See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull

Page created by Tom Paul
See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
See it
Feel it
Live it
Guide to your
Open Day at Hull
See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
Start something    Welcome to the
extraordinary at   University of Hull
your Open Day      We can’t wait to show you around and give you a taste
                   of the Hull experience. For starters, here are some of our
                   must do’s to tick off your list while you’re here and after
                   your visit...

                           UoH Essentials
                    Learn more about life at Hull, our
                    accommodation, finance and applying
                    to university. And hear from our
                    students about their experiences.

                    Middleton Hall: 11.30am & 1.30pm
                    Allow 1 hour.

                         Visit the arrival point                 Campus tours
                         Make sure to check in at the arrival    Take a guided tour of our beautiful
                         point for your chance to win one of     campus with one of our students.
                         ten swag bags including an official     See page 6 for running times.
                         Team GB overnight bag, plus
                         handy tech and gifts.
                         Subject stands                          Advice Hub
                         Got questions about your subject?       Discover more about choosing
                         Chat to staff and students at our       the right course, applying through
                         subject stands.                         UCAS and how to write a winning
                                                                 personal statement. Find us on the
                         See page 4 for more details.            ground floor of the Brynmor Jones
                         Information stands
                         Get all your finance,                   Watch your subject
                         accommodation and student               talk on-demand
                         support questions answered by
                         experts from each area. Find our        Hear from our expert academics
                         info stands on the ground floor of      as they guide you through our
                         the Brynmor Jones Library.              subject areas and courses in our
                                                                 on-demand subject sessions.
                         See page 5 for more details.

                    Ready to get going? Turn to page 12 for our campus map, and start exploring.
See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
Subject information                                                                                                              Information stands
      map-signs   Subject tours                                     EYE   Subject talks
                  9am - 3.30pm                                            On-Demand
                  Tour our teaching facilities in small groups            Get the details on your subject with our
                  with a department guide. Visit the subject              on-demand talks. Visit
                  stands for more information1                  
                                                                               ubject to restriction, a suitable alternative may be
                                                                              offered on the day

                  Subject stands
                  9am - 3pm
                  Get answers to all your questions and speak one-on-one to our academics at our subject
                  information stands. These are conveniently located across our campus and in most cases in the
                  buildings your subject will be taught in. See the map on page 12 for locations.

          Faculty of Arts, Culture and Education                     Faculty of Health Sciences
         American Studies              Film and Media Studies       Biomedical Science                    Nursing (Mental Health)      Need extra details about accommodation or finance? Want to
         Creative Industries           Game and Graphic             Forensic Science                      Operating Department         know more about how we can support you while you’re at Hull?
                                       Design                                                             Practice
                                                                                                                                       Just pop along to our information stands in the Brynmor Jones Library and have all your questions
         Criminology and               History                      University Certificate in             Paramedic Science
         Professional Policing                                      Health and Social Care                                             answered by our expert staff.
         Drama                         Music                        Practice

         Theatre and Performance Primary Teaching                   Midwifery                             Physiotherapy                Brynmor Jones Library
         Education Teaching and        Teacher Education            Nursing (Adult)                       Psychology
                                                                                                                                       9am – 4pm
         Childhood Studies                                          Nursing (Child)                       Social Work
         English and Creative                                       Nursing (Learning                     Sport, Health and            Accommodation
         Writing                                                    Disability)                           Exercise Science
                                                                                                                                       Application Advice Hub
                                                                                                                                       Ask a Parent
          Faculty of Business, Law and Politics                      Faculty of Science and Engineering
         Accounting and Finance        Marketing                    Biology                               Marine Biology               Ask a Student
         Business and                  Philosophy                   Biochemistry                          Mathematics                  Ask a Mature Student
         Management                                                 Chemical Engineering                  Mechanical Engineering
         Economics and Business        Politics and International                                                                      Central Hub: The Home of Student Services
                                                                    Chemistry                             Mechatronics and
         Economics                     Studies                                                            Robotics                     Foundation Studies
         Law                           Westminster Placements       Computer Science                      Medical and Biomedical                                                          Study Abroad and International Summer
                                                                                                          Engineering                  Hull Sport: Sport & Fitness on Campus              Opportunities
                                                                    Electrical and Electronic             Physics and Astrophysics     Hull University Students’ Union                    Student Futures
                                                                    Geography, Earth Science Zoology                                   International                                      Student Support
                                                                    and Environmental
                                                                                                                                       EU Money Matters                                   Undergraduate Admissions
                                                                    Industrial Placements                                              Postgraduate Admissions

