ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce

Page created by Terrence Bowers
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
                                                     AUGUST 27 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021

                                                                                                             It’s time to promote Organic Grapes from Califor-
                                                                                                             nia as it’s the start of some of the best flavor and
                                                                                                             texture varieties of the season and prices that are

                                                                                                             Not only will September be a great time for Or-
                                                                                                             ganic Grape supply and quality, Four Seasons
                                                                                                             is partnered with Air Chief Organic Grapes to
                                                                                                             bring a promo and display contest to our inde-
                                                                                                             pendent retailer customers.

                                                                                                             Varieties for September:
                                                                                                             • OG Green Seedless (Sweet Globe, Ivory, Great
                                                                                                             Green, & Timpson)
                                                                                                             • OG Red Seedless (Scarlett Royal, Timco, & Krissy)
                                                                                                             • OG Black Seedless (Unknown Black)
                                                                                                             • OG Thomcord

               OG APPLES                                            OG BERRIES                                           OG TOMATOES
New crop Washington Organic Gala and Hon-            Organic Blackberries out of California are still in     Organic Beefsteak Tomatoes will be promotable for
eycrisp Apples are now in good, steady supply.       promotable supply for the beginning of Septem-          the beginning of September from Green Field Farms
Headed into September, it will be a good time        ber, and then we expect a pretty steep incline as       located in Ohio. Quality has been outstanding.
to expand your bulk and bag displays on these        we move into the middle of the month. Mexican
top sellers.                                         product is expected to get started at the same time     Local Organic Grape, Cherry, and Rainbow
                                                     so markets should even out by late September.           Cherry Tomatoes from Lady Moon Farms continue
The first Organic SweeTango Apples of the                                                                    in season for the beginning of September. Quality
2021 season are slated to arrive around Labor        NOTE: Organic Blueberries are very limited for          has been outstanding from the PA farm.
Day. This variety has been very popular amongst      the beginning of September. Expect strong and
the flavor and texture lovers during September       rising prices as California is slowing down and sup-    Organic Heirloom Tomatoes will continue to be
and October.                                         plies are limited from Oregon and Washington.           available from local growers. Lady Moon Farms is
                                                     Peru is going to have a false start with a little bit   in between plantings, so we’ll fill in with Hepworth
A couple of unexpected late New Zealand Or-          of fruit arriving, and then gap until mid-September.    Farms and others. Quality has been excellent.
ganic Apple containers arrived here in late Au-
gust, giving us some more Organic Braeburn,          Organic Raspberries out of California are expect-       Local Organic Vine Ripe Tomatoes from King
Diva, and New Zealand Queen Apples, just             ed to be on a steady decline each week heading          Family Farms, grown in Lancaster County, PA, con-
in time to fill a little gap before California and   into October, causing steady increases in the mar-      tinue to be available for the beginning of Sep-
Washington really ramp up.                           ket. With Baja not expected to begin until the New      tember. Quality has been outstanding.
                                                     Year, we could see some elevated pricing as we
Heirloom Orchards out of Oregon is gapping be-       move into October.                                      Organic Cluster Tomatoes remain steady for the
tween varieties. Organic Pink Pearl Apples were                                                              beginning of September out of Canada. Overall,
expected but have had a lot of quality and grow-     NOTE: California Organic Strawberries are tight-        low demand has kept prices steady, and quality
ing challenges this season.                          ening as supplies are dropping with more stringent      has been nice.
                                                     QC specs put into place at the field level. Prices
                                                     have firmed up and berry sizes are smaller.
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                      MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

               OG MANGOS                                        OG CUCUMBERS                                             OG PEPPERS
Organic Mangos from Mexico are now coming             NOTE: Organic Cucumber supplies from Pennsyl-       Organic Color Bell Peppers supplies from Cana-
from the Mochis growing region, which is an area      vania and New York continue to slow down in late    da continue to remain plentiful and promotable,
that is considered a “Fruit Fly Free” zone.           August. Lady Moon harvests are expected to be       even as other growing regions are more limited
                                                      very limited as September begins.                   with higher prices.
This fruit will be non-hot water treated, allow-
ing for some of the juicy best eating mangos of       Pricing will remain elevated in late August. Mar-   Local Organic Green and Jalapeño Peppers from
the year. These juicy mangos do not come cheap        kets are expected to remain tight headed into       Lady Moon’s PA farm remain strong in supply. Ex-
though. Expect prices to jump several dollars a       September.                                          pect steady volumes and pricing, with promotional
box over the next few weeks.                                                                              opportunities heading into September!

There will likely be a gap on Organic Mangos
for the end of September until the Ecuador season
starts sometime in October.

              OG SQUASH                                             OG ONIONS                                   OG HASS AVOCADOS
Local Organic Zucchini from Lady Moon Farms in        Locally grown Organic Sweet Onions should be        ALERT! Organic Hass Avocados remain very
PA remains strong in supply volume, and quality       available for at least another month.               tight as the Mexican Flor Loca season yields are
has remained top notch throughout the season.                                                             virtually all 60s and smaller. Large fruit is basical-
                                                      Locally grown Organic Red Onions are starting
                                                      to wind down from growers in PA. Expect supplies    ly non-existent, and what little California and Peru
ALERT! Organic Yellow Squash will remain ex-          to continue through mid-September, at which time    had left are mostly all gone. Pricing is expensive!
tremely tight heading into September. Local           we will transition out to Nevada grown Organic
growers planted less and continue to struggle to      Red Onions.                                         Mexico’s Aventajada crop will not start until mid-
get good quality yields. Harvests out west are                                                            dle of September, so the next few weeks will be
                                                      Both Red and Sweet are great to promote during
also very scarce right now, leading to very limited   late August and early September with fantastic      extremely tricky!
supplies and high markets.                            quality and good availability.

