Social Services Waimakariri Service Mapping 2019
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NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Rangiora Baptist Church, East Rangiora Yes Free 5 days Schools, Churches No Stephen McQuarrie Belt, Rangiora. Youth Worker & Donations 03 313 4997 Services - in conjunction with 0274 659951 local high schools 24/7 Youth Work Rangiora Baptist Church FREE medical care and Christchurch No, clients Free 5 days CDHB & MSD No 03 943 9298 counselling services for those will need to aged 10-24 years. travel to Christchurch 298 Youth Health Supports Cantabrians to be Christchurch Education & Fees 3 days Pegasus Health & No Nadine Milmine, Coordinator more physically active by Waimakariri training may Mon, Tue CDHB contract 0274 621262 providing credible activity Selwyn sessions for apply and Thu ending 30/06/19 information, advice and links to local 9am-2pm local classes, groups and providers in programmes. Also provides Canterbury training opportunities for local Active Canterbury providers and advocates for supportive environments. Elder abuse & neglect Papanui Yes for Free 5 days MSD, MOH, CDHB Yes Simon Templeton prevention. Health promotion, some - Contracts range 03 366 0903 Social connection, support services from 1-3 years health services. Accredited visitor service. Trades directory for home services Age Concern
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Local Alzheimer’s organisations Nationwide Over the Free 5 days Public Trust, Pub No Anthea Macdonald provide support, education, closest is phone Charities, Ministry 04 387 8264 information and related services Timaru service of Health, Lotter 0800 004001 directly to members of their Room 11, nationwide. Grants Board & communities who are affected Community The service Donations by dementia. Older person’s House, 27 operates in social work Educational Strathallan South courses. Carers support group St, Timaru Canterbury. Alzheimer’s New Zealand (CINCH) Food bank, Food relief, Amberley Amberley Free 5 days n/a No Matt Redepenning Health & welfare 03 314 7464 Amberley Food Bank Information and advice service - Canterbury Yes Free 5 days CDHB funding No Health Advice Manager by phone, group sessions, quarterly 03 366 8386 seminars and workshops 0800 663463 Educational courses Arthritis New Zealand A community learning hub, Canterbury Yes Free 5 days MOE No Gina Lijima offering a range of computing 03 310 6458 courses, can be used to gain qualifications for employment, or to manage your way around a computer for online applications Ara Institute of Canterbury etc. Advice and resources to assist Christchurch Yes Free 5 days RATA, Lions No Donna disabled people and older quarterly Foundations, 03 366 6189 people to make informed Lottery Grants decisions and connect them Board, Pub with appropriate services. Charities Aspire Canterbury
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ support service for people Christchurch No Free 3 days Membership, Yes 03 337 6337 affected by Asperger’s Contact via donations, Rata, Syndrome" email Communities trust, Peer Support for Autistic adults. lotteries, lions, Pub Charities, Good in the Hood, Aspiehelp Southern Trust, Mainland, CCC Deliver health and education Christchurch Yes on Fees 5 days Vodafone, The No Angelina McLean programmes in Intermediate request may Warehouse & 03 397 6052 and High schools. Problem apply Toyota other costs solving, managing stress, met by fees and negotiating relationship and material sales adolescence. Attitude is a Attitude Division of The Parenting Place Information, education and Christchurch Advisors Fees 5 days MSD funding No 03 343 2225 support for Autism. In-home work with may Charitable trust service provided. Educational schools and apply funding and grants Courses The Rangiora Group is families but fundraising and currently in recess face to face grants contact is Autism NZ only available in Christchurch Specialist family violence service Nth Cant & Yes, mainly Free 7 days via Fundraising ,Pub Yes Aviva 24/7 Support line for whole family. Have a 24/7 Ashburton in Rangiora phone, 5 Charities, Strategy 0800 284 82 669 family violence support line, office but days for & design Group, programmes for men, women, cover North services Tindell Sexual Assault 24/7 Support line youth and children, safe@home Canterbury Foundation, Lions, 03 377 5402 services, specialist peer support and will Redcross, Todd, service, no interest/low interest travel to Rata, CCC, lottery Gwenda Kendrew loans scheme, and 24/7 sexual clients in fund, Southern Senior Manager assault services. their home trust 027 561 4755 Aviva
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Home-based family support, 24 Sewell Yes - Free 5 days Points for Purpose, No Sandy Honeybone footsteps to feeling safe for Street, Waimakariri ANZ, Milford, 0274 479860 children exposed to family Kaiapoi & Hurunui Office Max, Rinnai, violence) 0800 WHAT'S UP currently Z stations support line for children 5- the main 0800 BARNADOS 18yrs. LEAP working with focus - families who are vulnerable due Hurunui to family harm, alcohol or drug currently use, child health or disability, running The emotional abuse or neglect, Inspire Kids parental mental health issues. Project Social work. Youth/children/family Barnardos Educational Courses Home visits Bellyful cooks and delivers Yes Free 5 days Freedom, One Carol Burdon meals to families with new-born percent Collective, 0508 2355938 babies and families with young Lottery, Good in children who are struggling with the Hood, The illness, where there is little or no Ware house, Sky family or social support. City, Wellington Community Trust, Auckland Founda+ion, DLA Piper, One Foundation Bellyful Our goal is to empower women PO Box Crisis 03 364 8900 to create a safe and healthy 36729 Office 03 332 4122 family life for themselves and Merivale their children, free of family 8146 violence. It’s what we’ve done for more than 30 years. Battered Womens Trust
