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LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN Year 3 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Topic MEET THE FLINTSTONES BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON IRON MAN Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Unit Getting to Know All About Me Food Glorious Family and Our School Time You Food Friends Milestones Ask and answer simple Ask and answer simple Ask and answer simple Ask and answer simple Ask and answer simple Ask and answer simple questions. questions. questions. questions. questions. questions. Demonstrate a growing Demonstrate a growing Demonstrate a growing Demonstrate a growing Demonstrate a growing Demonstrate a growing vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. Use a translation Express personal Express personal Use a translation Express personal dictionary or glossary to experiences and experiences and dictionary or glossary to experiences and look up new words with responses. responses. look up new words with responses. guidance. Read and understand the Write short sentences guidance. Write short sentences Write short sentences main points in using familiar expressions Write short sentences using using familiar expressions short written texts. using familiar expressions. Write short sentences familiar expressions. using familiar expressions Writing Description Advert Letter opportunity Knowledge -say hello and goodbye -give and respond to -learn the vocabulary for a -identify and introduce -Learn and use -say and order the days of Webs & and use different simple classroom range of food, to express some of their relations vocabulary about school the week greetings for different instructions appropriately likes and dislikes, and to -name some common places and objects. -say and order the POP Tasks situations. -name parts of the body count and use plural pets -demonstrate months of the year -make introductions and -identify colours nouns. - recognise some rooms understanding with - count on from 11-31 exchange names -name items of clothing -Follow a familiar story in in their home and write actions -say their own birthday. -discuss feelings -ask and answer simple French. sentences about them. -write sentences - ask and answer -count from 0-10 questions -use determiners for -consider whether nouns converting le/la to un/une; questions about dates -talk about age -write simple words identifying quantities in are masculine or feminine -answer questions using -recognise how some -ask and answer simple including topic related making polite requests -use masculine/feminine the topic vocabulary. larger numbers are made questions such as: What vocabulary. -use the definite article articles and possessive by combining words for is your name? How old when generalising. pronouns smaller numbers
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN are you? How are you -say that un/une relate to -give a preference for or -use French pronunciation -use a dictionary/the - ask other people for feeling? masculine & feminine against things of the alphabet to spell internet to develop topic their birthday -Recognise the difference nouns -describe the colour(s) of words vocabulary further -say today’s date-identify between formal and -some children may be an object by modifying -write simple sentences -write a sentence with an the correct language for informal language able to use a dictionary to adjectives. using topic related adverbial phrase e.g. I ‘yesterday’ and develop vocabulary -recognise the correct vocabulary like to sing in the music ‘tomorrow’. further determiner depending on room. ‘J’aime chanter -use simple past and gender/number dans la salle de musique’. present tenses. -select adjectives based -from memory, begin to on gender/number of know if nouns from the nouns topic are masculine or feminine. Vocabulary Bonjour [hello], bonsoir Asseyez-vous [sit down], une pomme (f) [1 apple], Qui est-ce? [Who’s this?], voici [this is], la porte (f) Onze, douze, treize, [good evening], bonne levez-vous [stand up], deux poires (f) [2 moi [me], ma (f)/ mon [door], la fenêtre (f) quatorze, quinze, seize nuit [good night], salut rangez vos chaises [put pears].trois prunes (m) [3 (m)/mes (pl) [my], frère [window], la chaise (f) [11-16], vingt, trente [20, [hi], Je m’appelle… [My your chairs under], taisez- plums], quatre fraises (f) [brother], soeur [sister], [chair], la table (f) [table], 30], vingt-et-un, trente-et- name is...], Comment vous [be quiet], écoutez [4 strawberries], cinq mère [mother], père l’ordinateur (m) un [21/ 31] fois [times], t’appelles-tu? [What’s [listen], regardez [look], oranges (m) [5 oranges], [father], parents [parents], [computer], le livre (m) divisé par… [divide by…], your name?], monsieur venez au tapis [come to du gâteau (m) [some grand-mère [book], les lumières (f) C’est combien? [How [Mr], madame [Mrs], the carpet], répétez cake]. un cornet de glace [grandmother], grand- [lights], Où est? [Where many is that?], Ça fait mademoiselle [Miss], [repeat], regardez-moi (m) [1 ice cream cornet], père [grandfather], tante is?], Il/ Elle est là [It’s combien? [How many (Comment) ça va? [How [look at me], allez-y [off un cornichon (m) [1 [aunt], oncle [uncle], there], Où sont? [Where does that make?], are you doing?], Bien you go], rangez vos gherkin], un morceau de cousin (m)/cousine (f) are?], Ils/Elles sont là lundi [Monday], mardi [good/fine], Trés bien affaires [tidy your things], fromage (m) [a piece of [cousin], nièce [niece], [They’re there], le/un [Tuesday], mercredi [very well], Comme ci, Voici [this is], la tête cheese], du saucisson neveu [nephew], famille crayon (m) [pencil], le/un [Wednesday], jeudi comme ça [not bad/ok], [head], les épaules (m) [some salami], une [family], Chat (m) [cat], stylo (f) [pen], le/ un [Thursday], vendredi Ça ne va pas trés bien [shoulder], les genoux sucette (f) [1 lollipop], de chien (m) [dog], lapin (m) crayon de couleur (m) [Friday], samedi [not very well], Ça va mal [knees], les pieds [feet], la tarte aux cerises (f) [rabbit], souris (f) [mouse], [crayon], le/un taillecrayon [Saturday], dimanche [bad/not well], Merci les yeux [eyes], les [slice of cherry pie], une oiseau (m) [bird], poisson (m) [pencil sharpener], [Sunday], la semaine (f) [thank you], Et toi? [and oreilles [ears], la bouche saucisse (m) [1 sausage], (m) [fish], serpent (m) la/une trousse (f) [pencil [week], C’est quel jour ? you?]. Salut! [Bye! - [mouth], le nez [nose], es une brioche (f) [1 small [snake], hamster (m) case], la/une gomme (f) [What day is it?], janvier informal], Au revoir mains [hands], les pieds brioche bun], de la [hamster], tortue (f) [rubber], la/une règle (f) [January], février [goodbye – more formal [feet], les bras [arms], pastèque (f) [slice of [tortoise], cochon d’inde [ruler], Qu’est-ce qu’il y a [February], mars [March], situations] in essence: ‘to tapez [clap/stamp], watermelon]. (m) [guinea pig], animal dans ta trousse ? [What’s avril [April], mai [May], meet again’, À bientôt croisez [cross/fold], Je voudrais... [I would (m) [pet], Je n’ai pas in your Pencil Case?], juin [June], juillet [July], [see you soon], À tout à marchez [walk/step], like], du (m) [some], de la d’animal [I haven’t got a J’ai… [I have...], les août [August], septembre l’heure [see you later], A levez [raise], touchez (f) [some], des (pl) pet], As-tu…? [Have you matières (f) [subjects], le [September], octobre demain [see you [touch], courez [run], [some], S’il vous plaît got…?], Lettre (m) [letter], français (m) [french], [October], novembre tomorrow], Bonne fin de sautez [jump], posez [put [please], voilà [here you l’alphabet (m) [the l’anglais (m) [english], les [November], décembre semaine / Bon week-end down], prenez [pick are], merci [thank you], alphabet], Elle [she], il sciences (f) [science], les [December], année (f)
