Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN

Page created by Martha Burton
Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
South East VET
Life After
School Guide
Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Table of


                                                                                                                     CAREER PATHWAYS                                      7
                                                                                                                     Pathways to the Future                               7
                                                                                                                     Where you can get career advice?                     8
                                                                                                                     Careers Programs and Websites                        9

                                                                                                                     FURTHER EDUCATION                                   10
                                                                                                                     Australian Qualifications Framework                 10
                                                                                                                        Secondary School Qualifications and Equivalent   10
                                                                                                                        Vocational Training Qualifications               10
                                                                                                                        Higher Education Qualifications                  10
                                                                                                                     Learn Local Providers                               10
                                                                                                                     Registered Training Organisations                   10
                                                                                                                     Identifying a Quality Training Provider             10
                                                                                                                     Technical and Further Education (TAFE)              11
                                                                                                                     Apprenticeships and Traineeships                    12
                                                                                                                     Tertiary Studies                                    16
Cardinia Shire                                                                                                       Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS)                  16
                                                                                                                     Fees for Tertiary Study                             16
City of Casey
City of Greater Dandenong
This guide was compiled in June 2018 and has been updated in November 2019.
At the time of printing all information was correct and current, however, if you find                                Job Seeking Support                                 18
information that is incorrect or outdated please contact:                                                            Job Seeking Yourself                                19
                                                                                                                     Employment Fact Sheets                              19
South East Local Learning
& Employment Network
T (03) 9794 6921                                                                                                     LOCAL GOVERNMENT
E                                                                                                YOUTH SERVICES                                      20
                                                                                                                     Dandenong Youth Services                            20
                                                                                                                     Cardinia Shire                                      20
                                                                                                                     City of Casey Youth Information Centres             20
                                                                                                                     Youth Positive Pathways                             21
Important Disclaimer
The information included in this guide is current as of June 2018. Please check information with the
relevant organisations on the services they offer as the South East Local Learning and Employment
Network disclaims any liability for errors or omissions. Additionally, we disclaim any liability to any
person in respect of action taken, or not taken, in reliance on the content of this publication.
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Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN
Table of

CENTRELINK SERVICES                                       22 MULTICULTURAL SERVICES     26
Centrelink Offices                                        22
Youth Officers @ Centrelink                               22
Career Planning & Work Experience @ Centrelink            22   INDIGENOUS SERVICES      27
Social Work Services @ Centrelink                         22
Psychology Services @ Centrelink                          22
Youth Allowance                                           22   HEALTH AND WELLBEING     28

DISABILITY SERVICES                                       24
                                                                YOUTH SUPPORT SERVICES   30
Disability Services (DES)                                 24
School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES)
(Formally Furtures for Young Adults Program)              24   HELP LINES               31
National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO)   24
Transition to Employment (TTE)                            25
Australian Disability Enterprise                          25
                                                                LEGAL ASSISTANCE         32

                                                                EARLY SCHOOL LEAVERS     33


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Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN

Introduction                                     Career Pathways
The Life after School Guide is packed full of
information about local services you might                                               University
need as you plan for your life after school.
The purpose of the guide is to provide
                                                  VCE                                    • Degrees
                                                  Victorian Certificate                  • Post-graduate qualifications
secondary school leavers with relevant
                                                  of Education
information about further education options,
employment information and services,              • Recognises the successful
financial assistance, youth support services        completion of secondary school      TAFE
located in the area and other information that                                          • Certificate qualifications
might be useful when leaving school.              • English plus 4 other subjects       • Diplomas & advance diplomas

If you plan to leave school before completing     • Option to complete extra subjects
year 12, we have also included a section          • Can also include up to 3 VET
that gives you information about alternative        qualifications or School Based        Apprenticeships
education options. Mainstream school may                                                  & Traineeships
not be for you, but that doesn’t mean you
                                                                                          • Training in the workforce
can’t continue learning and there are lots                                                  with a TAFE qualification
of other options to assist you with this.
Additionally, we have included information
about support services for young people
from culturally and linguistically diverse        VCAL                                          Employment
(CALD) backgrounds and for young people           Victorian Certificate of
with a disability.                                Applied Learning
                                                  • Recognises the successful           TAFE
                                                    completion of secondary school      • Certificate qualifications
                                                                                        • Diploma
                                                  • Includes four compulsory strands
                                                  • Can also include up to 3 VET
                                                    qualifications or a School Based

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Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN

Career Pathways
WHERE CAN YOU GET CAREER ADVICE?                                          EMPLOYERS                                                                  CAREER PROGRAMS AND WEBSITES                                             A LIFE
Deciding what industry to work in can be very difficult as                                                                                           There are several websites that can provide you                          Gives real life video examples of careers, showing the activities of
                                                                          When you have developed a few ideas about what you may like to do
there are many options and expectations set upon us to                    in the future, it may be beneficial to ask professionals from particular
                                                                                                                                                     with relevant career advice. The websites offer up to                    employees as they go about their day to day tasks.
make the right decision. It is important to remember that                 industries about their personal experiences. It may also be worth          date information about career pathways, education              
it is OK to change your mind and explore different career                 considering completing work experience or a part time job in these         and training and personal requirements for specific
options. When thinking about your career, it is important                 industries as it can help you find out whether it is the right career      occupations and industries.                                              SKILLS ONE
to consider your personal interests and desires as it is                  for you.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Over 1500 videos showing how to get a trade or skill.
essential that you are happy in your chosen career.                                                                                                  JOB GUIDE
                                                                          TEACHERS AND CAREER ADVISERS                                                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                     Covers everything career related including resume building, learning
PARENTS AND FAMILY                                                        Your teachers are trained with important knowledge and skills to help      pathways, career support, comprehensive job search and much more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ACE DAY JOBS
                                                                          provide you with necessary information relating to future education
Your parents and family can offer great career advice for you when it                                                                                                                                                         A series of 5-minute video episodes of Australians with innovative
comes to deciding what you will do in the future. Your parents have       and employment options. It is important to remember that your
                                                                          teachers are around to help you, so seeking advice from them is a                                                                                   careers; it’s about people who love their work, and how they got
a lot of experience when it comes to employment options, so they                                                                                     AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT
                                                                          great way to start the decision- making process. As a student leaver                                                                                into it.
would be a great source of knowledge and information. They can also                                                                                  Includes information on all things youth related, with links to the
                                                                          you are still welcome to see your careers teacher about anything                                                                          
provide strong support and guidance in your life, so it can be of great                                                                              Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relation’s
benefit to talk to and gain advice from them.                             work/school (career) related if you have booked an appointment.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE GOOD UNIVERSITIES GUIDE
SKILLS AND JOBS CENTRE                                                    TAFE AND UNIVERSITIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Good resource for researching careers and courses.
                                                                          Most TAFE and Universities have a service available to students that       YOUTH CENTRAL                                                  
Each TAFE in Victoria now operates a Skills and Jobs Centre, whose
role it is to provide free career and pathway planning advice to          provides career advice based on the courses and programs they offer.
                                                                          However, these services may only be available to students that are         Offers a range of information for young people aged between 12 – 25.
Victorian residents.                                                                                                                                                                                                          DEFENCE
                                                                          enrolled or pending enrolment at that particular TAFE or University.       It Includes job toolkits which are designed to help job seekers learn
This is done through a variety of workshops as well as one to one                                                                                    and understand practical skills to assist them in finding employment.    Careers in the defence forces – army, navy and air force.
counselling sessions.                                                                                                                                Also includes resume and cover letter templates and videos on how
                                                                                                                                                     to interview.
The Skills and Jobs Centre in the South East is located at Chisholm’s
                                                                                                                                                                                             POLICE FORCE
311 Lonsdale campus in Dandenong.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Go to the Careers section for information on careers in the
                                                                                                                                                     CAREERS ONLINE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Police Force.
                                                                                                                                                     Provides information relating to career, occupations and industries.
                                                                                                                                                     It includes career research options, resume help and job hunting tips.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Can help with course selection and RTOs.
                                                                                                                                                     MY FUTURE
                                                                                                                                                     Provides users with current career information, articles and links to    Home.aspx?Redirect=1
                                                                                                                                                     many resources relating to career transition.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     SKILLS ROAD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The tools on this website make a transformative impact in the way
                                                                                                                                                     CAREER ME APP                                                            young people navigate the career PLANNING PROCESS.
                                                                                                                                                     CareerMe is a free app for all Apple and Android smartphones   
                                                                                                                                                     and tablets to help young people plan career paths and find job

