WEBINARS A series of live, interactive 2021/22 - PVRI - Pulmonary Vascular ...
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SUP PORTED BY PVRI Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute WEBINARS The research continues. A series of live, interactive 2021/22 Please join us for these exciting new online meetings. PROGRAMME
PVRI Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute “I am pleased to announce a series of webinars and online meetings that continue the fantastic work of the PVRI for our global members and young scientists.” Werner Seeger In the absence of the PVRI in-person meetings and symposia, these online President 2020-2022, webinars will enable us to stay in contact with our worldwide community, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, but also to explore and discuss important new research. Germany Following the success of the DDS 2020 DIGITAL online Drug & Development Symposium in June 2020, we are excited to launch this series of interactive live webinars and look forward to active discussion and debate throughout the year. During the live webinar sessions, there will be plenty of time set aside for Q&A to encourage active participation from our audience. All presentations will be available to download after the event. We encourage you to participate in this exciting new feature and register online. ReGISTRATIon IS FRee FoR PVRI PAID membeRS.
PVRI Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute Introducing the Scientific organisers... We would like to thank our Scientific organising Committee, Our Scientific Leaders... under the leadership of Patricia Thistlethwaite and Stephan Rosenkranz, for putting together such an outstanding programme of stimulating and novel talks. Many thanks also to all chairs, speakers and abstract presenters for contributing to this exciting new feature. Patricia Thistlethwaite Stephen Rosenkranz • University of California, • University of Cologne, Details of the abstract submission process and how to register for the webinars San Diego, USA Germany will soon be available. Our Scientific Planning Committee... Sébastien bonnet Allan Lawrie Stelios orfanos Rogerio Souza Rebecca Vanderpool • Laval University, • University of Sheffield, • University of Athens • University of Sao Paulo, • University of Arizona Canada UK Medical School, Brazil College of Medicine Greece - Tuscon, USA
PVRI Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute Webinars Dates and topics for the webinar series in 2021: coming up in Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 27 January 24 February 24 march 28 April 2021 2021 2021 2021 2021 Around the globe: Keynote lecture Connection Virtual poster Global burden session between discussion of pulmonary CoVID-19 and session 1 hypertension pulmonary vascular disease SAVe The DATeS Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 26 may 23 June 28 July 25 August 2021 2021 2021 2021 Calendar of novel imaging Joint Symposium PRo-Con The notch approaches in with the eSC: debate receptors: pulmonary The pulmonary session 1 multi-regulators events... hypertension circulation in the of PAh patients heart failure development syndrome Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday PVRI webinars arranged in 2021 29 September 27 october 24 november 15 December 2021 2021 2021 2021 beyond DnA: Joint Symposium machine learning PRo-Con The unseen with the IShLT: and artificial debate session 2: Webinars take place on the last Wednesday of each month from genome and end-stage PAh intelligence medical vs surgical 15:00-17:00 GmT, so you can easily schedule these in your calendars. novel omics - how and what approaches for Ph: or interventional approaches to do we do in From screening to therapy for Click on each meeting for further information on chairs, speakers and presentation topics. Ph 2021? novel drug targets CTePh
PVRI Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute Webinars coming up in Dates and topics for the webinar series in 2022: 2022 Wednesday 26 January 2022 Wednesday 23 February 2022 Wednesday 30 march 2022 Wednesday 27 April 2022 SAVe The DATeS Vitual poster bone marrow Ageing and The association discussion modulation of pulmonary between cancer session 2 pulmonary hypertension: and Ph: vascular An endemic on A tale of two disease the horizon? diseases Calendar of events... Wednesday 25 may 2022 Paediatric Ph PVRI webinars arranged in 2022 Webinars take place on the last Wednesday of each month from 15:00-17:00 GmT, so you can easily schedule these in your calendars. Click on each meeting for further information on chairs, speakers and presentation topics.