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
Tours                                                                                                 Your on-campus

                                                                                                            Westfield Court                                         The Courtyard
                                                                                                            Stylish, top quality, fully equipped. On top of         Modern, bright, central. As well as single en-suite
                                                                                                            all the facilities you’d expect, Westfield Court        rooms, The Courtyard offers rooftop apartments
                                                                                                            has games, music and big-screen rooms.                  and a bookable MasterChef-style kitchen.

                                                                                                                    £140 per week1 | 288 students                      	£150.01 - £215.04 per week1 | 562 students
        Tour                             When?                            Where?
                                                                                                                    43 and 51-week contracts                            41, 43 and 51-week contracts
        Full campus tour                 Every 15 mins from               Meet at Brynmor Jones
        (45 mins)                        9am – 3pm                        Library entrance
                                                                          (3 on campus map)                                                                         Taylor Court
        Brynmor Jones Library &          Any time between                 Brynmor Jones Library                                                                     Small, friendly, convenient. An established and
        7th-floor observatory            9am – 4pm                        (3 on campus map)                                                                         close-knit community, Taylor Court offers the
        (Self-guided)                                                                                                                                               best value for money on campus.

        Students’ union                  Any time between                 Welcome Stall at the entrance
        (15-20 mins)                     9am – 3.30pm                     to Student Central                                                                            £140 per week1 | 288 students
                                                                          (24 on campus map)                                                                            43 and 51-week contracts

        Westfield Court                  Any time between                 Westfield Court reception
        accommodation                    9am – 3.30pm                     (28 on campus map)

        The Courtyard                    Any time between                 The Courtyard reception
        accommodation                    9am – 3.30pm                     (26 on campus map)

        Taylor Court                     Any time between                 Taylor Court reception            1
                                                                                                                 rices shown are for 2021/22 academic year as
        accommodation                    9am – 3.30pm                     (25 on campus map)                    our 2022/23 prices are still to be confirmed. For
                                                                                                                up-to-date info visit
        Sports Centre tours              Any time between                 Allam Sports Centre reception
        (Self-guided)                    9am – 3.30pm                     (22 on campus map)

      Department/subject tours will also be taking place throughout the day - go to the subject stands to
      find out the details.

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
Connect to our free Wifi
      Just select UOH-Guest and follow the instructions.
                                                               Grab a
      While you’re at it, why not follow us on social media
      and use the hashtag #ChooseHull?                         bite to eat

                                                                                                               Burger-Soda Street food
                                                                                                               You’ll find a range of street
                                                                                                               food vendors on campus, just
                                                                                                               for your Open Day. So why not
                                                                                                               take the opportunity to sample
                                                                                                               some great local grub? You’re
                                                                                                               bound to find something that
                                                                                                               takes your fancy.

                                                              Whether you fancy coffee and a croissant on the go, or something
                                                              a bit more substantial, you’ll find plenty of places to eat and drink
                                                              on campus. Plus, we’ve brought in a few special extras just for you.
                                                              So take the weight off, recharge … and bon appetit!

