RDI Involvement in Building Resilience
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VO L 7 - 4 : OC T OB E R —D EC EM BE R 20 2 0 RDI Involvement in Building Resilience B uilding disaster resilience is inline with the vision of RDI to support knowledge development and advocacy. In July - December 2020, RDI has been involved in various projects and activities related to building disaster resilience. During this period, RDI has been supporting a number of partners and also carrying out projects related to disaster resilience. Among others include support to ASEAN Secretariat in the development of Agreement on Disaster Manage- ment and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2021 - 2025. AADMER is a regional policy backbone for disaster management in ASEAN region. The objective of the AADMER is to provide effective mechanisms to achieve substantial reduction of disaster losses in lives and in the social, economic and environmental assets of the Parties, and to jointly respond to disaster emergencies through concerted national efforts and intensified regional and international co-operation. RDI also supported GIZ in carrying out digital seminars for climate risk management in Indonesia. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic which has halted almost all means of direct interaction, large gatherings, and domestic or international traveling, the seminar aimed to continue delivering the training by digital means and in a condensed version. The digital seminar was held on 27th November 2020 which was attended by various representatives from Government agencies, NGOs, CSOs, and academia in Indonesia. The Digital Climate Risk Management Seminar aims to build the capacity of Indonesia local institutions and regional actors in addressing climate risks and minimize loss and dama ges caused by climate- induced disasters in Indonesia. In the research dissemination related to disaster resilience, RDI carried out SEARCH: South East Asia Resilience Hub webinars series on the theme related to community resilience in South East Asian context. The webinars were held in partnership with Arbeither-Samariter-Bund (ASB) and the Center for Disaster Preparedness, Coventry University, and Institute for the Ad- vanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). The SEARCH webinar series aimed to connect more actors operating in the resilience sector from South East Asia, including academics, practitioners, local government, stakeholder, communities and institutions. The two webinars give perspec- tives on Implementation of Inclusive and Adaptive Disaster Response and also the issue of CCA- DRR in coastal cities across Southeast Asia. At the local level (West Java), RDI supports Bandung Institute Technology to share knowledge related to Nature-based Solutions implementation in Bandung City and implementation of com- munity disaster action plans in West Bandung Regency. The virtual FGD about the implementa- tion of the nature-based solutions (NBS) concept for flood disaster mitigation in Bandung City is expected to strengthen the validity of information and provide additional information from the initial study regarding the application of NBS in Bandung. As for the Webinars related to com- munity-based action plans in West Bandung Regency, it is hoped that it can increase community preparedness in the face of disasters and also awareness of disasters by opening public and government insights about disaster risks in the surrounding environment. Both events were carried out by inviting actors in disaster in each region, including government, society or com- munity, and non-governmental institutions. In accordance with urban resilience, RDI also conducts various research about hydrometeorological hazards in Bandung City. Along with the implementation of FGDs related to NBS, RDI also conducts research on the implementation of NBS in Bandung City based on N BS implementation framework funded by Royal Academy of Engineering, UK. Before implementing the new concept, It is crucial to un derstand the knowledge of the community about the hydrometeorological hazards measures and the expectation for the measures. Hence RDI als o has been conducting research about community acceptance behavior on hydrometeorological hazards measures in Bandung City funded by Kurita Water and Environment Foundation (KWEF), Japan. Furthermore, with the emergence of COVID-19 Pandemic in West Java and Indonesia, RDI also tried to analyze policy governance in response of COVID-19 pandemic both at national and regional level. 1
