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AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018-19 What is a School Development Plan? The School Development Plan (SDP) aims to provide Staff, Parents, Governors and associated professionals with a clear document that shows what the school intends to focus on for the next three academic years. The long term vision is summarised in the 2017/18 plan. How is it developed? During the Spring Term the staff group is consulted about the priorities for the School Development Plan. Contributions are discussed at a full staff meeting and also forwarded to the Senior Leadership Team. In addition subject leaders provide action plans to inform the development of individual subjects. When does it start? The Plan comes into operation in April of each year and finishes in March, the following year. The time scale matches the financial year and therefore the SDP is more easily linked to budget preparation and outcomes. How is it monitored? At the beginning of each term the Improvement Plan is checked for progress by the Senior Leadership Team. Who approves the SDP? The Governing body is responsible for the approval and effectiveness of the SDP. The SDP is also required to be shared with Hertfordshire Education Authority.
SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT THREE YEAR PLAN CURRICULUM TEACHING & LEARNING RESOURCES AND STAFFING ENVIRONMENT 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 Evaluate curriculum review Examine staffing levels to match pupil Explore development of play Broaden leadership opportunities for and evidence of pupil numbers and individual needs opportunities teachers in response to the growing progress. organisation 2019/20 2019/20 2019/20 2019/20 Evaluate impact of specialist Evaluate impact of staff expertise and Refresh specialist rooms. Consider the impact of middle subject Teaching Assistants qualifications on teaching and leadership and post graduate studies on pupil progress within learning. Music and Science. 2020/21 2020/21 2020/21 2020/21 Audit curriculum delivery Evaluate impact of assessment on Audit resources to reflect pupil Plan further training and development teaching. need opportunities for all staff.
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Staffing 1 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success Criteria By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible When Development Monitored, and By Whom Sustaining specialist high JS Liversage Engaged in HE study March HE acceptance By Governing Body through £8000 quality practice 2018 Head teachers report Process Targets Support 4 teachers to N Ward L Dillon, N Freeman, E Aug Mentor Teacher’s in M.Ed. NW report to Governing Leadership time complete final year of Shipp to complete their 2018 Body study release. M.Ed. Studies. M.Ed. At Hertfordshire University - HertsCam. L.Baldwin at Birmingham University Support 2 teachers to gain N Ward Laura Wing and Emma July Complete one year TLDW NW report to Governing £360 per 30 Masters credits through Hill to complete final 2018 programme through Body delegate. TLDW programme term of HertsCam HertsCam. Project impacts = £720 TLDW programme. quality of teaching and learning. Support 2 teachers to N Ward L Hawkins, E Hill, to March Mentor Teacher’s in M.Ed. JS Liversage report to Leadership time complete their 1st year complete their first year 2019 Governing Body study release. M.Ed. Studies. HertsCam M.Ed. 2 years study = £11,900 Support teacher to gain 30 N Ward Amy Adams to March Complete two terms of NW report to Governing Masters credits through complete two terms of 2019 HertsCam TLDW Body £360 TLDW programme HertsCam TLDW programme. Project programme. impacts quality of teaching and learning. All teaching staff to SLT Inventory will help Purchase Belbin tool and JS Liversage report to £42 per person complete Belbin self- teachers to understand organise time for all Governing Body X 30 evaluation tool themselves. teachers to complete. = £1260 Outcomes will be used Designate leadership time to consider new for SLT to evaluate results leadership teams. to inform discussion about leadership re-structure. Introduce Key Stage lead N Ward Planned Key stage July Impact of unified approach N Ward & J Connolly to Leadership time meetings J Connolly group 2018 on practice and pupils report to J Liversage
