Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021

Page created by Karl Curry
Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
   Doctorate of Medicine
       Green Bay, Wisconsin
               June 3, 2021
Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
          “I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you
          who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.”
            —Albert Schweitzer

          Thank you for joining us on this exceptional occasion. I extend a hearty
          congratulations and deep gratitude to each of you as we celebrate MCW-Green
          Bay’s Commencement and Hooding Ceremony.

          We have collectively shared in the work leading to this monumental day. We
          recognize that your journey has been made more difficult and circuitous against
          the backdrop of the pandemic. I am proud of each one of you for your resilience
          and determination. Today would not be possible without the ingenuity, faith, and
          bold courage of academic, clinical, and community-wide partners, hundreds of
          local physicians, philanthropic supporters, dedicated staff and faculty, and indeed,
          our medical students.

          I want to recognize those who, because of the Covid-19 Pandemic, cannot be in
          the room with us today. It is not lost on each of us the profound contributions
          they have made to ensure each of the graduates arrived at this moment.
          To the loved ones and families that have supported these graduates on their long
          journey, thank you. Your graduate has worked tirelessly to earn the title of “Dr.”
          and to embrace the heavy responsibility that comes with the privilege of serving
          others as a physician. Today we celebrate their achievement. We honor them as
          graduates, and we honor you as the source of their strength and encouragement in
          a difficult world.

          Sincere congratulations and good luck to the newest graduates of MCW-
          Green Bay. As you heal, comfort, and serve your patients, you will always be
          ambassadors of our regional campus. We are incredibly proud of you!

          Matthew L. Hunsaker, MD, FAAFP
          Founding Campus Dean, Medical College of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
Order of Exercise
Processional                                                 Remarks
  Music by Matthew Wheeler, MD ‘18                             Matthew Hunsaker, MD

Welcome                                                      Student Speaker
  Matthew Hunsaker, MD                                         Abdulghani M. Mounir, Class of 2021
  Founding Campus Dean, MCW-Green Bay
                                                             Graduate and Faculty Award Presentation
  John R. Raymond, Sr., MD                                     Matthew Hunsaker, MD
  President and CEO                                            Jenna Lent, Class of 2021

  Joseph E. Kerschner, MD ‘90, FEL ‘98                       Conferral of Degrees
  The Julia A. Uihlein, MA, Dean of the School of Medicine     MCW Medical School Oath
  Provost and Executive Vice President                            Matthew Hunsaker, MD

  John (Jay) B. Williams                                       John R. Raymond, Sr., MD
  Chair, MCW Board of Trustees                                 President and CEO

  Matthew I. Goldblatt, MD ’97, GME ’04                        Doctor of Medicine Candidates
  President, MCW/Marquette Medical Alumni Association             Candidates announced by
                                                                  Sunny Debelak, MBA
Conferral of Honorary Degree                                      Campus Administrator
  Matthew Hunsaker, MD:
    Larry Weyers                                             Faculty Charge
                                                               Matthew Wheeler, MD ‘18
Keynote Address
  Larry Weyers                                               Closing Remarks
  Former Chairman, President, and CEO                          Matthew Hunsaker, MD
  Integrys Energy Group
  Former Green Bay Packers Lead Director

Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
President and CEO                                               The Julia A. Uihlein, MA, Dean                                   Founding Campus Dean for
                                                                of the School of Medicine                                        the Medical College of
John R. Raymond, Sr., MD, joined
                                                                Provost and Executive Vice                                       Wisconsin-Green Bay
the Medical College of Wisconsin
as its sixth President and CEO in                                                                                                Matthew L. Hunsaker, MD, joined the
July 2010. He previously served                                 Joseph E. Kerschner, MD, became                                  Medical College of Wisconsin as the
as Vice President for Academic                                  Dean of the School of Medicine                                   Founding Campus Dean for the Medical
Affairs and Provost at the Medical                              and Executive Vice President of                                  College of Wisconsin-Green Bay and
University of South Carolina                                    the Medical College of Wisconsin                                 Professor of Family and Community
(MUSC), where he had been a                                     in November 2011. Dr. Kerschner                                  Medicine in January 2014.
faculty member since 1996.                                      assumed the additional role of
                                                                Provost in June 2017. In late 2020, Dr. Kerschner was            Dr. Hunsaker provides overall leadership and management of
Dr. Raymond leads Wisconsin’s only private health sciences      named the inaugural Julia A. Uihlein, MA., Dean of the           MCW’s regional medical school campus in Green Bay and serves
university, which includes the nation’s third-largest private   School of Medicine. His past executive positions include         as the primary liaison for our health system, academic and
medical school. Under his leadership, MCW continues to          CEO of Children’s Specialty Group and Executive Vice             community partners in Northeast Wisconsin, as well as with
be a leader of innovation as Wisconsin’s largest private        President of Children’s Wisconsin. He remains Professor          MCW’s Milwaukee campus. Dr. Hunsaker has served as a national
research institution.                                           in the Departments of Otolaryngology and Communication           and international resource for medical education, particularly in
                                                                Sciences, and Microbiology and Immunology.                       the design and scale-up of medical education, primary care, and
A practicing nephrologist with active roles in clinical                                                                          community-based medical teaching models.
care, teaching and faculty mentorship, Dr. Raymond also         An alumnus of MCW, Dr. Kerschner joined the faculty in
is a medical researcher studying the basic mechanisms           1998. As a physician at Children’s Wisconsin, his clinical
of kidney cell function. He has published more than 140         focus is on otitis media (ear infections), voice disorders and
full-length manuscripts and earned nearly $40 million in        vascular anomalies in children. Dr. Kerschner’s research
funding in his career. He is a member of the Association of     includes studies to identify causes of and potential new
American Physicians and the American Society for Clinical       treatments for pediatric ear infections. Dr. Kerschner
Investigation.                                                  has published more than 160 articles, book chapters
                                                                and reviews in professional journals and has presented
Dr. Raymond is a member of the Board of Directors of the        extensively on his clinical and research areas of expertise at
United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County             scientific meetings.
and served as Co-chair of the 2020 United Way Campaign.
He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Versiti Blood   In November 2020, Dr. Kerschner completed his one-year
Center of Wisconsin. He is the Past President of the Board of   tenure as Chair of the Board of Directors for the Association
the American Heart Association of Metro Milwaukee.              of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), an organization that
                                                                represents more than 170 medical schools in the United
                                                                States and Canada. He previously served as Chair of the
                                                                AAMC’s Council of Deans.
Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
Board of Trustees
Chair of the Board                                                              Medical College of Wisconsin Board of Trustees
                                                                                            John (Jay) B. Williams, Chair
Mr. John (Jay) B. Williams
                                                                                        Cory L. Nettles, Immediate Past Chair
currently serves as Chairman of
                                                                                              Philip B. Flynn, Vice Chair
the Board of Associated Banc-
                                                                                            Mary Ellen Stanek, Secretary
Corp, Inc. and Chairman of the
                                                                                             Thomas L. Spero, Treasurer
Board of Church Mutual Insurance
Company, along with serving on
                                                                                              Elizabeth “Betsy” Brenner
the board of other for profit and
                                                                                                    Christy L. Brown
nonprofit organizations.
                                                                                                      John Donofrio
                                                                                                         David Gay
Mr. Williams’ career spanned 37 years in the banking
                                                                                                 Linda G. Gorens-Levey
industry where he held various leadership positions. In
                                                                                                  Paul W. Griepentrog
addition, he is the past President and CEO of the Milwaukee
                                                                                                     John M. Grogan
Public Museum.
                                                                                                     Jon D. Hammes
                                                                                                Jacqueline Herd-Barber
Mr. Williams earned a Master of Business Administration
                                                                                                      Ted D. Kellner
degree from Marquette University and a Bachelor of
                                                                                               Joseph E. Kerschner, MD
Business Administration degree from St. Norbert College.
                                                                                                       John R. Kirby
In 2016, Mr. Williams received an honorary doctorate
                                                                                                        David Lubar
degree from St. Norbert College, in 2010 he received the
                                                                                                       Chris Miskel
Professional Achievement Award from Marquette University
                                                                                                    Justin L. Mortara
College of Business Administration and in 2001 he received
                                                                                                   Marie Nakata, MD
the Distinguished Business Alumni Award from St. Norbert
                                                                                                  Wayne C. Oldenburg
College. Mr. Williams is a National Association of Corporate
                                                                                            Janis M. Orlowski, MD, MACP
Directors Board Leadership Fellow, he has received the
                                                                                            Rebecca J. Pirozzolo-Mellowes
NACD Director Certification, and he has also earned a CERT
                                                                                              John R. Raymond, Sr., MD
Certificate in Cybersecurity Oversight from NACD.
                                                                                                   Kristina M. Ropella

                                                                                   Strategic Direction to Support our Mission
                                                               The elected members of the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Board of Trustees are business
                                                               executives, philanthropists and distinguished community leaders, pooling their wealth of
                                                                     knowledge and experience to enhance our mission and help shape our future.

Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
Honorary Degree
                 Larry Weyers           Mr. Larry Weyers has served on the Community Advisory Board of MCW-Green
                 Doctor of Humanities   Bay since its inception. He has a wealth of experience in corporate operations,
                                        leadership and governance. In March 2010, he retired as Chairman of Integrys
                                        Energy Group, Inc. (previously WPS Resources Corporation), a holding company
                                        with operations providing products and services in regulated and nonregulated
                                        energy markets. Previously, he served as its Chairman, President and Chief
                                        Executive Officer from February 1998 to December 2008, having joined Wisconsin
                                        Public Service Corporation, a utility subsidiary of Integrys Energy Group, Inc.,
                                        in 1985. Prior to joining Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, Mr. Weyers was
                                        employed as a Management Consultant in the Energy Practice of Towers Perrin.

                                        From July 2010 to July 2015, Mr. Weyers served as Vice President and Lead Director
                                        of the Board of Directors of the Green Bay Packers, Inc., on which he has served
                                        since 2003. He is currently an emeritus member. He also serves on the Board of
                                        Directors of Green Bay Packaging, a privately held company. Mr. Weyers has served
                                        on boards in banking, hospital administration, electric transmission, the paper
                                        industry, industrial manufacturing and insurance.

                                        Mr. Weyers has served on numerous not-for-profit Boards including Bellin Health,
                                        Green Bay Partners in Education, Forward Wisconsin, the Green Bay Area Chamber
                                        of Commerce, Competitive Wisconsin, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce,
                                        and Downtown Green Bay Inc. He is past chair of the Boy Scouts’ “Scouting For
                                        Food” campaign and served on an advisory board for the YWCA.

                                        Recently, Mr. Weyers has directed his attention to several entrepreneurial
                                        enterprises including MCW-Green Bay. He is a committed advocate of the medical
                                        school. Mr. Weyers was a key thought leader in garnering support for the Green Bay
                                        Packers Student Scholarship fund.

                                        Mr. Weyers holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics from Doane College
                                        in Nebraska, a Master of Science degree in nuclear engineering from Columbia
                                        University in New York, and a Master of Business Administration degree from
                                        Harvard University. He is a registered professional engineer.

Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
                                              Graduates of 2021:
                                              Congratulations on this momentous occasion! Reflections of the past year highlight
                                              the enormity of your pledge to dedicate yourselves to the service of humanity
          MARQUETTE MEDICAL                   through the art and science of medicine. Each day you will move forward with a
                                              greater sense of your role, as physicians, scientists, and pharmacists, to care for your
Alumni Association Board of Directors
          Jonathan M. Bock, MD ‘01            I know you thrived in a robust learning environment where collaboration among our
     Mark W. Bosbous, MD ‘05, GME ‘11         scientists, clinicians, students, and healthcare professionals promoted persistent
      Bruce H. Campbell, MD, GME ‘85          curiosity and provided you with unique and powerful educational opportunities.
          Nicole M. Chase, MD ‘07
         Michael D. Curtis, MD ‘89            On behalf of the MCW/Marquette Medical Alumni Association, I welcome you to our
     Thomas deHoop, MD ’90, GME ’91           proud, accomplished, and growing community, a network that can be both uplifting
         Jacob L. Dyer, PharmD ‘20            and an incredible resource.

   José Franco, MD ‘90, GME ‘93, FEL ’94
                                              You are our future healthcare leaders and colleagues. We will follow your progress
   Matthew I. Goldblatt, MD ’97, GME ‘04
                                              and success with great anticipation and admiration, because just as MCW will always
       Ann H. Klopp, MD ‘03, PhD ‘02
                                              be a part of you, you will always be a part of MCW. I encourage you to continually
        Beth B. Krippendorf, PhD ‘93
                                              seek out opportunities to connect with MCW and your fellow alumni (there are over
        Thomas M. Krummel, MD ‘77             19,000 of us!).
          George M. Lange, MD ‘75
 Marlene D. Melzer-Lange, MD ‘75, GME ‘78     Congratulations and best wishes,
        Elizabeth A. Nietert, MD ‘06
     Jessica M. Olson, PhD ‘15, MPH ‘17
       Betty S. Pace, MD ’81, GME ’84
 Thomas E. Palmer, MD ‘71, GME ‘76, FEL ‘85
                                              Matthew I. Goldblatt, MD ‘97, GME ‘04,
           Carol E. Ritter, MD ‘83
                                              President, MCW/Marquette Medical Alumni Association
        Malika L. Siker, MD, GME ‘11
    Herbert J. Zimmers, MD ‘70, GME ‘76