Workshop: The Impact of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) to Non- normative Genders and Sexualities (NNGS) Community The workshop was started with a series of remarks from RDI, represented by Dr. Ayu Krishna and Prof. JC Gaillard as research coordi- nator. This discussion begins with a presentation from Dr. Saut Sagala regarding climate change adaptation. After his presentation, participants were divided into 3 groups to discuss in detail about climate change adaptation (CCA). In the discussion, it was concluded that CCA is im- portant and needs to be prioritized because it has a direct impact on the transgender community. The 2nd discussion began with a presentation from the Head of Fajar Sikka, Mayora Hendrika, on how transgenders can contribute to public participation. As a public official and a transgender person, she is able to be involved in planning and imple- menting village activities in CCA and environmental issues. From her explanation, it can be concluded that the first step to public participation starts from the coming in & out processes, trying to be good transgender, and make the best contribution to society. After her presentation, the participants were again divided into 3 groups. Through this discussion, it can be concluded that in several locations, the community has been able to accept the existence of transgenders, so that the transgender community can be involved in various social activities. However, there’s still little involvement or inclusion in disaster pro- grammes. Although each region had different challenges and opportunities, in general, self-acceptance, self-expression with the positive efforts that the transgender community has carried out have had an influence on the advancement of public participation and the level of public acceptance. Dissemination of Community-based Action Plans in Enhancing Disaster Preparedness (RENAKSI) at West Bandung Regency Working together with Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in a community service project entitled ‘Sosialisasi Rencana Aksi Berbasis Komunitas dalam Meningkatkan Kesiapsiagaan Bencana di Kabupaten Bandung Barat,’ RDI was the coordinator in providing information to the people. The result of the cooperation is a Web Seminar that was held on November 6th, 2020. The Webinar is one of RDI’s efforts to actively contrib- ute to community services by inviting speakers. The first session started with Dr. Saut Sagala from ITB, in which he explained how a community- based action plan is able to combat disasters risks in West Bandung Regen- cy, mainly in Jambudipa Village and Pagerwangi Village. The next session was followed by Paniman S.Sos., M.Si as a representative from BPBD of West Bandung Regency, in which he explained the efforts to minimize disasters in West Bandung Regency. The last session is from Dadang Sudardja, S.H., Dipl., a representative from West Java Disaster Risk Reduction Forum. He explained about the community-based efforts to minimize disasters risks, whether it has been done, on-going, or will be done. Lastly, the Webinar is closed with a Q&A session. In conclusion, the Webinar succeeded in giving information regarding how to combat disasters risks in West Bandung Regency through a community-based action plan. RDI hopes to be continually active in contributing to improve the communi- ty’s capacity. RDI Awarded 2nd Best Paper in International Conference on Social Science, Humanities, and Public Health (ICoSHIP) A response to the need for encouraging the most current and relevant studies or researches in Social Science, Humanity, and Public Health was the perfect description for ‘The First International Confer- ence on Social Science, Humanity and Public Health (ICoSHIP)’ which was held on November 7th, 2020. Danang Azhari, RDI Research Officer, was one of the presenters of the conference for 3 papers which are part of RDI’s collaborative research with ITB entitled “Analysis of National and Regional COVID-19 Policy Governance.” In this panel, they discussed a visionary endeavour towards the future Indonesia well-being in this pandemic. The results of the discussions carried out are also in line with the results of our research, where one of the important things in governance of the Indonesian government must be ready to implement an inclusive approach that combines all elements of government and society. One of the pa- pers entitled ‘Analysis of Decision, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of COVID-19 in Indonesia’ is also awarded as the second-best paper of the conference. These activities can eventually pave the way for more knowledge production in COVID-19 policy governance in Indonesia. 2
Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DibiCoo) #2 Mini Web Seminar November 3rd 2020, RDI organized a mini Web Seminar with a topic of "Biomethane Development in Indonesia and the European Union: Opportunities, Challenges, and Lessons-Learned in Its Use as Bio-CNG". First, Dr. Niken Prilandita as moderator, made a welcoming speech about the current Bio-CNG situation in Indonesia and a video introducing DiBiCoo was also presented (available here), she then proceeded to give the floor to Dr. Johannes Anhorn from GIZ Munich, continued then by Trois Dilisuhendri as the representative from Indonesia’s Min- istry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and Windri Aji Brata who is an advisor in GIZ ExploRE. Dr. Johannes Anhorn, who brought the topic of "Supporting the Biogas Sector in Indonesia through Regional Collaborations" as he is also DiBiCoo's project coordinator, he introduced the audience to DiBiCoo along with several aspects of the program: cooperation, digital platform, demo projects/ cases, and policy. Furthermore, the second speaker, Trois Dilisuhendri from MEMR presented the topic of: "Biogas and Bio-CNG Regulatory Framework in Indonesia". Although the presence of Bio-CNG in Indonesia is new, but it has the potential to bolster the MEMR mission to put renewable energy in the share of 23% Indonesian 2025 energy mix, especially in biogas sector where gap between RUEN target and existing condition is extremely high. Lastly, the last speaker is Windri Aji Brata with topic of "Opportunities and Challenges for Biomethane from POME in Indonesia". As a member in GIZ Indone- sia's Project ExploRE, Windri explained the latest situation of Bio-CNG based POME and its potential in Indonesia. Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit — Climate Risk Management (GIZ — CRM) Negative impacts of climate change pose a growing risk to the sustainable development of all countries, but to least devel- oped countries in particular. Therefore, the resilience of a commu- nity in facing the effects of climate change is needed. Under the umbrella of the Climate Risk Management concept, efforts covering mitigation and adaptation are carried out by individuals, communi- ties or organizations, as well as institutions. It requires ‘mainstreaming’ into development plans in all sectors and at all levels for enabling organisations to ensure a more resilient and sustainable development over short and long term.To support regional and local actors in addressing climate risks, RDI and GIZ developed and implemented capacity development measures (CRM training) in a condensed version on October 27th, 2020. The goal is to raise awareness and sensitise trainees from both the public and private sectors with regards to the topic of comprehen- sive climate risk management. The seminar provided a concise overview of concepts and approaches to manage the full spectrum of climate risks, with a focus on practical concepts and real-life examples. The structure was divided into three parts and delivered by RDI. The first part was the case for Comprehensive Cli- mate Risk Management (CRM) presented by Jeeten Khumar (CRM), the Introduction of CRM by Dr. Saut Sagala, and mainstreaming CRM by Amesta Ramadhani. Each part included an informative overview followed by a discussion session in which attendees reflect on how the concepts apply to their own decision-making contexts and share examples from their own experience. NEW RDI STAFF Maria Putri Adianti (Parahyangan Catholic University) Esy Gracia (Parahyangan Catholic University) Outreach Officer Research Officer Ananda Prabu Dian (Gadjah Mada University) Tiara Shafira Putri (Parahyangan Catholic University) Research Officer Research Officer Maora Rianti Masya (Sebelas Maret University) Research Officer Tifany Khalisa Rinaldy (Parahyangan Catholic University) Nadiya Pranindita (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Academic Program Officer Research Officer Adryan Sasongko (Lund University) Aldrich Suryawan (Parahyangan Catholic University) Program Manager Research Officer 3
