Sentiment Analysis in TripAdvisor
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AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND SENTIMENT ANALYSIS Editor: Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Sentiment Analysis in TripAdvisor Ana Valdivia, M. Victoria Luzón, and Francisco Herrera, University of Granada T he number of Web 2.0 websites has recently product, and so on is generally positive, negative, experienced significant growth. These web- or neutral. The interest in sentiment analysis has increased significantly over the last few years due sites emerged as an evolution of Web 1.0, or static, to the large amount of stored text in Web 2.0 ap- websites. In Web 2.0, users aren’t only content plications and the importance of online customer consumers, they can also generate content and col- opinions. As a result, more than 1 million research laborate with other users. In this way, users take papers contain the term “sentiment analysis,” and an active role and create a virtual community. various start-ups have been created to analyze Web 2.0 websites include blogs (Blogger or Word- sentiments in social media companies. press), media content (Prezi, YouTube, Flickr), wi- Multiple studies on TripAdvisor exist, but there kis (Wikipedia, WikiSpace), collaboration (Drop- is no complete analysis from the sentiment analy- box, Google Docs), and social networks (Twitter, sis viewpoint. This article proposes TripAdvisor Facebook, Google+).1 The burgeoning informa- as a source of data for sentiment analysis tasks. tion explosion offered through Web 2.0 suggests We develop an analysis for studying the match- that customers often check other users’ opin- ing between users’ sentiments and automatic sen- ions in forums, blogs, and social networks be- timent-detection algorithms. Finally, we discuss fore buying a product or contracting a service. some of the challenges regarding sentiment analy- TripAdvisor emerged in 2004 as a Web 2.0 appli- sis and TripAdvisor, and conclude with some final cation for the tourism domain. This user-generated remarks. content website offers a plethora of reviews de- tailing travelers’ experiences with hotels, res- TripAdvisor and Sentiment Analysis taurants, and tourist spots. TripAdvisor has According to Wikipedia, TripAdvisor is an Amer- since been ranked as the most popular site for ican travel website company providing reviews trip planning, with millions of tourists visit- from travelers about their experiences in hotels, ing the site when arranging their holidays (see restaurants, and monuments. Stephen Kaufer Figure 1). and Langley Steinert, along with others, founded Sentiment analysis is a natural language pro- TripAdvisor in February 2000 as a site listing in- cessing tool that is useful for monitoring Web 2.0 formation from guidebooks, newspapers, and mag- applications, as it can reveal public opinion about azines. InterActiveCorp purchased the site in 2004, numerous issues without requiring satisfaction and one year later, spun off its business travel enquiries. 2,3 According to the Oxford diction- group, Expedia. After that, the website turned to ary, sentiment analysis is the process of compu- user-generated content. It has since become the tationally identifying and categorizing opinions largest travel community, reaching 390 million expressed in a piece of text to determine whether unique visitors each month and listing 465 million the writer’s attitude toward a particular topic, reviews and opinions about more than 7 million 72 1541-1672/17/$33.00 © 2017 IEEE IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS Published by the IEEE Computer Society
accommodations, restaurants, and attractions in 49 markets worldwide. Figure 2 shows the Google search rate for TripAdvisor, illustrating its popu- larity around the world. Because it has so much data, Trip Advisor has become extremely popu- lar with both tourists and managers. Tourists can read the accumulated opinions of millions of everyday tour- ists. They can also check the popular- ity index, which is computed using an algorithm that accounts for user Figure 1. Granada (Paseo de los Tristes). TripAdvisor is the most popular site for reviews and other published sources planning a trip. such as guidebooks and newspaper articles. This index runs from num- ber 1 to the overall total number of restaurants, hotels, or other attrac- tions within the city. Travelers can find the most interesting visitor at- traction or most popular restaurant. Linked to this is the bubble rating (user rating), a 1–5 scale where one bubble represents a terrible experi- ence and five bubbles an excellent experience. All reviewers are asked to use this scale to summarize their feedback. Together with this rating, users include their opinions, which can cover the performance of a res- taurant, hotel, or tourist spot. There- fore, reading and analyzing reviews Figure 2. Map of the popularity of TripAdvisor searches in Google over the last can help develop a business. five years. The World Travel & Tourism Coun- cil report shows that tourism gener- ates 9.8 percent of the wider gross data. Sentiment classification, the detect sentiments from documents, domestic product and supports 248 best-known sentiment analysis task, sentences, or words. A large variety million jobs.4 These numbers suggest