SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services

Page created by Darrell Watts
SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services
Spotlight ON SERVICES                                                                                                              APRIL - JUNE 2021            3

                                                                                                                                                           570 N. State Rt. 741
                                                                                                                                                           Lebanon, OH 45036

                                                                                                                                                            April 2021
                                                                                                                                                            PUBLISHED QUARTERLY

                                         In spite of all the COVID-19 restric-         learn about the properties of gravity,
                                         tions and challenges, the teachers in         inertia, shapes, and sizes. They are
                                         the Early Learning Centers have been          creating tunnels and roads for their toy
                                         planning all sorts of creative learning       cars and making tube paths for balls.
                                         activities for the children during the        Another class was studying buildings,
                                         winter months. These activities are part      and they took a walk to inspect different
                                         of our curriculum for school readiness,       shapes of buildings with their magnify-
                                         building important problem-solving,           ing glasses!
                                         literacy, and math skills into hands-                At South Lebanon, one of the
                                         on learning activities that the children      classes is studying the solar system, and
                                         really enjoy!                                 they are creating solar system boxes and
                                                One of the classrooms at the           making each of the planets! Another
                                         Lebanon Early Learning Center has             class made fruit smoothies, learning
                                         been studying Tunnels and Tubes. The          about measuring with a recipe, as well
The primary goal of the Head Start                                                     as good nutrition. Continued on pg 2.
                                         children are using creative skills as they
program is to prepare children for
success in school by ensuring they
have the school readiness skills they
need, as well as comprehensive health,
dental, nutrition, mental health and
disability services they may need. The
WCCS Early Learning Centers are very
successful in ensuring that children
are ready for kindergarten, because
we understand that children’s brain
development requires engaging hand-
on experiences with a rich variety of
materials in the context of supportive
relationships with teachers.

                                                                                                                                     trucks if able. Delivery drivers are
   Got an HOUR? Give it BACK!                                                                                                        also needed.
                                                                                                                                     IMAGINE how you would feel
   RSVP volunteers, age 55 and           hours. Opportunities may include,                                                           if you were unable to read!
   over, use their skills and talents    administrative duties, greeting fam-                                                        Adult New Readers tutors teach
   to strengthen Warren County.          ilies, registering and discharging                                                          basic English language skills
                                         patients, customer service, assisting                                                       (reading and writing) to adults age
   Make a difference one                  with patient flow, answering phones,                                                         18 and over. Tutors and students
   PATIENT at a time                     filing, delivering mail, driving a golf        Your HELP is needed at Franklin               are matched within their communi-
   Premier Health Atrium Medical         cart for valet (it's big), gift shop assis-   Area Community Services                       ties and meet in local libraries and
   Center welcomes anyone who            tance, visiting patients, providing in-       Franklin’s food pantry provides emer-         other public buildings in Warren
   has an interest in serving others.    formation, and more…. (At this time           gency food, financial assistance, and          County or currently through video
   Atrium’s Volunteers work within       not all volunteer activities are avail-       information & referral in the Franklin,       conferencing. Tutor’s receive a
   various departments in the hospital   able as some of the departments in the        Carlisle and Springboro area. Volun-          three-hour training. Get involved
   assisting staff, patients, and fam-    hospital remain closed or unavailable         teers fill food orders, stock shelves,         with RSVP. Call 513-695-2252 or
   ilies. Shifts are from two to four    to volunteers.)                               do cart preparation, sort, and unload         email
SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services
Spotlight ON SERVICES                                                                                                            APRIL - JUNE 2021            2

