SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer

Page created by Keith Davidson
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
                             A MESSAGE FROM THE TWO CAROLS
IN THIS                      Where has this year gone? Christmas is most definitely in the air
EDITION:                     here at SNOOP and Tadpoles, with raffles and Christmas Fair,
                             parties and Christmas Jumpers. Also look out for the Youtube
                             Video of this years offering from SNOOP Adults. We have had a
                             fantastic year and SNOOP is thriving. We have lots of new children
                             in, our new sessions are going well. Unfortunately we have had to
ADULTS SERVICES UPDATE-2     close our junior youth club due to lack of demand but this can be
                             re-started again if it is wanted and needed.
AND YOUTH CLUB- 3            It has been great to be able to see people face to face and welcome
                             them to our events again and we want to say a HUGE THANKYOU to
                             all our children and young adults and to all our parent/carers. This
                             year may have brought challenges for many of our families, but we
                             want you to know that we think you are all amazing people. It is our
                             pleasure to know you and to have the honour of working with you
FUNDRAISING-6                all.

                             Here's to a fantastic 2023 and wishing each and everyone of you a
                             happy Christmas.

                             With Best Wishes

                                           Carol and Carol
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
Young adult
services update
Hi everyone!
It's been a busy few months in young adults. We welcomed Amanda into
the team and she's loving her new role, getting stuck in to all our activities
and building great relationships with everyone.
Our young adults loved making wooden log reindeers, hot chocolate and
sweet cones and hand decorated Christmas cards to sell on their own stall
at the Christmas Fair. Two of our young adults volunteered to help run the
stall and one of our young adults had their own gift stall. The fair was a
great success and in total we raised £600!
As part of our Mind, Body and Soul project we have been using our exercise
bikes to virtually cycle to the North Pole, which is 4200 miles from
Bradford! We still have a way to go but hoping to be there by Christmas!
As part of our Christmas festivities we are filming a Christmas Song which
will be uploaded on to our YouTube channel and holding a bake sale on
Friday the 16th of December. Please pop in to buy your goodies!
In other news some of our young adults recently attended a series of
events about the Co-production of Day Services, where they were able to
share their views on what matters most to them. The event organisers said
that we made a very valuable contribution and this is going to feed into
service developments across the sector. Well done to everyone who gave
their thoughts at SNOOP and those who attended in person!

We are all very excited for Christmas, we hope everyone has a wonderful
time and we look forward to all being back together in the new year!

                               Sophie, Ciara, Amanda,
                                 Richard and Jenny
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
Children's services
Hey guys, here's our latest news.
We have recently welcomed lots of new children to SNOOP and
welcomed a new staff member, Natalie in to our team. Natalie is
already firmly part of the SNOOP family, bringing with her tonnes of
new activity ideas and enthusiasm!
Much of our recent activities have focused on the Christmas season.
The children have been busy decorating the Christmas tree, making
their own thumb print tree and exploring Christmas themed sensory
tuff trays. Last week we had a Christmas movie night where we
dressed in our Christmas Jumpers and watched the Grinch!
This year we are running a 3 day Christmas play-scheme, which we are
really looking forward to. We hope this will give our families a chance
to prepare for the big day and for Santa's arrival!
We wish you all a Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all
in the new year!
                                                  Janine, Bex, and Natalie

Youth Club
Hi everyone, wow what a fun year in youth club
we have had! From Karaoke nights to bake offs,
we've had a blast!. We thank all our young
people who attend and their parents and carers
for there continued support throughout 2022.
We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy
New Year!
Ciara, Bex, and Emelia
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
Nursery update

It has been a very busy term in Tadpoles and the children have
settled really well. We have also welcomed Sam Wilson as a
permanent member of the nursery team.
The recent cold snap hasn't stopped the Children enjoying
 playing outdoors, they have enjoyed splashing in the rain and
more recently exploring the ice and the frost! (but please
remember to ensure your children are clothed appropriately
for the weather with spare clothes and everything named!)
The children loved making and casting spells at Halloween,
followed by some mystical play with dragons, castles, trolls
and princesses!
In November we learnt about road safety and keeping healthy
 and safe and finally our lovely Christmas celebrations. It was
great to see some of our nursery families at our Christmas fair
and through December we have been busy with Christmas
crafts, making our very own sleigh and learning a Christmas
song with Makaton signs.
Our Christmas party was lots of fun, the children tried
different foods and did really well at turn taking whilst playing
We hope you all enjoy the Christmas break, with lots of time
spent together and don't forget to search the sky on Christmas
Eve! We can't wait to see you all again in January to here all
about what a fun time you've had!

Sarah, Christine, Danika and Sam
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
PFA update
 Within the PfA session we have been working on ‘Independent Me’ and ‘Healthy Me’.
 The young adults have put some of their goals into practice such as independence skills
 like making their favourite sandwich.
 They have also been working together as a team to find out how we need to look after
 our bodies and where we might find help if something was wrong with our bodies.
 We have 3 new members to the PfA group who have settled in really well and have
 actively participated in the work we’ve done as a team as well their own on-going
 support plans.
 We look forward to welcoming 2023 and continuing our work with both the young adults
 and the parents/carers.
 PfA runs Thursday’s during term-time 3pm – 6pm.
                                                        Sophie and Janine

Parent Carer Support and other news
You might of seen some new faces around SNOOP recently. Alex, Amanda, Natalie, Rosie and
Ellis has joined us and they are already firmly part of the SNOOP family! Welcome guys!

SNOOP reopens after the Christmas break on
Tuesday the 3rd of January. Sessions time will
be as normal as except for Youth Club which re
opens on Tuesday the 10th of January
Check out the Link below to a digital
Advent Calendar create by AWARE, with
lots of tips to help you through the festive

In January 2023 we are looking for
parent/carers and young adults who are
interested in being part of our social events
and     fundraising    sub-group,    working
alongside staff and Trustees to plan and
deliver    exciting     fundraising    events
throughout the year. If interested please
contact either of the 2 Carols.
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
T h a n k y o u
   Thank you to all our funders and supporters this year. It is
   because of your kindness and generosity that we are able to
   continue with our charitable work and we feel blessed to be part
   of such a wonderful community.
   We have had so many wonderful donations this year from toys
   and resources to donations of raffle prizes, donations of money
   and families completing sponsored events for us.
   We finished our fundraising year on a high with our Christmas
   Fair. We are so thankful for all the support - to all the staff and
   young person volunteers for their hard work and time in
   preparing the room, all the shopping and making the goods to
   sell as well as volunteering on the day, to the stallholders for
   making the fair festive and to everyone who came along to the
   fair and who have donated to SNOOP - we are incredibly proud
   to say our very first Christmas Fair was successful and raised
   £611! with another £430 being raised through our Christmas


   £10                     £30                    £100
     £10 provides            £30 provides            £100 provides
play resources such as       1 hour of care       Sensory equipment
art and craft materials     for a child with    for children and adults
   and outdoor toys              SEND             with complex needs

                                                                           SNOOP also welcomes donations
                                                                          in kind, here's a list of some of the
                             Shop with Amazon Smile                           things we can make use of:
                                                                             New and used but in condition,
                          and help raise funds for SNOOP                                   Toys
                                                                                Outdoor play resources                                             Art and craft materials
                                                                           'Loose parts' play resources such
                                                                              as wood, fabrics and crates
Our socials                                                               Gardening tools, plants and seeds

SNOOP has a YouTube channel
@SNOOP Charity
A Facebook page
A twitter account
SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer SEASONS GREETINGS - Bradford Local Offer
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