Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL

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Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL
Session: 9 | Slot A
Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für
Diebold Nixdorf AG
10/11. Oktober 2017 | Lemgo

Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL

                                                     Resümee und Ausblick

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Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL
  Vorstellung des Transfernehmers

                                                                                                           1989                                                           2015
                                                                                                           First ATM w ith cellular                                       Acquires multivendor
                                           1930s                                                           communications
                                           Diebold becomes                                                                                                                software innovator Phoenix

                                           publicly traded                                                                                                                Interactive Design
                                                              Eliot Ness, famed                                              2008
                      1859                                                                                                   Introduces mobile
                      Karl Diebold                            crime-fighter,
                                                              became chairman of       1966                                  banking                    2014
                      founds safe & lock                                                                                                                Introduces w orld’s
                      company in Ohio                         Diebold’s board          Diebold presents w orld’s
                                                                                                                                                        greenest ATM
                                                                                       first concept of ATM

                                                                                                                                                                                 Diebold Nixdorf
                                                                                                                                                                                 Com bination
     Wincor Nixdorf

                                            1973                                   1995                                               Introduction of
                                            First electronic POS
                                                                                   Introduction of                                    self-checkout
                                                                                                                                      solution              Introduction of
                                            netw ork system                        cash recycling
                                            introduced in Europe                                                                                            omni-channel
                      1952                                                         technology           2001                                                retail software
                      Heinz Nixdorf                                                                     Launch of PC/E                                                         2015
                      establishes The                         1987                                      multichannel software                                                  Launch of AEVI
                      Laboratory for                                                                    architecture and first
                                                              Introduction of                                                                                                  cashless payment
                      Pulse Technology                                                                  WEB multivendor                                                        solutions
                                                              PC in ATMs
                                                                                                        software solution

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                                         3
Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL
  Vorstellung des Transfernehmers

    Innovation                                                                     Presence in
                                                                                                                  Million for R&D
    Customer Resources
                                                                                130+                                                    Billion
                                                                                                                                        in revenue1
                                                                1 3 out of
                                          Supporting            ATMs                                                  Team members

                                          25+                                     Resolving

                                                                                  >10                            ~14,500                      3,000+
                                                             2+                   million
                                                                                                                      Service members         Patents
                                                             Installed ePOS
                                                                                  Service calls/year
                                                             and ATMs                                                 Software

     Note 1) Pro forma 2016 revenue for Diebold Nixdorf gives effect to the acquisition as if it had occurred on Jan 1, 2016.

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                          4
Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL
  Vorstellung des Transfergebers

  Abteilung „Produkt- und Produktionsmanagement“

                                  Kompetenz für strategische Produktplanung
                                  Strategische Produkt-, Geschäfts- und Technologieplanung für
                                  intelligente Systeme, digitale Transformation des Geschäfts (digitale
                                  Geschäftsmodelle, Smart Services etc.)

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                            5
Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL
  Motivation/ Ausgangssituation für das Transferprojekt

        Ausgangssituation 2016                                 Ausgangssituation 2017
    Motivation: Angebot von Services zur Umsetzung         Motivation: Umsetzung eines service-orientierten
    service-orientierter Geschäftsmodelle (z.B. Pay-per-   Geschäftsmodells für die eigenen Produkte und
    Use) für das produzierende Gewerbe (B2BApps)           Services im Bereich Banking
    Herausforderungen:                                     Herausforderungen:
    ▪    Welche service-orientierten Geschäftsmodelle      ▪    Welche service-orientierten Geschäftsmodelle
         sind im produzierenden Gewerbe erfolg-                 sind für Geldautomaten erfolgversprechend und
         versprechend und welche Services werden                wie sind diese konkret ausgeprägt?
         hierzu benötigt?                                  ▪    Welche neuen Services werden zur Umsetzung
    ▪    Welches Services kann Diebold Nixdorf                  des Geschäftsmodells benötigt und welche
         anbieten, um Unternehmen beim Wandel zum               Services können das Portfolio generell
         Serviceanbieter zu unterstützen?                       erweitern?
    Zielsetzung: Potentiale für B2B-Serivices und ein      Zielsetzung: Konzept zur Umsetzung eines
    Konzept für eine Plattform zum Angebot                 service-orientierten Geschäftsmodells für

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Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL

                                                     Resümee und Ausblick

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Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL
  Service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten

                                                                                        Cash as a Service
                                                              ATM as a shared
                                                              Service                  Cash funding
                                     ATM as a Service
                                                              Transaction Processing   Transaction Processing

                                     Transaction Routing      Transaction Routing      Transaction routing

                                     Cash Handling Services   Cash Handling Services   Cash Handling Services

                                     CIT Performance Mgt      CIT Performance Mgt      CIT Performance Mgt

           Self-Service Fleet        Technical Operations*2   Technical Operations*2   Technical Operations*2
           Management                HW Maintenance           HW Maintenance           HW Maintenance

