YouTube Videos as a New Source for Content Analysis - 5/26/2013 Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC)

Page created by Bernard Carrillo
YouTube Videos as a New Source for
             Content Analysis

Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC)

Anna Gradlyan, Bella Baghdasaryan
Table of Contents



Video Content Analysis……………………………………………………………………….………4

The four Steps of YouTube Video Analysis………..………………………………………….……..6

Example: Negotiation between Ruben Melkonyan and Hranush Kharatyan………..………….……9



Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………………..14

Short Bios……………………………………………………………………………………………15

       While content analysis has traditionally been used for the study of written documents, its
potential is much greater and can be illustrated by the analyses of video clips. The present paper
looks at the content analysis from a different angle, that is, it explores the ability of content analysis
to be used to examine different video clips related to the topic of research. The paper mainly
concentrates on the four stages of the video content analysis, and tries to highlight the main steps
which should be taken while doing content analysis of YouTube videos. The descriptive part is
accompanied by an example, which demonstrates how the analysis works.

       Content analysis has always been used by various scholars in their works. Initially during
content analysis only written documents have been analyzed, while this paper presents an innovative
approach to this research method by introducing content analysis of video clips. The latter
demonstrates more in depth and objective representation of the given context by giving an
opportunity to view it from different perspectives. The contribution of the current paper in the
relevant academic sphere will be going one step forward and presenting new research tool.
       This paper consists of three main parts: the first part presents general information about
content analysis and the growing need for video content analysis; the second part presents the four
main stages of the analysis, which are: (1) collecting and sampling of videos, (2) defining criteria for
analysis, (3) watching and analyzing videos, and (4) consolidating the results; while the third and the
last one provides with an example to make the whole process more illustrative.

                                     Video Content Analysis
       Communication process is the intrinsic part of social interaction from the interpersonal to
international level. Different groups, organizations and institutions exist by virtue of
communication, therefore the process and content of communication is of utmost importance to
study, observe and analyze.
       The content of communication for a social psychologist has been described as follows:
“When one stops to think of it, it is really surprising how much of the subject matter of social
psychology is in the form of verbal behavior. The formation and transmission of group standards,
values, attitudes and skills are accomplished largely by means of verbal communication. Education
in the schools, at home, at business, in the neighborhood, and through the mass media is brought
about by the transmission of information and by the exercise of controls which are largely mediated
through written or spoken words. If one is connected with problems of social organization, the
situation is similar. Supervision, management, coordination and the exertion of influence are
principally matters of verbal interaction. Social and political conflicts, although often stemming
from divergent economic interests and power, cannot be fully understood without studying the
words employed in the interaction of conflicting groups, and the process of mediation consists
largely of talking things out (Cartwright, 1953, as quoted in Holtsi, 1969, p. 596).

These comments are also appropriate for other social sciences as well, and, consequently, the
study of communication content has been approached from different perspectives, with different
tools and conceptual frameworks of several disciplines (Holtsi 1969).
       Content analysis is a multipurpose research method developed for investigating a bread
spectrum of problems in which the content of communication “serves as the basis of inference”
(Holtsi 1969).
       In content analysis researchers examine artifacts of social communication, such as written
documents or transcripts of recorded verbal communication. However, broadly defined, content
analysis is “any technique for making inferences by systematically and objectively identifying
special characteristics of messages (Holtsi, 1968 as quoted in “An introduction to content analysis”,
240). According to this definition, photographs, videotape, or any other item that can be made into
text are subject to content analysis (Cullurn-Swan 1993-1994).
       And although it is most frequently used for analyzing written material, content analysis is
effective also for studying recorded communication, including television programs, movies and
videos (Content Analysis: A Methodology for Structuring and Analyzing Written Material 1989).
Generally, content analysis is used for analyzing textual documents, while it has greater potential
when using to examine verbal communication, and particularly videos.
       Content analysis of videos is more thorough, complex and detailed, because videos convey
much more information in terms of objectivity and content. In terms of objectivity, videos present
situation as a whole and there is an opportunity to analyze it from different perspectives, because
every textual document is written from someone’s viewpoint and somehow contains subjectivity,
while videos give an opportunity to observe the real situation and analyze it however one wishes.
Concerning content, videos convey not only the content of situation but also gestures, body
language and the tone of the voice, which is crucial for doing any valid analysis, because body
language is an important part of communication and can constitute 50% or more of what we are
communicating (Using Body Language n.d.) .Video analysis covers how people communicate face-
to-face aside from the spoken words themselves which cannot be accomplished by textual
documents (Body language:how to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal
communications - male and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships n.d.).
       For this purpose, the current paper presents Youtube video analysis as an alternative method
to the content analysis of textual documents and the whole process of this analysis includes the

