SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra

SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
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                  Caird Hall, Dundee
                             SEASON 2022:23
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                                                                                                                                          SCOTLAND’S | 01382 434940
                                                                                                                                          NATIONAL ORCHESTRA

SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Welcome to our new 2022:23 Season at the           Widmann, and by Mozart. Combined with
Caird Hall. We are thrilled to be back with six    two of Mozart’s finest symphonies, this will
wonderful concerts for you to enjoy, offering      be a highlight of the Season.
you exciting new music to explore and firm
                                                   Plus, get the family together for our annual
favourites to savour.
                                                   Christmas Concert featuring The Snowman
I am delighted to open the Season this             on the big screen and a magical evening
October with the UK premiere of Poul               celebrating the Music of Harry Potter –
Rouders’ Concerto for Harpsichord. A co-           perfect for kids young and old!
commission by the RSNO with the Aarhus
                                                   Over the coming pages you will see faces
Symphony Orchestra, it was written
                                                   you know and some you don’t! The RSNO is
especially for our soloist, Mahan Esfahani. It’s
                                                   a family – of which you are very much a part.
followed by Saint-Saëns’ roof-raising Organ
                                                   Everyone has a role to play: conductor,
Symphony No3 which will sound amazing in
                                                   musicians, audience, supporter. I am proud
the acoustics of this fine hall.
                                                   to play my part in the RSNO community
In November, Conductor Emeritus Alexander          and I thank you sincerely for playing yours –
Lazarev makes a welcome return with                we couldn’t be Scotland’s National Orchestra
Tchaikovsky’s glorious Fourth Symphony.            without you.
Whilst in March, conductor John Wilson joins
                                                   We very much look forward to seeing you
us for a wonderful programme of Gershwin,
                                                   over the coming months at the Caird Hall.
Copland and Rachmaninov, with our very own
Principal Clarinet, Timothy Orpen, as soloist
in Copland’s popular Clarinet Concerto.
In June we have a very special treat for you.
Don’t miss the rare opportunity to hear the
beautiful sounds of the glass harmonica as
we welcome Christa Schönfeldinger to               Thomas Søndergård
perform pieces by our conductor, Jörg              RSNO MUSIC DIRECTOR

2 Season 2022:23
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra | 01382 434940   3
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra

4 Season 2022:23
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Thrilling                                         Exhilarating
SAINT-SAËNS’                                      TCHAIKOVSKY FOUR
ORGAN SYMPHONY                                    Thu 3 Nov 2022: 7.30pm
Thu 6 Oct 2022: 7.30pm
                                                  Khachaturian Three movements
Stravinsky Jeu de cartes                          from Spartacus
Poul Ruders Concerto for Harpsichord              James MacMillan      SCOTCH   SCOTCH    SCOTCH
UK Premiere                                       Three Scottish Songs SNAPS    SNAPS     SNAPS
Saint-Saëns Symphony No3 Organ                    Tchaikovsky Symphony No4 SCOTCH

Thomas Søndergård Conductor                       Alexander Lazarev Conductor
Mahan Esfahani Harpsichord                        Karen Cargill Mezzo-soprano

There’s nothing quite like hearing Saint-         For Tchaikovsky, music was personal: and
Saëns’ Third Symphony played live. The            when a savage fanfare blasts out at the
orchestra thunders, there’s a sudden silence,     start of his Fourth Symphony, you can
and then – with one mighty chord – the            sense straight away there’s more at stake
organ practically blows the roof off. It’s just   here than meets the ear. Tempestuous,
one of a whole series of musical surprises in     impassioned and packed with glorious
tonight’s stunning concert, from Stravinsky’s     melodies, it never fails to make an impact –
brilliant musical card game to the                especially when conducted by the RSNO’s
phenomenal Mahan Esfahani bringing the            Conductor Emeritus, Alexander Lazarev.
harpsichord powering into the 21st century        First though, enjoy Khachaturian’s fabulously
in Poul Ruders’ gripping new concerto. In the     tuneful Spartacus, and something from a bit
words of the composer – ‘just you wait!’          closer to home, sung by Scotland’s one and
                                                  only Karen Cargill.
Supported by
Jennie S. Gordon Memorial Foundation