Presentations Webinar 1 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 27 January 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Around the globe: Global burden of pulmonary hypertension Chairs & moderators: // Paul Corris UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE, UK // Stylianos Orfanos UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS MEDICAL SCHOOL, GREECE // Rogerio Souza UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO, BRAZIL // Helen Whitford THE ALFRED HOSPITAL, AUSTRALIA Presentations 15:00-17:00 Introduction by Werner Seeger // Pvri PresiDent 2020-2022. Justus-Liebig university giessen, germany The view of the World Heart Federation (WHF) 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // Fausto Pinto Lisbon meDicaL schooL, PortugaL & PresiDent eLect WorLD heaLth FeDeration 2019-20 Discussion 15:15-15:22 Right heart failure in Africa 15:22-15:37 Presenter: // ana olga mocumbi ministry oF heaLth, mozambique & co-chair oF the Lancet ncDi Poverty commission Discussion 15:37-15:45 Update on the Global Burden of PH Project of the Institute for Health Metrics 15:45-16:00 and Evaluation (IHME) Presenter: // sophia emmons-bell institute For heaLth metrics anD evaLuation (ihme), usa Discussion 16:00-16:08 PVRI GoDeep: Perspectives of a global meta-registry 16:08-16:23 Presenter: // Werner seeger Justus-Liebig university giessen, germany Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: Mortality of idiopathic/hereditary and connective tissue disease- 16:30-16:40 associated PAH: The data from first single center prospective registry in Indonesia Presenter: // anggoro budi hartopo DePartment oF carDioLogy anD vascuLar meDicine, gaDJah maDa university, inDonesia Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: Triple therapy in pulmonary arterial hypertension in an expert center 16:45-16:55 in Mexico City. Real-life results. Presenter: // humberto garcia-aguilar nationaL meDicaL center, mexico city, mexico Discussion 16:55-17:00 SUPPORTED B Y Back to calendar
Presentations Webinar 2 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 24 February 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Keynote lecture session 2021 including the Professor Sheila Glennis haworth memorial Lecture Presentations 15:00-17:00 Keynote lecture 1 15:00-15:30 Chairs & moderators: // Stefano Ghio IRCCS POLICLINICO SAN MATTEO FOUNDATION, ITALY // Paul Yu BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, USA mHealth and wearables: Is this the dawn of a new age for cardiovascular medicine? Presenter: // martin cowie imPeriAL cOLLege LOnDOn, uk Discussion 15:30-15:40 Keynote lecture 2 15:40-16:10 Chairs & moderators: // Reda Girgis MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, USA // Horst Olschewski MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ, AUSTRIA Professor Sheila Glennis haworth memorial Lecture Translational Research on Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Presenter: // Jason yuan university OF cALiFOrniA sAn DiegO, usA Discussion 16:10-16:20 best Abstracts Chairs & moderators: // Stefano Ghio IRCCS POLICLINICO SAN MATTEO FOUNDATION, ITALY // Reda Girgis MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, USA // Horst Olschewski MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ, AUSTRIA // Paul Yu BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, USA Best abstract: Biomarker Analysis of the PULSAR Study: An Ongoing Phase 2, 16:20-16:28 Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Sotatercept (ACE-011) Versus Placebo When Added to Standard of Care for the Treatment of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Presenter: // marchumbert PAris-sAcLAy university, FrAnce Discussion 16:28-16:32 Best abstract: Switching from PDE5i to riociguat in patients with PAH: 16:32-16:40 The REPLACE Study Presenter: // raymond benza OhiO stAte university, usA Discussion 16:40-16:44 Best abstract: A diagnostic miRNA signature for pulmonary arterial hypertension 16:44-16:52 back to using a consensus machine learning approach calendar Presenter: // niamh errington sheFFieLD institute FOr trAnsLAtiOnAL neurOscience, uk Discussion 16:52-17:00