following four steps: (1) collecting and sampling of videos, (2) defining criteria for analysis, (3)
watching and analyzing videos, and (4) consolidating the results.
       First of all we are collecting all videos which are relevant to the topic of our research, then
we are doing sampling depending on the number of videos collected: if videos do not exceed 20 we
are analyzing all the videos, while as the number increases we are doing either random or
convenient sampling, depending on our objectives. Secondly we create the research framework and
define criteria which we are going to measure. These criteria can differ depending on the topic of the
research, which can be exemplified by looking at the interests, options and communication during
negotiation videos. During the next stage the videos are being carefully watched by minutes (by
pausing the video every half minute). As the video proceeds we are observing the identified criteria.
The final product is a table, which includes the criteria; its frequency and context in the video. As a
final stage we are consolidating the results obtained during the whole process.
       While this was only the brief overview of the stages, the following section will introduce
more thorough description of them.

                             The four Steps of Youtube Video Analysis
       The first step of video analysis is the sampling of videos. Sampling is necessary if the body
of material, the “universe,” is too large to be wholly analyzed. Thus, analysts who want to make
valid conclusions and generalizations about a universe should select from that universe a sample that
is representative of it (Content Analysis: A Methodology for Structuring and Analyzing Written
Material 1989).
       Selecting samples for content analysis usually involves sampling videos. For example, in a
hypothetical project evaluating changes in the eligibility requirements in a food stamp program,
more than 500 participants might be interviewed. By arranging the interview transcripts
alphabetically and then selecting every tenth transcript for content analysis, the project staff might
be able to draw a systematic sample. This is called random sampling and is the most appropriate one
for a valuable research, but other types of sampling design, such as the convenient one, may also be
used (Content Analysis: A Methodology for Structuring and Analyzing Written Material 1989).
       For the purposes of YouTube video analyses, first of all we watch the quantity of videos if
videos do not exceed twenty, we are analyzing all of them so that to be able to draw valid
conclusions, because the number is no so much. But, as the quantity increases, we are doing either
random or convenient sampling, depending on our objectives. For example, if there are hundreds of

