School Property Conference - South Island School Caretakers' and Property Managers' - CES

Page created by Lewis Schneider
School Property Conference - South Island School Caretakers' and Property Managers' - CES
South Island School Caretakers’
     and Property Managers’

School Property
   9.00am-4.30pm, Thursday 26th May 2022
  Riccarton Park Function Centre, Christchurch
School Property Conference - South Island School Caretakers' and Property Managers' - CES
Programme of Events

REGISTRATION                                     MORNING WORKSHOPS                                Managing Security Contractors                        Evacuations, fire risks, and
8.15am-9.00am                                    10.30am-11.45am                                  Darren Morton: Executive Security Group              practical fire training
                                                                                                  This session will include advice and resources       Neil Russell: Training & Safety Consultant,
INTRODUCTION                                                                                      for creating your school’s security policies,        FFP Canterbury
                                                 School playground safety and                     including guidance on assessing security risks.      This workshop will identify your responsibility
9.00am                                           surfacing: compliance,                           • How to select the right contractor                 before and during a fire evacuation. Learn
Welcome to Delegates                             maintenance, risks and liabilities               • Issues you need to be aware of within the          about the expected risks and the essential
                                                 Adam Stride: Principal Inspector, Playsafe          security industry                                 equipment your school should have available.
and Housekeeping                                 Adam will review the history of head injuries    • How to audit a contractor’s performance            Neil will finish with a live demonstration
Wayne Jamieson: General Manager, CES             caused by falls from playground equipment.       • How to maximise your financial return              showing the correct way to use a fire
                                                 He will provide scientific evidence which        • Cost effective techniques to manage                extinguisher (with the aid of a fire simulator).
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                  proves the effectiveness of impact-attenuating      physical security elements.
                                                 surfaces in preventing serious injuries.
9.00am-9.55am                                    Topics will include:                                                                                  Tough plants and groundcovers
Energy management and                            • Playground safety surfaces                     Artificial turf: options,                            for school grounds
de-carbonising your school                       • Playground inspections                         maintenance and testing                              Alan Joliffe: Horticulturist
Erin Roughton: Emsol                             • The importance of routine maintenance           Chris Gribben: Agronomist,                          This workshop will focus on selecting ground-
Managing Director / Energy Auditor               • Injury prevention                               NZ Sports Turf Institute (NZSTI)
                                                                                                                                                       cover vegetation for areas where high wear
Erin will present the importance of energy       • The role and responsibilities of the            This workshop will cover all available artificial
                                                                                                                                                       and tear is likely. Alan will advise how to
management in schools and its part in helping      school caretaker.                               turf options, including composition and what
                                                                                                                                                       select hardy plants which will add year-round
to meet New Zealand’s de-carbonisation goals.                                                      each type can be used for. Chris will look at
                                                                                                                                                       interest and texture. Topics will include:
Topics will include examples of savings          Specific energy strategies                        the maintenance requirements of artificial turf
                                                                                                                                                       • Groundcovers and design
achieved by schools, the technologies being                                                       – both longevity and safety is determined by
                                                 for your school                                                                                       • Caring for groundcovers
used now, and those coming in the future.                                                          the way maintenance is carried out – which
                                                 Erin Roughton: Managing Director /                                                                    • Discussion on a wide variety of plants
He will also compare the options and costs for                                                     makes knowing the correct practices very
                                                 Energy Auditor, Emsol                                                                                    for different situations
lighting and heat pumps, wood fuel, and solar                                                      important.
                                                 This is a hands-on workshop with a focus on
systems to provide space heating and water                                                         He will also cover testing, product approval
                                                 energy-efficiency for schools. It will include
heating.                                                                                           and certification processes for artificial turf.
                                                 methods to track the important KPIs that
                                                                                                   Surfaces such as rugby fields must be tested
                                                 measure your school’s energy and carbon
                                                                                                   and certified before they can be used for
                                                 emissions. There will also be an opportunity
                                                                                                   competition. There are no similar
                                                 to ask questions specific to your school and
                                                                                                   requirements for other types of artificial turf,
                                                 hear about technologies and strategies
                                                                                                   but Chris will explain why NZSTI still
                                                 which other schools have already successfully
                                                                                                   recommends basic safety testing.
School Property Conference - South Island School Caretakers' and Property Managers' - CES
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                  AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS                                MoE general property update                      Building warrant of fitness
11.50am-12.30pm                                  2.20pm-3.30pm                                      Simon Cruickshank: Programme Manager –
                                                                                                    Minor Works, Education Infrastructure Service
                                                                                                                                                     and compliance
                                                                                                                                                     Christine Scammell:
School traffic management:                                                                          Simon will provide a property update looking     Executive Director, Argest
schools’ responsibilities,                       Edible gardens and orchards                        at water, boilers and coastal inundation.        How do you manage the increasing scrutiny
hazards and risks                                for schools                                        Time will be allocated for an open               of councils, MBIE and compliance inspectors?
Craig Macdonald: All About People                Alan Joliffe: Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture   discussion.                                      Christine will help you to unravel the
Director/Senior Health & Safety Specialist       Many schools are using edible gardens to                                                            complexities of your school’s regulatory
Managing traffic is one of the highest risk      promote life skills. Alan will discuss how to      Natural turf maintenance                         obligations. She will cover:
areas around schools. Before the conference      choose the right location and varieties..                                                           • The changing landscape of building
                                                 Topics will include:
                                                                                                    in an environmentally
please send us photos of high traffic areas                                                                                                             compliance and what it means for you
around your school: we’re looking for examples   • Educational purposes of edible gardens           conscious world                                  • The reason why there are more and more
such as drop-off /pick up times and areas          and orchards                                     Chris Gribben: Agronomist,                          compliance issues
used by trade vehicles. (We will provide a       • Examples of different types of edible            NZ Sports Turf Institute                         • What you can do more cost-effectively
traffic management checklist.) Craig will use      gardens                                          Environment related laws and regulations         • Owner’s Inspections – what you need to
these images as the basis of identifying         • A discussion about the variety of edible         have an impact on how natural turf can be           know about this important aspect of health
real-life issues during the workshop.              gardens currently in schools                     maintained. These include compliance with           and safety
Forward your digital photos to                                                                      land management requirements.                    • How to get the most out of the Ministry of before 2nd June.                                                                 Chris will look at the environmental impact of      Education’s funded compliance services.
                                                 Health and safety in 2022                          turf management and how damage can be
                                                 Craig Macdonald: /Senior Health & Safety           reduced whilst maintaining suitable turf
BUFFET LUNCH                                     Specialist, All About People                                                                        CONCLUSION
                                                                                                    quality. This session will cover:
                                                 International workplace health and safety is
12.30pm-1.15pm                                   moving more towards a people-centric
                                                                                                    • Turf species selection                         3.30pm-4.30pm
                                                                                                    • Irrigation (or not)
                                                 approach. This workshop will focus on what
                                                                                                    • Soil management
                                                                                                                                                     Prizes drawn,
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                  health, safety and well-being in the                                                                complimentary drinks
                                                                                                    • Use of fertilisers / types of fertiliser
                                                 workplace looks like in 2022 including trends,
1.15pm-2.15pm                                    areas of focus, strategies and objectives.
                                                                                                    • Why the use of pesticides is important.        and nibbles
                                                                                                    Chris will also discuss how the measurement
Getting the best from your                       Craig will share some simple strategies to
                                                                                                    and testing of sports turf surfaces (soil and
cleaning company                                 help you implement these ideas.
                                                                                                    plant testing, moisture monitoring, irrigation
Dominic Drumm: Westferry Property Services                                                          system assessments and root-zone
• Understanding the cleaning industry            Safety and security planning for                   measurements) are vital to reduce the
  – trade organisations, BSCNZ                                                                      environmental impact of natural turf
                                                 school staff and management
  – training within the industry                                                                    management.
                                                 Darren Morton: Executive Security Group
  – other groups, (unions, etc)
                                                 Workshop participants will work through how
  – cleaning awards, statistics and fun facts
                                                 to formulate their own security and safety
• Key elements in cleaning contracts
                                                 plan. Darren will also advise what should be
  – specifications, consumables
                                                 considered at a management level regarding
• Understanding service delivery issues
                                                 security and safety planning. He will cover
  – rubbish removal, water, hygiene
                                                 both preventative and responsive aspects.
• Protect assets with planned maintenance
                                                 Time will be allocated for questions.
  – how to improve cleaning outcomes.
Presenters’ Profiles

