Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview

Page created by Cecil Leonard
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
11–17 OCTOBER 2021

Seniors Week
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview

More than 118 000 Tasmanians are enjoying
the rewards of being a Seniors Card holder...
so what are you waiting for?
Throughout the year, and especially during           How do I get a Seniors Card?
Seniors Week 2021, Seniors Card holders can
                                                     If you are a Tasmanian resident aged 60 and
enjoy a wide range of benefits with more than
                                                     over and are retired or not working more than
550 businesses across the state offering discounts
                                                     20 hours per week in paid employment then you
on products and services.
                                                     could be eligible for a Tasmanian Government
The 2021–2022 Seniors Card Directory was             Seniors Card.
released in December 2020 and is available from
                                                     To apply for a card call into any Service Tasmania
Service Tasmania Libraries and local government
                                                     service centre with three pieces of identification
offices. You can also have a copy sent to you by
                                                     – one with your date of birth and one showing
phoning 1300 13 55 13.
                                                     proof of your Tasmanian address – and complete
New businesses are always joining the Seniors        an application form. A Service Tasmania officer
Card Program so it’s worth regularly checking        will witness your form and once approved give
online for updates at         you a receipt that acts as a temporary Seniors
and following us on Facebook.                        Card. This enables you to start accessing
                                                     discounts immediately including during Seniors
(If you’re not too familiar with the internet,
                                                     Week. Service Tasmania can also help with change
Seniors Week is a great time to visit your local
                                                     of addresses and applying for a replacement card.
Library or Online Access Centre for assistance
with searching online!)                              For more information please call us on
                                                     1300 13 55 13.

Communities Sport and Recreation
Department of Communities Tasmania
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Handy Hints                                     Message from the Deputy Premier
This Events Guide is intended as an             Welcome to the 23rd annual Seniors
information source only. While every            Week and thank you to COTA
effort has been made to ensure that the         Tasmania for organising another
information contained in this guide is
accurate and up-to-date, the information        activity-packed program of events to
is subject to change without notification       celebrate older Tasmanians.
and at the sole discretion of the service
provider. COTA Tasmania, its office bearers,    The importance of looking after our
staff and volunteers do not accept any
liability for any loss, howsoever arising,      wellbeing through connection to each
from the use of or reliance upon the            other and our communities cannot
information contained in this guide.            be over-stated, and Seniors Week
OTHER EVENTS                                    provides a wonderful opportunity
                                                to celebrate what we have here in          The Tasmanian Government thanks
In some parts of the State, Seniors Week
activities may have been planned in             Tasmania.                                  COTA Tasmania for working with
addition to those in this official Events                                                  us for Seniors Week and with our
Guide. Check with your local council,           This year’s theme is “friendship” with     response to the pandemic, helping to
community groups and local newspapers           the tagline of “discover. imagine.
for information about events in your                                                       keep people connected and bringing
community.                                      together”, and I encourage everyone        people back together safely.
                                                to check out the array of activities
SPECIAL ACCESS                                  published in this comprehensive            Our number one priority continues
People with disabilities or requiring special   guide, to discover something new by        to be the health, wellbeing and
access should contact the event organiser
prior to attendance.                            participating in Seniors Week 2021.        safety of Tasmanians, and we thank
                                                                                           all organisations and individuals for
TRANSPORT FOR SENIORS                           As we’ve seen recently, the                embracing Seniors Week 2021, for
Holders of a Seniors Card and Metro             COVID-19 pandemic remains an               providing the opportunity for older
Greencard can access free travel during         ever-present challenge, and while
Seniors Week on Metro services.                                                            Tasmanians to connect with each
                                                you are checking out the activities        other and their communities.
PUBLIC LIABILITY                                don’t forget to Check In to each and
Event organisers should have appropriate        every event you attend.                    We also congratulate COTA Tasmania
insurance cover while participating in                                                     for their ongoing commitment
Seniors Week including, but not limited         To help everyone get on board, as
to, public liability insurance. While COTA                                                 to Seniors Week in the age of
Tasmania is responsible for coordinating        part of the Tasmanian Government’s         uncertainty, for helping to ensure
and promoting Seniors Week, individual          commitment to supporting Tasmanians        older Tasmanians can get out and
event organisers are responsible for all        as they age, fostering community
insurances for their own specific activity.                                                about and be socially connected.
                                                spirit and building a more inclusive
COVID-19                                        state, Tasmanian Seniors Card holders      Please enjoy Seniors Week 2021.
COTA Tasmania has received undertakings         with a Metro Greencard will again be
from each official Seniors Week event           able to ride on any Metro bus service
organiser that they will have COVID-safe                                                   Jeremy Rockliff
plans in place for patrons of their events.     for free during Seniors Week.
Patrons should observe all COVID-safe                                                      Deputy Premier and Minister for
warnings and advice and undertake their                                                    Communities
own personal hygiene activities.
Entry or participation fees may apply to all
other events. If booking details are stated,
bookings are essential. Events may be
cancelled if no bookings are received.

Program produced by COTA Tasmania
‘Westella’, 181, Elizabeth St, Hobart 7000
(03) 6231 3265 |
Design: Kelly Eijdenberg, Poco People
Illustrations: Bec Adamczewski, Becski Design
Printing: The Mercury newspaper
Packaging and distribution: Mercury Walch

                                                                                           Seniors Week 2021                       3
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Welcome to the 23rd annual Seniors Week!                                             Give us your
                                                                                     feedback — tell us
It’s again been a challenging year but     We again acknowledge our valued
COTA Tasmania is delighted to be           sponsors including TasNetworks,           your stories
able to present another Seniors Week       Metro Tasmania, and Australia Post,
program for older Tasmanians.              the latter massively enhancing our        How has Seniors Week enriched
This is the 23rd annual Seniors Week       statewide Events Guide availability.      your life? Was it your first
and the 11th to be organised by COTA       Without these valued supporters           time? Why do you support
on behalf of the State Government.         COTA Tasmania simply could                Seniors Week? What ongoing
                                           not facilitate this popular annual        friendships/networks have you
Almost 350 events are on offer                                                       gained as a result of Seniors
around the state. We are so                program. So, you are encouraged to
                                           support these wonderful sponsors          Week? Did you participate
impressed and very grateful for the                                                  online?
resilience and positivity of this year’s   as well as this Guide’s advertisers,
event organisers, many of whom             whose participation is also               Tell us – we’d love to hear your
were unable to participate last year       appreciated.                              stories and suggestions!
because of the pandemic.                   I want to acknowledge our small but       Send us a note or email. Or
This year’s theme is “friendship” and      dedicated team at COTA for their          complete the official survey
this theme is reflected in the overall     commitment to making Seniors Week         form available at Seniors Week
graphic design created by a talented       as varied, accessible and enjoyable       events, which takes less than
local young illustrator. We are            as possible, especially in another        two minutes to complete.
continuing with the tagline Discover.      challenging year.
                                                                                     Event organisers will distribute
Imagine. Together that we introduced       Some staff will be out an about during    and collect the survey form, and
several years ago, and which still         Seniors Week - being socially distant!    return them to COTA.
resonates perfectly with the Seniors       – and they look forward to meeting
                                                                                     Alternatively, you can access
Week objectives.                           some of you.
                                                                                     the form from the COTA
We hope you enjoy this Events Guide        I thank the hundreds of event             Tasmania website:
and its proven, reader-friendly            organisers for their special efforts in
format. It again features the popular      continued testing times to make this
                                                                                     To help us ensure the ongoing
Daily Planner, which allows you to         23rd Annual Seniors Week another
                                                                                     success and sustainability of
more easily identify the events that       week of varied and interesting
                                                                                     Seniors Week and maintain its
appeal and make your Seniors Week          activities for older Tasmanians.
                                                                                     place as a leading Tasmanian
activity-planning a breeze.                Whatever you do in Seniors Week           major event, we encourage
We immensely value our Seniors Week        this year, remember to wash your          and rely on feedback from
supporters, foremost the Tasmanian         hands, check-in, socially-distance –      organisers and patrons.
Government, which had the vision           and above all, enjoy the activities and
                                                                                     COTA Tasmania
to start this wonderful activities         friendships, old and new.
program for seniors 23 years ago, and
                                           Cheers,                                   181 Elizabeth Street
continues to support COTA Tasmania
                                                                                     Hobart TAS 7000
in presenting this popular program.        Sue Leitch                      
                                           Chief Executive, Council on the           (03) 6231 3265
                                           Ageing Tasmania

It’s more important than ever to stay safe and healthy
as we physically distance and reduce our risk of getting
COVID-19. When we are healthy, we can fight COVID-19 and
other infections better and get well again sooner.

