School Improvement Plan 2020 2021 - Liberty County Lyman Hall Elementary School - 2021 Liberty County Lyman ...

Page created by Jose Swanson
School Improvement Plan 2020 2021 - Liberty County Lyman Hall Elementary School - 2021 Liberty County Lyman ...
School Improvement Plan
         2020 - 2021

      Liberty County
Lyman Hall Elementary School
School Improvement Plan 2020 2021 - Liberty County Lyman Hall Elementary School - 2021 Liberty County Lyman ...

                                           SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN

1 General Improvement Plan Information

General Improvement Plan Information

District                             Liberty County
School Name                          Lyman Hall Elementary School
Team Lead                            Aisha Simmons

Federal Funding Options to Be Employed (SWP Schools) in this Plan (Select all that apply)
✔ Traditional funding (all Federal funds budgeted separately)
     Consolidated funds (state/local and federal funds consolidated) - Cohort systems ONLY
     'FUND 400' - Consolidation of Federal funds only

Factors(s) Used by District to Identify Students in Poverty (Select all that apply)
✔ Free/Reduced meal application
     Community Eligibility Program (CEP) - Direct Certification ONLY
     Other (if selected, please describe below)

1 General Improvement Plan Information                                                                     40

                                      2. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1

Overarching Need

Overarching Need as identified in Increase student achievement and learning gains with an intense focus on Reading and
CNA Section 3.2                   Mathematics.
Root Cause # 1                    Professional development training on small group instruction, differentiated instruction,
                                  and data-driven decision making.
Root Cause # 2                    Students need small group differentiated interventions to address reading and
                                  mathematics standards.
Goal                              LHE Reading and Mathematics student achievement level and learning gains will increase
                                  by 3%.

Action Step # 1

Action Step                       Content mastery lab teacher will provide personalized instruction in mathematics and
Funding Sources                   Title I, Part A
Subgroups                         Economically Disadvantaged
                                  Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                  Student with Disabilities
Systems                           Coherent Instruction
                                  Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring             Observations, lesson plans, myOn
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Administrators/Academic Specialist
Timeline for Implementation      Quarterly

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                                  41

Action Step # 2

Action Step                      Academic Specialist will plan for school improvement, increase teacher effectiveness,
                                 monitor implementation of professional development linked to school identified needs
                                 and complete informal walk through observations to inform instruction.
Funding Sources                  Title I, Part A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Coherent Instruction
                                 Professional Capacity
Method for Monitoring            Professional development, staff sign-in sheets, walkthrough, observations, MAP data
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Academic Specialist
Timeline for Implementation      Monthly

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 3

Action Step                      Grade level PLCs will be used to redeliver staff development opportunities, analyze data
                                 and plan collaboratively.
Funding Sources                  N/A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Professional Capacity
Method for Monitoring            Agendas, minutes, and sign-in sheets
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Academic Specialist

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                                     42

Action Step # 3

Timeline for Implementation      Monthly

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 4

Action Step                      Professional development for staff to increase effectiveness in all content areas.
Funding Sources                  Title I, Part A
                                 Title II, Part A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Professional Capacity
Method for Monitoring            Professional Leave Forms, agendas, and GMAS data
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Academic Specialist
Timeline for Implementation      Quarterly

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                               43

Action Step # 5

Action Step                      Academic Specialist and the Parent Facilitator will provide training for parents and staff to
                                 build capacity and improve student achievement.
Funding Sources                  Title I, Part A
                                 Title II, Part A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Professional Capacity
                                 Family and Community Engagement
Method for Monitoring            Professional development agendas, staff sign-in sheets, flyers, feedback forms, GMAS data
Implementation and Effectiveness and professional leave forms
Position/Role Responsible        Academic Specialist and Parent Facilitator
Timeline for Implementation      Quarterly

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 6

Action Step                        Professional development for leadership staff, academic specialist, systems operator and
                                   office staff on how to support staff and lead effectively.
Funding Sources                    Title I, Part A
Subgroups                          Economically Disadvantaged
                                   Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                   Student with Disabilities
Systems                            Effective Leadership
                                   Professional Capacity
Method for Monitoring              Professional leave forms and certificates of completion
Implementation and Effectiveness

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                                    44

Action Step # 6

Position/Role Responsible        Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Yearly

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 7

Action Step                      Administrators will perform formal and informal walk through observations and provide
                                 feedback on instructional practices.
Funding Sources                  N/A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Coherent Instruction
                                 Effective Leadership
                                 Professional Capacity
                                 Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring            TKES observations, informal walk throughs, lesson plan commentary, PLC logs, MAP
Implementation and Effectiveness Data and NAVVY Data
Position/Role Responsible        Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Monthly

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                             45

Action Step # 7

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 8

Action Step                      After-school remediation and enrichment programs will be provided as needed.
Funding Sources                  Title I, Part A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Coherent Instruction
                                 Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring            Surveys, sign-in sheets, lesson plans, assessment data tracking and rosters
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Academic Specialist
Timeline for Implementation      Others : Ongoing