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN [have a good weekend], up/take], bleu [blue], merci bien [thank you [he], s’appelle [is called], mathématiques (f) [year], mois (m) [month], Zéro, un, deux, trois, blanc [white], rouge [red], very much] Comment [how], ça [mathematics], la musique mon [my], ton [your], quatre, cinq, six, sept, noir [black], jaune J’aime [I like], Je n’aime [it/that], s’écrit [is written], (f) [music], l’éducation anniversaire (m) huit, neuf, dix. [zero-ten], [yellow], vert [green], gris pas [I don’t like], J’adore [I majuscule [capital letter], physique (f) [physical [birthday], la date (f) Plus [add/plus], Moins [grey], orange [orange], love], Je déteste [I hate], minuscule [lower case education], l’histoire (f) [date], premier (m) [first], [take away/subtract], rose [pink], violet [purple], Qu’est-ce que tu aimes ? letter], double [double], [history], la géographie (f) quelle (f) [what], date (f) Égale [equals], an(s) marron [chestnut brown], [What do you like?] Maison (f) [house], [geography], [date], fête (f) [festival], [year(s)], Bon/ Joyeux une jupe [skirt], un clair [light/pale], foncé appartement (m) [flat], l’informatique (f) [IT], le aujourd’hui [today], anniversaire! [Happy pantalon [trousers], un [dark],vif [bright], Montrez- jardin (m) [garden], entrée dessin (m) [art], J’aime [I calendrier (m) [calendar], birthday!]. tee-shirt [t-shirt], une moi... [Show me...]. (f) [hall], escalier (m) like], Je n’aime pas [I dont date (f) [date], aujourd’hui chemise [shirt/blouse], un grand(e) [large/big], [stairs], salon (m) like], levez-vous [stand [today], demain pull [jumper], un sweat petit(e) [small]. [lounge/living room], salle up], asseyez-vous [sit [tomorrow], hier [sweatshirt], des à manger (f) [dining down], arrêtez [stop], [yesterday], c’est [it is], chaussures (f) [shoes], un room], garage (m) marchez [walk], courez c’était [it was], ce sera [it short [shorts], des [garage], cuisine (f) [run], sautez [jump], will be], quelle [what - chaussettes (f) [socks], [kitchen], chez moi [my sautez à cloche-pied feminine], était [was], une robe [dress], un home], chambre (f) [hop], courez sur place sera [will be] maillot de corps [vest], un [bedroom], salle de bain [run on the spot], sautillez slip [pants], Des gants (m) (f) [bathroom], grenier (m) [skip], la salle de classe [gloves], une écharpe [attic], sous-sol (m) (f) [classroom], la cour de [scarf], un manteau [coat], [basement], bureau (m) récréation (f) un chapeau [hat], un [study]. [playground], la imperméable [waterproof bibliothèque (f) [library], la jacket], des lunettes (f) salle de musique (f) [glasses], une ceinture [music room], le terrain de [belt], des bottes (f) jeu (m) [playing field], la [boots], une montre grande salle (f) [hall], la [watch], salle d’informatique (f) [IT room], le bureau du directeur (m) [head teacher’s office - male], le bureau de la directrice (m) [head teacher’s office - female], la cantine (f) [dining hall], le bureau (m) [office], le couloir (m) [corridor], la salle des professeurs (f) [staff room], Où es-tu ? [Where are you?], Je suis dans…
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN [I am in…], Je suis sur… [I am on…], Les endroits dans l’école [places around school], lire [to read], manger [to eat], courir [to run], chanter [to sing], marcher [to walk], jouer au foot [to play football], parler avec mes ami(e)s [to talk with my friends], travailler sur l’ordinateur [to work on the computer], jouer au basket [to play basketball], aider le professeur [to help the teacher], Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? [What do you like to do?]. Suggested Trips / -French pen pal letter scheme Enrichment -Languages Day
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN Year 4 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Topic THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK! GAME OF THRONES ANY DREAM WILL DO Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Unit All Around Town On the Move Gone Shopping Where in the What’s the Time? Holidays and World Hobbies Milestones -Understand the main -Understand the main -Understand the main -Understand the main -Understand the main -Understand the main points from points from points from points from points from points from spoken passages. spoken passages. spoken passages. spoken passages. spoken passages. spoken passages. -Ask others to repeat -Ask others to repeat -Ask others to repeat -Ask others to repeat -Ask others to repeat -Ask others to repeat words or phrases words or phrases words or phrases words or phrases words or phrases words or phrases if necessary. if necessary. if necessary. if necessary. if necessary. if necessary. -Take part in discussions -Take part in discussions -Take part in discussions -Take part in discussions -Take part in discussions -Take part in discussions and tasks. and tasks. and tasks. and tasks. and tasks. and tasks. -Express personal -Demonstrate a growing -Demonstrate a growing -Demonstrate a growing -Demonstrate a growing -Demonstrate a growing experiences and vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. vocabulary. responses. -Write sentences using -Write sentences using -Write short phrases from -Write short phrases from -Express personal -Demonstrate a growing familiar expressions familiar expressions memory with spelling that memory with spelling that experiences and vocabulary. -Use a translation -Use a translation is readily understandable. is readily understandable. responses. -Write sentences using dictionary or glossary to dictionary or glossary to -Write sentences using -Write sentences using -Write sentences using familiar expressions look up new words look up new words familiar expressions familiar expressions familiar expressions -Use a translation independently. independently. -Read and understand the -Read and understand the -Write sentences using dictionary or glossary to main points in main points in familiar expressions look up new words short written texts. short written texts. -Use a translation independently. -Read short texts -Read short texts dictionary or glossary to -Describe with some independently independently look up new words interesting details -Use a translation independently. some aspects of countries dictionary or glossary to or communities where look up new words the language is spoken. independently. -Make comparisons between life in countries or communities where the