4     Seniors Week 2021
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
As we went to print, negotiations were
                                                                               still happening with guest panellists
                                                                               (including a few “celebrities”), but we
                                                                               promise the debating lineup will be
                                                                               The launch event is not just about the
                                   Join the discussion.                        entertainment – of course! There
                                                                               will be some semi-serious business,
                                      If you thought last year’s first-ever    including a brief address from COTA
                                      online launch of Seniors Week            Tasmania CEO Sue Leitch, and a
                                      was different (it sure was!) stand       senior government representative will
                                      by for this year’s launch event on       officially launch Seniors Week 2021.
                                      Thursday 30 September.                   The FREE event starts at 2pm and
                                      The Seniors Week theme this year         will finish by 4pm after a delicious
                                      is “friendship” so to celebrate this     afternoon tea.
                                      topic we are featuring a special live    Seating is limited due to COVID space
                                      panel debate, onstage at Hobart’s        restrictions so bookings are essential.
                                      iconic Playhouse Theatre.
                                                                               To book, use
                                      Guest panellists will debate the         shows/cota (preferred) or call COTA
                                      topic: “Old friendships are better       on (03) 6231 3265. For catering
                                      than new ones”. One side will            purposes, bookings close Tuesday 28
                                      present a case for the “old” and the     September.
                                      others will prosecute the “new”

Expect ing a new addit ion?
A pertussis containing vaccine booster is recommended for
people in close contact with infants, including grandparents.

Ask your pharmacist about the
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination.

                                                                                Seniors Week 2021                     5
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Free energy advice
                                   you can trust
TasNetworks has teamed up with the Australian Energy Foundation to provide free over-the-
phone home energy consultations, helping you to discover simple ways to save power and
lower your electricity bills.

From draught-proofing and insulation tips, to advice on the best hot water and heating system
for your home and everything in between, the team at AEF can help you to identify ways to
bring your energy costs down and keep your home comfortable, whatever the season.

                                                  Book your free energy consultation
                                                    now by calling 1300 236 855 or
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Seniors Week 2021                         Australia Post is                          Metro — keeping
— powered by                              supporting mental                          Tasmanians
TasNetworks                               health and wellbeing                       moving safely
TasNetworks is proud to be partnering     As an organisation that connects           Metro is proud of the ongoing role
with COTA Tasmania once again for         every Australian, we’re proud to           it has played in keeping Tasmanians
Seniors Week 2021.                        partner with Beyond Blue.                  moving, connecting them with
In a time where physical distancing and   The Post Office is the centre point of     essential services and their jobs.
isolating have become the new normal,     over 4,000 communities Australia-          At all times the safe transport of
strong relationships and connections      wide. Our posties often go above           passengers – and the safety of
have never been more important.           and beyond to watch out for the            our employees – is important and
TasNetworks plays an important role       people they deliver to, and as a           Metro’s focus.
in keeping our community connected.       postal service, we facilitate millions     Metro is a long-time supporter of
The electricity we provide is the         of connections between Australians         Seniors Week, and is again offering
spark that connects us all. It keeps us   each year.                                 free travel for Seniors Cards holders
connected to our friends and loved        Our vast network enables us to help        with a Greencard during Seniors
ones, powers healthcare and vital         Beyond Blue deliver information to         Week (11 to 17 October 2021).
community services and helps us to        support mental health and wellbeing        Using a Greencard is a quick and
enjoy our lives in many ways.             across Australia, so that we can           simple process – no need for correct
The energy world is changing quickly      better reach those in need and             change, just tap and go. You can
as more people move to cleaner forms      share stories of hope, recovery and        even set up an automatic top up for
of energy. New technologies like          resilience.                                when you are running low, or add
electric vehicles and solar and battery   We’re working to make mental health        credit online, at a Metro shop, depot
storage systems are becoming more         and wellbeing a part of everyday           or Greencard agent.
common, and as the needs of our           conversations, and helping to build        In addition to being easier and
customers change, our industry needs      stronger and more connected                quicker, it is cheaper, offering a 20%
to adapt to meet these changes.           communities.                               discount on fares outside of free
While there is rapid change in the        Together with Beyond Blue, we aim          travel period during Seniors Week.
industry that will have a significant     to lead a positive change in the way       Visit to get your
impact on TasNetworks and the way we      Australians talk about mental health       Greencard, or visit: the Metro Shop
do business, one thing that will always   because when we connect, we feel           in the Elizabeth Street bus mall or
remain constant is our commitment         better.                                    the Moonah depot; a Metro depot in
to delivering safe, cost-effective and    Find out more:             Launceston or Burnie; or a Greencard
reliable electricity to our customers.    supportingcommunities                      agent – or call the Metro customer
— CEO, Seán Mc Goldrick                                                              service hotline on 13 22 01.

                                                                                     Seniors Week 2021                    7
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Living Longer Living Stronger is a
                                  NOW                                                     personalised strength and balance
                              AVAILABLE IN                                                training program for older Tasmanians.
                                HOBART                                                    Tasmania’s first accredited Living Longer
                                                                                          Living Stronger provider is Friends Health
                                                                                          & Fitness in Hobart.
                                                                                          Sessions are delivered by their accredited
                                                                                          instructors in a group setting to facilitate
                                                                                          social connections.
                                                                                          The program is designed to provide
                                                                                          affordable access to strength and balance
                                                                                          training. Fees are capped to keep costs

                                             Get stronger                                 low and participants may also be able to
                                                                                          access rebates through their health fund
                                              Stay active                                 or Medicare.
                                                                                          Ready to get started?
                                             Make friends                                 Visit the Friends Health & Fitness
                                                                                          website to book your initial assessment:
                                                                 This project was
                                                                 funded by the Healthy
                                                                                          Need more information or help signing
                                                                 Tasmania Fund
                                                                 through the Tasmanian
                                                                                          up? Email
                                                                 Government.              or phone (03) 6210 2241

                                                                                                                       This project was
                                                                                                                       funded by the Healthy
                                                                                                                       Tasmania Fund
                                                                                                                       through the Tasmanian

Increase muscular strength            Reduce the risk of falls through             Alleviate the effects of chronic
                                      increased strength, better balance           conditions such as arthritis,
Increase bone density                 and greater coordination.                    heart disease, type 2 diabetes
(the strength of bones).                                                           and osteoporosis.                  NO FITNESS
                                      Improve functional ability to                                                   EQUIPMENT
Increase the strength of              undertake everyday tasks, such               Prolong the ability to live
ligaments and tendons.                                                                                                 NEEDED!
                                      as shopping, preparing food or               independently.
Improve cardiovascular health.        cleaning.
                                                                                   Download our free booklet from
Improve overall quality of life.      Increase metabolic rate and         or
                                      improving body composition                   contact us at
Improve posture and gait.             (increasing muscle, reducing fat).           or 03 6231 3265.
                                      Increase self-esteem.
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Free energy advice
you can trust
A free home energy consultation can
help you to discover ways to bring down
your energy costs and keep your home
comfortable, whatever the season.