                                                              Coffee Cafés
                                                              Arts Café
                                                              Middleton Hall (18 on campus map)

                                                              Derwent Café
                                                              Derwent (9 on campus map)

                                                              Students’ union (24 on campus map)

                                                              Students’ union (24 on campus map)
      Need a hand?
      Look out for our student                                Library Café
      ambassadors in blue tops.                               Brynmor Jones Library (3 on campus map)
      They’re on hand to show
      you around, answer your                                 Wildes Café
      questions and share their                               Canham Turner (5 on campus map)
      experiences of being a
      student at Hull. Nothing is                             The Pantry
      too much trouble – just ask!                            Canham Turner (5 on campus map)
                                                              Breakfast 8.30am – 11am | Lunch 11.30am – 2pm

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
Your life at Hull
      University is a place to feed the head and the heart. Somewhere
      to develop yourself personally, socially, and academically. It’s
      where you find friends for life. Where you say yes to every          Where you go to get together
      opportunity and do things you never dreamed of. It’s your key to     Cafés, bars, bake sales, campaigns,
      a brilliant future. And at Hull, you get it all in equal measure.    performances, big-name gigs ... there’s
                                                                           always something to see and do here.

                                                                          More than welcome
                                                                          WelcomeFest is jam-packed with online and in-
                                                                          person events, and the perfect chance to meet
                                                                          new friends, discover our societies and explore
                                                                          the campus and city.

                                                                          Do what you love
                                                                          Whether you’re into bands or board games,
                                                                          food or film, history or horror, sci-fi or
                                                                          skateboarding, this is a place to do more of
                                                                          what you love.

                                                                          Hull Sport                                          Make your voice heard
                                                                          We have a huge range of clubs and campus            Whether you want to represent other students
                                                                          sports programmes you can join whenever you         academically, join one of our clubs, societies or
                                                                          like. Try one of our 50 Athletic Union clubs, run   volunteering groups, we’ll help you get started.
                                                                          by the students’ union.

                                                                                                                              You. But better.
                                                                                                                              We’re here to empower you. Helping to make
                                                                                                                              your time at university count. Supporting you
                                                                                                                              to stand up for what you believe in and step
                                                                                                                              into the future as your best you.

                                                                                                                              For students, by students
                                                                                                                              The Hull University Students’ Union is led by the
                                                                                                                              Student President team, elected by students
                                                                                                                              every year, and supported by student reps. You
                                                                                                                              automatically become a member when you
                                                                                                                              accept your place, so you’re already part of
                                                                                                                              something bigger before you even get here.

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull

                                                                                                                                   NORTH ENTRANCE
                                                                                        SPORTS AND FITNESS CENTRE

                                             P                                                             24
                                                                                                                                         28            THE COURTYARD

                                                                               25                                                                                 22

                                                                                                                                         STUDENT CENTRAL            6
                                                                                                                                                                        EVENT CAR PARK
                                                                                                                                              26                                           TAYLOR COURT
                                                                                                                                   15                                                             27
                                                                                                                          23                                 FACE SUBJECT STANDS
                                    WESTFIELD COURT                                          BRYNMOR JONES LIBRARY                            7                              33
                                                                                                          INFORMATION STANDS              FoSE SUBJECT STANDS
                                                                     FoHS SUBJECT STANDS                  3                                       13
                                        31                      10
                                                          18                                                                                                            19
                                                                                    1                                 LIVE MUSIC
                                                                                                                                                                                                               FoHS   FACULTY OF HEALTH
                                                                                                                                     17                                                                               SCIENCES
                                                                                                                                              UoH ESSENTIALS TALK
                                                                                                          ARRIVAL POINT
                                                                                                                                                        20                   8                                 FBLP   FACULTY OF BUSINESS
                                                                          11                     16                                                                                                                   LAW AND POLITICS
                                                      4                                          9                                                                                                             FACE   FACULTY OF ARTS,
                                                                                                                 32                                                                                                   CULTURES AND
                                                                                        FBLP SUBJECT STANDS
                                                                           21                                                                                                                                         EDUCATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                               FoSE   FACULTY OF SCIENCE
                                                                                                                                                        MAIN ENTRANCE                                                 AND ENGINEERING

