SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall

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SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
22 April
Sydney Town Hall


                     Principal Partner

Presenting Partner
SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
SYDNEY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA                                                                                              2021 CONCERT SEASON
                                                                                                                       SYMPHONY HOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                     Thursday 22 April, 7pm
                                                                                                                                                                                     Sydney Town Hall

PATRON Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley ac qc
Founded in 1932 by the Australian Broadcasting Commission, the Sydney Symphony
Orchestra has evolved into one of the world’s finest orchestras as Sydney has
become one of the world’s great cities. Resident at the iconic Sydney Opera House,
the Sydney Symphony Orchestra also performs in venues throughout Sydney and
regional New South Wales, and international tours to Europe, Asia and the USA have
earned the Orchestra worldwide recognition for artistic excellence.
The Orchestra’s first chief conductor was Sir Eugene Goossens, appointed in 1947;
he was followed by Nicolai Malko, Dean Dixon, Moshe Atzmon, Willem van Otterloo,                                       SIBELIUS
                                                                                                                       SYMPHONY NO.2
Louis Frémaux, Sir Charles Mackerras, Zdenêk Mácal, Stuart Challender, Edo de
Waart and Gianluigi Gelmetti. Vladimir Ashkenazy was Principal Conductor from
2009 to 2013, followed by David Robertson as Chief Conductor from 2014 to 2019.
Australia-born Simone Young has been the Orchestra’s Chief Conductor Designate
since 2020. She commences her role as Chief Conductor in 2022 as the Orchestra
returns to the renewed Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House.
The Sydney Symphony Orchestra's concerts encompass masterpieces from the
classical repertoire, music by some of the finest living composers, and collaborations
                                                                                                                       BENJAMIN NORTHEY conductor                                    ESTIMATED DURATIONS
with guest artists from all genres, reflecting the Orchestra's versatility and diverse                                                                                               4 minutes, 7 minutes,
appeal. Its award-winning education program is central to its commitment to the                                                                                                      47 minutes.
future of live symphonic music, and the Orchestra promotes the work of Australian
composers through performances, recordings and its commissioning program.                                              MARIA GRENFELL (BORN 1969)                                    COVER IMAGE
                                                                                                                       Gaudete Fanfare                                               Photo by Aaron Burden

Simone Young         SECOND VIOLINS        CELLOS                  CLARINETS                 TROMBONES                 MAX RICHTER (BORN 1966)
Chief Conductor
                     Marina Marsden        Catherine Hewgill       Francesco Celata          Scott Kinmont             On the Nature of Daylight
                     Principal             Principal               Acting Principal          Associate Principal
Donald Runnicles     Marianne Edwards      Leah Lynn               Christopher Tingay        Nick Byrne
Principal Guest
                     Associate Principal   Acting Associate        James Burke               Christopher Harris        JEAN SIBELIUS (1865–1957)
                     Emma Jezek            Principal               Principal                 Principal Bass Trombone
Vladimir Ashkenazy   Assistant Principal   Kristy Conrau
                                                                                                                       Symphony No.2 in D major, Op.43
                                                                   Alexander Morris          Ronald Prussing
Conductor Laureate
                     Alice Bartsch         Fenella Gill            Principal Bass Clarinet   Principal                 Allegretto
                                           Timothy Nankervis
Andrew Haveron       Victoria Bihun
                                           Elizabeth Neville       BASSOONS                  TUBA                      Tempo andante
Concertmaster        Rebecca Gill
Chair supported by   Emma Hayes            Christopher Pidcock     Todd Gibson-Cornish       Steve Rossé               Vivacissimo –
                                           David Wickham
Vicki Olsson         Shuti Huang
                                           Adrian Wallis
                                                                   Principal                 Principal                 Allegro moderato
                     Monique Irik                                  Fiona McNamara
                     Benjamin Li                                                             TIMPANI
FIRST VIOLINS                              DOUBLE BASSES           Matthew Wilkie
                     Nicole Masters                                                          Mark Robinson
Andrew Haveron                             Kees Boersma            Principal Emeritus
                     Maja Verunica                                                           Acting Principal
Concertmaster                              Principal               Noriko Shimada
                     Kirsty Hilton
Sun Yi                                     Alex Henery             Principal                 PERCUSSION
Associate                                  Principal               Contrabassoon
                     Wendy Kong                                                              Rebecca Lagos             Maria Grenfell’s Gaudete Fanfare was made possible through
                                           Steven Larson           HORNS                     Principal
Lerida Delbridge     VIOLAS                Richard Lynn                                      Timothy Constable
                                                                                                                       the Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s 50 Fanfares Project and was
Assistant                                                          Ben Jacks                                           commissioned by the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, supported
                     Tobias Breider        Jaan Pallandi
Concertmaster                                                      Principal                 * = Guest Musician
                     Principal             Benjamin Ward                                                               by the Neilson Foundation.