               OG CELERY                                       OG SWEET CORN                                            OG CARROTS
Organic Celery and Celery Hearts will be in           Organic Bi-Color Sweet Corn yields will continue    • ALERT! Organic Carrots are expected to be
strong supply for the rest of August and early        to be heavy again this week from Pedersen Farms,    limited in supply for most of September, until the
September. With good volume and great pricing,        grown in New York. Quality has been very nice.      fall crops start. Expect occasional out-of-stocks on
large displays should remain intact to encourage      Continue to promote!                                some of the value-added items. Bags and jumbos
additional sales.                                                                                         will be less abundant than usual.
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                      MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

        OG WATERMELONS                                         OG ASPARAGUS                                         OG KIWI BERRIES
Organic Mini Watermelon prices continue to be        Organic Asparagus prices did firm up some for        Coming soon! Organic Kiwi Berries from Oregon
steady. Quality coming from California has been      the beginning of September. Supplies are slow-       will be available around the second week of Sep-
excellent. Supplies look to remain steady heading    ing down as the transition into new fields begins.   tember!
into September.                                      Quality has been very nice coming from Mexico.

Organic Watermelons continue in season from PA.
Quality has been excellent.

OG BROCCOLI & CAULIFLOWER                                        OG SPECIALTY                                            OG LETTUCE
Organic Broccoli from California has slightly im-    Organic Shallots and Okra will be available          NOTE: Organic Romaine and Leaf Lettuce sup-
proved for late August. Although product is not      from California. Four Seasons will partner will      plies will be tight for the beginning of September
plentiful, Quebec supplies are available again,      Coke Farms on these items.                           from Quebec. Extremely hot temperatures have
creating some extra product and causing the pric-                                                         stalled harvests. Supplementary supplies from
ing to settle after a gradually rising. Growing      Organic Red/Magenta Flesh Dragon Fruit has           both New York and California will be available
conditions will make supplies remain limited and     just started some very early harvesting. Really      as well.
                                                     nice product from the East Coast is expected in
less than ideal quality from California.
                                                     early September.
                                                                                                          Organic Romaine Hearts and Iceberg Lettuce con-
Organic Broccoli Crowns remain limited, but          Organic Lemongrass will be available from Flor-      tinue from both California and Quebec at promot-
much like bunches, the return of Quebec product      ida for the beginning of September!                  able pricing. As the month continues, Organic Ro-
has helped availability and slowed rising prices.                                                         maine Hearts will begin to tighten up heading into
                                                     Organic Black Mission Figs continue in season        September as harvests are expected to slow down.
Organic Cauliflower continue to experience lim-      from California!
ited harvest yields, causing gaps from some sup-
pliers and limited overall availability. However,    Organic Pomegranates from California are still a
Quebec supplies have created some relief.            few weeks away. We expect to have them in stock
                                                     around the middle of September!

                                                               OTHER STORIES
• Organic Lemon supplies are ramping up and          • 6ct and 8ct Organic Pineapples will be steady      • Organic Green Beans from Elizabethtown, PA
prices are starting to come off in a big wave with   through September.                                   continue in season with steady supplies. Expect
fruit available from Chile, Mexico, and now Cali-                                                         volumes to drop off in early September due to
fornia, in both bulk and bags.                       • ALERT! Organic Formosa Papaya will gap into        some harsh weather-related issues. Quality has
                                                     at least the first few weeks of September from       been excellent.
• Organic Brussels Sprouts from both California      our partner HLB.
and Mexico are consistent in supplies. Quality,
pricing, and supplies are expected to remain un-
changed through the remainder of August.
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce

Saturday 9/4:
Normal office and delivery schedule
                                                      Have a happy &
Sunday 9/5:
Normal office and delivery schedule                   safe Labor Day!
Monday 9/6:
Normal delivery schedule, office open 8:30am – 12:30pm taking orders for Tuesday 9/7 delivery.

Please contact your sales representative with any questions.

                       FALL IS ALMOST HERE!

                                                   Four Seasons will be ready to help
                                                  you WIN the fall decorating season
                                                  with a variety of local pumpkin and
                                                         ornamental offerings!

                                                  Expect Face Pumpkin bins, Gourds,
                                                   Minis, Heirlooms, and even retail
                                                    packs of fall ornamentals to be
                                                  available from stock after the Labor
                                                               Day holiday.