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ALL-GENDER WC’S
                                                                          WEST ENTRANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DISABLED PARKING

      1.             Allam Medical Building (C3)          10.   Don (C3)                                                                           19.           Media Hub (E3)                        26.   Student Central/students’
      2.             Applied Science (D2)                 11.   Enterprise Centre (C3)                                                             20.           Middleton Hall (E3)                         union (E2)
      3.             Brynmor Jones Library (D3)           12.   Esk (C4)                                                                           21.           Nidd (C4)                             27.   Taylor Court (G2)
      4.             Calder (B3)                          13.   Ferens (E3)                                                                        22.           Prayer Room (E1)                      28.   The Courtyard (E1)
      5.             Canham Turner (D2)                   14.   Gulbenkian Centre (E2)                                                             23.           Robert Blackburn (D2)                 29.   Venn (Reception) (E3)
      6.             Chemical Engineering (E2)            15.   Hardy (E2)                                                                         24.           Sports and Fitness Centre             30.   Washburn (C2)
      7.             Chemistry (E2)                       16.   Holme (D3)                                                                                       (The Allam Sports Centre) (D1)        31.   Westfield Court (B3)
      8.             Cohen (F3)                           17.   Larkin (E3)                                                                        25.           Sport, Health and Exercise            32.   Wharfe (D3)
                                                                                                                                                                 Science Lab (C1)                      33.   Wilberforce (F2)
      9.             Derwent (D3)                         18.   Loxley (HYMS) (B3)

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
What a good place to be
      Hull’s like nowhere else. Yes, we’ve got big ticket attractions. But
      it’s the hidden gems waiting around every corner – they’re the
      reason students fall in love with our city. And here are some of
      their favourites…

      The Avenues
      Just a few minutes’ walk from campus, you’ll
      find our vibrant university quarter: the Avenues.
      A second home for our students and a popular
      place to live, it’s a lively, bohemian part of town,
      peppered with unique places and interesting

      The Marina
      A beautiful spot for a peaceful stroll, The Marina
      is also buzzing with life. Just a skipping stone’s
      throw away you’ll find the independent cafés,
      bars, restaurants, shops and art galleries of the                                                          Hull Fair Caret-up
      Fruit Market.
                                                                                                                 The sights, the smells, the lights, the food ... For
                                                                                                                 one week in October, one of Europe’s biggest
      Festival season Caret-down                                                                                 travelling funfairs comes to Hull. You do not
                                                                                                                 want to miss it.
      Every year, 30,000+ people come to watch
      200 bands play at Humber Street Sesh. Pride in
      Hull is the region’s biggest LGBT+ festival. Then
                                                             Foodie Hull Caret-up
                                                                                                                 The Deep Caret-Right
      there’s Freedom Festival: a whole weekend              Where’s good to eat? You’ve got big burger joints
      dedicated to art, music and theatre.                   like Crafted and Dope Burger. A whole world of      One of the UK’s biggest and best aquariums is
                                                             tastes at places like Thai House, The Greek and     right here in Hull, and it’s home to over 3,500
                                                             Marrakech. And then, the little hideaways: Zoo,     sea creatures including sharks, rays, and turtles.
                                                             Viet Memories, Secret Garden Café…                  They have a colony of Gentoo penguins too.
                                                                                                                 Plus, your ticket includes free return visits for
                                                                                                                 a whole 12 months with their Day Plus Pass
                                                             The BoardRoom                                       scheme. It’s a jaw-some day out!
                                                             Board games and beer: what more do you
                                                             need? The BoardRoom has hundreds of games
                                                             to choose from – everything from old classics       So many gigs, so little time Caret-Right
                                                             like Monopoly to an ever-growing list of new        The Adelphi club is legendary. Then there’s The
                                                             games.                                              Sesh at Polar Bear, jazz jams at Pave, and open
                                                                                                                 mics at Speak Easy. Oh, and keep your ear to
                                                                                                                 the ground for secret gigs from Sofar Sounds…