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Life After School Guide 2020/2021 - South East VET - SELLEN

Further Education
AUSTRALIAN QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK LEARN LOCAL PROVIDERS                                                                                         TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION                                            Berwick Campus               Chadstone Campus
The AQF is the framework which regulates qualifications               Learn Local providers, previously known as Adult Community Further          (TAFE)                                                                     25 Kangan Drive              Cnr Batesford &
within the Australian education and training sectors.                 Education (ACFE), offer an opportunity for students 15 years and over       Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes are Government           Berwick 3806                 Warrigal Road
It incorporates the qualifications from each education                to return to study, gain new skills and plan for their future. They offer   owned RTOs providing flexible options for students wanting to gain
and training sector into a single comprehensive national              a variety of courses including basic learning skills and accredited         vocational education and training (VET). They deliver training for a       Dandenong Campus             Chadstone 3148
qualifications framework.
                                                                      senior education certificates. Learn Local organisations provide            wide range of courses at certificate, diploma and advanced diploma         121 Stud Rd
                                                                      a less formal environment for students to improve their general             level, with some TAFE’s now offering degree courses. TAFEs offer the       Dandenong 3175               Waverley Campus
                                                                      education skills, which can ultimately assist them in completing            option to study full-time, part-time, during the day or night or even                                   595 Waverley Road
SECONDARY SCHOOL QUALIFICATIONS AND                                   secondary education or transitioning into other nationally recognised       online through correspondence. Fees for TAFE vary depending on             311 Lonsdale St              Glen Waverley 3150
EQUIVALENT                                                            qualifications. They also offer Pre-Accredited and Accredited courses.      your chosen course and on your eligibility for government funding.         Dandenong 3175
                                                                      For further information on Learn Local Providers and for their location     If you are eligible for a government subsidised placement, some of                                      Moorabbin Campus
• Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)                                                                                                                                                                           Cranbourne Campus            488 South Road
                                                                      visit                                                    the cost of your course will be funded by the government and you
• Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)                                                                                                        will pay the balance of the enrolment and tuition fees. Additionally,      New Holland Drive            Moorabbin 3189
• Level 1 – Certificate I
                                                                      REGISTERED TRAINING ORGANISATIONS                                           if you are a concession card holder you can receive a reduction of         Cranbourne 3977
• Level 2 – Certificate II                                                                                                                        your tuition fees, but you must contact the training provider in                                        Box Hill Institute
                                                                      A registered training organisation (RTO) is a State or Territory
                                                                                                                                                  regard to your eligibility. TAFEs also offer VET Fee-Help, an Australian   Frankston Campus             Box Hill Institute offers
                                                                      registered organisation that provides students with nationally
VOCATIONAL TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS                                    recognised certificates through training and assessments. RTOs may
                                                                                                                                                  Government Loan Scheme, to assist their students studying at               Fletcher Rd                  400 full-time and
                                                                      include TAFE institutes, private providers, community providers,
                                                                                                                                                  the Diploma level in deferring the payment of their course. For            Frankston 3199               part-time courses with
• Level 1 – Certificate I                                                                                                                         information about TAFEs across Melbourne and the courses they offer,                                    flexible study options.
                                                                      schools, higher education institutions, Learn Locals, industry
• Level 2 – Certificate II                                                                                                                        visit                                                     Pakenham Campus
                                                                      organisations and enterprises. There are hundreds of different
• Level 3 – Certificate III                                           registered courses that RTO’s may offer. For more information about
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3 Rogers Street,             For further information
                                                                      RTO’s and what courses are available throughout Victoria visit the          CHISHOLM INSTITUTE                                                         Pakenham, 3810               visit or
• Level 4 – Certificate IV
                                                                      Skills Gateway at                                                                                                                   call 1300 BOX HILL.
• Level 5 – Diploma                                                                                                                               Chisholm offers more than 600 courses including pre-                       Bass Coast Campus
• Level 6 – Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree                                                                                                    apprenticeships, apprenticeships, certificates and advanced                Corner Bass Highway          Whitehorse Campus
                                                                                                                                                  certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas and Bachelor Degrees.            and South Dudley Road,       1000 Whitehorse Road
HIGHER EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS                                       IDENTIFYING A QUALITY TRAINING                                              Additionally, Chisholm offers pathway opportunities from TAFE to           Wonthaggi, 3995              Box Hill 3128
                                                                      PROVIDER                                                                    University for students to gain maximum benefit from their previous
• Level 7 – Bachelor Degree                                           In recent years some RTOs have utilised questionable marketing              studies. Chisholm accepts applications through VTAC and written            Rosebud Campus               Elgar Campus
• Level 8 – Bachelor Honours Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate   techniques to enrol students, often into poor quality educational           submission depending on the requirements of each course. For               Boneo Rd, Rosebud,           465 Elgar Road
  Diploma                                                             and training programs. If you want to ensure the course and RTO you         further information visit or call 1300 244 746.            3939.                        Box Hill 3128
                                                                      are looking at enrolling into are both of quality and will provide the
• Level 9 – Masters Degree
                                                                      support and outcomes you are looking for, there are a range of things
                                                                                                                                                  CHISHOLM INSTITUTE - BERWICK TECHNICAL                                     Holmesglen                   St Kilda Campus
• Level 10 – Doctoral Degree                                          you can do and questions you can ask.                                       EDUCATION CENTRE (TEC)                                                     Holmesglen offers            322 St Kilda Road
For further information on each level criteria go to
                                                                      SELLEN has developed a range of tools to assist with this, these tools                                                                                 over 600 courses             South Bank 3006                                                                                                                     Chisholm Institute also operates a Technical Centre from their Berwick
                                                                                                                                                  campus. Berwick TEC is a unique learning environment that allows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with flexible delivery
This information was retrieved 6th June 2018, from the Australian                                                                                                                                                            over three campuses.         Bulli Campus
                                                                      • A facilitator guide                                                       students under 20, who have not yet completed Year 12, to gain a                                        36 Bulli Street
Qualifications Framework 2nd Edition January 2013                                                                                                                                                                            These include pre-
                                                                      • Training Seeker Workbook                                                  qualification that will assist them in acquiring employment or tertiary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             apprenticeships,             Moorabbin 3189
                                                                                                                                                  placement faster.
                                                                      • Prezi to assist
                                                                      And can be found on the SELLEN website at                                                                                                              certificate, diploma and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             degree courses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             For further information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             or call (03) 9564 1555