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN language is spoken and this country. Writing Information Text Short Story Post card opportunity Knowledge -name and locate some of -learn and use specific -learn and use specific - Learn and use specific -understand and use the -learn and use key Webs & the major cities of France vocabulary of transport, vocabulary of fruit, vocabulary of countries of terms avant and après; vocabulary related to -identify and say typical direction and movement. vegetables and clothes. the United Kingdom, -learn to read time tables holidays, weather and POP Tasks amenities to be found in -use je and tu correctly in -learn and use key continents and animals and TV schedules seasons, sports and French towns a simple sentence phrases for asking from different continents -count in fives to at least hobbies. -hold a short dialogue -give and respond to questions needed when and a country’s position 30 -write an answer in a about where they live simple instructions for going shopping related to the equator. -ask and answer sentence using the topic -say in French what direction and movement -take part in role play as a -understand that because questions about a TV vocabulary amenities or features are -talk about types of shopper/ shop assistant a continent is always schedule. -present ideas and found in their own town transport in full sentences speaking in French feminine the preposition -say and write a sentence information orally to a - ask and give a simple -recognise and accurately -choose the correct form ‘en’ is always used to tell the time (o’clock, range of audiences. address in French say the phoneme /sh/ when changing la to de la for ‘in’ half past, quarter past and -choose the correct -say and order multiples when they see the and les to des. -use the correct quarter to) preposition: en for of ten spelling pattern ‘ch’ -use adjectives (colours) masculine/feminine feminine countries, au for -count with confidence to -follow simple directions and place them after the preposition. masculine countries 100 and do simple to find a place on a map noun. Some children may -use pronouns to replace -choose whether the calculations -write sentences to give be able to change the name of an animal mode of transport needs - vary sentences about direction adjective to the feminine -combine two simple en or à. asking and giving simple -use the correct article to when needed. sentences to form a -use third person plural addresses precede a noun according -Use the appropriate form compound sentence. conjugation of a verb -locate the correct part of to gender for at (au or á la) - use knowledge of topic -use the correct a bilingual dictionary to -use 1st person, 2nd -write French dialogue related vocabulary read possessive adjective for a translate from French- person (singular) and 3rd from role play in the style and understand the story family member (ma, mon English or vice versa. person of ‘to go’ of a play script ‘Cher Zoo’. or mes). -use a bilingual dictionary accurately with the correct -use a bilingual dictionary with increasing pronoun with increasing confidence to translate confidence to translate French-English and vice French-English and vice versa. versa.
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN -suggest new words for a vocabulary set in French and find the translations in a bilingual dictionary. Vocabulary J’habite à… [I live in…], voiture (f) [car], autobus Qu’est-ce que c’est ? le Royaume-Uni (m) Quelle heure est-il ? les saisons (f) [the Où [where], Où habites- (m) [bus], vélo (m) [What’s this?], la pomme [United Kingdom], [What time is it?], Il est... seasons], le printemps tu? [Where do you live?], [bicycle], à pied (m) [on (f) [apple], l’orange (f) L’Écosse (f) [Scotland], l’ [It is...], ...heure(s) (m) [Spring], l’été (m) magasin (m) [shop], école foot], à cheval (m) [on [orange], la banane (f) Angleterre (f) [England], [...o’clock], ...heure(s) et [Summer], l’automne (m) (f) [school], église (f) horseback], train (m) [banana], la fraise (f) le Pays de Galles (m) demie [half past...], Je me [Autumn], l’hiver (m) [church], musée (m) [train], camion (m) [lorry], [strawberry], la pêche (f) [Wales], l’Irlande du Nord lève [I get up], Je mange [Winter], janvier (m), [museum], boulangerie (f) hélicoptère (m) [peach], la prune (f) (f) [Northern Ireland]. mon petit déjeuner [I eat [January], février(m) [bakery], piscine (f) [helicopter], avion (m) [plum], la poire (f) [pear], Bonjour, je m’appelle… my breakfast], Je me [February], mars (m) [swimming pool], gare (f) [plane], trottinette (f) les raisins (m) [grapes]. [Hello, my name is…], brosse les dents [I brush [March], avril (m) [April], [railway station], [scooter], taxi (m) [taxi], J’aime… [I like], Je n’aime J’habite en/au…. [I live my teeth], Je vais à mai (m) [May], juin (m) pâtisserie (f) [cake shop], moto (f) [motorbike], les pas… [I don’t like], J’aime in], la capitale [capital city] l’école [I go to school], Je [June], juillet (m) [July], café (m) [cafe], transports (m) [transport], beaucoup… [I like … a Quelle est la capitale de me lève [I get up], Je août (m) [August], supermarché (m) en [by], à [on], allez [go - lot], J’aime un peu… [I la/du….. ? [What is the mange mon déjeuner [I septembre (m) [supermarket], cinéma imperative], tout droit like … a little], Qu’est-ce capital city of…. ?], la eat my lunch], Je rentre [September], octobre (m) (m) [cinema], parc (m) [straight on], tournez [turn que c’est ? [What’s this?], France (f) [France], le chez moi [I go home], Je [October], novembre (m) [park], théâtre (m) - imperative], à droite [to les légumes (m) Canada (m) [Canada], la regarde la télévision [I [November], décembre [theatre], marché (m) the right], à gauche [to the [vegetables], la pomme Côte d’Ivoire (f) [Ivory watch television], Je (m) [December], En [market], mosquée (f) left], chaud [hot], froid de terre (m) [potato], Coast], la Belgique (f) mange mon dîner [I eat quelle saison est….. ? [mosque], rivière (f) [cold], Voilà ! [There you l’oignon (m) [onion], l’ail [Belgium], Haïti (m) my dinner], Je fais mes [What season is…….in ?], [river], il y a [there are!], Pour le/la ___ s’il (m) [garlic], la carotte (f) [Haiti], le Mali (m) [Mali], devoirs [I do my En quelle saison sont…. ? is/are…], il n’y a pas vous plaît? [How do I get [carrot], le chou-fleur (m) la Suisse (f) [Switzerland], homework], Je me [What season are….in ?] [there isn’t/aren’t…] vingt to the ___ please?], bien [cauliflower], le chou (m) la Tunisie (f) [Tunisia], On couche [I go to bed], les mois (m) [months], La [20], trente [30], quarante sûr [of course], [cabbage], le brocoli (m) parle français au/en/à…. Qu’est-ce qui passe à la météo (f) [the Weather] [40], cinquante [50], premier/première [first], [brocoli], le poivron (m) [They speak French télévision ? [What’s on Quel temps fait-il ? soixante [60], soixante-dix deuxième [second], [pepper], Je voudrais… [I in….], l’Équateur (m) [the television?], à...heure(s) [What’s the weather like?] [70], quatre-vingt [80], troisième [third], C’est tout would like…], les equator], le Kenya (m) [at...o’clock], à... heure(s) Il fait chaud. [It’s hot] Il fait quatre-vingt-dix [90], cent droit/ à gauche/ à droite. vêtements (m) [clothes], [Kenya], l’ Égypte (f) et demie [at half past...], froid [It’s cold.] Il fait [100], et/plus [and/plus], [It’s straight on/ on the Qu’est-ce que c’est ? [Egypt], l’Argentine (f) C’est [it’s... ], et quart... nuageux [It’s cloudy] Il fait font [makes/ equals], left/right.], [What is it ?], un pantalon [Argentina], la Tunisie (f) [quarter past...], moins le du vent [It’s windy.] Il fait moins [subtract], sur (m) [trousers], un [Tunisia], la Colombie (f) quart... [quarter to...], la du brouillard [It’s foggy] Il [divided by], fois [multiply] manteau (m) [coat], un [Columbia], l’Inde (f) journée scolaire [the pleut [It’s raining] Il neige Mon adresse est… [My pull (m) [jumper], un [India], nord [north], sud school day], le français [It’s snowing] Il gèle [It’s address is…], avenue / cardigan (m) [cardigan], [south], vrai [true], faux (m) [French], le dessin freezing] Quel temps est boulevard/ allée /rue une robe (f) [dress], une [false], les continents (m) (m) [Art], la géographie (f) prévu pour aujourd’hui ? [road/street/etc.], place jupe (f) [skirt], une [the continents], l’Afrique [What’s the weather
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN [place/square], du/ de la/ chemise (f) [shirt], une (f) [Africa], l’Antarctique (f) [Geography], l’anglais (m) forecast for today ?] des… [of the…]montagne écharpe (f) [scarf], [Antarctica], l’Asie (f) [English], l’éducation aujourd’hui [today], Quel (m) [mountain], lac (m) blanc/blanche [white], [Asia], l’Australasie (f) physique (f) [P.E], temps fait-il dans le [lake], soleil (m) [sun], violet/violette [purple], [Australasia], l’Europe (f) l’informatique (f) [I.T], les monde ? [What’s the hôpital (m) [hospital], bois noir/ noire [black], [Europe], l’Amérique du mathématiques (f) weather like around the (m) [woods], arbre (m) gris/grise [grey], Nord (f) [North America], [Maths], la musique (f) world?] Aujourd’hui [tree], singe (m) [monkey], bleu/bleue [blue], l’Amérique du Sud (f) [Music], l’histoire (f) [today] il fait [it’s] degrés chameau (m) [camel], vert/verte [green], orange [South America], l’île de [History], les sciences (f) Celsius [degrees Celsius] plage (f) [beach], mairie [orange], rouge [red], rose Ross (f) [Ross Island], [Science], lundi [Monday], [holidays], le vélo (m) (f) [town hall], ferme (f) [pink], marron [brown], l’Australie (f) [Australia], mardi [Tuesday], mercredi [bicycle], le train (m) [farm], lune (f) [moon], jaune [yellow], Avez- le Japon (m) [Japan], le [Wednesday], jeudi [train], le bateau (m) fraise (f) [strawberry], vous…? [Do you Brésil (m) [Brasil], les [Thursday], vendredi [boat], le cheval (m) fleur (f) [flower], chèvre (f) have…?], Oui, J’ai… animaux (m) [animals], un [Friday], avant [before], [horse], le bus (m) [bus], [goat], vâche (f) [cow], [Yes. I have…], Non, je panda (m) [panda], un après [after], est [is], sont la voiture (f) [car], l’avion Que veut dire___? [What n’ai pas… [No, I lion (m) [lion], un ours [are]. (m) [plane],le pied (m) does ___ mean?] haven’t…], le magasin de polaire (m) [polar bear], [foot], la maman (f) [mum/ chaussures (m) [shoe un renne (m) [reindeer], mother], le papa (m) shop], la fromagerie (f) un kangourou (m) [dad/father], la sœur (f) [cheese shop], la [kangaroo], un zèbre (m) [sister], le frère (m) boucherie (f) [butchers], la [zebra], un élan (m) [brother], le papi (m) boulangerie (f) [bakery] la [buffalo], un cobra (m) [grandad], où [where], pâtisserie (f) [cake shop], [cobra], un jaguar (m) comment [how], avec le marché (m) [market], la [jaguar], un pingouin (m) [with]. Les sports (m) bijouterie(f) [jewellers], le [penguin], une baleine (f) [Sports], la gymnastique magasin de jouets (m) [whale], un ours brun (m) (f) [gymnastics], le hockey [toy shop], le magasin de [brown bear], un orang- (m) [hockey], la lutte (f) vêtements (m) [clothes outan (m) [orangutan] [wrestling], le ski (m) shop], la confiserie (f) [skiing], le tennis (m) [sweet shop],, C’est [tennis], le football (m) combien ? [How much is [football], le rugby (m) that?], C’est… [It’s…], [rugby], la natation (f) Voici votre monnaie [swimming], l’équitation (f) [Here’s your change] [horse riding], la course à pied (f) [running], Suggested -French Penpal letter scheme Trips / -Languages Day Enrichment
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN Year 5 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Topic OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! EXPELLIARMUS! THE HOUSE OF WISDOM Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Unit Getting to Know All about That’s Tasty Family and School Life Time Travelling You Ourselves Friends Milestones • Give a short prepared • Take part in • Take part in • Understand the main • Give a short prepared • Understand the main talk that includes conversations to seek conversations to seek points and opinions talk that includes points and opinions opinions. and give information. and give information. in spoken passages. opinions. in spoken passages. • Take part in • Read and understand • Read and understand • Refer to recent • Take part in • Take part in conversations to seek the main points and some the main points and some experiences or future conversations to seek conversations to seek and give information. of the detail in short of the detail in short plans, everyday activities and give information. and give information. • Read and understand written texts. written texts. and interests. • Vary language and • Vary language and the main points and some • Use the context of a • Refer to recent • Take part in produce extended produce extended of the detail in short sentence or a experiences or future conversations to seek responses. responses. written texts. translation dictionary to plans, as well as to and give information. • Be understood with little • Be understood with little • Use the context of a work out the meaning of everyday activities. • Vary language and or no difficulty. or no difficulty. sentence or a unfamiliar words • Include imaginative and produce extended • Read and understand • Read and understand translation dictionary to adventurous responses. the main points and some the main points and some work out the meaning of word choices. • Refer to recent of the detail in short of the detail in short unfamiliar words experiences or future written texts. written texts. plans, as well as to • Use knowledge of • Write short texts on everyday activities. grammar to enhance or familiar topics. • Write short texts on change the meaning of familiar topics. phrases. • Use knowledge of grammar to enhance or change the meaning of phrases.