                                                        | 01382 434940    5
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Electrifying                                   Magical
RACHMANINOV’S                                  MOZART’S JUPITER
SYMPHONIC DANCES                               SYMPHONY
Thu 9 Mar 2023: 7.30pm                         Thu 1 Jun 2023: 7.30pm

Gershwin Cuban Overture                        Mozart Symphony No40 K550
Copland Clarinet Concerto                      Jörg Widmann Armonica
Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances                   Mozart Adagio for Glass Harmonica
                                               in C major K356
John Wilson Conductor
                                               Mozart Symphony No41 Jupiter K551
Timothy Orpen Clarinet
Big Noise Douglas                              Jörg Widmann Conductor
                                               Christa Schönfeldinger Glass Harmonica
Join us as we cross the Atlantic to jazz-
age America, where George Gershwin             Imagine music that sounds like it’s
throws a party Cuban-style and Aaron           been spun from pure crystal. When the
Copland imagines city lights and wide,         glass harmonica was first invented in the
open spaces (with the help of the RSNO’s       18th century, listeners thought they were
very own Timothy Orpen on clarinet). And       hearing the voices of angels, and Mozart
amid the traffic and the skyscrapers, Sergei   was enchanted. His rarely heard Adagio
Rachmaninov dreams of another world in his     is the little glint of magic at the centre of
electrifying (but heart-breaking) Symphonic    a concert that features two of his very
Dances. John Wilson conducts, and there        greatest symphonies, conducted by livewire
isn’t a conductor alive who brings more        and all-round musical Renaissance man
energy – or more emotion – to this fabulous    Jörg Widmann – who’s written his own,
music. Plus, don’t miss the young musicians    shimmering tribute to this instrument from
of Big Noise Douglas as they join the RSNO     another age.
on stage with a very special performance.

6 Season 2022:23
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
‘AS A WEE GIRL                      34340 negative 75/no.32   22

        WHO CAME
       DOWN FROM

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       34340 negative 75/no.32   33
                                      ‘I REALLY LIKE
                                       THE BUZZ OF
                                        IN REAL TIME
                                       AND CREATING
                                        SOMETHING JUST
                                        IN THIS MOMENT.
                                        YOU CAN’T
                                        REPLICATE IT.’
                                      LUIS EISEN
                                      RSNO ASSOCIATE
                                      PRINCIPAL BASSOON

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SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
Nothing can compare
to hearing your favourite
film music performed
live by the RSNO. With
a worldwide reputation
for film performances
and an amazing back-
catalogue of soundtrack
recordings – including
Alien, The Great Escape,                          © Snowman Enterprises Ltd 2022

Jaws, Superman, Psycho,
Star Wars: Shadows of        RSNO Christmas Concert
the Empire, Vertigo and      featuring
many more – you know         THE SNOWMAN
you’re in for a real treat   Fri 16 Dec 2022: 7.30pm
when you experience the      Neil Ferris Conductor
full might of the RSNO       RSNO Chorus
live in concert!             Stephen Doughty Director,
                             RSNO Chorus
                             Join the RSNO this December for a special
                             feast of Christmas cheer! This family friendly
                             concert is packed full of your favourite sing
                             along carols and festive melodies. Plus,
                             don’t miss the magical film The Snowman
                             shown on the big screen, accompanied by
                             the Orchestra and narrated by a very special
                             star guest. It’s the perfect start to your

                             Sponsored by

8 Season 2022:23
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
‘What a
                                                  evening we
                                                  had. It was
                                                  our children’s
                                                  first RSNO
                                                  concert and
THE MAGICAL MUSIC                                 you played
OF HARRY POTTER                                   all their
Thu 15 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
Stephen Bell Conductor
Jerome Dowling Presenter                          They had
RSNO Youth Chorus
Patrick Barrett Director, RSNO                    such a great
Youth Choruses
Witches, wizards and muggles alike are
sure to enjoy this spectacular concert
showcasing the music from the magical            AUDIENCE
world of Harry Potter. Experience the            MEMBER
sounds of Hogwarts brought thrillingly to
life by Scotland’s National Orchestra as they
perform the phenomenal scores from this
iconic series. You’ll be spellbound by the
interval! So, grab your broom, apparate, or
catch the Hogwarts Express and join us in
the Caird Hall for an evening of unforgettable
music that you’ll know and love.

