The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change.

The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change.
                                                                                                                                                              March 2020
                    BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.                                                                                                BANDAI NAMCO Mirai-Kenkyusho
                                                                                                                                       5-37-8 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014

Interview with the President

         The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies
         beyond change.
       BANDAI NAMCO Holdings has announced its results for the first nine months of
       FY2020.3 (April to December, 2019) in February. In this issue of the newsletter,
       BANDAI NAMCO Holdings’ President Mitsuaki Taguchi discusses the results for
       the Group and the trends in each business.

       Would you provide an overview of                        basis. Currently, DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT,
       the results for the first nine months                   which was launched in January, has been highly
       of FY2020.3?                                            evaluated by fans and shipments surpassed
       Taguchi: For the nine-month period, we                  1.5 million units in the first week of sales. We
       achieved net sales of ¥532.5 billion and oper-          are aiming for shipments of 2.0 million units
       ating profit of ¥72.0 billion. This marks the           within FY2020.3. Moving forward, we will                                       Mitsuaki Taguchi
       achievement of record high sales and profits            continue to focus on high-quality development                President & Representative Director,
                                                                                                                                 BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.
       for the first nine months of a fiscal year.             in network content and home video games.
           In the Toys and Hobby business, we had                                                                       the mix in the same period of the previous year,
       favorable results worldwide with products for           Would you discuss the situation in                       when we launched multiple, high-value-added
       the mature fan base, such as Gundam plastic             the Real Entertainment, Visual                           packaged titles. Currently, we are moving ahead
       models and DRAGON BALL figures. Overseas,               and Music Production, and IP C         ­ reation         with the planning of multiple IPs from new
       products for the mature fan base were popular,          businesses in the third quarter?                         viewpoints, and accordingly we would like
       including not only Asia but also North America,         Taguchi: In Real Entertainment, existing amuse-          everyone to look forward with anticipation.
       where we have established sales and marketing           ment facilities in Japan recorded favorable                  In the IP Creation business, we worked to
       companies. In products for younger customers,           sales. Furthermore, we advanced the roll-outs            create IP-related buzz around the world. To
       established-IP* toys and toy-related items,             of new-format facilities that leverage the dis-          that end, we took steps to build excitement in
       such as KAMEN RIDER and Super Sentai,                   tinctive strengths of BANDAI NAMCO, such                 a variety of ways, including visual products
       were popular in Japan. As a result, the Toys            as opening new TONDEMI athletic facilities.              for the Mobile Suit Gundam series, which
       and Hobby business achieved record high results         In amusement machines, sales were down                   reached its 40th anniversary. These products
       in the first nine months of the fiscal year.            from the same period of the previous fiscal              were released in theaters and on TV. The results
           The Network Entertainment business reg-             year, when we launched major titles and intro-           in the licensing business were down in com-
       istered stable results with mainstay network            duced new versions of existing games.                    parison with the same period of the previous
       content titles, including DRAGON BALL, ONE                  The Visual and Music Production business             year, when favorable results were recorded.
       PIECE, and THE IDOLM@STER, as a result                  worked to create buzz through IP production              However, influence on profits was limited due
       of events, updates, and other initiatives. In           initiatives extending to visual, music and live          to a change in the transaction configuration.
       addition, we are also seeing progress with              events. These initiatives included sales of visual       Looking at the Love Live! series, which is one
       new titles, such as GUNDAM BREAKER                      and music packaged products and live events              of a mainstay IPs, we have decided to produce
       MOBILE and Sword Art Online: Alicization                for THE IDOLM@STER, Love Live! Sunshine!!,               new animations and to roll out new projects.
       Braiding, which were introduced in FY2020.3.            and IDOLiSH7 as well as the release of a new             In these ways, we will work to create further
       In home video games, repeat sales of existing           GIRLS und PANZER movie. Profits were influ-              excitement about this IP.
       titles were up year on year on a unit sales             enced by a product mix that was different from
       * IP: Characters and other intellectual property

        In regard to the recent spread of the novel coronavirus, we would like to express our sympathy for those who have contracted this illness or have had their lives
        affected by this crisis. In consideration of these circumstances, the BANDAI NAMCO Group is doing everything it can in such areas as business operations and
        employee work systems. Please note that this newsletter includes information as of the end of February 2020. Thank you for your understanding. We would like
        to offer our prayers for the early recovery of those who have contracted this illness and for the end of this crisis.