                                                       Stay tuned for more updates!
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
                         AUGUST 30 2- -SEPTEMBER
                         SEPTEMBER      SEPTEMBER26,
 Four Seasons
Four  Seasons Produce
                                                     Pacific,marketers  of Air
                                                                marketers       Chief
                                                                             of Air    label
                                                                                    Chief     Premium
                                                                                           label       Organic
                                                                                                  Premium       Grapes,
                                                                                                           Organic       to bring
                                                                                                                     Grapes,  to
 you ayou
bring   display contest
           a display    with “grape”
                      contest          potential
                              with “grape”       for added
                                              potential        sales and
                                                          for added        excitement.
                                                                       sales             These grapes
                                                                              and excitement.     Theseare  absolutely
                                                                                                        grapes         the best
                                                                                                                 are absolutely
the bestaround
 grape    grapeand
                 around   and September
                     September              is the
                                 is the perfect    perfect
                                                 month        month
                                                         to build  bigtodisplays
                                                                         build big  displays
                                                                                  and          and
                                                                                        promote!    promote!
                                                                                                  Grapes  are Grapes   are
                                                                                                               a perfect   a per-
                                                                                                                         back  to
fect back
 school    to school
        snack  and allsnack, and all
                       three colors   three
                                    will     colors willsobe
                                         be featured,         featured,
                                                            there is sure so
                                                                          to there  is surefor
                                                                             be a flavor     to everyone!
                                                                                                be a flavor for everyone!

                                       CONTEST   CRITERIA: CRITERIA:
 • Build an awesome display of Air Chief label organic grapes with fruit purchased from Four Seasons Produce
• Build an awesome display of Air Chief label organic grapes
  with fruit
 CODE:       purchased
         42682           fromOrganic
                 - Air Chief  Four Seasons Produce
                                     Black Grapes
  CODE:43885 - Air
         42682     Chief
               - Air     Organic
                      Chief       Green
                            Organic     Grapes
                                    Black Grapes
 CODE: 43878 - Air Chief Organic  Red Grapes
  CODE: 43885 - Air Chief Organic Green Grapes
         43878- -Air
                      ChiefPreformed BoxGrapes
                            Organic Red
  Must carry allall
       contain   three
                 show the
                       the Air
                           Air Chief
                               Chief brand  (boxesare
                                     label (boxes  areOK)
           must be
                remain up afor
                   up for      a minimum
                            minimum      of one
                                      of one    week
 • Send all contest entries to Steph Mayer ( by October 1st
• Send all contest entries to Steph Mayer ( by Thursday October 3rd.

                Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers for the following categories:
                 Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finishers for the following categories:
    LARGEST      - “GRAND
                             OF THEGATHERING”
                                   GRAPES)                                MOST CREATIVEDISPLAY
                                                                          MOST CREATIVE - “GIFTED GRAPE
                                                                                                (GRAPE   GALLERY”
                                                                                                       X SCAPE)
   1ST PLACE - COOL WEATHER PACKAGE                           2ND PLACE - APPLE OR
             Chiminea and cover,                             SAMSUNG SMARTWATCH
1st - Xbox One    X Package
2nd 2- Adirondack Chairs, and a Kindle Fire
       Drone Package
3rd - Facebook Portal
Honorable Mention - $100 Gift Card

                                                            3RD PLACE - BEATS STUDIO

• Merchandise grapes in high traffic areas for the best visibility     • Sell grapes in both bulk and bag.
• Be sure to keep fresh. Cull out any bad berries.                     • Package up all three colors together for a nice tri-color pack
• Ribbon all three colors together using greens to break the color.

                           PHONE: 1.800.422.8384           FAX: 1.717.721.2597
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce

       Watermelon Display Contest

             August 23 - September 13, 2021
The National Watermelon Board has teamed up with Four Seasons Produce to bring you a display
contest with this all time summertime staple! When you think of summer fruit, watermelon is at the
top of the list, so lets cap off another great summer watermelon season with this contest celebration!
The quality of fruit this year, in all sizes has been amazing. With Labor Day on the horizon, now is the
perfect time to keep that hydration station display up and flourishing!

                                         CONTEST CRITERIA:
• Build a dynamite display watermelon using fruit purchased from Four Seasons Produce. Any type and
size of watermelon, CV or OG will qualify for entry.
• Keep your displays up for at least one week.
• Send all pictures in to Steph Mayer ( by September 17th.

ORGANIC                                  CONVENTIONAL
•    CODE:   43788 - 45ct                •   CODE: 11997 - 45ct
•    CODE:   43806 - 60ct                •   CODE: 11991 - 60ct
•    CODE:   43796 - 4ct Seedless        •   CODE: 12028 - 8ct Mini’s
•    CODE:   43765 - 5ct Seedless
•    CODE:   41434 - 8ct Mini’s

                                         CONTEST PRIZES:
                          Prizes will be judged on overall eye appeal and creativity.
                                                                   2ND PLACE:                 4TH PLACE:
 Grand Prize:                                                    300 GIFT CARD
                                                                 $                      $
                                                                                            150 GIFT CARD

$750 Gift Card                       $
                                        1ST PLACE:
                                      500 GIFT CARD
                                                                                300                 $

                    750                           $
                                                   500             3RD PLACE:             5TH PLACE:
                                                                 200 GIFT CARD
                                                                                        100 GIFT CARD

                                                                               200                 $

    For more watermelon display tips and ideas, contact your Four Seasons Sales Rep or Merchandiser!