           Technical Operations      Software*                Software                 Software

           HW Maintenance            Hardware                 Hardware                 Hardware

    Standard                       Ziel des Transferprojekts ist die Ausgestaltung und der
    Optional                       Vergleich verschiedener Geschäftsmodellkonzepte

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Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL

  AP 1 Trend Analysis ATM / Retail Banking                                                                       AP 4 Concepts for new Products and Services
   ▪ Overview of current studies regarding trends and                                                            ▪ Finding new products and services based
     customer demands in retail banking                                                                            on the results of the Value Propositions Canvas
   ▪ Trend analysis for ATMs regarding chances and risks                                                         ▪ Discovering ideas for value-added services
   ▪ Structuring ATM market with                                                                                   considering the capabilities of an ATM
     Porters Five Forces                                                                                         ▪ Find new ways for additional revenue streams
   ▪ Methodology: Trend analysis, competitive analysis                                                           ▪ Methodology: Service-Blueprint, CONSENS
   ▪ Result: Trends and their chances and risks for Diebold Nixdorf,                                             ▪ Result: Concept for new products and services
     competitive arena of the ATM market                                                                           and their requirements to the system

  AP 2 Potentials for Diebold Nixdorf                                                                            AP 3 Business Model Concept
                                                                    Gewinnerzeuger   Gewinne

   ▪ Analysis of retail banking segment                                                                           ▪ Conception of different business models


     with regard to new market services                                                                             for three types of ATM as a Service
                                                    Produkte &

   ▪ Analysis of current service portfolio and                                                                    ▪ Analysis and comparison of the main
     comparison with market requirements                             Problemlöser    Probleme                       characteristics and differences
   ▪ Methodology: Internal interviews, workshops                                                                  ▪ Methodology: Business Model Canvas,
     Value Proposition Canvas                                                                                       Lean Startup
   ▪ Result: Value Proposition Canvas (Customer jobs, pains and                                                   ▪ Result: Three business model variants for ATM as a Service,
     gains), finding white spots for new products and services                                                      main characteristics and differences

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                    9
Planung von service-orientierten Geschäftsmodellen für Geldautomaten Diebold Nixdorf AG - Session: 9 | Slot A - it's OWL

                                                     Resümee und Ausblick

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                              10

  AP 1 Trend Analysis ATM / Retail Banking                                                                       AP 4 Concepts for new Products and Services
   ▪ Overview of current studies regarding trends and                                                            ▪ Finding new products and services based
     customer demands in retail banking                                                                            on the results of the Value Propositions Canvas
   ▪ Trend analysis for ATMs regarding chances and risks                                                         ▪ Discovering ideas for value-added services
   ▪ Structuring ATM market with                                                                                   considering the capabilities of an ATM
     Porters Five Forces                                                                                         ▪ Find new ways for additional revenue streams
   ▪ Methodology: Trend analysis, competitive analysis                                                           ▪ Methodology: Service-Blueprint, CONSENS
   ▪ Result: Trends and their chances and risks for Diebold Nixdorf,                                             ▪ Result: Concept for new products and services
     competitive arena of the ATM market                                                                           and their requirements to the system

  AP 2 Potentials for Diebold Nixdorf                                                                            AP 3 Business Model Concept
                                                                    Gewinnerzeuger   Gewinne

   ▪ Analysis of retail banking segment                                                                           ▪ Conception of different business models


     with regard to new market services                                                                             for three types of ATM as a Service
                                                    Produkte &

   ▪ Analysis of current service portfolio and                                                                    ▪ Analysis and comparison of the main
     comparison with market requirements                             Problemlöser    Probleme                       characteristics and differences
   ▪ Methodology: Internal interviews, workshops                                                                  ▪ Methodology: Business Model Canvas,
     Value Proposition Canvas                                                                                       Lean Startup
   ▪ Result: Value Proposition Canvas (Customer jobs, pains and                                                   ▪ Result: Three business model variants for ATM as a Service,
     gains), finding white spots for new products and services                                                      main characteristics and differences

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                    11
Aktuelle Trends im Bereich Privatkundenbanken
  Analyse aktueller Studien

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017    12
Aktuelle Trends im Bereich Privatkundenbanken
  Auszug der Zusammenfassungen

                  Horvath & Partners – Hat das Privatkundengeschäft         A.T. Kearney –
                  von Banken noch eine Zukunft? [HP16]                      Inside Tomorrows Retail Bank [ATK16]:
                  ▪ Survey with about 400 retail bank executives            ▪ Study based on 20 interviews with traditional and
                  ▪ Expectations of developments until 2020                   emerging retail bank executives throughout Europe
                  ▪ Main topics: Customer and revenue development,            and an online survey with 1000 industry insiders
                    exploitation of future revenue potentials, approaches   ▪ Retail banking industry will evolve into an online
                    for cost management                                       based industry - ATMs will be replaced by mobile
                  ▪ Five adjustments to maintain a profitable private         devices
                    client business: Additional revenues, differentiated    ▪ Five trends in retail banking with impact on financial
                    branches, alternative and automated consulting,           services: Social Media, E-Payment, very different
                    cooperation with platforms                                customer groups (digital natives and deniers),
                                                                              changing point-of-sale, new (digital) competitors