                                                                                                                                                          March 2020        1
The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change.
(Information in this section is as of the end of February 2020.)

Interview with the President

                                                                                                                  The Group is stepping up ­Gundam-                    The Group has announced personnel                 What are the Group’s goals
          Striving to create a world in which fans around                                                         related activities.                                  changes at the director level.                    for FY2021.3?
          the world transcend borders to create                                                                   Taguchi: Mobile Suit Gundam reached its 40th         Taguchi: On April 1, Masaru Kawaguchi, the        Taguchi: The changes generated directly and

          ­connections through IP                                                                                 anniversary in 2019, and 2020 will mark the          president of BANDAI CO., LTD., will become        indirectly by digitalization are altering the
                                                                                                                  40th anniversary of Gundam plastic models.           Executive Vice President and Director of          structure of our industry and our markets. In
        The full-year forecasts for FY2020.3                  4 will be launched in the fourth quarter. ONE       Accordingly, we will continue to create buzz         BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc. The objective          response, we have selected CHANGE as the
        have been revised.                                    PIECE Pirate ­Warriors 4 is scheduled for           about this IP in a variety of ways. For the 40th     of this move is to deepen collaboration between   theme of our Mid-term Plan. This choice was
        Taguchi: We reevaluated the full-year forecasts       launch in late March, and accordingly the costs     anniversary of Gundam plastic models, we             management and business execution and to          based on belief that that the Group will have
        for FY2020.3, with consideration for our results      will be recorded upfront in FY2020.3. Also,         will implement cooperative initiatives with          further solidify our management foundation.       no future if we simply continue to follow our
        in the first nine months of the fiscal year, our      due to the title mix and characteristics in the     other companies, such as our collaborative           Moving forward, the Group will strive to work     previous ways of doing things. The speed of
        marketing plans for products and services in          fourth quarter, we expect repeat-title unit sales   products with J.LEAGUE, and launch strategic         together and leverage our comprehensive           change in the current age means that we cannot
        the fourth quarter, and a variety of initiatives      and the download sales ratio to decline year        products. Furthermore, to prepare for future         strengths under the ALL BANDAI NAMCO              afford to stand still. If we move too slowly,
        that we will implement, including investment          on year. FY2020.3 was a period immediately          growth in demand, we will also take steps in         concept. To that end, it will be necessary for    or simply take a passive approach, then it is
        for business development, in FY2021.3 and             preceding the launch of home video game             the area of production, such as expanding our        Group companies to work in a more-unified         possible that the value that we have created
        thereafter. Consequently, we did not change           titles. In FY2021.3 we plan to launch THE           manufacturing base in Shizuoka City in Japan.        manner, to collaborate, and to foster chemical    up to this point will be entirely lost. In the         address customer needs and endeavor to pursue
        the forecast for net sales of ¥720.0 billion,         IDOLM@STER STARLIT SEASON, SWORD                        Currently, Gundam enjoys a high level of         change. In these endeavors, businesses involv-    midst of this change, we must accurately               the true nature of those needs. The continued
        but the forecast for operating profit was             ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris, Mobile              popularity in Asia, including Japan. Moving          ing tangible goods will be one of our core        understand how customers feel about our                existence of the BANDAI NAMCO Group
        revised from ¥70.0 billion to ¥75.0 billion.          Suit Gundam: Extreme Vs. Maxi Boost On,             forward, we will strive to develop this IP into      operational areas. Mr. Kawaguchi, while con-      products and services and carefully determine          rests on our ability to provide products and
            In the fourth quarter, we expect results to       and other titles. Moreover, although the launch     “the world’s Gundam.” In particular, to increase     currently working as the president of BANDAI      our next steps.                                        services that are irreplaceable, for IP and for
        be down year on year. The major reasons               date has yet to be determined, we are moving        awareness overseas, we will step up events,          CO., LTD., will serve as the vice president of        On the front lines, near our customers, we         customers. I believe that the future of BANDAI
        include the following. In the Toys and Hobby          forward with the development of ELDEN               strengthen product and promotion roll-outs,          BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc., and strive            must strive to accurately understand customer          NAMCO lies beyond change. Moving forward,