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Direct mentoring service Rangiora Yes Free 5 days Vodafone, No Ellie De Gros matching children aged 6-12 War 9am-4pm Southern trust, 03 310 7004 with mentors in a professionally Memorial TSB Community 0272 712405 supported one to one service Hall High trust, Rata Social Isolation Connector Street, foundation, CCC, Rangiora NZ Police, Rotary, NZCT, Pub Charity, Todd foundation, Lions foundation, Lottery, First Sovereign, Mainland foundation, Good in the Hood, United way, COGS, Tindall Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Foundation, TIMA Zealand Consultants. BSNC provides a free budgeting North Yes Free On site Rata foundation, No Sharon Grant service within the Waimakariri Canterbury Tuesdays MSD, United way, 03 313 3505 and Hurunui districts. We 10am – private donations recruit, select and train 12pm volunteers for budget advisory work and ensure certificated Budget Advisers maintain on- going training. We promote communication and liaison between family budgeting services, local community organisations and individuals in all aspects of family budgeting Budgeting Services North advice. Educational Courses Canterbury Financial & Budgeting
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Specialist Mental Health CDHB’s Yes clinics Free 5 days Ministry of Health No Rose Henderson Services, Multiple services for Specialist based from Mon - Fri Clinical Lead, Recovery and Wellbeing Adults, Child Adolescents & Mental GP practices 9am - North Canterbury & Kaikoura Family (CAF) – General services, Health and schools. 5pm Canterbury District Health Board Specialist services – access Services points via Single Point of Entry (SMHS) Cell: 0274 352 356 for Adults & CAF Link for Based in 0800 phone service Children & Young people. The Christchurch CAF North team, Adult Rural with us/contact-us team and School based mental outreach health team service NC clinics in specifically. For other needs various referrals to specialist services Rural are facilitated. locations across the CDHB CAF – Child adolescent & Family catchment areas Volunteer driving service to Canterbury Yes – local Free 7 days Ministry of Health, No Viv Williams appointments, health groups est. ANZ, Fundraising 03 353 9873 021 107 6497 promotion programmes. 0800 226237 local support group 03 327 6195 https://canterbury-west- Cancer Society The Canterbury Homebirth Facebook Yes by Apt. Free 5 days MOH No Association is a voluntary organisation that promotes and supports home birth as an irth alternative to hospital birth. Canterbury Homebirth Association CMC provides counselling and Christchurch Yes Fees 7 days MSD No Counselling phone 03 365 9000 life coaching support. It also Rangiora may Flexible or write provides for Male Survivors of apply Sexual Abuse. This is in the form of peer support and (in Survivor Peer Support/ Group phone (03) development) a peer group 377 6747 Canterbury Mens Centre based in Rangiora
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Counselling, family, individuals, 336 Cashel No Free 5 days Private trusts and No 03 379 0012 youth, children 5yrs +, group St, Linwood, Foundations courses, budget advice, food Chch bank. Catholic Social Services Advocacy and support for 78A East Yes Free 5 days Simpson Trust, Yes Glenda Miller people who identify as having a Belt, Rata, NZCT, Chch 03 313 8312 disability. Will do home visits, Rangiora Host Lions, West or clients can come to the Coast Community 0800 2272255 Rangiora office. Youth Worker Trust, Lion Services Foundation, Pub Social Isolation Connector Charities, Te Pou, Home visits MoE & Private Bequests CCS Disability Action Promoting services of excellence Christchurch No Phone Fees 5 days The Warehouse, No 03 365 1485 and consistency for children and Support only may Barter card, young people with cancer and apply Savemart, their families. Professionals, ASB, Cardinal Logistics, Honda, RCP, Z, NZ Child Cancer Foundation Sports Through innovative and Papanui Yes home Free 5 days Annual Contract No Sue Van Deurs responsive child and family Road, Chch. visits MSD/CDHB/REDCR 03 375 1461 services, social housing, group OSS Philanthropic programmes and services for 0276547787 older people CMM reaches a broad base of diverse residents facing multiple challenges. 6 month Parent works course - Fostering changes 6 weeks home based learning. Highly Christchurch Methodist Mission skilled & long term staff members ensure its success.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ We provide a Vocational Day Christchurch Yes Free 5 days Lamar Trust, Rata No Marilyn Paston, General Manager Placement for people with very Kaiapoi Foundation, Tel: (03) 3392930 high needs disabilities. Our Southern Trust, Mob: 0275408561 programme is individual based Community Trust, Email: with a focus on community Lion Foundation, participation. Day service for Jones Foundation school leavers with high need Chris Ruth Centre disabilities Free, confidential, independent Trevor Inch Yes Free 5 days NZ Lotteries Grant No 03 313 8822 03 310 6205 information & advice. Help with Memorial Sat am Board, MBIE, Rata a wide range of issues including Library, 141 Foundation, COGS, consumer law, tenancy, disputes Percival Waimakariri employment, separation, Street District Council, custody, budgeting, Migrants, Rangiora Rangiora District immigration, and finding a JP’s. Lioness Club, We take bookings for the St Helmore Stewart, John Health Shuttle & host free Citizens Advice Bureau legal and CV Clinics on a Williams McKenzie North Canterbury fortnightly basis, by appointment only. Food parcels, social work Christchurch No Free 5 days Harvey Cameron, No Gray Crawford services, a & d counselling, night Immediate Media 03 365 0635 shelters for men, women and Intelligence, Go 027 5318819 solo parents with children, Media, Harcourt’s, budget advice, women's drop in Mortlock and men's day programme. Mcormack Law, Opportunity shops in Rangiora Hamilton Jet, New City Mission and Kaiapoi. All services World, Ryman available to North Canterbury Healthcare, Practical, recovery-focused Rangiora Yes Free 5 days No No (03) 377 7020 support. Activity based recovery, Award winning nutrition and exercise programme, peer support – talking – relational recovery- focused Strengths-focused and recovery focused psycho – Comcare Trust education workshops and group North Canterbury Services gatherings. Young Adults support services (age 18-39)