What partnerships, if any, with   N/A
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                         46

Action Step # 9

Action Step                         Incorporate STEM and Growing Readers lessons into the curriculum to foster creativity,
                                    teamwork, problem solving skills for students and to provide effective reading instruction
                                    to help more children read on grade level.
Funding Sources                     Title I, Part A
Subgroups                           Economically Disadvantaged
                                    Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                    Student with Disabilities
Systems                             Coherent Instruction
                                    Professional Capacity
                                    Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring               Lesson plans, observations and Lexile scores
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Academic Specialist/Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Quarterly

What partnerships, if any, with
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.1 OverarchingNeed # 1                                                                                                     47

                                       2. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GOALS

2.2 OverarchingNeed # 2

Overarching Need

Overarching Need as identified in Increase student engagement and ability to monitor their own progress.
CNA Section 3.2
Root Cause # 1                    Climate and culture between student and teachers in way that student see themseleves
                                  and/or make connections (personal, cultural and community assets).
Root Cause # 2                    Students and teachers need to set SMART goals to regular monitor student progress.
Goal                              The number of discipline referrals will decrease by 5%.

Action Step # 1

Action Step                         Review PBIS expectations with the staff and students.
Funding Sources                     N/A
Subgroups                           Economically Disadvantaged
                                    Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                    Student with Disabilities
Systems                             Effective Leadership
                                    Professional Capacity
                                    Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring               Meeting agendas, sign-in sheets, student handbook, Educator Handbook
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        PBIS Coach, Administrators, teachers
Timeline for Implementation      Yearly

What partnerships, if any, with
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.2 OverarchingNeed # 2                                                                                                  48

Action Step # 2

Action Step                        PBIS Coach and administrators will support staff with classroom management training
                                   and notification.
Funding Sources                    N/A
Subgroups                          Economically Disadvantaged
                                   Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                   Student with Disabilities
Systems                            Effective Leadership
                                   Professional Capacity
                                   Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring              Agendas, Sign-in sheets and Educators handbook
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        PBIS Coach/Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Monthly

What partnerships, if any, with   n/a
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 3

Action Step                        During PLCs, provide training to ensure that staff understand the multi-tiered levels to
                                   behavior support for students. Analyze discipline reporting trends during PLCs.
Funding Sources                    N/A
Subgroups                          Economically Disadvantaged
                                   Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                   Student with Disabilities
Systems                            Effective Leadership
                                   Professional Capacity
Method for Monitoring              Monthly Discipline Report, Office Referrals, Sign-in sheets, Agendas
Implementation and Effectiveness

2.2 OverarchingNeed # 2                                                                                                       49

Action Step # 3

Position/Role Responsible        PBIS Coach/Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Quarterly

What partnerships, if any, with   n/a
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 4

Action Step                      Ensure engaging instruction in all classrooms by conducting observations.
Funding Sources                  N/A
Subgroups                        Economically Disadvantaged
                                 Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                 Student with Disabilities
Systems                          Coherent Instruction
                                 Effective Leadership
Method for Monitoring            Observations
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Administrators/Academic Specialist
Timeline for Implementation      Weekly

What partnerships, if any, with   n/a
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.2 OverarchingNeed # 2                                                                                      50

Action Step # 5

Action Step                       Classroom management training to newly hired teachers and those needing additional
Funding Sources                   Title I, Part A
Subgroups                         Economically Disadvantaged
                                  Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                  Student with Disabilities
Systems                           Professional Capacity
                                  Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring             Observations, Professional Leave Forms and certificate of completion
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        Behavior Specialist, Academic Specialist, Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Yearly

What partnerships, if any, with   n/a
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

Action Step # 6

Action Step                       Maintain student advocate and mentoring program to provide positive expectations.
Funding Sources                   N/A
Subgroups                         Economically Disadvantaged
                                  Race / Ethnicity / Minority
                                  Student with Disabilities
Systems                           Supportive Learning Environment
Method for Monitoring             Mentoring Program Plans and Guidelines, Roster mentors
Implementation and Effectiveness
Position/Role Responsible        School Counselor, Administrators
Timeline for Implementation      Monthly

2.2 OverarchingNeed # 2                                                                                                51

Action Step # 6

What partnerships, if any, with   n/a
IHEs, business, Non-Profits,
Community based organizations,
or any private entity with a
demonstrated record of success is
the LEA implementing in carrying
out this action step(s)?

