School Property Conference - and Property Managers' Hamilton School Caretakers' 9.00am-4.30pm, Thursday 8th July 2021 - CES

Page created by Beatrice Santos
School Property Conference - and Property Managers' Hamilton School Caretakers' 9.00am-4.30pm, Thursday 8th July 2021 - CES
Hamilton School Caretakers’
      and Property Managers’

School Property
     9.00am-4.30pm, Thursday 8th July 2021
  Novotel Tainui Hamilton, 7 Alma Street, Central
School Property Conference - and Property Managers' Hamilton School Caretakers' 9.00am-4.30pm, Thursday 8th July 2021 - CES
Programme of Events

REGISTRATION                                     MORNING TEA                                      A systematic approach to tree                   Preventing slips, trips and falls
8.15am to 9.00am                                 10.00am to 10.30am                               management and maintenance                      Ian Clark: IC Safety Solutions
                                                                                                  Andreas (Rossy) Ross: Pro Climb Tree Care       Schools are often busy and crowded.
                                                                                                  We all know that regular maintenance helps      Timetables lead to large numbers people
INTRODUCTION                                     MORNING WORKSHOPS                                                                                moving around at the same time, increasing
                                                                                                  to keep trees healthy and safe. But what
9.00am                                           10.30am to 11.45am                               does this mean? How much money do you           the potential for accidents. The control
                                                                                                  need to budget? And how often do your           measures needed are often simple and
Welcome to delegates                                                                                                                              low-cost, but bring about a significant
                                                 Safety and security planning for                 school’s trees need to be inspected and
and housekeeping                                                                                  pruned? What records are required?              reduction in injuries. Topics include:
Wayne Jamieson: CES General Manager              school staff and management                      Rossy will talk about cost-effective tree       • what are the major causes of slips, trips
                                                 Darren Morton: Executive Security Group          management and give advice on technical           and falls in school grounds?
                                                 Topics will include:                             and contractual solutions that will suit your   • does your school have best practices,
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                  • Planning: aspects which must be thought                                                          and who is responsible?
9.00am-9.55am                                      through and put in place at both                                                               • what is the best way to prevent slips, trips
                                                   management and staff level;                                                                      and falls?
Facility security techniques                     • Application: techniques to manage              Building compliance – it                        • options for the future.
Darren Morton                                      security and safety throughout the day.        is getting tougher out there                    Time will be allocated for questions.
Executive Security Group
                                                                                                  Christine Scammell: Argest
Security update:
                                                 Playground safety surfaces,                      How can you manage the increasing scrutiny
• the security issues that schools face today,
                                                                                                  of Councils, MBIE and Compliance
  and risks which may arise in the future        injury prevention/impact                         Inspectors? Christine has the answers:
Assessing your school’s risk:
                                                 performance and improvements                     • the changing landscape of building                  • Fantastic range
• intelligence gathering – the process;
                                                 Adam Stride: Playsafe                               compliance – and what it means for your
• how to assess your risks and risk level;
Security contractors
                                                 Adam will review the history of head injuries       school;                                              of topics
                                                 caused by falls from playground equipment.       • the reason why there are more and more
• get the best out of security contractors;
                                                 He will provide scientific evidence which           compliance issues which cost you and
                                                                                                                                                        • Networking
• CCTV; alarms; patrol services;
Proactive security management:
                                                 proves the effectiveness of impact-attenuating      your school time and money;                          opportunities
                                                 surfaces in preventing serious injuries.         • what you can do to manage compliance
• resolution techniques
• crime prevention;
                                                 Topics will include:                                more effectively;                                  • Industry insights
                                                 • playground safety surfaces                     • Owner’s Inspections – what you need to
• working with the police and community
                                                 • playground inspections;                           know about this important aspect of health
                                                                                                                                                          from experts
• communication;
Emergency planning for schools:
                                                 • injury prevention                                 and safety;                                        • Personal
                                                 • the importance of routine maintenance          • how to get the most out of the Ministry of
• must-haves for today’s environment;
Reactive security management:
                                                   to prevent injuries;                              Education’s funded compliance services               development
                                                 • the role and responsibilities of the
• response procedures;
                                                   school caretaker.                                                                                    • Relevant trade
• lockdowns and safe-havens;
• crisis management planning;                                                                                                                             displays
• future concerns.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                 AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS                              Professional tree pruning                         CONCLUSION
11.50am to 12.30pm                              2.25pm-3.40pm                                    without a chainsaw                                3.40pm-4.30pm
                                                                                                 Andreas (Rossy) Ross: Pro Climb Tree Care
School traffic management                                                                        Tree shrub management starts with a plan.
Craig Macdonald                                 Using machinery safely                                                                             Prizes drawn,
                                                                                                 But not every school can afford to cover all
All About People                                around the school site                           the necessary pruning work. This workshop is      complimentary drinks
Traffic Management is often the highest risk    Ian Clark: IC Safety Solutions                   about cost-effective pruning which can be         and nibbles
area around schools. Please send us photos      Before you start using any machine you need      done by school staff using handsaws, loppers
taken before the conference of traffic areas    to think about what risks may occur and how      and secateurs. Ross will demonstrate the right
around your school. We’re looking for           these can be managed. Things to consider are:    tools to use and how to maintain your trees
examples such as drop-off and pick up times,    • where, when, and why?                          and shrubs for the future:
as well as areas used by trade vehicles, e.g.   • competency and training – who is               • which tools should your school buy?
Waste Management, etc. (We will provide a         qualified to operate the equipment?            • how do you make clean pruning cuts that
traffic management checklist.) Craig will use   • what’s in this area, what’s happened before,     will not damage your tree assets?
these images during the workshop as the           what’s concealed that could cause concern?     • when it’s time to call the arborist
basis of identifying and managing real-life     • what are your options?
issues. Forward your photos to                  Time will be allocated for questions. before 1st July.
                                                                                                 Weed and fert spraying
                                                                                                 around the school site
                                                Health and safety in 2021 –                      Row Robinson: School Grounds Care Ltd
BUFFET LUNCH                                    WorkSafe’s focus                                 Spraying, weed-control within school
12.30pm-1.10pm                                  Craig Macdonald: All About People,               grounds is a potential hazard. It is essential
                                                Health and safety is more than paperwork         that the user is Growsafe-certified and carries
                                                and processes. It’s about workplace culture,     the appropriate insurance cover.
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                 knowledge and developing good habits.            Row will advise which sprays to use for
1.10pm-2.25pm                                   This workshop will focus on four topics:
                                                1. Leadership