        business, we are planning e-commerce site             RING, which is highly anticipated by fans.          and implement a variety of other initiatives.        to advance integration and collaboration from     trends and thinking. This will continue to be          we will strive to be a Group that responds
        promotions in global markets as we move to                                                                In 2020, we will set up a life-size moving           the optimal viewpoint.                            important for BANDAI NAMCO. And in                     flexibly to the emerging trends of the times
        strengthen roll-outs of products for the mature       Would you discuss dividends                         Gundam Statue in Yokohama, and Gundam                                                                  providing products and services, we must               and continues to CHANGE.
        fan base around the world, and we are also            for FY2020.3?                                       will serve as ambassador of the Japan Pavilion
        planning initiatives for the 40th anniversary         Taguchi: The basic dividend policy of BANDAI        at Expo 2020 Dubai. Moreover, the “G-SAT-
        of Gundam plastic models. Moreover, in con-           NAMCO Holdings is to provide a return to            ELLITE into Space” initiative, which is a              Directors at Major Companies in the BANDAI NAMCO Group (as of April 1, 2020)
        sideration of market conditions in the year-end/      shareholders that targets a total return ratio      project led by JAXA, will involve the launch
        New Year’s sales period, we are taking a cau-         of 50% or more based on stable dividend             of Gundam plastic models into space. In 2020,
                                                                                                                                                                       BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.                        BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.                     BANDAI NAMCO Arts Inc.
        tious approach to future forecasts. In a typical      payments of 2% of DOE (dividends on equity),        Japan and Japanese culture will be the focus
                                                                                                                                                                       President and Representa-                         President and Representa-                            President and Representa-
        fiscal year, the fourth quarter is a period in        while maintaining a stable level of dividends       of attention from around the world. We will          tive Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mitsuaki Taguchi    tive Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Yasuo Miyakawa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tive Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kazumi Kawashiro
        which we record upfront costs related to the          over the long term and focusing on the cost         work to create buzz, identify expectations,          Executive Vice President                          Managing Director             Nao Udagawa            Vice President and Repre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Masaru Kawaguchi *                                                                                               Shunji Inoue
        launch of core IP in preparation for the fol-         of capital. In accordance with this basic policy,   and link these trends to the live-action film        and Director                                                                                           sentative Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Managing Director           Naoki Katashima *
        lowing fiscal year. In the fourth quarter of the      we revised our FY2020.3 forecast for annual         that is currently being produced jointly with        Director                         Shuji Ohtsu                                                           Executive Director                  Satoshi Kono *
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Director                       Toru Konno
        current fiscal year, we will start the roll-out       dividends to ¥123 per share, including the          Hollywood. Moving forward, we will strive            Director                         Yuji Asako                                                            Director                            Hideyuki Kurita
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Director                     Hiroshi Kawasaki
        of Healin’ Good ♥ PRETTY CURE! and Mashin             stable dividend portion of ¥40 and a results-       to create a world in which fans around the           Director (Part-time)          Yasuo Miyakawa                                                           Director                              Yuka Sakurai
                                                                                                                  globe transcend borders to create connections                                                          Director                     Masahiro Shimizu
        Sentai Kiramager products, and from April             linked dividend of ¥83. An interim dividend
                                                                                                                                                                       Director (Part-time)          Hitoshi Hagiwara                                                         Director                             Kenji Hamada
        we will roll out Digimon Adventure: products.         of ¥20 per share has already been paid, and         through the Gundam IP.                                                                                 Director (Part-time)        Daisuke Uchiyama *
                                                                                                                                                                       Director (Part-time)         Kazumi Kawashiro                                                          Director                           Kimikazu Ueyama