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ An alternative to High 140 East Yes Free 5 MOE No 03 313 5874 School offering hands on Belt vocational training 16-19 year Rangiora olds. north-canterbury Community College North Canterbury Community Connectors Hurunui Yes Free 5 Various funding Yes streams Amberleycommunityconnector@gmail.c Community Connectors Hurunui om The aim is to ensure all homes in Christchurch Yes Free 5 days Age Concern, Yes 0800 GET WARM Canterbury are warm, dry, Genesis, Red 03 3747222 healthy, and energy efficient. A Cross, CCC, Orion, range of services- free, recycled Environment Michael Begg curtain bank, energy advice, an Canterbury, Pub insulation service (subsidies are Charity, Lottery, available). Site visits to complete Mainpower, NZ Community Energy Action a home energy check. Heating post, Todd Educational Courses Foundation Funding provider National Yes Free 5 days Govt N/A Ellen Zhou • Family Start • Intensive family support 0292374214 • Intensive residential support Community Investment MSD • Other intensive services Free legal clinics, legal Canterbury Yes Free Kaiapoi Govt. Interest No Katherine Stewart information over the phone or Canterbury Every 2nd from lawyers Trust via email to all in Canterbury. If rural by Apt. Wed Accounts a client can't get to a clinic will Tuahiwi (03) 366 6870 try to provide advice by other Every 2nd 0800 PHONE SERVICE means. Representation to some Tue on clients with barriers (i.e. low alternate income), free and low cost week education to groups, schools Community Law Canterbury and individuals. Educational Courses & Advocacy
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Social work, family counselling, Rangiora & Yes Free 5 days MSD, Pub Charity, Yes, Deirdre Ryan Youth Worker Services, school Kaiapoi Mainland, Lottery, attendance, youth a & d, Soroptomists, (027) 245 0203 karanga Mai ELC, strengthening Rata, COGS, (03) 394 9114 families, Backroom services for Southern Trust, other groups/agencies, Helmore Stewart, Community Pantry, Restorative Air rescue, MOE, Justice – Police, diversion & Pre- Work & Income, Sentence, Strengthening WDC, EY Families, Volunteer Drivers, Nurse Maude drop off and pick Community Wellbeing North up, Local Kaiapoi community Canterbury Trust Information & advice. Alcohol & other Drug Services. Rooms for rent Day care for older people, living Kaiapoi Waimakariri Free 5 days N/A No Dawn Armitage on their own or being cared for. and North 03 327 5934 Relief support for carers and Christchurch family members. Transport, midday meal, socialisation, activities, music, games, physio Darnley Club and organised activities. Day care service. The Deaf community face a Nationwide, Yes by Free 5 days NZ Sign Language No 0800 332 322 number of challenges with office 96 phone Board, Todd regards to equality and access Bristol St, St Foundation, Jessie 021 276 5033 (as local contact to information in New Zealand Albans. Nessbank Trust, number) text only Sign Language (NZSL), Lottery Board, Pub community and social support. Charity, Lion Deaf Aotearoa and the Deaf Foundation, Rata community are working towards Foundation, meeting these challenges, private bequests however there is still a large gap between the reality of life in New Zealand for a Deaf person and their constitutional right under the New Zealand Sign Language Act 2006 and the Deaf Aotearoa United Nations Convention for the Rights of Disabled People.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Christchurch - other offices in Email to As required Free Various CDHB, Lottery, No 03 379 2590 Ashburton & West Coast Social locate days COGS, Rata 0800 444 776 Work Support, Education nearest Foundation, Lion Services, Memory Groups, Social support Foundation, programmes, activity groups, group United Way NZ, Community Trust, NZCT, Mainland Foundation, The Trusts Community Foundation, Christchurch City Council, Four winds Foundation, Pub Charity, Good in the Hood, Welfare Trust Board, Benson Ins Brokers, Swain Woodham Group, Southern Trust, Dementia Canterbury Rotary, Central Heating NZ, Funding advice - Building strong National Yes Free 5 days Govt No Trish Hughes & resilient communities providing advice, support, 03 339 5455 information and resources. 0275 571046 Helping communities identify their priorities and develop plans to achieve them Department of Internal Affairs Peer support and education. Canterbury Yes - no Free 5 days CDHB and other No Adele Wilkinson Group work. Anxiety & groups depression support currently 03 365 5344 Advocacy going in 0800 424 399 North Canterbury Depression Support Network
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ A range of services from Christchurch Phone Skype Free 5 days Donations, No Sue Hammett Children's/ Youth Groups to Membership 03 358 3249 advisory sessions and seminars. subscriptions Dyspraxia Centre Early Start is offered to Christchurch North Free Mon - Fri MSD, CDHB, Yes 03 365 9087 Christchurch families with new- Canterbury 8am 5pm Oranga Tamariki born babies, where social & & Hurunui family circumstances may put at risk the health &well-being of their children. The service provided is entirely voluntary, free, long term (up to 5 years) & home based. Promotes healthy Early Start child development within a nurturing family environment. Administered through Canterbury Yes - Free 4 days PSUSI No Kirstin Dingwall-Okoye Presbyterian Support Not primarily CDHB/MOH 03 363 8225 service delivery - provides Christchurch contract promotion of community health however and wellbeing information. Bringing providers together for the support and wellbeing of Elder Care Canterbury - Enliven older people, addressing gaps. We work with people to look for Canterbury Yes on Free 5 days MSD No Stacey Adams (Service Manager) open paid employment of their request flexible to 027 252 6603 choice that is more than 5 hours client (03) 3715564 per week. We support people to needs develop CV’s and cover letters, practice interview skills and apply for jobs whether online or in person. Once employment is gained we support them for at least six months which could include working with someone around increasing or decreasing Emerge Aotearoa – their hours of work and career CreativeWorks development. We work collaboratively with other agencies