                  Bain & Company –                                          Deloitte – Retail Banking Advisory in the Digitalized
                  Deutschlands Banken 2016 [HP16]:                          Future [DEL14]:
                  ▪ Evaluation of 1.700 balance sheet structures and        ▪ Survey with 20 and interviews with 10 retail bank
                    P&L statements of German credit institutions              institutions in Scandinavia
                  ▪ German retail banks poorly positioned in                ▪ Customer advice will remain as a cornerstone but
                    international comparison                                  transformed: self-service channels, using "wisdom of
                  ▪ Digital age as an opportunity for growth with the         crowds“, increasing transparency, increasing
                    help of new business models and innovation                willingness to pay for advice
                    competencies                                            ▪ Reason to move to self-service channels: Cost
                  ▪ Conclusion: Overcome poor profitability by radical        efficiency but also preference of future customers
                    cost reductions, fast consolidation and new             ▪ Advice: Leveraging customer data, build up
                    business models for the digital age                       IT- and business transformation capabilities

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                         13
Produkt- und Servicestrends
  Auszug Trendanalyse

                                                                                       Risks                                   Options for action
 Mobile Banking: Customer prefer mobile devices as               ▪ Mobile device as interface to ATM and to provide            Focus on features for mobile devices e.g. linkage
 interface to their bank                                           value-added services                                        between ATM and smartphone for value-added services
                                                                                     ▪ Mobile devices encourage
 Source: [CMP16], [ATK16], [Lün12], [BC16]                                             electronic payments

 Payment-enabling Wearables: Costumer embrace the                ▪ Using Wearables for identification and value-added          Focus on features for wearables by linking with ATM
 convenience of payment-enabling wearables                         services                                                    especially for identification
                                                                                     ▪ Wearables encourage electronic
 Source: [CMP16], [HP16]                                                               payment
 Mobile ATM: Mobile ATM at changing locations (e.g.              ▪ Flexibility and changing location can lead to higher        Determine chance for entering a niche with high
 events) or low frequented locations                               utilization of single systems                               mobile ATM
 (e.g. countryside)                                                                  ▪ High costs of transport, small market
 Source: [Lün12]
 Leverage Customer Data: Customer data can be used for           ▪ Leverage ATM-related data                                   Potential analysis and data landscape of ATM regarding
 personalized financial advices                                                                                                new value-added data-driven services
                                                                                     ▪ Poor acceptance due to the use of
                                                                                       confidential financial data
 Source: [CMP16], [ATK16], [DEL14], [Acc15], [Sop16]
 Video Chat: New channel as a customer touchpoint                ▪ Use video chat at ATMs                                      Implementation of a video chat into an ATM linked
 and point of sale                                                                                                             to a bank employee (esp. for for off-promise
                                                                                     ▪ Video Chat could increase the using
 Source: [CMP16], [ATK16], [Lün12]                                                     time at ATM`s – long waiting periods

 Value-added services and cross-selling): ATM as a               ▪ Additional revenue streams                                  Contact possible cross selling and advertising
 platform for products and services of retails banks and other                                                                 partners
                                                                                     ▪ Customers do not accept sales
 industries (e.g. insurance, discount voucher, tickets etc.)
 Source: [Ncr14-ol]

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                       14
  Porters Five Forces

        ▪ Independent ATM Deployer (IAD)
          already running ATMaaS-Model            Threat from new             ▪ Retail banks in a tight
        ▪ Peer-to-peer cash transfer                                            spot: Cost pressure and
          provider (e.g. Paypal )                                               digital competitors (direct
                                                                                banks, fintechs)
                                                                              ▪ Consortia of retails banks
                                                                                running a shared ATM
         Cash in Transit (CIT)
                                                                                fleet with more
         seeking for new, cash-less
                                                                                bargaining power
         business models

                                                   Rivalry among
            Bargaining power                                                     Bargaining power
              of suppliers                                                           of buyers

         NCR offers ATMaaS model
         but with monthly payment

                                                                       ▪ Cashless and mobile
                                                    Threat from          Payment makes
                                                 substitute products     (todays) ATM useless
                                                    or services        ▪ Withdrawal at Retailers

