. With more
neither cash nor physical card, to        set up in December 2016 to its          hybrids joining the fleet, more
pay for street hail rides on board its    taxi drivers or their immediate         pumps are expected throughout
taxis. With this extension, Masterpass    family who require financial aid        ComfortDelGro Engineering’s
transactions increased by another         arising from death, total and           kiosks. To improve efficiency,
30%. The Company also went on to          permanent incapacity, as well as        integrated e-payment systems were
add DBS Paylah!, Alipay and other         serious chronic medical conditions.     installed at each dispenser at the
QR Code payments such as OCBC             To-date, about S$15,000 from            two kiosks.
Pay Anyone and UOB Mighty.                the Fund has been disbursed                 Two years after adopting the
    In December 2017,                     to assist needy taxi drivers. In        predictive maintenance approach,
ComfortDelGro Taxi created its            addition to helping its taxi drivers,   where parts are replaced before
own mobile wallet – CabPay – to           ComfortDelGro Taxi also helped          they reach the end of their
replace the physical Cabcharge            with the educational fees of their      lifespan – taxi breakdown rates
card by incorporating it as an            children. In 2017, 1,268 Primary and    have dropped by 13 percentage
electronic payment option in the          Secondary level students received       points. Maintenance downtime was
ComfortDelGro App for Cabcharge           over S$172,300 worth of study           also reduced by 12%. As a result
members. To-date, close to 1,000          achievement awards.                     of these efforts, 98% of hirers
CabPay mobile wallets have                     To cater to the demand from        surveyed by the Company indicated
been created.                             a larger pool of Taxi Driver’s          that they were satisfied with the
    As a result of the Company’s          Vocational Licence (TDVL) and           service provided, up from 96% the
ability to provide customised taxi        Private Hire Car Driver’s Vocational    year before.
services, ComfortDelGro Taxi              Licence (PDVL) applicants, the LTA          In the area of bus maintenance,
managed to renew its contract             appointed ComfortDelGro Taxi as         ComfortDelGro Engineering
with VITAL to provide government          the new TDVL and PDVL training          allocated more space to cater to
agencies taxi services for another        provider in November 2017. In just      increased demand.
two years. It also secured new            four months, over 9,700 applicants          During the year, ComfortDelGro
contracts to provide taxi services        have completed the TDVL and             Engineering’s external car care
for staff of Aetos Security               PDVL courses.                           business successfully secured
Management Pte Ltd and Resorts                 Following the announcement         31 new accounts. In May 2017, it
World Sentosa, Singapore.                 of the Group’s strategic agreement      became Singapore’s exclusive
    To bring about greater                with Uber Technologies, Inc.            distributor for Davanti Tyres from
convenience to its taxi drivers,          (Uber) on 8 December 2017,              the United Kingdom to augment
ComfortDelGro Taxi revamped               ComfortDelGro Taxi and Uber             the other tyre brands from Europe
the Cabby Portal to make it more          launched UberFLASH on the Uber          and Japan that were already
user-friendly. It also launched           App on 19 January 2018. With            sold at SPARK™ Car Care. It also
a new Cabby App on both the               it, Uber App users can book a           completed spraying painting and
iOS and Android systems so that           ComfortDelGro taxi just like they       livery work for 978 vehicles for the
cabbies on the move could check           would an uberX vehicle. One month       contracts it had with Borneo Motors
their statements and performance          after the launch, average earnings      (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Singapore
records as well as send feedback          of ComfortDelGro taxi drivers who       Power Ltd.
on their smartphones. The                 actively took on such jobs had
ComfortDelGro Bidding App, which          increased by 19%.                       Inspection & Testing Services
comes with a demand heat map,                                                     2017 was a challenging year for
was revamped to enable taxi drivers       Automotive                              VICOM Ltd as increased global
to bid for current booking jobs even      Engineering Services                    economic uncertainty, increased
when they are not in their taxis.         Our automotive engineering              competition and the cyclical nature
    On 1 June 2017, the Company           services subsidiary, ComfortDelGro      of vehicle de-registrations – driven
extended the Drive and Save               Engineering Pte Ltd, maintains the      by the Certificate of Entitlement
Scheme (DAS) to its relief drivers.       Group’s taxi fleet in Singapore.        (COE) system – weighed
Relief drivers, who contributed               The taxi maintenance business       on performance.
S$20 to their Central Provident           slowed during the year as a result of       Vehicle de-registrations hit a
Fund (CPF) Medisave Accounts via          the reduced fleet.                      record high of 120,376 during the
the CPF Board, were given a S$20              As ComfortDelGro Taxi rolled        year, with more commercial vehicles
top-up from the Company. With this        out more Toyota Prius petrol-           and taxis taken off the roads. This,
extension, 43% of ComfortDelGro           electric taxis on the roads,            together with the enhancement of
hirers and relief drivers have            ComfortDelGro Engineering               the Early Turnover Scheme (ETS)
benefited from DAS.                       upgraded its Marymount kiosk to         which was aimed at getting older,
    The Company disbursed                 include the sale of petrol. This is     more pollutive diesel commercial
financial assistance from the             the first time the Group has petrol     vehicles off the roads, resulted