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Staffing 2 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Development Monitored, and By Whom Improved quality of teaching JS Liversage Teachers complete March Coach, mentor and Through SLT and Head and pupil outcomes courses and 2018 monitor studies teachers report to Governing qualifications Body Process Targets 2 NQT to complete N Ward NQT induction year July Complete final term of N Ward report to Head Leadership time induction year complete 2018 NQT program completed teacher L Hawkins A Adams Support School Direct N Ward Coach and mentor July Coach and mentor NW and JC to report to Leadership time trainees to gain QTS J Connolly J Lynch 2018 J Lynch Headteacher A Barnwell A Barnwell A Cloona A Cloona K O’Neill K O’Neill 4 NQT to complete first two N Ward Mentor March Complete first two terms N Ward report to Head Leadership time terms of induction year J Connolly J Lynch 2019 of NQT program teacher A Barnwell J Lynch A Cloona A Barnwell K O’Neill A Cloona K O’Neill Review outcomes for all JS Liversage Staffing structure is July Staffing structure is JS Liversage/N Ward to Leadership time staff following Performance N Ward equitable and relates 2018 equitable and relates report to Governing Body. Related Pay implementation directly to directly to performance / performance / responsibilities responsibilities
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Staffing 3 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Development Monitored, and By Whom Successful School Direct JS Liversage Unqualified April Application made and all By Head teacher reported to Leadership time application Teachers 2019 criteria achieved for Governing Body prepared for School Direct programme Process Targets Successful School Direct J Liversage 2 School Direct Jan Applications successful By Head teacher report to application for 2018-19 places 2019 for Governing Body achieved Successful 2 terms of School J Connolly Key areas of March Weekly meetings for Through SLT meetings and Salary, HE fees Direct N Ward development 2019 support and training – report to Governing Body of £20,800 on identified for new costs and trainees Leadership time Support HLTA to complete J Liversage Release July Regular feedback, By Head teacher report to 1 day salary per second year of degree N Bascom to 2018 monitor progress. Governing Body week attend university 1 day per week Support 2 TAs to complete first J Liversage S Wardle April Regular feedback, By Head teacher report to 2 days salary per two terms of the first year of N Powala 2019 monitor progress. Governing Body week foundation degree Create career pathways for J Liversage TA pay grades July Headteacher to input Head teacher and bursar Leadership time TAs to develop, motivate and reviewed 2018 budget report to Governing Body increase longevity of career. Induction process L Dillon Revised induction July Training delivered S Kitchen and L Dillon Leadership time -2 week autism S Kitchen in place 2018 -2 week interaction through play
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Teaching and Learning 1 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Development Monitored, and By Whom Pupil progress clearly reflected SLT Pupil progress Sept Teaching and learning Through the review of Teacher through the formative monitored and 2018 policy reviewed and used planning and linking directly professional time assessment process. profiled using as a reference tool to to priority outcomes priority outcome promote continued generate ongoing targets to development. progression reports, work generate progress scrutiny, case studies, data. presentation to governing body and SIP. Process Targets Develop planning to refine and N Ward Teaching and July Middle leadership, team N Ward report to SLT and Leadership time link expected pupil outcomes to learning policy 2018 and Key Stage meetings governors (Curriculum and differentiated learning to ensure reviewed to to review the T&L Environment committee) pupils are challenged identify process process and ensure appropriately. and current pupils are progressing practice from an assessed starting point. Unify the formative assessment N Ward Planning, July Work scrutiny to include N Ward report to SLT and Leadership time process and use of success Success criteria 2018 • Planning governing body criteria to ensure consistent and pupil priority • Success criteria approach and a shared belief to outcomes • Annotation and use inform planning and next steps. improve evidence of prompts of pupil progress. • TA development Teacher performance appraisal N Ward Planning and May Use teacher performance N Ward report to SLT and Leadership time targets and review reflect on pupil priority 2018 appraisal to discuss pupil governing body ongoing evidence of pupil outcome setting progress and how this progress. link. reflects the quality of T&L. Moderate summative N Ward Summative data Sept End of year assessment Facilitated through staff and Teacher assessment to provide moderated in Key 2018 used to report on pupil team and team meetings professional time additional data to review Stage group progression including B teacher assessment alongside meetings. Squared, tactile supplementary evidence: curriculum, annual CARS score, VI information