VOICE OF MEMBERS Andreas Dwiputra (RDI Energy Research Officer) I am very grateful to be involved in the Digital Global Biogas Cooperation (DiBiCoo) program which is a multi-year research project led by GIZ and funded by Horizon 2020 European Union Funding for Research & Innovation. From the DiBiCoo program, I learned a lot about the state of the biogas market in Indonesia and in other developing countries, such as in South Africa, Ghana, Ethiopia and Argentina, as well as the maturity of biogas technology development in the European Union and how to connect Indonesian stake- holders with European stakeholders. In the DiBiCoo team of RDI, I was entrusted with providing assistance in technical matters of biogas project development and stakeholder engagement. During the stakeholder engagement, I received more exposure from biogas actors, such as developers, financial institutions, NGOs, and the government regarding the state of development and the real challenges of biogas development in Indonesia. I also feel very honored for the opportunity given to me as the coordinator of the 2 web semi- nars that have been carried out and have successfully presented speakers who are experi- enced in biogas development both in Indonesia and in Europe. It is unfortunate that there are several activities that cannot be done physically this year due to the conditions of Covid-19, such as local workshops, capacity building, and other matchmaking events. Dr. Niken Prilandita (RDI Research Fellow) On November 3rd, 2020, I moderated the second Digital Global Biogas Cooper- ation Project (DiBiCoo) mini webinar. The topic was specifically about The Develop- ment of Biomethane in Indonesia and Europe: Its Opportunity, Challenge and Applica- tion for Bio-CNG. There were three speakers talking about the advantages of develop- ing Bio-CNG as alternative fuel, what has been done in Indonesia and Europe regard- ing the development of Bio-CNG, and the legal framework in Indonesia on Bio-CNG development. The discussion held afterwards was lively, and each speaker was able to share their insights regarding the topic. This shows that RDI has selected experts in their field because it provided me with very fruitful and new knowledge. The webinar is very well-organised, there was a rehearsal session the day before between me as the moderator and the speakers, to make sure everything is fine. This is especially important since the webinar is held in Bahasa Indonesia, while one of the speakers is a non-native. It turned out just fine and all the audience was able to understand and participate. Aldrich Suryawan (RDI New Research Officer) I started my journey as a Grant Unit Intern in RDI back in August 2020. He was accepted as a Research Officer in October, right after my internship ended to support the grant unit and also research in RDI. Personally, being accepted as a full-time staff at RDI is a huge opportunity and milestone for me. With RDI, I have the chances to learn so many new things and be exposed to new knowledge in various fields of studies. He also has the chance to communicate and work with experts from various organizations and institu- tions. While there are topics in RDI that are quite new for me, I have been able to learn this with the support of peers and research fellows. I have been involved in a number of proposal developments and projects in RDI on a number of topics, among other disaster management and cross cutting issues, such as insurance, social protection and business engagement. I am keen to develop my knowledge in proposal and research report writing. I am exposed to the standard in the RDI reporting and also reading materials. The nature of working in RDI is teamwork and also a multi-discipline approach. My background from International Relations in Para- hyangan University helps me with this requirement. I look forward to contributing to the development of RDI and myself as individuals. 4
NEW RDI INTERNS NEW PUBLICATIONS Aida Larasati 10th November Institute of Technology, December 2020—February 2021 Amanda Dian Bandung Institute of Technology, December 2020—February 2021 Amanda Widastri Brawijaya University, December 2020—February 2021 As’ad Try Setiawan Articles Published in the 1st International Conferences on Gadjah Mada University, December 2020—February 2021 Social Science, Humanity and Public Health Bunga Billah The articles entitled : Padjajaran University, December 2020—February 2021 “Comprehensive Analysis of Decisions, Plans, and Actions for the Containment of Dessy Fadhiilah COVID-19 in Indonesia”, “COVID-19 in Indonesia: An analysis of DKI Jakarta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response Bakrie University, December 2020—February 2021 and its Governance during the New Normal Period”, Dhea Nazmi Rifa “COVID-19 in Indonesia: Comprehensive Analysis of West Java’s COVID-19 Pan- Erasmus Mundus, December 2020—February 2021 demic Response and its Governance”. Dwi Fitria The articles will be published by Atlantic Press Gadjah Mada University, December 2020—February 2021 Fatimah Az Zahra (1) Policy Brief - Indonesia’s new planned capital : East Kalimantan, from Bandung Institute of