Fiona Ziegler                              David Campbell          Geoffrey O’Reilly         ° = Contract Musician
                     Amanda Verner                                 Principal 3rd Horn
                     Acting Principal                                                        † = Sydney Symphony
Concertmaster                              FLUTES                  Euan Harvey
                     Sandro Costantino                                                       Fellow
Kirsten Williams                           Joshua Batty            Marnie Sebire
                     Rosemary Curtin                                                         Grey = Permanent
Associate                                  Principal               Rachel Silver
                     Graham Hennings                                                         Member of the Sydney
Concertmaster                              Carolyn Harris
                     Stuart Johnson                                TRUMPETS                  Symphony Orchestra
                     Justine Marsden       Emma Sholl                                        not appearing in
Jenny Booth                                                        David Elton               this concert
                     Felicity Tsai         Associate Principal
Sophie Cole                                                        Principal
                     Leonid Volovelsky
Claire Herrick       Dana Lee†             OBOES                   Anthony Heinrichs
Georges Lentz                                                      Daniel Henderson*
                     Justin Williams       Diana Doherty
Nicola Lewis
                     Acting Associate      Principal
Emily Long
                     Principal             Shefali Pryor
Alexandra Mitchell
Léone Ziegler        Anne-Louise           Associate Principal
Tim Yu†              Comerford             Alexandre Oguey
                     Associate Principal   Principal Cor Anglais
Harry Bennetts
                     Jane Hazelwood                                                                                    PRESENTING PARTNER                                                          PRINCIPAL PARTNER
Brielle Clapson
Alexander Norton
Anna Skálová
SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
WELCOME                                                                             ABOUT THE ARTISTS

PRESENTING PARTNER                                                                  BENJAMIN NORTHEY conductor
                                                                                    Australian conductor Benjamin Northey is the Chief
                                                                                    Conductor of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra and
                                                                                    the Principal Conductor in Residence of the Melbourne
                                                                                    Symphony Orchestra. Previously Resident Guest
                                                                                    Conductor of the Australia Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra
                                                                                    (2002-2006) and Principal Conductor of the Melbourne
Credit Suisse, Premier Partner of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra
                                                                                    Chamber Orchestra (2007-2010), Limelight Magazine
welcomes you to Sibelius Symphony No.2.
                                                                                    named him Australian Artist of the Year in 2018.
The cinematic style of Max Richter and Sibelius’ Second Symphony feature in
                                                                                    Northey also appears regularly as a guest conductor
this evening’s program, as well as Maria Grenfell’s Gaudete Fanfare; a virtuosic
                                                                                    with all major Australian symphony orchestras, Opera
work for the brass section. The piece was commissioned by Sydney Symphony
                                                                                    Australia (Turandot, L’elisir d’amore, Don Giovanni,
Orchestra for their 50 Fanfares project, designed to fill a gap in the Australian
                                                                                    Così fan tutte, Carmen), New Zealand Opera                Benjamin Northey
music landscape and affirm our country’s creative position in the world.
                                                                                    (Sweeney Todd) and State Opera South Australia (La        Photo: Julian Kingma
When nurtured from a young age, creativity can grow and continue for                sonnambula, L’elisir d’amore, Les contes d’Hoffmann).
generations. That is why Credit Suisse has worked in partnership with the           His international appearances include concerts with the
Sydney Symphony Orchestra to provide access to music to young children in           London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Tokyo Philharmonic
Sydney and Melbourne since 2018. This year, over 1,000 students and teachers        Orchestra, the Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg, the Hong
will attend orchestra performances as part of the Credit Suisse Sydney              Kong Philharmonic, the National Symphony Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra Music Education Program. The six primary schools in              of Colombia, the Malaysian Philharmonic and the
our program have also received teacher training in music education and new          New Zealand Symphony, Auckland Philharmonia and
instruments to inspire the next generation of talent.                               Christchurch Symphony Orchestras.
