Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers: Issues and prospects

Journal of Library Services and Technologies, 3(1), 13-24, 2021
ISSN: 2616-1354 (Print) 2636-7424 (Online) Available online at,

    Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information
                        centers: Issues and prospects
                                            Ezeh, Rose Uloma
                              Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
                              University of Lagos, Akoka Campus, Nigeria

In today‟s knowledge economy, library and information services are viewed as sellable products through marketing
concepts. Marketing helps libraries to promote the value of the services in an emerging information communication
technology world where patrons prefer the “Web” as their primary source of information because of its promptness
in answer to queries. Technological advancement, marketing and globalization have ushered in a great change and
challenges in educational environment thereby, by- passing the traditional concept of services in librarianship. The
way information is harnessed, communicated, processed, acquired, organized, and disseminated is now changing
through marketing principles. For instance marketing of library services (product/commodity) increasingly involved
satisfaction of user, by providing maximum value to patrons. Information is a commodity and an information service
is the philosophy of marketing the library commodity. The philosophy of marketing states that the social and
economic justification for an organization‟s existence is the satisfaction of customer‟s wants and needs, while
meeting organizational activities through financial sustainability. Keying to the above, also discussed is the growth
of library through marketing commercialization, marketing strategy, and promotions. The information world is
growing through information technological revolution that has drastically challenged many facets of human
existence: from education, industry, economy, marketing and politics to information delivery. The library cannot be
left out in this noble innovation. The need for information marketing becomes imperative, given the fact that ICT
has improved accessibility to information, and this has changed not only the roles, but also the way information is
harnessed. The paper argued that if marketing of information is carefully planned and executed; marketing has the
potentials to change the status quo of librarianship. It recommends de-classification, repositioning and re-
engineering of library and information services through effective marketing. It concludes that a new dawn is here
and information professionals should realize that the right time to strategies is now, in other to be relevant in an
environment that is shifting and full of threats.

Key Words: Significance, Marketing, Libraries, Information Centers.

Introduction                                                  communication technology and information
 Barriers are being broken; the world is now                  marketing. Globalization has therefore given
a global village. Things are happing at a                     rise to international industrial structure in
pace unprecedented. Old ways are giving                       which thousands of the world‟s largest
way to fresh ideas, bold styles, concepts and                 corporations maintain operations in multiple
strategies (Omekwu, 2009). There is a new                     countries through information net-working,
dawn in information palace which cannot be                    information      communication       delivery,
ignored. We (Librarians) cannot afford to                     consortia, and information marketing
ignore these strides…we cannot resist this                    strategies etc. ICT has not only turned the
change...Change; the only permanent                           world into a global village, it has also
phenomenon in life is rocking the                             brought what is happing around the world
foundation of information service delivery                    into our living rooms. People no longer feel
(Gupta, 2010). Smith (n.d.) in his text titled                as if the world of information delivery
„Let the Circle Be Broken‟ stated that the                    (library) is secluded. It means that, society
radical     changes/challenges     that    are                can now access information from various
revolutionizing the entire world came from                    points thereby bypassing the custodian of
globalization of information, information                     knowledge (Library). Information plays vital

Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

roles in sustainability of the society the              text, sound, graphic, drawings, fixed images
world over. In this society, the economic               or even animation. Various computerized
development, social transformation range                databases are made available at information
and quality of life depend on the information           centers and the demands for knowledge-
and its usage. A society with this                      based products are increasing rapidly. This
characteristic is called an information                 demand has made a great impact on libraries
society. Its basic characteristic is that               compelling them to find ways and strategies
information is the most powerful economic               to mitigate the increasing user (demands)
and social factor therefore its production and          irrespective of financial constraints. But
usage must be developed. As such                        unfortunately, inadequacies of ICT facilities,
information industry has been developed in              budgetary cuts and deduce purchasing
the „income‟ and „profit maximization‟                  capacity have limited the rate at which
through strategic marketing.                            librarian‟s t can key into this new concepts
        Conforming         to     the     above         of information commercialization. These
submission, Hassan and Zahra ( 2012) stated             challenges have advice affect on libraries
that “marketing of information serves is a              and information centers in living up to
new conception to libraries and information             expectations.
centers.” He concluded that it is now an                        Sequel to the above, Gupta (2010)
important realm for the libraries and                   lamented that Libraries and information
information centers, because information as             centers are in a time of unprecedented
library product has commerce element.                   change and challenge due to pressure from
Consequently, information is subjected to               their users to be up to date in service
measure and valued by economic theory                   delivery. He concluded that information
causing the manipulations (competitors) of              marketing are the only option which is
various information businesses to compete               creating new forms of information, new
with libraries. Various value systems for               sources of information and new ways of
information have emerged and information                providing information by-passing traditional
could now be sold, exchanged, transmitted               forms of information services deliveries.
and dominated with a financial context. Also            These innovations have ushered in new
proliferation of modern technology has                  method of information harnessing by library
enhanced the explosion of information, it               users. Library users are transforming into
helps to create, store, retrieve, repackage,            customers with rising expectations, diverse
preserve and disseminate information in due             needs, wants, and choices, which are
needs. This         reality has prompted                gradually re-shaping the services offered by
Pringgoadisurjo and Luwarsnin (1999) to                 the libraries. The notion of services has
opined that libraries as institutions are facing        moved from basic to value- added through
challenges due to information revolutions               marketing; from staff assisted to self-
through the concept of Information                      services; from in-house to out-reach, from
Technology. Rapid growth of material,                   free to price; from re-active to pro-active;
rising costs, revised requirements for                  and      from      mass-customization       to
professional training, networking demands,              personalized and individual service. As a
and financial constraints are issues currently          follow up, Madhusdhan (2012) observed
contending with information managers.                   that libraries are facing crises because of
Technological advancement has also                      economic meltdown , increase user base,
ensured the diversity of information                    rapid growth of materials, rising costs,
products and now multi-media technology                 networking demands, competition by
can facilitate the information transfer with            database vendors, and complexity in

            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

information requirements are forcing the                users. It is a means of ensuring that libraries,
professionals to adopt marketing of library             librarians, and librarianship are integrated
and its services in other to bridge the                 into both today‟s and tomorrow‟s emerging
financial gaps. Marketing in its rapid                  global culture. Marketing has spread its
development has widened its meaning and                 wings within library services. By these new
scope in information delivery. With the                 concepts libraries are emerging into new
proliferation of information, information is            categories such as relationship marketing,
scattered in many areas and in order to keep            internal marketing, interactive marketing,
track of this, libraries must embrace the               technological       marketing,      emotional
current     development     in    information           marketing and experiential marketing. In
marketing to close the gaps of ineffective              library, (no matter what category we call it)
library services.                                       it is ideal to use marketing to promote
         Libraries are discovering that by              behavioral change. It is to arrest and turn
applying      marketing     principles    and           around these patterns of decline that this
techniques, they can understand better their            paper will address and make suggestions.
users‟ needs, communicate more effectively              The librarians by the new innovation should
with a variety of external audiences, and               assemble and marshal resources to increase
achieve greater efficiency and optimal                  their effectiveness, to examine and re-
results in delivering products and services             examine their operations, to diversify
that meet the identified needs of clients and           through commercialization of services and
make more money. Spalding and Wang                      maximize their income streams, and to align
(2011) stressed that in the last few decades,           their expanding resources in accordance
academic libraries in US have increasingly              with planned priorities. Hence, to situate
turned to the business world and its                    librarianship to meet the present challenges
literature for more effective organizational,           in information palace, keying in the
fiscal and service delivery models. Also                libraries‟ marketing and libraries objectives
Japath (n.d.) in his discus on „approach to             becomes imperative.
marketing in academic and special libraries
of Sri Lanka‟ depicted that, the concept of             Marketing and library objectives
information marketing covers not only the               All processes of marketing undertaken by
buying and selling for financial gain, but              libraries and information centers must be
also the achievement of organizational                  guided by its policy and objectives. The
objectives successfully. Thus the term                  marketing process begins at the library‟s
“Marketing” has a wider and deeper sense,               core, namely the library‟s purpose/goals.
which proliferate the organization‟s                    These statements reflect its values and
successive achievements. Modern marketing               explicitly state its philosophy. Ifidon and
is practiced across board-both for the                  Ifidon (2007) in their wisdom outlined the
business organization and the non-business              major objectives of university libraries as
organization such as libraries. Marketing in            thus:
libraries is simply, planning, organizing,
dissemination and controlling of information                   Provision of materials for support of
services on a pro-active and user-oriented                      learning and research.
way that ensures the user satisfaction while
achieving the objectives of the parent                         Provision of materials for research
organization. Rohit and Ashish (2016)                           for student and faculty
submitted that marketing is a stance and an
attitude that focuses on meeting the needs of