Book your free home energy
consultation now by calling
1300 236 855 or visit

                              COVID-19 safety in Seniors Week
                              Although Seniors Week is at this stage       Patrons are urged to
                              still on track to proceed in October with    take responsibility for
                              face-to-face events, it’s unfortunately      their own COVID-safe
                              still not “business as usual” this year.     precautions by:
                              The COVID-19 pandemic has necessarily        •   Maintaining 1.5 metres distance to
                              resulted in Seniors Week event                   other people, even outdoors
                              organisers continuing to take actions        •   Using hand sanitiser or washing
                              to make their event environments as              hands thoroughly with soap and
                              COVID-safe as possible for guests.               water
                              Organisers of both indoor and outdoor        •   Covering coughs and sneezes
                              events will observe social distancing        •   Staying away if you are even slightly
                              protocols and provide signage and                unwell
                              general assistance in regard to COVID-       •   Wearing a face mask if desired
                              safe procedures.
                              This year all venues/events must provide     The latest government information
                              a unique QR code – and all patrons must      and advice about COVID-19 can be
                              mandatorily check-in, either scanning        accessed online at coronavirus.tas.
                              the QR code on their smart device or or via the COTA Tasmania
                              manually, using facilities provided by the   website:
                              organiser. Whatever check-in method
                              use – you must be registered.
Seniors Week 11-17 OCTOBER 2021 - Glenview
Daily Planner: South
                                                                (Click on the event to see
                                                                the full listing)

8:00am–12:30pm  Spinal Screening                                                 Kingston        p36
8:00am–6:00pm   Spinal Screening                                                 Hobart          p31
8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                           Moonah          p39
9:00am–3:30pm   Homecare Information Pop-Up Stall                                Kingston        p36
9:00am–5:00pm   Sharing Words of Wisdom                                          Glenorchy       p29
9:00am–5:00pm   Free Hearing Test and Lunch                                      Hobart          p33
9:30am–10:15am  Staying Active Group Exercise                                    Bothwell        p25
9:30am–10:20am  Staying Active Group Exercise                                    Claremont       p26
9:30am–10:30am  Move It Easy Exercises                                           Battery Point   p24
10:00am–Wed     Tall Ship Sailing on The Lady Nelson                             Hobart          p31
10:00am–10:45am Staying Active Group Exercise                                    New Norfolk     p39
10:00am–11:30am Plant Swap                                                       Kingston        p35
10:00am–12:00pm Connecting with Confidence                                       Hobart          p31
10:00am–12:00pm Table Tennis for Seniors                                         Kingston        p38
10:00am–2:00pm  Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                                    Hobart          p32
10:00am–3:00pm  Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                                    Hobart          p32
10:30am–11:30am Connecting to Others With Video                                  Sorell          p44
10:30am–12:00pm Learn How to Knit                                                Dodges Ferry    p27
10:30am–12:30pm Learn and Play Croquet                                           Sandy Bay       p43
10:45am–11:15am Staying Active Move                                              Kingston        p36
10:50am–11:30am Staying Active Group Exercise                                    West Moonah     p46
11:00am–3:30pm  Kingborough Bowls & Community Club Social Day                    Margate         p38
11:15am–12:15pm Move It Easy Exercises                                           Bellerive       p25
11:30am–12:30pm Pétanque in the Park                                             Sandy Bay       p44
11:40am–12:20pm Staying Active Group Exercise                                    West Moonah     p46
12:00pm–2:00pm  Generations of Global Gastronomy                                 Hobart          p31
1:00pm–1:45pm   Staying Active Group Exercise                                    New Norfolk     p39
1:00pm–2:00pm   Achey Breaky Joints                                              West Moonah     p46
1:00pm–2:30pm   Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                                Franklin        p28
1:00pm–3:00pm   Come, Try Croquet – The Swing’s The Thing!                       New Town        p40
1:00pm–3:30pm   Come and Try Croquet                                             Kingston        p36
2:00pm–3:00pm   Digital Drop in                                                  Rosny           p42
2:00pm–3:00pm   Buddy Tour of Vaucluse Gardens                                   South Hobart    p45
2:30pm–4:30pm   South Pacific Singalong                                          New Norfolk     p39
7:00pm–9:00pm   Social Indoor Bowls                                              Kingston        p37
7:00pm–9:30pm   Mah Jong Club of Hobart Open Night                               Sandy Bay       p43
7:15pm–9:00pm   A Fun Sing-a-Long Evening                                        New Town        p40

10    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner          SOUTH
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:30pm     Spinal Screening                                                 Kingston        p36
8:00am–6:00pm      Spinal Screening                                                 Hobart          p31
8:30am–4:30pm      Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                           Moonah          p39
9:00am–12:30pm     Build Your Own Chopping Board                                    West Moonah     p45
9:00am–5:00pm      Sharing Words of Wisdom                                          Glenorchy       p29
9:00am–5:00pm      Free Hearing Test and Lunch                                      Hobart          p33
9:30am–10:20am     Staying Active Group Exercise                                    Claremont       p26
9:30am–10:30am     Move It Easy Exercises                                           Lenah Valley    p38
9:30am–12:30pm     Food and Movie Morning                                           North Hobart    p41
Overnight from Mon Tall Ship Sailing on The Lady Nelson                             Hobart          p31
10:00am–10:45am    Staying Active Group Exercise                                    New Norfolk     p39
10:00am–11:00am    Line Dancing with Boots and All                                  Glenorchy       p29
10:00am–11:30am    Blundstone Arena Tours                                           Bellerive       p24
10:00am–11:30am    Peace Education Program                                          Glenorchy       p29
10:00am–12:00pm    Table Tennis for Seniors                                         Kingston        p38
10:00am–12:00pm    Table Tennis                                                     Montagu Bay     p38
10:00am–1:00pm     Care Forward South Open Day                                      Rosny           p43
10:00am–2:00pm     Bisdee Community Centre Open Day                                 Glenorchy       p28
10:00am–2:00pm     Free 15-minute Hearing Checks and Information Sessions           New Town        p40
10:00am–3:00pm     Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                                    Huonville       p35
10:30am–11:30am    Grandparents and Grandchildrens Robotics                         Kingston        p36
10:30am–11:30am    Homecare Advice                                                  Kingston        p37
10:30am–12:00pm    Rebellious, Resourceful and Resilient! Narryna’s Convict Women   Battery Point   p24
10:30am–12:00pm    Book Chatters                                                    Rosny           p42
10:50am–11:40am    Staying Active Group Exercise                                    Goodwood        p30
11:00am–12:00pm    Ways of Seeing Special Tour                                      Hobart          p34
11:15am–12:15pm    Move It Easy Exercises                                           Kingston        p35
12:00pm–2:00pm     Generations of Global Gastronomy                                 Hobart          p31
12:00pm–2:00pm     A Quizzical Community Lunch                                      West Moonah     p45
12:10pm–1:00pm     Staying Active Group Exercise                                    Chigwell        p26
1:00pm–2:30pm      Blundstone Arena Tours                                           Bellerive       p24
1:00pm–2:30pm      Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                                Franklin        p28
1:00pm–3:00pm      Indoor Bowls                                                     Kingston        p37
1:30pm–3:00pm      Pétanque in Berriedale                                           Berriedale      p25
1:30pm–3:00pm      Volunteer ‘Taster’ with Hobart’s Choir of High Hopes             Hobart          p34
1:30pm–3:00pm      “Pétanque” – Bowls with Those Silver Boules (Balls)              Sandy Bay       p43
2:00pm–3:00pm      Embracing Positive Thinking                                      Hobart          p32
2:00pm–3:00pm      This Too Shall Pass                                              Hobart          p33
2:00pm–3:30pm      Experience Virtual Reality                                       Kingston        p36
2:00pm–4:00pm      Learn to Draw                                                    North Hobart    p41
3:00pm–4:00pm      Yoga for Seniors                                                 Huonville       p35
3:00pm–4:00pm      Android Tablet Drop In                                           Rosny           p43
6:00pm–7:30pm      Rotary Open Night with Guest Speaker Olivia McTaggart            New Town        p41