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Personal support service for PO Box 7104 Outreach Fees Mon - Fri No Anna Baker ( Educator) people with epilepsy & their Sydenham facility on may 8.30- 4.30 027 2706689 families. Training programmes & Christchurch request apply presentations. 8240 0800 374537 Epilepsy NZ A counselling service for family Christchurch No Fees Mon - Fri CDHB, CHCH No 03 981 1093 members affected by someone Phone may 9- council, Rata, else addiction, this can be any service apply 5.30pm Mainland form of addiction however available Foundation, generally is around drugs and Amicus, Southern alcohol, we see any family Trust, Lions members that are struggling Foundation, Pub with the impact of the life style Charity, Wigram around addiction.. In the first Lodge, Calder instance we do one on one Stewart, counselling however we do also Thompson print, offer group programmes, peer JK Builder’s, Blogg Familial Trust Te Whanau o support and family interventions & Maurice Carter Whakapono Charitable Trusts, Styx & Stone Family Planning works to 15 Durham Yes Fees Thursday MOH No 03 313 6697 promote a positive view of Street may sexuality and to enable people Rangiora apply to make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive Family Planning Clinic Rangiora health and well-being. Assisting dads through Christchurch No Free 5 days Foundation North, No Cliff Shepherd separation, who are have Todd Foundation, 03 982 2440 difficulties with access to their Rata, Four Winds, children. Cogs, Lottery, Includes dealing with CYF, Mainland, Pelorus Family Court, mediation. Trust, Sky City Parenting course 10 modules Auckland, correspondence course Southern Trust, nationwide. United Way. 8 Module anger management Father & Child course.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Monthly coffee and support Christchurch On request Fees 5 days MOH Contract, No Heather Peterson groups. Social worker/ office or may ACC & private 03 366 8630 home visits. Information and apply Health Insurance resources. Advocacy, A listening ear, Telephone support, Social Florence Nightingale Agency outings, Guest speakers, Partners with Annie’s Nannie’s “My advanced Care Plan” & Peer Support. A caring, respectful and 32 Holland Yes Fees Evenings Govt. Subsidies, Yes 03 327 3454 confidential counselling service Drive may and Private Clients 027 651 4854 based in Kaiapoi offering Kaiapoi apply weekend counselling for issues such as 7630 appointm Frances Knight Counselling relationship difficulties, grief ents Services and loss, earthquake stress and available depression. Support for staff and patients in 161 Ashley Yes Free By Do their own No Gendie Woods hospital through fund-raising for Street, appoint. fundraising 03 313 2266 amenities and to promote the RD2, 027 626 6094 hospital and its functioning Rangiora 03 311 8650 Friends of Rangiora Health Hub services/ Career, Counselling and Social Christchurch Yes by Fees By Govt. Subsidies, Yes Gabrielle O'Connell Work. We provide a range of Appoint only may appoint. Private Clients 027 306 9407 support services to government, apply not for profit sector and private business. Our services include occupational assessment and career transition support, workforce and personal Gabrielle O'Connell & Associates development, and social work support. Educational Courses 24 hour free phone service for National By phone Free 7 days Govt. No 0800 654 655 gambling issues Mobile text 8006 Maori - 0800 654 656 Vai Lelei Pasifika - 0800 654 657 Youth "In Ya Face" - 0800 654 659 Gambling Helpline
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ To advance, support & protect 113 Yes Fees Jan Pentecost the welfare & well being of Stringers RD may 03 312 9331 older people. To affirm & Rangiora appl protect that statutory right of every New Zealand resident, to a sufficient New Zealand Superannuation entitlement. To strive for a provision of a quality Health Care to all New Zealand residents regardless of income and location. Grey Power He Waka Tapu is a māori 161 Pages Yes Free 5 days c No 0800 HE WAKA organisation, running a number Road, 03 373 8150 of programmes and one to one Aranui, sessions, specialising in: Anger Christchurch Josephine Curtis Management, Alcohol and Drug 8061 Addictions (AOD) and Personal Health. Our services are assessable from Timaru to Ashburton and Christchurch. To access our services, whaiora can be referred from an external organisation and/or self-refer with no appointment time/date He Waka Tapu needed. Health Info is a health nationwide Website Free 7 CDHB No information website for the only general public, funded by the Canterbury DHB. The information on Health Info is specific to Canterbury, New Zealand. It is written and approved by local doctors, practice nurses, hospital Health Info clinicians, and other healthcare professionals.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Health line is staffed by nationwide Yes by Free 7 days Ministry of Health No 0800 611 116 experienced registered nurses phone who can provide you with health information and advice on care. They can also tell you where to find your nearest GP after-hours service, hospital emergency department, pharmacy, or out-of-hours dental surgery. Health line can also provide Health line general health information on a wide range of topics. Testing, support and treatment Christchurch No - initial Free 5 days CDHB No 03 366 9403 for Hepatitis C clients. Has a Rangiora home visit high number of clients in the Pharmacy & available - North Canterbury district and Stans 7 day On-line chat are looking to provide a service pharmacy 24/7 physically here through A&D offer needle City Mission. Will conduct home exchange Hepatitis C Community Clinic visits or clients attend in City HEY BRO Is a number set up for Pages Rd Yes by Free 24/7 MOH, CDHB, Te 0800 439 276 men who feel they’re going to Christchurch phone 24/7 phone Pūtahitanga, MSD, 03 373 8150 harm a loved one or whanau Department of member Corrections, Ministry of justice s/0800-hey-bro Hey Bro Home & Family offers Christchurch No Fees 5 days Christchurch city No 03 944 0635 professional counselling and may council, Rata psychotherapy, creating apply foundation, environments for positive Perpetual change and enabling people to Guardian, The Lion overcome difficulties and Foundation achieve emotional well-being. Home & Family