                                              | 01382 434940   9
SEASON 2022:23 Caird Hall, Dundee - SCOTLAND'S NATIONAL ORCHESTRA - Royal Scottish National Orchestra
When a terrible storm hits a flock of birds flying thousands
                          of miles across the ocean, one little auk lands with a plop on
                          a clump of purple heather in Inverkithkin – a charming town
                          smack bang in the middle of Scotland. The lost bird is found
                          by Yoyo, a little girl who is getting ready for her favourite
                          night of the year – the night of the Inverkithkin Ceilidh…
                          Yoyo & The Little Auk is the perfect introduction to classical
                          music and storytelling for children aged 3-6.

                          Sign up online to watch the film for free at

                          Story by Stewart Ennis
                          Music by Euan Stevenson
                          Animation by Gavin C Robinson and Cat Bruce

                          Created in celebration of Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022
                          in partnership with Visible Fictions, Scottish Book Trust,
                          Starcatchers, Scottish Wildlife Trust and Refuweegee.

Yoyo & The Little Auk - Live           Join the RSNO this October and enjoy Yoyo &
                                       The Little Auk live at Dundee Contemporary
Sun 23 Oct 2022: 11am & 1pm            Arts. This interactive experience features a
                                       screening of the new animated film
Dundee Contemporary Arts               accompanied by a live orchestral performance
                                       and is around 45 minutes in length.

   Tickets on sale from 2 Sep 2022. Phone the Box Office on 01382 432444
                      or book online at
At the RSNO, we believe that music can enrich
lives and support the ambition and wellbeing of
our communities. Through our dynamic learning
and engagement programme, we deliver
performances, participatory workshops and
events which bring the Orchestra to people of
all ages and backgrounds across Scotland.

We offer engaging and accessible content
to audiences across all stages of life; seeing
young families playing with the RSNO Astar
app, school-aged children engaging with
Gaspard’s Foxtrot, participants with long-
term conditions composing new music and
14-21 year-olds gaining work experience
through our Young Creatives programme.

From schools to community settings,
hospitals to care homes, our aim is to
increase access to music for all and to share
the joy of music-making both on and off the
concert platform.

We are grateful for the generosity of our
donors and the numerous charitable trusts
and foundations which support the RSNO’s
learning and engagement activities across

In 2021:22
      People engaged in our programmes
                                                 Children participated in our National Schools
                                                   Concert Programme, Gaspard’s Foxtrot

  Children, care home residents and hospital
                                                           Members in the RSNO
   patients enjoyed live outdoor concerts                Youth Choruses aged 7-19
                                                   | 01382 434940    11
The RSNO is committed to inspiring and developing the next generation
of musicians and concertgoers. With interactive schools concerts, creative
workshops and talent development opportunities, the RSNO supports
young people at the beginning of their creative journey.

SCHOOLS & NURSERIES                               NOTES FROM SCOTLAND
The RSNO’s interactive nursery and school         An exciting free mentorship scheme
concerts are a lively and engaging introduction   for young composers aged 14-18
to the Orchestra for young learners. With         living in Scotland. Six young musicians will
accompanying resources and CPD sessions,          be selected to work with project mentors
                                                  and compose new music for a chamber
teachers can find out more about forthcoming
                                                  ensemble. The final compositions will be
concerts at
                                                  performed and recorded by RSNO musicians
                                                  for a public audience and panel of judges.
                                                  Applications open Mon 13 Jun 2022

                                                  YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD
                                                  If you’re aged 16-22, based in Scotland and
                                                  looking to gain new skills and share your love
                                                  of classical music with others, then apply to
                                                  join the RSNO Youth Advisory Board. With
YOUNG CREATIVES                                   free tickets to concerts and a bursary of
                                                  £120, this is your chance to help shape the
Open to young people aged 14-21,                  work of the RSNO. Applications open Dec
RSNO Young Creatives is a unique work             2022 at
experience and leadership programme.
Join us for an academic year and experience
what life in a professional orchestra is really
like, both on stage and behind the scenes.
Applications open Mon 13 Jun 2022 at

12 Season 2022:23

           | 01382 434940   13
                                        EMILY NENNIGER
                                     RSNO SECOND VIOLIN
                                 DÁVUR JUUL MAGNUSSEN
                                RSNO PRINCIPAL TROMBONE
                                          AND BABY EMIL

14 Season 2022:23
                            Part appeal
 Help us continue to provide a lifetime of musical inspiration.
Your donation will help us continue to connect, inspire, support and entertain people
        of all backgrounds, enriching the lives of thousands through music.