            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

        Provision of materials to help library             analyzed to determine what the met and
         users in their personal development.               unmet needs of patrons are. Objectively
                                                            gathering and analyzing of data requires that
        Cooperation with other libraries to                librarians must avoid the issue of
         broaden access to materials for the                assumption of what the audience perceives,
         benefit of all, (Consortia).                       wants, or needs. By avoiding assumptions,
                                                            librarians will understand the target
        Meeting the specialized information                audience, communicate better with them and
         needs for university community.                    meet their desired information needs. By
                                                            doing this, the library is better positioned to
Bringing patrons to appreciate these                        develop successful communication and
functions and services are libraries role in                service       delivery       goals,      design
information/knowledge environment that                      communication tools that are most effective
ushered in marketing strategies. A marketing                in reaching the target audience. Assessment
strategy is a cyclical process that must be                 is an essential part of the strategic marketing
continuing activities for the library. It is a              planning process, for analyzing measurable
data driven decision making and service                     outcomes that will enable the library to
quality improvement process that must                       improve services and set new, relevant goals
begin with market research of the target                    for the future as it is illustrated in the
audience. The data gathered must be                         diagram below.

                                                   Met Needs
                                                   Un-met Needs

        1.   Customers    and      2.   Strategic Library          3.Promotion of   the       4.   Providing
             Market Research            Plan                       Library                         Products/Services
             Customer Need         Vision and mission                Massages                 Delivery
             Customer View         product and service             Values                     Interaction
                                   implementation                  Campaign                   Adjustments

                  Figure 1: Marketing planning process in library environment

              Source: ACRL strategic marketing (Irain-the-the Trainer Workshop (2011)

               Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

Effective strategic marketing requires                          most appropriate        communication
careful planning, creative approaches, and                      tools.
focused strategies. Librarians must think
beyond traditional methods of information                 v.    Prioritized audiences as well as how
services deliveries, keeping in mind that a                     and when to communicate with
marketing campaign doesn‟t need to take                         them.
months and cost thousands of naira to
achieve stated objectives (Caballero, 2012).              vi.   Implementation of strategies for
Referring to the above model, the first step                    information delivery to patrons.
is the librarian‟s holistic position to the
architectural environment that involves                  vii.   Evaluation for measuring outcome
designating of the entire marketing scenario                    achievement that represents progress
which entails, who will do the planning and                     toward goals and suggests how to
what their specific roles and interactions will                 improve communication and service
be. In scanning the library environment                         delivery.
there are things to consider. These include
                                                            Strategic     marketing     plan    allows
assessing the library‟s mission, its strengths
                                                        librarians to concentrate limited resources to
and weaknesses, what can be gained, and
                                                        grab the greatest opportunities to increase
what can be changed? And what are the
                                                        sales and achieve a sustainable competitive
available opportunities? These comes either
                                                        advantage. It is a written plan which
the acceptance or modification of the
                                                        combines the efforts to plan information
diagram. Planning help to prioritize the steps
                                                        product,     its     development,     promote
needed to launch product and seek approval
                                                        information products, and fix the price of
for the project. The final step is the
                                                        information, its services, and distribution. It
implementation of the strategic plan by
                                                        identifies the libraries‟ marketing goals, and
following the steps outlined in the model
                                                        explains how they will be achieved within a
Olayinka and Aminu ( 2016).
                                                        stated time frame. Marketing strategy
Also the marketing plan includes:                       determines the choice of target market
                                                        segment, positioning, marketing mix, and
   i.   Patrons and market research that                allocation of resources (Nwaosu, 2011)
        generate data on clientele.                         This written document referred to as
                                                        strategic marketing plan helps librarians to
 ii.    The context of current and future               answer the following questions:
        opportunities and challenges facing
        the library that allow it to clarify its           i.   What is the current situation
        vision, mission, and prioritized                        regarding the libraries, the product or
        services.                                               the services?