aims to detect sentiments within a of SAMs address the different catego- that the tourism industry is the most document, a sentence, or an aspect. ries of texts (blogs, reviews, tweets, important economic driver of many This task can be divided into three and so on). However, the analysis of economies. Therefore, it’s important steps: polarity detection (label the feelings is not a perfect science, espe- to understand the main drivers of the sentiment of the text as positive, neg- cially when applied to the unstruc- tourist flow as well as tourists’opinions ative, or neutral), aspect selection/ tured texts that predominate in social about a city’s restaurants, hotels, and extraction (obtain the features for networks.9 Human language is com- tourist attractions. structuring the text), and classifica- plex, so teaching a machine to detect TripAdvisor has enough standing tion (apply machine learning or lexi- different grammatical nuances, cul- to be used as a text source, 5 storing con approaches to classify the text). tural variations, jargon, and misspell- numerous reviews of tourist busi- Sentiment analysis methods (SAMs), ings in messages on the network is a nesses around the world. Sentiment which are trained for sentiment po- difficult process, and it is even more analysis extracts insights from this larity detection,6–8 can automatically difficult to automatically understand JULY/AUGUST 2017 73
Alhambra Mezquita Córdoba Sagrada Familia Alhambra Mezquita Córdoba Sagrada Familia 100% of total SentiStrength 60% Percent 90% 40% 20% 80% 0% Percent of total Bing 70% 40% Percent of total user rating 60% 20% 0% 50% 80% Percent of total Syuzhet 60% 40% 40% 20% 30% 0% 20% Percent of total 40% CoreNLP 10% 20% 0% 0% Negative Neutral Negative Neutral Negative Neutral Negative Neutral Negative Neutral Negative Neutral Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Figure 3. Distribution of sentiments between TripAdvisor users (bubble ratings) and four sentiment analysis methods (SAMs): SentiStrength, Bing, Syuzhet, and CoreNLP. Red indicates negative sentiments, orange neutral, and green positive. how the context can affect the mes- social networks, such as TripAdvisor for Figure 3 shows the results. We ob- sage’s tone. Because humans can ap- analysis.12 Similarly, other research- serve that the distributions of polari- ply a contextual understanding, we ers developed a tool to analyze tour- ties are different from user ratings. The can intuitively interpret the intention- ists’ opinions of restaurants as well as user ratings bar plot shows that us- ality of any writing. Computers, how- hotels from a region in Chile.13 ers tend to rate their visits to the three ever, have difficulty understanding the monuments positively, with more than context in which a phrase is expressed A Study for Calibrating 90 percent of ratings having four or and detecting whether a person is be- User’s Polarity five bubbles. SentiStrength and Syuzhet ing sarcastic or not. We scrape TripAdvisor webpages methods reach a similar distribution A few sentiment analysis studies on three well-known monuments in to the user rating. However, Bing and set TripAdvisor as a data source. For Spain: Alhambra, Mezquita Cór- CoreNLP detect more negativity in the example, researchers have collected doba, and Sagrada Familia. We con- TripAdvisor opinions. In all cases, the reviews about the TripAdvisor app in sider user ratings of one and two number of neutral polarities is higher Google Play Store for extracting app bubbles as negative, three as neutral, than the neutral ratings (three bubbles). features to help developers.10 Others and four and five as a positive sen- Next, we studied the distribution of analyzed TripAdvisor’s hotel reviews timent. We then apply four SAMs bubble ratings over the negative SAM for classifying good and bad customer (SentiStrength,14 Bing,15 Syuzhet, and polarities. We thus analyzed the behav- opinions.11 Still others propose a system CoreNLP6) and extract the overall ior of user feedback against the SAM to summarize comments from travel polarity on each opinion. evaluations. Figure 4 presents 12 bar 74 IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS
Alhambra Mezquita Córdoba Saqrada Familia 100% SentiStrength 57.84% 50% 40.22% 42.86% 32.24% 22.22% 23.72% 19.41% 16.26% 14.29% 10.56% 11.89% 9.94% 6.43% 6.60% 9.90% 0% 100% 91.18% 92.86% 78.26% 60.37% 57.14% 55.19% Bing 50% 45.35% 47.71% 38.89% 38.64% 33.27% 33.95% 31.64% 27.83% 26.56% 0% 100% Syuzhet 50% 45.10% 36.96% 35.71% 26.06% 28.57% 27.32% 20.49% 16.43% 14.14% 10.52% 16.67% 13.32% 12.15% 10.94% 9.98% 0% 100% 94.12% 92.39% 85.71% 76.60% 71.43% Core NLP 58.33% 57.38% 59.03% 54.16% 48.02% 50% 35.68% 32.44% 35.96% 25.41% 29.26% 0% * ** *** **** ***** * ** *** **** ***** * ** *** **** ***** Figure 4. Distribution of SAMs’ negative polarity by user rating in TripAdvisor. plots (four SAMs for each of three we suggest not setting the user rate as TripAdvisor-based opinions. Although monuments) containing the shares of a label sentiment for the whole review some related topics have been exten- all negative SAM polarity over the bub- and analyzing the opinions in depth. sively studied in the literature, their ble evaluation (percent over the origi- This study clearly shows the need adaptation to the context of TripAdvi- nal user