                               PHONE: 1.800.422.8384      |
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
    August 29 - September 25, 2021

 Four Seasons Produce will be partnering with the Little Potato Company to support a “Back to School” display contest for the month
 of September. This will be the perfect opportunity to close out summer and get your customers back into a routine of preparing
 wholesome meals. With cooler weather anticipated, customers will be looking for new ideas that are simple and delicious. The
 microwavable LPC trays will be a perfect match for creating a nutritious side dish. This contest will allow stores to drive sales on
 a hardy item that is super versatile and has very little risk. Let’s get creative and build some fun, excitement and sales within your
 produce department as we transition into Autumn and Back to School.

 • All product must be purchased from Four Seasons Produce            • Send pictures to Steph Mayer at FSP
                                                                      no later than 9/28/2021
 • Displays must be in place for a minimum of one week
                                                                      • Social Media is recommended, but not required
 • Use of 1.5 lb bags along with microwaveable shippers is
 permitted but the focus has to be on the micro trays/ shippers.
 Added bags cannot dominate the display, just enhance the dis-
 play to drive additional sales.

 212058 - CV Potatoes Variety Shipper 36/1 lb
 218975 - POS Display Bin 1 ea
 212054 - CV Potatoes Roast Pepper 6/1 lb
 212052 - CV Potatoes Onion Chive 6/1 lb
 212051 - CV Potatoes Garlic 6/1 lb
 213073 - CV Potatoes Blushing Belle 16/1.5 lb
 213062 - CV Potatoes Boomer Gold 16/1.5 lb
 213075 - CV Potatoes Dynamic Duo 16/1.5 lb
 213074 - CV Potatoes Terrific Trio 16/1.5 lb
 212056 - CV Garlic/Parsley Micro Potatoes 6/1lb
 222885 - CV Lemon/Garlic Micro Potatoes 6/1lb

                                    $250                                           $200                                         $150
  1ST PLACE                                     2ND PLACE                                     3RD PLACE
$ 250 Visa gift card                          $ 200 Visa gift card                           $150 Visa gift card

                                     PHONE: 1.800.422.8384             |
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
                                                     AUGUST 27 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021

                   LATE SEASON PLUMS & PLUOTS
                                                                                                                Another round of Pluots are on the way from
                                                                                                                Family Tree Farms in California for promotion in
                                                                                                                early September.

                                                                                                                Starting 9/1, we’ll have 12lb euro single lay-
                                                                                                                er packs and 16/1lb clamshells on Gold Rush
                                                                                                                (Green-Yellow), Plum Cherry (Red), Summer
                                                                                                                Punch (Red), and King Kong II (Black). Get
                                                                                                                ready to promote some outstanding specialty
                                                                                                                stone fruit from Family Tree Farms, known for ex-
                                                                                                                ceptional texture and flavor!

                                                                                                                Unfortunately, the Plapple and Turtle Egg variet-
                                                                                                                ies will not be available this year due to challeng-
                                                                                                                ing growing conditions.

                                                                                                                Red and Black Plums continue with late season
                                                                                                                varieties like Pretty Belle and Simka.

               CV GRAPES                                             CV BERRIES                                                 CV APPLES
Stella Bella Green Grapes from Sunview Market-       Blackberries and Raspberries will remain in good           New crop Eastern Apples are off and running!
ing have been absolutely beautiful! These grapes     supply heading into September. Quality has been            Look for good supplies and beautiful quality on
are extra-large, sweet, and very crunchy. You’ve     nice, but pricing will begin to rise in September as       Gala, Honeycrisp, and Ginger Gold Apples right
got to try these grapes today - please ask about     we begin to transition to Mexico.                          now. We have all options available from 3 lb poly
code 228706.                                                                                                    bags, totes, and trays.
                                                     ALERT! Strawberries will be in much tighter supply
Cotton Candy Grapes from The Grapery have            from California heading into the first week of Sep-        Get ready for a few more Eastern varieties to
                                                                                                                kick in as we head into September. Red Delicious,
been excellent so far this season. The quality has   tember. We are coming to an end of the season in
                                                                                                                McIntosh, Jonagold, Cortland, Empire, Fuji, and
been amazing, and the flavor is over the top! Talk   the northern growing areas in Salinas and Watson-          SweeTango are all set to begin between 9/1
about sweet - our latest arrival shows the sugar     ville, and volumes are lighter. We’re also seeing          and 9/13.
content (BRIX level) at 23%.                         some challenges from the growing conditions, which
                                                     is resulting in higher amounts of bruising in the fruit.   New crop Honeycrisp Apples have started for
Moon Drop Grapes from The Grapery will be            Sizing is also much smaller, and that limits the abili-    the season on both the east coast and Washing-
promotable starting at the beginning of Septem-      ty for larger packs such as the 2lb clamshell.             ton. One note to call out is that here will be quite
ber. This is the elongated, sweet, black seedless                                                               a spread in pricing (as much as $40.00 a case)
variety.                                             NOTE: Blueberries will remain in tighter supply as         between old storage crop (with quality declining)
                                                     we close out the month of August. We’re now get-           and new crop (fresh) from Washington. To get into
Green and Red Grapes are in good supply from         ting into beautiful Peruvian imports, but the volumes      the better quality, we’ll be transitioning to new
California, and the quality has been excellent.      simply aren’t enough to offset the demand. Look            crop in the end of August and early September.
We’ll be carrying primarily all premium XL fruit,    for outstanding quality, but much higher pricing in
                                                                                                                NOTE: Granny Smith Apples are in extremely
but stay tuned for deals on LG options as we head    September.
                                                                                                                short supply heading into the first week of Sep-
into September.                                                                                                 tember. This market will remain tight for at least a
                                                                                                                couple weeks until new crop begins.
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                      MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