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Teaching and Learning 2 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff Development How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Monitored, and By Whom Review impact of the JS Liversage L. Baldwin, N Sep How will new found knowledge, action NW to report to Governing Body Leadership successful completion N Ward Freeman, E, Shipp, L 2018 research impacted whole school practice and time Post Graduate Dillon to influence is the impact/legacy sustainable. (Masters Degree) that whole school the 4 members of staff practice through the have on whole school successful practice completion of M.Ed. Process Targets Communication N Freeman To improve the use Sept Focus group to develop proformas to be used -Through conversations and Teacher of communication 2018 within classrooms. discussions in focused professiona aids across the Observations of class practice and meetings/training. l time curriculum and development of communication skills. -Through discussions and develop proformas to Strategies to and REEL assessments to be meetings with SLT and SALT monitor its use for embedded into classroom practices each pupil AFL E Shipp To introduce a Sep Collaboration and discussions with colleagues -Through discussions and Teacher success criteria 2018 in planned meetings. Discussions with SLT. meetings with SLT. · professiona proforma that is used Observations across the school. Strategies -Through observations of l time across the whole and approaches will become embedded within practice across the school by school and shows the school practice. SLT, MLT and Ellen-May Shipp. progress formatively. -Through conversations and discussions in staff, key stage and team meetings. Interaction through L Dillon Improve interaction - 5 TAs participate in activities to support -Observations of practice across Teacher Play through play by their understanding of early play and the school by L Dillon. · professiona training Play leaders interaction with pupils. (Amanda Hayter, -Conversations and discussions l time who will in turn Holly Lane, Sarah White, Samantha in focused meetings/training. engage other staff. Wardle, Emily McGuire.) -Discussions and meetings with - TAs create a lunch time games club to SLT. promote positive interaction and play through games and become Play leaders. - Parent workshop will be run to promote positive play and interaction at home. Careers L Baldwin Develop the Year 12 - Create a Year 12 curriculum overview. - Meetings with the other Post Teacher curriculum and Post - Create an overview with suggested 16 teacher. professiona 16 learning learning outcomes for the charity shop. - Discussions and meetings l time opportunities. - Co-write Careers Policy with SLT. - Share with new Post 16 teacher to ensure sustainable approach
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Teaching and Learning 3 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Development Monitored, and By Whom Pupils become more J Liversage Timetable is in place Create timetable and Feedback from staff and tolerant and familiar their and identified pupils identify pupils and parents presentation and hair care. are using the salon families who need support with hair care. Create a Timetable which J Liversage The salon is in July PSHCE to write policy S Streater to provide Subject leader identifies usage and pupils, regular use. 2018 and procedure to support documents to Headteacher time Recruit hair dresser for a planning designated time once a fortnight.
AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Environment 1 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Development Monitored, and By Whom Build a new space for soft play JS Liversage Improve play April Engage Architect and By JL through GB £120,000 over two floors. opportunities 2019 approve plans Process Targets Explore ideas with identified JS Liversage Plans drawn up July Agree architectural Report to Governing Body by £6,000 architect and agree plans. 2018 drawings Head teacher Planning permission sought J Liversage Planning Sep Tenders sought By Head teacher permission 2018 granted AMWELL VIEW SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN: Environment 2 Outcome Target Who Is Key Success By Main Tasks and Staff How Will Action Be Costs Responsible Criteria When Development Monitored, and By Whom Increase staff car parking by 26 N Ward Car park in use June Planning permission N Ward to report to GB £100,000 spaces 2018 agreed, lease signed and area completed Process Targets Lease signed N Ward Lease agreed and April lease signed and works N Ward to report to Head signed – 2018 begin teacher Represented by Longmores Solicitors Contractors to begin work N Ward Contractor June Schedule of works, N Ward reports to Head selected – Brace 2018 health and safety, liaison teacher Turner Civil with St Margaretsbury Engineers Trust