                                     Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner SOUTH                          11
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–1:00pm     Spinal Screening                                     Hobart          p31
8:30am–4:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience               Moonah          p39
9:00am–3:30pm     Home Care Information Pop-Up Stall                   Glenorchy       p29
9:00am–5:00pm     Sharing Words of Wisdom                              Glenorchy       p29
9:00am–5:00pm     Free Hearing Test and Lunch                          Hobart          p33
9:30am–10:20am    Staying Active Group Exercise                        Claremont       p26
9:30am–10:30am    Move It Easy Exercises                               Glenorchy       p30
returning 10:00am Tall Ship Sailing on The Lady Nelson                 Hobart          p31
10:00am–1:00pm    Seniors on E-bikes                                   Cornelian Bay   p26
10:00am–11:00am   Tai Chi                                              Dodges Ferry    p27
10:00am–11:00am   Fascinating Fungi in the Huon Valley                 Huonville       p34
10:00am–11:30am   Blundstone Arena Tours                               Bellerive       p24
10:00am–11:30am   Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                        Kingston        p35
10:00am–12:00pm   Come, Try Croquet – The Swing’s The Thing!           New Town        p40
10:00am–12:00pm   Guided Tour of Historic Richmond                     Richmond        p42
10:00am–2:00pm    A Walk with the Wellbeing Club                       Fern Tree       p28
10:00am–2:00pm    Grab Your Gadgets!                                   Nubeena         p41
10:00am–3:00pm    Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                        Kingston        p35
10:00am–3:00pm    Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                        Sorell          p44
10:00am–4:00pm    IT Pop-Up Stall                                      Ouse            p41
10:30am–1:00pm    Clarence Art Park Walk                               Risdon          p42
10:30am–1:30pm    Cultural Connections                                 Glenorchy       p30
10:30am–11:30am   Mastering your Device                                Sorell          p44
11:00am–12:30pm   Jump to Retirement Living Q&A                        South Hobart    p44
11:00am–1:30pm    Let's Fly Together                                   New Town        p40
11:00am–1:30pm    Navigating a Home Care Package                       New Town        p40
11:00am–2:00pm    Indoor Carpet Bowls                                  North Hobart    p41
12:00pm–2:00pm    Generations of Global Gastronomy                     Hobart          p31
1:00pm–1:40pm     Spinal Health Workshop for Healthy Ageing            Hobart          p32
1:00pm–2:30pm     Blundstone Arena Tours                               Bellerive       p24
1:00pm–2:30pm     Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                    Franklin        p28
1:00pm–3:00pm     Introduction to Family History                       New Norfolk     p39
1:00pm–4:00pm     Family History: Interpret your DNA                   Bellerive       p24
1:00pm–4:00pm     Family History: Discover Your Relatives              Bellerive       p25
1:00pm–4:00pm     It’s About the Living Not the Dying                  Hobart          p30
1:15pm–2:00pm     'Popular Pipes’ Organ Concert                        Hobart          p33
1:30pm-3:00pm     Speak Easy in Seniors Week                           Woodbridge      p46
1:30pm–3:30pm     Golden Years Club Concert                            Glenorchy       p29
2:00pm–3:00pm     Not So Easy                                          Hobart          p34
2:00pm–3:00pm     All About Hearing and Balance                        West Moonah     p45
2:00pm–3:30pm     Sample the Taste of Fine Teas                        Kingston        p37
2:00pm–3:30pm     Connecting to Others By Video                        Rosny           p42
2:00pm–2:40pm     Stretching and Exercise Program for Healthy Ageing   Hobart          p32
3:00pm–7:00pm     Spinal Screening                                     Kingston        p36

12    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner              SOUTH
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:30pm    Spinal Screening                                  Kingston       p36
8:30am–4:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience            Moonah         p39
9:00am–3:30pm     Homecare Information Pop-Up Stall                 Kingston       p36
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience            Kingston       p37
9:00am–5:00pm     Sharing Words of Wisdom                           Glenorchy      p29
9:00am–5:00pm     Free Hearing Test and Lunch                       Hobart         p33
9:30am–10:20am    Staying Active Group Exercise                     Claremont      p26
9:30am–10:30am    Move It Easy Exercises                            Bellerive      p24
9:30am–10:30am    Healing Ground: Turning a New Town Story Around   New Town       p41
9:30am–12:00pm    Mah Jong                                          Kingston       p35
9:30am–12:00pm    Time Out Craft Program                            Mornington     p39
9:30am–2:00pm     OpShop Crawl (Bus Trip)                           West Moonah    p46
10:00am–10:45am   Staying Active Group Exercise                     New Norfolk    p39
10:00am–11:00am   All About Your Library                            Kingston       p36
10:00am–11:30am   Blundstone Arena Tours                            Bellerive      p24
10:00am–2:00pm    Grab Your Gadgets!                                Dunalley       p28
10:00am–2:00pm    Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                     Hobart         p32
10:00am–3:00pm    Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                     Glenorchy      p29
10:00am–4:00pm    IT Pop-Up Stall                                   Dodges Ferry   p27
10:00am–4:00pm    The Shot Tower & The Tower Tearoom                Taroona        p45
10:30am–1:30pm    Dignity and Weaving                               Dodges Ferry   p27
10:30am–11:20am   Staying Active Group Exercise                     Claremont      p26
10:30am–11:30am   Ukulele Performance                               Huonville      p35
10:30am–12:30pm   Come and Try Embroidery                           Lenah Valley   p38
10:30am–12:30pm   Beamafilm – Brooklyn                              Rosny          p42
11:00am–12:00pm   Convict Artisans in Van Diemen’s Land             Hobart         p33
11:00am–1:30pm    Springtime Seasonal Walk                          Kingston       p37
11:00am–2:00pm    Spinning                                          South Hobart   p45
11:00am–4:00pm    Cygnet Social Games Group                         Cygnet         p27
11:30am–12:00pm   Staying Active Move                               Kingston       p36
12:00pm–2:00pm    Generations of Global Gastronomy                  Hobart         p31
12:30pm–1:00pm    Serenity in the City: Meditation                  Hobart         p32
1:00pm–2:30pm     Blundstone Arena Tours                            Bellerive      p24
1:00pm–2:30pm     Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                 Franklin       p28
1:00pm–3:00pm     Croquet for Fun                                   Bellerive      p25
1:00pm–3:00pm     Indoor Bowls                                      Kingston       p37
1:00pm–3:00pm     Clarence U3A Afternoon Tea                        Lindisfarne    p38
1:00pm–4:00pm     Care Forward South Open Day                       Rosny          p43
1:30pm–6:00pm     Spinal Screening                                  Hobart         p31
2:00pm–3:00pm     First Nations at TMAG                             Hobart         p33
2:00pm–3:30pm     Making Cards for Friends and Family               Rosny          p43
2:00pm–4:00pm     International Elders Get Together                 Hobart         p32
6:30pm–7:30pm     Move It Easy Exercises                            Lenah Valley   p38
7:00pm–8:30pm     Singing Workshop and Open Rehearsal               Lindisfarne    p38
7:30pm–9:30pm     Come and Try Embroidery                           Lenah Valley   p38

