Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair

Page created by Christina Hamilton
Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair
Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021

                  South Dakota State Fair
      1060 3rd Street SW, Huron, South Dakota 57350
       Telephone: 605.353.7340 or 1.800.529.0900
                     Fax: 605.353.7348
      Exhibitor books are available at

Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair

     Introduction & Sponsors……………………………………………………             3

     Schedule of Events………………………………………………………….               4

     Sheep Department General Rules…………………………………………          4-6

     Sheep Health Regulations………………………………………………….            6

     Supreme Champion Ram & Ewe Awards…………………………………          7

     Sheep Herdsmanship Award……………………………………………….             7

     Divisions …………………………………………………………...............         7-8

     Open Class……………………………………………………………………                    7-8

     Division 14: Lead Line………………………………….……………………            8

     Division 16: Breeder’s Exhibit……………………………………………….       9

     Division 17: Commercial Products Exhibit…………………………………   9

Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair

                                          STATE FAIR PARK DIVISION
                                                 1060 3RD St. SW
                                                 Huron, SD 57350
                                      Phone: 605.353.7340 Fax: 605.353.7348

Thank you for being a part of the 2021 South Dakota State Fair!
After this past year, we’re all ready to get together with friends and family and carry on our beloved
traditions at the South Dakota State Fair! You are important to our fair, whether you are a long-
time exhibitor or a first-year competitor. We love to see the sheep shows brimming with your
accomplishments and talents for fairgoers of all ages to enjoy.
The South Dakota State Fair exists to showcase the best of South Dakota and bring people
together. The State Fair has a rich history of livestock showmanship. Your entries highlight the
showmanship skills of citizens across the state of South Dakota and beyond. Fairgoers of all ages
enjoy seeing your accomplishments and talents.

Please review the guidelines for entering your animals and note the deadlines for entering!

We thank you in advance for sharing your livestock and talents with us.
We will be looking for you at the 2021 SD State Fair.


The South Dakota State Fair Staff & Commission

                                     THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS!
 Farm Credit Services • Livestock Specialist Inc. • Bill & Jody Fuller, Clark, South Dakota • South Dakota State Fair •
 South Dakota Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association • Dakota Montadale Association • South Dakota Hampshire

Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair

DEPARTMENT 400: SHEEP                                        Tuesday: All livestock will enter gate 4.5
Superintendent: Ellen Kay Marshall                      Wednesday: All livestock will enter gate 4.5 or 8
Assistant: Bruce Hoffman                                               Exit Gates: 3.5 or 4
Judge: TBA                                                 Check-In during shows will not be allowed
                                                        Livestock may be check in beginning Tuesday,
JUDGING PROGRAM (Subject to Change)                                    August 31 at 8 AM.
Thursday, September 2, 2021                             All exhibitors must have their livestock checked
8 AM          Targhee                                   in by Wednesday, September 1 by 9 PM unless
              Corriedale                                           coming from another show.
              Rambouillet                               Departure will be Monday, September 6 at 6 PM.
              Natural Wood Breeds
              Cheviots                                 Early release is only allowed if going to another show