            CV CUCUMBERS                                                CV PEPPERS                                  CV HASS AVOCADOS
Euro Seedless Cucumbers out of Canada remain               Green Bell Peppers remain promotable for the       ALERT! Hass Avocados from Mexico are in
very promotable for the beginning of September.            beginning of September. Local PA and NJ farms      very tight supply again for the beginning of
Quality has been nice.                                     continue to harvest. Quality has been excellent.   September and prices are up. Large fruit is vir-
                                                                                                              tually unavailable, and what little fruit Califor-
Mini Seedless Cucumbers also remain promotable             11lb Red, Orange, and Yellow Pepper prices did     nia and Peru had left are basically all gone.
for the beginning of September. The flush is starting      rise some as Canadian harvests slow down. Qual-
to clean up, however supplies remain strong.               ity has been very nice on all varieties.           Mexico’s Aventajada crop will not start until the
                                                                                                              middle of September, so the next few weeks will
Super Select Cucumber prices are rising slightly                                                              be very tight. There will be no 32ct fruit for at
for the beginning of September. The heavy rains                                                               least 3 weeks! Please plan to adjust avocado sets
in late August have prematurely ended some fields                                                             to smaller sizing!
and new plantings are not quite ready to harvest.
Quality has been nice.

           CV STONE FRUIT                                          CV WATERMELONS                                        CV SWEET CORN
New Jersey Peaches and Nectarines continue to              Watermelons are promotable for the beginning       Sweet Corn remains very promotable for the be-
be promotable, and the quality has been very nice.         of September coming from DE, MD, and NC. PA        ginning of September. Farms continue produce ex-
We will continue to stick with all 2 ¾” size fruit until   melons are starting to finish up as the season     cellent quality and yields locally. Expect harvests
the season winds down by mid-September.                    comes to an end. Quality has been very nice.       to continue to Mid-September.

Cherries are finished for the USA season. Thank
you for your support!

          CV GREEN BEANS                                             CV ASPARAGUS                                           CV LETTUCE
Green Bean prices are rising somewhat off the              Asparagus prices will get tighter for the begin-   Iceberg, Green Leaf, and Red Leaf Lettuces
floor for the beginning of September. Heavy rains          ning of September as Mexico and Peru’s produc-     are readily available. The Iceberg Lettuce from
in late August have some hurt some local produc-           tion is slowing down. Quality has been nice, but   Quebec is trading at a significant value over
tion, causing markets to react. Quality has been           pricing will continue to get stronger.             western product.
ORGANIC MARKET NEWS - Four Seasons Produce
AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                      MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

      CV LOCAL TOMATOES                                               CV TOMATOES                                 CV BROCCOLI & CAULIFLOWER
Grape Tomatoes remain steady for the beginning            Beefsteak Tomatoes will be promotable for the           LOCAL OUTLOOK: With September around the
of September. Local PA-grown production will be-          beginning of September. Weak demand with in-            corner, talk of local Bin Cauliflower and Bin
gin to taper off as peak season is winding down.          creased production has crashed markets. Quality         Broccoli has begun. Transplants are in the ground
We should continue to see availability well into          has been nice coming from Canada.                       and are looking good from our local PA growers.
September.                                                                                                        First harvests are expected by end of September
                                                          Cluster Tomato prices eased off for the beginning
                                                                                                                  as long as the weather holds out.
Vine Ripe Tomato prices are coming off for the            of September. Harvests are steady but demand
                                                          remains weak.
beginning of September. After plenty of rain and                                                                  Cauliflower availability has been steady out of
weather turning hot, harvests are coming on strong.       Roma Tomatoes remain steady for the beginning           CA, Quebec, and Maine but there is concern with
Quality has been exceptional. Great promotion             of September coming out of Tennessee and Mexi-          heat that might slow down harvests.
opportunity for the beginning of September!               co. Quality has been very nice.
                                                                                                                  There are healthy supplies of Broccoli Crowns in all
Lancaster County, PA Medley Tomatoes are avail-           Mini Snacking Medley Tomato prices have                 growing regions. Quality continues to be wonderful.
able in 15/1 pints.                                       come way off to promotable levels. Quality has
                                                          been excellent.

  CV NAVELS & MANDARINS                                          CV LEMONS & LIMES                                                CV SALADS
Import Navel Oranges continue to be in good               Lemons are in good supply from California. Pric-        ALERT! Fresh Express is experiencing delays in
supply, and the quality has been excellent.               ing will remain higher than usual, but the quality is   shipping from their Harrisburg, PA facility due to
                                                          very nice. Sizing will remain most plentiful on the     labor shortages. This is causing fill-rate disrup-
We will continue to carry many pack sizes head-           larger side with mostly 95sz and 115sz available.       tions from Fresh Express when they can’t get their
ing into September, including loose 56, 72, and                                                                   trucks out.
88sz as well as 9/3 lb bags. Continue to promote          NOTE: Limes are currently in steady supply but
these beautiful import Navels.
                                                          look for this market to become tighter as we            Dole’s logistics for their Salad production have
Ports are backed up and bagging operations are            head into mid-September. Quality has been very          been much stronger, but they are having some oc-
behind due to labor shortages. These two factors          nice on all place pack 42sz, 54sz, and even bulk        cassional pro-rates due to their own production
are could put some supply chain hiccups in an oth-        150sz fruit.                                            capacity challenges.
erwise good Peruvian Mandarin season.