32    ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
in a 4% drop in total inspections         To improve the experience of its    DMCC, in Dubai, United Arab
to 468,807.                           corporate fleet customers, VICOM        Emigrate (UAE) to perform glass
    The Vehicle Assessment Centre     launched the VICOM Solution for         inspections there. The scope of
(VAC), which provides accident        Inspection Requirements or V-SIR.       work, which commenced in January
reporting services, filed 14,236      This new digital service sends          2017, involves the inspection of glass
cases last year, an increase of       reminders to fleet owners via a self-   panels for nickel sulphide inclusions
almost 6% over the previous year.     managed portal so that they will not    of the external glass facades of
    Following two very high-profile   miss any inspections with VICOM.        Gold Tower and Silver Tower, office
explosions involving Compressed       Complementing V-SIR was the             buildings located in Cluster I of
Natural Gas (CNG) taxis, the LTA      introduction of e-Pay, an easy-to-      Jumeirah Lake Towers, Dubai.
decided to recall all CNG taxis and   use payment solution that enables           To broaden SETSCO’s reach,
public buses for an urgent two-day    customers to pay for the vehicle        two new services were launched in
inspection in May 2017. In Phase      inspections with a few taps of the      2017 – consultation and certification
2 of the exercise, CNG passenger      Automated Payment Machines.             services. These services address
car owners were given two weeks           Despite stiff competition,          industry gaps where ad-hoc
to have their vehicles inspected in   VICOM’s wholly-owned subsidiary,        advisory and consultative services
June 2017. In all, VICOM inspected    Setsco Services Pte Ltd (SETSCO)        are frequently required. With the
over 450 taxis, 1,140 CNG             secured several notable projects        successful attainment of ISO/IEC
passenger cars and 12 public buses.   both locally and internationally        17021-1:2015, SETSCO is now able to
VICOM also undertook the task of      during the year, thanks to its strong   offer a wide range of certification
installing tamper-evident decals on   track record.                           services to companies which seek
private hire vehicles.                    It undertook a one-year term        compliances to the requirements
    The co-brand partnership          contract for the testing of sand        of different management systems
with Diners Club Singapore grew       and granite from the Building           such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and
from strength to strength and         and Construction Authority and          ISO 18001.
culminated in the official launch     completed a shutdown project                More details can be found in
of the Diners VICOM co-brand          at one of the chemical plants in        VICOM’s 2017 Annual Report.
card, “V”. Further cementing V        Jurong Island. It had a remote test
as Singapore’s motoring card          laboratory set up at the Changi         Driving Centre
was VICOM’s partnership with          Terminal 5 site to support earthwork    ComfortDelGro Driving Centre Pte
popular auto-related brands such      and pavement testing as well            Ltd, which provides learner driver
as Bridgestone Tyre Singapore         as soil, concrete, chemical and         training services in Singapore,
and CARS International. The Esso      environmental testing for its clients   achieved a 3% increase in enrolment
Fuel Card, coupled with V, was        involved in the construction of a       in 2017.
popular among cardholders as they     three-runway system.                        During the year, new initiatives
get to enjoy fuel discounts of up         SETSCO also set up a wholly-        were implemented to enhance
to 21.27%.                            owned subsidiary, SETS Services         learners’ experience. ComfortDelGro

                                                                                             Annual Report 2017   33

Driving Centre installed self-service     plans to integrate the e-Qualified       a portion of the monthly revenue for
kiosks within its premises to enable      Driving Licence into the Traffic         the Club members’ usage.
learners to top up their store-value      Police’s elite system in 2018.               To increase productivity and
accounts to book for lessons.                                                      improve customer service, the
    ComfortDelGro Driving Centre          Car Rental & Leasing                     Company plans to put in place
also introduced the Learner Driver        Our car rental & leasing subsidiary,     an online scheduler system by
Competency Screening (LDCS)               ComfortDelGro Rent-A-Car Pte             early 2018 that will better facilitate
in September 2017. The LDCS is a          Ltd operates a fleet of 1,071 cars, of   appointment bookings and improve
practical lesson conducted using          which 150 were brand new.                after-sales services. The system
the Driver Assessment Tool, which              With many corporate clients         is also able to generate back-end
comprises an in-vehicle logging           still maintaining a tight budget,        productivity and trends reports for a
system, cameras and advanced              ComfortDelGro Rent-A-Car                 more targeted marketing approach.
sensors. The system records a             focussed on promoting longer term
learner’s performance and videos          contracts at attractive rental rates     Insurance Broking Services
are then reviewed to provide              for existing used vehicles. It also      ComfortDelGro Insurance Brokers
constructive feedback to learners.        continued to push out differentiated     Pte Ltd, our in-house insurance
    From 2019, all motorcar and           customer retention programmes on         broking arm, continued to
motorcycle learners will have to          a quarterly basis.                       perform well in 2017. In Singapore,
undergo simulator training. In                 As part of advertising efforts,     ComfortDelGro Insurance Brokers
preparation of this, ComfortDelGro        ComfortDelGro Rent-A-Car                 is focussed on providing general
Driving Centre commenced                  organised nine road shows that were      insurance broking services, risk
renovation works on its existing          targeted at individual and corporate     management and analytics,
office space in November 2017             clients alike.                           employee benefits consultation, cost
to accommodate the new                         In October 2017, ComfortDelGro      effective medical insurance as well
Simulator Centre.                         Rent-A-Car entered into a three-         as holistic wellness solutions to the
    ComfortDelGro Driving Centre          month agreement with Car Club,           Group and its external clients.
also worked with the Traffic Police       Singapore’s leading car-sharing              During the year, ComfortDelGro
on a number of collaborations             operator, for 10 rental cars on          Insurance Brokers entered into
including the integration of the          a consignment basis. In return,          a strategic alliance with a cyber
e-Provisional Driving Licence. It         ComfortDelGro Rent-A-Car received        security provider in Singapore