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                15

  AP 1 Trend Analysis ATM / Retail Banking                                                                       AP 4 Concepts for new Products and Services
   ▪ Overview of current studies regarding trends and                                                            ▪ Finding new products and services based
     customer demands in retail banking                                                                            on the results of the Value Propositions Canvas
   ▪ Trend analysis for ATMs regarding chances and risks                                                         ▪ Discovering ideas for value-added services
   ▪ Structuring ATM market with                                                                                   considering the capabilities of an ATM
     Porters Five Forces                                                                                         ▪ Find new ways for additional revenue streams
   ▪ Methodology: Trend analysis, competitive analysis                                                           ▪ Methodology: Service-Blueprint, CONSENS
   ▪ Result: Trends and their chances and risks for Diebold Nixdorf,                                             ▪ Result: Concept for new products and services
     competitive arena of the ATM market                                                                           and their requirements to the system

  AP 2 Potentials for Diebold Nixdorf                                                                            AP 3 Business Model Concept
                                                                    Gewinnerzeuger   Gewinne

   ▪ Analysis of retail banking segment                                                                           ▪ Conception of different business models


     with regard to new market services                                                                             for three types of ATM as a Service
                                                    Produkte &

   ▪ Analysis of current service portfolio and                                                                    ▪ Analysis and comparison of the main
     comparison with market requirements                             Problemlöser    Probleme                       characteristics and differences
   ▪ Methodology: Internal interviews, workshops                                                                  ▪ Methodology: Business Model Canvas,
     Value Proposition Canvas                                                                                       Lean Startup
   ▪ Result: Value Proposition Canvas (Customer jobs, pains and                                                   ▪ Result: Three business model variants for ATM as a Service,
     gains), finding white spots for new products and services                                                      main characteristics and differences

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                    16
Value Proposition Canvas zur Kundenanalyse

                                Wie können die              Ergebnisse/Vorteile die sich Kunden erhoffen:
                                Kundenprobleme gelöst       Erforderliche, erwartete, erwünschte, unerwartete
                                und Gewinne erzeugt         Ergebnisse sollen konkret gemacht werden.


                                       Value Contribution

  Liste von                                                                                               Dinge, die Kunden
                      Produkte &
  Markt-                                                                                                  erledigen wollen:
                   Dienstleistungen                                                                       Funktionell, Sozial,

                                            Neue                Probleme

                                                            Alles was den Kunden bekümmert oder ihn
                                 Lösungsansätze, die
                                                            von seinen Aufgaben abhält (inkl. Risiken und
                                 von der bislang
                                 Idee abweichen             Probleme sollen konkret gemacht werden.
© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                              17
Value Proposition Canvas für Privatkundenbanken (V1)

                         1 Optimized ATM network                                         1   Comprehensiv e cash supply        7    Minimal costs f or cash
                             (location, time and quantity )                                  in suf f icient quantity and at        cy cling (Balanced deposits
                         7                                                                   minimal costs                          and withdrawals)

                         2 Saf e and secure design of                                    2   Successf ul customer              8    Transparent processes and                                             5    Ensuring and
                             ATMs                                                            contact and sales v ia                 cost structures                                                            communicating saf ety and
                         9                                                                   ATM/Self -Serv ice terminal                                                                                       security to the customer

                         2 Display of f urther                                           3   Prov iding customer with          10   Customer knows nearest                                                6    Maintenance of the ATMs
                             inf ormation and sales of f ers                                 inf ormation that lead to              location of ATM
                             at ATM                                                          f urther rev enue streams

                         6 Optimized (predictiv e)                                       4   High lev el of awareness and      13          Gains
                                                                                                                                    Rev enue streams f rom                                                7    Cash supply of ATMs
                                                Value                                        v isibility , Status as best
                                                                                             cash prov ider/best network
                                                                                                                                    third-party customers
                                                                                                                                                                    Most important jobs
                         8   TransparentContribution
                                         pricing of
                             products and serv ices                                      5   No f rauds/raids, customer        14   Full usage of f unctionality     1   24/7 Cash av ailability and      8    Identif ication and calculation
                                                                                             f eels saf e and secure                                                     accessibility (In/Out)                of outsourcing processes

                        10 Ov erv iew of the ATM
                             network and easy nav igation                                6   Minimal/no downtimes with
                                                                                                                                                                     2   Using ATMs as customer           9    ATM protection

    Products &
                                                                                             minimal/no maintenance
                                                                                                                                                                         touch point (and point of
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (manipulation, v andalism
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and demolition)

     Services                                                                            1   Gainless locations of ATMs        6    Downtimes; high
                                                                                                                                    maintenance costs
                                                                                                                                                                         Prov iding costumer with
                                                                                                                                                                         inf ormation like account
                                                                                                                                                                         balance, transactions etc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          10   Guiding costumer to
                                                                                                                                                                                                               nearest ATM