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
7 reasons to
      choose Hull
      We don’t just see your grades, we see your potential.
      And we can help you tap into it. How? Picture this…

                                                          1. Opportunities you can’t get
                                                          anywhere else
                                                          Hull’s the only official university partner of
                                                          Team GB. Whatever you’re studying, and
                                                          whether you’re sporty or not, there’ll be
                                                          opportunities up for grabs. From CV-boosting
                                                          work experience to helping us host major
                                                          events for one of Britain’s best-loved sports      4. Career-inspiring work
                                                          brands.¹                                           experience
                                                                                                             With the likes of BMW, Disney, L’Oréal, IBM,
                                                          2. You’re a name not a number                      Jaguar Land Rover, Game Republic, Intel and
                                                                                                             BP, to name a few.
                                                          We don’t just see what you’re like on paper,
                                                          we see you. All of you. At Hull, you’re a valued
                                                          member of a tight-knit community. With us
                                                          behind you, and opportunity ahead, you’re

      3. One campus, everything you need                                                                     5. You’re guaranteed
      You won’t need to go rushing all over town to get to your lectures, play sport or get something to     on-campus accommodation
      eat – everything’s right here on one single-site campus.
                                                                                                             When you choose Hull, you’re guaranteed one
                                                                                                             of our 2,300+ on-campus rooms. Just as long
                                                                                                             as you apply for your accommodation by 1

                                                                                                             6. Rated 94.6% for employability
                                                                                                             94.6% of our students are in work or further
                                                                                                             study within 15 months of graduating.²

                                                                                                             7. Cheaper than Leeds,                           ¹P
                                                                                                                                                                laces will be limited and exact details will be provided when
                                                                                                             Manchester, York…                                 available. Some opportunities dependant on your subject.

                                                                                                                                                              ² UK domicile full-time first degree leavers; Graduate Outcomes
                                                                                                             ...London and more. According to a 2021 survey     Survey, for the academic year 2017/18 published by the Higher
                                                                                                             by Numbeo, which found we are the most             Education Statistics Agency 2020.

                                                                                                             affordable UK city.³                             ³ UK Cost of Living Index, Correct as of July 2021.

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See it Feel it Live it - Guide to your Open Day at Hull - University of Hull
Extraordinary is in you.
      And we’ll help you find it.
      We believe there’s a spark of extraordinary in everyone. But we
      also know that extraordinary doesn’t just happen. It takes your
      hard work and determination, our support and inspiration, and
      then you too can let it shine.
      This is what our partnership with Team GB is           Extraordinary is happening right now. On fields
      built on. Our united belief is that anyone, with       and tracks, in lectures and laboratories. In
      the right opportunities ahead and a dedicated          boxing rings, workshops, studios and surgeries.
      team behind, can achieve extraordinary things.         On the next street, in the heart of our city, even
                                                             next door. It’s in you. So what are you waiting
      Our shared mission is to show this to the              for?
      world. Because extraordinary can be a record-
      breaking, gold medal-winning performance in            With us behind you, and opportunity ahead,
      front of millions, or simply being the first to talk   you’re unstoppable. It’s time to find your
      in a roomful of strangers. We see it in everyone.      extraordinary at the University of Hull.

      It’s speaking out against injustice, trusting your
      conscience. Making changes to your own life
      to help make the world a better place. Chasing
      your personal best, getting your highest mark
      yet and still pushing for higher, still beating
      yourself. Still meeting people from around the
      world for the first time. Learning what their lives
      are like, then ending up friends for life.

      It’s life-changing. It’s knowing that here, you
      matter – no matter where you’ve come from.
      Here, you can achieve whatever you want to, go
      wherever it takes you, conquer heights, imagine
      sights others can’t see. It’s that indescribable
      feeling that tells you: “Here is where I’m meant
      to be.”