                                                                     OTHER STORIES
• Mangos from Mexico are winding down. There is            • Red, Yellow, and White Onions continue to be in       • Brussels Sprouts availably continues to slightly im-
little to no 10-12ct sizing as what is left from Mexico    improved supply for the beginning of September as       prove. Better volume is expected after Labor Day.
is much larger fruit to finish the season. We are 1-2      Washington continues to produce better supplies.
weeks away from a nice Brazilian crop, which we will                                                               • Artichoke availability is limited headed into Sep-
transition right into.                                     • Black Mission Figs from California remain pro-        tember. Expect big price jumps.
                                                           motable as we head into September. Look to take
• PA Simply Sweet Onions continue to be in pro-            advantage of some peak freshness and flavor! We         • Local Green Squash remains steady for the be-
motable supplies. Peruvian Sweet Onions are also           will have some Tiger Stripe/Panache Figs available      ginning of September. Quality has been very nice.
hitting the scene for the beginning of September as        in limited supply for early September as well in a
the first of the season imports are getting started        12/8oz pack.                                            • NOTE: Yellow Squash prices continue to be
out of Peru. We will continue to promote the locally                                                               strong this season. Overall acreage was cut as
grown Sweet Onions while they are available.               • Dragon Fruit from Florida slowed down very rap-
                                                                                                                   farmers just planted less or didn’t plant any at all,
                                                           idly out of Florida and supplies are now limited.
                                                                                                                   keeping markets strong.
AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                     MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

                                   SEPTEMBER 6 - 8, 2021

225214 - CV Pears Cactus Red 20 lb
17450 - CV Guava 10 lb
17788 - CV Jackfruit 26 lb
224710 - CV Kiwi Sungold NZL 13 lb 27 sz 44 ct
9696 - CV Passion Fruit 30-35 ct
17725 - CV Rambutan 5 lb
17780 - CV Starfruit 25/30 ct
225487 - CV Melons Pepino 7 lb
17211 - CV Coconuts 40 ct
17232 - CV Coconuts Young Thai 9 ct
221966 - CV Dragon Fruit Red 10 lb
17737 - CV Dragon Fruit White 10 lb
222923 - CV Dragon Fruit Yellow Pitahaya 5.5 lb
17454 - CV Figs Fresh Black Mission 12/8 oz
17714 - CV Papayas Maradol 35 lb
219869 - CV Papayas Solo 9/10 ct
17678 - CV Pomegranates 36 ct
43660 - OG Dates Medjool Extra Fancy 11 lb
44697 - OG Dates Deglet Noor Pitted 24/1 lb
43372 - OG Dates Medjool Extra Fancy 24/1 lb
227198 - OG Coconut Chunks Fresh 12/4 oz
45008 - OG Date Roll Almond 12/12 oz
45018 - OG Date Roll Coconut 12/12 ozv
216485 - OG Finger Limes 16/50 gram Buck
44231 - OG Limes Makrut 10 lb Buck
44078 - OG Key Limes 10 lb Buck
45357 - OG Lemons Pink Varigated 10 lb Buck
46344 - OG Mamey 10 lb
212446 - OG Melons Kiwano Horned 12/14 ct

                    PHONE: 1.800.422.8384 | FAX: 1.717.721.2597 |
 AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                      MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