Thank you for joining the Sydney Symphony Orchestra tonight, and we hope            With a progressive and diverse approach to repertoire,
you enjoy this performance.                                                         he has collaborated with a broad range of artists
                                                                                    including Maxim Vengerov, Julian Rachlin, Karen
                                                                                    Gomyo, Piers Lane, Alban Gerhardt, Johannes Moser,
                                                                                    Piers Lane, Amy Dickson, Slava Grigoryan & Marc-André
                                                                                    Hamelin as well as popular artists Tim Minchin, KD
                                                                                    Lang, Kate Miller-Heidke, Barry Humphries, Kurt Elling,
                                                                                    James Morrison and Tori Amos.
                                                                                    In 2021, he conducts the Christchurch Symphony, the
                                                                                    Australian Youth Orchestra and all six Australian state
                                                                                    symphony orchestras.

Richard Gibb
Chief Executive Officer
Credit Suisse Australia
SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
ABOUT THE MUSIC                                                                                        ABOUT THE MUSIC

Born in Malaysia and educated in New Zealand and                                                       The ‘hit single’ from the album was On The Nature Of
the USA, Maria Grenfell is an Associate Professor at the                                               Daylight, which was rapidly taken up by film directors
University of Tasmania Conservatorium of Music and co-                                                 such as Martin Scorsese in Shutter Island, and several
ordinates the composition stream. Her works have been                                                  others, most recently Denis Villeneuve in Arrival as
performed extensively in Australia and New Zealand, as                                                 a crucial element of the soundtrack. By definition it
well as by the Vienna Piano Trio and members of eighth                                                 deals with the passing of time, reflecting in the music’s
blackbird. She describes her new fanfare, saying:                                                      structure. Like Baroque forms such as the passacaglia,
                                                                                                       in which a repeated idea underlies a texture that grows
  Gaudete Fanfare for brass celebrates the excitement                                                  by accretion, this work begins with simple four-chord
  of musical performance. Gaudete Fanfare borrows                                                      patterns, adding layers of stepwise minor-mode melody
  from and re-harmonises the 16th-century carol,                                                       that move at different speeds in the different string
  Gaudete Christus est natus: ‘Rejoice, rejoice, Christ                                                voices to create a sense of massive resonance, as in
  is born.’ While not a religious piece, my fanfare seeks                                              some works of Arvo Pärt.
  to create a virtuosic work for orchestral brass with                  Maria Grenfell                 Sibelius, like Brahms, came relatively late to writing           Franz Kafka
  antiphonal techniques used by Renaissance Italian                                                    symphonies, producing his First at the age of thirty-
  composer Giovanni Gabrieli, where different groups                                                   three and premiering it in 1899. Like Brahms, though,
  of instruments engage in lively conversation with one                                                Sibelius had accrued considerable experience in
  another across the ensemble and the space.                                                           writing for orchestra. The 1890s saw the composition
                                                                                                       of works like Kullervo, En saga, movements which later
Maria Grenfell’s Gaudete Fanfare was made possible through the Sydney
Symphony Orchestra’s 50 Fanfares Project and was commissioned by the                                   became the Karelia Suite and the original version of the
Sydney Symphony Orchestra, supported by the Neilson Foundation.                                        Lemminkäinen Suite which depicts heroic tales from the
                                                                                                       Finnish mythological cycle, the Kalevala.
