Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford

Page created by Allan Thornton
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Inside this booklet, you will find a range of resources and self-care activities to
help you take care of yourself and your wellbeing. It includes:
yoga                                     Sudoku
breathing exercise                       poetry
recipes                                  gratitude lists
mindfulness colouring                    affirmations
grounding exercises                      tips for better sleep
word search                              contact information for support services

As days can sometimes start to roll into one and times can feel very hard, it is
more important than ever to focus on keeping well, doing things that make you
feel good, and building a routine, which can really help break up the days through
the week.

One way of building a routine during these difficult times, is to write a daily list or
schedule. This can also help you recognise daily achievements and clear your
mind. If you don't want to write things down, you could make voice recordings or
video diaries just for you. Doing these things can help to give clarity to difficult
times and situations, can lift a weight off your shoulders and reflecting back on
your plans and achievements can help you feel a sense of pride and
We really hope you enjoy this booklet and the activities included. Remember: You
do matter and you are not alone.

If you want to speak to a Mind in Bradford worker about your wellbeing any day
of the week, please call our Guideline service freephone number on 08001 884
884. If you have any feedback about this booklet please email us at or call us on 01274 730815.
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Mindfulness Colouring
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Mindfulness Colouring
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Word search
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Lemon Drizzle Cake

     175g self-raising flour
     175g butter (softened)
     140g sugar
     3 eggs (2 if large eggs)
     Zest of a lemon or half an orange if preferred

Topping / Icing
    Lemon/orange juice
    60g icing sugar (or granulated)


  1. Preheat oven to 150°C or Gas Mark 4.

  2. Combine all ingredients in one large bowl. Mix with either a wooden spoon
     or electric whisk. If the butter isn’t soft enough you can warm it for 10-15
     seconds in the microwave.

  3. Line a loaf tin and cook for approximately 25-30 minutes on the middle shelf
     of a gas oven or lower shelf in an electric oven. If you have an oven that runs
     hot check after 20 minutes.

  4. To check if your cake is cooked you can put a skewer in the middle. If it
     comes out clear it is cooked, if not put it back in the oven and check again in
     another 5 minutes.

  5. Your sponge should be golden and springy when cooked.

  6. For the topping mix the sugar with the juice of the lemon or orange. Pour it
     over the cake while it is still hot. If you use granulated sugar this will create
     more of a fine sugar syrup. You can adjust the amount of sugar and juice to
     your preference.

  7. Allow to cool before cutting and then enjoy with a cup of tea. The cake keeps
     well in a container for 3-4 days.
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Leek and Potato Soup (serves 4-5)
     2 large leeks
     1 onion
     1 tsp garlic
     3 potatoes
     2 vegetable stock cubes
     Salt and black pepper
  1. Slice the leeks and onions and fry off in a large pan with the garlic.
  2. Peel and cube the potatoes and add to the pan.
  3. Make up the vegetable stock to one pint and add to the pan with a little salt
     and pepper.
  4. Leave to simmer for 45 minutes. Once the potatoes are soft, it is ready.
  5. Take half the mixture out and blend, add back to the pan once blended and
     mix together. Add more stock if it is too thick.
  6. Season again if required.

Light Egg Mayonnaise
     5 hard-boiled eggs
     1 tub of light cottage cheese (plain or with chives)
     2 tablespoons of light salad cream
     Salt and pepper
  1. Chop up the boiled eggs into small pieces, blend the cottage cheese and mix
     together in a bowl.
  2. Add in the salad cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Serve over a baked potato or with a large salad.
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Self-Care Booklet - Mind in Bradford
Breathing exercises
Grounding exercises
Sleeping techniques
One of these days
Celebrate daily achievements.
They are worth more than you think.
Even if it’s simply taking the dishes out of the sink.
You are doing your best.
It’s ok to feel stressed.
This so called new normal, can sometimes feel awful.
You could chat on the phone.
You could go for a walk.
Even if around your house or local park

You could look at old photos.
Reminding you of the good people and times to come.
Whatever it is that helps ease your mind.
Remind yourself, you must be kind.

Draw or paint.
Listen to the radio.
Put on your favourite song.
You’ll be dancing before long.
Write what you’ve done today or write something you feel.

One day we’ll look back on this, wondering if it was real.

It’s ok to talk
Some days are harder than others
It wouldn’t be fair to pretend otherwise
Do we plaster a smile on our face so we don’t look out of place?
It is ok to talk about how you feel
Perhaps you were told not to or it makes you feel weak
It can sometimes take great strength to be able to speak
Talk and keep talking you’ll see many can relate
Importance of your health is not something to debate
There can be times again when you will feel great
You have value, please remember it is never too late.

Things I am grateful for   Things to look forward to
1.                         1.

2.                         2.

3.                         3.

4.                         4.

5.                         5.
Positive affirmations

         I believe in my ability to succeed

I fill my mind with positive and nourishing thoughts

         I will continue to learn and grow

            It is enough to do my best
Helpful contacts
For support
Guide-Line 08001 884 884       (12pm-12am)

Guide-Line live chat via the Mind in Bradford
website and click the speech
bubble in the bottom right corner (3pm-8pm)
Qwell log on by going to and clicking "Join Now"
(Adults can access free, anonymous and confidential counselling online
instantly, 12pm-10pm Monday- Friday and 6pm-10pm Saturday –

Samaritans 116 123     (anytime) or (response
time 24 hours)

In crisis
First Response 01274 221 181

Bradford Central Foodbank 07838 830438 or

  Sudoku answers
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