videos on the topic, and the analysis does not require specific features of those videos, random
sampling may be done, while if there is a need for concrete characteristics, the convenient sampling
is more appropriate, in order to choose mainly those videos which contain them, in that way making
the analysis serve the purposes of the given research.
       The next step, the second one, includes defining criteria for the video analysis, in other
words, setting research framework and criteria which we are going to measure. These criteria can
differ depending on the topic and purpose of the research. Given the fact that any video is
multifaceted, and one cannot analyze everything there, otherwise the quality will be very low,
because doing everything is doing nothing, it is most convenient to set some criteria and watch for
them, for example one may tend to observe the seven elements framework of negotiation, which
involves relationship, communication, interests, options, legitimacy, alterative and commitment of
the parties involved in the video to determine, for instance the patters of the negotiation in the given
clip. Another example could be to study the framework of dimensions of cultural variability
identified by a Dutch researcher in cross-cultural studies Hofstede and watch for the features of
individualism vs. collectivism, femininity vs. masculinity, high power distance vs. low power
distance, the extent of uncertainty avoidance and long-term vs. short-term orientation.
       Stage Three: After the second stage, when the criteria for analysis are defined, we should
start the third one, i.e. watching and analyzing videos. As a result of defining criteria, a table should
be constructed, which will be filled during the third stage.
       During the analysis, every video should be watched not less than three times in order not to
miss any important information. Firstly, we are looking for the frequency for our defined criteria,
how many times it was pronounced during the video. Concerning looking for the frequencies, it is
almost the same as during content analysis of any type of documents, while the main difference
from other types of content analysis appears when context is started to be observed.
       In case of written documents, context can only be a written text or a sentence, where these
observed criteria appear. However, when videos are being analyzed, a researcher has more place for
maneuver. The most important is that during content analysis of videos we can observe a body
language of participants, their tone of the voice, etc.
       Body language is especially important, because "many researchers generally agree that the
verbal channel is used primarily for conveying information, while the non-verbal is used for
negotiating interpersonal attitudes and in some cases is used as a substitute for verbal messages"
(Pease, 1981, p. 9). Regardless of any culture, body language is a channel through which

information can be transferred from one person to another one (Pease, 1981). Studies indicate that
"the total impact of a message is 7% verbal (words only) 38% vocal (including tone of voice and
inflection) and 55% non-verbal" (Alice Springs School of the Air, 2002, p. 6). In particular the body
language is important because of two main features, which are the following:
      People remember more of what they see than what they hear. Long after a meeting, we are
       likely to have forgotten the exact words someone used, but we may retain a vivid image of
       the same person's facial expression.
      Perhaps unconsciously, but people often lie with words (little white lies and omissions that
       are part of many conversations.) But facial expressions and other body language tend to be
       more honest. When a person's words and body language are consistent, we believe that
       person. When their words and body language say different things, we tend to believe the
       body language and doubt the words (Alice Springs School of the Air, 2002, p. 2).
       It can be concluded that the main advantage of video analysis is a deeper context, which
includes not only written forms, but also intonation of the voice and body language in general. As
the video proceeds we are observing the identified criteria. Our final product is a table, which
includes our criteria, its frequency and context in the video.
       Stage Four: At the final stage we are consolidating the results obtained during the whole
process. As during any qualitative analysis, first of all we should do a coding, but in this case
coding is almost finished. A word or a short sentence can be presented as a "code", which proposes
how the related data pieces correspond to the research objectives. The stage of coding is finished
during defining of criteria; as a result the criteria are our codes. Criteria which were defined for the
purposes of our research can be transformed into our codes; consequently our final table is a result
of coding and a base of the analysis.
       When the final table is ready, researchers should create reports by mixing and summarizing
the commonness of codes, presenting similarities and differences in connected criteria across
separate original contexts, or comparing the connection between one or more criteria. The main
feature on which researchers should focus is the common trends which can be observed and the
main reasons of those trends to appear.
       This final stage of analysis is in particular based on the perceptions of an analyst, which is
why it can be biased. The main source from which biases can appear is the process on analyzing the
body language. Primarily body language is a complex phenomenon, which is difficult to analyze

without any additional support. That is why during analysis researchers should use a literature and
guides on body language, which will help to avoid several types of biases or any subjectivity.
         A final product of our research will be a deep analysis of several videos, which will present
not only the tip of an iceberg. This new innovative research method can be valuable in various
fields, especially in the analysis of negotiations, political speeches, public debates, etc.
         For this process not to be too abstract and have an illustration, below an example of a
negotiation video clip analysis is provided, which will show how much information can be inferred
from a 3-4 minute video clip ( The negotiation is
analyzed based mainly on the “7 elements of negotiation” framework.