Grenfell provides a stage plan for her 11 brass instruments                                            What all these works have in common, of course, is
to achieve the antiphonal effects which the flanking                                                   their preoccupation with the myths and legends of
galleries of San Marco in Venice provided for Gabrieli.                                                Finland, which remained until 1917 a satellite of Imperial
The texture is dominated at first by emphatic staccato                                                 Russia. As a member of the Swedish-speaking minority
rhythms, offset by unexpected ‘short’ bars, into which                                                 in Finland, Sibelius hadn’t given much thought to the
fragments of the chant float before gradually coalescing                                               traditional mythology of the Finns until his engagement
into radiant harmony.                                                                                  in 1890 to Aino Järnefelt, whose family were very pro-
German-born British composer Max Richter has a                                                         Finnish. At the time he was studying in Vienna, where
                                                                        The Basilica of San Marco,     the music of Anton Bruckner made a deep impact on                Jean Sibelius
distinguished career in electro-acoustic work, including                Venice, where Gabrieli wrote
scores for the stage and screen, and the post-minimalist                                               him. While Sibelius’ enthusiasm for Bruckner cooled
                                                                        for antiphonal brass choirs    over the years, the influence of the Austrian composer –
aspect of his style makes for a fruitful point of contact
between his music and that of the Baroque in works such                                                particularly his ability to structure large-scale symphonic
as his ‘recomposition’ of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons.                                                      movements – remained crucial.
Richter is a politically engaged composer; his second                                                  Sibelius’ nationalist music was related to a growing
album The Blue Notebooks (released in 2003 and re-                                                     political consciousness: by 1899 the Russians were
released with various enhancements in 2018) has been                                                   actively discriminating against Finns and suppressing
described as a subtle and peaceful protest against                                                     their language. The work we know as Finlandia was
political, social and personal brutality. It included narrated                                         banned by the Russians and had to be performed under
texts from Franz Kafka’s ‘Blue Octavo Notebooks’, the                                                  the politically inoffensive title of ‘Prelude’, though no Finn
composer explaining that they                                                                          in the audience was unaware of the work’s significance.
                                                                                                       Sibelius’ enterprise in the 1890s, then, was to create a
  reflected on my sense of the politics of the time.                                                   Finnish musical language out of the drama of its legends,
  Facts were beginning to be replaced by subjective                                                    the typical modal patterns of its folk-song (though
  assertions in the build-up to the Iraq war, which                                                    he never quoted actual folk-tunes) and the rhythmic
  seemed to be viewed as inevitable and justified in spite                                             imprint of its verse, and to blend these elements with the
  of all the evidence to the contrary. Kafka’s use of the                                              contemporary idioms of Bruckner, Liszt and Tchaikovsky.
  absurd to investigate power structures struck me as                   Max Richter                    Sibelius always denied that the Second Symphony, which
  highly relevant. He is, of course, the patron saint of                                               appeared in 1902, had any extra-musical significance.
  doubt, and doubt – about politics, and the way society                                               The journey it enacts from darkness to light relates it
  was heading – was what I was looking to express. The                                                 to works of ‘absolute’ music such as certain Beethoven
  texts were specifically picked because they refer to                                                 symphonies, but commentators – particularly in Finland
  childhood, or the passing of time, when everything                                                   – have often argued for its having an implicit program
  around is failing.                                                                                   of national liberation. The audiences at its premiere
SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
ABOUT THE MUSIC                                               THANK YOU

performances certainly thought so: the concerts were          Every gift makes a difference. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity
sold-out, the audiences ecstatic and the composer             of our community, including those who wish to remain anonymous.
acclaimed as a national hero.