ratings). Analyzing this data, to analyze opinions beyond user rat- sor opinions requires revisiting them. we observe that Senti Strength and ings. As a practical methodology, we Aspect-based sentiment analysis ( Syuzhet detect at best 57.48 and 45.10 propose following three steps: handle ABSA) is an important sentiment anal- percent of negative reviews. However, the negative opinions identified with ysis task.16 An aspect refers to an at- they misclassify on average 20 percent SAMs via learning models, get a good tribute of the entity, for example, hotel of positive user reviews (three and four clusterization according to consensus room cleanliness, the staff at a tour- bubbles). On the other hand, Bing and degrees among SAMs, and discover ist spot, or the service at a restaurant. CoreNLP methods detect as negative relationships among common aspects ABSA aims to identify the sentiment more negative user ratings, but misclas- to characterize the cause behind the toward an aspect and extract fine- sify over 30 percent of positive reviews. negative comments. grained information about specific Bing and CoreNLP tend to highlight TripAdvisor-based opinions (hotels, the negative opinions. Challenges monuments, restaurants, and so on). In general, we observe that users tend Several challenges arise when Trip Recent relevant studies are based on to write negative sentences on positive Advisor uses sentiment analy- deep learning,17 which should be ana- user ratings, and vice versa. Therefore, sis, due to the specific content in lyzed in the TripAdvisor context. JULY/AUGUST 2017 75
ABSA is helpful to business man- applications in the tourist domain, Sentiment Analysis Methods,” EPJ Data agers because it allows for the ex- sentiment analysis has great potential Science, vol. 5, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1–29. traction of transparent customer to directly influence quality improve- 7. J. Serrano-Guerrero et al., “Sentiment opinions. Discovery knowledge tech- ment in tourism. Analysis: A Review and Comparative niques such as subgroup discovery18 Because of inconsistencies between Analysis of Web Services,” Information can be applied to discover relation- user ratings and SAM evaluations, Science, vol. 311, Aug. 2015, pp. 18–38. ships among common aspects and get with users often writing negative sen- 8. E. Cambria and A. 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17. S. Poria, E. Cambria, and A. Gelbukh, Influence on Recommendation at University of Granada. Her research “Aspect Extraction for Opinion Min- Adoption and Word of Mouth,” Tour- interests include sentiment analysis, arti- ing with a Deep Convolutional Neural ism Management, vol. 51, Dec. 2015, ficial intelligence, and computer graphics. Network,” Knowledge-Based Systems, pp. 174–185. Luzón has a PhD in industrial engineering vol. 108, Sep. 2016, pp. 42–49. 21. F. Herrera et al., Multiple Instance from the University of Vigo. Contact her at 18. M. Atzmueller, “Subgroup Discovery,” Learning: Foundations and Algo- Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data rithms, Springer, 2016. Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Francisco Herrera is a full professor in vol. 5, no. 1, 2015, pp. 35-49. Ana Valdivia is a research fellow in the the Computer Science and Artificial Intel- 19. S. Poria et al., “A Deeper Look Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence ligence Department at the University of into Sarcastic Tweets Using Deep Department at the University of Granada. Granada. and head of the Soft Comput- Convolutional Neural Networks,” Her research interests include big data, so- ing and Intelligent Information Systems Proc. 26th Int’l Conf. Computational cial media analysis, and artificial intelli- research group. His research interests in- Linguistics (COLING16), 2016, gence. Valdivia has an MsC in data science clude data science, data preprocessing, pp. 1601–1612. from the University of Granada. Contact big data, sentiment analysis, and compu- 20. R. Filieri, S. Alguezaui, and F. McLeay, her at tational intelligence. Herrera has a PhD “Why Do Travelers Trust TripAdvi- in mathematics from the University of sor? Antecedents of Trust Towards M. Victoria Luzón is an associate profes- Granada. Contact him at herrera@decsai Consumer-Generated Media and Its sor in the Software Engineering Department JULY/AUGUST 2016 IEEE SOFTWARE July/August 2016 SOFTWARE JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 IEEE Software offers QUALITY pioneering ideas, IEEE SOFTWARE WWW.COMPUTER.ORG/SOFTWARE SOFTWARE QUALITY expert analyses, and January/February 2016 thoughtful insights for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES // 15 software professionals WHY LARGE IT PROJECTS FAIL // 117 Volume 33 Number 4 who need to keep up THE FUTURE OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MARCH/APRIL 2016 WWW.COMPUTER.ORG/SOFTWARE with rapid technology IEEE SOFTWARE WWW.COMPUTER.ORG/SOFTWARE TINY PROGRAMMING TOOLS // 24 REQUIREMENTS & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY // 109 change. It’s the authority March/April 2016 CODE CLARITY // 22 on translating software theory into practice. SOFTWARE Volume 33 Number 1 ON A COMET // 81 BIG DATA software/subscribe Volume 33 Number 2 JULY/AUGUST 2017 77
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