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Siemens MediaService September 2018 Content MediaService Industry News PRODUCTS From chocolate to special-purpose tomized chocolate production, which trucks and data management: The has enabled a picking system to put 02 Data Management September issue of the MediaService together individual chocolate assort- Industries comes to you with the latest ments. This month’s issue also in- APPLICATIONS news and features from the world of cludes a report on support by PLM drives and automation. We learn Software for the smart production of 03 Chocolate heaven about new data management software semi-conductors and LED manufac- for process analysis technology with turing equipment for the chip industry. 05 Smart manufacturing Simatic Sipat Version 5.1, which al- And finally, PLM Software is also used lows users to observe and monitor the in the manufacture of custom truck su- 07 Truck superstructures to order quality of their products in real time perstructures, not only speeding up during manufacture. On a sweeter the design phase but improving prod- note, we hear about cooperation be- uct engineering and creating a clear tween industry and research for cus- competitive advantage.
MediaService | September 2018 2 Data Management Advanced Data Management for Process Analytical Technology Simatic Sipat version 5.1 - the new data management software for Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Nuremberg, Germany. Siemens is in- ties on this data the end user will tiative. With PAT, product develop- novating its data management soft- have large data volumes correctly ment and production processes can ware for Process Analytical Technolo- aligned within a matter of a few sec- be monitored, controlled and opti- gy (PAT) with Simatic Sipat version onds and an in-depth data analysis mized by measuring the critical-to- 5.1, which allows users to monitor and created in tabular or graphical for- quality attributes (CQA) of raw mate- control the quality of their products in mat. The Dataminer delivers a global rials, process materials and real-time during manufacturing. The view on local data. procedures. This continuous monitor- latest version features a web-based ing of product quality can prevent de- user- friendly Dataminer application Additionally, the graphical object of viations from specifications and transforming massive data amounts the Dataminer delivers capabilities to therefore reduce production costs. In into tabular and graphical data infor- zoom into parts of the graph, to com- addition, it allows for Real Time Re- mation. Moreover, the new charting pare data points over multiple and lease Testing, so quality inspections capabilities deliver an instant view on different graph types in order to give on final products can be reduced or data correlation, shortening end user more insight to the end user. With completely eliminated. investigation time. Simatic Sipat 5.1 each dataset plotted on the chart, helps companies in the pharmaceuti- the meta data (e.g. collector settings, cal, food & beverage and fine chemi- diagnostic info, active alarms) can be cals industries to shorten time to consulted. These new charting capa- market and improve product quality. bilities (e.g. Spectral Heat Map) de- livers an instant view on data corre- With the web-enabled Simatic Sipat lation, shortening investigation time. Dataminer application, data from mul- tiple Sipat data sources and Sipat ver- About Sipat sions can easily be collected. The in- tuitive search capabilities by the filter Simatic Sipat is a scalable and mod- mechanism and the instant preview of ular software solution that enables the query results in a comprehensive companies to extend their quality as- data retrieval process. Moreover, by surance activities on a step-by-step applying the data alignment capabili- basis within the scope of the PAT ini- Simatic Sipat ticals/global/en/pharma-indus- tries/Pages/right-first-time.aspx
MediaService | September 2018 3 Chocolate heaven Industry and research cooperate to enable customized chocolate production The ultimate personal chocolate assortment: A pick system collates individual customer orders placed using Twitter. Buchs/Canton of Aargau, Switzer- trade fair booths. Annoyingly, it usu- land. Although it’s been a buzzword ally seems that all your favorites for some time now, “Industrie 4.0” re- have already been picked out of the mains little more than an abstract bowl. A solution to this age-old prob- concept to many. In a bid to make lem has been devised by Chocolat the term more tangible to students, Frey in the form of a new pick sys- planners, production managers and tem. Customers can order an assort- so on, the Swiss chocolate manufac- ment of their own personal chocolate turer Chocolat Frey AG (Chocolat favorites from Chocolat Frey over Frey), automation specialist Autexis Twitter at any time. Their order is Holding AG (Autexis) and the Univer- then entered into the system’s pro- sity of Applied Sciences Northwest- duction program fully automatically ern Switzerland (FHNW) recently with no human intervention at all. launched a shared project: a pick The individual assortments are put system which puts together individu- together and packaged for shipping ally selected chocolate assortments. entirely by a robot. To implement the system, the part- ners opted to use products and solu- Integrated solution tions from the Siemens portfolio. The pick system allows the different fac- All those involved pulled together to ets of Industrie 4.0 to be clearly illus- implement the project. “Even our trated and also maps out the entire professors took a hand in the pro- value chain. gramming, which is something of a rare event,” recalls Markus Krack, We’re all familiar with those minia- Head of Technology Transfer FITT at ture chocolate thins called naps, set the FHNW. Right from the start, only out to tempt us in surgeries or on Siemens components were consid-