        We will do our utmost to successfully launch          accordingly the year-end dividend forecast is                                                                                                              Director (Part-time)        Masaru Kawaguchi
                                                                                                                                                                       Director (Part-time)          Makoto Asanuma                                                           Director (Part-time)              Kiyoko Matsumura
        these IPs as we move toward FY2021.3.                 ¥103 per share.
                                                                                                                                                                       Director (Outside)            Yuzuru Matsuda      BANDAI NAMCO Amusement Inc.                          Director (Part-time)                 Takaaki Suzuki
            In network entertainment, in the fourth
                                                                                                                                                                       Director (Outside)            Satoko Kuwabara     President and Representa-                            Director (Part-time)               Makoto Asanuma
        quarter we will continue to approach customers                                                                                                                                                                   tive Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Hitoshi Hagiwara
        worldwide through such initiatives as events                                                                                                                   Director (Outside)             Mikiharu Noma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Executive Vice President    Kazuya Kiyoshima        SUNRISE INC.
        for existing core titles in network content.                                                                                                                   Director (Outside)             Koichi Kawana
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Managing Director             Seiji Kagawa *         President and Representa-
        Furthermore, we will strengthen new titles                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Makoto Asanuma
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              tive Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Director                    Haruo Iwayaguchi
        and work to maintain a stable business scale.                                                                                                                  BANDAI CO., LTD.                                                                                       Managing Director                      Shin Sasaki
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Director                    Yoshiyasu Horiuchi
        In the network content business, worldwide,                                                                                                                    President and Representa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Masaru Kawaguchi                                                          Director                             Naoya Masaki
                                                                                                                                                                       tive Director                                     Director (Part-time)        Takahiro Mizuno
        we plan to launch eight more new titles in t
                                                                                                                                                                       Director                        Akihiro Sato                                                           Director (Part-time)                Masayuki Ozaki
        he fourth quarter than in the same period of                                                                                          ◀Gundam specially
                                                                                                                                                 designed for the      Director                      Nobuhiko Momoi                                                           Director (Part-time)              Kazuhiro Takenaka
        the previous year. Accordingly, the burden
                                                                                                                                                   Japan Pavilion at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Director (Part-time)                Hirofumi Inagaki
        of development expenses and other initial                                                                                                Expo 2020 Dubai       Director                       Shinjirou Kaji
                                                                                                                                                     ©創通・サンライズ                                                                                                                Director (Part-time)              Yoshiyasu Horiuchi
        expenses is expected to increase. In home                                                                                                                      Director                       Akira Togashi
        video games, the new titles DRAGON BALL            ▲ Home video game ONE PIECE Pirate Warriors 4                                                              Director (Part-time)              Taro Tsuji                                                           Director (Part-time)                 Satoshi Kono
        Z KAKAROT and ONE PIECE Pirate Warriors                               ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.                                                         Director (Part-time)         Yasuo Miyakawa                                                                           Newly appointed     * Change in position