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Community Support, Advocacy, 111 East Yes Free 4 days Donations, Events No 03 928 3066 Food bank, Community Garden, Belt Women’s & Men’s groups, Craft Rangiora group, Fruit & Vege Co-op. Community BBQ. A place of community and connection OP SHOP 5 days Counselling Centre Fees 5 days Individual, Family, Children, may relationships & groups apply Hope Community Trust Advocate and promote respect Christchurch No Free 5 days Govt & other No 0800 496 877 for human rights in New Zealand. Encourage harmonious relations between individuals and among the diverse groups in New Zealand. Lead, evaluate, monitor and advise on equal employment opportunities. Provide information to the public about discrimination and to help resolve complaints Human Rights Commission about discrimination. IHC coordinates a “One-to-One North Yes Free 5 Govt , Investments No Jackie Cronin Volunteer Programme". Canterbury & fundraising Supported by a team of & Hurunui sponsorship, Coordinators who recruit & Bequests & support volunteers. They are Donations screened, trained & linked with a person with an intellectual disability who is seeking a friend. They choose how they spend time together & what IHC they do. The emphasis is developing a friendship.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Supporting people with 17 Durham Yes Fees 5 Govt. Investments No Tiriana Smith intellectual disabilities by St, Rangiora may & fundraising 03 313 5926 advocating for their rights, apply sponsorship, providing a variety of housing Bequests & and work options and by Donations IDEA Services supporting families. A free service offering 143 Yes Free Mon - Fri WDC No Gwen Creek information to locals and visitors Williams 9 - 5pm 03 327 3134 to Waimakariri. Ticket agent, Street Sat 10 – 4 Intercity, Trains, Interislander, Kaiapoi Closed Sat Bluebridge, DOC passes, free in winter i- SITE Visitor Information May-Aug Centre maps & local events guide. Offering assistance with NZs Facebook Yes Free By N/A No Edith Gaal immigration rules and laws, a appointm 021 545 233 range of visa and information to ent help those who wish to visit, work, study, live and invest in NZ International Women’s Group Assists elderly and 10 Strone St, Kaiapoi and Fees 5 Days No Neville disadvantaged in the Kaiapoi surrounds may 03 327 4005 community and creates a apply stepping stone to employment using partnership with local Kaiapoi Community Care and community, funders, businesses Employment Trust and other agencies. A central point in Kaiapoi from 24 Sewell Yes Free 5 days Rata, COGS, No Nicki Carter which local people can access Street, Southern Trust, 03 327 8945 information and support from a Kaiapoi MSD, Pub range of services. Food bank, Charities, volunteer drivers, social Mainland Trust, do/kaiapoi-community-support/ workers, counsellors. Lottery Board, Kaiapoi Community Support Social work - Helmore Stewart, Youth/children/family Mainpower, EY, Soroptomists NC
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Supplying Meals to elderly, 24 Sewell Yes Fees 5 days Rata, COGS, No 03 327 8945 disabled and those recuperating Street, may Southern Trust, at home after hospital stays. Kaiapoi apply MSD, Pub Charities, community-support/ Mainland Trust, Lottery Board, Helmore Stewart, Kaiapoi Meals on Wheels Mainpower, EY, Soroptomists NC Provides education and care for Robert Coup Yes Fees Mon - Fri Rata, COGS, No Jacinta McInerney Team Leader infants, toddlers and children of Road cover 9.30 - 3.30 Southern Trust, 03 327 8315 young parents while they Kaiapoi ed by MSD, Pub attend Karanga Mai young Childc Charities, parents college are Mainland Trust, mai/ subsi Lottery Board, dies Helmore Stewart, Mainpower, EY, Karanga Mai Soroptomists NC Free Budgeting Support - one to Hope Yes Free Tuesday Rata Foundation, No North Canterbury one budgeting support from an Community by Apt. Christchurch City experienced, friendly and non- Trust, 111 Council, MSD, 03 332 1700 judgemental budget advisor East Belt other 0800 103 130 (financial mentor). Our aim is to Rangiora philanthropic 027 917 3719 work alongside clients, to help Christchurch trusts, and Rest of Christchurch them at their point of need, at donations. their own pace, to help them achieve their goal. Community 03 332 1700 Education, Employment, Life Skills and Budgeting. Kingdom Resources Kiwilaw Legal advice and representation, PO BOX 85 Yes Fees Mon - Fri NA No Cheryl Simes free resource material for child Oxford 7443 may 9-5 021 701 838 focused parenting plans through North apply 03 312 1508 negotiation, mediation or the Canterbury Family Court
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Nationwide provider of 24/7 PO Box 8313 Nationwide Free 24 hours 7 Barney & Patsy No Karen Crawley crisis, suicide, therapeutic Riccarton, days McCahill support and training. 24/7 Chch 8041 Charitable Trust, 03 366 6742 phone line offers support, also CERT, Chch Casino, Kids Line for young people up to Chch Council, Lifeline 24/7 18. Graham Trust, 0800 543354 COGS, Mid & South Canterbury, Crossroads Methodist Church, DV Bryant Trust, Foundation North, Gallagher Lifeline Charitable Trust, See website for complete list. Outcome planning and Canterbury, Yes Free 5 days MOH No 0800 866877 coordination services for people South with disabilities aged between Canterbury 0-65 years and West Lesley Campbell Coast LifeLinks Power supplier - supports 172 Yes Fees 7 days No Nicola Cull partnerships in the areas of Fernside may 24/7 03 311 8559 youth, community energy Road apply 027 702 9899 efficiency programmes and Rangiora activities, environmental Mainpower NZ sustainability and economic development. One to One peer support. Canterbury Yes – some Free 5 Days No 03 377 6747 Weekly peer support groups services only (internal referral) and Advocacy for male survivors of Sexual 0800 044 334 abuse. Male Survivors Canterbury