                                 Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner SOUTH             13
Daily Planner: South
8:00am–12:30pm  Spinal Screening                                                 Kingston        p36
8:00am–6:00pm   Spinal Screening                                                 Hobart          p31
8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                           Moonah          p39
9:00am–5:00pm   Sharing Words of Wisdom                                          Glenorchy       p29
9:00am–5:00pm   Free Hearing Test and Lunch                                      Hobart          p33
9:30am–10:20am  Staying Active Group Exercise                                    Claremont       p26
9:30am–2:30pm   Mystery Bus Trip                                                 West Moonah     p46
10:00am–1:00pm  Free 15 minute Hearing Checks                                    Moonah          p39
10:00am–10:45am Staying Active Group Exercise                                    New Norfolk     p39
10:00am–11:00am Accessing My Health Records                                      Kingston        p36
10:00am–12:00pm Spectacular Parks and Gardens of the World                       Hobart          p30
10:00am–12:00pm Experience the Lady Nelson                                       Hobart          p31
10:00am–12:00pm Rainbow Pride Morning Tea                                        Howrah          p34
10:00am–12:00pm Knitting and Crocheting a Square                                 New Norfolk     p39
10:00am–3:00pm  Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                                    Bellerive       p25
10:00am–4:00pm  IT Pop-Up Stall                                                  New Norfolk     p40
10:00am–4:00pm  The Shot Tower & The Tower Tearoom                               Taroona         p45
10:30am–11:30am Rebellious, Resourceful and Resilient! Narryna’s Convict Women   Battery Point   p24
10:30am–11:30am Homecare Advice                                                  Rosny           p43
10:30am–12:00pm DIY Balloon Concrete Planter (Part 1)                            Kingston        p37
11:00am–12:00pm Ways of Seeing Public Tour                                       Hobart          p33
11:00am–1:00pm  Potted Herbs in the Garden                                       Dodges Ferry    p27
11:00am–1:00pm  Polish Dancing with Friends                                      New Town        p40
11:30am–12:30pm Salsa Dance Workout for Seniors                                  Kingston        p37
12:00pm–2:00pm  Generations of Global Gastronomy                                 Hobart          p31
1:00pm–3:00pm   Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                                Franklin        p28
1:00pm–3:00pm   Experience the Lady Nelson                                       Hobart          p31
1:30pm–2:30pm   TMAG Gallery Highlights Tour                                     Hobart          p30
2:00pm–3:00pm   Glenorchy’s History Through Photographs                          Glenorchy       p29
2:00pm–3:30pm   More Than Just Books                                             Bridgewater     p26
2:00pm–4:00pm   Beamafilm – Brooklyn                                             Sorell          p44
2:30pm–4:30pm   Wine, Savoury & Song in Seniors Week                             Hobart          p33
8:00am–12:00pm  Spinal Screening                                                 Kingston        p36
9:00am–5:00pm   Free Hearing Test and Lunch                                      Hobart          p33
10:00am–1:00pm  Family History: Interpret your DNA                               Bellerive       p24
10:00am–1:00pm  Family History: Discover Your Relatives                          Bellerive       p25
10:30am–11:30am Rebellious, Resourceful and Resilient! Narryna’s Convict Women   Battery Point   p24
11:00am–12:00pm Ways of Seeing Public Tour                                       Hobart          p33
1:00pm–3:00pm   Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                                Franklin        p28
1:30pm–2:30pm   TMAG Gallery Highlights Tour                                     Hobart          p30
3:00pm–4:00pm   Hymnfest                                                         Hobart          p31

14     Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner            SOUTH
Daily Planner: South
  11:00am–12:00pm Ways of Seeing Public Tour                                             Hobart            p33
  11:30am–12:30pm Pétanque in the Park                                                   Sandy Bay         p44
  1:00pm–3:00pm   Cruise the Huon River at Franklin                                      Franklin          p28
  1:30pm–2:30pm   TMAG Gallery Highlights Tour                                           Hobart            p30
  2:00pm–3:00pm   An Afternoon at the Proms                                              Hobart            p32

You can help                      COTA is an independent, not-for-profit body that relies on income from
                                  various government and private sources for its sustained operations.

us to speak                       You can help COTA Tasmania to continue our advocacy and education
                                  activities to assist Tasmanian seniors enjoy a high quality of life.

out for older                     You can become a COTA volunteer or alternatively, make a
                                  tax deductible donation.

Tasmanians!                       For more information visit our website,
                                  email or call us on (03) 6231 3265.

                                    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner SOUTH                                  15
Daily Planner: North                                            (Click on the event to see
                                                                the full listing)

8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                        Launceston            p52
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                             Deloraine             p49
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                           Riverside             p55
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                           Kings Meadows         p51
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                           Launceston            p51
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                        Beauty Point          p48
10:30am–12:00pm Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea & Dementia Talk               Newnham               p54
11:00am–12:00pm Tai Chi and Qigong Bridport                                   Bridport              p48
1:00pm–3:00pm   Introduction to Golf Croquet                                  Launceston            p51
1:00pm–4:00pm   Bingo                                                         Deloraine             p49
1:30pm–2:50pm   Celebrating Seniors Afternoon Tea & Dementia Talk             Mowbray               p54
1:45pm–2:45pm   Tai Chi and Qigong                                            Beaconsfield          p48
5:30pm–6:30pm   Tai Chi and Qigong                                            Launceston            p53
8:00pm–9:00pm   Spanish City Park Radio                                       Launceston            p52
8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                        Launceston           p52
9:00am–2:00pm   Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                                 George Town          p50
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                             Deloraine            p49
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                           Kings Meadows        p51
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                           Riverside            p55
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                           Launceston           p51
9:30am–3:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                        Deloraine            p49
10:00am–12:00pm Croquet                                                       St. Leonards         p57
10:00am–1:00pm  Care Forward North Open Day                                   Riverside            p55
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                        Beauty Point         p48
10:00am–3:00pm  Croquet – A Hit for Health                                    Riverside            p56
10:00am–4:00pm  IT Pop-Up Stall                                               Newnham              p54
1:00pm–1:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Our Living Climate             Inveresk             p50
3:00pm–3:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Black Holes                    Inveresk             p50