 iii.   Long-term goals to achieve patrons                ii.   Where should the information
        understanding the value of library‟s                    centre/product/services be in future?
        role in supporting knowledge
        consumption.                                     iii.   How        do     the    information
                                                                centre/product/services get to realize
 iv.    The most important key messages is                      specific targets?
        to deliver frequently and consistently
        information to others through the

            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

 iv.    To assess whether the information                    This can benefit libraries which tend to
        centre, product or services realize the         offer a broad range of product and services
        goals and target it set to achieve?             to target market. An understanding of
                                                        segmentation can help libraries organize and
The conceptualization of the said goals will            define the characteristics of its functions.
help the library in actualizing the                     Kotler (2014) maintained that library will
promotional strategy to re-position the                 benefit through target marketing thus:
library products and services.
                                                            i.   Target market: Means that library
Types Of promotional strategy in product                          must study the target markets‟
services                                                          needs,      design         appropriate
Ian Ruskin-Brown ( 2013) explained that                           product/services to meet their needs.
this involve positioning the library to meet                      The most useful method to achieve
the needs of the clientele. The library must                      target market is through marketing
demonstrate its value in meeting patron‟s                         segmentation.               Marketing
need through informational, educational,                          segmentation is the division of
research and outdoor services. Promotional                        market into certain categories
strategies include and not limited to:                            according to buying habits of
                                                                  patrons. Each of these groups of
  i.    Personal selling: This originates                         users has distinct needs behaviour
        from marketing strategy which                             that    must      be    taken     into
        commercial firms use to boost sales                       consideration for proper and
        which libraries have keyed into. It                       effective marketing to be carried
        involves personal presentation of                         out. One of the vital components of
        products/services   to    potential                       target market is research.
                                                           ii.   Market research: The need or desire
 ii.    Segmentation:               Marketing                    of the library clients are the core of
        segmentation is another basic                            the marketing process (research).
        marketing strategy. It is very relevant                  For this reason the concept of the
        because of its roles in identifying                      4Ps comes to play (Product, Price,
        one‟s target audience. Eileen Elliot                     Promotion and Place). Marketing is
        de     Saez     (2014)       describes                   about planning and executing your
        segmentation thus:                                       (proceed) process which includes
                                                                 marketing research to develop
       Essentially, segmentation is the
                                                                 services and products, then evaluate
       division of the library or
       information centre‟s market into                          the results and integrating the
       smaller, more manageable, groups                          findings into future services and
       that have like characteristics.                           products. The majority of mission
       Marketing mixes can be fine-tuned                         statements of academic libraries
       to serve the need: these groups or                        neglect the concept of letting the
       segments        and        marketing                      users‟ needs dictate the services
       communication      targeted    more                       orientations.
       precisely. The practice of marketing
       segmentation leads to better use of              The conceptualization of the user needs will
       resources since those resources can              enable the librarian to understand the
       be     targeted   with     maximum               following issues:

             Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

       i.   Who uses your services the                  will not be out of context to state that
            most?                                       information has assumed the position of a
                                                        commodity or economic goods of
     ii.    What are the most common                    worldwide significance which contributes
            competitive tasks?                          directly or indirectly to National Economy
                                                        Empowerment through the marketing mix.
     iii.   What are        recent    customer          Olson and Mosieman (2011) posited that
            complaints?                                 marketing roles include determining market
                                                        niches, defining products and services,
     iv.    Are any of these          recurring         setting prices, promoting services, and
            complaints?                                 building good image. They maintained that
                                                        in Library setting, marketing library
        Identifying the distinct groups of
                                                        products      entails    understanding      the
patrons and their needs/desires help
                                                        objectives/goals of the library, researching
librarians to allot priorities and concentrate
                                                        the needs of the target market, packaging the
on the most productive services to be
                                                        library and its services to meet these needs,
offered, and also create an opportunity to
                                                        then promotion of library and its services to
meet these needs. In addition, subject areas
                                                        attract the target markets. The fundamental
that are in high demands should be captured
                                                        objectives of most businesses are survival,
through strategic marketing research thereby
                                                        profits and growth. Marketing contributes
meeting the needs of the users. Also
                                                        directly to achieving these objectives. It
customer complaints as well as feedback
                                                        involves those activities which are vital to
should be given adequate and satisfactory
                                                        business organization, assessing the wants
attention through research implementations
                                                        and satisfaction of present and potential
which will enhance the role of
                                                        customers, designing and managing product
commercialization of information.
                                                        offerings, determining prices and pricing
Roles of marketing in libraries.                        policies, developing, distribution strategies,
 Marketing in its rapid development has                 communicating with present and potential
widened its meaning and scope to cover a                customers.
larger spectrum with a wider course of                          Organizations including libraries and
activity which includes the information                 information centers regardless of area of
industries. As the transition of economy                specialization or responsibilities need to be
move from industrial based socio-economy                familiar with the terminology and
to information-based economy (information               fundamentals of marketing concepts
age) the importance of information has                  especially in this information age. Kotler
become highly imperative, and the concept               (2014) affirmed that some institutions like
of marketing has permeated into the library             museums, universities and libraries etc need
and information sector. Information has                 marketing for their offers and products in
become a valuable commodity that people                 order to gain an economic, social and
tend to buy for their needs. Hence, the                 political support. He stressed that the major
criteria to determine the power in the society          challenges existing in information business
have shifted from the industry-ownership to             field is lack of business specialist among
the information globalized economy thereby              librarians and information scientists.
perverting the entire world (Jagath n.d.).              Matching,      adapting,     executing     and
Information has keyed into industrial                   optimizing       organizational     resources,
product which is bargained and paid for. It             services and facilities that are best suited to
                                                        satisfying customers, are the basic mantra in

            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

modern marketing. Marketing has therefore               functioning/services and become self-
become the central focus and force on every             sufficient if they are to purposefully work
successful organization, whether profit-                and demonstrate their relevance and
making or non-profit making. The                        competence to their clients. The age-old
organizations success depends on its                    generosity for the socially desirable
effectiveness     in    meeting      identified         institutions is drying because of the change
customers wants or needs, both explicit and             in the political outlook and the economic
implicit. Customers are people whose                    squeeze. Librarians and information
behavior we want to influence and with                  managers therefore are being asked to
whom we want to develop long-term                       generate revenue to become self-sustaining
loyalties for our library‟s offering, thereby           as much as possible (Jain et al, 1999). The
capturing the lost glory that was created by            present trend in information palace has
globalization and ICTs. The integration of              prompted information managers to take a
marketing in information domain is                      giant stride and embrace the information age
imperative because it reinforces and                    with its attendant opportunities as captured
reiterates the basic values and re-invigorates          by Modhusudhan (2012). He stated that
the beliefs of the profession in the changing           there are two roles of marketing in libraries:
environment. The age long notion that                   (i) Achieving the purpose/goals of libraries
library services (revolved around) aim to               and (ii) Satisfying user/customer needs and
provide the right information to the right              wants. These roles entails:
user at the right time is gradually narrowing
because of some factors that are being                      i.   Promote the use of information
envisaged in information delivery which are                       resources;
adversely competing with libraries.
        Aniil and Sharm, (n. d.) conclude                  ii.   Create perception of        need and
thus:                                                             thereby create demand;