              Old English BabyDolls                    and if a copy of the other show’s entry form is sent
              All Other Wool Breeds                    along with your South Dakota State Fair entry form.
              All Other Meat Breeds
6:30 PM       Exhibitors Potluck, Open Class Barn      GENERAL RULES
              Meat will be furnished by the                1. Entry closing date: August 1.
              SD Hampshire’s Association.
                                                              Late entries will be accepted if all the following
              Exhibitors - bring a dish to share!
                                                              conditions are met:
Friday, September 3, 2021                                         a. Adequate exhibit space is available
8 AM            Montadale                                         b. The fees for late entries shall be
                Dorset                                                 doubled
                Southdown                                         c. Late entries must be received by 5
                Hampshire                                              PM on August 15. South Dakota
5 PM – 6 PM Jr. Suffolk Registration                                   State Fair office reserves the right to
6 PM           Jr. Suffolk Show                                        refuse any and all late entries.
Saturday, September 4, 2021                                       d. Entry fees for late entries shall be paid
8 AM            Suffolk                                                by bank draft, certified check, money
                Supreme Ram and Supreme Ewe                            order or bank credit card (Visa,
                Show                                                   Mastercard, or Discover). Cash will not
                Fleece Judging
                                                                       be accepted.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
7 AM          Jr. Wool Classic Registration                    Entry Fees
7:30 AM       Jr. Wool Classic                                 Sheep Entries before 8/01
12 PM         Decorator Class
                                                                   • Entry fee/head - $7
              Lead Line
              Barn Meeting                                         • Group/classes entry fee (per group) -
2 PM          Jr. Hampshire Registration                              $7
              Jr. Hampshire Show                                   • Ladies Lead/Decorator - $10
Monday, September 6, 2021                                          • Fleece Show entry fee - $5
7:30 AM       Jr. Dorset/Jr. Southdown Show                        • 4-H/FFA $5/head if housed in 4-H barn
              Registration                                            - $5
8 AM          Jr. Dorset/Jr. Southdown Show                        • 4-H/FFA $7/head if housed in OC barn
9:30 AM       Jr. Southdown Show                                      - $7
Noon          Showmanship Showdown
              Top (2) Senior Showmanship winners               Sheep Entries after 8/01 until 8/15
              from Jr. Suffolk Show, Jr, Hampshire                • Entry fee/head - $14
              Show, Jr. Wool Classic, and Jr. Dorset
                                                                  • Group/classes entry fee (per group) -
              Show are the participants
                                                                  • Ladies Lead/Decorator - $20
                                                                  • Fleece Show entry fee - $10
                                                                  • 4-H/FFA $10/head if housed in 4-H
                                                                      barn - $10
                                                                  • 4-H/FFA $14/head if housed in OC
                                                                      barn - $14

Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair
REFUND POLICY: The fair may refund entry fees paid        10. Registry certificates must be provided before
 by an exhibitor if the exhibitor requests the refund in       animals are brought into the ring. Bring with you to
 writing two weeks prior to the opening day of the fair        check-in area.
 and states the reason for requesting the refund.
                                                           11. GROUP and PAIR ENTRIES: Division number for
 Following that timeframe, NO refunds will be issued.          group entries must be listed on entry blank. Animals
2. All entries must be made online at                          must be entered and shown in individual Classes You must show the                and name and number of each animal given to clerk
   Division and Class numbers, the name, registry              when group is shown. One group or pair per
   number, ear tag number, date of birth, sex and              exhibitor. Exhibitor will only be paid on one exhibit.
   name and number of sires and dams of each                   Group classes (pairs, pen of, flocks) have an entry
   animal. Entries must give exhibitor's name,                 fee of $7.00 per group.
   address, social security number or Federal ID           12. One member from any family, household or
   number.                                                     business establishment may make entry in any
3. No animal shall be entered in the name other than           Class. Exception: 4-H animals housed in 4-H barns.
   proven owner or owners; and should any prove to         13. Exhibits which have been incorrectly entered may,
   be entered otherwise, the premiums will be                  at the discretion of the superintendent transferred to
   forfeited.                                                  their proper Division before judging. If such
4. The name of the exhibitor as entered online must            Divisions have been judged, they will not be re-
   correspond and be the same name as on breed                 judged.
   registration papers.                                    14. Substitution of animals within Class, already
5. Entry Fees: $7.00 per head. Group classes (pairs,           entered, will be permitted prior to the opening day of
   pen of, flocks) have an entry fee of $7.00 per group.       the fair provided the animal asked to be substituted
   Entry fee for fleece competition is $5.00 per fleece.       was owned by the exhibitor 30 days prior to the
   Ladies Lead/Decorator class will have an entry fee          opening day of the Fair.
   of $10.00 per entry. Entries the day of the show will   15. Exhibitors will be required to keep their stalls and
   not be allowed. Entry fee must be paid at time of           pens clean and alleys free from obstruction.
   making entry. Maximum number of pens that can be
   assigned to any one exhibitor is ten, for any one       16. Exhibitors of livestock should inform themselves
   breed. Fee for a tack pen is $10.00, which is an 8 x        when their stock will be judged. Stock must be in
   6 pen. Pens will be assigned by the superintendent          the show ring promptly after being called. Any
   according to availability. Due to overrun, hay and          person failing to comply with this order will be ruled
   straw can be stored in porch area.                          out from competing.
6. Wheelbarrows will not be provided.                      17. It is not necessary to make entries for champions.
                                                               No cash award will be paid for champions.
7. Exhibitors will be permitted two entries in each
   individual Class and two awards will be allowed         18. The basis for computing age will be: 1 Yearling,
   except in group Classes where only one premium              born after September 1, 2020; fall lambs,
   will be paid. Animals occupying pens and not                September 1 to December 31, 2020 (fall lambs
   entered competition will be charged $12.50 per pen          must show lamb teeth), 3 spring lambs, after
   and will be collected by the superintendent, subject        January 1, 2021. No sheep shall show more than 4
   to availability.                                            permanent teeth.
8. Exhibitors must have their stock in place               19. Sheep must be owned by exhibitor 30 days prior to
   Wednesday unless detained from another fair. The            opening day of Fair. Certificates of registry
   same must remain in place until their release time.         association approved transfer or in case of market
   Release will depend upon distance to be traveled.           lambs a notarized bill of sale showing the exhibitor
   Release forms must be obtained from                         to be the owner must be presented upon demand.
   Superintendent before leaving the grounds.                  These certificates must be dated by the association
                                                               30 days prior to opening day of Fair.
9. Check entries with Superintendent prior to
   show. Substitutions must be made at this time           20. Do not make entries in Association Specials as
   (see Rule 14). If not checked in prior to show,             awards will be made in accordance with the awards
   entrant will not be allowed to participate.                 in the Open Class. Any breed not having three or
                                                               more exhibitors with at least 15 animals this breed
                                                               will be taken out of premium books next year.