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018/19 - ENGLISH Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader 2018 / 2019 English Ellen-May Shipp and Allie Lindsell Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current year; Who is Main Tasks and Key Success By When Budget - Costs 2017-18 responsible Criteria Delivered ‘book week’ Continue to run annual event in line Allie and Check World Book Day website for Feb/March £50 corresponding with World Book with World Book day and sensory Ellen-May updates 19 Day 2018 and sensory week – week. Books and/or resources to be Reading record was sent home purchased where necessary. and in total pupils at Amwell View Pupils engaged and attentive. read approximately 301 books at Positive feedback from staff. home that week. This was Heightened awareness of the joy of recorded on a thermometer. sharing books! Awareness of the theme of sensory week and key author. Lower school went to see ‘The To book theatre visits that are Allie and Ellen Research local theatre March 19 £1000.00 travel Hungry Caterpillar’ at the Rhodes appropriate to age and ability of to oversee. performances. costs theatre in Bishop Stortford. pupils in upper and lower school. Lower school Offer theatre trips to pupils within Budget was spent on transport team leader to the school. and parents paid for their child’s be involved. Successful visit March 19 ticket. At least one theatre visit undertaken I-Pad apps shared in staff Identify any I-Pad apps appropriate Allie and Ellen Research appropriate resources. Sep 18 meeting when appropriate. to the development of early literacy New resources in use throughout skills the next academic year Teacher observations complete Lesson observations of English Ellen Create a portfolio of English lesson March 18 and ongoing throughout Key stages. plans as examples for each topic. Folder in use New Library system purchased Continue to update and monitor Allie and Research, and purchase March 18 £400 and in use Library resources Library resources. assistant Pupils accessing stories through different media P-level attainment raised Update offered to each class on Offer termly update of system use to Allie/Harvey/Li Training for each class. Dec 17 use of new library system all classes brary Continued system use March 18 Assistant July 18
Examples gathered and in To continue to extend the current Allie Moderation meetings planned. March 18 portfolio English portfolio, with exemplars of Further exemplars in portfolio moderated work. Library books reorganized and Library resources list distributed to Construct a list of books available Sep 17 system updated with new audit teachers Library for each topic assistant List devised and shared with staff Continue as ongoing task To continually review and repair Allie/Ellen/ Resources made. Ongoing activity resources for reading to store Library Resources in greater use across in the library and encourage families assistant school. Wider range of resources to engage with at home. addressing different attainment levels and reading skills Link has not been maintained this To set-up classes visiting local Allie Classes to go on off-site visits March 18 year due to lack of availability libraries as part of English curriculum Community link sustained. Mainstream link with Simon Balle To set up peer reading groups for Allie/Ellen Staff to nominate individual pupils Sep 18 pupils as reading buddies was not upper school pupils to buddy lower from upper school to read to lower maintained due to school pupils and share a reading school classes over lunch time staffing/transport issues time over lunch period ELKLAN delivered to Teaching Continue ELKLAN training across Allie/Sharon/S Create a ‘tips’ list for support staff March 19 Assistants Summer 17 and Jan school support staff ALT based on ELKLAN training. 18 Staff showing understanding and confidence in pupil communication Set up parent ‘English’ events to Allie/Ellen Letters of interest to identify areas March 19 cover reading/writing of need amongst parents. Successful delivery of parent sessions Sets of guided reading books Allie/Library Research simple guided reading Sept 18 £250 purchased for use in small group Assistant texts and adapt where necessary. reading sessions in class. Guided reading sessions seen in use in classes Total = £1,700