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SWINBURNE TAFE                                                           APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS
Swinburne TAFE offers a wide range of courses including pre-             Apprenticeships and Traineeships combine practical work and
apprenticeships, apprenticeships, diplomas and advanced diplomas.        training to give you a nationally recognised qualification and the
Additionally, Swinburne offers pathway opportunities from TAFE to        experience you need to get the career you want.
University for students to gain maximum benefit from their previous      Apprenticeships and Traineeships:
studies. For more information about courses Swinburne offer and
locations of their campuses, visit or              • Can be offered as full time or part time positions
                                                                         • Can commence while you are still at school or post-secondary
Phone: 1300 275 794
                                                                         • Be offered in more than 500 occupations from small business to
RMIT TAFE                                                                  multimedia, sports to retail
RMIT has adopted a practical approach to education by offering           • Can be a stepping-stone to ongoing employment or further
a wide range of TAFE courses that allow students to gain relevant          education
skills in an industry of their choice. Courses offered by RMIT include   There are a range of organisations that can help you:
business administration, art and design, information technology,
science and many more. Additionally, RMIT offers pathway                 GROUP TRAINING ORGANISATIONS provide employment and
opportunities for students to gain recognition of prior learning.        often training to apprentices and trainees. They create employment
For further course information and locations, visit          for you by organising placements with ‘host employers’ who provide
                                                                         you with on-the-job training and experience in your trade. Host
                                                                         employers effectively ‘hire’ you from group training organisations.
                                                                         Many GTOs are specifically set up to help young people get an
                                                                         apprenticeship or traineeship.
                                                                         AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIPS can be used to define either an
                                                                         apprenticeship or a traineeship. These two types of qualifications
                                                                         differ slightly, but have a few things in common.
                                                                         You need to be employed in order to complete an Australian
                                                                         Apprenticeship or Traineeship and the employer will pay you a
                                                                         training wage while you learn, either at TAFE or a RTO. You must
                                                                         complete on the job training as well as structured training (TAFE
                                                                         or RTO). With some qualifications you are able to complete your
                                                                         structured training in the workplace. At the completion of your
                                                                         Australian Apprenticeship, you will receive a nationally recognised
                                                                         APPRENTICESHIPS are usually trade based occupations (eg.
                                                                         Automotive mechanics, hairdressing, bakers, plumbers, carpenters)
                                                                         which take up to 3 to 4 years to complete at a full-time pace. In
                                                                         most of these qualifications, you need to have a completed the full
                                                                         apprenticeship to be qualified in that particular field.

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     TRAINEESHIPS are usually non-trade based occupations (eg.                   AUSTRALIAN APPRENTICESHIP SUPPORT NETWORK
     Business administration, animal husbandry, hospitality) with some
     exceptions. They are completed over 1 to 2 years full-time or part-         Australian Apprenticeship Network Providers are contracted by the
     time. Training may be completely on the job or a combination of             Australian Government to offer a free service to apprentices, trainees
     on and off the job. With a traineeship your qualification is complete       and employers to assist them with the sign-up, administration and
     as soon as you finish the structured training, so you can often             management of apprenticeships and traineeships.
     complete them before the nominal duration if you work hard and can          To find a Apprenticeship Network Provider in your area go to
     demonstrate your competency.                                      
     To find out if a qualification is an apprenticeship or a traineeship
     contact your local Australian Apprenticeship Centre.                        GROUP TRAINING ORGANISATIONS
     PRE- APPRENTICESHIP COURSES help prepare you to commence                    There are a number of specialists Group Training Organisations that
     an apprenticeship. They are usually completed full-time over                concentrate on specific industries all over Victoria. For a full list of
     16 weeks at a TAFE or an RTO.                                               Group Training Organisations see
                                                                                 To find a Group Training Provider in your area go to
     Any job seeker is eligible to apply for an Apprenticeship position,
     provided they are an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
     You do not have to be registered with Centrelink or unemployed to
     apply for an Australian Apprenticeship.
     However, most employers prefer to take on apprentices who are
     under 21 years old as they qualify for the apprentice training wage.
     If you have a disability, your employer may receive assistance for
     tutorial, interpreter and mentor services or funding under the
     disabled Australian apprenticeship wage support program.
     For further information and to find out if you are eligible, contact your
     local Australian Apprenticeship Centre


     1. Find an employer by contacting:
        • Employers from industries you are interested in
        • Skills and Jobs Centre
        • Local Group Training Organisations
        • Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider
        • Centrelink or Job Active providers
        • Search advertised job vacancies
     2. Once you start employment as an apprentice you will need to
        contact an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network provider to
        sign you and your employer into an apprenticeship contract with
        an RTO of your employer’s choice.

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TERTIARY STUDIES                                                          • VET Course Fees - your eligibility for a Government funded
Year 12 school leavers who have applied to VTAC for University              Vocational Education and Training (VET) place may not be able to
and TAFE courses need to make sure they meet all deadlines for              be determined at the time of application. Eligibility and hence the
applications, extra requirements, changing preferences, offers and          fees, will be determined by the institution providing the course at
enrolments.                                                                 the time of enrolment.
                                                                          • Free TAFE – Free TAFE for priority courses covers tuition fees for
The VTAC website details all this information
                                                                            students who are eligible for government-subsidised training. This
• Eligibility for courses                                                   reduces the financial barrier for students wanting to train in courses
• Admission tests                                                           that lead to jobs in demand from Victorian employers.
• Making an application                                                   For further details on the information in this section visit:
• Courses and institutions                                      