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN Writing Autobiography Song/ Rhyme Biography / obituary Opportunity Knowledge -Demonstrate prior -name some parts of the -learn and use key -join in with traditional -learn and use vocabulary -recognise number words Webs & learning from previous body and facial features. vocabulary related to food songs and rhymes related to objects, in spoken sentences units. respond appropriately - and drink. -respond appropriately to subjects and prepositional -explain how larger POP Tasks - recognise the difference give a simple description -learn and use key the meaning of songs/ language. numbers are often between English and of their eyes and hair phrases to be able to say rhymes -learn the names of 2D described by combining French future tenses. -extend a description what drinks they like, -introduce family shapes smaller number words -explain how adjectives using a conjunction and what they like to eat for members and be able to -read statements -recognise when are different according to further adjectives breakfast, fillings for describe them and the accurately in order to someone is saying a date the gender of the nouns -explain why adjectives sandwiches, toppings for links between family determine whether it is -use numbers in a -Using vocabulary change in French but not pizzas, what snacks they members. vrai or faux sentence correctly previously learnt, make a in English like and also the opening -ask and answer -give opinions about -say numbers larger than personal presentation -respond to questions and closing times of questions using the topic school subjects 100 -Engage in conversation about their emotions or shops. related vocabulary -ask and answer -say when significant about emotions health with confidence. -take part in a role play -give opinions about a questions using the topic people in French history -ask how to spell a word -ask and answer using the key phrases named animal or object related vocabulary were born and died in French. questions about everyday -interpret a chart written Describe their own home -use the pronouns ‘il’ and -give the year that some -spell out words using the actions in the classroom in French by size and say where ‘elle’ to replace a person’s key historical events correct letter names -spell adjectives correctly -write words, phrases and household items can be name happened in France including accents according to gender/ sentences from memory found -use the pronouns ‘ils’ -construct a past tense -Follow a story, recognise number -use the correct -differentiate between first and ‘elles’ to replace two sentence with the passé familiar vocabulary and -place the adjective masculine, feminine or and third person people’s names compose take educated guesses correctly when writing plural form of adjectives. possessive adjectives -compose and practise an -identify auxiliary verb for unknown words using sentences -use the correct and verbs and use them oral presentation using and past participle verb the context of a sentence -vary sentences by masculine, feminine or appropriately the topic vocabulary and -change the past substituting other verbs, plural for ‘some’. -extend sentences using perform it to an audience participle of the main verb nouns or adjectives conjunctions to agree with the number -identify whether a -extend a rhyme set and and gender of the subject sentence is in first, suggest alternative second or third person sentences/ phrases by -Follow a story, recognise substituting new familiar vocabulary and vocabulary take educated guesses for unknown words using the context of a sentence
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN Vocabulary Médecin (m/f) [Doctor], les cheveux (m) [hair], les J’ai soif [I’m thirsty] les mon/ma/mes [my], la porte (f) [door], la cent [hundred], mille Dentiste (m/f) [Dentist], dents (f) ) [teeth], lèvre (f) boissons chaudes (f) [hot son/sa/ses [his/her/its], fenêtre (f) [window], la [thousand], plus Coureur/ Coureuse [lip], langue (f) [tongue], drinks] les boissons famille (f) [family], femme table (f) [table], la chaise [add/plus], moins [take automobile [Racing joue (f) [cheek], menton fraîches (f) [cold drinks] (f) [wife], fille (f) (f) [chair], l’ordinateur (m) away/less], fois [times], driver], Aviateur/Aviatrice (m) [chin], cou (m) [neck], le thé (m) [tea] le café [daughter], fils (m) [son], [computer], l’armoire (f) divisé par [divided by], [Pilot], Soldat [Soldier], poitrine (f) [chest], dos (m) [coffee] le café au lait enfant (m/f) [child], chien [cupboard], la égale [equals], nombre Coiffeur/ Coiffeuse (m) [back], ventre (m) (m) [coffee with milk] le (m) [dog], chat (m) [cat], bibliothèque (f) (m) [number], avoir [to [Hairdresser], [tummy/belly], doigt (m) coca (m) [cola] la cochon (m) [pig], cheval [bookcase], l’évier (m) have], j’ai [I have], tu as Moniteur/Monitrice de ski [finger], pouce (m) limonade (f) [lemonade] (m) [horse], serpent (m) [sink], la à côté de [next [you have (informal, [Ski instructor], [thumb], orteil (m) [toe], le jus d’orange (m) [snake], canard (m) to], Où est...? [Where singular)], il/elle/on a Professeur/ Professeure derrière (m) [bottom], [orange juice] l’eau (f) [duck], vache (f) [cow], is…?], Où sont...? [Where [he/she/it/one has], vous [Teacher], Fermier/ voici [this is], corps (m) [water] une bouteille (f) mouton (m) [sheep], are…?] les matières (f) avez [you have Fermière [Farmer], Artiste [body], visage (m) [face], [bottle] une tasse (f) [cup] poule (f) [then], ici [there], [subjects], le français (m) (plural/singular formal)], (m/f) [Artist], Pompier les cheveux [hair], long(s) un verre(m) [glass] de par-là [there], partout [French], l’anglais (m) nous avons [we have], (m/f) [Fire fighter], Futur [long], court(s) [short [of] Qu’est-ce que vous [everywhere], vieux [old], [English], les sciences (f) ils/elles ont [they have], simple [Simple future (length)], mi-long(s) désirez boire ? [What dit [say-third person], [science], les verbe (m) [verb], Quel tense], Verbe (m) [Verb], [medium/average], raides would you like to drink?] ferme (f) [farm], mathématiques (les âge ? [How old?], Accent (m) [Accent], Aigu [straight], bouclés [curly], Je voudrais…. [I would chaumière (f) [cottage], maths) (f) conjugation, histoire (f) ´ [Acute], Grave ` [Grave], ondulés [wavy], blonds like……..] château (m) [castle], [mathematics/maths], la [history], an (m) [year], Circonflexe ^ [Circumflex], [blonde], châtains lundi, mardi, mercredi, maison (f) [house], musique (f) [music], mois (m) [month], date (f) Tréma ¨ [Dieresis or [chestnut brown], roux jeudi, vendredi, samedi, caravane (f) [caravan], l’éducation physique (f) [date], calendrier (m) umlaut], Cédille¸ [Cedilla], [ginger], noirs [black], les dimanche [Monday, appartement (m) [flat], [physical education], [calendar], naître [to be Lettre (f) [Letter], Prénom yeux [eyes], bleu(s) Tuesday, Wednesday, brosse à dents (f) l’histoire (f) [history], la born – infinitive verb], (m) [First name], Écrit [blue], vert(s) [green], Thursday, Friday, [toothbrush], télévision (f) géographie (la géo) (f) né(e) [born – past [Written], Épeler [To brun(s) [brown], gris Saturday, Sunday] [TV set], four (m) [geography], participle], être [to be - spell], Majuscule [grey], violet(s) [violet], …heures […o’clock] [oven/cooker], couteau l’informatique (f) [IT], le infinitive verb], passé [Capital], Minuscule adjectif [adjective], …heures et demie […half (m) [knife], nounours (m) dessin (m) [Art], Quelle composé [past tense], [Lower case].Énervé(e) Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? past] Quelle heure est-il [teddy bear], four (m) matière préfères-tu ? naissance [birth], naître [Annoyed], Heureux/euse [What are you doing?], ? [What time is it?] ouvert [oven], auteuil (m) [Which do you prefer?], [to be born – infinitive [Happy], Fatigué(e) prends [take], cherche [open] fermé [closed] À [armchair], lit (m) [bed], J’aime mieux... [I verb], né(e) [born – past [Tired], Fier/Fière [Proud], [look for], ouvre [open], quelle heure ? [What valise (f) [suitcase],], Quelle est ta participle], être [to be - Impatient(e) ferme [close], range [tidy], time?] le petit déjeuner baignoire (f) [bath], matière favorite ? [Which infinitive verb], je suis [I [Excited/Hyper], ramasse [gather/collect], (m) [breakfast] la arrosoir (m) [watering is your favorite subject?], am], tu es [you are – Anxieux/Euse écris [write], lis [read], nourriture (f) [food] une can], escargot (m) [snail], Ma matière favorite est... informal singular], [Worried/Nervous], aide [help], croise baguette (f) [bread - tapis (m) [doormat], [My favorite subject is...] il/elle/on est [he/ she/one Étonné(e) [Shocked], [fold/cross], pose [put baguette] un croissant mignon (ne) [cute], les formes (f) [shapes], is], nous sommes [we Content(e) [Pleased], down/ place], tends (m) [croissant] un yaourt amusant (e) [funny], Qu’est-ce que c’est ? are], vous êtes [you are – Fâché(e) [Angry/cross], [stretch], lève [raise/lift], (m) [yoghurt] de la effrayant (e) [scary], [What is it?], un triangle formal / plural], ils/elles Triste [Sad], Gêné(e) ami (m) [friend], phrase (f) confiture (f) [jam] des dangereux/se (m) [triangle], un carré sont [they are], mourir [to [Embarrassed], Effrayé(e) [sentence], céréales (f) [cereals] un [dangerous], amical (e) (m) [square], un rectangle die – infinitive verb],
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN [Scared], Adjectif (m) heureux/heureuse pain au chocolat (m) [friendly], beau/belle (m) [oblong], un losange mort(e)(s) [died – past [Adjective], Comment ça [happy], désolé(e) [sorry], [chocolate bread, also [beautiful], Quelle est ton (m) [rhombus], un participle], passé va ? [How are you?], Je énervé(e) [annoyed], known by the French opinion ? [What do you cerfvolant (m) [kite], un composé [past tense], suis... [I feel...], Aller [To fatigué(e) [tired], fier/ fière name in UK] pour [for] think?], j’aime [I like], je pentagone (m) go], Je vais [I go], Tu vas [proud], surpris(e) mon (m) [my] le sandwich n’aime pas [I don’t like], [pentagon], un hexagone [You go], Il/ Elle/On va [surprised], fâché(e) (m) [sandwich], le pain j’adore [I love], je déteste (m) [hexagon], un [He/She/It/One goes], [angry], content(e) (m) [bread], la baguette [I hate], pourquoi ? octogone (m) [octagon], Faire [To do/ make], [pleased], triste [sad], J’ai normale (f) [white bread], [why?], parce que les côtés (m) [sides], Traverser [To cross], mal [I’ve got a pain], avoir le pain complet (m) [because], phrase (f) Combien de côtés a...? [It Manger [To eat], Arriver mal au coeur [to feel [wholemeal bread], le [sentence], conjonction (f) has…sides], Combien de [To arrive], Propulser [To sick], médecin (m) pain aux herbes (m) [conjunction], et [and], côtés ont...? [How many push], Tomber [To fall], [doctor], médicament (m) [herby bread], Qu’est-ce mais [but], verbe (m) sides do...have?], Ils Attendre [To wait], [medicine], malade [ill], que vous désirez ? [What [verb], nom (m) [noun], ont...côtés [They Marcher [To walk], Courir would you like?], Je have...sides] [To run], Bouc (m) [Goat] voudrais… [I would Excusez-moi [Excuse Vallée (f) [Valley], Colline like…], les viandes (f) me], est-ce que je peux… (f) [Hill], Rivière (f) [River], [meats], le rosbif (m) [can I...?], s’il vous plaît Pont (m) [Bridge], Petit- [roast beef], le jambon [please], lire [read], un déjeuner (m) [Breakfast], [ham], le poulet (m) livre (m) [a book], faire Sabot (m) [Hoof], [chicken], le saucisson [draw/ make], un dessin sec (m) [salami], les (m) [a picture], aller [go],] légumes (m) [vegetables], les toilettes (f) [toilets], les tomates (f) [tomatoes], boire [drink], l’eau (f) la laitue (f) [lettuce], le [water], oui [yes], non concombre (m) [no], plus tard [later], dans [cucumber], l’oignon (m) cinq minutes [in five [onion], le chocolat (m) minutes], ] pas pour le [chocolate] le gâteau (m) moment [not at the [cake] les chips (f) moment] Excusez-moi [crisps] les frites (f) [chips] [Excuse me], où est ? la crêpe (f) [pancake] la [where is?], où sont ? sucette (f) [lollipop] le hot- [where are?], le livre (m) dog (m) [hot dog] la glace [the book], la colle (f) [the (f) [ice cream] délicieux glue], le journal (m) [the (m) délicieuse (f) newspaper], la gomme (f) [delicious] amer (m) [rubber], la règle (f) amère (f) [bitter] sucré [ruler], le taille-crayon (m) (m) sucrée (f) [sugary] [pencil sharpener], les salé (m) salée (f) [salty] livres (m) [books], les chaud (m) chaude (f) [hot] règles (f) [rulers], les