Executive Director of Alumni Relations
              Angela K. Nelson

Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
MCW Medical School Oath
         I pledge to dedicate myself to the service of humanity through the art and science of medicine;
         The health and well-being of my patients will be my first consideration;
         I will respect the autonomy and dignity of my patients;
         I will value the individuality of my patients and care for all of them to the best of my ability;
         I will safeguard the confidentiality of my patients;
         I will practice my profession with conscience and integrity and in accordance with medical standards;
         I will share my medical knowledge for the benefit of the community and the improvement of health care;
         I will give to my teachers, colleagues, and students the respect and gratitude that is their due;
         I will attend to my own health, well-being, and abilities so that I am able to provide the best care for my patients;
         I will engage in honest self-reflection upon my character, acknowledging both my strengths and limitations;
         I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights or civil liberties, even under threat.
         I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor.

-This oath, based on the Declaration of Geneva, was written in 2019 by MCW students:
        Alexandra Cohn, Clara Bosco, Erica Woertz, Jamie Jasti, Maraika Robinson, Mohamed Khalil, and Sarah Brink.

Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
Fayrouz F. Abu Hamdan
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Conferred Degree
  Bachelor of Arts
  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Community Project
  Parental Perceptions
  of Health Education

  General Surgery
  Medical College of Wisconsin
  Affiliated Hospitals
  Milwaukee, WI

                                      7   7
Commencement Doctorate of Medicine - Green Bay, Wisconsin June 3, 2021
Osayd R. Assad
        Jerusalem, Palestine

        Conferred Degree
        Bachelor of Science
        University of Wisconsin-Madison

        Community Project
        Left Atrial Appendage: Dimensions
        and Thrombus Risk

        Internal Medicine
        University Washington
        Affiliated Hospitals
        Seattle, WA

4   8
Meaghan L. Carney
Denmark, Wisconsin

Conferred Degree
  Bachelor of Arts
  St. Olaf College

Community Project
  Pedometer Health Implications in
  Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

  Medical College of Wisconsin
  Affiliated Hospitals
  Milwaukee, WI

Reed J. Colling
Place holder                 Appleton, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                               Bachelor of Science
                               St. Norbert College

                             Community Project
                               Influenza Vaccination Rates amongst
                               High Risk Pediatric Populations

                               Emergency Medicine
                               NYU Grossman School Of Medicine
                               New York, NY

Tannor A. Court
New Prague, Minnesota

Conferred Degree
    Bachelor of Science
    University of Minnesota
    College of Biological Sciences

Community Project
   Correlations in Sport Injuries Among
   School-Aged Athletes

    Orthopaedic Surgery
    Detroit Medical Center
    Wayne State University
    Detroit, MI

Emily R. Gonnering
Place holder                 Little Chute, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Science
                             University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

                             Community Project
                             The Effect of Electronic Use on the
                             Moods of Elementary School Children

                             Family Medicine
                             Medical College of Wisconsin
                             Affiliated Hospitals
                             Appleton, WI

Andrew J. Jarzen
Las Vegas, Nevada

Undergraduate University
  University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Community Project
  Tai Chi for Pain

  University Kansas School of Medicine
  Kansas City, KS

Jenna L. Lent
Place holder                 Ladysmith, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Science
                             University of Wisconsin-Madison

                             Community Project
                             Baby Box and Safe Sleep Education:
                             Reducing the Rates of Sudden
                             Unexpected Infant Death in
                             Brown County

                             Family Medicine
                             Medical College of Wisconsin
                             Affiliated Hospitals
                             Appleton, WI

Sara H. Matloub
Delafield, Wisconsin

Conferred Degree
  Bachelor of Science
  Marquette University

  Master of Business Administration
  Marquette University

Community Project
  Diabetes Study

  Internal Medicine
  Medical College of Wisconsin
  Affiliated Hospitals
  Milwaukee, WI

Connor McCarthy
Place holder                 Appleton, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degrees
                             Bachelor of Arts
                             Drake University

                             Community Project
                             Pedometer Health Implications in
                             Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

                             Medical College of Wisconsin
                             Affiliated Hospitals
                             Green Bay, WI