Sheep Exhibitor Book 2021 - South Dakota State Fair
21. New breeds of sheep must show for two years in all          HEALTH REGULATIONS
    other meat or all other wool breeds and then have           A completed Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, listing
    three exhibitors and 15 exhibits to establish a Breed       individual animal official identification must accompany
    Show with premiums.
                                                                all animals exhibited at the South Dakota State Fair.
22. The South Dakota State Fair Commission has                  The Certificate of Veterinary Inspection must be issued
    adopted and will enforce the IAFE National Code of          within 30 days of Fair entry. Certificates of Veterinary
    Show Ring Ethics. A copy of this code can be                Inspection written for animals originating from outside
    obtained by contacting either the State Fair office or      the State of South Dakota must have a telephone
    the building superintendent.
                                                                import permit number listed on the certificate. The
23. Livestock Trailer Parking: Livestock trailer parking is     consignee must be listed as: South Dakota State Fair,
    at Huron Continental Marketing (Bales) located west         1060 3rd St. SW Huron, SD 57350
    of Huron at 39763 US Hwy 14. Doing this will allow
    us to be able to accommodate more vehicle parking           Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection (CVI) Collection
    at 7th St. and Nevada Ave.                                  Process Has Changed.
24. On-Grounds Parking: On-grounds parking is                       1) Exhibitor presents CVI to Livestock
    prohibited without proper and appropriate                          Superintendent, or their designee, at check-in to
    credentials. Parking passes issued to campers are                  verify they have a CVI.
    valid only for the campsites. They are not an                      NOTE: If exhibitor is showing multiple species,
    appropriate credential for anywhere else. If the                   they need a separate CVI for each species.
    vehicle does not fit within the boundaries of the
                                                                    2) Exhibitor gets stall assignment and is
    campsite, the vehicle must be parked off grounds.
                                                                       responsible for writing the stall number on the
25. Parking Violations: Any vehicle found on-grounds                   CVI and then puts the CVI in the CVI collection
    without the proper credential for the area in which                box.
    it’s parked is subject to towing. There will be zero            3) AIB collects CVIs from the collection box
    tolerance for parking violations; there will no longer             several times throughout the day to inspect
    be making PA announcements or giving warnings.                     animals.
    Violators will be towed.                                        4) It is the exhibitor’s obligation and responsibility
                                                                       to ensure their animal(s) are healthy and that
26. Fire Lanes: For safety purposes, any vehicle                       they have obtained a CVI within 30 days of
    blocking a fire-lane will be towed at owner’s                      bringing the animal(s) onto the fairgrounds. Any
    expense. There will be zero tolerance. NO                          exhibitor found bringing an animal with
    EXECEPTIONS AND WARNINGS!                                          obvious issues pertaining to animal health
                                                                       and well-being will be asked to leave
27. Ticketing System: The South Dakota State Fair                      immediately and will not be allowed to show
    utilizes an electronic system at the gates for                     at the 2022 South Dakota State Fair.
    admission and parking. Parking passes will be
    scanned upon entry and exit from the fairgrounds.           Animals must be free of signs of communicable
    Passes are only valid for the area and terms listed         and infectious disease at the time of entry onto the
    on the pass.                                                Fairgrounds. Any determination of the health status of
28. Feeding/Unloading Permit: A feeding/unloading               an animal will be at the discretion of the State
    permit may be purchased at the State Fair                   Veterinarian or official representative.
    Administration Office or online upon submission of
    livestock entry for $20 (only one permit per                •   Rams, six months of age and older, must have a
    family/address allowed). This permit allows entry on            negative ELISA Test for Brucella ovis (this test must
    the fairgrounds before 9 AM and after 6 PM to feed              be within 30 days of entry for out-of-state rams or
    animals and then exit immediately. This is not a
                                                                    within 90 days of entry for South Dakota origin
    parking permit and will be subject to towing if
    vehicle is left unattended for an extended amount of            rams) or originate from a certified Brucella ovis free
    time. Permits will be scanned at gates and will only            flock (with a current test date). The flock certification
    be valid during the designated hours.                           number or test result and laboratory must be listed
                                                                    on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection.
                          QUIET TIME
                                                                •   All animals will be subject to testing for foreign
       For safety and security of livestock and personal            substances by the State Veterinarian at the
   property, the South Dakota State Fair has established a
                                                                    discretion of the State Fair Commission.
    “Quiet Time” in all barns that starts at 2 AM until 5 AM.
   Large gatherings, parties or excessive socializing will be                                                              6
           prohibited. That you for your cooperation.
   • Sliding scale will be used on classes that have               The Dakota Montadale Association will sponsor
      1-8 Head: $13 $11 $10 $8 $7                              monetary awards of $25, $20, $15 and $10 etc. for the
   • Sliding scale will be used on classes that have              Top Junior Ewe Division and the Top Junior Ram
      9+ Head: $18 $15 $13 $13 $11 $11                         Division. To be eligible to show, Junior dues of $2 must
      $10 $10 $8 $8                                            have been paid by show time. Top Jr. Ewe and Top Jr.
   • Groups: $16 $15 $12 $9 $8                                             Ram will also receive a plaque.