34    ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
to offer cyber security related               Apart from BIG Top buses,          though they are not physically
consultancy, products and services       another client, ExxonMobil              on display.
in terms of risk assessment,             Singapore, also tapped on Moove             To commemorate NS50,
protection and incident recovery.        Media’s Ignite Bus format for           Moove Media teamed up with
This strategic alliance provides its     the launch of its newly improved        the Ministry of Defence’s creative
enterprise customers with “cyber         fuel – Synergy Supreme+. These          agency, Formul8, to roll out 50
health check-ups”, which identifies      buses have sides that are lit up by     army-themed buses. Of these,
existing or potential weaknesses in      electroluminescent panels to create     half featured a 1.8-metre tall
their IT systems, and enables them       more visibility at night.               “mobilisation man” on the rooftops.
to put effective risk mitigation and          With consumers spending more       Buses were also wrapped in
insurance solutions in place.            time on their mobile devices, Wi-Fi     pixelised patterns similar to that
    ComfortDelGro Insurance              Bus format was the third concept        of a standard Singapore Armed
Brokers also worked closely with         that Moove Media introduced during      Forces uniform.
Group Human Resource Department          the year. The British Broadcasting          Moove Media also collaborated
and external insurers to provide free    Corporation was the first client to     with the Health Promotion Board
basic health screening to staff. Staff   roll out two of such Wi-Fi buses,       to issue 12,000 unique taxi
diagnosed with high blood pressure,      with CIMB Bank Singapore following      promotion codes to individuals
high cholesterol and diabetes were       suit in a campaign utilising 10         who completed the Diabetes Risk
then encouraged to go through a          bus services.                           Assessment, which identified
free Chronic Disease Management               Moove Media countered the          potential risks of developing
Programme to help them work              drop in the number of taxis available   diabetes. Response was so
on how they could improve their          for advertisements by weaving           overwhelming that promotion
medical conditions and lead              in promotion codes, and offering        codes were fully redeemed within
healthier lives.                         special two- and three-dimensional      two weeks.
    Elsewhere, ComfortDelGro             (3D) taxi tops as well as taxi              Moove Media continued to
Insurance Brokers continued to           bumpers to their clients.               partner and work closely with
aid the Group’s Business Units in             Always at the forefront of         the Authorities to roll out festive-
Singapore and overseas in achieving      technology, Moove Media introduced      themed trains and buses, including
cost reductions and implementing         technological innovations like the      the Chinese New Year- and
effective claims processes and risk      use of holographic 3D displays in       Christmas-themed trains on the
management strategies.                   its advertisements. This means          NEL, Deepavali-themed trains on
    In the first quarter of 2018,        that advertisements appear to be        the NEL as well as DTL. These trains
ComfortDelGro acquired                   suspended in mid-air and consumers      continued to be well-received
the remaining 51% stake in               are able to view products even          by commuters.
ComfortDelGro Insurance Brokers,
making it a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Outdoor Advertising
In 2017, there was an increase in bus
and rail assets for Moove Media Pte
Ltd’s advertising portfolio thanks
to SBS Transit’s successful tender
for the Seletar Bus Package and the
opening of DTL3 respectively.
    With the implementation of
the two-third rule for bus wraps in
February 2017, Moove Media came
up with an out-of-the-box concept.
Called the BIG Top concept, it is a
U-shaped aluminium panel that is
seamlessly welded and installed
on top of a single deck bus. This
concept provides additional
advertising space on the sides and
rear of buses. Moove Media had
the BIG Top concept successfully
patented. During the year, a total
of 40 advertising campaigns were
executed on 252 BIG Top buses.

                                                                                                Annual Report 2017   35

                                         Aberdeen, Cardiff, Glasgow, Liverpool,
                                             London, Newport, Swansea

                              BUS, COACH, TAXI RADIO CIRCUIT, PRIVATE CAR HIRE

                                                             London, England
                                                             In the United Kingdom (UK), our wholly-owned
                                                             subsidiary, Metroline Limited, maintained its position
Revenue (S$’mil)                                             as the second largest bus operator in London with
                                                             a fleet of over 1,900 buses, plying routes mainly
                                                             in North, West and Central London. It runs 19% of

                                                             London’s scheduled bus mileage.
                                                                 Following the successful trial of a fully electric
                                                             double deck bus at Willesden Garage in 2016,
                                                             Metroline won the contract to operate the existing
Total operating fleet size                                   Route 46 using 23 fully electric single deck
                                                             buses. In preparation, Metroline has increased its
                                                             electrical power and is installing charging units in

                                                             Holloway Garage.
                                                                 Metroline is a frontrunner in the adoption of Green
                                                             vehicle technology, with more than 20% of its fleet
                                                             made up of double deck hybrid buses, including the
Total number of employees                                    165 hybrid double deck vehicles it had taken delivery
                                                             in 2017. At the request of Transport for London, it
                                                             started working on hydrogen-powered buses.
                                                                 The Metroline Centre for Skills and Development
                                                             was also launched during the year to provide a more
                                                             structured training environment for staff. Plans are in
                                                             the pipeline to conduct development courses from
                                                             Management to apprentice levels as well as office and
                                                             administration-related training.
                                                                 Metroline’s standing as a superior bus operator
                                                             was given recognition in 2017 when Willesden Garage
                                                             was shortlisted as a finalist in the “Best London Bus
                                                             Garage” category at the UK Bus Awards.

                                                             Based in London, Westbus Coach Services Limited
                                                             provides executive coach services across the UK