40814 - OG Peppers Hungarian Wax 10 lb           40309 - OG Arugula 12 ct
41036 - OG Squash Acorn Green 30 lb              40454 - OG Cabbage Red PREM 45 lb
41035 - OG Squash Delicata 35 lb                 41112 - OG Escarole 24 ct
41044 - OG Squash Kabocha 35 lb                  40670 - OG Greens Collard 24 ct
41050 - OG Squash Spaghetti 30 lb                40640 - OG Herb Cilantro 30 ct
                                                 41150 - OG Lettuce Butter Green 24 ct
CHRIST KING/KING FAMILY FARMS - LANCASTER, PA    41160 - OG Lettuce Green Leaf 24 ct
41525 - OG Onions Red MD 40 lb                   41165 - OG Lettuce Red Leaf 24 ct
41535 - OG Onions Sweet JBO PA 40 lb             41180 - OG Lettuce Romaine 24 ct
41536 - OG Onions Sweet MD PA 40 lb              40864 - OG Radishes Red Bunched PREM 24 ct
41036 - OG Squash Acorn Green 30 lb              40900 - OG Spinach Bunched 24 ct
41031 - OG Squash Butternut 35 lb                41101 - OG Squash Gold Bar 20 lb
41050 - OG Squash Spaghetti 30 lb                40297 - OG Squash Yellow 20 lb
41379 - OG Tomatoes Grape 12/1 pt                41358 - OG Tomatoes Heirloom 10 lb
42305 - OG Tomatoes Roma 20 lb
41357 - OG Tomatoes Vine Ripe Round 20 lb        LANCASTER FARM FRESH COOP – LANCASTER, PA
                                                 40518 - OG Cabbage Savoy 35 lb
CLARION RIVER - SLIGO, PA                        40462 - OG Corn Bi-Color 48 ct
41255 - OG Peppers Poblano 10 lb                 40650 - OG Dandelion 12 ct
41036 - OG Squash Acorn Green 30 lb              40670 - OG Greens Collard 24 ct
                                                 40675 - OG Greens Kale 24 ct
DEEP ROOT ORGANIC CO-OP - JOHNSON, VT            40814 - OG Peppers Hungarian Wax 10 lb
40491 - OG Burdock Root 10 lb                    228711 OG Peppers Mini-Mix Sweet 8/1 pt
40515 - OG Cabbage Napa 35 lb                    42324 - OG Peppers Purple 10 lb
40454 - OG Cabbage Red 45 lb                     41015 - OG Squash Green 20 lb
41084 - OG Celeriac (Celery Root) 12 ct w/tops   41032 - OG Squash Patty Pan 22 lb
41080 - OG Cucumbers European 12 ct              41398 - OG Tomatoes Gold Grape 12/1 pt
40628 - OG Dandelion 24 ct                       43788 - OG Watermelons 45 ct 15 lb Ave Bin
40211 - OG Fennel 12 ct                          43806 - OG Watermelons 60 ct 11 lb Ave Bin
40675 - OG Kale Green 24 ct
40623 - OG Sunchokes White 10 lb                 LADY MOON FARMS - CHAMBERSBURG, PA
                                                 41088 - OG Cucumbers PREM 20 lb
                                                 41091 - OG Cucumbers “ECO” 20 lb
EAGLE SHADOW FARMS - MILLVILLE,PA                40639 - OG Eggplant PREM 24 lb
41531 - OG Onions Red JBO 40 lb                  40796 - OG Peppers Green PREM 25 lb
40485 - OG Beets Red 25 lb                       40838 - OG Peppers Jalapeno 10 lb
                                                 41020 - OG Squash Green PREM 20 lb
FLAIM FARMS - VINELAND, NJ                       41346 - OG Tomatoes Cherry 12/1 pt Clamshell
40309 - OG Arugula 12 ct                         41385 - OG Tomatoes Cherry Rainbow 12/1 pt
40513 - OG Bok Choy Baby PREM 20 lb              41336 - OG Tomatoes Grape Premium 12/1 pt
40510 - OG Bok Choy PREM 35 lb                   41358 - OG Tomatoes Heirloom 10 lb
40548 - OG Cabbage Green PREM 45 lb
40650 - OG Dandelion 12 ct                       REED FAMILY FARM - ELIZABETHTOWN, PA
40644 - OG Eggplant 22 lb                        40376 - OG Beans Green 25 lb
40836 - OG Eggplant Graffiti 20 lb
40671 - OG Greens Collard 12 ct                  PEDERSEN FARMS - SENECA CASTLE, NY
40672 - OG Greens Kale 12 ct                     40548 - OG Cabbage Green PREM 45 lb
219525 - OG Herb Mint 12 ct                      40454 - OG Cabbage Red PREM 45 lb
40912 - OG Leeks Bulk PREM 20 lb                 40462 - OG Corn Bi-Color 48 ct
40838 - OG Peppers Jalapeno 10 lb                40675 - OG Greens Kale 24 ct
41255 - OG Peppers Poblano 10 lb

41372 - OG Tomatoes Beefsteak 15 lb
43805 - OG Watermelons Mini 35 lb 6 ct
 AUGUST 27, 2021 - SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 |
                                      MARKET NEWS 35 21 | FOUR SEASONS PRODUCE