        Example: Negotiation between Ruben Melkonyan and Hranush Kharatyan

         The negotiation takes place between the representative of Police and the one of activists over
the issue of addressing Ruben Hayrapetyan in whose restaurant a military doctor Vahe Avetyan was
beaten to death. On behalf of the activists Hranush Kharatyan negotiates with Ruben Melkonyan on
addressing Ruben Hayrapetyan in front of his house.
         When splitting the video of the negotiation into minutes and analyzing, it can be inferred
        Hranush pays attention mainly to positions, not interests. She doesn’t listen the talk of the
         policeman and goes on with hers, while during this short time period the policeman tries to
         somehow explain why he activists cannot address Hayrapetyan in front of his house. (00:00-
        Both sides try to build a relationship, by which they pose psychological pressures/challenges
         on the other side. But while police does this at the beginning of the negotiation, Hranush
         does it closer to the end.
          Police is using compliments, wheedling, by for example, stating that “We always met
             you halfway, we have always understood each other and we hope that the same will be
             today” and continues “but understand us correctly, we are not intervening anywhere, we
             are keeping public order”. (00:30-00:50)
          Hranush also tries to construct a relationship by stating that “You know, that even after
             March 1 events I had a respect towards police, towards military. Now, I also have both
             respect and appreciation. I respect personality of each of you. But let’s separate your

personality from your work. Today dealing with policemen is my task and I am ready to
          do it with love. (2:47-3:18)
      The policeman brings options (which are failed, since they don’t meet the interests of the
       public). The example is TV, blogs, meeting privately with Ruben Hayrapetryan organized by
       the police. (00:50-1:30)
      Jujitsu can also be observed in the negotiation – When Mr. Melkonyan asks whether
       Hranush and activists need to, necessarily, go and stand in front of Mr. Hayrapetyan’s house,
       the lady powerfully uses their question against them by giving a positive reply and stating
       that “House is a holy place. It’s the place where he lives, and a place where someone lives is
       a holy place. We are using that symbol - the holy place he inhabits”. (1:27 – 1:40)
      Another option is in play, this time by Hranush, which suggests cooperation in the form of
       compromise, “I will accept your suggestion but we will make our address but from the other
       sidewalk”. (2:05-2:20).

General observations

      By trying to persuade Hranush Kharatyan in particular and activists in general, to peacefully
       leave the area, the police tries to create an image of a democratic country, taking into
       account the fact that there were also journalists and lots of cameras present during the
      Another reason why the policemen did not use force may supposedly be the base for the
       address to Ruben Hayrapetyan that is the assassination of Vahe Avetyan, who, while
       working in the Ministry of Defense, had ties with police and they took that fact into
      For policemen, not negotiating, not letting people even to gather in front of Hayrapetyan’s
       house, that is, using force is its BATNA.
      The presence of journalists could either help or hinder the negotiation process.
        Help: Keep police in check so that the latter don’t do anything illegal or insulting.
                  Support police to keep the image of democracy.
        Hinder: There is a danger to turn the negotiation into a debate.
                      There is a probability that the negotiation can be turned into a “show”.
      There exists the problem of authority, which means that we can question the police’s
       authority to negotiate.

 The police should at least justify their order, bring some proof that they were authorized
             to lead the negotiation and hinder the progress of activists up to the house of
             Hayrapetyan (an example is an authorizing document). The point here is that, many can
             question the process of negotiation on the police side, claiming that if the police had the
             order to block the activists, they wouldn’t have to try to negotiate with them, and will
             simply not let them take certain actions. Still, they may have the authority, but because of
             the presence of journalists and cameras they prefer to negotiate and give solution to the
             problem by peaceful means.
        Hranush Kharatyan was an important factor shaping the whole negotiation process.
        Activists’ possible interests are:
          Symbolism of the “holy place”.
          Impressing people – Lots of people will see the protest and that the activists are
             struggling against the injustice.
          Psychological effect – Talking personally may have some psychological effects on the
             activists as well as on Hayrapetyan.
          Public activism, as well as the intent to deliver the protest to the intended person.

        Police’s possible interests are:
          Dissolve the meeting.
          Ensure the security of Ruben Hayapetyan.
          Maintain the public order.