36   ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
and mainland Europe, catering          involves transporting patients          leather seats and on-board
to a wide spectrum of school,          from Liverpool and Manchester           refreshment. One of these services
commuter, tourist and corporate        airports to Merseyside hospitals        was the Edinburgh-Inverness
coach passengers.                      for treatment with some travel to       connection, which is served by
    To mitigate the drop in tourist    and from hospitals further afield.      two Scania Irizar i6 luxury coaches
arrivals from China and Japan,                                                 that come with USB ports, leather
Westbus diversified its passenger      Glasgow, Scotland                       seats and on-board toilets. It also
base to include tours from Europe,     Coach                                   equipped all its coaches on major
corporate and private hire, cruise     The Group’s partnership with            routes with Wi-Fi.
ship passenger transfers, school       Stagecoach, Scottish Citylink
and student travel, as well as         Coaches Limited, is the leading         Aberdeen, Scotland
home-to-school services.               provider of express coach               Taxi Radio Circuit
                                       services with 94 coaches in             Computer Cab (Aberdeen) Limited
Taxi Radio Circuit                     Scotland under the ‘Scottish            has the largest fleet of taxis
ComfortDelGro’s wholly-owned           Citylink’ and ‘’             in Aberdeen.
subsidiary, Computer Cab plc           brands. It also operates a network          It continued to perform well
(operating under the ‘ComCab’          of cross-border services between        despite the slowdown in demand
brand), is London’s largest black      Scotland and major cities               from its major clients in the oil
taxi operator with a fleet of          in England.                             & gas sector. The Company
1,839 taxis.                                During the year, Scottish          worked closely with its drivers and
    Taxi and private hire operations   Citylink became the first national      expanded its passenger base to
in London continued to come            operator to roll out contactless        those not directly susceptible to
under pressure due to intense          payments across its entire fleet        the volatility in the market. The
competition and continued              in December 2017. The new               Company recently won a contract
uncertainty post-Brexit with many      technology, which was launched          from Aberdeen Performing Arts
corporate customers keeping a          as part of a £12 million (S$21.3        that gives its taxis access to the
tight rein on discretionary spend.     million) Stagecoach programme,          three main entertainment venues
    Despite that, CityFleet            enables passengers across the           in the City.
Networks kept up with its              UK to pay for their travel using
technological investments in 2017      a contactless credit or debit           Cardiff, South Wales
to maintain a competitive edge.        card, as well as Apple Pay and          Bus and Coach
It enhanced its booking systems        Android Pay.                            On 7 February 2018, the Group
and apps with many new market               Scottish Citylink continued to     expanded its bus and coach
leading features. The international    face increased fare competition         operations in the UK through the
booking service offering was also      from low-cost domestic airlines         acquisition of New Adventure
enhanced by allowing bookings to       and heavy discounting from              Travel Limited (NAT Group), one
be done via a responsive website       other coach and rail operators.         of the leading bus and coach
and mobile apps.                       To maintain its competitive             operators in South Wales. This
                                       edge, Scottish Citylink removed         S$25.0 million (£13.4 million)
Private Car Hire                       unproductive lines and improved         acquisition is the Group’s first
Flightlink International               its cross-borders connections.          expansion of its bus operations
Limited provides hassle-free           For example, it withdrew the            outside of London.
executive chauffeured car              Glasgow-Liverpool-Birmingham-               NAT Group operates a fleet
services for private hire and          London service in July 2017 and         of 117 buses and coaches across
airport transfers under the            introduced a slightly faster service    four depots in Cardiff, Swansea,
ComfortExecutive brand.                on the Edinburgh-Glasgow route          Newport and Pontypridd. Based
                                       in the same month.                      near the City Centre of Cardiff,
Liverpool, England                          To provide passengers with         it operates commercial and
Taxi Radio Circuit                     the convenience of having an            contracted scheduled bus services.
Computer Cab (Liverpool) Limited       all-day connection from Glasgow         It also has a fleet of coaches, which
is the City’s largest taxi circuit     City Centre to Edinburgh Airport,       operates on local contracts, as
operator with a fleet of 359           it extended the operating hours         well as UK and European private
black cabs, catering to both the       on the hugely popular Edinburgh-        hire and holiday work. It also offers
corporate and individual clientele.    Glasgow service. It now operates        transport services to professional
It had a successful year with the      round-the-clock.                        sports teams including Swansea
retention of key accounts and               To further enhance its services,   City Football Club, Newport
the award of a new Isle of Man         it introduced more “Gold” services      County Team and Supporters and
contract. The three-year contract      – coaches that come with luxury         Cardiff City Supporters.

                                                                                              Annual Report 2017   37

                        Ballarat, Blue Mountains, Canberra, Geelong, Lake Macquarie, Maitland,
                            Melbourne, Newcastle, Parramatta, Perth, Queanbeyan, Sydney

                                         BUS, TAXI, OUTDOOR ADVERTISING

                                                            Sydney, New South Wales

423.6                                                       Bus
                                                            We operate bus services in Sydney, New South Wales
                                                            (NSW) through ComfortDelGro Corporation Australia
                                                            Pty Ltd (CDC), which became a wholly-owned
Revenue (S$’mil)                                            subsidiary in February 2017.
                                                                Following in the footsteps of SBS Transit, CDC
                                                            implemented the Mobileye system on all its buses in

3,350                                                       Region 4 in July 2017. As a result, both the accident rate
                                                            and corresponding repair costs dropped.
                                                                Other key performance indicators in Region 4
                                                            such as On Time Running (OTR) also showed marked
Total operating fleet size                                  improvements as CDC put in processes to improve its
                                                            drivers’ performance and added resources to increase
                                                            the turnaround time of trips.

2,376                                                           During the year, CDC, in partnership with Transdev
                                                            Australasia Pty Ltd (Transdev), successfully secured the
                                                            Epping to Chatswood rail replacement project, which
                                                            will run about seven months, commencing in the last
Total number of employees                                   quarter of 2018.
                                                                CDC also renewed a few existing contracts, including
                                                            an additional three-year charter with Singtel Optus Pty
                                                            Limited, as well as the nightride contract. The latter,
                                                            which runs from 1 March 2018, will add three additional
                                                            routes to the current Hillsbus contract. Both contracts
                                                            are expected to boost revenue.
                                                                CDC also revamped its website during the year and
                                                            started a Facebook account in March 2017 to reach out
                                                            to more customers.
                                                                In independent surveys conducted by Transport for
                                                            New South Wales (TfNSW), all of CDC’s NSW contracts
                                                            maintained their high ratings in 2017. Customer
                                                            satisfaction for Hillbus also continued to exceed the
                                                            regulatory benchmark of 85%.
                                                                As part of a number of NSW Government efforts
                                                            aimed at revolutionising public transport, CDC
                                                            partnered Cabcharge Pty Ltd for an on-demand bus
                                                            trial in February 2018. The six-month trial involves four