         £50                   £100                  £500                 £1000

could help us continue   could help us provide    could help the          could help us
    to provide vital       more Digital Care     RSNO Choruses         bring inspiring live
creative opportunities   Packages to Scottish continue to provide a     performance to
 for young musicians       care homes and      lifetime of singing    more children across
                               hospices                                     Scotland

         Donate now at
                                                   | 01382 434940    15
Our community of music-lovers
The RSNO Circle brings you closer to Scotland’s National
Orchestra with exclusive behind-the-scenes experiences.

OUR CIRCLE MEMBERS RECEIVE:                          A vital part of the RSNO’s community
                                                     of supporters, our Circle members help
   Priority single ticket booking for Season 		      ensure that Scotland’s National Orchestra
   concerts                                          can continue to bring music to concert
   Invitations to RSNO Circle Open Rehearsals        halls, communities and schools across
                                                     the country. To all our existing members,
   Our exclusive members’ magazine Inner Circle      thank you for helping us share the joy
   Acknowledgement in our Season concert             of music.
   programmes as a Sonata, Concerto,                 Memberships start from as little
   Symphony or Virtuoso member                       as £40 a year. Join online today at
                                            or call Torran McEwan
                                                     on 0141 225 3585 to find out more.

  OVERTURE             SONATA             CONCERTO          SYMPHONY            VIRTUOSO
    £40                £150                £300               £600              £1,200

   annually            or £12.50             or £25             or £50            or £100
                     per month by        per month by       per month by       per month by
                      Direct Debit        Direct Debit       Direct Debit       Direct Debit

16 Season 2022:23

                                               Corporate Supporters

 Principal Media Partner                   Principal Transport Provider                   Broadcast Partner

       Charity Partner                                                   Partners
                                             Glasgow Chamber of Commerce • Institute of Directors • Scots Magazine
                                                The Scottish Council for Development & Industry • Smart Graphics

Trust ScotRail to                                                              Chair Sponsors
keep you moving to
the music
As the official transport partner of the RSNO,
ScotRail ensures our musicians travel in
comfort across the country while reducing the             The RSNO is deeply grateful for the generosity of its individual
environmental impact of a busy touring schedule.          supporters. Our inspirational Conductors’ Circle and dedicated
We recommend you make tracks for our                             Patrons are a vital part of our annual fundraising.
concerts by taking the train. With convenient,             As a charity, we also rely upon a wide range of support from
fast and frequent services throughout Scotland           Trusts and Foundations; each grant received makes a difference
and a wide range of great value fares, ScotRail              and we would like to thank all of those who continue to
has just the ticket for your next visit. The Caird                        support the RSNO in this way.
Hall is just minutes from Dundee Station.
Visit to book tickets.
                                                                       | 01382 434940            17
Join thousands of people across the country and
subscribe to the RSNO today! Book all four Season
concerts and you can:

     Save money
     Save 20% on full ticket prices.

     Choose the seats you want
     Subscribers enjoy a designated priority booking
     period for all subscription concerts ahead of the
     general public.

     Subscriber newsletter
     Keep up-to-date with the latest news from
     your favourite orchestra with our twice-yearly
     Subscriber newsletter.