18 | Open Day 2021                                                                                                University of Hull | 19
The story so far…
     28 January 2019. The day we officially became the exclusive
     University Partner of Team GB. Two years into our six-year
     partnership, and one pandemic later, we’ve helped staff, students
     and the local community go on to do extraordinary things. And
     there’s still so much more to come.

                                      Max Whitlock MBE
                                      x University of Hull
                                      “There will be times when you feel scared, you
                                      doubt yourself, and you face negativity. But
                                      you’ll learn to thrive off that. And as long as
                                      you’ve got the right people behind you, and you
                                      keping looking straight ahead, you can achieve
                                                                                        Rose won gold                                      Get-up-and-Ogogo Caret-up
                                      Introducing a new ambassador for the              Rose Thorley, BA International Business student,   In June 2019, bronze-winning Olympian
                                      University of Hull: Team GB double Olympic        won the Team GB Marketing Challenge 2021           Anthony Ogogo came to campus to share all
                                      Champion, Max Whitlock MBE.                       with her Olympic-themed app, offering athletics    the setbacks he’s faced in life, and how he got
                                                                                        advice, tips and hacks for all levels of skill.    back up and overcame them.

                                                                                        Passing on the torch                               ‘Get Set’ to inspire schools
                                                                                        An ongoing research project, One Team GB,          The Get Set To Find Your Extraordinary
                                                                                        sees students and academics explore the            programme aims to inspire young people to
                                                                                        history of British Olympic champions of the        achieve their own extraordinary dreams.
    Tokyo 2020                                                                          past. Our aim is to inspire current Team GB
    Kitting-Out                                                                         athletes to achieve success by connecting them
                                                                                        to their athletic heritage.                        Three new PhDs
    Fifty Hull students were given
    a volunteering opportunity                                                                                                             The research projects will focus on three key
    like no other as they helped                                                        The future’s bright                                themes: sustainability, social impact and athlete
    some of our country’s greatest                                                                                                         transition into retirement after competition.
    Olympians prepare for                                                               To help prepare Team GB for training, living
    competition on the world stage.                                                     and performing in Tokyo, we created a bespoke
                                                                                        360° virtual environment for them ahead of         Gearing up
                                                                                        the Games. The technology is now part of the
                                                                                        Athlete Education Programme, and will help to      Miranda Maimela, a Masters in Data Science
                                                                                        train the Team GB athletes of the future.          student at Hull, played a key role in the build-up
                                                                                                                                           to Tokyo 2020. By analysing the individual
                                                                                                                                           needs of each Team GB athlete, she made sure
                                                                                                                                           they had the right kit to perform at their best.

                                                                                                                                           Find out more at

20 | Open Day 2021                                                                                                                                                               University of Hull | 21
Next steps
      Whether you’re just starting to
      look at universities or you’ve
      already applied, our Open
      Day is a great chance to get a
      feel for the University. While
      you’re here, you can ask our
      Admissions team all about…

      Applying for 2022 entry
      If you’re applying to start in September 2022,
      you may get an offer via email or be invited to
      an interview, depending on the course you’re
      interested in. Applications are open now via

      Applicant Experience Days
      If you’re made an offer, you’ll be invited to
      an Applicant Experience Day. This is a great
      opportunity to find out what it’s really like to
      study here, as you’ll spend time in your subject
      area, taking part in a variety of taster lectures
      and workshops. Plus, if you live more than 20
      miles away, we should be able to help with the
      cost of your journey .

      Find out how to apply for Hull at or
      come and chat to us today.

             We’re also giving advice on how to write
             an eye-catching personal statement for
             your UCAS form, and how to make your
             application stand out from the crowd. Visit
             the Application Advice Hub in Brynmor
             Jones Library to find out more.

22 | Open Day 2021                                         University of Hull | 23
Plan your day
 When?                      What?       Where?
 9.00 – 10.00

 10.00 – 11.00

 11.00 – 12.00

 12.00 – 13.00

 13.00 – 14.00

 14.00 – 15.00


01482 466500

© University of Hull • 080921 • MP_V2
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