Emma K. Meetz
Appleton, Wisconsin

Conferred Degree
Bachelor of Science
St. Norbert College

Community Project
Adverse Childhood Experiences in the
Green Bay Adult Homeless Population

University of Florida Shands Hospital
Gainesville, FL

Abdulghani M. Mounir
Place holder                 Eau Claire, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Science
                             University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

                             Community Project
                             Brain is Time

                             Internal Medicine
                             Aurora Health Care
                             Milwaukee, WI

Sean R. O’Neil
Prior Lake, Minnesota

Conferred Degree
Bachelor of Science
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Community Project
Evaluating Medical and Basic
Spanish Knowledge of EMS
providers in Brown County

Internal Medicine
Gundersen Lutheran
Medical Foundation
La Crosse, WI

Lauren B. Pavlik
Place holder                 Green Bay, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Science
                             St. Norbert College

                             Community Project
                             Evaluating Social Support of
                             Breast Cancer Patients

                             Spectrum Health
                             Michigan State University
                             Grand Rapids, MI

Ryan B. Pitney
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Conferred Degrees
Bachelor of Science
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse

Community Project
Mechanical and Manual CPR Analysis

Emergency Medicine
Spectrum Health
Michigan State University
Grand Rapids, MI

Brittni L. Plato
Place holder                 Muskego, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Science
                             Marquette University

                             Community Project
                             Pouring From an Empty Cup:
                             Vicarious Trauma in Sexual Assault
                             Crisis Workers

                             University Kansas School of Medicine
                             Wichita, KS

Greta K. Schmitt
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Conferred Degree
  Bachelor of Arts
  Lawrence University

Community Project
  Music and Health: Exploring the
  Social, Emotional, & Cognitive Benefits
  of Music through 10-weeks of Group
  Harmonica Lessons

  Internal Medicine
  Family Health Centers at NYU Langone
  Brooklyn, NY

Angela M. Smet
Place holder                 De Pere, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Science
                             University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

                             Community Project
                             Parental Perception
                             of Health Education

                             Sparrow Hospital
                             Michigan State University
                             Lansing, MI

Shelby L. VanRossum
Freedom, Wisconsin

Conferred Degrees
  Bachelor of Science
  St. Norbert College

Community Project
  Therapy Assistance Online

  Family Medicine
  Medical College of Wisconsin
  Affiliated Hospitals
  Appleton, WI

Jessica Warffuel
Place holder                 Eau Claire, Wisconsin
for graduate headshot
                             Conferred Degree
                             Bachelor of Arts
                             University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

                             Master of Public Health
                             University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

                             Community Project
                             Adverse Childhood Experiences in the
                             Green Bay Adult Homeless Population

                             St. Joseph Hospital
                             SCL Health
                             Denver, CO

knowledge changing life

     Our Mission
     We are a distinguished leader
     and innovator in the education
     and development of the next
     generation of physicians,
     scientists, pharmacists and
     health professionals.

     We discover and translate
     new knowledge in the biomedical
     and health sciences.

     We provide cutting-edge,
     collaborative patient care of
     the highest quality.

     We improve the health of the
     communities we serve.

DISTINGUISHED CLINICAL FACULTY                                                      EXCELLENCE IN MENTORSHIP
     This award is presented annually by the MCW-Green Bay graduating                  This award is presented annually by the student body of MCW-Green Bay
     medical students to a community physician who distinguishes himself/              to a graduating student in recognition of extraordinary efforts in teaching
     herself by exemplary clinical teaching and serves as an exceptional role          and guidance to his/her colleagues in the basic sciences and/or clinical
     model for medical students.                                                       rotations.
     Jason Hoppe, MD                                                                   Tannor Court