Its first movement seems to evoke the pastoral                VISIONARIES                                          Darin Cooper Foundation
landscapes of Finland, shot through with a sense of           Brian Abel                                           Simon Johnson
incipient grief. During its course the symphony passes        Geoff Ainsworth am & Johanna Featherstone            Dr John Lam-Po-Tang
through often fragmentary stages of deep melancholy           Antoinette Albert                                    The late Dr Barry Landa
and conflict before emerging in the final movement with       Terrey Arcus am & Anne Arcus                         Warren & Marianne Lesnie
one of Sibelius’ most stirring and memorable tunes.           The Berg Family Foundation                           Sylvia & the late Sol Levi
                                                              Robert & Janet Constable                             Helen Lynch am & Helen Bauer
In fact, Sibelius began writing music which ended up
                                                              Crown Resorts Foundation                             Susan Maple-Brown am
in the symphony while holidaying in Italy, leading some
                                                              Gillian Eldershaw                                    The Hon. Justice AJ Meagher & Fran Meagher
writers to comment on the more than usually warm
                                                              Dr Gary Holmes & Dr Anne Reeckmann                   John & Jane Morschel
textures that he draws from a modestly constituted
                                                              Dr Rachael Kohn ao & Tom Breen                       Janet & Michael Neustein
orchestra. From his correspondence we know he was
                                                              Sir Frank Lowy ac & the late Lady Shirley Lowy oam   Kenneth R Reed am
contemplating at least two projects: a set of tone-poems
                                                              Bob Magid oam & Ruth Magid                           Geoffrey Robertson ao
called Festivals and a single movement work – inspired
                                                              Anthony & Suzanne Maple-Brown                        Graeme Robertson
perhaps by Richard Strauss, whom Sibelius had recently
                                                              Neilson Foundation                                   Tim Robertson sc
met – on the story of Don Juan. Out of the sketches
                                                              Roslyn Packer ac (President, Maestro’s Circle)       In memory of Joyce Sproat
for these works, Sibelius fashioned some of his most
                                                              Packer Family Foundation                             James Stening
memorable gestures: the sinister opening of the second
                                                              Drs Keith & Eileen Ong                               June & Alan Woods Family Bequest
movement, with its soft pizzicato opening, horn calls and
bassoon solo was originally to have evoked the figure of      Patricia H Reid Endowment Pty Ltd                    $10,000+
Death arriving at Don Juan’s castle.                          Doris Weiss & the late Peter Weiss ao                Rob Baulderstone & Mary Whelan
                                                              (President Emeritus, Maestro’s Circle)               Roxane Clayton
The work may be a document of national liberation, but        Judy & Sam Weiss
it is also about the process of unifying and reconciling                                                           Richard Cobden sc
diverse, often fragmentary, musical gestures, so that         MAESTRO’S CIRCLE                                     Janet Cooke
the expansive melody of the finale seems the inevitable       Robert Albert ao & Elizabeth Albert                  The Greatorex Fund
outcome of all that went before. Five years later, Sibelius   Christine Bishop                                     Carolyn Githens
would have his much reported meeting with Mahler              Dr Rebecca Chin                                      Dr Bruno & Rhonda Giuffre
where he advocated a ‘severity of style and the profound      John C Conde ao                                      Dr Margot Harris
logic that creates an inner connection between all the        Edward & Diane Federman                              The Hilmer Family Endowment
motifs’. Mahler’s response, ‘No, the symphony must be         Ian Dickson & Reg Holloway                           Roland Lee
like the world and embrace everything’ missed the point.      Nora Goodridge oam                                   Dr Lee MacCormick Edwards Charitable
                                                              Ingrid Kaiser                                        Foundation
In their different ways, they were saying the same thing.
                                                              I Kallinikos                                         Russell & Mary McMurray
Gordon Kerry © 2021                                                                                                Sue Milliken ao
                                                              Sharon & Anthony Lee Foundation
                                                              Ian & Ann Levi                                       Dr Dominic Pak & Cecilia Tsai
                                                              Catriona Morgan-Hunn                                 Nigel & Carol Price
                                                              Karen Moses                                          Sylvia Rosenblum
                                                              Nelson Meers Foundation                              Dougall Squair
                                                              Vicki Olsson                                         Rod Sims & Alison Pert
                                                              The Ross Trust                                       Penelope Seidler am
                                                              Paul Salteri am & Sandra Salteri                     Geoff Stearn
                                                              In memory of Mrs W Stening                           Tony Strachan
                                                              Kathy White                                          Howard Tanner am & Mary Tanner
                                                              In memory of Dr Bill Webb & Helen Webb               Judge Robyn Tupman
                                                              Caroline Wilkinson oam                               Russell Tagg & Pat Woolley
                                                              Ray Wilson oam, in memory of James Agapitos oam      Yim Family Foundation
                                                              PATRONS PROGRAM
                                                              Ainsworth Foundation
                                                              Doug & Alison Battersby
                                                                                                                   For a full listing of our Sydney Symphony family
                                                              Dugald Black                                         of donors, please visit
                                                              Audrey Blunden                                       supporters.