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16    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner           NORTH
Daily Planner: North
8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                 Launceston         p52
9:00am–2:00pm   Free 15-minute Hearing Checks                          Longford           p53
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                    Launceston         p51
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                    Kings Meadows      p51
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                      Deloraine          p49
9:30am–1:00pm   Seniors Olympics                                       Kings Meadows      p51
10:00am–11:30am Healthy Ageing – Body and Mind                         Launceston         p52
10:00am–11:30am Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea + Dementia Talk        Lilydale           p53
10:00am–12:00pm Rainbow Pride Morning Tea                              Newnham            p54
10:00am–12:00pm Croquet                                                St. Leonards       p57
10:00am–12:00pm Understanding Homecare                                 Young Town         p57
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                 Beauty Point       p48
10:00am–3:00pm  Tracing your Family History                            Launceston         p52
10:30am–11:30am How to Stay Connected During an Emergency              St Helens          p57
1:00pm–4:00pm   Indoor Carpet Bowls                                    Deloraine          p48
1:00pm–1:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Birth of Planet Earth   Inveresk           p50
2:00pm–3:00pm   Explore Virtual Reality                                Scottsdale         p56
3:00pm–3:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Capcom Go!              Inveresk           p50
7:30pm–9:30pm   Singing for Fun and Friendship                         Launceston         p53
8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                 Launceston         p52
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                      Deloraine          p49
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                    Launceston         p51
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                    Kings Meadows      p51
10:00am–11:30am Seniors Fitness Class                                  Newstead           p55
10:00am–3:00pm  Independent Living Expo                                Launceston         p51
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                 Beauty Point       p48
10:30am–11:30am What is My Health Record @ Scottsdale Library          Scottsdale         p56
11:30am–12:30pm Tai Chi and Qigong                                     Launceston         p52
1:00pm–1:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Capturing the Cosmos    Inveresk           p50
1:00pm–4:00pm   Care Forward North Open Day                            Riverside          p55
1:30pm–3:30pm   George Town Seniors Variety Concert                    George Town        p50
1:45pm–2:45pm   Tai Chi and Qigong                                     Kings Meadows      p51
2:00pm–4:00pm   Cocktails and Canvas                                   Dorset             p49
2:00pm–4:00pm   Ageing Outrageously                                    Riverside          p56
2:00pm–4:30pm   Launceston Bridge Club – Learn to Play Bridge          South Launceston   p56
3:00pm–3:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – We are Stars            Inveresk           p50
7:00pm–9:00pm   Discover Singing with Sing Australia Launceston        Launceston         p53

                                 Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner NORTH                    17
Daily Planner: North
8:30am–4:30pm   Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                              Launceston      p52
9:00am–12:30pm  Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience                              Longford        p54
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                                   Deloraine       p49
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                                 Kings Meadows   p51
9:00am–5:00pm   How's Your Hearing?                                                 Launceston      p51
10:00am–11:45am Reducing Risk of Dementia                                           Riverside       p55
10:00am–11:30am Celebrating Seniors Morning Tea + Dementia Talk                     Ravenswood      p55
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                              Beauty Point    p48
10:00am–4:00pm  Real Humans True Stories Workshop                                   George Town     p49
11:00am–12:15pm Sing-along with Roy                                                 Deloraine       p49
1:00pm–1:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Dawn of the Space Age                Inveresk        p50
3:00pm–3:40pm   Tai Chi with Jenni                                                  Deloraine       p48
3:00pm–3:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – We are Aliens                        Inveresk        p50
7:00pm–8:10pm   Real Humans True Stories Show                                       George Town     p49
7:30pm–10:00pm  Modern Square Dancing                                               Deloraine       p48
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                                   Deloraine       p49
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                              Beauty Point    p48
10:00am–3:00pm  Croquet – A Hit for Health                                          Riverside       p56
12:00pm–4:00pm  Discover Your Radio Voice                                           Launceston      p52
2:00pm–2:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows – Our Living Climate                   Inveresk        p50
3:00pm–3:45pm   Launceston Planetarium Shows Birth of Planet Earth                  Inveresk        p50
7:30pm–9:30pm   'The Drive In' at Windsor                                           Riverside       p56
9:00am–5:00pm   Deloraine & Districts Folk Museum                                   Deloraine       p49
10:00am–3:00pm  Free Chocolate Truffle                                              Beauty Point    p48
2:00pm–3:30pm   Lecture by Nigel Burch: Premier Sir Jack Evans                      Inveresk        p50

                       Bisdee Community Centre daytime social and activities group
                       Bisdee short term hotel-like respite accommodation
                       Home and Community Care a helping hand around your home
                       Independent Living Units with garden and maintenance services
                       Windsor Street long term accommodation and care
                       Korongee a village for people living with dementia
                       Dementia Tas provides training courses all around Tasmania

                       2–10 Windsor Street, Glenorchy Tasmania 7010
                       (03) 6277 8800

18    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner             NORTH
Daily Planner: North West
8:30am–4:30pm    Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Devonport         p62
8:30am–5:00pm    How's Your Hearing?                      Burnie            p60
8:30am–5:00pm    How's Your Hearing?                      Devonport         p62
8:30am–5:00pm    How's Your Hearing?                      Ulverstone        p66
9:00am–11:00am   App Help                                 Devonport         p63
9:00am–3:30pm    Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Burnie            p60
10:00am–12:00pm  Beyond the Library Shelves               Burnie            p60
10:00am–4:00pm   IT Pop-Up Stall                          Burnie            p60
10:30am–11:15am  Day Keeper Tour                          Cradle Mountain   p61
11:00am–1:30pm   Let's Fly Together                       Devonport         p62
12:30pm          Films at Market Square                   Devonport         p61
1:00pm–3:00pm    Converting Old Audio Media               Devonport         p62
3:00pm–5:00pm    Photoshop Taster                         Devonport         p62
8:30am–4:30pm    Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Devonport         p62
8:30am–5:00pm    How’s Your Hearing?                      Burnie            p60
8:30am–5:00pm    How’s Your Hearing?                      Devonport         p62
8:30am–5:00pm    How’s Your Hearing?                      Ulverstone        p66
9:00am–11:00am   Samsung Galaxy Tablet Basics             Devonport         p62
9:30am–10:30am   Tai Chi – Movement with Meaning          East Devonport    p65
9:30am–11:30am   Choir (Mersey Singers)                   Devonport         p65
10:00am–12:00pm  Rainbow Pride Morning Tea                Burnie            p60
10:00am–1:00pm   Care Forward North West Open Day         Devonport         p64
10:30am–11:15am  Day Keeper Tour                          Cradle Mountain   p61
10:45am–11:45am  Tai Chi – Caring for Ourselves           East Devonport    p65
12:30pm          Films at Market Square                   Devonport         p61
1:00pm–3:00pm    Around the World in Two Hours            Burnie            p60
1:00pm–3:00pm    Converting Video Tapes to DVD            Devonport         p62
1:30pm–3:30pm    Movie Matinee                            Smithton          p66
2:00pm–3:30pm    Staying Connected While Being Apart      Ulverstone        p66
3:00pm–5:00pm    Buying and Selling Online                Devonport         p63

                    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner NORTH WEST              19
Daily Planner: North West                                     (Click on the event to
                                                              see the full listing)