MediaService | September 2018 4 ered when it came to implementing physical system which will enable the project. “We use MindSphere, the mutual learning between the virtual The jointly developed pick system allows the open Cloud eco system from Sie- and real worlds, allowing new pro- different facets of Industrie 4.0 to be clearly mens, as the platform for our Autexis duction processes to be digitally sim- illustrated and also maps out the entire val- apps,” says Autexis owner Philippe ulated prior to commissioning and ue chain. Ramseier. The data gathered from any potential errors detected and Chocolat Frey AG, automation specialist Au- sensors and actuators is transferred fixed in advance. texis Holding AG and the University of Ap- over MindConnect to MindSphere. plied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland The robots are controlled by a Simatic Clearly envisaged potential (FHNW) jointly developed and implemented S7-1500 controller, and engineering the pick system. takes place in the TIA (Totally Integrat- While Chocolat Frey is currently using ed Automation) Portal V15. The pick this production method for demonstra- The project was implemented using Sie- system is operated using two Simatic tion purposes, the company does en- mens solutions such as MindSphere as the platform for the Autexis apps, Simatic S7- KTP900F mobile panels. There are visage the potential it holds for cus- 1500 to control the robot and the TIA Portal plans in place to generate a digital tomized mass production in the future. V15 for engineering. twin of the plant, which will initially The system is currently being treated learn from the real world. The medi- by Chocolat Frey as an innovation The system is operated using two Simatic um-term goal is to create a cyber- platform for process testing. KTP900F mobile panels from Siemens. MindSphere Simatic TIA Portal
MediaService | September 2018 5 Smart manufacturing Networked design and manufacturing with Siemens PLM Software secures market lead ASM Pacific Technology Ltd. (ASM) is a world market leader in the production of semi-conductors and equipment used in the manufacture of LEDs for chip producers around the globe. Shenzhen, China. ASM Pacific by the geographical separation of its Technology Ltd. (ASM) produces design, development and production semi-conductors and equipment facilities. One difficulty encountered used in the manufacture of LEDs was the impossibility of transferring (light-emitting diodes) for chip pro- 3D product models directly into the ducers the world over. To create a manufacturing process due to incom- closer link between computer-based plete product information. The ex- design and production, and to re- change of data between computer- duce engineering times, ASM has aided design (CAD) and opted to use solutions from Siemens manufacturing (CAM) was also time- PLM Software. This decision has en- consuming and difficult. The key to abled ASM to improve its manufac- achieving an optimum production turing efficiency and product quality process was to implement digitaliza- by up 70 percent. tion using the NX software from the Siemens PLM Software solution port- Like a great many other companies, folio. world market leader ASM faces the challenge of engineering and manu- Seamless link between CAD and facturing increasingly complex prod- CAM ucts within ever shorter manufactur- ing cycle times. To be sure of “We began using NX CAM software maintaining its position at the leading from Siemens PLM Software in man- ASM has addressed the challenge of devel- edge of the industry, ASM earkmarks ufacturing factories in 2000,” recalls oping increasingly complex products within ten percent of its profit every year for Chen Lizhi, Head of MIS Information ever shorter manufacturing cycles by creating investment in product development. and Telecommunications Technology a close link between computer-aided design However, development was compro- at ASM. “We have deployed more and manufacturing. mised in terms of speed and quality than 100 suites in factories all over
MediaService | September 2018 6 the world.” The digital transformation ror, as the ASM engineers no longer using the Siemens solution has been need to carry out physical tests. a resounding success, enabling ASM to raise its productivity to a whole 70 percent quality and efficiency new level. The most clearly evident improvement effect was the trouble free link creat- ed between design and manufactur- “NX CAM’s feature-based machining ing. ASM achieves this by using the enables us to truly experience the NX feature FBM (feature-based ma- seamless connection between CAD chining) which allows NX CAM (com- and CAM, enabling manufacturing to puter-aided manufacturing) to auto- respond more quickly to design matically read product and changes, thus significantly reducing manufacturing information (PMI), tol- the time of responding to user re- erances, information about surface quirements and reducing time-to- machining and a whole host of other market,” says Hu Dewen, senior data stored in the 3D model. The sys- CAD/CAM manufacturing manager tem is also able to use this informa- at ASM. “Our statistical results show The use of Siemens solutions has enabled ASM to increase its manufacturing efficiency tion as the basis for automatic calcu- that feature-based machining and and product quality by up to 70 percent. lation of the optimum machining PMI have improved the production method. The simulation and verifica- efficiency and quality of ASM by 70 ASM is using NX software from the Siemens tion function integrated in NX CAM percent, thus saving a lot of valuable PLM Software solution portfolio to shape its also reduces potential sources of er- time.” digital transformation. PLM Software www.plm.automation.siemens. com/global/en/ NX