    2    BANDAI NAMCO NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            March 2020           3
The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change.
(Information in this section is as of the end of February 2020.)


                                                                                                                as an opportunity and to provide customers            Group has leveraged its distinctive strengths      operates one of Japan’s largest platforms
      Providing high-quality products around the                                                                around the world with products that leverage          to establish a cycle under which we work           exclusively for contributions of original manga.
      world while accelerating collaboration inside                                                             our strengths.                                        together to create IP, leverage our compre-        The production of animations involves a large
      and outside the Group                                                                                                                                           hensive strengths to make that IP a hit, and       number of processes, and it is difficult for one
                                                                                                                What is the secret to creating                        then use the resulting profits to invest in the    company to handle all of them. Accordingly,
    The IP Creation Unit handles a range of visual production activities, including                             high-quality products?                                creation of the next IP. Going forward, I think    I think that it is important to strengthen our
    ­planning and production of animations as well as the management and use of                                 Asanuma: It is important to rapidly create large      we should strive to accelerate that cycle.         foundation for the creation of visual products
     copyrights and other rights. In accordance with its Mid-term Vision—Evolving                               numbers of products while maintaining high                                                               through these types of measures. In addition,
     from Animation Production Company to IP Development—the Unit is aggres-                                    levels of quality. Judgments about the quality        Progress is also being made with the               there is a growing labor shortage in animation.
     sively taking on the challenges of further reinforcing the strengths of its existing                       of a visual product can only be made when             establishment of a business                        In this environment, we have established the
     IP, while at the same time strengthening its ability to create IP without being                            users watch the completed product on a screen.        ­foundation and collaboration outside              Sunrise Drawing Academy, and we are offering
     bound by animation frameworks, as well as bolstering its ability to communicate                            If you are just thinking about a plan, you will        the Group.                                        grants to support students. In these ways, we
     the appeal of IP in markets around the world. In this section, Makoto Asanuma,                             not obtain evaluations from users, and accord-         Asanuma: We have received the transfer of         are working to support the development of
     the president of SUNRISE, which is the core company of the IP Creation Unit, dis-                          ingly it is essential to move rapidly in the           the visual production business from XEBEC         animators. By providing opportunities for
     cusses the Unit’s market environment, focus titles, and vision for the future.                             creation of a visual product. However, visual          and established SUNRISE BEYOND. We have           younger generations to acquire skills, we will
                                                                                                                production involves creating 1 from 0, that is,        also invested in Sublimation Inc., a CG pro-      strive to activate the animation industry.
    It has been a year since you                            Would you discuss the operating                     creating something from nothing, and this              duction company, and echoes Inc., which
    became president of SUNRISE.                            environment in the IP Creation Unit?                process entails significant struggles. To over-
    Asanuma: I have been a member of the man-               Asanuma: Japanese animation has always              come those difficulties, it is important to believe
    agement team at SUNRISE INC., serving from              been highly evaluated on the global stage           in your own product plan and to have the                Working to future bolster Gundam, Love Live!,                                                                                    Makoto Asanuma
    April 2018 as Senior Managing Director and              for its quality and quantity. Through the global    strength to charge ahead. To cultivate that type
    from April 2019 as President and Representative         advances of online video distribution services,     of attitude, we are holding regular lecture             and other popular IP and to promote the                                                                       President and Representative Director,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUNRISE INC.
    Director. Before I moved to SUNRISE, I worked           such as over the Internet, Japanese animations      meetings with experts from inside and outside           creation of new IP
    with products and services utilizing IP in the          can be enjoyed around the world. We now             the company, such as the company’s highly
    Network Entertainment Unit, principally games,          have an environment that makes it possible          experienced producers and officers from other         Gundam marked its 40th ­anniversary                point. In addition to live events, such as Love         What are your policies toward work?
    etc. In the Network Entertainment Unit, the             to further increase the creation of global hits.    Units. We are also implementing initiatives           in 2019.                                           Live! Fest, which brings together the school            Asanuma: A company comprises the employees
    creation of new IP, such as IP from games, was              Furthermore, in many countries CG ani-          to support employee motivation.                       Asanuma: We rolled out a variety of initiatives    idols who appear in the series, we also rolled          working on the front lines. Of course, it also
    an important initiative. The mission of the IP          mation is the mainstream rather than                    Moreover, the promotion of collaboration          for the Mobile Suit Gundam 40th Anniversary        out a variety of anniversary-related initiatives,       involves working in accordance with instruc-