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN froid (m) froide (f) [cold] journaux (m) croquant (m) croquante [newspapers], les (f) [crunchy] mou (m) peintures (f) [paints], les molle (f) [soft] savoureux ciseaux (m) [scissors], les (m) savoureuse (f) crayons de couleur (m) [savoury] collant (m) [crayons], les feutres (m) collante (f) [sticky] [felt pens], Il/Elle est crémeux (m) crémeuse (f) làbas [It’s over there], [creamy] Qu’est-ce que Ils/Elles sont là-bas vous désirez sur votre [They’re over there], pizza ? [What would you Il/Elle est ici [It’s here], like on your pizza?], Ils/Elles sont ici [They’re here], Il/Elle est sur... [It’s on...], Ils/Elles sont sur... [They’re on...], Il/Elle est à côté de... [It’s next to...], Ils/ Elles sont à côté de... [They’re next to...], Il/Elle est sous... [It’s under...], Ils/Elles sont sous... [They’re under...], Il/Elle est derrière... [It’s behind...], Ils/Elles sont derrière... [They’re behind...] Suggested -French Penpal letter scheme Trips / -Languages Day Enrichment
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN Year 6 Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term Topic VICTORY IS OURS! GREAT EXPECTATIONS TROY STORY Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 Unit Let’s Visit a French Let’s Go This is France All in a Day Trip to France Town Shopping Milestones - Give detailed accounts of - Describe, with - Give detailed accounts -Read and understand the customs, history and interesting detail, some of the customs, the main points and culture of the countries and similarities and history and culture of the opinions in written texts communities where the differences between countries and from various contexts, language is spoken. countries communities where the including present, past or - Describe, with interesting and communities where language is spoken. future events. detail, some similarities and the language is spoken - Describe, with -Show confidence in differences between and this country. interesting detail, some reading aloud, and in countries and communities -Give a short prepared similarities and using reference where the language is talk that includes differences between materials. spoken and this country. opinions. countries -Use knowledge of -Read and understand the -Take part in and communities where grammar to enhance or main points and some of the conversations to seek the language is spoken change the meaning of detail in short written texts. and give information. and this country. phrases. -Use the context of a -Refer to recent -Understand the main -Understand the main sentence or a experiences or future points and opinions points and opinions translation dictionary to work plans, everyday activities in spoken passages. in spoken passages. out the meaning of and interests. -Write short texts on -Take part in unfamiliar words. -Vary language and familiar topics. conversations to seek -Show confidence in reading produce extended -Use knowledge of and give information. aloud, and in responses. grammar to enhance or using reference materials. -Be understood with little change the meaning of -Write short texts on familiar or no difficulty. phrases. topics. -Use knowledge of - Include imaginative and -Use knowledge of grammar grammar to enhance or adventurous to enhance or change the change the meaning of word choices. meaning of phrases. phrases. -Convey meaning (although there may be
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN -Refer to recent experiences -Show confidence in some mistakes, the or future plans, as well as to reading aloud, and in meaning can be everyday activities. using reference understood with little or - Include imaginative and materials. no difficulty). adventurous word choices. -Show confidence in -Convey meaning (although reading aloud, and in there may be using reference some mistakes, the meaning materials. can be understood with little -Use the context of a or no difficulty). sentence or a translation dictionary to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words. Writing News Paper Report Play Script Information Text Recount (of the school Opportunity day) Knowledge -make simple sentences with -listen and respond to -listen and respond to -understand and use the Webs & habiter (to live) topic vocabulary topic vocabulary terms used for a.m. and -listen to and join in a song - answer questions using -answer questions orally p.m. - du matin, de POP Tasks by recognising key words the topic vocabulary using the topic l’après-midi and du soir; and phrases -take part in role play as vocabulary -say and write a -use songs and rhymes to a shopper/shopkeeper, -write an answer to a sentence tell the time in help remember new learning speaking in French sentence using the topic 24-hour time - o'clock, -use a bilingual dictionary or -greet and respond vocabulary half past, quarter past/to, use prior learning to help -write money amounts in -create sentences 5-minute intervals make informed guesses French, up to 500 € in independently, using a -read and interpret - identify places in a French multiples of 50. model sentence, online timetables in 24-hour town or city -calculate change given translators and bilingual times - o'clock, half past, - talk about what there is to and write the answer in dictionaries to help. quarter past/to, 5-minute do in a town French. -write numbers in words intervals -ask/answer questions about -use the preposition à which are multiples of ten -follow a pattern to where a place is côté de and choose the -write numbers in words conjugate regular verbs. -recognise a spelling pattern. correct masculine and up to 1200 -apply a spelling pattern to feminine form -describe position up to 8 make a new word. -use the preposition entre compass points -vary the noun and verb -use adjectives (colours) -can chose the correct appropriately for their and place them after the tense of the verb être purpose noun (present or imperfect)