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018–2019 MATHEMATICS Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader 2018 / 2019 Mathematics Laura wing and Lauren O’Leary Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current year; Who is Main Tasks and Key Success By When Budget - Costs responsible Criteria Each class continues to • Class teachers will continue to Class Smartboard, switches and other ongoing £10 per class have allocated money to research and share appropriate teachers/ resources are used to deliver 16 class = £160 purchase apps for use with maths apps for use with class Subject mathematics across the whole the iPad via network iPads and feedback to subject leader to school manager – these have leaders share new included apps to support the • Share maths apps in weekly apps application of the three staff meetings. strands of mathematics • Subject leader will review apps for use in class to support the delivery of maths. • Subject leader to check upcoming year plans to decide upon Maths Week topic focus for upper and lower school New resources shared with Continue to support teachers to Subject Each class staff will have a clear Ongoing £250 staff in staff meetings deliver maths through outdoor leader and idea of the resources available to environments; during class them to support the pupils’ Purchased games and • Lesson times teachers learning opportunities replaced broken items or • Play / break Pupils use activities and explore items that we need more of • Maths focus week / day mathematics in an outside i.e. compare bears • Numeracy across the curriculum environment. Decide up focus week topics Look at subject overviews and Continue to update audit on update, restock resources for each resources in classrooms KS1,2,3&4 making sure there is enough and replacing broken or Continue to support teachers to damaged materials deliver subject focus topics in class: • Switches All pupils have access to the • Other resources to support maths curriculum topics access (i.e.) switches, numeral
flash cards • Support activities with up to date resources Moderation file will be • Continue to extend current Subject Updated portfolio to share. Pupils ongoing £0 updated and added to portfolio with new exemplars. leader will make good progress in during moderation Filmed evidence will continue to mathematics. Pupil progression – teachers be made available to share at Parents and carers are able to continue to use Connecting pupil’s annual review/EHC observe filmed evidence of pupil Steps website (P-levels) and meetings to inform progress. achievements in mathematics. are trailing a progression of • To assist teachers in noting pupil Pupil progression data to inform attainment model for all progression in maths curricular areas of strength and curriculum areas. • To identify areas of need for needs for support for class groups, progression individuals or across p-levels All teaching staff have Encourage staff to share and Class Staff will use stimulating and Ongoing £0 continued to contribute to contribute to resources folder based teachers engaging resources to support the the shared staff resources in the system. Subject teaching and learning of folder Encourage staff to share apps, leader to mathematics in the classroom. websites, etc. of use on the staff check Pupils will benefit from a variety of room whiteboard and presentations, resources to support their learning handouts and activities made. Upper school playground Encourage staff to use Maths Class Staff to use Maths budget when ongoing £10 per class resources brought including budget when Food Technology is teachers Food Technology is used for 16x10=£160 giant connect 4 and large Maths focused measuring, using scales, weight shaped blackboards to etc. support Maths through outside play. Maths focus week on money Focus week resources added to or Subject Ongoing £30 pupils going to a pretend new specific resources needed leader shop and buying a health snack in the small hall Total = £600
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018/19 – SCIENCE Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader Subject Leader Second Person 2018 / 2019 Science Sheila Kitchen - Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current year; Who is Main Tasks and Key By Budget – Costs 2017-18 responsible Success Criteria When Resourced Year A topics, Resources for Year B topics Sheila • Purchase torches from April £ 20.00 – torches which included include the following: Kitchen TTS catalogue 2018 £75.00 - batteries • Animals including • Electricity- to purchase • Purchase batteries from £30.00 – human Humans topic - Animal batteries in arrange of sizes, County Supplies circuit tube visit to the school (Lion purchase a human circuit tube £80.00 – circuit Learners) x 2, Paradise x3, purchase 1 box of torches, replacements Wildlife Park onsite replace circuits, bulbs and school visit, 3 classes clips as required • TTS catalogue for May £35.00 - Changing visited Paradise Wildlife 2018 shadows kit resources Park for the day, 3 Science Alive - £8.00 classes visited Pet’s • Sounds and light – drum, • Book off site visit with Science Alive – light and per pupil x 24 = £192 Corner, purchased soft Changing shadows demo kit, sound Matching cd and toy birds from RSPB lower school (Classes 6, 7 • cards - £18.00 • Rocks and Dinosaurs and 8) visit