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ For the betterment of Maori 219 Tuahiwi Yes Free Mon-Fri Genesis Energy, No 03 313 5543 women and their whanau. All Road, RD1 10-3 ECAN, Ngāi Tahu women welcome. Kaiapoi Tourism, Te 03 366 4344 Rūnanga o Arowhenua Te Rūnanga o Waewae, Māwhera Inc. Te Maori Womens' Welfare League Ana Rock Art, DOC, Te Ati Awa Delivering meals to the elderly Oxford Yes Fees Mon-Fri CDHB No and sick in Oxford Hospital 45 may 11.30- Park apply 12.30 services/meals-on-wheels/ Avenue, Oxford. Meals on Wheels, Oxford Menz Shed brings males Dale Street Yes Free Tues & Caritas, Jetstar, William Titulaer, Secretary together in one community Kaiapoi Thurs Patience & 03 327-3677 space to share their skills, have a Nicholson, Dormer laugh, and work on practical 9 am -1 Transport, Kaiapoi tasks individually (personal pm High School projects) or as a group Menzshed New Zealand The church provides spiritual 176 King St, Yes Free Tues Donations, No Rev Veitomoni Siufanga support and practical advice Rangiora 1pm-4pm Membership 03 313 3448 your way and a link to meet new Thurs subscriptions 027 446 4804 people also link to Curtain Bank, 10am- Funding applied Food Bank, Link to Senior Net 4pm for individual computer lessons, Elderly Home Fri 9am - events Services, Boys brigade, Girls 1pm Rangiora Woodend Methodist Brigade Mission
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Peer Mental Health & Advocacy 826 Very limited Free CDHB, Rata, Pub No Sue Ricketts service. Will visit clients on a Colombo and on Charity, Lion 03 365 9479 case by case basis, but they Street, demand Foundation, CCC, must attend an appointment in Christchurch only. Client Mainland 0800 437324 town first (no travel assistance must first foundation, CHCH https://mentalhealthadvocacypeersuppo available). Currently have 1 access from Casino, Southern client in North Canterbury. Will Christchurch Trust, Cert Todd cover Waimakariri. Mental City, but will foundation, Health Moderate to severe. travel to Working together Anxiety & depression support client where more fund, lottery, Advocacy practicable Christine Taylor MHAPS Drop-in Service Foundation, David Ellison Trust 1-1 peer support, peer-zone 8 Kennedy We are Free 5 days No No Carla Manson facilitators run workshops in Place funded for 0272 560544 collaboration with Emerge Christchurch the CDHB - Aotearoa. Art group weekly and Predominan 2 sessions a week support group tly with Te Awa Kura. Service is Christchurch self-referral. Community and in- City home meetings available Mind & Body Consultants Support group for mothers Waimakariri Delivered in Free Fridays Funded to deliver No Erin Lewis suffering from post-natal Rangiora am in Waimakariri & 027 306 9407 depression, counselling service, Rangiora. Hurunui - one child care, community education 1st Fri of contract specific to and awareness. Phone contact month in Rangiora. Funding and home visits as appropriate - Kaiapoi on-going Social work - pm. Mothers Supporting Mothers Youth/children/family
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Members take part in NA John Knox Yes Fees Tues Membership fee No meetings by talking about their Presbyterian 7.30pm 0800 628 632 experiences and recovery from Church drug addiction. More experienced members (known as sponsors) work individually with newer members explaining the twelve steps and the program. The twelve steps are at the core of the NA program; these ‘steps’ are a set of concepts outlining a practical Narcotics Anonymous approach to recovery. Free, confidential and On line On line Free 5 days ACC, District No Antonio Lara independent. Advocates help access access health boards 03 377 7501 callers to ascertain their rights under the Code of Health and 0800 555 050 Disability, also consumer rights for services. Talk over options Nationwide Health & Disability and get assistance with letter Advocacy Service writing. Establishment of North Yes Free 7 days CCC, Rata, Lottery, No Tracy Neighbourhood Support groups. Canterbury COGS, CERT, Pub 03 313 2681 Provide and support events to Charity help communities connect with each other. Will visit homes. Neighbourhood Support Social Isolation Connectors Activities and support for North Yes Free 7 days Voluntary No Sylvia Temple newcomers to the District. Canterbury 03 313 4188 Knitting group, walking group, New Zealand Newcomers quiz night, chat nights, lunches, Network dinners, coffee mornings
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Support for AIDS carriers or Chch. No Free Mon Tues Rata, lottery, First No 03 379 1953 family. Counselling for all ages, Thurs Sovereign, gender. 8.30am - Wellington City 4.30pm Council, Public Wed Trust, COGS, Lion 11.30am - Foundation. New Zealand AIDS Foundation 7.00pm Meals on Wheels, Community Christchurch Yes Free See NZ post, Yes transport, refugee programmes, Rangiora website Kathmandu, AMI, 03 339 375 family links, first aid, education, Kaiapoi Country Road, disaster management, awareness campaigns, Community programmes New Zealand Red Cross The buses and organisation are 258 High St, Yes Fees 5 days COGS, Yes Roni Jordan owned by the community and Rangiora may Environment 03 313 8588 Ext: 26 administered by Presbyterian apply Canterbury, Support Services. Six buses in lotteries Don Fairbrother total. Available for the elderly, commission, disabled or disadvantaged. Property Brokers, Rangiora Mirror & canterbury/North-canterbury/ Glass, RATA, North Canterbury Mini Bus Trust Rehabilitation Welfare Trust Helping people find options to Nationwide Yes Free 0800 787 254 manage rural challenges. North Trust Coordinator Bridget Frame: Referrals to a professional for Canterbury 027 659 2364 counselling, financial and farm management, or alternatively http://www.rural- provide a mentor with a rural background in your specific Island/North-Canterbury sector for you to chat to. The Trust can also look at other North Canterbury Rural Support options for example, home help Trust or arranging time away from the farm.