                                                                                         1   Poor/insuf f icient supply of     7    High costs f or cash cy cling    4   Brand v isibility and            11   Installation and
                                                                                             the customer (ATM out of                                                    marketing with (of f -promise)        commissioning of ATMs
                   2 Second dev ice as customer            1 Sharing capacity with           order, not nearby , empty )                                                 ATMs
                       touch point and point of sale           f lexible pricing model
                                                                                         2   No attractiv e touchpoint f or    8    Non-transparent cost                                                  12   Remov al and
                                                                                             the customer                           structures aggrav ate make-                                                decommissioning of ATMs
                   3 Prov iding inf ormation on           13 White Labeling
                       second dev ice (smartphone)

                                                                                         3   No or expensiv e prov ision of    10
                                                                                                                                    or-buy -decisions

                                                                                                                                    Customer does                                                         13   Sharing ATMs/serv ices in
                                      New Solution
                   4 (Indiv idual) customer                                                  inf ormation; customer does            not/struggles to f ind ATM                                                 consortia
                       experience at ATM                                                     not use the serv ice
                   5                   Approaches                                        4   Poor v isibility because of       13   Loss of brand identity and
                   6 Accounting operation time                                                                                                                                                            14   Enable user-f riendly
                                                                                             bad location and missing               customer contact                                                           operation
                       instead of maintenance                                                critical mass of total ATMs
                       (“Pay -per-use”)

                   7 Autonomous cash cy cle                                              5   Negativ e reputation because      14   Poor usage of f unctionality
                                                                                             of f rauds; customers do not                                                                                 15   Shif ting cash-related manual
                       through customer incentiv es                                                                                                                                                            task to self -serv ice terminals
                                                                                             f eel saf e and secure
                                                                                                                                                                                                               (“f rom teller to seller”)

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                                                                              18
Value Proposition Canvas für Privatkundenbanken (V2)

                   1 Optimized ATM network             5 Guaranteed operational
                      (location, time and quantity )      av ailability and security
                                                                                                     1   Comprehensiv e cash supply                          1   Rev enue streams f rom
                                                                                                         in suf f icient quantity and at                         third-party customers
                   2 Marketing measures and            4 Design f or brand v isibility                   minimal costs
                      selling of f ers at ATMs
                                                                                                     2   Successf ul customer                                2   Sell v alue added serv ices
                                                                                                         contact and sales v ia                                  (Cross-selling)
                   3 Implementation of standard                                                          ATM/Self -Serv ice terminal
                      tasks to ATMs
                                                                                                     2   Direct rev enues f rom ATMs
                                           Value                                                                                                                                                       1   24/7 Cash av ailability and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           accessibility (In/Out)
                                                                                                     2   Hidden rev enue (esp. with                3   Costumer like to use self -
                                         Contribution                                                    lev eraging customer data)                    serv ice terminals and online
                                                                                                                                                       banking f or standard tasks
                                                                                                                                                                                           2   Using ATMs as customer                    3    Prov iding costumer with
                                                                                                                                                                                               touch point and point of sale                  inf ormation like account
                                                                                                     4   High lev el of awareness and              6   Costumer are satisf ied with
                                                                                                         v isibility , Status as best                  self -serv ice terminals to do                                                         balance, transactions etc.
                                                                                                         cash prov ider/best network                   simple manual tasks

    Products &                                                                                                                                                                                             Customer
                                                                                             1       ATMs as large Capex but               1   Customer expect
                                                                                                     negativ e cash f low                      complementary or low cost
                                                                                                                                               withdrawals                                4    Brand v isibility and                  5      Operating ATM f leet incl.
                                                                                                                                                                                               marketing with (of f -promise)                Maintenance, cash supply ,
                   1 Sharing capacity with             2 Second dev ice as customer              1    Unsatisf ied customer                    1   Interchange f ee is regulated               ATMs                                          saf ety & security
                      f lexible pricing model              touch point and point of sale              regarding cash supply (ATM                   and decreasing
                                                                                                      out of order, not nearby etc.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    6   Shif ting cash-related manual
                   1 White Labeling ATM f or           2 (Indiv idual) customer                                                                                                                                         task to self -serv ice terminals
                      consortia                           experience at ATM                              2   No attractiv e touchpoint f or
                                                                                                             the customer                              Pains                                                            (“f rom teller to seller”)

                                        New Solution                                                           4   Poor v isibility because of

                                         Approaches                                                                bad location and missing
                                                                                                                   critical mass of total ATMs

                   1 Accounting operation time         2 Easy implementing of                                        5   High costs f or operating
                      instead of maintenance               serv ice of f erings (financial                               ATM f leet
                      (“Pay -per-use”, Opex)               and others)

                                                       2 New v alue-added serv ice
                                                           f rom Diebold Nixdorf

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                                                                                                    19
Überprüfung der Nutzenversprechen
  Ableitung von Handlungsfeldern

                          Gains                                        Gains                                              Gains

