Shareable Dockless Mobility Device Program 2021 Annual Permit & Sub-Permit S1 Application & Scoring Criteria

Page created by Louis Graves
Shareable Dockless Mobility Device Program
                              2021 Annual Permit & Sub-Permit S1
                                 Application & Scoring Criteria


Company Name:                 _____________________________________________

Company Website:              _____________________________________________

Company Mailing Address:      _____________________________________________

Applicant Name:               _____________________________________________

Applicant Email:              _____________________________________________

Applicant Phone Number:       _____________________________________________

 SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                            Page 1

This document is the application for the Shareable Dockless Mobility Device (SDMD) Permit valid from July 1, 2021 12:01
AM– June 30, 2022 11:59PM.

The Shareable Dockless Mobility Device Permit fee is $12,000 annually for the first 500 Devices. An additional per Device
fee for Devices over 500 is $50 per Device annually. The permit application is $100. To pay this fee, please see the
payment instructions on the ATLDOT SDMD website. The application fee must be received by the application due date in
order for your application to be considered.

Please identify the device types included with your application. You may select multiple device types. Annual Permits of
500 Devices will be awarded for each Device Type 1-5. For example, if you select sit-down electric scooter and electric
assist bicycle, you are applying for a base total of 1,000 devices. The Administrative Regulations require an ongoing
minimum of 350 Devices deployed per Device Type permitted with an Annual Permit.

Annual Permit Device Type
___ Device Type 1. 500 Stand-up electric scooter (throttle powered)
___ Device Type 2. 500 Sit-down electric scooter (throttle powered)
___ Device Type 3. 500 Pedal bicycle (no electric assist)
___ Device Type 4. 500 Electric assisted bicycle (no throttle)
___ Device Type 5. 500 Electric assisted bicycle (with throttle and pedal)

Anticipated Program Launch if awarded an Annual Permit: On the ______ day of July 2021.

Sub-Permit Device Type
In addition to an annual permit, this application will simultaneously be considered for sub-permits based on the
selections below. Sub-Permits allow up to a maximum number of additional devices on top of the Annual Permit. To
obtain a sub-permit for Device Types 1-5, an Operator must obtain an Annual Permit for that Device Type. The
number of sub-permits approved will be at the discretion of the Commissioner and based on the number of total
permitted devices, quality of applications, and capacity of the right-of-way. See the Administrative Regulation for
more details on how sub-permits are awarded and administered.

Sub-Permit S1 will be valid July 1, 2021 12:01 AM through September 30, 2021 11:59 PM. Per Device fees for Sub-
Permits will be prorated at a rate of $12.51 per device for the three-month period ($4.17 per Device per month). The
total number of devices awarded in each sub-permit granted will be based on the annual permit application score
and at the discretion of the Commissioner.

Please indicate the number and types of sub-permits that are being applied for below:

 Application for Sub-Permit S1                                              Number of Devices to be considered
 July 1, 2021 12:01 AM through September 30, 2021 11:59 PM                  for a sub-permit (up to 1,500)
 Device   type   1.   Stand-up electric scooter (throttle powered)
 Device   type   2.   Sit-down electric scooter (throttle powered)
 Device   type   3.   Pedal bicycle (no electric assist)
 Device   type   4.   Electric assisted bicycle (no throttle)
 Device   type   5.   Electric assisted bicycle (with throttle and pedal)
 Device   type   6.   Other, describe:

 Please include both the desired maximum number of
 devices to be considered as well as your commitment to a
 minimum fleet size for Device Type 6.

 SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                 Page 2
All questions are required. When answering each question, please include Question # as indicated in the left most column.
     Please limit each question’s response to 300 words or fewer.