KEY SPEAKER PROFILE                                       Chris Gribben                                                  KEY SPEAKER PROFILE
Erin Roughton                                             Agronomist, NZ Sports Turf Institute                           Dominic Drumm
Managing Director / Energy Auditor,                       Chris is an accomplished agronomist, leading NZSTI’s           Westferry Property Services
Emsol (Energy Management Solutions Ltd)                   services in the upper South Island where he services           Dominic founded his commercial cleaning company in
Erin is a qualified professional engineer and has 28+     councils, golf and bowling clubs. Chris is also an essential   2007 after seeing that the industry was screaming out          COVID-19 and
years experience in energy engineering, research and      member of the teaching team and contributes to the             for reputable operators. He began with simple mission          CES’s response*
project management in industrial, commercial and          development of teaching, learning and assessment               statement: to consistently provide the highest level of
residential sectors. He is an accredited energy auditor   materials. Chris is an accredited Growsafe trainer and         service to every customer.
                                                                                                                                                                                        To help keep everyone safe, please stay at home
and Energy Masters Member of EMANZ. He regularly          Certified Handlers test certifier.                                                                                              if you or anyone in your house is unwell.
provides policy advice and project management services                                                                   Simon Cruickshank                                              We encourage you to check Check the Ministry of
to companies, councils and government organisations.      Neil Russell                                                   Regional Infrastructure Manager –                              Health website to see the most up-to-date advice.
                                                          Training & Safety Consultant                                   Southern at Ministry of Education                              Please follow these basic hygiene measures:
Adam Stride                                               FFP Canterbury Ltd                                             Simon has worked as a contractor and consultant for over       • Vaccine Pass – show your My Vaccine Pass
Principal Inspector/Director, Playsafe                    Neil is an experienced operations professional skilled in      30 years. He is currently on secondment to the Ministry’s         for verification on entry.
Adam is an expert in playground compliance,                                                                              capital works team where he oversees multi-million             • QR Code – the NZ COVID Tracer QR code
                                                          evacuation and emergency management. He is currently
maintenance issues and performance testing of                                                                                                                                             posters will be displayed throughout the
                                                          employed as a trainer and safety consultant in FPP’s           dollar projects throughout New Zealand.
                                                                                                                                                                                          venue. Please scan the QR code or sign-in
impact-attenuating surface materials. He is a certified   Fire Safety Protection division.                                                                                                manually. (if required).
Level 3 Outdoor Playground Inspector, a surface                                                                          Christine Scammell                                             • Face Masks – you may be equired to wear a
impact-testing specialist, and New Zealand’s only         Alan Joliffe                                                   Executive Director, Argest                                       face mask while participating in the workshops,
accredited indoor enclosed play inspector.                Vice President, Royal New Zealand                              Argest was the first New Zealand company to be ISO 9001           and when sharing public spaces inside and
                                                          Institute of Horticulture                                      accredited for Building Warrant of Fitness issues and has        outside the centre.
Darren Morton                                             Alan is a horticulturist. He has worked with many              been the leader in building compliance management for          • Hand hygiene – frequently wash your hands
Managing Director                                         councils to manage and improve public parks and                over 30 years. It provides facilities management for schools
                                                                                                                                                                                          for 20 seconds, then dry them thoroughly.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
Executive Security Group (ESG)                            gardens. He has a National Diploma in Horticulture             nationwide on behalf of the Ministry of Education.               (Dispensers will be available.)
Darren has over 35 years of international experience      (Hons) and is past-President of the Canterbury                                                                                • Coughing and sneezing etiquette – sneeze
working in security and protection across 12 countries.   Horticultural Society.                                                                                                          or cough into the crook of your elbow or cover
His career began in the NZ Police where he was a                                                                                                                                          coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then put
member of the armed offenders squad, the special          KEY SPEAKER PROFILE                                                                                                             the tissue in a bin and clean your hands.
tactics group and the witness protection squad.           Craig McDonald                                                                                                                • Avoiding touching your face
Darren is now Managing Director of his own private                                                                                                                                      • Physical distancing: keep a distance from
                                                          Director/Senior Health & Safety Specialist,
security company which provides VIP protection,                                                                                                                                           people you do not know. Use your judgement.
                                                          All About People                                                                                                                tissue in a bin and clean your hands.
security reviews, crime prevention, counter-stalking
                                                          Craig has over 25 years experience in workplace health
and security training for organisations, including                                                                                                                                        *This information is subject to change as
                                                          and safety and emergency management. He is a
schools.                                                                                                                                                                                   public health advice is updated.
                                                          SafePlus accredited assessor, ProfNZISM and is on the
                                                          HASANZ register. Craig has worked in a many fields
                                                          ranging from farms to schools, to manufacturing and
                                                          construction, and most recently was the Health & Safety
                                                          lead for the 36th America’s Cup in Auckland.
Registration Form