                                  Customer                                     Customer                                           Customer
                                   Job(s)                                       Job(s)                                             Job(s)

                          Pains                                        Pains                                              Pains

            Customer Jobs                             Gains and Pains                     Value Contribution and New Solution Approaches           Products & Services
                                             1   Comprehensive cash supply in                      1   Optimized ATM netw ork (location,     Fleet Suplementary Services
                                                 sufficient quantity and at minimal                    time and quantity)                        Service Management and
                                                 costs                                                                                           Governance
                                                                                                  1 Sharing capacity w ith flexible
                                             1 Revenue streams from third-party                                                                  Transition and Transformation
                                                                                                    pricing model                                Services
                                                                                                  1 Accounting operation time instead            Deployment and Implementation
                                             1 ATMs as large Capex but negative                                                                  Services
  1 24/7 Cash availability and                                                                      of maintenance (“Pay-per-use”,
                                               cash flow                                                                                         Availability Services
    accessibility (In/Out)                                                                                                                       Asset Financing Services
                                             1 Unsatisfied customer regarding
                                                                                                  1 White Labeling in consortia / for            IT Infrastructure Services
                                               cash supply (ATM out of order, not                                                                IT Application Services
                                               nearby etc.)                                         individual customer contact
                                                                                                                                                 eJournal Retrieval Service
                                             1 Interchange fee is regulated and                                                                  Dispute Management
                                               decreasing                                                                                        Data Analytics
                                             1 Customer expect complementary or                                                                  Softw are as a Service
                                                                                                                                                 Connected Payment Services
                                               low cost withdrawals
                                             2   Hidden revenue (esp. w ith                        2   Marketing measures and selling
                                                 leveraging customer data)                             offers at ATMs                        Self-Service Marketing
                                                                                                                                                  Screen Content Management
                                             2   Sell value added services                        2 Second device as customer touch               Targeted Campaign Management
                                                 (Cross-selling)                                    point and point of sale                       Interactive Campaign Management
  2 Using ATMs as customer touch             2 Successful customer contact and                    2 (Individual) customer experience at
    point and point of sale                    sales via ATM/Self-Service                           ATM
                                                                                                  2 Easy implementing of service
                                             2 Direct revenues from ATMs
                                                                                                    offerings (financial and others)
                                             2 No attractive touchpoint for the                   2 New value-added service from
                                               customer                                             Diebold Nixdorf

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                       20
Überprüfung der Nutzenversprechen
   Ableitung von Handlungsfeldern

                          Gains                                        Gains                                              Gains

                                  Customer                                     Customer                                           Customer
                                   Job(s)                                       Job(s)                                             Job(s)

                          Pains                                        Pains                                              Pains

            Customer Jobs                             Gains and Pains                     Value Contribution and New Solution Approaches           Products & Services
                                             1   Comprehensive cash supply in                      1   Optimized ATM netw ork (location,     Fleet Suplementary Services
                                                 sufficient quantity and at minimal                    time and quantity)                        Service Management and
                                                 costs                                                                                           Governance
                                                                                                  1 Sharing capacity w ith flexible
                                             1 Revenue streams from third-party                                                                  Transition and Transformation
                                                                                                    pricing model                                Services
                                                                                                  1 Accounting operation time instead            Deployment and Implementation
                                             1 ATMs as large Capex but negative                                                                  Services
  1 24/7 Cash availability and                                                                      of maintenance (“Pay-per-use”,
                                               cash flow                                                                                         Availability Services
    accessibility (In/Out)                                                                                                                       Asset Financing Services
                                             1 Unsatisfied customer regarding
                                                                                                  1 White Labeling in consortia / for            IT Infrastructure Services
                                               cash supply (ATM out of order, not                                                                IT Application Services
                                               nearby etc.)                                         individual customer contact
                                                                                                                                                 eJournal Retrieval Service
                                             1 Interchange fee is regulated and                                                                  Dispute Management
                                               decreasing                                                                                        Data Analytics
                                             1 Customer expect complementary or                                                                  Softw are as a Service
                                                                                                                                                 Connected Payment Services
                                               low cost withdrawals
                                             2   Hidden revenue (esp. w ith                        2   Marketing measures and selling
                                                 leveraging customer data)                             offers at ATMs                        Self-Service Marketing
                                                                                                                                                  Screen Content Management
                                             2   Sell value added services                        2 Second device as customer touch               Targeted Campaign Management
                                                 (Cross-selling)                                    point and point of sale                       Interactive Campaign Management
  2 Using ATMs as customer touch             2 Successful customer contact and                    2 (Individual) customer experience at
    point and point of sale                    sales via ATM/Self-Service                           ATM
                                                                                                  2 Easy implementing of service
                                             2 Direct revenues from ATMs
                                                                                                    offerings (financial and others)
                                             2 No attractive touchpoint for the                   2 New value-added service from
                                               customer                                             Diebold Nixdorf