                                                              Sandra & Neil Burns                                  To discuss your giving or learn which areas most need
                                                              Robert & L Alison Carr                               your support, please contact our Philanthropy team on
                                                              Bob & Julie Clampett                                 02 8215 4674 or
SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                       THANK YOU
Terrey Arcus am Chairman              The Hon. Justice AJ Meagher
Geoff Ainsworth am                    Sam Meers ao
Andrew Baxter                         Karen Moses Deputy Chair
Kees Boersma                          Dr John Vallance
Emma Dunch CEO                        Geoff Wilson
Catherine Hewgill

                                                                         PRINCIPAL PARTNER      GOVERNMENT PARTNERS
Emma Dunch                            Claire Herrick
Chief Executive Officer               Violin
I Kallinikos Chair                    Russell & Mary McMurray Chair
Andrew Haveron                        Catherine Hewgill
Concertmaster                         Principal Cello                                           The Sydney Symphony Orchestra is assisted by           The Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Vicki Olsson Chair                    The Hon. Justice AJ &                                     the Commonwealth Government through the Australia
                                                                                                Council, its arts funding and advisory body.
                                                                                                                                                       is supported by the NSW Government
                                                                                                                                                       through Create NSW.
Joshua Batty                          Mrs Fran Meagher Chair
Principal Flute                       Kirsty Hilton
Karen Moses Chair                     Principal Second Violin
Harry Bennetts                        Drs Keith & Eileen Ong Chair
Associate Concertmaster               Scott Kinmont
Judy & Sam Weiss Chair                Associate Principal Trombone
Victoria Bihun                        Audrey Blunden Chair
Violin                                Emily Long                         PREMIER PARTNER
Sylvia & the late Sol Levi Chair      Violin
Kees Boersma                          Dr Margot Harris Chair
Principal Double Bass                 Leah Lynn
Council Chair                         Assistant Principal Cello
Tobias Breider                        Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Principal Viola                       Vanguard Chair (lead               MAJOR PARTNER                FOUNDATIONS
Roslyn Packer ac &                    support from Seamus R Quick)
Gretel Packer am Chair                Nicole Masters
James Burke                           Violin
Principal Clarinet                    Nora Goodridge oam Chair
Oranges & Sardines Foundation Chair   Fiona McNamara
Nick Byrne                            Bassoon                            BRAND AGENCY PARTNER         GOLD PARTNERS
Trombone                              Nelson Meers Foundation Chair
Robertson Family Chair                Timothy Nankervis
Anne-Louise Comerford                 Cello
Associate Principal Viola             Dr Rebecca Chin & Family Chair
White Family Chair                    Elizabeth Neville
Timothy Constable                     Cello
Percussion                            Bob Magid oam & Ruth Magid Chair   SILVER PARTNERS
Christine Bishop Chair                Alexandre Oguey
Rosemary Curtin                       Principal Cor Anglais
Viola                                 Mackenzie’s Friend Chair
                                                                                                                                                    E V E N T    H I R E
John & Jane Morschel Chair            Mark Robinson
Lerida Delbridge                      Acting Principal Timpani
Assistant Concertmaster               Sylvia Rosenblum Chair
Simon Johnson Chair                   in memory of Rodney Rosenblum
Diana Doherty                         Rachel Silver
Principal Oboe                        Horn
John C Conde ao Chair                 Sue Milliken ao Chair
Todd Gibson-Cornish                   Emma Sholl                         COMMUNITY AND INDUSTRY PARTNERS
Principal Bassoon                     Associate Principal Flute
Nelson Meers Foundation Chair         Robert & Janet Constable Chair
Rebecca Gill                          Matthew Wilkie
Violin                                Principal Emeritus Bassoon
In memory of Reg & Jeannette          Nelson Meers Foundation Chair
Lam-Po-Tang Chair                     Justin Williams
Carolyn Harris                        Assistant Principal Viola
Flute                                 Robert & L Alison Carr Chair       VANGUARD PARTNER                   HOTEL PARTNER                                       REGIONAL TOUR PARTNER
The late Dr Barry Landa Chair
Jane Hazelwood
Bob & Julie Clampett Chair
in memory of Carolyn Clampett
SIBELIUS SYMPHONY NO.2 - 22 April Sydney Town Hall
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