Technology, December-February 2021 Iradha "Environmental Implications of Indonesia’s New Planned Capital in East Kalimantan 10th November Institute of Technology, December 2020—February 2021 Borneo Island " research in collaboration with National University of Singapore, Universi- Muhammad Yusuf Zaky ty of Lincoln, University of Nottingham, Bandung Institute of Technology, Southeast Asia Gadjah Mada University, December 2020—February 2021 Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Myanmar and 5 Nabila Adiwasono Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences , China. Parahyangan Catholic University, December 2020—February 2021 Nadhifa (2) ICCETIM—Published by IOP Journal Physics Ritsumeikan APU, Japan December 2020—February 2021 The articles entitled : “Tourism Hospitality Industry Supply Chain in Pandeglang Regency Stephanie Dame After Tsunami 2018” , “Building Resilience from Double Disasters: The Direct Impact of Gadjah Mada University, December 2020—February 2021 The Pandeglang Tsunami 2018 And COVID-19 Outbreak on Tourism and Supporting Yohana Rosendra Melbourne Law Schools, December 2020—February 2021 Industry” , “Achieving Sustainable and Resilient Tourism: Lessons Learned from Pandeglang Tourism Sector Recovery”. ANNOUNCEMENTS AWARDS REGISTER NOW! • Arts & Humanities Research Council - HUMaIn: Interdisciplinary partnership in Upcoming RDI Activities in 2021 for the Digital Global codesigning community-based measures to address emerging conflicts in Indonesia Biogas Cooperation Programme: and its spillovers in Malaysia - a research collaboration with Lancaster University, • National Workshops University of Malaya, National University of Malaysia, Sunway University • Capacity Building Activities • • Business Design & Manager Trainings GNDR - Making Displacement Safer: Locally-led DRR Solutions for Displaced Popula- • Study Tours tions in Urban Areas funded by USAID/BHA - as the implementing member Register now and be the first to be informed of our programmes! Contact person: • ELRHA - Partners for Inclusion: Localising Inclusive Humanitarian Response Mr. Andreas 08999733813 http://bit.ly/WelcometoDiBiCoo (PIONEER) - in collaboration with Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) Office for Indone- sia and the Philippines, Humanitarian Forum Indonesia, Advocacy of Disability and RDI UREF Podcast “Memento” Inclusion. RDI UREF is preparing a new program in the form of a podcast series called “Memento” • Congratulations to the RDI Staffs, Amesta Ramadhani dan Dimas Bayu Anindito, who are accepted as new lecturers in Gadjah Mada University. and will premiere in January 2021. This podcast will discuss the issue of urban refugees with researchers, practitioners, organizations, and stories from refugee and local communities. What’s their story like? Keep up with the latest info via IG @rdiuref 2021 INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Nature-Based Solution (NBS) Series #1: An Update on The Global NBS Discussion Until 2021, RDI has received 143 interns and visiting scholars from more than Date: 4th week of January 2021 (22nd or 27th of January 2021) 38 different universities. For further information, visit rdi.or.id/internship or Time: 03:00—05:00 PM [GMT+7] contact Maria (maria.putri@rdi.or.id). In February 2021, we will open internships on topics related but not limited to: Natue-Based Solution Series #2: Strategy for Mainstreaming NBS (1) Social Media & Graphic Design Intern Date: 2nd week of February 2021 (10th or 12th of February 2021) (2) Supporting National and Regional Bioenergy Development in Indonesia Time: 02.00– 05.00 PM [GMT+7] and Southeast Asia (3) Gender and Climate Change Adaptation The theme and schedule of the above mentioned webinars are subject to change (4) Social Protection and Welfare in Indonesia (5) Nature-based Solution (NBS) as Resilience Measures in Urban Settings (6) Coastal Communities Resilience ANNUAL GREETINGS (7) COVID – 19 National and Regional Policy Governance Together with this newsletter, on behalf of RDI Team, we are delighted to wish you a (8) The Impact of Tsunami towards Hospitality Tourism Sector Happy New Year 2021. We've had a memorable year in 2020 and we were so happy (9) Disaster Management and Climate Change Landscape to share it with you all. We look forward to working with you in 2021 and we will always support the advancement of the researchers in the world. (10) Urban Refugees Research Intern Twitter & Instagram: @rdi_global LinkedIn: Resilience Development Initiative 5 Instagram:@rdi_global Website: www.rdi.or.id
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