8:30am–4:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Devonport                   p62
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Burnie                      p60
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Devonport                   p62
9:00am–11:00am    Facebook Messenger                       Devonport                   p64
9:00am–3:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Ulverstone                  p66
9:30am–10:30am    Tai Chi – Loving Life                    East Devonport              p65
9:30am–10:30am    Zumba Gold                               Moriarty                    p65
10:30am–11:15am   Day Keeper Tour                          Cradle Mountain             p61
10:30am–11:30am   Grandparents Storytime and Bee-bot       Wynyard                     p67
10:30am–12:00pm   Pampering Morning Tea                    Queenstown                  p66
11:00am–12:00pm   Casual Country Cycling                   Wynyard                     p67
11:45am–1:00pm    Lunch at Orana                           East Devonport              p65
12:15pm–2:00pm    Eating with New Friends                  Devonport                   p64
12:30pm           Films at Market Square                   Devonport                   p61
1:00pm–3:00pm     Wi-Fi Networks and Safety Online         Devonport                   p63
3:00pm–5:00pm     Android Phone Basics                     Devonport                   p64
6:30pm–8:45pm     Movie for Seniors: Cousins               Devonport                   p61
8:30am–4:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Devonport                   p62
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Burnie                      p60
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Devonport                   p62
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Ulverstone                  p66
9:00am–11:00am    Email Basics                             Devonport                   p63
10:30am–11:15am   Day Keeper Tour                          Cradle Mountain             p61
10:30am–12:00pm   What Next with Your Digital Photos?      Devonport                   p64
12:30pm           Films at Market Square                   Devonport                   p61
1:00pm–3:00pm     Introduction to Linux                    Devonport                   p63
1:00pm–3:30pm     Carpet Bowls                             Devonport                   p64
1:00pm–4:00pm     Care Forward North West Open Day         Devonport                   p64
2:00pm–3:00pm     Silver Salties – Walk and Talk           Penguin                     p65
3:00pm–5:00pm     iPad Basics                              Devonport                   p64
8:30am–4:30pm     Free Hearing Test and Sound Experience   Devonport                   p62
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Burnie                      p60
8:30am–5:00pm     How’s Your Hearing?                      Devonport                   p62
9:00am–11:00am    iPhone Basics                            Devonport                   p63
10:00am–12:00pm   Garden Conversations                     Wynyard                     p67
10:30am–11:15am   Day Keeper Tour                          Cradle Mountain             p61
10:30am–11:30am   Grandparents Storytime and Bee-bot Fun   Burnie                      p61
12:30pm           Films at Market Square                   Devonport                   p61
1:00pm–3:00pm     WhatsApp                                 Devonport                   p63
1:30pm–3:00pm     Mad Hatters High Tea                     East Devonport              p65
3:00pm–5:00pm     General Computer Maintenance             Devonport                   p63

20    Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner        NORTH WEST
Daily Planner: North West
      10:00am–12:00pm  Zoom                                                                     Devonport                  p64
      10:30am–11:15am  Day Keeper Tour                                                          Cradle Mountain            p61
      10:30am–12:30pm  Easy Group Bike Ride                                                     Devonport                  p61
      1:00pm–3:30pm    Carpet Bowls                                                             Devonport                  p64
      10:30am–11:15am  Day Keeper Tour                                                          Cradle Mountain            p61
      12:00pm–2:00pm   70s and Over Lunch                                                       Penguin                    p66
      2:00pm–3:00pm    Sunday Soiree with the Adult Learners                                    Cooee                      p61

What we have
been doing
COTA continues to implement                 The very popular Community Activities        COTA facilitated another very successful
its comprehensive 2020-2025                 web page embedded in COTA Tasmania’s         Piecing It Together intergenerational
Strategic Plan.                             revamped website recently celebrated         street art project, this time in the
                                            its second anniversary. More than 1000       Glenorchy CBD shopping precinct. The
The free monthly Elder Law clinics          Tasmanians activities and events for         project brought younger and older
facilitated by COTA in conjunction with     older Tasmanians are featured.               people together to learn about, design,
the Legal Aid Commission of Tasmania                                                     and create street art, and challenge
continued, reverting to face to face as     The Australian Government funded             stereotypes about being younger and
well as telephone consultations. Sessions   Aged Care System Navigator Trial was         becoming older.
commenced in Launceston in April.           extended through to December 2022
                                            Four part-time specialist project officers   COTA staff and an experienced volunteer
COTA’s renowned Peer Education              are employed by COTA Tasmania in the         team travelled to much of the state
Program features several information        south, north and north-west to provide a     conducting one-on-one IT education
sessions delivered by COTA’s statewide      statewide advisory service to Tasmanians     sessions and recruiting new IT mentors
team of experienced and knowledgeable       about aged care options.                     so that locals in regional areas could
volunteer educators. The modules                                                         access ongoing support.
include Protecting Finances from Abuse      The traditional Walks Against Elder
as part of the award-winning You’re         Abuse facilitated by COTA on World Elder     The Living Longer, Living Stronger
Worth It series; Getting Connected; Eat     Abuse Awareness Day in June returned         strength and balance program (formerly
For Life; Home Fire Safety; Protecting      this year with well-attended walks in        Strength for Life) was launched by COTA
Your Finances.                              Hobart, Launceston and Burnie.               initially in Hobart and Launceston, with
                                                                                         plans for statewide expansion as more
                                                                                         fitness providers join the program.

                                 Seniors Week 2021 Daily Planner NORTH WEST                                                21
Events in the
BATTERY POINT                                                 BELLERIVE

Rebellious, Resourceful and                                   Blundstone Arena Tours
Resilient! Narryna's Convict                                  Tasmanian Cricket Museum
                                                              Get behind the scenes during a 1.5 hour conducted tour
Women                                                        of Blundstone Arena, including a visit to the excellent
Narryna                                                       Cricket Museum and Library. Two tours each day.
It's easy to imagine, from visiting Narryna today, that       Tuesday 12th October 10:00am–11:30am
the colonists who lived there led a very comfortable          Tuesday 12th October 1:00pm–2:30pm
'upstairs' existence, while the convict servants were         Wednesday 13th October 10:00am–11:30am
constantly at work, cooking, cleaning and caring
for children. But convicts were often quite unsuited          Wednesday 13th October 1:00pm–2:30pm
to meet the requirements of domestic service, so              Thursday 14th October 10:00am–11:30am
'mistresses' including Elizabeth Haig and Sarah Walker,       Thursday 14th October 1:00pm–2:30pm
also experienced many challenges in managing the              Blundstone Arena, meet at Reception (Western Gate),
household. On this tour, the focus is on the convict          15 Derwent St (Beach St end), Bellerive
women – especially those assigned to the Haig family.         Cost: Adults $15, Seniors $10, Children $5
These women were no shrinking violets – but were              Bookings: (03) 6282 0401 |
rebellious, resourceful and resilient! Join the Tuesday       (close: 8/10)
tour (12 October) to enjoy a lovely morning tea following
the tour.
Tuesday 12th October 10:30am–12:00pm                          Family History:
Narryna, 103 Hampden Road, Battery Point                      Interpret your DNA
Cost: Adults $20, Seniors $18, Children $8                    Tasmanian Family History Society Inc
Friday 15th October 10:30am–11:30am                           So you have had your DNA analysed, received your results
Narryna, 103 Hampden Road, Battery Point                      and don't know what to do next? This is an opportunity to
Cost: Adults $15, Seniors $12, Children $6                    show your results to an experienced DNA interpreter and
Saturday 16th October 10:30am–11:30am                         receive directions to make better use of your investment.
Narryna, 103 Hampden Road, Battery Point                      Contact to booking a one-
Cost: Adults $15, Seniors $12, Children $6                    on-one 50-minute session. Preference given to non-
Bookings: (03) 6234 2791 |            members of the Tasmanian Family History Society. (close: 11/10)                        Wednesday 13th October 1:00pm–4:00pm
                                                              Saturday 16th October 10:00am–1:00pm
Move It Easy Exercises                                       Old Bellerive Post Office, 19 Cambridge Road, Bellerive
Move It Easy Exercises                                        (03) 6245 9351 (close: 6/10)
Gentle exercise classes for 50-80+. For those wishing
not to exercise strenuously, but feel they have worked
their muscles. Classes are suitable for joint replacement     Move It Easy Exercises
participants, bad backs and arthritis. Sing along to the      Move It Easy Exercises
50s, 60s and 70s music you love. Enjoy a free first class.    Gentle exercise classes for 50 - 80+. For those wishing
If you enjoyed it, pay $10 per class as you go.               not to exercise strenuously, but feel they have worked
Monday 11th October 9:30am–10:30am                            their muscles. Classes are suitable for joint replacement
St. George’s Church Hall, 30 Cromwell Street                  participants, bad backs and arthritis. Sing along to the
Bookings: 0428 297 435 |                50s, 60s and 70s music you love. Enjoy a free first class.
                                                              If you enjoyed it, pay $10 per class as you go.
                                                              Thursday 14th October 9:30am–10:30am
                                                              St. Mark’s Church Hall, Cnr Scott & Clarence Street
                                                              Bookings: 0428 297 435 |