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                       21

  AP 1 Trend Analysis ATM / Retail Banking                                                                       AP 4 Concepts for new Products and Services
   ▪ Overview of current studies regarding trends and                                                            ▪ Finding new products and services based
     customer demands in retail banking                                                                            on the results of the Value Propositions Canvas
   ▪ Trend analysis for ATMs regarding chances and risks                                                         ▪ Discovering ideas for value-added services
   ▪ Structuring ATM market with                                                                                   considering the capabilities of an ATM
     Porters Five Forces                                                                                         ▪ Find new ways for additional revenue streams
   ▪ Methodology: Trend analysis, competitive analysis                                                           ▪ Methodology: Service-Blueprint, CONSENS
   ▪ Result: Trends and their chances and risks for Diebold Nixdorf,                                             ▪ Result: Concept for new products and services
     competitive arena of the ATM market                                                                           and their requirements to the system

  AP 2 Potentials for Diebold Nixdorf                                                                            AP 3 Business Model Concept
                                                                    Gewinnerzeuger   Gewinne

   ▪ Analysis of retail banking segment                                                                           ▪ Conception of different business models


     with regard to new market services                                                                             for three types of ATM as a Service
                                                    Produkte &

   ▪ Analysis of current service portfolio and                                                                    ▪ Analysis and comparison of the main
     comparison with market requirements                             Problemlöser    Probleme                       characteristics and differences
   ▪ Methodology: Internal interviews, workshops                                                                  ▪ Methodology: Business Model Canvas,
     Value Proposition Canvas                                                                                       Lean Startup
   ▪ Result: Value Proposition Canvas (Customer jobs, pains and                                                   ▪ Result: Three business model variants for ATM as a Service,
     gains), finding white spots for new products and services                                                      main characteristics and differences

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                    22
Business Model Concept
  Explaining the Business Model Canvas

         Supply Model                          Customer Model                           Value Model                           Finance Model

      Customer Segments                       Sales Channels                         Key Activities                          Cost Structure

                                                                             Describes the most important tasks to
Describes which customers are                                                realize the value proposition
focused with the business model
                                       Describes the channel on which the                                            Contains the most important cost
                                       company contacts the customer and             Key Ressources                  drivers relating to the development
                                       provides the market service                                                   and running business
      Value Proposition                                                      Describes the Financial assets to
                                                                             realize the value proposition

Describes the value of
the market service                            Customer Relationships                 Value Structure                         Revenue Streams

                                                                             Describes the position of the company
                                                                             within the supply chain
      Market Service
                                       Describes the way and desired level                                           Describes how the company
                                       of intensity of the relation to the           Key Partners                    transforms value proposition into
                                       customer                                                                      revenue
Translates the business concept into
market service                                                               Describes the partners to realize the
                                                                             value proposition

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                             23
   Vergleich der drei verschiedenen Geschäftsmodellkonzepte

                                               ATM as a Service                   ATM as a shared Service                     Cash as Service

       Customer Segments

                                        ▪ Retail banks with own ATM fleet      ▪ Retail banks with own ATM fleet      ▪ Retail banks with own ATM fleet
                                          and focus on reducing capex            and focus reducing capex and           and focus reducing costs
 Describes which customers are                                                   costs                                ▪ Direct banks
 focused with the business model                                               ▪ Consortia of retail banks            ▪ Retailers who want to supply their
                                                                                                                        customers with cash

       Value Proposition

                                        ▪ Reduces complexity and increases     ▪ Reduces complexity and increases     ▪ Reduces complexity and increases
                                          transparency                           transparency                           transparency
 Describes the value of                 ▪ Switch from capital expenditure to   ▪ Switch from capital expenditure to   ▪ Switch from capital expenditure to
 the market service                       operational expenditure                operational expenditure                operational expenditure
                                                                               ▪ Saving costs for ATM fleet           ▪ Saving costs for ATM fleet

       Market Service

                                        Complete fleet management for one      Complete fleet management for many     Independent ATM fleet open for every
                                        retail bank                            retail banks who use the same fleet    retail bank
 Translates the business concept into                                          (open or closed consortia)
 market service

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                            24
   Vergleich der drei verschiedenen Geschäftsmodellkonzepte

                                              ATM as a Service                   ATM as a shared Service                     Cash as Service

         Cost Structure

                                       ▪ Capital expenditure for hardware     ▪ Capital expenditure for hardware     ▪ Capital expenditure for hardware
                                       ▪ Operational costs for Software and   ▪ Operational costs for Software and   ▪ Operational costs for Software and
                                         Hardware                               Hardware                               Hardware
 Contains the most important cost      ▪ Optional: Costs for cash handling    ▪ Costs for cash handling services     ▪ Costs for cash handling services
 drivers relating to the development     services and cash in transit           and cash in transit management         and cash in transit management
 and running business                    management                                                                  ▪ Costs for cash funding