    Creation Unit incorporates not only creating            hand-drawn animation, and in this environ-          within the Group, in ways that transcend Unit         Project, centered on five visual products. We      such as goods, visual products, music, etc.             tions from senior management, but ultimately
    IP but also aiming to maximize IP value by              ment the quality of hand-drawn Japanese             boundaries, is also a positive factor in the          have strengthened overseas roll-outs, and in       We recently decided to produce a new series             what is important is employees doing their
    working in close cooperation with other Units.          animation has become a strength. SUNRISE            creation of visual products. Personnel exchanges      July Mobile Suit Gundam: Narrative became          of TV animations, and accordingly we                    jobs with motivation and loyalty. There is a
        Furthermore, production studios play a central      has established a production department             within the Group are being actively promoted.         the first Gundam series product to be released     will strive to create even more buzz as we              difference in the quality of work when you
    role in our organization, which makes us a              specializing in CG, and accordingly we can          For example, I became president of SUNRISE            in theaters in China. We have also opened an       move forward.                                           do something because you were told to or you
    unique Unit within the Group. As the president          determine how to produce more-appealing             after working as a director at BANDAI NAMCO           official YouTube channel, the “Gundam Chan-                                                                do something on your own initiative. The role
    of the IP Creation Unit’s core company, I have          animations by combining the quality of              Entertainment Inc. Under the IP axis strategy,        nel,” which we are using to provide information    What products will the Unit focus on?                   of senior management is to establish an envi-
    a strong sense of the importance of my duties           hand-drawing with CG technologies. In this          the drive to create new IP has permeated              about Gundam to fans around the world.             Asanuma: In the Aikatsu! series, which is the           ronment that enables employees to turn in
    and a great feeling of satisfaction about working       way, we can strengthen our operations. Going        throughout the Group. These factors are having            In 2020, we plan to hold the theater opening   Group’s original IP, the latest product is Aikatsu      good performances. I believe that is the best
    in the creative business of visual production.          forward, we will strive to approach change          a major influence. The BANDAI NAMCO                   of Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway, the latest         on Parade!, which has been popular since                way to improve a company. Going forward,
                                                                                                                                                                      visual product in the Gundam series, on July       broadcasts started in October 2019. April 2020          I will strive to establish a distinctive IP Creation
                                                                                                                                                                      23, and in October we plan to hold the public      will mark the start of “Wave, Listen to me!,”           Unit style of management that enables employ-
                                                                                                                                                                      opening of a life-size moving Gundam in            a TV animation based on a manga featuring               ees to tackle their work in a spirit of autonomy
                                                                                                                                                                      Yokohama. Moreover, at the Expo 2020 Dubai,        a Hokkaido radio station created in collabo-            and independence.
                                                                                                                                                                      which will open in October, Gundam will serve      ration with the monthly magazine Afternoon.
                                                                                                                                                                      as the PR ambassador for the Japan Pavilion.       We are also preparing products for global
                                                                                                                                                                      Through this bold initiative, we will strive to    markets, such as a live-action Gundam film
                                                                                                                                                                      help Gundam make a leap to the status of           in joint production with Hollywood, and
                                                                                                                                                                      global IP.                                         Cowboy Bebop, a live-action TV series that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         will be distributed on Netflix in the U.S. In
                                                                                                                                                                      Love Live! reached its 9th anniversary.            addition, we are also actively working with
                                                                                                                                                                      Asanuma: The theme of this IP is the activities    the planning of visual products for new IP. So
                                            ▲ A new Love Live! series will be produced.                   ▲ Sunrise Drawing Academy
                                                                                                                                                                      of nine girls, so from the beginning we have       there is a lot to look forward to.
                                            ◀ We are planning to exhibit a life-size moving Gundam in                                                                considered the ninth anniversary to be a turning
                                               Yokohama in October 2020.

4    BANDAI NAMCO NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 March 2020           5
The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change. The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change. The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change. The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change. The future of BANDAI NAMCO lies beyond change.
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