SUPREME CHAMPION RAM AND EWE AWARDS                                            SPECIAL AWARDS
Farm Credit Services of America & Livestock                     Trophies for Montadale Divisions are sponsored by:
Specialist Inc. will present monetary awards for                          Dakota Montadale Association
                                                                    Academy Trophy and Engraving Company
the Supreme Champion Ram and Supreme                                           De Smet Farm Mutual
Champion Ewe.                                                             Fritz and Bruckner Montadales
                                                                                     Myrta Wold
                                                                                Poppen Montadales
SHEEP HERDSMANSHIP AWARD                                                         Miller Montadales
To be awarded to the exhibitor in Open Division sheep                             My Montadales
barn with the most attractive pens and neatest aisles.                           Bruns Montadales
The award will be chosen by the Sheep                                              Nancy Webb
Superintendent. This award is sponsored by Bill &
Jody Fuller, RR1, Box 37, Clark, South Dakota 57225.     DIVISION 11: HAMPSHIRE
Phone: 605-532-5152                                      HAMPSHIRE SPECIAL
DIVISION 1: TARGHEE                                      South Dakota Hampshire Association sponsors
                                                         traveling trophies for Grand Champion Ram, Grand
DIVISION 2: RAMBOUILLET                                  Champion Ewe. All exhibitors are eligible.
     A traveling plaque will be awarded to:              South Dakota Hampshire Association sponsors
                                                         traveling trophies for South Dakota Champion Ewe,
    •  The Premier Rambouillet exhibitor
                                                         South Dakota Champion Ram, $1 Place South Dakota
       sponsored by South Dakota Rambouillet
                                                         Mixed Pair of Lambs. Only South Dakota breeders are
       Sheep Breeders Association.
    • The 1st Place winner of Wool on a Live
       Animal in the Rambouillet Division in             DIVISION 12: ALL OTHER MEAT BREEDS
       memory of Murl Patrick by his family.
    • The top Rambouillet Yearling Ram in                DIVISION 13: OLDE ENGLISH BABYDOLL
       memory of Elden Tompkins for his many
                                                         OPEN CLASS
       years of interest and support of the              Class
       Rambouillet breed.                                1.    Yearling Ram
DIVISION 3: CORRIEDALE                                   2.    Ram Lamb - Fall 9/1- 12/31, of previous year (must
                                                               show lamb teeth)
DIVISON 4: CHEVIOT                                       3.    Ram Lamb - Spring 1/1- 1/31, of current year
                                                         4.    Junior Ram Lamb - after 2/1, of current year
DIVISION 5: NATURAL WOOL BREEDS                          5.    SUFFOLKS &HAMPSHIRE ONLY Slick sheared spring
                                                               ram lamb class. Not eligible to participate in class 3 or 4
DIVISION 6: ALL OTHER WOOL BREEDS                        6.    Pair of Ram Lambs - Either a fall or spring pair, not one
                                                               of each. (Spring pair refers to Classes 3, 4 and 5)
DIVISION 7: MONTADALE                                    7.    Grand Champion Ram
                                                         8.    Reserve Grand Champion Ram
DIVISION 8: SOUTHDOWN                                    9.    Yearling Ewe
                                                         10.   DORSETS ONLY Slick Sheared Yearling Ewe-no butt
DIVISION 9: SUFFOLK                                            wool
                                                         11.   Pair of Yearling Ewes
DIVISON 10: DORSET                                       12.   Ewe Lamb - Fall 9/1- 12/31, prv year (must show lamb
                                                         13.   Ewe Lamb - Spring 1/1- 1/31, of current year
                                                         14.   Junior Ewe Lamb - after 2/1, of current year
                                                         15.   Hampshire or Suffolk “slick sheared” Spring Ewe lamb
                                                               class. Not eligible to participate in class 13 or 14.