      While libraries have been dosing or                 iii.   Ensure the        optimal     use    of
      struggling to stay afloat, enterprising                     information;
      companies have began to discover
      the commercial potential of what we                  iv.   Improve the image and status of the
      do, and are competing with us to sell                       libraries and library professionals;
      much of the information, the public
      has declined to pay for through taxes.               v.    Tackle the problems of rising cost of
                                                                  reading materials, journals and
        So survival of library depends                            databases;
among other things on marketing its
potentials       through        segmentation,              vi.   Cope with the information explosion;
diversification and commercialization of its
services. Munchen (2010) submitted that                   vii.   Introduce cutting-edge information
information professionals should begin to                         technology system in library
realize that marketing of information                             services;
products and services have bridged the
financial constraint in libraries. It is                 viii.   Balance shrinking funds;
pertinent to state that stakeholders have
been propagating that social institutions                  ix.   Save libraries from devaluation;
such as universities libraries, hospitals, etc
should look beyond their present state of

             Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

  x.    Save libraries from declining reader-           their    services,     communicate      more
         support;                                       effectively with a variety of external
                                                        audience, and achieve greater efficiency and
  xi.   Uphold the dictum that information              optimal results in delivering products and
        is power;                                       services that adds value and meet the
                                                        identified needs of their clients.         In
 xii.   Place the libraries as the centre of            marketing oriented library, the process
         knowledge and                                  depends on the customer‟s preferences and
                                                        desire to their requirements. Customers are
xiii.   Attract customers who do             not        an important partner to the process because
        currently use their services                    they put forward their views to overcome
                                                        their problems and work with the staff in
       Effective       implementation       of
                                                        solving them. Librarians have been able to
marketing     will    automatically     create
                                                        take the 5P‟s of the traditional external
awareness and enhance information
                                                        marketing mix to paint a more accessible
delivery. To situate library in the contest of
                                                        service-oriented picture of library offerings
discourse, it must effectively consider the
                                                        for their customers. The 5P‟s of the
marketing concepts. Librarians must realize
                                                        traditionally external marketing mix with an
that by keying into marketing, they can
                                                        internal twist for libraries should be
understand better their users‟ needs, justify
                                                        considered as stated below.

Table 1: The 5P’s of the traditionally external marketing mix with an internal twist for
      Product         Information resources and research services
      Price           Free to employees. In other words, company sponsored. This is
                      particularly important in an R&D environment where research
                      budgets are tight and the company many not realize Return on
                      Investment (ROI) in a project for some time.
      Place           Not necessarily a physical location anymore. A strong web
                      presence is necessary. Libraries are virtual as well as physical
                      space now and the possibilities in both worlds are endless.
      Promotion       Internal bulletins, e-mail, the company intra-net, the library web
                      site, newsletter and poster campaigns, bill boards are all effective
                      promotional vehicles for highlighting new tools and advertising
      People (Staff) Staff are relatively a new element in marketing mix as its
                      importance for the development of strategies has only recently
                      been realized. It is difficult to achieve satisfactory exchanges
                      with public without suitable staff. That is why marketing experts
                      now talk about “internal marketing”, emphasizing that the entire
                      staff must be at all cost involved in the organization of marketing

        Sources: Basanta and Sanjay (2015)