                                                                                                 specific situations and the correct use and
                                                                                                 calibration of spraying equipment.
Getting the best from your                      2. Risk management
cleaning company                                3. Worker engagement
Dominic Drumm                                   4. Continuous improvement
                                                                                                 Waste minimisation for schools –
Westferry Property Services                                                                      a practical approach
Understanding the cleaning industry                                                              Ron Sperber: Earthwhile
• trade organisations: BSCNZ                                                                     Ron will reveal what happens with waste
• training in the industry                                                                       streams, why we should care, and how we
• other groups: SFWU (union)                                                                     can all improve our efforts. He will define the
• cleaning awards                                                                                role school property managers and ground
• interesting facts and stats                                                                    staff can play in reducing waste, and the key
Key elements in cleaning contracts                                                               elements required for successful diversion.
• specifications, consumables                                                                    Ron brings rich experience and helpful tips,
Understanding service delivery issues                                                            delivered in a down-to-earth style.
• rubbish removal, water, hygiene
Protect assets with planned maintenance
• how to improve cleaning outcomes
KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                                 Christine Scammell                                            Row Robinson
Darren Morton                                                   Argest                                                        School Grounds Care Limited
Managing Director,                                              Argest is New Zealand’s leading building warrant of           Row is a registered spraying contractor who provides
Executive Security Group (ESG)                                  fitness compliance management company and was the             expertise in everything outdoors for Auckland schools.
Darren has over 35 years of international experience            first company to earn ISO9001 Accreditation.                  He is an arborist and a specialist in native plants and is   COVID-19 and
working in security and protection across 12 countries.         Argest provides schools throughout New Zealand with           skilled at turf management.
His career began in the NZ Police where he was a                facilities management for compliance on behalf of the
                                                                                                                                                                                           CES’s response
member of the armed offenders squad, the special                Ministry of Education.                                        Ron Sperber                                                  CES is a member of the New Zealand Events
tactics group and the witness protection squad.                                                                               Managing Director, Earthwhile Ltd                            Association and is committed to The Event
Darren is now Managing Director of his own private              Ian Clark                                                     Ron is a passionate permaculture educator and                Sector Voluntary Code. This means that we are:
security company which provides VIP protection, security        IC Safety Solutions Ltd                                       self-confessed compost nut. Before founding Earthwhile,      • enabling contact tracing;
reviews, crime prevention, counter-stalking and security        Ian is a specialist in health and safety with over 30 years   he was contracted to Auckland Council for 9 years as a
                                                                                                                                                                                           • enabling good hygiene practices;
training for organisations including schools.                                                                                                                                              • encouraging a culture of best practice
                                                                of experience. He mentors companies and schools in the        waste minimisation facilitator for schools, including the        around COVID-19.
                                                                development of health and safety management systems           WasteWise programme.                                         To see the Code head to
Adam Stride                                                     and helps organisations to put in place safe practices        Ron is a former chair of the Auckland Zero Waste Alliance code
Principal Inspector & Director, Playsafe                        which are relevant to their workplace.                        Trust, and is currently a trustee of the Auckland            The NZ COVID Tracer QR code will be accessible
Adam has over 17 years of experience in playground                                                                            Permaculture Trust and director/principal tutor of           throughout ASC – we expect all delegates to scan
design, manufacturing and project management.                                                                                 Auckland Permaculture Workshop.                              the QR code or to sign-in manually.
He is an expert in playground compliance, maintenance           KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                                                                                            Check the Ministry of Health website to see the most
issues and performance testing of impact-attenuating            Craig McDonald                                                                                                             up-to-date advice. The Ministry suggests people stay
surface materials.                                              Director/Senior Health & Safety Specialist                                                                                 at home if you are unwell and call Healthline (for free)
Adam is a certified Level 3 Outdoor Playground Inspector        All About People                                                                                                           on 0800 358 5453, or your health care provider if you
                                                                                                                                                                                           think you have symptoms of COVID-19.
and surface impact-testing specialist, and is New Zealand’s     Craig has over 25 years experience in workplace health &
                                                                safety and emergency management. He is a SafePlus                                                                          Follow these basic hygiene measures while
only accredited indoor enclosed play inspector.                                                                                                                                            attending ASC:
                                                                accredited assessor, ProfNZ!SM and is on the HASANZ
                                                                                                                                                                                           • Hand hygiene – frequently wash your hands for
                                                                register. Craig has worked in a many fields ranging from
Andreas (Rossy) Ross                                                                                                                                                                         20 seconds, then dry them thoroughly. Or use an
                                                                farms to schools, to manufacturing and construction, and
Managing Director, Pro Climb Tree Care                                                                                                                                                       alcohol-based hand sanitiser.
                                                                most recently was the Health & Safety lead for the 36th                                                                    • Coughing and sneezing etiquette – sneeze or
Rossy is passionate about the safety of everyone involved
                                                                America’s Cup in Auckland.                                                                                                   cough into the crook of your elbow or cover
with trees, from the arborist working high up a tall tree to
                                                                                                                                                                                             coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then put
the public passing below. This led to him to developing
                                                                                                                                                                                             the tissue in a bin and clean your hands (as above).
safety and training concepts which required a thorough          KEYNOTE SPEAKER                                                                                                            • Avoiding touching your face
knowledge of the risks and the management of trees as           Dominic Drumm                                                                                                              • Clean hard surfaces and frequently touched
low-risk assets. Rossy holds qualifications in forestry,        Westferry Property Services                                                                                                  items {for example door handles and phones)
arboriculture, and industrial rope access. He is a consultant   Dominic founded the commercial cleaning company in                                                                         • Physical distancing: keep a distance from
to Auckland Council, Food and Plant Research, Primary ITO       2007 after seeing that the industry was screaming out                                                                        people you do not know. Use your judgement.
and is an expert witness for WorkSafe.                          for reputable operators. He began with simple mission
                                                                statement; to provide the highest level of cleaning
                                                                consistently to all customers.
Registration Form