How to subscribe
Phone†: 01382 434940
In person: Visit the Dundee City Box Office

Subscription prices
                                  A              B
 Adult Subscription           £67.20         £48

 Disabled Subscription          £42          £30

 U26 Subscription               £24          £24

         CENTRE BALCONY                     CENTRE BALCONY
                          CIRCLE BALCONY
     FRONT BALCONY                               FRONT BALCONY

                          TIERED SEATING

             ES                                      JUR
           OX                                           YB
         YB                                               OXE
      JUR                                                    S
                     STALLS             STALLS

                                                                 ALISON MURRAY
                                                                 RSNO ASSISTANT
                                                                 PRINCIPAL HORN

18 Season 2022:23
Buying concert                                 Under 18s go free                            Unemployed
tickets                                        Two under 18s can attend RSNO
                                               Season Concerts in the Caird
                                                                                            If you are of working age and in
                                                                                            receipt of unemployment
There are three ways to book                   Hall for free when accompanied               benefit, you can purchase
your tickets:                                  by a paying adult. Maximum of                tickets to all RSNO concerts in
                                               two free children per adult.                 the Caird Hall for £6 each*.
Online†:                           Additional children £6 each.
Phone†: 01382 434940
                                               Tickets to RSNO at the Movies                Patrons with
                                               are 50% off­for U18s.
Open Mon-Fri 9.30am to 12.30pm &
1pm to 4.30pm, Sat 9.30am to                   Free tickets for                             Patrons with disabilities and
                                                                                            their carers are entitled to 50%
12.30pm                                        16-17 year olds                              off any single ticket price. Please
In person: Visit the Dundee                    Young people aged 16-17 can                  purchase tickets in advance.
City Box Office at 16 City                     attend RSNO Season concerts
Square, Dundee DD1 3BG.                        for free with their friends. Phone           Great discounts
                                               the Box Office or visit in person to
Open Mon-Fri 9.30am to 12.30pm &               book your tickets. Proof of age              for groups
1pm to 4.30pm. Card sales only.                must be shown upon ticket                    Groups of 6-10 save 20% off
 transaction fee of £1.50 is charged
†                                              collection, e.g. Young Scot card.            full price tickets. Groups of 11+
for phone bookings. A secure postage           Tickets to RSNO at the Movies                save 30% off full price tickets.
fee of £2 is charged. Online                   are 50% off­for U18s. Off­ers may            Please email
transaction fee of £2.50 applies.              be limited for some concerts.*               to book. Discounts are subject
                                                                                            to availability.
Single ticket                                  Under 26s and
                                                                                            Schools and youth
                                               mature students
prices                                         If you are aged between 18 and               groups
2022:23 Season concerts:                       25 inclusive, or are in full-time            Free tickets to RSNO Season
£15, £21                                       education, you can purchase                  concerts are available for
                                               tickets to RSNO Season                       schools and groups of young
RSNO at the Movies:                            concerts for £6 each (RSNO at                people aged 17 and under.
£15, £21, £27                                  the Movies Concerts 50% off­).*              Visit for
                                               Proof of age or valid full-time              details on the concerts and
Subscriptions on sale from Wednesday           student card must be shown.                  how to book.*
25 May 2022. RSNO Circle members
can priority book single tickets from
Monday 20 June. Single tickets on
general sale from Monday 27 June
                                              *Seating area restrictions may apply to some performances. Subject to availability.
Terms and Conditions
Seating plans and prices shown in the brochure apply to subscription purchases only. Layouts and pricing vary for single-ticket
purchases and for non-Season concerts. All discounts are subject to availability. The RSNO reserves the right to vary pricing at any
time. The RSNO reserves the right to change performance details without prior notice, although we will always endeavour to notify
patrons whenever possible. All details are correct at time of print 12 May 2022.
We regret that no refunds can be issued except if a concert has to be cancelled in its entirety and an alternative concert is not
possible. This Season, should you or anyone in your family or party display symptoms, test positive or be self-isolating due to Covid,
the RSNO will refund the cost of your ticket. Please email within 24 hours of your concert to request your refund.
Privacy Summary
When you purchase tickets to our concerts your personal details will be processed by the RSNO and our Box Office partners to
facilitate your transaction and provide you with relevant information about RSNO activities. We collect and store your data safely
and securely and may review it from time to time to ensure that it is accurate and up to date. We will not share your data with any
other organisations (excluding approved data-processing partners working on our behalf, e.g. mailing houses).
To find out more please see our full Privacy Statement at
If you would like to change your contact preferences, update your details or withdraw from our marketing lists please let us know
by writing to: The Database Manager, RSNO, 19 Killermont Street, Glasgow G2 3NX or by emailing