MediaService | September 2018 7 Truck superstructures to order Customized special-purpose trucks produced with Siemens PLM Software The Siemens solution enables GIF Modul to shorten the design phase, and at the same time improve its competitive standing and product development process. Aszód, Hungary. The Hungarian ture and the lifting equipment are truck manufacturer GIF Modul Kft. precisely in synch, creating a single (GIF) develops and builds trucks with cohesive unit. This is why GIF devel- special superstructures for the auto- ops and builds all the components motive industry. The company also in-house. To ensure a lean, high- enjoys a reputation as a leading speed engineering process and en- manufacturer of heavy-duty cranes. able the implementation of specific Among the greatest challenges faced customer requirements, GIF initially by GIF Modul are designing complex opted to implement the Solid Edge moving components and finding so- 2D Drafting Software from Siemens lutions to individual customer re- PLM Software. As the company start- quirements. This prompted GIF Mod- ed work on a new project to design a ul to implement Solid Edge from winch involving a large number of Siemens PLM Software. This solu- moving parts, GIF Modul decided to tion enables the company to shorten upgrade its Solid Edge software the design phase and at the same package to include the 3D function. time improve its competitive standing This brought about a tangible reduc- and product engineering process. tion of the design workload. The engineering and construction of Wide-ranging integrated functions special vehicles with lifting equip- ment such as heavy-duty cranes is a Once designed, parts can be used Hungarian truck specialist GIF Modul Kft. complex matter. The reliability and multiple times – which speeds up the (GIF) develops and builds trucks with special usability of the finished truck can entire process. It was important for superstructures for the automotive industry, only be guaranteed if the specifica- GIF Modul to be able to quickly local- as well as heavy-duty cranes. tions for the vehicle, the superstruc- ize existing parts. Solid Edge makes
MediaService | September 2018 8 short work of this with its integrated Fast, simple implementation product management capabilities, which allow engineers to quickly “My concern was to implement the To enable the design of moving parts and search for components designed in software quickly enough that we address individual customer requirements, Solid Edge using either the file name didn’t lose too much valuable time,” GIF Modul relies on Solid Edge from Sie- or pre-defined properties. To design recalls Zoltan Imre, CEO (Chief Ex- mens PLM Software. the truck subframes and platforms, the ecutive Officer) at GIF. “We actually GIF engineers use the sheet metal managed to design our new project In the field of customized truck production, and welding design capabilities of Sol- with Solid Edge, and to manufacture the reliability and usability of the finished id Edge, which allows them to effort- the parts on time.” As well as speed- truck depend heavily on the optimum coor- dination of all the components. lessly create sheet metal models on ing up its engineering time, Solid the basis of 2D drawings. The use of Edge has also allowed GIF Modul to The sheet metal and welding design capa- Synchronous Technology supports in- cut delivery periods, resulting in in- bilities of Solid Edge lighten the workload of dependent editing of various func- creased customer satisfaction and a engineers, particularly when it comes to de- tions. clear competitive advantage. signing the subframes and platforms. Solid Edge
MediaService | September 2018 9 Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a global tech- nology powerhouse that has stood for engineering Contact MediaService excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and inter- nationality for 170 years. The company is active Industries around the globe, focusing on the areas of electrifi- Process Industries and Drives cation, automation and digitalization. One of the Evelyne Kadel world’s largest producers of energy-efficient, re- Tel.: +49 (0)211 - 6916 1003 source-saving technologies, Siemens is a leading supplier of efficient power generation and power transmission solutions and a pioneer in infrastruc- David Petry ture solutions as well as automation, drive and soft- Tel.: +49 (0)9131 7 - 26616 ware solutions for industry. With its publicly listed subsidiary Siemens Healthineers AG, the company is also a leading provider of medical imaging equip- Katharina Zoefeld ment – such as computed tomography and magne- Tel.: +49 (0)911 - 895 7958 tic resonance imaging systems – and a leader in la- boratory diagnostics as well as clinical IT. In fiscal 2017, which ended on September 30, 2017, Stefan Rauscher Siemens generated revenue of €83.0 billion and Tel.: +49 (0)911 - 895 7952 net income of €6.2 billion. At the end of September 2017, the company had around 377,000 employees worldwide. Further information is available on the Internet at Digital Factory Katharina Lamsa Tel.: +49 (0)911 - 895 7946 MediaService Industries: Claudia Lanzinger MediaService Industries Digithek Tel.: +49 (69) 480052 - 404 for downloading individual articles from all issues: Gerhard Stauß MediaService Industries application reports may Tel.: +49 (0)911 - 895 7945 be based on previously published Siemens technical articles. Current press releases: Contact MediaService Industries Siemens: Ursula Lang Siemens PLM Software: www.plm.automation.siemens. Tel.: +49 (0)911- 895 7947 com/en_us/about_us/newsroom// Siemens industry topics on Social Media MediaService Industries: Blog: industries-en/ Twitter: YouTube:
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