Presentations Webinar 3 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 24 march 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Connection between CoVID-19 and pulmonary vascular disease Chairs & moderators: // Sylvia Cohen-Kaminsky UNIVERSITÉ PARIS SACLAY, FRANCE // Marion Delcroix UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS OF LEUVEN, BELGIUM // TBC Presentations 15:00-17:00 SARS-1, MERS, SARS-2 and more: Are coronavirus infections an ubiquitous 15:00-15:15 part of our lives? Presenter: // Albert Osterhaus university OF veterinAry meDicine hAnnOver, germAny Discussion 15:15-15:22 Endothelitis and aberrant angiogenesis: Mechanisms of COVID-19 induced 15:22-15.37 vascular injury Presenter: // Danny Jonigk hAnnOver meDicAL schOOL, germAny Discussion 15:37-15:45 Venous thromboembolism in COVID-19: Prevalence and clinical picture 15:45-16:00 Presenter: // stavros konstantinides university meDicAL center OF mAinz, germAny Discussion 16:00-16:08 ACE-II receptors: Modulation of PVD in COVID-19? 16:08-16:23 Presenter: // Anna hemnes vAnDerbiLt university, usA Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: Tricuspid regurgitation, as proxy for acute pulmonary hypertension, 16:30-16:40 and its association with short-term outcome in severe Covid-19 Presenter: // claes Frostell kArOLinskA institute At DAnDeryD hOsPitAL, sWeDen Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: Venous and arterial thromboembolism in COVID-19: A systematic 16:45-16:55 review with meta-analysis Presenter: // vicky mai quebec cArDiOLOgy AnD PuLmOnOLOgy reseArch center, LAvAL university, cAnADA Discussion 16:55-17:00 back to calendar
Presentations Webinar 4 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 28 April 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Virtual poster discussion session 1 Round 2 CLInICAL 16:00-17:00 Chairs & moderators: // Christophe Guignabert UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SACLAY, FRANCE // Anton Vonk Noordegraaf Presentations 15:00-17:00 AMSTERDAM UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, THE NETHERLANDS // Khodr Tello JUSTUS-LIEBIG UNIVERSITY GIESSEN, GERMANY Round 1 bASIC 15:00-16:00 Poster 1: Equivalent outcomes for hereditary and idiopathic pulmonary arterial 16:00-16:05 Chairs & moderators: // Brian Graham UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANSISCO, USA // Tim Lahm INDIANA UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, USA hypertension in children; an analysis from a national Australian registry // Evangelos Michelakis UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, CANADA Presenter: // katherine kearney graham university OF neW sOuth WALes, AustrALiA Discussion 16:05-16:10 Poster 1: Therapeutically targeting endothelial cell metabolic dysfunction in 15:00-15:05 Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension with apigenin Poster 2: Effect of Macitentan Across Prognostic Age Groups in Patients with 16:10-16:15 Presenter: // iona cuthbertson DePArtment OF meDicine, university OF cAmbriDge, uk Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Presenter: // richard channick university OF cALiFOrniA LOs AngeLes meDicAL center, usA Discussion 15:05-15:10 Discussion 16:15-15:20 Poster 2: Epigenome-wide profiling uncovers novel gene regulatory networks in 15:10-15:15 human pulmonary arterial hypertension Poster 3: Validation of Artificial Intelligence Artery-Vein Classification for 16:20-16:25 Presenter: // Prakash chelladurai mAx-PLAnck-institute FOr heArt AnD Lung reseArch, germAny Contrast CT Imaging in PH subjects Presenter: // Pietro nardelli brighAm AnD WOmen's hOsPitAL, hArvArD meDicAL schOOL, usA Discussion 15:15-15:20 Discussion 16:25-16:30 Poster 3: Implication of the Histone Methyltransferase “G9a” in Pulmonary Arterial 15:20-15:25 Poster 4: Efficacy in Patient Subgroups in the INCREASE Trial, a Phase III Trial 16:30-16:35 Hypertension to Evaluate Inhaled Treprostinil in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension due to Presenter: // charifa Awada the university institute OF cArDiOLOgy AnD PuLmOnOLOgy OF quebec, cAnADA Parenchymal Lung Disease Discussion 15:25-15:30 Presenter: // victor tapson ceDArs-sinAi meDicAL cente, usA Discussion 16:35-16:40 Poster 4: Perinatal exposure to serotonin re-uptake inhibitor causes mild 15:30-15:35 pulmonary hypertension in adult female rats Poster 5: Acetazolamide and High Altitude Pulmonary Edema Prevention 16:40-16:45 Presenter: // barbora kaftanová DePArtment OF PhysiOLOgy, chArLes university secOnD meDicAL schOOL, czech rePubLic Presenter: // erik swenson university OF WAshingtOn, usA Discussion 15:35-15:40 Discussion 16:45-16:50 Poster 5: Endothelial overexpression of Sirt3 protects the metabolic etiology in PAH 15:40-15:45 Poster 6: Telomeric Tankyrases: A novel and propitious target to ameliorate the 16:50-16:55 Presenter: // Anandharajan rathinasabapathy vAnDerbiLt university meDicAL centre, usA maladaptation phenomena at Heights Discussion 15:55-15:50 Presenter: // manjula miglani srm university, hAryAnA, inDiA Discussion 16:55-17:00 Poster 6: Axl is a Novel Modulator of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Receptor 2 in 15:50-15:55 Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Presenter: // tatyana