38   ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
11-seater wheelchair accessible       Management System was also              passengers annually. Qcity Transit
minibuses, and state-of the-          developed to better track booking       provides route and school bus
art-technology which is being         allocations and invoices.               services to the community of
developed by CDC. The buses               In October 2017, Moove Media        Queanbeyan in NSW. Queanbeyan
serve the Carlingford, North Rocks    Australia won the exclusive             is located on the Eastern Border
and Epping areas during the           advertising rights to offer taxi        of the Australian Capital Territory,
morning and evening peak hours.       advertising packages with Swan Taxis    and is 15km from the centre of
As part of the trial, a new website   Limited in Perth, Western Australia.    Canberra, Australia’s capital.
and app were also launched,                                                   Transborder Express delivers route
enabling customers to book trips      Blue Mountains and Hunter Valley,       and school bus services to the
at a flat fare, with payment being    New South Wales                         community of Yass, with direct
made via the secured app.             Bus                                     services operating between Yass
                                      During the year, CDC successfully       and Canberra.
Outdoor Advertising                   re-negotiated and secured contracts          Both Qcity and Transborder
Demand for Moove Media                in the Blue Mountains and the Hunter    Express operate services under
Australia peaked in the third         Valley. The extended contracts will     the Rural and Regional Contracts
quarter of 2017 with several of       commence in 2018 and expire in          with the NSW Government. These
its bus advertising formats sold      2020, with an option for a one-year     contracts were renewed in 2017
out for consecutive months.           extension to 2021.                      and will be due for subsequent
Additional bus advertising                In terms of customer satisfaction   renewal in 2024.
sales opportunities were also         levels, the Hunter Valley and Blue
created through the Company’s         Mountains Transit bus services did      Melbourne, Victoria
collaboration with Transdev in        well, exceeding the benchmark           Bus
Sydney and the TSA Regions            of 85% in independent customer          CDC operates essential bus
for 2017.                             satisfaction surveys conducted by       services across the Western and
    To improve productivity, a new    the TfNSW.                              Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, as
Customer Relations Management                                                 well as Ballarat and Geelong.
software solution was introduced      Queanbeyan, New South Wales                On 29 January 2017, CDC
in 2017 to help the Company           Bus                                     successfully implemented a
manage all its sales and marketing    The Qcity and Transborder fleet         transformational network change in
proposals. A new Booking              of 116 buses carries over 1.5 million   Ballarat – the first in 10 years.

                                                                                             Annual Report 2017   39

As a result, 19 routes were simplified    Werribee River Parklands in the          enhancements such as alternative
to 15 – with an increase in coverage      West of Melbourne. Sustainability        payment methods, were made to
no less! The new services now             efforts were also ramped up              the App. Its last promotion run
operate in areas which were               through an initiative to introduce       for the Melbourne Cup saw a high
previously unserved by public             hybrid buses in Melbourne. CDC has       redemption rate of 98%.
transport. Frequency to selected          proposed to replace its diesel buses          To further improve its service
routes was also further improved,         with the Volvo Euro 6 hybrid buses.      levels, Swan Taxis’ call centre
with services operating every 30          If this proposal is accepted by the      also started offering callers
minutes. As such, a 50% increase in       Government, our Melbourne fleet          an amalgamated booking and
the number of drivers was needed          will boast the largest number of         payment solution enabling
to handle the growth in demand.           hybrid buses in Australia.               passengers to book and pay for
The transformation has translated              On 11 December 2017, CDC            their rides in advance. Callers are
to nearly 20% growth in the number        moved its office in Altona to            quoted a flat fare for the bookings
of contract buses, and over 30%           Wyndham Depot in Truganina,              and are able to pay it immediately
increase in revenue growth.               West of Melbourne. This mega             with their credit cards over the
    CDC currently operates five           depot, which was completed in the        phone. Passengers have given
Metropolitan contracts that               third quarter of 2017, holds up to       positive feedback about this
represent around 65% of its total         230 buses. It replaces the existing      service as it had given them added
revenue. The contracts are due to         facilities at Altona and Hoppers         security where fares and payments
expire on 30 June 2018. At the time       Crossing, and went fully operational     are concerned.
of this printing, CDC is negotiating a    on 8 January 2018. A grand                    The Colour Taxis Scheme that
renewal of these contracts.               opening ceremony of the Depot will       Swan Taxis rolled out in November
    As a leading company in the           take place by the end of the first       2016 continued to be well-received,
industry, CDC continued to innovate       quarter of 2018.                         particularly its “white” taxis that
by coming up with several industry                                                 are driven by taxi drivers who
firsts. One of them was Mobileye          Perth, Western Australia                 are 55 years old and above, and
– the same safety system that was         Taxi                                     “pink” taxis that are driven by
implemented in CDC buses in NSW           In October 2017, we announced that       female taxi drivers for female
– was also implemented in CDC             Swan Taxis Pty Ltd had expanded          passengers. Equally popular are
buses in Victoria.                        its fleet by acquiring Metro WA          the “blue” taxis, which are driven by
    The other was the fleet-wide          Taxi Management Pty Ltd (Metro           taxi drivers who are able to assist
installation of an automated voice        Taxi), the largest taxi management       children unaccompanied by adults.
announcement system. The voice            company in Perth. It marked Swan         These have also been adopted
announcement, which is triggered          Taxis’ entry into fleet management       by a number of corporate clients
by the opening of the front door          and ownership and is expected to         involved in aged care.
of the bus, reminds passengers            provide the Company with greater              During the year, Swan Taxis,
to pay their bus fares. The system        control over its driving fleet as well   which operates “Easy Access”, a
has not only reduced the incidence        as additional revenue streams.           service dedicated to passengers
of fare evasion but also improved              Amidst a highly competitive         who are wheelchair users, provided
customer service. In all, the two         environment, Swan Taxis carried          lifting fee subsidies to cabbies,
systems represented a capital             out different initiatives throughout     amounting to an estimated
expenditure of nearly A$1 million         the year.                                A$432,000 (S$450,576). It also
(S$1.06 million).                              For example, it offered             reduced rank fees and eliminated
    CDC operates Route 601, the           the Flat Fare option via the             equipment hire for those affiliated
busiest bus route in Victoria that        ComfortDelGro Swan Taxis App             with the Company for more than
connects Huntingdale Train Station        in July 2017. The Flat Fare option       five years.
and Monash University. Given the          offers passengers the certainty of            For the year ahead, Swan Taxis
strong demand for this popular            the fare upfront, with no hidden         is collaborating with Moove Media
route, CDC boosted the capacity           add-ons and no sky-high surge            Australia to ramp up outdoor
of the route by 11% through the           prices. Customer reception has           advertising as another revenue
replacement of the front seats            since exceeded expectations – flat       stream for both the Company and
of the Route 601 fleet with more          fare bookings currently accounts         its taxi vehicle owners. As part of
handrails and hand holds.                 for approximately 54% of all             the initiative, taxi vehicle owners
    As a community-focussed bus           App bookings.                            receive a share of advertising
operator, CDC upped its Green                  Promotion codes, which were         revenue as a reward for displaying
quotient in 2017 through a bus-led        initially slow to gain traction,         advertising messages on
sustainability project to green the       became more popular after further        their vehicles.