         Revenue Streams

                                       Options:                               Options:                               ▪ Pay per Transaction
                                       ▪ Monthly subscription fee             ▪ Monthly subscription fee             ▪ Value-added Services
                                         (+On-off Payment for hardware)       ▪ Pay per Transaction                  ▪ Hidden revenues by leveraging
 Describes how the company             ▪ Pay per Transaction                    (more worthwhile because of more       customer data
 transforms value proposition into     ▪ Share for value-added services         transaction per ATM unit)
 revenue                               ▪ Share from hidden revenues by        ▪ Share for value-added services
                                         leveraging customer data             ▪ Share from hidden revenues by
                                                                                leveraging customer data

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                            25

  AP 1 Trend Analysis ATM / Retail Banking                                                                       AP 4 Concepts for new Products and Services
   ▪ Overview of current studies regarding trends and                                                            ▪ Finding new products and services based
     customer demands in retail banking                                                                            on the results of the Value Propositions Canvas
   ▪ Trend analysis for ATMs regarding chances and risks                                                         ▪ Discovering ideas for value-added services
   ▪ Structuring ATM market with                                                                                   considering the capabilities of an ATM
     Porters Five Forces                                                                                         ▪ Find new ways for additional revenue streams
   ▪ Methodology: Trend analysis, competitive analysis                                                           ▪ Methodology: Service-Blueprint, CONSENS
   ▪ Result: Trends and their chances and risks for Diebold Nixdorf,                                             ▪ Result: Concept for new products and services
     competitive arena of the ATM market                                                                           and their requirements to the system

  AP 2 Potentials for Diebold Nixdorf                                                                            AP 3 Business Model Concept
                                                                    Gewinnerzeuger   Gewinne

   ▪ Analysis of retail banking segment                                                                           ▪ Conception of different business models


     with regard to new market services                                                                             for three types of ATM as a Service
                                                    Produkte &

   ▪ Analysis of current service portfolio and                                                                    ▪ Analysis and comparison of the main
     comparison with market requirements                             Problemlöser    Probleme                       characteristics and differences
   ▪ Methodology: Internal interviews, workshops                                                                  ▪ Methodology: Business Model Canvas,
     Value Proposition Canvas                                                                                       Lean Startup
   ▪ Result: Value Proposition Canvas (Customer jobs, pains and                                                   ▪ Result: Three business model variants for ATM as a Service,
     gains), finding white spots for new products and services                                                      main characteristics and differences

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                                                                                    26
Ideen für neue Services am Geldautomaten
  Beispiel: Gutscheine auf Basis des Verwendungszwecks
  der Abhebung

    Idea 1: Voucher based on purpose of withdrawal                         Nächster Schritt:
                                                                           ▪ Auswahl der am
    Description of the initial situation: Customer can chose their
    purpose of their withdrawal at ATM for their personal accounting. If
                                                                             vielversprechendsten Ideen
    they do so they can receive a suitable voucher for e.g. discounts at   ▪ Detailliertere Prozessdarstellung
    a retail store or restaurant.                                            als Konzept zur Umsetzung
                                                                             (Service Blueprint)

    Description of the requested behavior: Based in the information
    given by the customer the system chose a suitable voucher which
    can be printed out or send to a smart device.

    New requirements:
    ▪ Cooperation with retail stores, restaurant or providers of
    ▪ Software function for entering the purpose of the withdrawal

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                                   27

                                                     Resümee und Ausblick

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                              28
Resümee und Ausblick

    ▪ Strukturierung des Themas als Voraussetzung für
      eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung neuer
    ▪ Trends gegenläufig zu den aktuellen Fähigkeiten
      von Geldautomaten
    ▪ Finanzierung der Hardware und des Betriebs nur mit
      neuen Serviceangeboten möglich

    ▪ Weiterführung des it‘s OWL Transferprojekts in
      einer internen Initiative (ATM 2020)
    ▪ Herausforderung: Profitable neue Serviceangebote
      zur Querfinanzierung der XaaS Modelle
    ▪ Ergebnisse der Methodenvalidierung fließen in eine
      Dissertation am Fraunhofer IEM

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017             29
Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

                                          Diebold Nixdorf AG
                                          Bart Milissen
                                          Head of Banking Solutions - Global Managed Services

                                          Tel.: +32 474 573 885

                                          Fraunhofer-Institut für Entwurfstechnik Mechatronik IEM
                                          Martin Rabe
                                          Produkt- und Produktionsmanagement
                                          Zukunftsmeile 1, 33102 Paderborn, Germany
                                          Tel.: +49 5251 5456-112

© it‘s OWL Clustermanagement GmbH | 17.10.2017                                                      30
Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

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