novoyatleva Justus-Liebig-university giessen, germAny Cme Credits This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for back to Discussion 15:55-16:00 Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits calendar of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 5 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 26 may 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) novel imaging approaches in pulmonary hypertension patients Chairs & moderators: // David Kieley UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, UK // David Levin MAYO CLINIC, USA // Lan Zhao IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, UK Presentations 15:00-17:00 Update from the Fleischner Society Task Force for imaging in pulmonary 15:00-15:15 hypertension Presenter: // martine remy university centre OF LiLLe, FrAnce Discussion 15:15-15:24 Molecular imaging of pulmonary vascular disease using microvascular 15:24-15:39 endothelial cell ligands Presenter: // Jocelyn Dupuis mOntreAL heArt institute, cAnADA Discussion 15:39-15:48 MRI to assess pulmonary vascular changes and PH progression 15:48-16:03 Presenter: // Jens vogel-claussen hAnnOver meDicAL schOOL, germAny Discussion 16:03-16:12 Xenon magnetic resonance imaging signatures of PH 16:12-16:27 Presenter: // sudarshan rajagopal Duke university meDicAL center, usA Discussion 16:27-16:36 Synchrotron-based phase contrast micro-CT imaging of pulmonary vascular 16:36-16:51 disease in human tissue and animal models Presenter: // karin tran-Lundmark LunD university, sWeDen Discussion 15:51-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 6 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 23 June 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Joint Symposium with the eSC: The pulmonary circulation in the heart failure syndrome Chairs & moderators: // Sophia Airhart UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, USA // Michele D´Alto MONALDI HOSPITAL, ITALY // George Giannakoulas AHEPA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, GREECE Presentations 15:00-17:00 The right ventricle in HFpEF 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // marco guazzi university OF miLAn, itALy Discussion 15:15-15:22 Genetic aspects in Group2 PH 15:22-15.37 Presenter: // tbc Discussion 15:37-15:45 Exercise haemodynamics in heart failure: What can we learn from invasive CPET? 15:45-16:00 Presenter: // gabor kovacs meDicAL university OF grAz, AustriA Discussion 16:00-16:08 Systemic consequences and interorgan cross-talk in heart failure and PH 16:08-16:23 Presenter: // stephan rosenkranz university OF cOLOgne, germAny Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: The Natriuretic Peptide Clearance Receptor Selectively Causes 16:30-16:40 Right Ventricular Dysfunction in a Model of Pulmonary Hypertension and Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Presenter: // vineet Agrawal vAnDerbiLt university meDicAL center, usA Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: N-Lysine methyltransferase Smyd2-mediated HIF-1A stabilization 16:45-16:55 plays a protective role in RV hypertrophy Presenter: // swathi veeroju Justus-Liebig university, giessen, germAny Discussion 16:55-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 7 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 28 July 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) PRo-Con debate session 1 Presentations 15:00-17:00 Topic A: Role of pulmonary vascular pruning in PAh 15:00-16:00 Chairs & moderators: // Serpil Erzurum CLEVELAND CLINIC, USA // Steeve Provencher LAVAL UNIVERSITY, CANADA // Aaron Waxman BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, USA PRO: 15:00-15:15 A hopeless cause: The pulmonary vasculature is largely gone and irredeemable in PAH Presenter: // kurt stenmark university OF cOLOrADO Denver Anschutz, usA rebuttal 15:30-15:35 CON: 15:15-15:30 Remnants of lost pulmonary vasculature may be re-engaged in PAH Presenter: // Duncan stewart OttAWA hOsPitAL reseArch institute, cAnADA rebuttal 15:35-15:40 general discussion 15:40-16:00 Topic b: Treatment of patients with mild PAh 16:00-17:00 Chairs & moderators: // Paul Hassoun JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, USA // Allan Lawrie UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, UK // Stuart Rich NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY FEINBERG SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, USA // Zeenat Safdar HOUSTON METHODIST HOSPITAL, USA PRO: 16:00-16:15 Patients with mild pulmonary hypertension (mPAP 21-24) should be treated with PAH approved drugs Presenter: // David systrom brighAm AnD WOmen's hOsPitAL, usA rebuttal 16:30-16:35 CON: 16:15-16:30 Patients with mild pulmonary