     This award is presented annually by the MCW-Green Bay graduating                  Excellence in Professionalism and Leadership This award is presented
     medical students to a faculty member who distinguishes himself/herself            annually to a graduating student at MCW-Green Bay who has
     by exemplary teaching of the basic sciences and commitment to medical             demonstrated exceptional professionalism and leadership even in times
     student education.                                                                of challenge. This award reinforces MCW-Green Bay’s commitment
     Deborah Anderson, PhD                                                             to training physicians who exhibit compassion and grace, even under
                                                                                       pressure, and who willingly and selflessly rise to the occasion when
                                                                                       leadership opportunities arise.
                                                                                       Jenna Lent
     This award is presented annually by the MCW-Green Bay graduating
     medical students to a member of the MCW-Green Bay educational
     community whose impact on students transcends the classroom, and               EXCELLENCE IN COMMUNITY OUTREACH
     who distinguishes himself/herself by surpassing expectation in is/her             This award is presented annually to a graduating student at MCW-Green
     commitment to medical education and inspiration of future generations of          Bay who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to the populations of
     physicians by participating in their medical education.                           Northeast Wisconsin. Examples of this commitment may include outreach
     Ralph Vardis, MD                                                                  projects, volunteerism, and scholarship. This award recognizes MCW-
                                                                                       Green Bay’s mission of training physicians who are not only health care
                                                                                       professionals, but also leaders in the communities in which they practice.
                                                                                       Greta Schmitt
     In recognition of the importance of wellbeing in one’s life, this award is
     presented annually to a graduating student at MCW-Green Bay who has
     demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the promotion of mental              OUTSTANDING GRADUATE
     wellness in his/her peers or the community throughout his/her education.          This award is presented annually to a graduating student who has
     Brittni Plato                                                                     consistently displayed superior qualities of leadership, loyalty, selfless
                                                                                       service, initiative, and compassion toward his or her peers and the MCW
                                                                                       community, as well as an ability to recognize humor in his/her life. The
EXCELLENCE IN HUMANISM                                                                 recipient should have demonstrated excellence in the fields of ethics,
     This award is presented annually to a graduating student at MCW-Green             medicine, and community engagement, and is considered to be the
     Bay who has distinguished himself/herself in providing compassionate              outstanding candidate for the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
     patient care and exhibiting an excellent bedside manner. This award
                                                                                       Sean O’Neil
     reinforces MCW-Green Bay’s commitment to training physicians dedicated
     to building caring, trusting, and collaborative relationships with patients.
     Lauren Pavlik
   Members of the Wisconsin Beta Chapter of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor
   Medical Society have achieved scholastic excellence and have earned
   the approbation of members of the faculty and the student body for
   qualities of integrity, leadership, compassion and fairness. Celebrating
   its 118th year, Alpha Omega Alpha holds a position of honor and respect
   in the medical world for furtherance of scholarship and research and
   encouragement of high standards of character and conduct among medical
   students and graduates.
   Jenna Lent, Sean O’Neil, Shelby VanRossum

   The Arnold P. Gold Foundation Gold Humanism Honor Society (GHHS)
                                                                                    knowledge changing life
   recognizes students who are exemplars of compassionate patient care
   and who serve as role models, mentors, and leaders in medicine. GHHS
   members are peer-nominated as those one would want to care for one’s
   own family member.
   Tannor Court, Jenna Lent, Sara Matloub, Lauren Pavlik

   This award is presented annually by the Walter Zeit Fellowship to a
   graduating student at MCW-Green Bay to recognize their dedication and       Congratulations Class of 2021!
   service to MCW and the community. The award is named after MCW-Green
   Bay’s founding dean, and is made possible thanks to contributions from
   the Walter Zeit Fellowship, MCW’s premier donor recognition society.            #MCWKNOWLEDGE
   Sean O’Neil

   This award is given annually by the faculty members of the Department
   of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy to a medical student who
   achieves a high level of scholarship in anatomy. It honors the late Hiram
   B. Benjamin, MD, scientist, surgeon, anatomy department faculty member
   and alumnus. For many years, he shared his enthusiasm for applied
   anatomy and scientific investigation with students of this institution.
   Jenna Lent

Dear Doctors...
Ahead of you, wonderful days may lift your spirit and tough ones may challenge
your drive. The road to becoming a physician is not easy; neither is the life of one.
Just as we have supported you during your medical education, please know that our
collective care and concern for your well-being continues into residency and beyond.
The team at MCW-Green Bay will continue to cheer for you, always believe in your
potential, and be available if/when you need us. We are proud to have shared in your
journey and confident you will make a profound impact on your patients, community,
and the world. You are our best hope for the future of medicine.
                                 		          —MCW-Green Bay Faculty and Staff

                                                Matthew Hunsaker, MD
                                                Sunny Debelak, MBA
                                                Dan DeCleene
                                                Kelly King
                                                Dana Daggs
                                                Craig Hanke, PhD
                                                Sarah VanderZanden, DVM
                                                Sousie Lee, MA
                                                Shelly Griffin, RD
                                                Erin Green, MD
                                                Marissa Popp
                                                Vince Schiebel
                                                Janet Anderson
                                                Kelly Hillhouse
                                                Danielle Burton
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