South Island
School Caretakers’ and Property Managers’
School Property Conference
9am-4.30pm, Thursday 26th May 2022
      Yes, I would like to attend the South Island School Property Conference

Please decide now which workshop you want to attend and tick the relevant squares.
Bookings are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so although every effort will be made to accommodate your choice,
CES reserve the right to select an alternative.

   MORNING SESSIONS (choose one only)                                           AFTERNOON SESSIONS (choose one only)
         SESSION A        School playgrounds and surfacing                            SESSION A       Edible gardens and orchards for schools

         SESSION B        Specific energy strategies for your school                   SESSION B       Health and safety in 2022

         SESSION C        Managing security contractors                               SESSION C       Safety and security planning for school staff

         SESSION D        Artificial turf - options, maintenance and testing           SESSION D       MoE general property update

         SESSION E        Evacuations, fire risks and practical fire training           SESSION E       Natural turf management in an eco-conscious world

         SESSION F        Tough plants and groundcover for school grounds             SESSION F       Building warrant of witness and compliance

D I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N (if applicable)
       I am a vegetarian (tick if vegetarian)
       I have special dietary requirements (please supply details)

Registration fee includes workshops, speakers, morning tea and buffet lunch. $395.00 + GST per person. Places are strictly limited
and final confirmation is subject to availability, so register early. Any questions, call free 0800 205 267, or email

You may send a substitute in your place. Cancellations received seven days prior to the event will attract a full refund.
Regrettably no refunds can be made for cancellations received after this date.

1. Online: go to 2. Email: scan this registration form and send to
3. Phone free: 0800 205 267

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