hypertension (mPAP 21-24) should NOT be treated with PAH approved drugs Presenter: // roham zamanian stAnFOrD university, usA rebuttal 16:35-16:40 general discussion 16:40-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 8 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 25 August 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) The notch receptors: multi-regulators of PAh development Chairs & moderators: // Marc Humbert UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SACLAY, FRANCE // JinJiang Pang UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER MEDICAL CENTER, USA // Rhian Touyz UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, UK Presentations 15:00-17:00 Role of notch1 in experimental pulmonary hypertension 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // ralph schermuly Justus-Leibig university giessen, germAny Discussion 15:15-15:30 Notch-BMPR interactions in endothelium in PAH 15:30-15:45 Presenter: // marlene rabinovitch stAnFOrD university, usA Discussion 15:45-16:00 Notch3 is a driver and biomarker for PAH 16:00-16:15 Presenter: // Patricia thistlethwaite university OF cALiFOrniA sAn DiegO, usA Discussion 16:15-16:30 Notch3 lineage and pulmonary vasculopathy 16:30-16:45 Presenter: // maya kumar stAnFOrD university schOOL OF meDicine, usA Discussion 16:45-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 9 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 29 September 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) beyond DnA: The unseen genome and novel omics approaches to Ph Chairs & moderators: // Micheala Aldred INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, USA // Vinicio de Jesus Perez STANFORD UNIVERSITY, USA // Nicholas Morrell UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, UK Presentations 15:00-17:00 MicroRNAs and IncRNAs in right heart hypertrophy and failure 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // sébastien bonnet LAvAL university, cAnADA Discussion 15:15-15:24 LncRNA as biomarkers/therapeutic agents for pulmonary diseases 15:24-15:39 - prospective view Presenter: // stephen chan university OF Pittsburgh, usA Discussion 15:39-15:48 Epigenomics in pulmonary vascular remodelling 15:48-16:03 Presenter: // soni savai-Pullamsetti mAx PLAnck institute FOr heArt AnD Lung reseArch, germAny Discussion 16:03-16:12 Multiomic tools for single cell analysis 16:12-16:27 Presenter: // Peter smibert neW yOrk genOme centre, usA Discussion 16:27-16:36 Proteomics: From discovery research toward the clinic - novel AI perspectives? 16:36-16:51 Presenter: // christopher rhodes imPeriAL cOLLege LOnDOn, uk Discussion 16:51-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 10 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 27 october 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Joint symposium with the IShLT: end-stage PAh - how and what do we do in 2021? Chairs & moderators: // Paul Corris UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE, UK // Mardi Gomberg-Maitland GW UNIVERSITY MEDICINE AND HEALTH SCIENCES, USA // Walter Klepetko MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, AUSTRIA Presentations 15:00-17:00 When should a PH patient be considered for lung transplant? 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // John granton tOrOntO generAL hOsPitAL, cAnADA Discussion 15:15-15:24 Atrial septum defect creation or mechanical support for end-stage PAH 15:24-15:39 Presenter: // erika berman-rosenzweig cOLumbiA university meDicAL center, usA Discussion 15:39-15:48 Lung and heart-lung transplant in 2021: How well do PAH patients do? 15:48-16:03 Presenter: // eugene golts university OF cALiFOrniA sAn DiegO, usA Discussion 16:03-16:12 Pluripotent stem cell-based approaches and the future of artificial lungs 16:12-16:27 Presenter: // ulrich martin hAnnOver meDicAL schOOL, germAny Discussion 16:27-16:36 Timing and extent of ventricular reverse remodelling after lung transplant 16:36-16:51 for PH Presenter: // ryan tedford meDicAL university OF sOuth cArOLinA (musc), usA Discussion 16:51-17:00 Supported by back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 11 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 24 november 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches for Ph: From screening to novel drug targets Chairs & moderators: // Raymond Benza OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, USA // Mark Gladwin UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURG MEDICAL CENTER, USA // Martin Wilkins IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, UK Presentations 15:00-17:00 Looking beyond the hype: Applied AI and machine learning in translational 15:00-15:15 medicine Presenter: // Dennis Wang university OF