• Scholarships
                                                                          PAYING FOR YOUR STUDIES (HELP LOANS)
• Results and offers
Contact your Careers teacher if you need further advice.                  HELP Loans Eligibility to access HELP loans can be complex and
                                                                          confusing, especially if you have recently arrived in Australia and hold
                                                                          a Bridging or Humanitarian visa.
The Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) allows selection officers to       HECS-HELP is a loan available to eligible students enrolled in
grant special consideration for course entry to applicants, but does      Commonwealth Supported Places. If you receive a HECS-HELP loan,
not exempt you from meeting any of the institutional and course           the Australian Government pays the loan amount directly to your
entry requirements.                                                       higher education provider on your behalf and you pay the amount off
                                                                          when you earn over a specific amount.
Whether you are currently studying Year 12 or applying as an adult, if
your education was affected as a result of disadvantage you may be        FEE-HELP is a loan given to eligible fee-paying students to help
eligible for consideration.                                               pay part or all of their tuition. You can borrow up to the amount of
                                                                          the tuition fee being charged by your provider. However, over your
For further information on eligibility and how to apply, please go to
                                                                          lifetime you can only borrow up to the FEE-HELP limit. This amount
                                                                          is indexed each year and must be repaid via increased taxation on
                                                                          salaries once you earn above the threshold.
                                                                          A VET STUDENT LOAN (VSL) is a loan that helps students to cover
There are four types of fees for tertiary courses:
                                                                          fees for vocational education and training (VET) courses.
• CSP (Commonwealth Supported Places) - these are partially paid for
                                                                          For more information on eligibility criteria and income levels where
  by the Australian government, and the student component can be
                                                                          repayments are triggered, visit the Australian Governments website
  paid up front, or deferred (now called HECS-HELP) until the student
  graduates and earns a minimum annual income.
• Fee Paying or Fee for Service – offered by Independent Tertiary
  Colleges (ITC’s) and TAFE providers. There is no government
  contribution for these places and unless you receive a scholarship,
  you will be liable for the full cost of the course
• International – these are full fee courses for international students

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JOB SEEKING SUPPORT                                                        SKILLS AND JOBS CENTRE                                                   JOB SEEKING YOURSELF
                                                                                                                                                    Once you have worked out the career path that interests you, the
JOB ACTIVE PROVIDERS                                                       Each TAFE in Victoria now operates a Skills and Jobs Centre, whose
                                                                                                                                                    following websites will show you the vacancies that are currently
                                                                           role it is to provide expert advice on training and employment
                                                                                                                                                    being advertised in that industry. Each website allows you to search
Employment Services are provided by Job Active Providers, a network        opportunities, including:
                                                                                                                                                    by location as well as job type, so you can narrow down your options
of private and community organisations dedicated to helping you
                                                                           • Careers advice.                                                        to suit your access to transport.
find and keep a job. They may help you to:
                                                                           • Help with job searching.                                               • MY CAREER
• Write a Resume
                                                                           • Assistance preparing resumes.                                          • CAREERONE
• Access work experience and training opportunities
                                                                           • Apprenticeship and traineeship advice.                                 • ALL JOBS
• Gain skills or qualifications
                                                                           • Assistance using the Victorian Skills Gateway.                         • GUMTREE
• Overcome barriers to employment
                                                                           • Referral to welfare support and financial advice.                      • SEEK
• Assist you to find employment
                                                                           • Assistance in using your existing skills to align to a new job or to   • LOCAL PAPER VACANCIES
For more information contact Centrelink Employment Services on               undertake new training (Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)).
13 28 50 or visit                                                                                                                  Locally we also have a range of Jobs Portals that list local jobs, these
                                                                           • Information on employment trends, areas with a shortage in skills      can be found and registered for at
                                                                             and employment opportunities.
TRANSITION TO WORK PROVIDERS                                                                                                                        • CITY OF GREATER DANDENONG PORTAL:
                                                                           • Assistance with career and training plans, identifying training
A Federally funded program that can count towards Job Active                 qualifications that could be undertaken to make a successful career
                                                                             transition.                                                            • CASEY AND CARDINIA REGIONAL PORTAL:
activity requirements and includes resume writing support and work
experience components as young people get ready to enter the               Skills and Jobs centres are aimed at:
work force. In the South East, contracts are delivered by SkillsPlus and
Mission Australia.
                                                                           • Prospective students                                                   EMPLOYMENT FACT SHEETS
                                                                           • Current students                                                       SELLEN has developed a range of fact sheets that may also be of
                                                                           • Apprentices and Trainees                                               assistance in preparing you for the employment space and securing
                                                                                                                                                    your first job.
                                                                           • Unemployed or retrenched workers
The Skills First Reconnect Program provides foundation study access                                                                                 • INTERVIEW SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES
                                                                           • Women returning to work
for young people aged 17-64. This program can be accessed through                                                                                     content/uploads/2020/10/Interview-skills-and-techniques.pdf
Chisholm’s Foundation College and Taskforce. Details can be found          • New immigrant/refugee
                                                                                                                                                    • COVER LETTER AND RESUME TIPS
below. Current Skills First Reconnect providers in the South East are      • Anyone seeking a career change
Chisholm, AMES, Jesuit Community College and Taskforce.                    • Employers
                                                                           • Industry
                                                                           The Skills and Jobs Centre in the South East is located at:
                                                                           Chisholm Dandenong Campus
                                                                           311 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong, 3175
                                                                           Phone: (03) 9212 4909
                                                                           Email: skills&

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Local Government Youth Services
DANDENONG YOUTH SERVICES                                                 CITY OF CASEY YOUTH INFORMATION                                          YOUTH POSITIVE PATHWAYS
Dandenong Youth Services are located within the YSTOP building.          CENTRES                                                                  The Youth Positive Pathways website links young people,
They provide services & activities/events for young people aged          Youth Information Centres provide young people aged 10 – 25 with         schools, parents and case workers to a range of organisations and
12-25 years.                                                             support, information and advice on a range of issues, concerns and       initiatives across the south east, offering programs and support to
                                                                         needs. Youth Centres can provide you with information on recreation,     young people.
• Some services include:
                                                                         employment, health issues, drug/alcohol, housing, personal
• Youth support and case management services                                                                                                      The website includes a user-friendly search engine where you can
                                                                         development programs, sexuality, family issues, legal issues and
                                                                                                                                                  locate a service based on the type of support you need and the
• Multicultural services                                                 education options.
                                                                                                                                                  location in which you need it.
• Generalist and specialist counselling services                         At every youth centre there is a youth worker who is there to support
                                                                                                                                                  The website can be accessed via
• Pathways for education and employment                                  you and discuss any areas that are of concern to you. If the worker is
• Drug and Alcohol Services                                              unable to help you specifically, they will refer you to someone who is
                                                                         better qualified to assist you.
• Leadership programs and services
39A Clow Street                                                          Additionally, Youth Centres have numerous activities that you can
Dandenong 3175                                                           take part in, including computers with internet access and they can
Phone: (03) 9793 2155                                                    help with resume writing.                                               CRANBOURNE
                                                                         Shop 58, Park Shopping Centre High Street, Cranbourne
CARDINIA SHIRE                                                           Phone: (03) 5996 7667
                                                                         HAMPTON PARK
                                                                         22-26 Stuart Avenue, Hampton Park
Cardinia Shire’s Youth Facility provided for young people aged 12-25     Phone: (03) 9702 9510
to access information, advice and support.                               NARRE WARREN
5 -7 Main Street, Pakenham                                               52 Web Street, Narre Warren 3805
Phone: 5940 3100                                                         Phone: (03) 9792 7230
Email:                                       MOBILE YOUTH BUS                                                      Casey 360 is a mobile youth bus that travels to popular areas within
                                                                         the City of Casey region and provides young people with a safe place
A team of qualified youth workers living in the Cardinia Shire provide
                                                                         to ‘hang out’.
young people and their families with numerous activities and
resources including:                                                     Mobile: 0438 013 165
• Freeza events
                                                                         City of Casey Youth Services also offer a range of events run
• After school Activities
                                                                         throughout the year including Freeza events, school holiday
• Personal development programs
                                                                         programs, programs for young mums & dads, Fit to Drive and
• Young Leaders programs                                                 leadership programs.
• Workshops
                                                                         Phone: (03) 9705 5200
• Skating, dance, sport and art programs
• Annual Youth Forum
For further information about the Youth Services available in Cardinia
Shire please contact the councils Youth Services department.
Phone: 1800 496 884

