Shah v. HSBC - Part 2 Relief for Financial Institutions and Businesses

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Shah v. HSBC - Part 2 Relief for Financial Institutions and Businesses

  Shah v. HSBC – Part 2 Relief for Financial Institutions and
                                     Shah v. HSBC Private Bank (UK) Limited [2012] EWHC 1283 (QB)
                                                                          Judgment delivered 16 May 2012


The latest High Court decision in this long-           Case Summary
running    case   should     provide    relief   for   This is the sixth reported decision in this case which
businesses who feared that complying with              has been ongoing for four and a half years. It has seen
their legal obligations under statutory Anti-          lawyers questioning almost every aspect of how the
Money Laundering (AML) regimes might                   Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) of England
render them liable for damages for any losses          and Wales should function in practice and what its
alleged by their customers.                            application means both to financial institutions and
                                                       their customers.
The decision clarifies how duties to customers and
AML obligations should interrelate. It also provides   Mr Shah, a customer of HSBC in London,
guidance on the appointment of Money Laundering        conducted a business of lending money to banks and
Reporting Officers (MLRO), and the approach            other institutions in Zimbabwe. Between September
which they should take in considering whether to       2006 and February 2007 HSBC delayed executing
make an authorised disclosure to a supervisory body,   four separate payment instructions from Mr Shah
such as by way of a Suspicious Activity Report         because of a suspicion that the funds were the
(SAR) to the Serious Organised Crime Agency            proceeds of crime. HSBC made an SAR to SOCA
(SOCA) in England and Wales, or a Suspicious           each time Mr Shah made a request and waited for
Transaction Report (STR) to the Financial Crime        authorisation from SOCA before processing the
Unit (FCU) in the Isle of Man.                         requested payments, as required by POCA.
When questioned about the delay HSBC told Mr             implement the instructions of their customers, if to
Shah that it was complying with its statutory            do so would constitute a criminal offence and a
obligations but did not provide him or his solicitors    breach of AML obligations there is no such duty on
with any further information. The intended recipient     the bank to process the payment. A bank’s
of one of the delayed payments informed the              obligations under POCA override duties it would
Zimbabwean authorities that Mr Shah’s account had        otherwise owe to its customers.
been frozen and subsequently the Zimbabwean
authorities froze and seized Mr Shah’s investments in    Who was the ‘Nominated Officer’?
Zimbabwe when he was unable to provide details of        The judge considered who, in a case where the
the UK investigations.                                   defendant corporation is part of a global group,
                                                         constituted the defendant when asking the question
Mr Shah brought proceedings against HSBC                 of whether the defendant had the requisite level of
claiming that they had breached their duties to him      suspicion to make an SAR in good faith and cause
by not complying with his instructions to make           the processing of payments to be delayed until
payments and by failing to provide him with              SOCA gives its consent.
information about the SARs. He further alleged that
HSBC acted on suspicions that were mistaken,             In this case the MLRO who made the disclosures to
irrational and negligent, so the reports to SOCA         SOCA, Mr Wrigley, was not employed by the
should never have been made. Mr Shah claimed that        subsidiary of the Bank named in the proceedings, but
the Bank’s alleged breach of duties had caused his       by its parent company. The MLRO for the whole
assets in Zimbabwe to be frozen and resulted in losses   group, including the defendant subsidiary, had
of over US$300 million.                                  delegated to Mr Wrigley the role of Nominated
                                                         Officer for receiving authorised disclosures from
Findings of this judgment HSBC did not commit a          employees relating to money laundering offences
breach of their duties to Mr Shah by not processing      made under POCA in respect of all HSBC
the payments. Mr Shah asserted that HSBC had a           operations in the UK. The judge criticised the Bank
contractual obligation to act on his instruction and     for not properly documenting this appointment and
effect the four transactions. The judge decided that     delegation, but as it was understood by Mr Wrigley,
POCA acted to imply a term into the Bank’s               the Bank and the Bank’s employees that he was the
contract with Mr Shah to the effect that it could        Nominated Officer that was sufficient to determine
refuse to execute instructions in the absence of         who the Nominated Officer was. The judge also
appropriate consent from SOCA where it suspected         found that Mr Wrigley exercised management and
that a transaction constituted money laundering. This    control over decisions to make an external SAR, had
means that, whilst banks should normally act to          autonomy in making these decisions and exercised
his judgment independently. The question was                    Mr Shah contended that the Bank had an implied
therefore whether Mr Wrigley had the right level of             duty to provide him with information when he asked
suspicion to make a SAR and cause the payments to               for it and to keep him as a customer informed of the
be delayed.                                                     reasons why his instructions could not be complied
                                                                with. Mr Shah had asked for the name of the
What Approach Should an MLRO Take?                              authority to whom the disclosure was made, SOCA