Hamilton School Caretakers’ and Property Managers’
School Property Conference
9.00am-4.30pm, Thursday 8th July 2021
      Yes, I would like to attend the Hamilton School Property Conference

Please decide now which workshop you want to attend and tick the relevant squares.
Bookings are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, so although every effort will be made to accommodate your choice,
CES reserve the right to select an alternative.

   MORNING SESSIONS (choose one only)                                           AFTERNOON SESSIONS (choose one only)
        Session A         Safety and security planning for school staff              Session A        Using machinery around the school site

        Session B         Playground safety surfaces – injury prevention             Session B        Health & safety in 2021 – WorkSafe’s focus

        Session C         Managing your school’s tree assets                         Session C        Professional tree pruning without a chainsaw

        Session D         Building warrant of fitness and compliance                  Session D        Weed and fert spraying around the school site

        Session E            Preventing slips, trips and falls                       Session E        Waste minimisation – a practical approach

D I E T A R Y I N F O R M A T I O N (if applicable)
       I am a vegetarian (tick if vegetarian)
       I have special dietary requirements (please supply details)

Registration fee includes workshops, speakers, morning tea and buffet lunch. $395.00 excl. GST per person. Places are strictly limited
and final confirmation is subject to availability, so please register early. Any questions, call free 0800 205 267, or email

You may send a substitute in your place. Cancellations received seven days prior to the event will attract a full refund.
Regrettably no refunds can be made for cancellations received after this date.

1. Online: go to
2. Email: scan this registration form and send to
3. Phone free: 0800 205 267

N O V OT E L T A I N U I H A M I LT O N , 7 A L M A S T R E E T, C E N T R A L
Free parking is available.

Register online: • phone free: 0800 205 267
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