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        21

Centrelink Services
YOUTH OFFICERS @ CENTRELINK                                                                                                                           YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR YOUTH ALLOWANCE IF                                LOW INCOME HEALTH CARE CARD
Services for young people are targeted to individual needs and                                                                                        YOU ARE 16-24 YEARS OLD AND:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Centrelink customers who receive certain payments and benefits
circumstances. Youth Teams aim to help young people understand                   CENTRELINK OFFICES                                                   • Looking for full time work or undertaking a combination of              automatically receive a Health Care Card as part of their entitlement.
and access the education, training and employment choices available              Dandenong                          Centre                              approved activities or have a temporary exemption from the              Full-time students may apply for a Low Income Health Care Card.
to them and to identify their individual goals. This can involve further         27-29 Robinson Street              Narre Warren 3805                   participation and Activity Test requirements. If you do not have a
study, apprenticeship, traineeship choices, or help getting a job.               Dandenong 3175                                                                                                                                 A Health Care Card entitles you to reduced cost medicines and health
                                                                                                                                                        Year 12 certificate or an equivalent qualification (Certificate level
                                                                                                                    Pakenham                                                                                                    care as well as a limited number of other concessions including public
Officers in Youth Teams are specifically trained to work with young                                                                                     II or above) you will generally be expected to undertake study or
                                                                                 Springvale                         25 Treloar Lane                                                                                             transport and training costs.
people. Young people now have access to a One to One Service                                                                                            training to meet the Activity Test.
                                                                                 324-334 Springvale Road            Pakenham 3810
Officer who provides a personalised service to help the young person             Springvale 3171                                                      • 16 - 24 years old and studying or undertaking an Australian             For more information call 13 24 90.
negotiate appropriate pathways. This includes a variety of activities                                               Youth and Student Services          Apprenticeship full-time.
such as assessing eligibility for income support, employment                     Cranbourne                         Phone: 132 490
                                                                                                                                                      • Other criteria – check with Centrelink to determine your eligibility    ABSTUDY
placement, accommodation support, providing career information,                  7-9 Codrington Street
                                                                                                                    Looking for Work                  If your circumstances change you may no longer be eligible for
and making accurate and relevant referrals to Centrelink specialist              Cranbourne 3977                                                                                                                                If you are Indigenous and a secondary or tertiary student or a full
                                                                                                                    Phone: 132 850                    the same amount of Youth Allowance. For example, if you leave
services and other relevant services in the community.                           Narre Warren                                                                                                                                   time Australian Apprentice, you may be eligible to access ABSTUDY to
                                                                                                                    Multi-lingual Information         full time study for part-time study for employment (even casual or        assist you stay at school or go on to further studies. ABSTUDY consists
                                                                                 71-73 Webb Street                                                    part-time employment). If you are overpaid because you didn’t tell
                                                                                                                    Phone: 131 202                                                                                              of a fortnightly living allowance as well as additional components to
CAREER PLANNING & WORK EXPERIENCE                                                Fountain Gate Shopping
                                                                                                                           Centrelink that your circumstances changed you will have to pay           help with the costs associated with attending school.
@ CENTRELINK                                                                                                                                          back the money, so it is important that you inform Centrelink of your
Centrelink’s career planning can help you to make appropriate and                                                                                     circumstances.                                                            For more information, phone the ABSTUDY line on 13 23 17.
realistic career choices. It’s for job seekers who are having trouble
deciding what they want in a career and needing direction - whether                                                                                   When making a claim for Youth Allowance you will need to provide
it is deciding on a course of study, upgrading their existing skills or                                                                               proof of identity as well as other documentation. These requirements
                                                                           PSYCHOLOGY SERVICES @ CENTRELINK                                           are listed on the Youth Allowance claim form or you can check with
just finding the right job.                                                Centrelink psychologists can help you identify your potential to           Centrelink.
Ask Centrelink about Career Planning, Work for the Dole and Green          participate in employment, education, training and other social
Corps or search the Centrelink website for more information.               participation activities (such as volunteer work). They make               Everyone in Australia is now required to have a myGov account.
                                                                           recommendations on the most appropriate assistance to help you             myGov is a secure way to access government services online with one
                                                                           develop your potential.                                                    login and one password for government services. Once you have
SOCIAL WORK SERVICES @ CENTRELINK                                                                                                                     created account you can use the payment finder, apply for payments,
Centrelink has a Social Work Service to assist people who may need         If you want to see a Centrelink Psychologist call 13 2850 or ask a staff   update information etc.
extra help by offering short term counselling and support, giving          member at your local Centrelink Office.
information about or referring to other services in the community. In                                                                                 Applications can be made online.
special circumstances, Social Workers can determine if you are eligible    YOUTH ALLOWANCE
for payments and assist people who are in crisis or facing difficulties    Youth Allowance is a single income support payment for young
in their lives.                                                            people regardless of whether they are in education, training, looking
Phone the Centrelink Appointments line on 13 10 21 to:                     for work or sick. Youth Allowance enables you to go from study to
                                                                           training to job seeking without changing payment schemes.
Speak directly to a Social Worker, or make an appointment to see a
Social Worker at your local Customer Service Centre.                       If you are under 17, and have not completed Year 12, you are legally
                                                                           required to be in full time education, undertaking an Australian
                                                                           Apprenticeship or other training in order to qualify for Youth
                                                                           Allowance, although some exemptions apply.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   23