The judge confirmed the subjective test for suspicion           reference numbers, copies of consents, the primary
given in the case of R v. Da Silva [2007] 1 WLR                 facts which caused the disclosure to be made and
303: “the defendant must think that there is a possibility,     documentary evidence of this.
which is more than fanciful, that the relevant facts exist. A
vague feeling of unease would not suffice”. He also             The Bank refused to provide the requested
reconfirmed the findings of K Limited v. National               information as they believed that to do so may
Westminster Bank plc [2006] 4 All ER 904 that                   constitute a criminal offence under either s.333 or
there is no legal requirement that there should be              s.342 of POCA. These sections create offences where
reasonable grounds for suspicion. Therefore there               a person who knows or suspects that an authorised
could be no legal argument that a suspicion is                  disclosure has been made, or that an appropriate
mistaken, irrational or negligent; what is important is         person is acting in connection with an investigation
that it is truly held.                                          into a money laundering offence which either is or is
                                                                about to be conducted, makes a disclosure likely to
The judge noted how useful it would have been if                prejudice any investigation that is being or is likely to
Mr Wrigley had made a contemporaneous note of                   be conducted following that disclosure.
the reasons leading him to make the SAR, as this
would have made it easier for him to prove that he              The judge found that banks would not be in a
acted with sufficient reasoning. The judge supported            position to know whether disclosures they had made
the three-stage process adopted by Mr Wrigley for               had, or would, trigger an investigation and therefore
deciding whether to make an SAR. Absorbing                      whether providing such information might constitute
information sent to him as nominated officer,                   an offence under s.333 or s.342 of POCA.
investigating the concerns escalated to him and
reflecting upon the information and deciding                    Further, the judge stated that to put a duty on banks
independently whether to make an SAR.                           to tell customers about disclosures they make about
                                                                their accounts would act as a disincentive to report
Not providing information to Mr Shah did not                    suspicious activity and so undermine the integrity of
breach HSBC’s duties to him and was the correct                 the reporting regime.
approach to avoid committing a tipping-off offence.
Consequently no such implied term was imposed on                  honest suspicion of money laundering, a customer
HSBC and the bank was said to have acted correctly                will not have a claim for losses this may cause.
in not revealing information which it felt would be               However this will not hold true if the suspicion is
tantamount to a tipping-off offence. Instead the                  fanciful, made in bad faith or not independently
judge found that “if, on the facts available to the bank at       formed by the nominated officer. It is best practice to
the time of the request, there is a risk of “tipping-off”, then   document all steps taken when making decisions
to avoid potential criminal liability it must refuse the          whether to make STR. Record the basis for the
request”.                                                         suspicion and put those influencing factors into the
                                                                  STR to defeat any allegations of reporting in bad
This part of the judgment acts to create an implied               faith which may later arise. Whilst the absence of
term into banking contracts that permits banks (their             formal appointment of a nominated officer does not
employees      and    agents)    to   refuse    to    provide     invalidate his appointment or the work he does, it is
information where they believe that in providing that             advisable to properly document this. Do not provide
information they may contravene POCA by way of                    any information to customers that might amount to
tipping-off or prejudicing investigations, and so                 tipping off. Requirements under POCA override any
expose them to criminal liability.                                such obligation that could be said to be owed to a
                                                                  customer. Draft terms and conditions of customer
Having found that HSBC acted correctly by making                  contracts with AML obligations in mind. The judge
the SARs, not making the payments and not                         in the Shah case noted that clauses exempting liability
providing information to Mr Shah, and having found                for damages caused by complying with legal
that even if it had provided the information as                   requirements which were drafted into HSBC
requested this would not have stopped the alleged                 contracts would be unenforceable if the bank failed
losses caused by the Zimbabwean investigation, there              to show them to be reasonable and did not
were no grounds on which Mr Shah could claim                      sufficiently bring them to the notice of the customer.

What this Means for Financial Institutions and
A number of lessons can be learned from the Shah
case which have a much wider application to
financial institutions and all businesses concerned
with how to implement AML requirements. Where
a bank delays carrying out payment instructions
because its nominated officer has a genuine and

This publication is intended only to provide a summary of the subject mattered covered. It does not purport to be
comprehensive or to provide legal advice. No person should act in reliance on any statement contained in this publication
without first obtaining specific professional advice.
July 2012
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