                                                                                | 01382 434940               19
SEASON 2022:23
SØNDERGÅRD & BENEDETTI         EDN Fri 2 Dec 2022: 6pm          EDN Fri 3 Mar 2023: 6pm        EDN Fri 19 May 2023: 7.30pm
LDN Tue 6 Sep 2022: 7.30pm                                                                     GLW Sat 20 May 2023: 7.30pm
LDN Wed 7 Sep 2022: 11am       TCHAIKOVSKY                      PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION
                               PIANO CONCERTO                   EDN Fri 3 Mar 2023: 7.30pm     ALL-STAR GALA
SIBELIUS & BRAHMS              EDN Fri 2 Dec 2022: 7.30pm       GLW Sat 4 Mar 2023: 7.30pm     EDN Fri 26 May 2023: 7.30pm
HDN Sat 10 Sep 2022: 7pm       GLW Sat 3 Dec 2022: 7.30pm                                      GLW Sat 27 May 2023: 7.30pm
ABN Sun 11 Sep 2022: 3pm                                        RACHMANINOV’S
                               CHAMBER SERIES                   SYMPHONIC DANCES               CHAMBER SERIES
MATINEE                        ROMAN RABINOVICH                 DND Thu 9 Mar 2023: 7.30pm     HEBRIDES ENSEMBLE
SCHMIDT SYMPHONY No4           RECITAL                          EDN Fri 10 Mar 2023: 7.30pm    Sun 28 May 2023: 3pm
GLW Wed 21 Sep 2022: 2pm       GLW Sun 4 Dec 2022: 3pm          GLW Sat 11 Mar 2023: 7.30pm
                                                                                               MOZART’S JUPITER
DND Sun 25 Sep 2022: 3pm       THE NIGHT BEFORE                 DOUGLAS ACADEMY                DND Thu 1 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
                               CHRISTMAS                        GLW Fri 10 Mar 2023: 7.30pm    EDN Fri 2 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
SEASON OPENER                  EDN Sun 4 Dec 2022: 3pm                                         GLW Sat 3 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
THE RITE OF SPRING             GLW Sat 10 Dec 2022: 1pm & 3pm   TCHAIKOVSKY FIVE
EDN Fri 30 Sep 2022: 7.30pm                                     ABN Thu 16 Mar 2023: 7.30pm    VERDI REQUIEM
GLW Sat 1 Oct 2022: 7.30pm     BEETHOVEN’S EROICA               EDN Fri 17 Mar 2023: 7.30pm    EDN Fri 9 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
                               PTH Thu 8 Dec 2022: 7.30pm       GLW Sat 18 Mar 2023: 7.30pm    GLW Sat 10 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
SAINT-SAËNS’                   EDN Fri 9 Dec 2022: 7.30pm
ORGAN SYMPHONY                 GLW Sat 10 Dec 2022: 7.30pm      CHAMBER SERIES                 THE MAGICAL MUSIC
DND Thu 6 Oct 2022: 7.30pm                                      RSNO BRASS ENSEMBLE            OF HARRY POTTER
EDN Fri 7 Oct 2022: 7.30pm     RSNO CHRISTMAS CONCERT           GLW Sun 19 Mar 2023: 3pm       DND Thu 15 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
GLW Sat 8 Oct 2022: 7.30pm     FEATURING THE SNOWMAN                                           EDN Fri 16 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
                               ABN Thu 15 Dec 2022: 7.30pm      JOHN WILLIAMS                  GLW Sat 17 Jun 2023: 7.30pm
DVOŘÁK SEVEN                                                    AT THE OSCARS                  PTH Sun 18 Jun 2023: 3pm
                               DND Fri 16 Dec 2022: 7.30pm
ABN Thu 13 Oct 2022: 7.30pm    GLW Sat 17 Dec 2022: 2pm & 6pm   ABN Thu 23 Mar 2023: 7.30pm
EDN Fri 14 Oct 2022: 7.30pm    EDN Sun 18 Dec 2022: 3pm         EDN Fri 24 Mar 2023: 7.30pm
GLW Sat 15 Oct 2022: 7.30pm                                     GLW Sat 25 Mar 2023: 7.30pm
                               GASPARD’S CHRISTMAS
BEETHOVEN FIVE                                                  CHAMBER SERIES                 BOX OFFICE NUMBERS
                               EDN Fri 23 Dec 2022: 3pm         RSNO CHORUS A CAPELLA
EDN Fri 28 Oct 2022: 7.30pm    GLW Sat 24 Dec 2022: 1pm & 3pm