40    ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
                             Beijing, Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Jilin City, Nanjing,
                                     Nanning, Shanghai, Shenyang, Suzhou, Tianjin

                              BUS STATION, TAXI, CAR RENTAL & LEASING,

                                                            NORTH CHINA

179.2                                                       Beijing
                                                            With a fleet of 5,501 taxis, translating into a market share of
Revenue (S$’mil)                                            8.3%, Beijing Jin Jian Taxi Services Co., Ltd, is the Capital
                                                            City’s third largest taxi operator.
                                                                To get operators to keep investing in newer and

11,230                                                      environmentally friendly vehicles, the Government has
                                                            introduced subsidies for all taxis that are replaced before
                                                            they reach seven years of age. Taking advantage of this
                                                            ruling, Beijing Jin Jian replaced 842 such taxis during the
Total operating fleet size                                  year with new Hyundai Elantras. It also started trialling new
                                                            Chang An Yi Dong taxis.
                                                                To attract more taxi drivers to join its ranks, the

958                                                         Company continued to reach out to retirees and
                                                            retrenched workers.
                                                                In May 2017, the new rules aimed at regulating third-
                                                            party booking apps came into effect. These new rules,
Total number of employees                                   imposed by the Beijing Municipal Government, required
                                                            ride-sharing companies to hire only drivers who hold
                                                            Beijing residency permits or “Hukou”. App companies
                                                            must also sign labour contracts with the drivers and
                                                            provide them with motor accident insurance. Stringent
                                                            restrictions have also been placed on drivers of such apps
                                                            including the fact that they must have at least three years
                                                            worth of driving experience with no prior criminal records.
                                                            All vehicles must only be registered with Beijing car
                                                            licence plates.
                                                                With these regulations in place, the Company is hopeful
                                                            that the taxi industry will stabilise in 2018.

                                                            Vehicle Testing Services
                                                            Beijing Tian Long Da Tian Vehicle Inspection Co., Ltd, our
                                                            80%-owned joint venture, provides vehicle safety and
                                                            emission testing services in the Capital City.

                                                                                                   Annual Report 2017   41

     The Company, which started           except it is in Chinese, and enables       further tightened to better manage
to assist vehicle owners in the           passengers to tip the cabbies. It also     the accident rate. As a result of
registration of new vehicles, saw         offers cashless payment options            their efforts, a total of 420 taxi
volume increase during the year. To       including WeChat and Alipay.               drivers from both taxi companies
make it more convenient for these             Jilin ComfortDelGro taxi also          were commended by the Shenyang
car owners, Beijing Tian Long Da          adapted the Driver App for its taxi        Transportation Bureau.
Tian provided a new vehicle tax           drivers to enable them to bid for              With the introduction of new
collection service and set up a sales     booking jobs via the App, and to           policies to govern third-party apps
point for car insurance agents.           use it to notify passengers of their       by the Municipal Government,
     Always leveraging on technology,     arrivals. Similarly, this App allows       the Company was able to retain
its inspectors started to use tablets     taxi drivers to arrange for cashless       more taxi drivers. It also rolled out
during inspection checks to enable        payments via WeChat or Alipay              different rental packages to cater to
them to record their findings             that passengers have to activate           different taxi drivers.
electronically. The Company also          and authorise.                                 In the first quarter of 2018, the
set up corporate accounts for                 Similar to what Beijing had done,      Group acquired 217 taxi licences and
customers on WeChat to facilitate         the Jilin Municipal Government plans       vehicles from Shenyang Tian Wen
cashless payments, as well as             to issue detailed implementation           Taxi Co., Ltd, bringing its total fleet in
reservation of inspection slots. These    policies aimed at regulating third         Shenyang to 1,508.
WeChat accounts also make it easy         party app bookings. Once these
for vehicle owners to fill in their       regulations are in place, the Company      WEST CHINA
vehicle information.                      is hopeful that the taxi industry will
                                          stabilise in 2018.                         Chengdu, Sichuan Province
Jilin City, Jilin Province                                                           Taxi
Taxi                                      Shenyang, Liaoning Province                Our wholly-owned subsidiary,
Our 97%-owned subsidiary, Jilin           Taxi                                       Chengdu ComfortDelGro Taxi Co.,
ComfortDelGro Taxi Co., Ltd, is the       Our two taxi companies – Shenyang          Ltd faced a challenging year in 2017
City’s largest taxi operator with a       ComfortDelGro Taxi Co., Ltd and            due to the proliferation of third-party
14.2% share of the market. In 2017, its   CityCab (Shenyang) Co., Ltd –              apps. With the Government planning
fleet of 729 taxis was fully hired out.   operate a total fleet of 1,291 taxis.      to implement a new National Order
    The Company replaced 21 taxis         Demand for services by both                to regulate third-party apps within
and renewed 21 licences during            companies remained strong with their       the next two years, the Company
the year.                                 fleets of taxis fully hired out in 2017.   hopes that it will create a level
    It launched the Jilin                     Training on safety and service was     playing field for its taxi drivers.
ComfortDelGro Taxi Booking App            provided to taxi drivers to improve            During the year, taxi licence
on both iOS and Android systems           their service levels. Management also      fees that were waived by the
in the last quarter of 2017. The          underwent courses to keep abreast          Government were passed on to
interface is almost the same as the       of the latest developments in the          the taxi drivers in the form of cash
ComfortDelGro App in Singapore            industry. Road safety processes were       rebates in 2017.