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN - choose the correct form to -use the nuances of -choose the correct form go with the subject of the colour foncé and clair of an adjective describing sentence nationalities. -recognise and use ordinal numbers -compare and order numbers up to 1000 - use appropriate words for number operations use simple prepositional phrases Vocabulary je/tu/il/elle/nous/vous/ils/elles Bonjour [Hello/Good day], le Royaume-Uni (m) Quelle heure est-il? [I/you/he/ she/we/you/they], Madame [Madam], [United Kingdom], La [What time is it ?], Il où [where], habiter [to live], Monsieur [Sir], France (f) [France], l’Italie est…… [It is…..], ….. nager [to swim], prier [to Mademoiselle [Miss], Ça (f) [Italy], la Belgique (f) heure(s) [……. o’clock], pray], acheter [to buy], va ?/ Comment allez- [Belgium], l’Andorre (f) et demie [half past…..], apprendre [to learn], prendre vous ? [How are you?], [Andorra], l’Allemagne (f) et quart [quarter past], [to catch – train/bus], Bien [Good/fine], Très [Germany], le moins le quart [quarter regarder [to watch], faire une bien [Very well], Comme Luxembourg (m) to], Du matin [in the promenade [to go for a ci, comme ça [Not [Luxembourg], la Suisse morning], de l’après-midi walk], école (f) [school], bad/OK], Ça ne va pas (f) [Switzerland], la [in the afternoon], du soir église (f) [church], piscine (f) très bien [Not very well], l’Espagne (f) [Spain], le [in the evening], jouer [to [swimming pool], gare (f) Ça va mal [Bad/not well], voisin (m) [neighbour], la play], le petit déjeuner [railway station], cinéma (m) Merci [Thank you], Et distance (f) [distance], [breakfast], aller [to go], [cinema], parc (m) [park], toi/vous ? [And you?], Quelle est la distance le lit [bed], rentrer mosquée (f) [mosque], Bien [Good], Je entre...? [What is the [return], la maison librairie (f) [bookshop], voudrais… [I would distance between…?], [house], le déjeuner préposition (f) [preposition], like….], la banane (f) C’est..kilomètres [lunch], faire [to do], les à côté de [next to], en face [banana], le crayon (m) [It’s...kilometres], la devoirs [homework], de [opposite], librairie (f) [pencil], le croissant (m) distance (f) [distance], le Provenance [arriving [bookshop], bibliothèque (f) [croissant], la montre (f) nord (m) [north], le sud from], Départs [library], boucherie (f) [watch], la pomme (f) (m) [south], l’est (m) [Departures], Arrivées [butcher], restaurant (m) [apple], le chou-fleur (m) [east], l’ouest (m) [west], [Arrivals], décollé [restaurant], banque (f) [cauliflower], le lait (m) le nord-ouest [north [departed], à l’heure [on [bank], patinoire (f) [ice rink], [milk], le fromage (m) west], le nord-est (m) time], en avance [early], office du tourisme (m) [cheese], le jus d’orange [north east], le sud-ouest arrivé [arrived], en retard [tourist information], mairie (m) [orange juice], le pain [south west], le sud-est [delayed], l’avion (m) (f) [town hall], Où est ___? (m) [bread], la confiture (m) [south east], la tour [plane], La semaine [Where is___?],Tu as quel (f) [jam], la glace (f) [ice Eiffel (f) [the Eiffel d’école [the school
LONG TERM OVERVIEW FOR FRENCH KEY: READ FLUENTLY, WRITE IMAGINATIVELY, SPEAK CONFIDENTLY, UNDERSTAND THE CULTURE OF THE COUNTRIES IN WHICH THE LANGUAGE IS SPOKEN nombre? [What number cream], la crème (f) Tower], l’Arc de Triomphe week], le français (m) have you got?], J’ai le [cream], la farine (f) (m) [the Arc de [French], le dessin (m) nombre___ [I’ve got number [flour], l’orange (f) Triomphe], ] le Louvre [art], la géographie (f) ___], plus grand que [bigger [orange], l’oignon (m) (m) [the Louvre], La [geography], l’anglais (m) than], plus petit que /moins [onion], l’aubergine (f) cathédrale Notre-Dame [English], l’éducation grand qu [smaller than/ less [aubergine], les (f) [Notre Dame physique (f) [P.E.], big than], adjectif (m) chocolats(m) Cathedral], la Seine (f) l’informatique (f) [I.T.], les [adjective], X est ___ de plus [chocolates], les [the (River) Seine], À mathématiques (f) que Y [X is ___ more than chaussures (f) [shoes], Paris... [In Paris...], lon [maths], la musique (f) Y], X est ___ de moins que les gâteaux (m) [cakes], peut... [one can...], visiter [music], l’histoire (f) Y [X is ___ less than Y], C’est combien ? [How [visit], marcher [walk], [history], les sciences (f) soustraction (f) [subtraction], much is it?], C’est… [It’s voyager [travel], se [science], les études moins [less/ subtract], fait …], Salut ! [Bye], Au reposer [rest], aller [go], religieuses [R.E.], lundi [equals/makes], armoire (f) revoir [Good bye], À manger [have/eat], les [Monday], mardi [wardrobe], tapis (m) [rug], bientôt [See you soon], À bâtiments célèbres (m) [Tuesday], mercredi television (f) [TV], canapé la prochaine [Until next [famous buildings], le [Wednesday], jeudi (m) [sofa], fauteuil (m) time], À demain [See you long de [along], le parc [Thursday], vendredi [armchair], four (m) [oven], tomorrow], Bonne fin de (m) [park], un spectacle [Friday], À quelle heure ? tablier (m) [apron], table (f) semaine / Bon week-end musical (f) [a musical [What time?], la première [table], devoirs (m pl) [Have a good weekend], show], un repas délicieux [the first], la dernière [the [homework], serviette (f) Les magasins (m) (m) [a delicious meal], les last]. [towel], couverture (f) [shops], le magasin de édifices religieux (m) [blanket], ours/nounours (m) chaussures (m) [shoe [religious buildings], les [teddy], casquette (f) [cap], shop], la fromagerie (f) marchés (m) [markets], valise (f) [suitcase], chaise [cheese shop], la un défilé de mode (m) [a (f) [chair], ordinal [ordinal], boucherie (f) [butchers], fashion show], Un premier (m) /première (f) la boulangerie (f) directeur(m) une [first], deuxième (m/f) [bakery], la pâtisserie (f) directrice (f) [manager/ [second], troisième [third], [cake shop], la bijouterie manageress] un acteur quatrième [fourth], cinqième (f) [jewellers], le magasin (m) une actrice (f) [fifth], sixième [sixth], de jouets (m) [toy shop], [actor/actress] un septième [seventh], dernier le magasin de vêtements empereur (m) une (m) / dernière (f) [last], è (m) [clothes shop], la impératrice (f) grave [‘e’ with grave accent], confiserie (f) [sweet [emperor/empress] un shop], Où est…? [Where joueur de foot (m) une is...?], entre [between], à joueuse de foot (f) côté de [next to], Les [footballer] un scientifique vêtements (m) [clothes], (m) une scientifique (f) un manteau (m) [coat], un [scientist] un homme pull (m) [jumper], une politique (m) une femme
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