GLW Sat 29 Oct 2022: 7.30pm                                     GLW Sun 26 Mar 2023: 3pm
                                                                                               Aberdeen ABN 01224 641122
                               HANDEL’S MESSIAH                                                Dundee DND 01382 434940
CHILDREN’S CLASSIC CONCERTS                                     A FESTIVAL OF BRAHMS
SPACE INVASION                 GLW Mon 2 Jan 2023: 3pm                                         Dunfermline DNF 01383 602302
                                                                PTH Thu 30 Mar 2023: 7.30pm
GLW Sat 29 Oct 2022: 3pm                                        EDN Fri 31 Mar 2023: 7.30pm    Edinburgh EDN 0131 228 1155
                               VIENNESE GALA
EDN Sun 30 Oct 2022: 3pm                                        GLW Sat 1 Apr 2023: 7.30pm     Glasgow GLW 0141 353 8000
                               PTH Fri 6 Jan 2023: 7.30pm
                                                                                               Haddington HDN 0131 226 0004
TCHAIKOVSKY FOUR               DNF Sat 7 Jan 2023: 7.30pm       DUNEDIN CONSORT
                               LNG Sun 8 Jan 2023: 7.30pm                                      Inverness INV 01463 234234
DND Thu 3 Nov 2022: 7.30pm                                      MATTHEW PASSION                Langholm LNG 01387 381196
                               INV Thu 12 Jan 2023: 7.30pm
EDN Fri 4 Nov 2022: 7.30pm                                      GLW Fri 7 Apr 2023: 7pm        London LDN 020 7589 8212
GLW Sat 5 Nov 2022: 7.30pm     BEETHOVEN’S                                                     Perth PTH 01738 621031
                               EMPEROR CONCERTO                 NYOS PLAYS MAHLER SEVEN
CHAMBER SERIES CHAMBER-                                         EDN Fri 14 Apr 2023: 7.30pm
SIZED SHOSTAKOVICH             EDN Fri 27 Jan 2023: 7.30pm                                     RSNO Photography
                               GLW Sat 28 Jan 2023: 7.30pm      GLW Sat 15 Apr 2023: 7.30pm
GLW Sun 6 Nov 2022: 3pm                                                                        © Martin McCready, Upfront
                                                                TCHAIKOVSKY’S PATHÉTIQUE       Photography
                               DUNEDIN CONSORT                                                 Hair and makeup: Kay Felvus and
BRITTEN’S WAR REQUIEM          HAYDN SYMPHONIES                 EDN Fri 21 Apr 2023: 7.30pm
                                                                GLW Sat 22 Apr 2023: 7.30pm    Leigh-Anne Felvus
EDN Fri 11 Nov 2022: 7.30pm    GLW Sat 11 Feb 2023: 7.30pm
GLW Sat 12 Nov 2022: 7.30pm                                                                    All details correct at time of print.
                               MATINEE                          CHAMBER SERIES
EDN Fri 18 Nov 2022: 7.30pm    GLW Wed 22 Feb 2023: 2pm         GLW Sun 23 Apr 2023: 3pm
GLW Sat 19 Nov 2022: 7.30pm
                               VIDEO GAMES MUSIC                RACHMANINOV PIANO
MATINEE                        IN CONCERT                       CONCERTO No3
AFRICAN AMERICAN VOICES        EDN Fri 24 Feb 2023: 7.30pm      EDN Fri 28 Apr 2023: 7.30pm
GLW Wed 23 Nov 2022: 2pm       GLW Sat 25 Feb 2023: 7.30pm      GLW Sat 29 Apr 2023: 7.30pm

The RSNO’s work in Dundee and Tayside is generously supported by
Leisure & Culture Dundee Major Music Award, Northwood Charitable Trust,
Leng Charitable Trust, RJ Larg Family Trust and Tay Charitable Trust.

                                  19 Killermont Street, Glasgow G2 3NX               The RSNO is supported by
                                  +44 (0)141 226 3868                                the Scottish Government
                                  Scottish Company No 27809
                                  Scottish Charity No SC010702
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