42    ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
Car Rental & Leasing                        Qi Ai Taxi Services selected the               In 2017, the Station actively rented
ComfortDelGro Rent-A-Car                    Volkswagen Santana Lavida taxi            out idle space on its premises. Massage
(Chengdu) Co., Ltd, the Group’s             model for its taxi replacement            chairs and vending machines that
wholly-owned motor vehicle rental           programme, with the Volkswagen            sell drinks and telecommunication
and leasing subsidiary continued            Touran taxi as the alternative. A total   products have now become an
to explore both offline and online          of 50 five-year-old taxis are also due    additional stream of revenue.
marketing strategies to improve             for replacement in 2018.                       Tapping onto technology, the
rental demand.                                  Despite the release of the much-      Station introduced electronic invoices
                                            awaited policy concerning third-party     which not only improved productivity,
Driving Centre                              apps in October 2016, the shortage        but also shortened the waiting time
It was a challenging year for our           of taxi drivers remained a challenge in   at the Station since passengers could
95%-owned driving subsidiary,               2017. To ensure its taxis were rented     print their invoices in advance. Ten self-
Chengdu ComfortDelGro Qing                  out, Shanghai City Qi Ai Taxi Services    service gates for checking tickets were
Yang Driving School Co., Ltd as             continued to engage ‘maiduan’             also added to speed up the process.
competition remained stiff.                 drivers. To-date, 30 of them are          On top of the existing automated cash
    To further enhance its value            renting its taxis.                        ticketing machines, another 14 more
proposition, the Company introduced                                                   were added, bringing the total to 29.
mock test training to prepare               Suzhou, Jiangsu Province                  It also added seven and 15 ticketing
students ahead of actual tests. To          Taxi                                      machines that accept Alipay and
cater to students who have to take          Our 70%-owned subsidiary, Suzhou          WeChat payments respectively to
mock tests, a new test centre was           Comfort Taxi Co., Ltd started the year    improve efficiency.
opened at its premises. The School          with some unhired taxis in its fleet of        New bus services were added to
also introduced incentive schemes           165 vehicles but managed to renew         theme parks and places of interest in
for private instructors to encourage        the rental agreement of all of them       2017 to expand its product range.
them to sign their students up for this     before the year ended. Unfortunately,     To-date, the Station has developed 15
mock test. To cater to the increase,        the Suzhou Authorities stopped            such services, yielding 31,000 tickets.
the School is looking to reactivate its     releasing new taxi licences during the         Two automated bus despatch
old test site to increase its capacity to   year due to stiff competition from the    systems were put on trial in October
handle the volume.                          private hire operators.                   2017. Another five of the same system
    A new policy on training by                                                       will be implemented in March 2018.
time and trip may be introduced in          Nanjing, Jiangsu Province                      During the year, Tianhe Bus
2018. This may give the School an           Taxi                                      Station garnered more than 2.7 million
advantage over private instructors.         Our 70%-owned subsidiary, Nanjing         followers on WeChat, which is nearly
                                            ComfortDelGro Dajian Taxi Co., Ltd, is    three times more than 2016. Through
Chongqing                                   the City’s fourth largest taxi company,   this platform, the Company was able
Driving Centre                              operating a total of 679 Compressed       to bring in advertising revenue of
Our 90%-owned subsidiary,                   Natural Gas taxis. About 90% of its       RMB1.3 million (S$0.3 million).
Chongqing ComfortDelGro Driver              fleet was hired out during the year.
Training Co., Ltd continued to ensure                                                 Nanning, Guangxi Province
its remaining learners completed their      SOUTH CHINA                               Taxi
driving courses for the year.                                                         Our 80% owned subsidiary, Nanning
                                            Guangzhou, Guangdong Province             Comfort Transportation Co., Ltd, is the
EAST CHINA                                  Bus Station                               largest taxi operator in Nanning with a
                                            Our 60%-owned Tianhe Bus Station          fleet of 854 taxis.
Shanghai                                    in Guangzhou served a total of 10.5           On 1 January 2017, as a result of
Taxi                                        million passengers in 2017, a 13.9%       protests by local taxi drivers following
Shanghai City Qi Ai Taxi Services Co.,      drop from the previous year due to        the legalisation of third-party apps
Ltd is one of the premium operators         strong competition from the high          in Nanning, the local Authorities
in Shanghai with a fleet of 484 taxis.      speed rail service, the growth of the     instructed all taxi companies to lower
    With the discontinuation of             car population and the persistence of     their rental rates to help taxi drivers
the Volkswagen Santana Vista car            illegal bus operations.                   cope with the stiff competition from
model, the Authorities approved two              Cargo revenue increased by 16%       third-party apps. The Company did
other taxi models – the Volkswagen          in 2017 as compared to the year           so and was successful in retaining its
Santana Lavida and Volkswagen               before, while the total number of         taxi drivers.
Touran – as they are well accepted          cargo items dropped by 9.3%. The              During the year, the Company
and popular with both taxi drivers          revenue share of the cargo business       replaced 130 taxis, and converted 283
and commuters. Shanghai City                increased from 30% to 40%.                petrol-driven taxis into dual-fuel taxis.