How to get back up after you                                                                   School readiness skills in action
                                                                                               continued from cover
have fallen                                                                                                                        Of course, the infants and toddlers
                                                   5. Slowly roll onto your side and work                                          are busy exploring and learning about
                                                   to get onto your hands and knees.                                               their world. Teachers give them lots of
                                                   6. Crawl or drag yourself over to the                                           sensory experiences with paint, water,
                                                   piece of furniture.                                                             and snow to support the important brain
                                                   7. Get into a kneeling position and                                             development in the first three years!
                                                   place your hands on a stable part of                                            The teachers provide safe and caring
                                                   the piece of furniture (e.g., the seat of                                       relationships to support the social and
                                                   a chair).                                                                       emotional development of these little
                                                   8. Choose your strongest leg and                                                ones, which is the foundation of all their
Much as we’d like to hope so, no one is            move that knee forward to place your                                            learning.
immune to falling. Commit these steps              foot on the floor. You should end up
to memory to ensure you’re prepared if             in a kneeling lunge with your hands
you take a spill.                                  still on the piece of furniture for
  1. Stay calm and take a few deep                 support.
  breaths.                                         9. Using your arms and legs simulta-
  2. Examine yourself for injuries.                neously, push yourself up and pivot
  3. If you find that you are injured or            around until you’re sitting on the
  unable to get up, try to alert someone           piece of furniture.
  to your predicament. While you’re                10. Stay seated until you’re confident
  waiting for help, try to keep warm               you can move around without hurting
  and stay calm.                                   yourself or falling again.
  4. If you are confident you haven’t               11. Once you are up, you MUST
  broken any bones or experienced a                notify your doctor that you’ve had a
  serious injury, search for the nearest           fall and keep an eye out for emerging
  piece of sturdy furniture. (A chair              pain or signs of injury.
  would be ideal.)                               Adapted from: https://www.agingcare.
       Warren County
         Residents                                  Adult New Readers overcomes challenges
       E-HEAP Winter
       Crisis Program                                                                          some are meeting in various         Reading 3. Congratulations
                                                                                               public buildings for in-person      to Young for this impressive
                                                                                               tutoring while following all        achievement and thanks to Ar-
         March 31, 2021                                                                        recommended safety guide-           lene for all she did to make it
         We continue to assist with
       HEAP & PIPP plus applications.                                                          lines. An in-person (with           possible. The two are current-
         PIPP plus is not available to                                                         masks and social distancing)        ly busy working in Laubach
       customers of municipal utilities
            (ex. City of Lebanon).                                                             workshop for new tutors was         Adult Reading 4.
                                                                                               held Saturday, March 20, at the           ANR remains the only
        Income Guidelines                                                                      WCCS 741 Building. Addition-        organization in Warren Coun-
     1 person.....................$22,330                                                      al workshops will be held as        ty offering free, one on one,
     2 persons....................$30,170           Adult New Readers (ANR)                    needed.                             individualized, adult literacy
     3 persons....................$38,010
     4 persons....................$45,850           continues to function effec-                      Students have moved up        tutoring at a place and time
     5 persons....................$53,690           tively and accomplish much                 to the next grade level and new     that is mutually convenient.
                                                    even while dealing with the                students have been added to the           Anyone interested in
                Please call for an appointment      many challenges put forth by               program. Tutor, Arlene Ed-          tutoring or in being tutored is
                   513-970-6737 or online
              the pandemic.                              wards, and her student, Young       encouraged to contact ANR at
                  For an application go to                Some of our tutors con-              Park, celebrated Young’s recent     513-695-2243 or barbarag@
                   tinue to tutor virtually and               graduation from Laubach Adult
SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services
Spotlight ON SERVICES                                                                                                            APRIL - JUNE 2021              3

                                741 Center Trips 2021
                                Call Joe Ramos at Provident Travel for information & reservations. email:

OHIO DELIGHTS                                                                         Country! A tasty Panera Bread box            with daily excursions to some of the
June 9 - 10, 2021                                     TRAVEL                          lunch is included. $117/Person               fascinating areas of the great Ameri-
                                                                                                                                   can West. Beyond the national trea-
                                                 with CONFIDENCE                                                                   sures you visit, you’ll also see one
                                                                                      CLEVELAND WEEKEND
                                              Provident Travel is taking careful
                                                                                      SUMMER GETAWAY                               of the largest bison herds in North
                                             safety measures, so you can travel                                                    America and in Deadwood, SD
                                            without worry. To read about all of the   July 23 - 25, 2021
                                              health protocols Provident will be
                                                                                                                                   you’ll re-live the western legends of
                                            taking onboard all of our motor coach                                                  Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane.
                                                   departures, please visit:                                                       $2,799/Person Double Occupancy
                                                       with Confidence                                                             ITALY & GREEK ISLES

                                                                                                                                   September 30 - October 10, 2021
       his summer trip features Ohio     ical place with charming village
       Amish Country and Columbus        shops and beautifully restored Victo-
       Zoo and Aquarium. Holmes          rian homes. You can escape noise,
County has the largest Amish com-        pollution and traffic because motor-

munity in the U.S. We tour the coun-     ized vehicles are prohibited on the
                                         island. We’ll take horse drawn car-                ere’s a terrific short summer trip
tryside with an Amish/Mennonite
                                         riage rides and a tour of the island,               packed with great things to
guide and learn of the history and
                                         have lunch at the awesome Grand                     see and do! We’ll sightsee
customs of these unique people.
                                         Hotel and spend two nights at a              in Cleveland and enjoy a sunset
At our included dinner at an Amish
                                         wonderful hotel right in the center          dinner cruise on Lake Erie. We’ll
home you’ll feast on delicious home
                                         of town. A deluxe casino resort and          enjoy dinner and entertainment at
cooked food and experience a