Source: CEN (Centre for Excellence in Negotiation) Yerevan report1

         This analysis shows the volume of information that could be drawn from a video and
confirms the fact that video content analysis is really worth for consideration when doing research
(As it has been mentioned above, as a result of defining criteria, a table is created which is filled in
the third stage, and the model for this table for this given example, can be found in the appendix 1).

 Note: Although the analysis and its final product belong exclusively to CEN Yerevan, nevertheless the analysis has
been conducted not only but also by the authors of the present paper. Thus this case is represented here as example and
not as an analysis for this paper only.
       While the use of content analysis as a research method is not a new phenomenon, and has
been used by different authors for inferring information and doing research in various fields, the
utilization of video analysis as a research method is a novel idea and in the age of constantly
developing world, it can give valuable data and help researchers obtain much more information than
only with the help of textual documents analysis. The whole process of video analysis, described
above, gives a chance to grasp important and thorough details, which cannot appear in the
documents, due to the fact that they are already written from someone’s perspective and does not
represent the situation objectively. In addition, video content analysis gives a chance to delve deeper
in the video in order to explore new trends of the given context by observing not only their words,
but also their body language and intonation, which, as it has been mentioned, constitute more part of
the message than the words alone. And, as it has been shown in the example above, video analysis
are capable of conveying lots of information which cannot be revealed otherwise but by video
content analysis, which pushes for the consideration of this method for future as well.

Alice Springs School of the Air. "Body Language: Personal and Professional Development." Sydney
, 2002.

Body language:how to read body language signs and gestures - non-verbal communications - male
and female, for work, social, dating, and mating relationships.
language.htm (accessed November 25, 2012).

Content Analysis: A Methodology for Structuring and Analyzing Written Material. United States
General Accounting Office, 1989.

Cullurn-Swan, Silverman. "An Introduction to Content Analysis." 1993-1994.

Holtsi, Ole. "Content Analysis." 1969.

Pease, Allan. Body Language. London: Sheldon Press , 1981.

Using Body Language. (accessed
November 23, 2012).

Appendix 1

  Criteria/Seven Elements   Frequency   Context

Short Bios
Anna Gradlyan

       Anna Gradlyan is a second year MA student at the American University of Armenia, School
of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and International Affairs. She
holds her BA in the field of English and French Languages and Pedagogy from Yerevan State
Linguistic University. Her research interests include regional conflicts, conflict resolution and
transformation, the role of the civil society in peacebuilding, the process of negotiation and its
impact on the conflict resolution/transformation, as well as political economy and security studies.
Currently Anna is a UNDP intern at the Civic Development and Partnership Foundation (CDPF), an
analyst at the Centre for Excellence in Negotiation (CEN) Yerevan, as well as a research associate at
the Group for Foreign Affairs (GfA) think tank. Her previous work experience includes involvement
in the research “Situation Analysis and Needs Assessment for continuing education in Dilijian” in
summer 2012 conducted by the AUA Extension and AUA Turpanjian Centre for Policy Analysis,
where she is also volunteering.

Bella Baghdasaryan
       Bella Baghdasaryan is a current second year Master’s student at American University of
Armenia (AUA), School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and
International Affairs. She holds her BA degree in Sociology from the Yerevan State University.
Bella is a research associate at ‘Group on Foreign Affairs.’ Previously Bella worked in the
“Socioscope” as a researcher. Her research interests include: civil society, democracy promotion and
leadership. In 2012 summer Bella took part in the research “Situation Analysis and Needs
Assessment for continuing education in Dilijian” conducted by the AUA Extension and AUA
Turpanjian Centre for Policy Analysis. From September 2012 Bella is also engaged in the Centre for
Excellence on Negotiation (CEN) Yerevan as a researcher on “Ethnography of Negotiations”. Now
she works at the Turpanjian Centre for Policy Analysis (TCPA) as a research assistant.

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