                                                                                                      Annual Report 2017   43

                                          Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick

                                          INTER-CITY EXPRESS COACH

                                                          ComfortDelGro Irish Citylink Limited, our wholly-owned

20.2                                                      express coach subsidiary in Ireland, runs a network of
                                                          inter-City and Dublin Airport express routes linking
                                                          Cities such as Cork, Dublin, Galway and Limerick.
                                                              On the back of strong economic growth, demand
Revenue (S$’mil)                                          for services across all routes increased, in particular
                                                          those offering direct services to Dublin Airport which
                                                          has been experiencing rising passenger volumes over

25                                                        the last seven years. In 2017, a record-breaking 29.6
                                                          million passengers travelled through Dublin Airport on
                                                          the back of an increase in long-haul traffic, and a robust
                                                          performance from continental European routes.
Total operating fleet size                                    The popular Limerick-Dublin Airport
                                                          service turned two in February 2017. ComfortDelGro
                                                          Irish Citylink also increased the frequency of two service

17                                                        routes and introduced a direct connection between
                                                          Galway and Cork. It also made further improvements to
                                                          its online booking facility.
                                                              Five new DAF Altano buses were added to the fleet
Total number of employees                                 during the year, and deployed on both the
                                                          Galway-Dublin Airport route as well as the
                                                          Limerick-Dublin Airport route. These coaches are not
                                                          only wheelchair-accessible but have USB ports, free Wi-
                                                          Fi and on-board toilets. To make coach rides even more
                                                          attractive to passengers, at-seat power sockets were
                                                          introduced on express routes.
                                                              Going forward, the Company expects to step up its
                                                          online marketing campaigns with the appointment of a
                                                          new digital marketing staff.

44    ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
                             Ho Chi Minh City


                                      We consolidated our taxi operations in Ho Chi Minh City

6.8                                   during the year and now operate just one company
                                      – Vietnam Taxi (Vinataxi). A total of 93 cabbies from
                                      ComfortDelGro Savico Taxi company joined Vinataxi as
                                      part of this move. Vinataxi also disposed 115 older taxis,
Revenue (S$’mil)                      thereby reducing the average age of its 352-strong taxi
                                      fleet to just 3.3 years old.
                                           Vinataxi is ranked third in Ho Chi Minh City in terms of

352                                   fleet size.
                                           Despite stiff competition, Vinataxi successfully
                                      renewed its existing contracts to operate taxi services at
                                      major pick-up points in the City.
Total operating fleet size                 It also continued to roll out different packages to
                                      incentivise taxi drivers and attract new ones through
                                      advertisements and referral schemes. To retain existing

141                                   drivers, for example, Vinataxi increased the bonuses
                                      for taxi drivers during the country’s Chinese New Year
                                      by 16%.
                                           The incentive bonus for taxi drivers who completed
Total number of employees             one year of their hiring contract and performed well was
                                      revised to VND 11 million (S$668.69). Those who renewed
                                      their contracts for another year were also rewarded with
                                      incentives. Those who stayed on beyond the second year
                                      received a Seniority Bonus. New drivers who joined for at
                                      least six months were also rewarded as well. Since June
                                      2017, ex-taxi drivers who re-joined the Company were
                                      given VND 1 million (S$60.79) after completing three
                                      months of their contract.
                                           Leveraging on technology, Vinataxi launched its taxi
                                      booking app for Android smartphones in September
                                      2017 and the iOS version two months later. Users can
                                      choose to pay the normal metered or flat fares on the
                                      booking app. It also worked with Moca, a payment
                                      company, to provide QR code payments on board
                                      its taxis.
                                           Aggressive marketing efforts also resulted in an
                                      increase in revenue from taxi advertisements.

                                                                           Annual Report 2017   45

                                                Kuala Lumpur

                                AUTO LEASING, INSPECTION & TESTING SERVICES

                                                       Auto Leasing

2.6                                                    Our subsidiary, CityLimo Leasing (M) Sdn Bhd, offers
                                                       auto leasing services in Malaysia through a fleet of 160
                                                       vehicles. Established in 1996, it provides both short-
                                                       and long-term leasing for a full range of passenger
Revenue (S$’mil)                                       cars and light commercial vehicles. It is one of the
                                                       leading auto leasing service providers for multinational
                                                       corporations, especially those in the oil & gas, logistics

160                                                    and infrastructure industries. The Company specialises
                                                       in dedicated telematics fleet management for clients
                                                       with round-the-clock nationwide technical and roadside
                                                       emergency assistance. Utilisation of our vehicles
Total operating fleet size                             remained high in 2017.

                                                       Inspection & Testing Services

41                                                     Setsco Services Pte Ltd’s wholly-owned subsidiary,
                                                       Setsco Services (M) Sdn Bhd, provides civil engineering,
                                                       mechanical and non-destructive testing services in
                                                       Peninsular Malaysia.
Total number of employees

46   ComfortDelGro Corporation Limited
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