                                         a visit to Frankenmuth, Michigan’s           Hofbrauhaus Cleveland – a partner
fascinating visit with the family. The                                                                                                   ail round-trip from Rome for
                                         “Little Bavaria,” round out the fun.         of the world famous Hofbrauhaus
Columbus Zoo and Aquarium is the                                                                                                         nine nights and visit some
                                         $1,169/Person Double Occupancy               in Munich, Germany. We visit the
Pride and Joy of Director Emeritus                                                                                                       of the most beautiful and
                                                                                      Christmas Story House, where the
Jack Hanna. At our very special pro-                                                                                              exciting sites in the world: Rome,
                                                                                      hilarious movie was filmed. You’ll
gram at the Heart of Africa region,      BLUEGRASS SCENIC                                                                         Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, Crete,
                                                                                      have plenty of time to explore the
you’ll have breakfast as well as “up     RAILROAD & MUSEUM                                                                        and Naples. We are thrilled that this
                                                                                      Rock & Roll Hall of Fame – a must
close and personal” encounters with                                                                                               year we are able to book this cruise
                                         and....                                      do for any music lover! We also visit
the animals. You’ll have plenty of                                                                                                for you at a substantial discount,
                                         Thursday, July 15, 2021                      the Pro Football Hall of Fame in
time to visit the rest of the Zoo and                                                                                             especially for balcony staterooms!
                                                                                      Canton, Ohio. $549/Person Double
Aquarium. Don’t miss the fun. $399/                                                                                               Call for details!
Person Double Occupancy

LILAC TIME                                                                            SPOTLIGHT ON S DAKOTA
                                                                                      August 20 - 26, 2021
on Mackinac Island
June 14 - 18, 2021                                                                                                                     Early Learning
                                                                                                                                     Offering high quality preschool

                                                                                                                                              and childcare
                                                oday you’ll experience a
                                                                                                                                        •   Early literacy focus
                                                heartwarming visit to a thor-                                                           •   Teachers with degrees
                                                oughbred racehorse retire-                                                              •   Kindergarten readiness
                                         ment farm in Lexington, KY. The
                                         farm provides a dignified retirement                                                        Free for income eligible children ages
                                                                                                                                     3 & 4. Centers located in Franklin,

                                         to horses whose racing and breed-
                                                                                                                                     Carlisle, Lebanon, & South Lebanon.
                                         ing careers have ended. You’ll see                his fantastic western vacation

                                         and learn about these magnificent                 features Mount Rushmore,
     une is the best time to visit                                                                                                                                Call
                                         animals as we stroll along the pas-               Badlands National Park, Crazy
     Mackinac Island! This is when                                                                                                                          513-695-2215
                                         ture fences with a guide. Later, ride        Horse Memorial, and Devils Tower                                    to enroll your child
     the lovely lilacs that fragrance
                                         the rails through some of the most           National Monument. You’ll enjoy the                                 Visit
the island are in bloom. It’s a mag-
                                         beautiful areas of the Blue grass            convenience of staying in one hotel,
SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services
  Warren County Community Services, Inc.
                                                                       INSIDE THIS ISSUE         APRIL - JUNE 2021    2
                                                                                                        APRIL - JUNE 2021
  operates programs and services funded through
  grants received from the State of Ohio,
  Departments of Federal Government, United Way                        School Readi-    How to get
                                                                       ness in Action   back up after
  of Warren County, Federal Funding from Ameri-
  Corps, Warren County Commissioners, Council on
  Aging of Southwest Ohio, Elderly Services Program
                                                                       Cover            Page 2
  Tax Levy, foundations, and individual contributions.

  Visit us on the web at

               Lebanon & surrounding area
              Cincinnati & surrounding area                            Got an Hour?     ANR
                     513-925-2100                                      Give it Back!    overcomes
             Middletown & surrounding area
                     513-261-2100                                      Cover            Page 2

                  & surrounding area

  Disclaimer: In compliance with the Health Insurance Portabili-
  ty and Accountability Act of 1996, Warren County Community
  Services, Inc. clients, their legal representatives and/or staff
  have given Warren County Community Services, Inc. permis-
  sion to disclose the information that is published herein.
                        Non-Profit Org.

                        Permit No. 220
                        Greenfield, IN
                         U.S. Postage
                Community Services, Inc.
                570 N. State Route 741
                Lebanon, Ohio 45036
                Warren County

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                                           DATED MATERIAL
SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services SCHOOL READINESS SKILLS IN ACTION - Warren County Community Services
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