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Regulatory North Yes Free 24/7 Govt. No 03 313 6167 Rangiora Canterbury through Paul Reeves 111 NZ Police Specialist Health Services for Christchurch Yes in Free 5 days CDHB No Janice Lavelle - Service Manager Older People needing a & other clients multidisciplinary assessment catchment home Cell: 0274 341699 and intervention for mental areas setting via health and/or physical health; referral or Contact Adult Community Internal assessment for from Referral Centre on 03 3377765 Support and services. primary Younger adults with multiple care or z chronic health conditions requiring therapy; community stroke rehabilitation; CREST Older Persons Health & (Community Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Community Enablement Support Team) for Teams intensive short term rehabilitation support Receive referrals from CYF and 370 Yes Free 7 days Teds Sponsorship No Sue McTague also provide long term foster Colombo Fund 03 366 5977 care. Social Work, Care Services, Street Respite Care, Support services Sydenham Open Home Foundation The care & protection of Rangiora Yes Free 5 days Govt. No Lisa Calder vulnerable children 0508 326459 Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for vulnerable children Provider of suitable sustainable 61 Kilmore Yes through Free Mon - Fri Chch City Council No 03 260 0058 Community Housing Street MSD referral 8.30 - 0800 624456 Christchurch 5pm Otautahi Community Housing Trust
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Twelve Step Fellowship for men Rangiora Yes Free Sundays Philanthropic No Liana 03 314 8453 and women. Compulsive eating, 7pm trusts and anorexia, bulimia, obesity and donations, overeating. Fundraising Overeaters Anonymous Social services, advocacy, youth 37 Main Yes Fees 5 days COGS, Rata, Yes Jo Ealam recreation, medical transport, Street may Lottery, United 03 312 3006 social transport options, family Oxford , apply Way, WDC, MSD, 021 995 972 services, OSCAR Holiday Programme, Emergency assistant, social isolation connectors, mentor driving, Oxford Community Trust referrals to services and agencies. Support and information PO Box 6166 Advice and Free 5 days William Toomey, No Jo Hannah network for parents of children Upper support by Southern Trust, 022 088 0327 with special needs (disabilities, Riccarton, phone, Pub Charity, rare diseases, syndromes). Christchurch website and United Way, First Support is provided voluntarily Facebook. Sovereign, CERT, by trained support parents who Rata, TTCF, have a child with the same or CTMSC, Lottery, similar needs. Free to families. Pub charity, Mainland, COGS, Parent to Parent Canterbury Lions Foundation, CCC, Southern Trust. Connection for anyone Chch and Yes Fees 5 days No 0800 728470 experiencing the effects of Nth may abortion with trained PATHS Canterbury apply counsellors who also have through professional practice. Also MSD professional development seminars occasionally in Chch. Post Abortion Trauma Healing P.A.T.H.S. Service
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ A provider of Community-based 21 Yes Free 5 days CDHB Jacqueline Moore mental health, addiction and Birmingham General Manager Southern wellbeing services. Supporting Drive, 03 339 3790 people with experience of Middleton, 021 133 2952 mental illness and addiction to live well in the community of Pathways Health Limited their choice. Support for people & Pegasus Yes Free Mon - Fri Donations, Fee No Ronel Stephens associations working for the Community 9-5pm charging activities, 021 072 4636 benefit of Pegasus area, and Centre Mainpower foster local activities. Coffee mornings & other social activities Pegasus Community Connector Cooking & Nutrition classes for 401 Madras Rangiora, Free Depends GP Membership, No Jane Callahan older adults. 60+ (55+ for Maori Street, Kaiapoi, & on class PHO, DHB, MOG, 03 374 1639 or Pacific people), living alone or Christchurch Kaikoura size CDHB, ACC, St with one other, struggling to dependant John cook for themselves or have lost on numbers the motivation to cook. 8 x 3 hour classes containing nutrition info specific to older adults & hands on cooking classes, participants share cooked meals together. Referrals come from health professionals or a community service provider. Pegasus Health (Charitable Participants can self-refer. Limited) Connection to community based 67 Fuller Yes Fees 5days Tindall, Lottery, No Audrey Dragovich projects that support the Street may Rata, ENC 03 327 8347 community and the trust, Youth Kaiapoi apply 022 308 1618 Work, Fuller Kai lunches, Helping Hand Person 2 Person Help Trust
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Free Social Work Support and Christchurch Yes Fees 5 days No Michael Herman affordable professional Rangiora may 027 204 6000 counselling. Education Centre Kaiapoi apply 03 343 3391 Petersgate Counselling & Education Centre Well Child Service to families (4 National Yes Free 5 days BNZ, Best Start, No Lisa Mitchell wks old - 4.5yrs). Health 7 Albert Microsoft, Lion Community Health Worker assessments, plans and support Street, foundation, The 027 590 6722 for families. Additional care and Rangiora, Hits 0800 933 922 parenting groups. Parenting War groups and opportunities for Memorial parents to meet together i.e. play groups, coffee mornings. Family centre services - baby sleep and settling, feeding etc. Home visits to those enrolled with Plunket Educational Plunket Courses. Advocacy Home visits Enliven Positive Ageing Services Rangiora Yes Fees 5 days GOVT, No 03 313 8588 helps older people to remain Christchurch may Philanthropic, Fax: 03 313 7424 healthy, well and socially Hurunui apply fundraising, connected as they age. Selwyn donations, bequests, Tindall Foundation Presbyterian Support - Enliven