24      Seniors Week 2021 Events in the                      SOUTH
BELLERIVE (CONTINUED)                                      Croquet for Fun
                                                             Eastern Shore Croquet Club
Family History:                                              An opportunity to learn the skills of Croquet. Challenge
                                                             yourself to a thinking sport that provides good fun and
Discover Your Relatives                                     great friendships. Then join us for afternoon tea. Please
Tasmanian Family History Society Inc                         wear flat-soled shoes.
– Hobart Branch                                              Thursday 14th October 1:00pm–3:00pm
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced                 Eastern Shore Croquet Club, 57 South Street, Bellerive
researcher with a 'brick wall', here is an opportunity
to spend 50 minutes one-to-one with our research
officer. Contact to
book. Preference will be given to non-members of the           BERRIEDALE
Tasmanian Family History Society.
Wednesday 13th October 1:00pm–4:00pm
Saturday 16th October 10:00am–1:00pm
                                                             Pétanque in Berriedale
Old Bellerive Post Office, 19 Cambridge Road, Bellerive      Glenorchy City Petanque
Bookings:                        Come and try Petanque with Glenorchy City Petanque.
(03) 6245 9351 (close: 6/10)                                 All equipment is provided. Petanque is a variant of bowls
                                                             but we throw the ball from a standing position. You don’t
                                                             need good knees!
Move It Easy Exercises                                      Tuesday 12th October 1:30pm–3:00pm
Move It Easy Exercises                                       Glenorchy City Bowls Club, 4 Alcorso Drive, Berriedale
Gentle exercise classes for 50 - 80+. For those wishing      Bookings: 0402 300 672 (close: 11/10)
not to exercise strenuously, but feel they have worked
their muscles. Classes are suitable for joint replacement
participants, bad backs and arthritis. Sing along to the
50s, 60s and 70s music you love. Enjoy a free first class.
If you enjoyed it, pay $10 per class as you go.
Monday 11th October 11:15am–12:15pm                          Staying Active Group Exercise
St Mark’s Church Hall, Cnr Scott & Clarence Street           Freedom Health and Wellness
Bookings: 0428 297 435 |
                                                             A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may
                                                             incorporate hand-held weights, balls, and resistance bands.
Free 15-minute                                               Improves strength, coordination and balance. A great way
                                                             to socialise with others! You'll be having so much fun you'll
Hearing Checks                                              forget you are exercising. Classes are run by qualified
Hearing Australia                                            fitness professionals who will make sure there are options
Have you noticed that you or a loved one might               for everyone in a safe and supportive environment.
be struggling to hear the TV, a family video call or         Monday 11th October 9:30am–10:15am
conversations at home? At Hearing Australia, rediscover      Bothwell Town Hall, Alexander St, Bothwell
the sounds you love with a free* hearing check.* Only        Cost: Classes are free for new attendees during Seniors
15 minute hearing checks are free. Other services may        Week
attract charges/fees or may be subsidised for those
eligible under the Australian Government Hearing
Services Program. A hearing check is a screening that
helps identify people that may have hearing loss.
                                                                Elder Abuse Helpline
Friday 15th October 10:00am–3:00pm
Hearing Australia Bellerive, Shop 3, 30 Bayfield St,            1800 44 1169
                                                                9am–4pm Monday to Friday
                                                                (not public holidays)

                                          Seniors Week 2021 Events in the SOUTH                                     25
BRIDGEWATER                                                  CLAREMONT

More Than Just Books                                        Staying Active Group Exercise
Bridgewater Library                                          Freedom Health and Wellness
There’s more than just books at your local library! Join     A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may
the Bridgewater team to find out what’s waiting for you      incorporate hand-held weights, balls, and resistance
including family history and free computer courses.          bands. Improves strength, coordination and balance.
Coffee, cake and a lucky door prize for attendees.           A great way to socialise with others! You'll be having so
Friday 15th October 2:00pm–3:30pm                            much fun you'll forget you are exercising. Classes are
Bridgewater Library, 23 Green Point Road (behind the         run by qualified fitness professionals who will make sure
Civic Centre), Bridgewater                                   there are options for everyone in a safe and supportive
Bookings:           environment.                Monday 11th October 9:30am–10:20am
library-services-family-history-information-session-         Tuesday 12th October 9:30am–10:20am
tickets-161726114161 | (03) 6165 5446 (close: 13/10)         Wednesday 13th October 9:30am–10:20am*
                                                             Thursday 14th October 9:30am–10:20am
                                                             Thursday 14th October 10:30am–11:20am**
  CHIGWELL                                                   Friday 15th October 9:30am–10:20am***
                                                             Claremont Girl Guide Hall, Boxhill Rd, Claremont
                                                             Cost: Classes are free for new attendees during Seniors
Staying Active Group Exercise                               Week *Zumba Gold Class **Men's class ***Boxing
Freedom Health and Wellness
A low to moderate intensity exercise class, which may
incorporate hand-held weights, balls, and resistance
bands. Improves strength, coordination and balance.            CORNELIAN BAY
A great way to socialise with others. You'll be having so
much fun you'll forget you are exercising. Classes are       Seniors on E-bikes
run by qualified fitness professionals who will make sure
there are options for everyone in a safe and supportive      Bicycle Network
environment.                                                 We’re riding to MONA for coffee, come with us for a ride
Tuesday 12th October 12:10pm–1:00pm                          to celebrate Seniors Week. Enjoy a relaxed ride with fellow
Chigwell Barn, 10 Buccaan St, Chigwell                       riders of e-bikes, on quiet roads and offroad bikepaths
Cost: Classes are free for new attendees during Seniors      through the northern suburbs. There is a small hill to
Week                                                         climb in Lutana, which suits e-bikes of course, but riders
                                                             with strong legs are also very welcome. If you haven’t got
                                                             your own, you could hire a bike from HobartBikeHire or
                                                             RollCycles. We’ll relax over coffee at MONA. Then some
                                                             might decide to stay and enjoy the art, while others
                                                             will return to town along the safe and smooth InterCity
                                                             Cycleway. You’ll be able to check out a new route, develop
                                                             your e-bike knowledge and gain confidence in managing
   Living in a cold house can increase your                  your e-steed on Hobart’s bikepaths and roads. 27km total,
   risk of illness and disease.                              back about 1:00pm. 2-B-27. Note: this is a “fair weather
   Aurora Energy can help ease the strain if                 ride”. We’ll cancel around 5pm the day before if rain looks
   you are worried about your power bills.                   likely, and will advise people who’ve RSVPd.
   • Aurora Energy: 1800 132 003                             Wednesday 13th October 10:00am–1:00pm
                                                             Meeting Cornelian Bay, upper carpark, corner of Bell
                                                             Street and Queens (please meet 15 minutes before the
                                                             start time)
                                                             seniors-on-e-bikes (close: 12/10)
                                                             Enquiries: 0411 671 652

26       Seniors Week 2021 Events in the                    SOUTH
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