                                                1837 - CV Peppers Green JBO Local 22 lb
BARNETT FARMS - WASHINGTON BORO, PA                                                                   TORREY FARMS - ELBA, NY
23206 - CV Tomatoes Cherry Rainbow PA 15/1 pt   1967 - CV Peppers Jalapeno 35 lb                      750 - CV Cabbage Green 50 lb
23305 - CV Tomatoes Grape PA 12/1 pt            1995 - CV Peppers Poblano 20 lb                       780 - CV Cabbage Red 50 lb
                                                2255 - CV Squash Green MED 20 lb                      2255 - CV Squash Green MED 20 lb
CEDAR MEADOW - LANCASTER, PA                    2338 - CV Squash Yellow MD Local 20 lb
23156 - CV Tomatoes Heirloom PA 15 lb           2334 - CV Squash Zucchini Gold Bar 20 lb              VINCENT FARMS - DELMAR, DE
23111 - CV Tomatoes Round XL 5x6 25 lb                                                                11059 - CV Cantaloupes Athena Style 110 ct Bin
                                                HESS BROTHERS FRUIT - LANCASTER, PA                   1084 - CV Corn White Local 50 dz Bin
CHRIST KING - LANCASTER, PA                     5030 - CV Apples Gala 2.5” East 12/3 lb bag           1060 - CV Corn White 48 ct
23220 - CV Tomatoes Roma 25 lb                  5475 - CV Apples Gala East 40 lb 72/88 ct             1086 - CV Corn Bi-Color Local 50 dz Bin
228499 - CV Tomatoes Vine Ripe XL/JBO 25 lb     5168 - CV Apples Gala East 38 lb 8 ct tote bags       1062 - CV Corn Bi-Color 48 ct
                                                5294 - CV Apples Ginger Gold East 40 lb 72/88 ct      1837 - CV Peppers Green JBO Local 22 lb
COPENHAVER - LEBANON, PA                        5175 - CV Apples Ginger Gold 38 lb 8 ct tote bags     228499 - CV Tomatoes Vine Ripe XL/JBO 25 lb
480 - CV Beans Green 25 lb                      5017 - CV Apples Ginger Gold 2.5” 12/3 lb bag         11997 - CV Watermelons 45 ct 15 lb Ave Bin
                                                5476 - CV Apples Honeycrisp East 40 lb 72/88 ct
1062 - CV Corn Bi-Color 48 ct                   JERSEY FRESH POTATOES - WOODBURY, NJ
                                                4447 - CV Potatoes Gold 10/5 lb
FLAIM FARMS - VINELAND, NJ                      4493 - CV Potatoes Red NJ 10/5 lb Bag
205 - CV Arugula 24 ct                          4643 - CV Potatoes Russet 10/5 lb
550 - CV Beets Red Bunched 12 ct                4404 - CV Potatoes White NJ 10/5 lb
591 - CV Bok Choy 30 lb
592 - CV Bok Choy Baby Shanghai 30 lb           JERSEY FRUIT - HAMMONTON, NJ
750 - CV Cabbage Green 50 lb                    15470 - CV Nectarines 2 3/4” NJ 25 lb
1170 - CV Dandelion Bunch 12 ct                 15678 - CV Peaches 2 1/2” NJ 25 lb
1260 - CV Eggplant PREM 24 lb                   15679 - CV Peaches 2 3/4” NJ 25 lb
1291 - CV Eggplant Chinese 10 lb                15685 - CV Peaches White 2 3/4” NJ 25 lb
1275 - CV Eggplant Graffiti NJ 12 lb
1262 - CV Eggplant Italian 11 lb                JOSH WEAVER - LANCASTER COUNTY, PA
1308 - CV Greens Collard NJ 18 lb               1084 - CV Corn White Local 50 dz Bin
1315 - CV Greens Kale NJ 18 lb                  11996 - CV Watermelons 36 ct 18 lb Ave Bin
455 - CV Herb Basil 15 ct                       11973 - CV Watermelons PA 45 ct 15lb Avg Bin
1510 - CV Herb Mint 12 ct Box                   11991 - CV Watermelons 60 ct 11 lb Average Bin
1462 - CV Kohlrabi Green 12 ct
1975 - CV Peppers Cubanelle 18 lb               MIKE FINK - GERMANSVILLE, PA
1837 - CV Peppers Green JBO Local 22 lb         1062 - CV Corn Bi-Color 48 ct
1993 - CV Peppers Habanero Orange 8 lb          228742 - CV Cucumbers Super Local 65 ct
1807 - CV Peppers Habanero Red 8 lb
1967 - CV Peppers Jalapeno 35 lb                NARDELLI LAKE VIEW FARMS - CEDARVILLE, NJ
1965 - CV Peppers Jalapeno 10 lb                480 - CV Beans Green 25 lb
1980 - CV Peppers Long Hot 16 lb                550 - CV Beets Red Bunched 12 ct
1995 - CV Peppers Poblano 20 lb                 750 - CV Cabbage Green 50 lb
1985 - CV Peppers Serrano 8 lb                  225739 - CV Corn Purple Violet 12/4 ct Tray
1827 - CV Peppers Shishito 10 lb                1315 - CV Greens Kale NJ 18 lb
2350 - CV Squash Acorn 35 lb                    1345 - CV Greens Mustard 12 ct
2365 - CV Squash Kabocha 35 lb                  1350 - CV Greens Turnip 18 lb
2390 - CV Squash Spaghetti 35 lb                1475 - CV Leeks Bunched 12 ct
2255 - CV Squash Green MD Local 20 lb           2372 - CV Squash Butternut 35 lb

11996 - CV Watermelons 36 ct 18 lb Ave Bin      23305 - CV Tomatoes Grape PA 12/1 pt
11997 - CV Watermelons 45 ct 15 lb Ave Bin
11991 - CV Watermelons 60 ct 11 lb Ave Bin      STAUFFER HULING FARMS - LANCASTER, PA
                                                4106 - CV Onions Sweet JBO PA 40 lb PA Simply Sweet
HESS FARMS - WAYNESBORO, PA                     4628 - CV Onions Sweet PA 14/3 lb PA Simply Sweet
480 - CV Beans Green 25 lb
2845 - CV Cucumbers Kirby 40 lb                 SUNRISE ACRES/EPHRAIM ZOOK - LANCASTER, PA
228742 - CV Cucumbers Super Local 65 ct         228499 - CV Tomatoes Vine Ripe XL/JBO 25 lb
1975 - CV Peppers Cubanelle 18 lb               21450 - CV Tomatoes Vine Ripe 4x5 20 lb 2-Layer
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