            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

In the competitive world, for library to be                      development and maintenance is not
sustained, remain valued, relevant, and be                       widespread in most libraries. For
proactive, it must change and deepen its                         instance, consortia, networking and
image. It must transform from the age long                       information sharing are alien in
highly fortified storehouse of knowledge                         most libraries. This implies that
guarded by staff and security devices, a                         libraries are not united in such way
treasure house where the borrower must be                        that librarian in the West can have
physically present, into a marketing oriented                    access to materials from the
information dissemination concept that                           librarians in the North. These
communicate to clients through marketing                         especially in the developing nation
devices. The new-age librarian ought to be                       has affected cross fertilization of
true service institutions, a group of                            knowledge.
professionals who are knowlegible in
application of marketing principles and can               iii.   Inadequate of human resources:
quickly identify the vast ocean of knowledge                      We are at a point of change in the
and the kind of information that different                        information economy of which
customers desired.                                                libraries are part of. Change here is
                                                                  focused on innovation, technology,
 Challenges                                                       user       experience,        resources
Libraries the world over are facing                               management,          and        service
surmountable challenges as a result of                            marketing. This change call for
globalization and information technology,                         additional training for information
rising cost of resources (books, journals                         professionals.      Knowledge        of
periodicals) and today‟s dynamic economic                         marketing      by      librarians    is
climate. As a result, marketing concepts are                      inadequate and this needs radical
gradually being adopted in library especially                     restructuring to produce librarians
in the developed world to argument these                          who will be suited to serve in a
challenges. However; in the process of                            product-knowledge-based society.
trying to satisfy the users need, librarians are
faced with challenges which include:                       iv.   Funding: Financial sustainability is
                                                                  the prerequisite in marketability of
   i.   Lack of marketing skills: One                             library resources. The economic
         constraint in operating a profitable                     meltdown that is affecting the entire
         information business is the lack of                      economy in the developing world
         business expertise among librarians.                     does     not     spear     information
         Marketing is a comprehensive term                        environment. Most libraries do not
         which stipulates all the processes                       have sufficient funds to run the
         and interactions that result in                          affairs of the library. It was against
         satisfaction of the users and revenue                    this backdrop that Mac Arthur
         for the library. This implies that                       Foundation (2009) submitted that
         skillfulness is necessary both for                       many university libraries cannot
         meeting the needs of the users and                       compete with other information
         profit maximization.                                     resources centers due to poor
                                                                  financing, poor infrastructure and
  ii.   Poor       cross-fertilization       of                   lack of quality learning resources. It
         information: The culture of                              concluded in its reports on
         information            infrastructural                   university libraries in Nigeria, that

            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

         many students and faculty members              of library products, enhance the image, draw
         view the libraries as weak,                    users closer and increase its resources. The
         backward and unable to support                 contemporary library is now generally
         research.                                      named an information market and the library
                                                        user is a consumer of information.
The way foreword                                        Information is an essential resource for
 Libraries in Nigeria can borrow from the               research and development of any nation.
marketing mode for special libraries in                 Marketing is vital in building the proper
Botswana as propagated by Nkanga (2011)                 planning, designing and use of information
as clear example of marketing on a tight                services and products for the better and best
budget. The Botswana library marketing                  possible use of information. The library
model is based on the Working                           should give priority to provide superb
Improvement Teams (WITS) a program                      customer service; enhancing its image as
created by its government in 1993 to                    information provider in the information age.
enhance productivity in organizations in her            The library and information center should be
country. These libraries were encouraged to             user- oriented in order to satisfy their
adopt economic measure as advocated in the              information needs effectively. The ultimate
program. For instance, the library model                aim of marketing here is to provide the right
involved separating marketing from the day-             information to the right user at the right time
to-day operations of the libraries and giving           and increase library finance.
specific responsibilities for marketing to an
officer or teams of officers. With the present          References
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need to diversify in their acquisition of                       Marketing Mix       in Library and
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Time has come for the library schools in                        Upsize This? Libraries Need
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curricular in order to equip graduates with                     Outlook,4 (3), 17-22.
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Ezeh, Rose Uloma: Significance of marketing library resources in libraries and information centers:
Issues and prospects

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            Journal of Library Services and Technologies, Volume 3 Number 1, 2021
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