sheFFieLD, uk Discussion 15:15-15:22 Computational network pharmacology in cardiovascular disease: Leveraging 15:22-15:37 big data Presenter: // Joseph Loscalzo hArvArD university, usA Discussion 15:37-15:45 Drug discovery using artificial intelligence engines: Challenges and opportunities 15:45-16:00 Presenter: // tbc Discussion 16:00-16:08 Utilising artificial intelligence to screen and diagnose iPAH 16:08-16:23 Presenter: // David kiely university OF sheFFieLD, uk Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: Biological heterogeneity in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension 16:30-16:40 identified through unsupervised transcriptomic profiling of whole blood Presenter: // sokratis kariotis university OF sheFFieLD, uk Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: Transcriptomic characterization of Pulmonary arterial hypertension 16:45-16:55 on pathway level Presenter: // yajing Ji PhArmAcOLOgy AnD tOxicOLOgy DePArtment,michigAn stAte university, usA Discussion 16:55-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 12 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 15 December 2021 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) PRo-Con debate session 2: medical vs. surgical or interventional therapy for CTePh Chairs & moderators: // Irene Lang MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, AUSTRIA // Bradley Maron BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, USA // Belinda Rivera-Lebron THE UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH MEDICAL CENTER, USA // Gérald Simonneau UNIVERSITÉ PARIS-SACLAY, FRANCE Presentations 15:00-17:00 PRo: Riociguat should be given to all CTEPH patients, regardless of timing of PEA/BPA 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // Ardeschir ghofrani Justus-Liebig university OF giessen, germAny rebuttal 15:30-15:35 Con: Riociguat should be given only to patients with inoperable or residual 15:15-15:30 CTEPH after PEA/BPA Presenter: // hiromi matsubara OkAyAmA meDicAL center, JAPAn rebuttal 15:35-15:40 general discussion 15:40-16:00 Best abstract: Systematic follow-up of patients following acute pulmonary 16:05-16:10 embolism is associated with an increased incidence of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension and less severe disease Presenter: // charlotte Durrington sheFFieLD PuLmOnAry vAscuLAr DiseAse unit, uk Discussion 16:10-16:15 Best abstract: Women and chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. 16:15-16:20 The special meaning of balloon pulmonary angioplasty Presenter: // Alejandro cruz utrilla cArDiOLOgy DePArtment, university hOsPitAL, mADriD, sPAin Discussion 16:20-16:25 Best abstract: G protein-coupled receptor expression from single cell RNA 16:25-16:30 sequencing in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension Presenter: // gayathri viswanathan DePArtment OF cArDiOLOgy, Duke university meDicAL center, usA Discussion 16:30-16:35 Best abstract: Study of the antifibrotic action of JAK inhibitors for the prevention 16:35-16:40 and treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension Presenter: // Andrei karpov ALmAzOv nAtiOnAL meDicAL reseArch centre, russiA Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: Unilateral Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Disease: 16:45-16:50 Do they benefit from surgery? Cme Credits Presenter: // Farid rashidi tAbriz university OF meDicAL sciences, irAn This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for back to Discussion 16:50-16:55 Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number calendar of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 13 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 26 January 2022 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Virtual poster discussion session 2 Round 2 - CLInICAL 16:10-17:10 Chairs & moderators: // Joan-Albert Barbérà HOSPITAL CLINIC DE BARCELONA, SPAIN Presentations 15:00-17:10 // Bradley Maron BRIGHAM AND WOMEN'S HOSPITAL, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, USA // Victor Tapson 1 Round 1 - bASIC 15:00-16:10 CEDARS-SINAI MEDICAL CENTER CALIFORNIA, USA Chairs & moderators: // Peter Dorfmüller JUSTUS-LIEBIG UNIVERSITY GIESSEN, GERMANY // Max Gassmann UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SWITZERLAND // Mark Geraci UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURG, USA Poster 1: Association between Leflunomide and Pulmonary Hypertension 16:10-16:15 Presenter: // thomas Lacoste Palasset PAris-sAcLAy university, FrAnce Poster 1: Novel TRAF2 variant and KDR deletion are implicated in the 15:00-15:05 Discussion 16:15-16:20 pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension Presenter: // Jair tenorio LA PAz