Disability Services
DISABILITY SERVICES (DES)                                                 SCHOOL LEAVER EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS                                          TRANSITION TO EMPLOYMENT (TTE)                                          AUSTRALIAN DISABILITY ENTERPRISE
Disability Employment Services (DES) provides specialist assistance to    (SLES)                                                                     The Transition to Employment (TTE) initiative in Victoria is being      Australian Disability Enterprises are commercial enterprises whose
job seekers with disabilities who require ongoing support to find and     Are you a Year 12 student?                                                 developed as part of the Futures for Young Adults (FFYA) program        workforce is predominantly people with disability. Disability Business
maintain employment. Eligible School Leavers can register directly                                                                                   and provides a clear pathway for young people with a disability         Services are especially suited to you if you have higher support needs
                                                                          School Leaver Employment Support, or SLES, is a new NDIS support
with a DES provider.                                                                                                                                 leaving school who are interested in pursuing employment, but who       and require a higher level of ongoing support.
                                                                          that may help you.
                                                                                                                                                     are not yet ready to move into employment or receive assistance
ELIGIBLE SCHOOL LEAVER DEFINITION                                         SLES is about giving you the skills and confidence to help you move        through a Commonwealth employment program.
                                                                          from school to employment.
                                                                                                                                                     If you are eligible for FFYA, and interested in exploring employment,
In accordance with the Disability Employment Service (DES) Deed, an                                                                                                                                                          OUTLOOK ENVIRONMENTAL
                                                                          SLES offers you individualised support for up to 2 years after finishing   you may be eligible to access additional funds and supports via a TTE
Eligible School Leaver means a job seeker who directly registers with                                                                                                                                                        24 Toomuc Valley Road
                                                                          year 12 to help you get ready for work and plan your pathway to            provider to give you an even better chance of achieving your goals.
the DES Provider and who is seeking to transition from                                                                                                                                                                       Pakenham VIC 3810
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Phone: (03) 5941 1535
• secondary school to post school employment; or                                                                                                     FUTURE LINKS
                                                                          For further information about the School Leaver Employment                                                                               
• a state or territory disability transition to work program to                                                                                      457 Nepean Highway, Frankston 3199
                                                                          Supports (SLES) or call
  employment;                                                                                                                                        Phone: (03)9564 8066                                                    SCOPE BUSINESS ENTERPRISES - SOUTH-EAST INDUSTRIES
                                                                          1800 800 110.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Level 2, 302 Burwood Road
And has evidence that they                                                                                                                           THE BRIDGE CONNECTS
                                                                          If you are leaving school early it is important to prepare for your                                                                                Hawthorn
                                                                                                                                                     Shop 2, 31 Douglas Street
• attract or attracted additional educational funding due to their        support needs before you leave school. Make sure you understand                                                                                    VIC 3122
                                                                                                                                                     Noble Park Vic 3174
  disability; or                                                          what sort of support is available for you in order to continue with                                                                                1300 472673
                                                                                                                                                     Phone: (03) 9547 9244
• are receiving the Disability Support Pension.                           further education training or employment.                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                     67/69 Webb St, Narre Warren VIC 3805
                                                                          If you want to leave school early because your needs cannot be met         Phone: (03) 9705 6445                                                   WALLARA INDUSTRIES
TO BE ELIGIBLE TO COMMENCE IN DES AS AN                                   in your school you may be able to work out an agreement with the                                                                                   Building 4 102 -128
ELIGIBLE SCHOOL LEAVER, THE JOB SEEKER MUST                               school to continue your support in another course in the community.
                                                                                                                                                     MARRIOTT HOUSE – TRANSITION TO EMPLOYMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bridge Road
ALSO BE:                                                                                                                                             MARRIOTT SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Keysborough Vic 3173
                                                                          It is your responsibility to tell your chosen education, training or       15a/56 Keys Road
• registered in their final year of secondary school; or                                                                                                                                                                     Phone: (03) 9798 1019
                                                                          employment support provider about your disability or medical               Cheltenham VIC 3192
• first Registering with a DES provider immediately after participating                                                                                                                                            
                                                                          condition as soon as you enrol or register. Make sure that you keep        Phone: 03 9555 0777
  in a state or territory government disability transition to work        any useful information from your school that may help teachers or                                                                                  WAVERLEY INDUSTRIES LIMITED HALLAM BRANCH
  program.                                                                                                                                           OUTLOOK– TRANSITION TO EMPLOYMENT
                                                                          other workers give you the support you need.                                                                                                       63 Star Crescent
                                                                                                                                                     Suite 2 – 418 Princes Highway
Students who are in disability specialist schools or attract PSD                                                                                                                                                             Hallam VIC 3803
                                                                                                                                                     Narre Warren VIC, 3805
funding in mainstream schools only require evidence that they are in      NATIONAL DISABILITY COORDINATION                                                                                                                   Phone: (03) 9544 7222
                                                                                                                                                     Phone: 03 9705 6455
that school or attract that funding.                                      OFFICER PROGRAM (NDCO)                                                                                                                   
                                                                          The Australian Government funds the NDCO Program. The NDCO                                                                                         370-372 Ferntree Gully Road
Providers must also obtain evidence that the Student is a full-time
student and is in their last year of school.                              program aims to improve the transition of people with a disability
                                                                          aged 15 to 64 into further education, training and employment. Your
For more information about how DES services can help you, or to           National Disability Coordination Officer can help provide information,
locate your local service, visit: or phone a Job         coordination and referral for people with a disability.
Access Adviser on 1800 464 800.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               25

Multicultural Services                                                                                                                          Indigenous Services
ASYLUM SEEKER RESOURCE CENTRE (ASRC)                                    SOUTHERN MIGRANT REFUGEE CENTRE                                         DANDENONG AND DISTRICT ABORIGINES
                                                                                                                                                CO-OPERATIVE LTD (DDACL)
An independent, community-led organisation the ASRC is in a unique      Provides one to one assistance for young people between the ages
position to advocate for the human rights of people seeking asylum,     of 2-25 to address key resettlement issues including housing, access    Dandenong and District Aborigines Co-operative Ltd (DDACL)
exempt from the pressures of government or the private sector.          to education and employment, access to recreational opportunities       provides programs and services to meet the needs of local Aboriginal
For this reason, the ASRC has been able to take a leading position      and family conflict. The Youth Team works with young people who         and Torres Strait Islander people. They provide a wide range of
in the opposition of Australia’s asylum seeker policy, while offering   have been in Australia for 6 months – 5 years. They also conduct a      health care through Bunurong Health Service as well as a variety of
alternatives to issues faced by people seeking asylum and refugees.     range of group activities including information sessions, life skills   community programs to promote wellbeing and social engagement.
                                                                        and leadership programs as well as sports and other recreational        All services have a strong cultural component and they strive to
Contact: 179 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong VIC 3175
                                                                        activities.                                                             provide a supportive, open and culturally safe environment for
Phone: 03 8772 1380
Email:                                            Contact: Dandenong                                                      Aboriginal people.