16. DORSETS ONLY Slick Sheared fall or spring ewe lamb             DECORATOR DIVISION – 10 and Under, Boys or
    NO BUTT WOOL. Not eligible to participate in class 13          Girls
    or 14
17. Pair of Ewe Lambs - Either a fall or spring pair, not one
    of each. (Spring pair refers to Classes 13, 14 and 15.)        Possible Score
18. Grand Champion Ewe                                             Originality                                       25
19. Reserve Grand Champion Ewe                                     Presentation                                      15
20. Pair of Lambs - Either a fall or spring pair, both sexes.      Neatness                                          10__
21. Young Flock - Three head, one ram lamb and two ewe
                                                                   TOTAL                                         50 Points
    lamb owned by the exhibitor.
22. Pen of 4 Lambs – Pen of 4 lambs, both sexes
    represented and owned by exhibitor. Hampshire’s,
    Dorset’s & Suffolk’s are excluded from this class.             LEAD LINE DIVISION
23. Exhibitors Flock - One ram, two yearling ewes and two
    ewes’ lambs, owned by the exhibitor.                           Possible Score
24. WOOL BREEDS ONLY - Wool on a live animal: One
    animal previously shown exhibitor displaying the best
                                                                   General Appearance, Neatness & Grooming     15
    fleece. One animal per exhibitor.                              Poise, Posture, Grace & Charm               15
25. South Downs, Montadales, Cheviots and all other meat           Handling of Animal                          10__
    breeds. - Best Breed Character: One animal previously          TOTAL                                   40 Points
    shown displaying the best breed character: One animal
    per exhibitor. Dorsets, Hampshires & Suffolks excluded         DRESS: Priority will be given to exhibitors who
    from this class.                                               construct their own garment
Wool Breeds - Rambouillet, Columbia, Targhee,                      Possible Score
Border Leister, Corriedale, and Olde English Babydolls             Outfit: Fit and Color (Is it becoming?)             15
                                                                   Style: Is it appropriate; is it a good use of wool 15__
Meat Breeds - Montadale, Dorset, Suffolk, Shropshire,              TOTAL                                           30 Points
Hampshire, and Southdown, Cheviot
                                                                   SHEEP: Priority will be given to animals that handle
DIVISON 14: LEAD LINE                                              easily with halter
The objective of this division is to present a division of sheep
in the most attractive manner to give spectators a real
opportunity to view a division with beauty and to improve the      General Appearance (training)                   15
image of a sheep show. Sheep must be registered yearling           Handles Easily                                  15__
ewes or ewe lambs, conditioned, fitted and trained to show         (steps right out, appears to have been worked with)
at halter. All rules for exhibiting sheep at the South Dakota      TOTAL                                       30 Points
State Fair pertain. Exhibitors chosen by exhibitors to
participate in this division must have a sheep background or       OVERALL TOTAL                              100 POINTS
sheep interest. The exhibitor will be judged on the model of
garment selected, which must be attractive and lend
                                                                   Class 1 – Decorator Division Premiums: 1st - $23 &
elegance to the division. The garment, purchased or made,
                                                                   Plaque, 2nd - $21, 3rd - $20, 4th - $16, 5th - $15
must be of American Wool or American 50% Wool Blend.
Entrants must furnish own costume, the animal's blanket and        Class 2 – Junior – Junior Division Premiums: 1st -
resume describing costume and giving general information           $23 & Plaque, 2nd - $21, 3rd - $20, 4th - $16, 5th - $15
about the entrant. Resumes must accompany entry form               Class 3 – Junior Division Premiums: 1st - $23 &
due August 1.                                                      Plaque, 2nd - $21, 3rd - $20, 4th - $16, 5th - $15
                                                                   Class 4 – Senior Division Premiums: 1st - $23 &
FIVE DIVISIONS – Please indicate division on the                   Plaque, 2nd - $21, 3rd - $20, 4th - $16, 5th - $15
entry form.                                                        Class 5 – Adult Division Premiums: 1st - $23 &
    • Decorator: 10 and Under, Boys or Girls                       Plaque, 2nd - $21, 3rd - $20, 4th - $16, 5th - $15
    • Junior – Junior: 8 and Under
    • Junior: 9-12 Years
    • Senior: 13-17 Years
    • Adult: 18 Years and Older

Only purebred breeders’ fleeces eligible to enter.           Entries made in breeder’s exhibit not eligible for entry
1st - $22.50, 2nd - $18, 3rd - $15, 4th - $12, 5th - $7.50   in this division
Note: No state money will be paid for this class             1st - $22.50, 2nd - $18, 3rd - $15, 4th - $12, 5th - $7.50
Class:                                                       Note: No state money will be paid for this class
     1.) Cheviot                                             Class:
     2.) Columbia                                                 1.) South Dakota Fleece, fine
     3.) Corriedale                                               2.) South Dakota Fleece, ½ blood
     4.) Dorset                                                   3.) South Dakota Fleece, 3/8 blood
     5.) Hampshire                                                4.) South Dakota Fleece, ¼ blood
     6.) Montadale                                           Fleece to be tied with paper twine and put in clear
     7.) Polypay                                             bags. No fleeces older than 14 months.
     8.) Rambouillet
     9.) Southdown
     10.) Suffolk
     11.) Targhee
     12.) Olde English Babydoll

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