university hOsPitAL, sPAin Poster 2: The Estimand Framework in PAH Clinical Trials 16:20-16:25 Discussion 15:05-15:10 Presenter: // youlan rao uniteD therAPeutics cOrP, usA Poster 2: GP130 Signaling Promotes Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Pulmonary 15:10-15:15 Discussion 16:25-16:30 Arterial Hypertension Via Microtubules Presenter: // sasha Prisco cArDiOvAscuLAr DivisiOn, LiLLehei heArt institute, university OF minnesOtA, usA Poster 3: Risk stratification in pulmonary hypertension due to chronic obstructive 16:30-16:35 Discussion 15:15-15:20 pulmonary disease Presenter: // Athiththan yogeswaran Justus-Liebig-university giessen, germAny Poster 3: Loss of Estrogen Receptor Alpha (ERα) Worsens Hemodynamic 15:20-15:25 Discussion 16:35-16:40 Alterations and Right Ventricular (RV) Adaptation in Female Rats with Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) Poster 4: Small pulmonary vessels in severe pulmonary hypertension associated 16:40-16:45 Presenter: // Andrea Frump inDiAnA university schOOL OF meDicine, usA with chronic lung disease Discussion 15:25-15:30 Presenter: // Dheyaa Alkhanfar university OF sheFFieLD, uk Poster 4: Breast cancer and heritable PAH due to BMPR2 mutation: 15:30-15:35 Discussion 16:45-16:50 An unexpected discovery Presenter: // victoria toro quebec university institute OF cArDiOLOgy AnD PneumOLOgy, cAnADA Poster 5: A Phase 1, open-label, crossover study of inhaled seralutinib to assess 16:50-16:55 Discussion 15:35-15:40 potential effects on the pharmacokinetics (PK) of cytochrome P450 (CYP) and transporter substrates in healthy subjects Poster 5: Smooth Muscle Tsc2 deficiency leads to spontaneous pulmonary 15:40-15:45 Presenter: // Jack Li gOssAmer biO, inc., sAn DiegO, usA hypertension and represents attractive molecular target for therapeutic intervention Discussion 16:55-17:00 Presenter: // steven yuanjun shen schOOL OF meDicine, university OF cALiFOrniA, DAvis, usA Discussion 15:45-15:50 Poster 6: Cardiac MRI and risk stratification in pulmonary arterial hypertension: Poster 6: Identification of ADORA1-PDE10A Complex Formation and Its 15:50-15:55 Evaluation of ESC/ERS thresholds for right atrial area 17:00-17:05 Bidirectional Regulation of Intracellular Cyclic AMP Levels as a Novel Therapeutic Presenter: // Faisal Alandejani university OF sheFFieLD, uk Presenter: // chanil valasarajan mAx-PLAnck-institute FOr heArt AnD Lung reseArch, germAny Discussion 17:05-17:10 Discussion 15:45-15:50 Poster 7: Downregulation of adenylate kinase 4 (AK4) improves the mitochondrial 16:00-16:05 respiration and inhibits the glycolytic switch of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells Cme Credits Presenter: // tessa Wilke Justus-Liebig university giessen, germAny This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in back to 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits calendar Discussion 16:05-16:10 Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 14 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 23 February 2022 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) bone marrow modulation of pulmonary vascular disease Chairs & moderators: // James Klinger BROWN UNIVERSITY, USA // Edda Spiekerkoetter STANFORD UNIVERSITY, USA // Rebecca Vanderpool UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, USA Presentations 15:00-17:00 Role of bone marrow in the pathogenesis of PAH 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // tbc Discussion 15:15-15:24 Role of bone marrow in the right ventricle remodelling 15:24-15:39 Presenter: // gaurav choudhary PrOviDence vA meDicAL center, usA Discussion 15:39-15:48 Reversal of PH by whole bone marrow transplantation in BMPR2 deficient mice 15:48-16:03 Presenter: // James West vAnDerbiLt university meDicAL center, usA Discussion 16:03-16:12 Bone marrow dependency of cigarette smoke-induced PH versus emphysema 16:12-16:27 Presenter: // norbert Weissmann Justus-Liebig university OF giessen, germAny Discussion 16:27-16:36 Homologous bone marrow transplantation prevents the development of PAH 16:36-16:51 in patients with severe scleroderma Presenter: // Jason Weatherald university OF cALgAry, cAnADA Discussion 16:51-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 15 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 30 march 2022 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Ageing and pulmonary hypertension: An endemic at the horizon? Chairs & moderators: // John Newman VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, USA // Paul Williams CENTRE FOR CHEST DISEASE AND CRITICAL CARE, SOUTH AFRICA // TBC Presentations 15:00-17:00 Age-dependent prevalence of PH in the general population 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // harm