                                                                        39 Clow Street
LIFE WITHOUT BARRIERS                                                   Dandenong 3175
                                                                                                                                                DOVETON GATHERING PLACE
                                                                        Phone: (03) 9767 1900                                                   The City of Casey is now home to a dedicated space for the local
Leading social purpose organisation working in more than 440
communities across Australia. Services currently support just over      Contact: Narre Warren                                                   Aboriginal community to drop in, engage in programs and activities
14,000 people living in their own homes or in residential houses that   48 Webb Street                                                          and connect with services and their community.
life without barriers manage. Supporting children, young people and     Narre Warren 3805                                                       The new Casey Aboriginal Gathering Place, located in Doveton, was
families, people with disability, older people and people with mental   Phone: (03) 9705 6966                                                   officially opened on Wednesday 13 July 2016.
illness. They work with people who are homeless and refugees and
                                                                                                                           “Research shows that Aboriginal Victorians are more likely to be
asylum seekers.
                                                                                                                                                involved in the justice system, less likely to finish school, attend
                                                                        FOUNDATION HOUSE                                                        university and have a sustainable job than non-Aboriginal Victorians
                                                                                                                                                and as a group, their health status is poorer across all measures.
                                                                        Foundation House provides direct services to clients, from a
Contact: Level 2, 1-7 Langhorne Street, Dandenong, 3175, Australia                                                                              “With this in mind the concept of the Casey Aboriginal Gathering
                                                                        refugee background, in the form of counselling, advocacy, family
Phone No: 03 8752 8500                                                                                                                          Place was developed – to create a dedicated space where Casey’s
                                                                        support, group work, psycho-education, information sessions and
                                                                        complementary therapies. Direct services to clients are coupled         Aboriginal community can drop in for a yarn and a cuppa and actively
CENTRE FOR MULTICULTURAL YOUTH (CMY)                                    with referral, training and education roles aimed at developing and     engage in programs, projects and activities that are flexible and
                                                                        strengthening the resources of various communities and service          driven by the needs of the local community,” Cr Smith said.
CMY undertakes a range of programs, projects and policy initiatives
                                                                        providers.                                                              Cr Rosario said Doveton was identified as a perfect location for
aimed at enhancing the life opportunities of young people from
culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.                      Contact: Dandenong                                                      the Gathering Place given the strong connection the Aboriginal
                                                                        155 Foster Street                                                       community has to the area and its significant number of
CMY can assist with education, training, employment, homelessness                                                                               Aboriginal residents.
                                                                        Dandenong 3175
and family support.
                                                                        Phone: (03) 8788 3333
39A Clow Street
Dandenong 3175
Phone: (03) 9794 0057

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 27

Health and Wellbeing
Good health and wellbeing is an essential aspect to enjoying all that        CASEY CARDINIA COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICE                                KOOWEERUP REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICE
life has to offer. Health and wellbeing affects our ability to work, study
and socialise effectively therefore it is important to look after yourself   Casey Cardinia Community Health Service is committed to providing      Kooweerup Regional Health Service is here to help young people.
and maintain a healthy wellbeing. The following organisations                members of the community with programs that enhance illness            Our friendly and approachable staff are very experienced in dealing
provide young people with essential information and advice about             prevention and promote the importance of early intervention.           with youth from a range of backgrounds; and do so with absolute
how to best overcome a health or wellbeing issue.                                                                                                   discretion and care.
                                                                             The following services are offered:
                                                                                                                                                    Here are some of the ways we help young people:
                                                                             • Youth and family counselling
                                                                             • Financial Counselling                                                • Education
                                                                             • Health information – doctors, dentists, nurses, physiotherapy,       • Training
Casey North CISS aims to assist all members of the local community
                                                                               podiatry, sexual health, drug and alcohol counselling.               • Housing
with information pertaining to services and resources they need.
                                                                             • Appointments are available in:                                       • Emergency welfare
Suite 1, 90-92 Victor Cres
                                                                             • Cranbourne                                                           • Mental health
Narre Warren 3805
                                                                             • Berwick                                                              • Employment
Phone: (03) 9705 6699                                                        • Cockatoo                                                             • Alcohol and drug programs
                                                                             • Doveton                                                              • Counselling
CRANBOURNE INFORMATION AND SUPPORT                                           • Pakenham                                                             If you or someone you know needs a helping hand you can email
SERVICE (CISS)                                                                                                                             or phone 03 5997 9679. 215-235 Rossiter Road,
                                                                             health-community/cardinia-casey-community-health-service/              Koo Wee Rup, Victoria 3981
CISS is a community based information and referral service staffed by
trained volunteers which aid all members of the community.
                                                                             GREATER DANDENONG COMMUNITY HEALTH
The services CISS provides include community information
queries, referrals, counselling, emergency relief, advocacy, share
accommodation register, tax help, volunteer register, volunteer              Greater Dandenong Community Health Service works with
program and youth support.                                                   individuals, communities and organisations to improve the health and
                                                                             wellbeing of the most vulnerable community members.
156a Sladen Street
Cranbourne 3977                                                              The services they provide include:
Phone: (03) 5996 3333
                                                                             • Life skills programs
                                                                             • Personal development programs
                                                                             • Youth and family counselling
                                                                             • Health information – doctors, dentists, nurses, physiotherapy,
                                                                             • Leadership programs
                                                                             122 Thomas Street
                                                                             Dandenong 3175
                                                                             Phone: 1300 342 273
                                                                             55 Buckingham Avenue
                                                                             Springvale 3171
                                                                             Phone: (03) 8558 9000

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               29

Youth Support Services                                                 Help Lines
There are many services and organisations in the South East that       There are many help lines operating throughout Victoria that
support young people.                                                  provide telephone counselling, referral and information services to
                                                                       members of the community who require assistance or who simply
Services are available to support
                                                                       want somebody to talk to. Help lines offer free professional and
• Accommodation needs                                                  anonymous support to communities of diverse backgrounds, ages
• Alternative Education Settings                                       and needs.
• Body Image and Eating Disorders                                      GAY AND LESBIAN SWITCHBOARD
• Cyber Safety                                                         Regional Victoria: 1800 184 527
                                                                       Metropolitan Melbourne: 9663 2939
• Depression and Anxiety
• Disability
                                                                       KIDS HELPLINE
• Drug and Alcohol
                                                                       Phone: 1800 551 800
• Family Violence                                            
• General Health
                                                                       LIFELINE CRISIS COUNSELLING
• Interpreter Services                                                 Phone: 13 11 14
• Legal Advice and Support                                   
• Sexual Assault                                                       SUICIDE HELPLINE
• Same Sex Attracted and Gender Diverse                                There are also many websites which have tips and resources on how
• Sexual Health                                                        to manage many kinds of problems and issues.
The Youth Positive Pathways website links young people, schools,       Phone: 1300 651 251
parents and case workers to a range of organisations and initiatives
across the south east, offering programs and support to young
                                                                       ReachOut is an online mental health organisation for young people
The website includes a user- friendly search engine where you can      and their parents. It has tools and tips to help young people get
locate a service based on the type of support you need and the         through anything from everyday issues to tough times.
location in which you need it.
The website can be accessed via

30                                                                                                                                                                                  31