2.2 OverarchingNeed # 2                                       52

                                              3. REQUIRED QUESTIONS

3.1 Stakeholders, Serving Children, PQ

Required Questions

1 In developing this plan, briefly describe      Lyman Hall Elementary scheduled multiple leadership team meetings during
how the school sought advice from                the school year to identify areas in need of improvement, collected and
individuals (teachers, staff, other school       analyzed data, researched possible interventions, and developed strategies to
leaders, paraprofessionals, specialized          address identified deficiencies. Members of the School Governance Team were
instructional support personnel, parents,        invited to participate and provide feedback. All stakeholders were invited to
community partners, and other                    attend the Annual Title I Input Meeting. Stakeholders participate in surveys
stakeholders) was accomplished.                  (parent surveys, staff surveys and student surveys) and school improvement

2 Describe how the school will ensure that       Lyman Hall Elementary seeks out effective, qualified teachers. Newly hired
low-income and minority children enrolled        teachers are assigned mentors. The role of the mentor is to provide assistance,
in the Title I school are not served at          guidance and feedback on best practices, state and district initiatives and
disproportionate rates by ineffective,           school practices. Students served by long term substitutes or ineffective
out-of-field, or inexperienced teachers.         teachers will be placed strategically in classrooms to receive additional support
                                                 the following year.

3 Provide a general description of the Title I   Lyman Hall Elementary is implementing a plan that includes increasing
instructional program being implemented at       student learning and achievement by 3%, decreasing discipline referrals by
this Title I School. Specifically define the     5%. The academic specialist will improve educational outcomes for students by
subject areas to be addressed and the            supporting research based, high quality instructional strategies and
instructional strategies/methodologies to be     interventions. The content mastery lab teacher will work collaboratively with
employed to address the identified needs of      classroom teachers to plan and deliver lessons that support technology across
the most academically at-risk students in the    the curriculum and use appropriate strategies to manage students, resources
school. Please include services to be            and the learning environment. Specific subject areas to be addressed are ELA
provided for students living in local            and mathematics. Lyman Hall Elementary provides technology based
institutions for neglected or delinquent         resources, reading and math intervention teachers, adult advocates and
children (if applicable).                        support from our guidance counselor to aid in student achievement. RtI and
                                                 SST meetings are held routinely to identify and provided support to struggling
                                                 learners. Weekly lesson plans, After School, Saturday School, and RESSLA will
                                                 be actively monitored to determine if instruction is effective. In efforts to
                                                 increase student achievement for at risk students, a collaborative process for all
                                                 stakeholders will be employed through the use of professional learning
                                                 communities and professional development. At this time, we have do not have
                                                 students living in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children.

3.1 Stakeholders, Serving Children, PQ                                                                                         53

4 If applicable, provide a description of how Not applicable
teachers, in consultation with parents,
administrators, and pupil services personnel,
will identify eligible children most in need of
services in Title I targeted assistance
schools/programs. Please include a
description of how the school will develop
and implement multiple (a minimum of 2)
objective, academic-based performance
criteria to rank students for service. Also
include a description of the measurable scale
(point system) that uses the objective criteria
to rank all students.

3.1 Stakeholders, Serving Children, PQ                                         54

                                                 3. REQUIRED QUESTIONS

3.2 PQ, Federally Identified Schools, CTAE, Discipline

Required Questions

5 If applicable, describe how the school will     Lyman Hall Elementary facilitates a transitional program for prekindergarten
support, coordinate, and integrate services       students annually. Students from Head Start, local daycare centers, and the
with early childhood programs at the school       Liberty County Pre-K Center take a guided tour of the campus. Additionally,
level, including strategies for assisting         all parents of upcoming kindergarten students are invited to attend a
preschool children in the transition from         Kindergarten Transition Program to learn about the school and meet the
early childhood education programs to local       kindergarten teachers.
elementary school programs.

6 If applicable, describe how the school will     Not applicable
implement strategies to facilitate effective
transitions for students from middle grades
to high school and from high school to
postsecondary education including:
Coordination with institutions of higher
education, employers, and local partners;
Increased student access to early college,
high school, or dual or concurrent
enrollment opportunities or career
counseling to identify student interest and

7 Describe how the school will support            Faculty and staff will participate in classroom management training. We utilize
efforts to reduce the overuse of discipline       PBIS Rewards to reduce disruptive behaviors. All students participate in the
practices that remove students from the           school counseling program. The goal of the program is to advocate for
classroom, specifically addressing the effects    students by providing a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate
on all subgroups of students.                     curriculum that promotes career, academics and personal/social success for all
                                                  students. Some students are recommended by their teachers or parents for
                                                  one-on-one support sessions to address particular needs they may exhibit.
                                                  Sessions are provided monthly. Dolphin Talk Time is a student advisory
                                                  meeting designed to encourage a connected and positive learning
                                                  environment. Six sessions are provided annually. Check-In/Check-Out is a
                                                  component of PBIS designed for students who have failed to respond to
                                                  interventions and general classroom management techniques and
                                                  interventions. These students are assigned to mentors who meet with them
                                                  twice daily to provide immediate feedback and adult support on a daily basis as
                                                  well as to help improve and establish daily home/school communication and
                                                  collaboration. We will implement 7 Mindsets, a social-emotional learning
                                                  program designed to positively change the way both staff and students think
                                                  about their lives passion, purpose, and meaning.

3.2 PQ, Federally Identified Schools, CTAE, Discipline                                                                       55


8 Use the space below to provide additional   Not applicable
narrative regarding the school’s
improvement plan

3.2 PQ, Federally Identified Schools, CTAE, Discipline                         56
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