Jan bogaard vu university meDicAL center AmsterDAm, the netherLAnDs Discussion 15:15-15:22 Senescence mechanisms and pulmonary vascular aging 15:22-15.37 Presenter: // serge Adnot henri mOnDOr hOsPitAL, FrAnce Discussion 15:37-15:45 Metabolic syndrome and obesity leads to age-related PH 15:45-16:00 Presenter: // imad Al ghouleh university OF Pittsburgh, usA Discussion 16:00-16:08 Genetics and epigenetics in age-related PH 16:08-16:23 Presenter: // stephen Archer queen's university, cAnADA Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: Right heart catheterization is underused in elderly patients 16:30-16:50 suspected of pulmonary hypertension Presenter: // samara Jansen AmsterDAm umc, netherLAnDs Discussion 16:50-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 16 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 27 April 2022 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) The association between cancer and Ph: A tale of two diseases Chairs & moderators: // Elena Goncharova UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH, USA // Qadar Pasha ASIAN-PACIFIC SOCIETY FOR MOUNTAIN MEDICINE, INDIA // Marlene Rabinovitch STANFORD UNIVERSITY, USA Presentations 15:00-17:00 Cancer induced PH: Embolism as a major inducer 15:00-15:15 Presenter: // tbc Discussion 15:15-15:22 Cancer induced PH: Microenvironmental cancer niche as a major inducer 15:22-15:37 Presenter: // rajkumar savai mAx PLAnck institute FOr heArt AnD Lung reseArch, germAny Discussion 15:37-15:45 Cancer therapies induced PH 15:45-16:00 Presenter: // Frédéric Perros université PAris-suD, FrAnce Discussion 16:00-16:08 Cancer related signalling mechanisms underlying PH development 16:08-16:23 Presenter: // Olivier boucherat LAvAL university, cAnADA Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: FOXO3: A new potential therapeutic target in Pulmonary Arterial 16:30-16:40 Hypertension Presenter: // yann grobs LAvAL university, cAnADA Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: Non-invasive surrogate markers of PH are associated with poor 16:45-16:55 survival in lung cancer patients Presenter: // michael cekay Justus-Liebig university giessen, germAny Discussion 16:55-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Presentations Webinar 17 If not all questions can be answered on the day, Date // 25 may 2022 all comments will be published and circulated to all participants after the webinar. NOTE: All times indicated are Greenwich mean Time (GMT) Professor Sheila Glennis haworth memorial Symposium on Paediatric Ph Chairs & moderators: // Mandy Maclean MBE, STRATHCLYDE INSTITUTE OF PHARMACY AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, UK // Shahin Moledina GREAT ORMOND STREET HOSPITAL, UK // Anita Saxena ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, INDIA Presentations 15:00-17:00 Genetics of pulmonary arterial hypertension: What we can learn by studying 15:00-15:15 children with and without congenital heart disease Presenter: // Wendy chung university OF cOLumbiA, usA Discussion 15:15-15:22 Therapeutic options in advanced PVD: Potts shunt versus lung transplantation 15:22-15:37 Presenter: // mark grady WAshingtOn university schOOL OF meDicine in st. LOuis, usA Discussion 15:37-15:45 Stem cells and regenerative medicine for neonatal lung disease: Implications 15:45-16:00 for COPD Presenter: // bernard thebaud the OttOWA hOsPitAL, cAnADA Discussion 16:00-16:08 Assessment of operability in patients with congenital heart disease and PAH: 16:08-16:23 Fallacies and pitfalls Presenter: // erika b. rosenzweig cOLumbiA university meDicAL center, usA Discussion 16:23-16:30 Best abstract: The impact of chronic pulmonary hypertension on ventricular 16:30-16:40 function in extremely premature infants Presenter: // gabriela de carvalho nunes mcgiLL university heALth centre, mOntreAL chiLDren’s hOsPitAL, cAnADA Discussion 16:40-16:45 Best abstract: Improving guidance for the correctability of congenital cardiovascular 16:45-16:55 shunts with increased pulmonary vascular resistance Presenter: // ronald Day university OF utAh, DePArtment OF PeDiAtrics, usA Discussion 16:55-17:00 back to Cme Credits calendar This event has been accredited by both the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) and the European Board for Accreditation in 2 Cme credits 2 Cme credits Pneumology (EBAP). Physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Step into the PVRI Digital Clinic... ...and claim CME credits. PVRI Pulmonary Vascular Research Institute www.pvrinstitute.org The PVRI is a Registered Charity in the UK, No: 1127115. Disclaimer: This programme and its contents are correct at the time of printing.
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