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ We deliver social services that Rangiora Yes, Free 5 days GOVT, No Victoria Newcombe help children and families learn, Philanthropic, 03 366 5472 grow and thrive. We offer fundraising, counselling and social work donations, support for children and bequests, Tindall families, along with a range of Foundation group programmes. Presbyterian Support - Family Find Family Works Services works Community based service Rangiora Waimak and Free 5 CDHB no Catherine Dowle working with schools and Hospital, the Hurunui. 03 311 8665 families with health related Ashley 0272 469060 issues. We home visit or visit at Street, a venue preferred by the family. Rangiora Provide Youth health Clinics in Anne Braid high schools. We do B4School 03 311 8664 Checks on behalf of the GP both 0272289263. here and in Christchurch, PHN Service currently undertaking HPV Vaccination programme in primary school. We are an services/public-health-nursing advocate for the family. Youth Worker Services Public Health Nurse Service Educational Courses Kaupapa Māori Health, Mental Christchurch Yes - visiting Free 5 days CDHB No 03 379 8001 Health and Social Services. Visit clients 1-2 clients in homes and run times programmes for 7-13yr, 14-18, weekly as intervention and prevention for requested adults (includes 1-1 support), Social work programme for older persons. Home visits Purapura Whetu Trust Youth services 88 Percival Yes Free 5 days Lotteries, COGs, Debbie Southgate Street, Lotto, MOE 0275878444 Rangiora Llew Timpson R13 Youth Development Trust
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ To assist young parents (usually Rangiora Yes Free 5 days COGS, Rata, No Marie Stace teenagers) through the Canterbury 022 043 3298 pregnancy, birthing and Community Trust, Julie Coster parenting of their babies. This CERT, Lottery, Pub includes all kinds of support and Charity, Southern advocacy: midwife, help to find Trust, DIA housing, WINZ payments, baby equipment and clothing, health advice, social worker, Educational Courses, employment, counselling, advocacy with CFYs or other agencies. Social work - Rachel’s House Youth/children/family An active Club that does not Rangiora Yes Fees Wed Mr Norman West have a waiting list for new may 03 310-7676 members. General meetings apply 021-036-0837 with interesting speakers are on the first Wednesday of the month; a coffee group going out Rangiora Combined Friendship to a local café on the second Club Wednesday and an outing on the third Wednesday Anxiety & depression support Mobile in Yes Free 5 days MOH,CCN,HDC, No Susan Kovacs North CDHB, ACC, DOC, Canterbury Pegasus Health, Govt. RCPHO ‘Health promotion in medical Mobile in Yes Free 5 days MOH,CCN,HDC, No Sarah Saunders centres. Smoking cessation, North CDHB, ACC, DOC, Breast Feeding Support, Youth Canterbury Pegasus Health, Health, Elderly Health, Healthy Govt Eating, Physical Activity promotion and Falls Prevention RCPHO Health Promotion educational courses
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Needle Exchange service at a Canterbury Yes Free 5 days N/A No 03 377 8689 private residence in Rangiora. Clients contact through Rodger Wright Centre. Will also courier Rodger Wright Centre (Needle through to Kaikoura Exchange) Budgeting advice and foodbank, 12 Ashley Yes Free 5 days Countdown, No Christine De Maine Captain furniture and clothing. Oasis Street (some 7 Kmart, Warehouse 03 313 2370 Centre for free consultations Rangiora day Stationery, The 0272 808945 and rehabilitation for problem options) Warehouse Group, christine_demaine@nzf.salvationarmy.or gamblers and their families. Crown relocations, g Rangiora Corps for youth and Resene, Johnson & children (junior soldiers), Johnson, Smith & services seniors (small group Smith, OCS, meetings/activities and dinners) Fonterra, Nestle, Counselling. Toyota Salvation Army Residential care - Christian 116 No - Free 7 days CDHB No Joyce Majendie principles. Room for 9 residents Marshlands residential 03 365 5344 recovering from a psychiatric Road, 0800 424 399 illness - referrals through Shirley Residential Options Group. 4 alphabetical/sarona-community-trust additional rooms available for carer support Sarona Community Trust Peer training to give people 50+ 178 King St, Yes Fees 8am-5pm Vodafone, No Bob Gumbrell the skills and opportunity of Rangiora may Mon-Fri Expedia, Suzuki, 03 312 8933 keeping abreast of technology. apply Noel Leeming, Grey Power, Eldernet, Freeview, Care Senior Net Inc Publications, Grownups.
NAME SERVICE LOCATION DELIVERED $ DAYS SUPPORTERS EQ CONTACT IN NC $ Serving migrant and refugee women of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. Shakti; meaning strength; works to end all forms of violence and discrimination towards women of colour. Shakti Ethnic Womens refuge Advocacy Christchurch No - Free Mon - Fri CCC, COGS, Rata, No Sharon Tornstonson Networking 9am-4pm Lottery Information Social Equity & Wellbeing Network Facilitation and Coordination for Waimakariri Yes Free 4 days WDC, CWNCT, No Beccie Bithray Social service providers and MSD, 03 909 0486 partners from local and central 022 317 7660 government who work together to make a difference in Waimakariri. Aim is to enhance Social Service delivery so people can be connected to their community and freely access Social Services Waimakariri services needed for their wellbeing. Offers a year round programme 7 Rex Place Yes TBA Sports NZ, NZCT, No Gail McClintock of sports training and Rangiora Holdsworth 03 313 5876 competition in bocce, Charitable Trust, 0272012080 swimming, equestrian, indoor Datacom, lion bowls, athletics, Foundation skiing/snowboarding and Pelorus Trust, powerlifting for children and Minster Allison adults with intellectual Rudd Watts, disabilities Special Olympics North Canterbury
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