 Operations Plan
 Qualifications: 3
 Maximum points: 73
                       Mobility                                                                                                                       Maximum
 #       Topic                                  Application Question                                           Criteria                                                 Scorer
                     (M), Safety                                                                                                                       Score
                      (S), Equity
                                                                                     ATLDOT staff will reach out to the peer city point of contact
                                    Provide the following information for 3 peer     with the following:
                                    markets operating more than 500 devices.         1. Rate this company on their ability to launch within 30
                                       a. Name of city                                    days of receiving a valid permit.
                                       b. Name, phone number, and email of contact   2. Rate this company’s communication with city staff on
                                                                                          transparency, responsiveness to city requests, on-time
                                       c. Number of permitted devices in that                                                                        Scores for
                                                                                          payments, and other relevant communication
                                          market                                                                                                     each
                                                                                     3. Rate performance of this company’s devices based on
                                  Preferred peer markets for reference could                                                                         from each
                                                                                          any experiences with systemic safety or safety-related-
                                  include:                                                                                                           city are
                                                                                          vandalism issues?
                                      • Serving a population of 250,000 or more      4. Rate this company’s systemic operational performance
                                                                                                                                                     together and
                                      • Located in the SE region                          (i.e. staff deploys correctly, they proactively manage
                                                                                                                                                     weighted to a
1.     Experience   M S         E     • Operating for at least 1 year                     fleet organization and rebalancing).                                        Staff
                                                                                                                                                     maximum of
                                      • Market encompasses a unique operating        5. Rate this company’s effectiveness building a successful
                                                                                          low-income program in terms of getting program sign-
                                                                                                                                                     15 points
                                           area similar to the Atlanta Beltline
                                                                                          ups and program utilization.
                                           Eastside Trail                                                                                            Qualification:
                                                                                     6. Rate this company on their compliance with special
                                                                                          administrative zones (reduced speed, parking/no-           Minimum of
                                                                                          parking, no-ride, equity zones, etc.).                     9/15 points
                                                                                     7. Rate this company on their compliance with data
      Some Cities were unable to provide responses due to internal                        requirements/requests.                                     15 points
      policy decisions. Therefore, scoring for Question 1 was removed                8. Rate this company on their compliance maintaining
                                                                                          required number of devices (min or max).
      due to lack of sufficient response.                                            9. Is there anything else you think we should know about
                                                                                          this company?
                                                                                     All questioned rated on scale of 1-5, 5 being the best

      SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                                Page 3
Provide a template data sharing agreement that            Qualification - Applicant demonstrates ability to
2.   Data          M         has been successfully signed in a peer market.            provide API access consistent with Administrative          Qualification   Staff
                             May provide as an attachment or a link.                   Regulations and City of Atlanta law.

                            Provide demonstration of ability to successfully
                            implement the following Administrative
                            Regulation, as well as commitment to doing so:
                            Speed Limits for First Ride – Operators are
                                                                                       Qualification – Applicant demonstrates ability to
     New Rider              required to limit the speed of the first ride by each
3.                        S                                                            limit speed for first ride of every rider as required by   Qualification   Staff
     Safety                 rider after July 1, 2021 12:01 AM, to 10 MPH for
                                                                                       Administrative Regulations.
                            the full duration of the trip. This applies to all trips
                            on or after July 1, 2021 and is not limited to new

                             Provide a strategy for launching and scaling in
                             Atlanta assuming applicant is issued a valid permit
                             effective July 1st, 2021.                                 Applicant demonstrates capacity to operate a
                                                                                       minimum of 350 devices per device type within the
                             Include a timeline for operationalizing in Atlanta
4.   Experience    M                                                                   City of Atlanta by August 1, 2021. Plans committing        5 points        Staff
                             (e.g. hiring, acquiring devices, and securing any
                                                                                       to launching larger or full fleets upon receiving a
                             local leases). Note: Minimum fleet size of 350
                                                                                       valid permit are preferred.
                             devices per permitted device type is required by
                             August 1, 2021 to be considered ‘launched’.

                             Provide documentation that applicant is able to
                             implement all Administrative Zones required in
                             the Administrative Regulations. Describe the
                             process of activating administrative zones that           Qualification – Applicant technology demonstrates
                             change on a daily or near daily basis. (For example,      ability to implement all required administrative
                             the Atlanta Eastside Beltline Trail is a reduced          zones.
5.   Operations    M S                                                                                                                            2 points        Staff
                             speed zone on weekday evenings and on
                             weekends. This means the maximum speed                    Preference for plans that minimize the space for
                             allowed changes at least once most days.) Please          human error and rely on automation.
                             describe whether zone activation is automatic or
                             requires any ongoing manual actions from your
                             staff beyond the initial zone set-up.

     SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                             Page 4
Do you hire any independent contractors to
      Staffing                                                                      Staffing programs that do not hire independent
6.                  M         manage field operations?                                                                                     3 points    Staff
      Plan                                                                          contractors are preferred.

                             How many FTE field staff do you hire per 100
      Staffing                                                                      Prefer staffing commitments that provide at least 1
7.                  M S    E devices permitted?                                                                                            6 points    Staff
      Plan                                                                          FTE staff for every 50 devices.
                             Provide a commitment to how your company will
                             proactively manage the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside       Commitments to managing the trail that
                             Trail.Include the specific policy and procedure for    demonstrate proactive, not reactive, strategies as
8.    Operations    M S                                                                                                                    6 points    Staff
                             reviewing, correcting, and reducing future parking     well as high levels of staffing attention during the
                             violations. For example, include the mechanism         evenings and weekends are preferred.
                             for using real-time data to address violations.
                             Describe examples of your management and
                             compliance with special or administrative zones
                             similar the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail in other   Strategies that prioritize compliance by proactively
                                                                                                                                           15 points
9.    Operations    M S      cities. Please provide examples with riding and        and regularly monitoring and correcting devices for                Committee
                             parking restrictions. Describe any compliance          compliance with Atlanta specific laws are preferred.
                             challenges and any methods or innovations used
                             to resolve them.
                             List pricing plan for all pricing options. Provide a
                             price commitment for non-membership options
                             (including per trip and per minute fees) for July 1,
                                                                                    Preference for lower pricing and membership
10. Operations      M      E 2021 – December 31, 2021. ATLDOT will review                                                                  3 points    Committee
                             potential changes to this commitment in Q4 for
                             the second half of the permit.

                             Provide detailed staffing organizational structure
                             proposed for Atlanta. Include number of hours per      Staffing plans that provide higher levels of
11.                 M S    E month dedicated to the Atlanta market by               managerial staff and dedicated hours to the Atlanta    3 points    Committee
                             management level staff.                                market are preferred.

                              Provide a training plan and materials from a peer
                                                                                    Training plans and materials that emphasize
      Staffing                market detailing rules for deployment and
12.                 M                                                               maximizing compliance with parking and distribution    3 points    Committee
      Plan                    rebalancing to be used by field staff.
                                                                                    regulations are preferred.

      SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                 Page 5
Provide plan for device maintenance, cleaning,
                           repair, safety check protocols, and minimum
                           standards and schedule for repair and cleaning,         Maintenance plans that provide specific details for
13. Operations   M S       including COVID-19- specific cleaning measures.         regular maintenance from a qualified mechanic are         3 points   Committee
                           Include maintenance personnel training                  preferred.

                           Provide plans for staffing Class A-D Outdoor
                           Festivals or Assemblies as outlined by the Mayor’s
                           Office of Special Events. Include ability to            Plans that include a commitment to providing
                           implement temporary no-ride zones, and                  unbranded temporary parking infrastructure with
14. Operations   M S       temporary deploy/no-deployment zones. Provide           signage and customer messaging, along with staffing       3 points   Committee
                           plan for offering temporary parking infrastructure,     commitments to ensure parking areas remain safe
                           signage, staffing accommodations, and                   and organized are preferred.
                           educational messaging.

                                                                                   Plans with the following items are preferred:
                                                                                   A) specific operational details that prioritize safety
                           Provide plan for responding to extreme events
                                                                                   for users without sacrificing the transportation
                           including public health emergencies and weather
15. Operations   M S                                                               service and                                               3 points   Committee
                           events such as flooding, high winds, snow, and ice.
                                                                                   B) transparency and communication to both City
                                                                                   staff and customers in advance of operational
                           Provide detailed plan for preventing and
                           identifying systemic device safety issues (i.e. major
                           software malfunctions systemwide, battery               Plans that specify detailed processes for proactively
16. Operations       S     tampering, widespread vandalism of safety               identifying issues and for rapid responses prioritizing   3 points   Committee
                           features) and a commitment for what the                 safety and correcting issues are preferred.
                           company will do if a safety issue is discovered.

   SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                     Page 6
Communications and Education Plan
Qualifications: 1
Maximum Points: 50
                      Mobility                                                                                                                  Maximum
#         Topic                                 Application Question                                           Criteria                                         Scorer
                     Safety (S),
                     Equity (E)
                                                                                         Qualification – Applicant must demonstrate an
                                                                                         active incentive program as well as ability to
                                                                                         implement the required $5 fine.
                                   Provide details on the required incentive program
                                   to incentivize lawful riding and parking behavior.
                                                                                         Programs that commit to using effective methods
                                   Include the methods for setting the incentives,                                                              Qualification
    User                                                                                 for behavior change and incentivize lawful user
17.                  M             processes for users to participate, rewards, or                                                                    +          Staff
    Incentives                                                                           behavior are preferred. Staff understands that these    10 points
                                   other details of the program. Provide details on
                                                                                         programs may evolve over time and is looking for an
                                   how you will implement the required $5 fine for
                                                                                         ongoing commitment with preference for programs
                                   parking in Atlanta BeltLine Trail No Parking Zones.
                                                                                         with meaningful forethought and adaptability.
                                                                                         Programs that provide mechanisms to measure
                                                                                         success are preferred.
                                   Provide strategy for out-of-app education (such
                                   as: outreach events, media strategy, email or
                                                                                         Strategies that expand the reach of programs and
       Education                   written brochures, vehicle decals, partnerships, or
18.                  M S                                                                 use effective methods for behavior change are           10 points       Staff
       Plan                        other strategies and materials) to increase
                                   awareness and compliance with Atlanta specific
                                   Provide strategy for in-app education (such as:
                                                                                         Strategies that expand the reach of programs and
    Education                      banners, link trees, rental process pop-ups,
19.                  M S                                                                 use effective methods for behavior change are           10 points       Staff
    Plan                           quizzes, or other examples) to increase awareness
                                   and compliance with Atlanta specific laws.
                                   Provide screenshots and description of the ways a
                                                                                         Platforms where safety incidents or crashes may be
                                   person can report safety incidents or crashes in
    Customer                                                                             reported more easily are preferred. For example:
                                   the app. List other methods that a person may
20. Service              S                                                                   - As part of a trip                                  2 points       Staff
                                   use to report a crash or injury to your company
    response                                                                                 - Directly through a prominently displayed
                                   and indicate which method you expect most
                                                                                                 button on the main user interface of the app
                                   people will report such incidents.

      SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                          Page 7
Platforms where parking or maintenance requests
                                                                                     may be reported more easily are preferred. For
    Customer                   Provide screenshots and description of the ways a
21. Service          M S E     person can report a parking or maintenance                                                                   6 points      Staff
                                                                                         - As part of a trip
    Response                   requests in the app.
                                                                                         - Directly through a prominently displayed
                                                                                             button on the main user interface of the app
                               List the accessibility features of the mobile
                               application, information on devices, and customer
       Increased               service operations. (i.e. additional language
22.                        E                                                         Platforms with three or more features are preferred.   2 points      Staff
       Access                  options, translation services, screen-reader
                               integration, braille stickers, Teletypewriter (TTY)
                               access, or other features).
                                                                                     Rate this company’s communication and education
                                                                                     plan on how well it meets our program’s guiding
                                                                                     principles overall. Consider whether:

                                                                                        1. the programs described will provide
                                                                                           adequate incentives and information for
                               Overall                                                     users to park and ride correctly.
                                                                                        2. the methods of getting information to users
23. Overall                                                                                                                                 10 points   Committee
                               Note: Applicants shall not submit additional                will be effective and creative.
                               information for this item.                               3. the contact methods for various users and
                                                                                           residents to reach the company for their
                                                                                           needs will be easy to use and effective as
                                                                                           resolving problems.
                                                                                        4. the communication methods will be
                                                                                           accessible to a diverse audience.

      SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                   Page 8
Fleet Design Plan
Qualifications: 6
Maximum Points: 61
                     Mobility                                                                                                                    Maximum
#       Topic                                  Application Question                                           Criteria                                           Scorer
                   (M), Safety
                    (S), Equity

                                  Provide device specifications for all components
                                                                                                                                                  Informs alignment with
24. Fleet Design   M S            of all device types proposed in this application.
                                                                                                                                                     guiding principles
                                  Include photos of the devices.
                                                                                       Qualification - Device wheel size is 9 inches or larger
                                                                                       in diameter.                                              Qualification
25. Fleet Design   M S            Provide specifications for wheel size.                                                                               +          Staff
                                                                                       Devices with wheels of at least 10 inches are               6 points
                                  Provide device specifications showing that           Qualification - Devices with motors must be in            Qualification
26. Technology     M S            devices comply with motor driven speed               compliance with Motor Driven Speed requirements                            Staff
                                  requirements in the administrative regulations.      in the Administrative Regulations.
                                  Provide device specifications showing that                                                                     Qualification
                                                                                       Qualification - Device's front and rear taillights can
27. Fleet Design   M S            devices comply with lighting requirements in the                                                                                Staff
                                                                                       be seen from at least 500 ft away
                                  administrative regulations.
                                                                                       Qualification – Applicant must provide test results       Qualification
                                                                                       from a qualified independent lab demonstrating for
                                  Provide documentation that brakes meet
28. Fleet Design   M S                                                                 each device model proposed that device brakes that                         Staff
                                  standards in in the Administrative Regulations.
                                                                                       will enable the operator to make a braked wheel
                                                                                       skid on dry, level, clean pavement.
                                  Provide documentation that all proposed device                                                                 Qualification
                                  types meet the ANSI/CAN/UL Standard for
                                  Electrical Systems for Personal E-Mobility Devices
                                  (UL Standard 2272), in addition to any other
                                  applicable federal or state safety laws or           Qualification – Devices must meet safety regulations
29. Safety              S                                                                                                                                         Staff
                                  regulations. As an alternative to certification of   found in Administrative Regulations.
                                  UL Standard 2272, submit documentation
                                  demonstrating that proposed devices meet a
                                  standard that provides equivalent safety
    SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                             Page 9
Show all signage on devices and demonstrate
                             consistency with Administrative Regulations:
                             a. Company specific branding
                             b. Contact information for customer service*
                             c. Unique company specific device identification
                                                                                  Qualification - Signage on Devices must meet
                             d. Educational signage about not riding on
30. Fleet Design       S E                                                        standards set by the Administrative Regulations.        Qualification   Staff

                             *Note – there are specific size dimension
                             requirements listed in the Administrative
                             Regulations. Photos or mock-ups of required on-
                             device text must show dimensions of text height
                             to demonstrate compliance.
                             Describe any options offered to rider to cap         Prefer available and easy to use option for riders to
                             motor driven travel at speeds slower than 15         reduce motor-driven speed caps lower than 15
31. Technology       M S                                                                                                                    6 points      Staff
                             MPH. Include how a rider would find and activate     MPH.
                             this option.
                             Describe kickstand design and provide a close-up
32. Fleet Design     M S                                                          Dual-leg/forked kickstand are preferred.                  2 points      Staff
                             photo of kickstand in use.

                             Provide documentation of any wheel locking
                             mechanism during periods of non-use. Include         Device can roll freely for a short distance without
33. Correctability   M S                                                                                                                    4 points      Staff
                             the distance devices can roll freely without the     being unlocked are preferred.
                             locking mechanism activating.
                             Provide any documentation showing that a
                             helmet is included as part of a user rental.         Devices come with a helmet as part of a user rental
                             Include method for attaching helmet to device        and are securely locked with the device between
34. Helmet             S                                                                                                                    3 points      Staff
                             while not on a ride. Helmet must be secured with     trips are preferred
                             a locking element that prevents it from
                             accidentally detaching.
                             Describe any technology embedded in the device
                                                                                  Prefer fleets that have effective and active
                             or rental app that will be provided upon the first
                             day of your fleet launch that would detect           technology element that detects sidewalk riding and
35. Technology         S                                                          brings the ride speed to 0-3 MPH. Technology must        10 points      Staff
                             sidewalk riding and automatically provide a
                             safety response such as slowing or stopping the      be in place on the first day of launch to be scored.
                             device speed.

   SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                      Page 10
Describe any technology embedded in the device
                               or rental app that will be provided upon the first
                               day of your fleet launch that would detect and
                               address devices parking in violation of Atlanta’s    Prefer fleets that have technology in place that
                               regulation. This could include internal              detects parking violations and includes procedures
36. Technology     M S         mechanisms to detect fallen over devices, end-of-    for timely corrections. Technology must be in place       10 points       Staff
                               ride photo features, or other solutions.             on the first day of launch to be scored.

                               For each feature include the policy and procedure
                               for reviewing, correcting, and reducing future
                               parking violations.
                               Provide details of any additional safety hardware Features providing unique and enhanced safety
                               or software for proposed devices that will be in   experience are preferred. Features must be fully in
37. Fleet Design       S                                                                                                                      10 points       Staff
                               place on the first day of launch and are not       use on the first day of launch to score points.
                               otherwise described or highlighted in application.
                               If applicable, provide any additional description  Citywide, having a diverse fleet is preferred. This
                               of unique fleet design features for each device    could include fleets with a mix of device types, fleets
                               type, such as:                                     with unique device types, or devices with unique
                                                                                  features that increases access to micro-mobility for
                                    • Seating
                                                                                  people of various needs, preferences, and abilities.        Informs alignment with
38. Fleet Design   M       E        • Basket
                                                                                  Examples could include providing two device types,             guiding principles
                                    • Lock-to mechanism
                                                                                  providing sit down options, providing human
                                    • User amenities
                                                                                  powered options, providing amenities such as
                                    • Accessible or adaptive features
                                                                                  baskets or other element to safely carry personal
                                    • Other                                       items, recumbent bicycles, tricycles, or hand cycles.
                                                                                  Proposed devices over 70 lbs. may be reviewed with
                               Provide the device weight.                         higher standards for safety due to concerns around          Informs alignment with
39. Fleet Design   M S
                                                                                  limited operational experience and impacts of                  guiding principles
                                                                                  heavier devices on public safety.
                                                                                  Rate this company’s fleet design how well it meets
                                                                                  our program’s guiding principles. Consider:
                               Overall                                                     1. design safety of each device type
    Committee                                                                              2. unique safety features offered
40. Overall                                                                                3. technologies that make it easier to adhere to   10 points    Committee
                               Note: Applicants shall not submit additional
    Score                                                                                     City of Atlanta rules and regulations
                               information for this item.
                                                                                           4. whether devices offer options that serve a
                                                                                              diverse population

   SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                         Page 11
Equity Plan
Qualifications: 2
Maximum Points: 33
                        Mobility                                                                                                                   Maximum
#         Topic                               Application Question                                             Criteria                                            Scorer
                      (M), Safety
                       (S), Equity
                                     Describe payment options that do not require
                                     the use of credit cards. If your service           Qualification- Applicant offers non-credit card
41.                             E    incorporates local retailers as a point of sale,   payment option.                                            Qualification    Staff
                                     list at least 5 local retailers that would
                                     provide access to this service.
                                          a) List of need-based qualifications to
                                                                                        Qualification - Applicant offers discounted price
                                               become eligible to receive discounted
                                                                                        option for people with low income.
       Increased                          b) Discounted price commitment from
42.                             E                                                       Scoring Criteria - Price options that increase financial         +          Staff
       access                                  July 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.                                                                    4 points
                                                                                        access for a diverse range of need-based
                                          c) List of steps for signing up for the
                                                                                        communities and are easy to sign up for are
                                               program including approximate
                                               length of time from submission to
                                     Provide commitment to a percentage of your
                                                                                        Prefer commitments to higher percentages of
                                     PERMITTED fleet that will be deployed in
                                                                                        PERMITTED fleet in Equity Zones than is required by
43. Equity Plan      M          E    Equity Zones each day. The minimum                                                                              4 points       Staff
                                                                                        the administrative regulations.
                                     commitment is 6% total and a minimum of
                                     2% per zone.
       Increased                     Describe rental options that do not require        Prefer programs that provide easy to use non-smart
44.                             E                                                                                                                    2 points       Staff
       access                        the use of smartphones.                            phone option for rentals.

      SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                            Page 12
Provide community outreach and education
                                 strategies to reach intended equity groups
                                                                                   Plans that effectively promote equity programs,
                                 such as those living or working in Equity
                                                                                   facilitates sign-ups, and provide ongoing outreach
45. Equity Plan          E       Zones, or those who might receive discounted                                                             10 points     Staff
                                                                                   and education to the intended need-based groups
                                 pricing options. Include a list of 5
                                                                                   are preferred.
                                 organizations you will reach out to if you
                                 receive a permit.
                                 Provide information on low-income program
                                 utilization for 3 similarly sized markets.
                                 Provide both the number of program sign-ups       Prefer successful outcomes in utilization in low-
                                 and the % of all trips that are taken using the   income ridership programs as demonstrated
46. Program                                                                                                                               4 points      Staff
                                 low-income pricing program. Include               through substantial and increasing program sign-ups
                                 information for a 6-month time period from        and number of trips.
                                 no less recently than January 2020.

                                                                                   Rate this company’s equity program on the overall
                                                                                   strategy to be accessible to low-income
                                                                                   communities. Consider:
                                                                                       1. geographic access (distribution to Equity
                                 Overall                                                   Zones and other non-high-ridership areas)
                                                                                       2. financial access (pricing levels)
47. Overall                                                                                                                               10 points   Committee
                                 Note: Applicants shall not submit additional          3. ease-of-use (program sign-up using non-
                                 information for this item.                                credit card or non-smart phone options is
                                                                                       4. any other factors that would make the low-
                                                                                           income aspect of this program successful for
                                                                                           the City of Atlanta

   SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                                                   Page 13

I understand that the permitting process for the 2020 Annual SDMD Permit is a competitive permit. I understand that this
means that received applications will be reviewed for whether they meet the qualifications of City law and that all qualifying
applications will subsequently be scored against how well the application meets the SDMD Guiding Principles and
compliance with the Administrative Regulations and Atlanta law. I understand that not every application will be offered an
Annual SDMD Permit. I understand that my company is not guaranteed an Annual SDMD Permit. I understand that the
final authority of the decision on which companies receives Annual SDMD Permits is at the discretion of the Commissioner
of the Department of Transportation.

I understand that the City may work with City approved partners to develop agreements that govern the use of dockless
devices in unique public spaces. I understand that the City will review and approve agreements based on the benefit to
public safety. I understand that my company will be required to sign and abide by any agreements approved and directly
requested by the City. I understand that my company will risk the suspension or revocation of our permit if we do not sign
any agreements set forth by the City.

I understand that the City has the authority to request data to be shared with the City as outlined in City of Atlanta Code of
Ordinances Chapter 150 Article X. and the SDMD Administrative Regulations. I understand that the City may provide a
third-party data manager to access and analyze the data on the City’s behalf. I understand that my company will be
required to work with the City and any third-party data manager to secure a data sharing agreement that outlines data
specifications and privacy regulations.

I hereby depose that all statements herein attached and submitted are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. By
signing this permit, I agree that I have read and understood all application requirements, permit requirements, City of
Atlanta Code of Ordinances Chapter 150 Article X., and administrative regulations for shareable dockless mobility devices.
I certify that I have the authority to sign for and bind my company, and by virtue of submitting this application, am bound by
the provisions of this permit and the laws and regulations of the City of Atlanta.

Please read and agree to the following:

_____ I understand and agree to the Competitive Permit Process as described in this application and supporting

_____ I understand and agree to work with City partners as described in this application and supporting documents.

_____ I understand and agree to work with City on signing a data sharing agreement as described in this application and
      supporting documents.

_____ I certify that I have the authority to sign for and bind my company, and by virtue of submitting this application, am
      bound by the provisions of this permit and the laws and regulations of the City of Atlanta.

Operator Name:__________________

Applicant Name:__________________

 SDMD 2021 Permit Application and Scoring Criteria                                                                    Page 14
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