Legal Assistance                                                        Early School Leavers
There may be situations you find yourself in that require you to find   Before you decide to leave school early, you should consider how the          FLEXIBLE/ALTERNATIVE LEARNING
out more about the law. Whether you are in trouble with police, a       decision might affect you.
victim of crime or just need to know more about your rights, the                                                                                      If you have left school early and want to return or want to leave
                                                                        • All young people are required to participate in schooling until they        your mainstream education setting, you may be interested in an
following organisations provide you with important legal information
                                                                          complete Year 10                                                            alternative or flexible learning option.
to assist you in overcoming these particular situations.
                                                                        • If you are under 17 you must be in full time education, training or
                                                                                                                                                      There are a range of these options across the south east, a full list with
                                                                          employment or a combination of these activities.
SPRINGVALE MONASH LEGAL SERVICE INC (SMLS)                                                                                                            details and contacts can be found on the SELLEN website.
                                                                        It is also important to note that you are not entitled to payments from
SMLS is a community based organisation that provides free,              Centrelink unless you have a year 12 or equivalent qualification or if
                                                                                                                                                      LEARN LOCAL PROVIDERS
confidential legal advice to all members of the community. Ongoing      you are participating in full time education or training. Similarly, if you
legal assistance may be offered to low-income earners and health        are aged 16-20 and have not completed year 12 or equivalent and are           LL provides less formal learning activities in a friendly environment.
care holders. Free interpreters are available when needed and where     not in full time education or training, you will not be considered as an      LL helps young adults get back into learning, gain new skills and
appropriate referrals will be made to private practitioners.            eligible child for family Tax Benefit Part A. Exemptions will apply for       knowledge, gather their confidence and plan what other studies or
                                                                        young people not able to meet their participation requirement due             work they might like to do.
5 Osborne Avenue
                                                                        to personal circumstances. Contact Centrelink on 13 24 90 for more
Springvale 3175                                                                                                                                       Refer to previous pages for further information on Learn Local
Phone: (03) 9545 7400                                                                                                                                 providers.                                                             If you choose to leave school before year 12, you will still find lots of
                                                                        helpful information in the rest of this book - this section is designed
                                                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY VCAL
VICTORIA LEGAL AID                                                      to give information on programs available for young people who
                                                                        have left school early. Listed below are the various institutions that        Community VCAL programs are local providers that allow young
Victoria Legal Aid, Dandenong delivers community education              can assist young people in completing education and training outside          people to undertake VCAL studies outside of a secondary school
sessions in Greater Dandenong, Casey and Cardnia. Topics include        of the secondary school system.                                               setting.
Sexting, Sexual Consent, Cyberbullying, Age of Consent, Family
Violence, Family Law, Mental Health Services, Independent Mental        TAFE COURSES
Health Advocacy, as well as Australian Law for new arrivals
                                                                        TAFE’S offer many different courses for early school leaver’s, including:
                                                                        • CGEA – Certificate of General Education for Adults (year 10
                                                                          level), designed to improve literacy, numeracy and general
                                                                          education skills
                                                                        • VCAL – Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning
Youth Law is a state wide community legal centre which provides         • VCE – Victorian Certificate of Education
young people up to the age of 25 with free and confidential legal       • A range of certified courses to help employment or further study
                                                                        • Pre-apprenticeships & Apprenticeships
19 King Street
Melbourne 3000
Phone: (03) 9611 2412

32                                                                                                                                                                                                                             33

AASN            Australian Apprenticeship Support        CATS             Career and Transitions Support          JA        Job Actives– is a national network of     SWL      Structured Workplace Learning - SWL
                Network                                                                                                     private and community organization                 is a work placement undertaken by a
                                                         DET              Department of Education and Training              for unemployed people, particularly                student whilst undertaking a VET or
ACFE            Adult, Community and Further                                                                                the long term unemployed, funded by                VCAL program. Also known as work
                Education                                DOE              The Department of Employment is the               the Australian Government                          placement.
                                                                          lead government agency providing
ADULT           A course (via lectures or                                 national leadership in transition of    LLEN(S)   Local Learning and Employment             TAFE     Technical and Further Education
EDUCATION       correspondence) for adults who are                        work and conditions/values in the                 Network(s)
                not otherwise engaged in formal                           workplace                                                                                   TEC      Technical Education Centre i.e:
                study                                                                                             LGA       Local Government Area                              Chisholm Berwick TEC
                                                         DHHS             Department of Health and Human
AMES            Adult Migrant Education Services                          Services (Victoria)                     PACTS     Parents as Career Transitions Support     VCAA     Victorian Curriculum and Assessment
AQF             Australia Qualifications Framework       DVCEA            Dandenong Valley Careers Education      RPL       Recognition of Prior Learning
                                                                          Association                                       (or) formal acknowledgement of            VCAL     Victorian Certificate of Applied
AQTF            Australian Quality Training Framework                                                                       competencies (skills, knowledge                    Learning
                                                         EMPLOYABILITY Employability skills are also                        and attitudes) gained as a result
ASBA            Australian School Based                  SKILLS        sometimes referred to as generic                     of previous formal training, work         VCE      Victorian Certificate of Education
                Apprenticeship                                         skills, capabilities, enabling skills                experience and/or life experience
                                                                       or key competencies. Australia’s                                                               VECCI    Victorian Employers Chamber of
ATAR            Australian Territory Admissions Rank                   Employability Skills were developed        RTO       Registered Training Organisations                  Commerce and Industry
                                                                       in 2002 by the Business Council                      - An RTO is a training organisation
CALD            Culturally and Linguistically Diverse                                                                                                                 VET      Vocational Education and Training
                                                                       of Australia and the Australian                      registered with the local State/
CAREER      Career development is a lifelong                           Chamber of Commerce and Industry,                    Territory Training Recognition
                                                                                                                                                                      VETIS    VET in schools refers to vocational
DEVELOPMENT process that is unique and different                       in consultation with other peak                      Authority involved with the delivery or
                                                                                                                                                                               education and training undertaken by
            for every individual. There are many                       employer bodies                                      assessment of nationally recognised
                                                                                                                                                                               VCE and VCAL students. It includes a
            influences that contribute to an                                                                                training.
                                                         ESL              English as a Second Language                                                                         broad range of articulated programs
            individual’s career                                                                                                                                                combining education, training and
                                                                                                                  SBAT      School Based Apprenticeship
                                                         GTO              Group Training Organisation – have                Traineeships (National acronyms)                   structured workplace learning
CAREER          The development of knowledge,
EDUCATION                                                                 been set up to employ apprentices
                skills and attitudes through a planned                                                                                                                VTAC     Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre a
                                                                          and trainees under an Apprenticeship/   SELLEN    South East Local Learning &
                program of learning experiences that                                                                                                                           centralised admissions centre for most
                                                                          Traineeship Training Contract and                 Employment Network
                assists students to make informed                                                                                                                              undergraduate university and TAFE
                                                                          place them with host employers
                decisions about their study and/or                                                                SEAS      Special Entry Access Schemes                       courses in Victoria
                work options and enables effective
                participation in working life                                                                                                                         YACVIC   Youth Affairs Council of Victoria

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