to Science Alive Purchase changing topic – purchased 2 for Light and Sound session, shadow kit from TTS April boxes of rocks varying in matching sounds with cards 2018 colour and density, £ 15.00 - Bubble purchased compost and • Chemical Changes – Dr Zigs mixture sand to dig in, purchased, bubble mixture and large £124.00 - Large coloured sand for bubble circle creator, pipettes, bubble creator sedimentary layers, beakers, food colouring, Pipettes - £15.00 palaeontology kits bicarbonate soda / flour / Food colouring - May £12.00 • Forces – purchased large cornflour 2018 sized magnets, and metal • Purchase Dr Zigs circular shavings kit, ball drop frame and bubbles at Flower photo pack - • Sound - £100 of sound • Plants – soil, compost, Amazon online £24.00 books purchased to bulbs, seeds, flowers, 2 child Gardening gloves - support the Sound Week sized trowels, child sized £18.00 activities, clown horn, gardening gloves, selection Sow it and grow it – whistles, and air horn of planting pots (different • Purchase compost, £29.00
• Earth and Space topic – sizes), off site visit to local seeds, bulbs, trowels and Plant activity cards - astronaut suits gardening shop, use of The gardening gloves £11.00 purchased, foil blankets, Dell, felt cloth diagram of • Planting pots – different See plants grow lab - rockets, balloons, freeze flower (root, stem and sizes £26.95 dried food, zip lock bags flower), flower photo pack, • Arrange class visits to Fabric Plant wall and paper plates sow it and grow it plant pots hanging - £29.00 Van Hages to view a • Science week activities- ( window), plant activity Parts of Plants books cards, See plants grow lab, variety of plants and upper school classes (5pk) - £38.00 books flowers visited Science Alive £480 Plant Life cycle and Lower School classes • Purchase resources from Sept sequencing cards - had a visiting Scientist for TTS 2018 – £11.00 Silly Science sessions - April £600 • Life processes – visit to 2019 • Purchased new goggles – Pet’s Corner, possible like glasses and the Science Alive for Our Bodies activities • Arrange class outings to traditional style too Pet’s corner to see Science Alive - £8 per • Purchased more torches animals with their young pupil @ 50 pupils = – used to support light and dark activities; and similarities £400.00 torches also used by • Arrange small class Pet’s Corner - £2.60 teachers in class activities • Seasonal Changes – visits outings to Science Alive per pupil x 40 pupils = • Purchased more to Hatfield Forest, Cammas to view the Our Bodies £104.00 transparent buckets and Hall Fruit farm, Pet’s Corner exhibit and interactive another Tuff tray stand so (lambing season) activities Parking at Forest - there are 2 working £10.00 per bus x 5 = activity trays – outdoors £50.00 and indoors • To organise class visits to Cammas Hall - £3 per • Purchased hi-visibility arm Hatfield Forest throughout pupil @ 40 pupils bands for St 2 and St1 the different seasons – £120 pupils upon completion of comparison Safety in Night time ( arm • Visit Pet’s Corner during bands sent home with lambing season to feed letter to parents) young lambs Batteries purchased to Ongoing resource replacement Sheila • County Supplies – support learning for all includes: Kitchen Science storage cupboard topics – switches and organised and labelled in ongoing £40 torches • Purchase more storage trays
–5 deep and 3 extra deep with an organised system Resources purchased for clip on lids • TTS catalogue – switches £30 Sensory story for Class 4 – updated and purchased to hats and mittens / gloves • Purchase 6 new switches support pupil understanding and £80 Bubbles and balloons access to learning • Class 4 – to purchase 1 new • Online and County story book and sensory items Supplies – new story is to support learning through £150 senses purchased and sensory objects to support the • Bubbles, balloons, zip wallets, story paint, Velcro and other • Online and County incidentals, including sensory Supplies as when needed items to support pupils in • Online and visiting shops lessons from online and other to purchase sensory shops calming resources • Science week activities – on Sheila • Booking event off site and January £600 – for onsite site and off site Kitchen on site- all pupils are 2019 visitor included in an outing or a £450 – for offsite visit school visit • Science Museum on site visit OR Cambridge Science Centre – visit to school • Mad Science – Mini science day Total = £2,826.95
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018/19 – COMPUTING Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader IT Manager 2018 / 2019 ICT Neil Ward Harvey Barrington Who is Main Tasks and Key By Review of Previous Year 2017-18 Outcome Target for current year; responsible Success Criteria Budget - Costs When Replace existing projector All projector based Q2 N/A HB £45,000.00 smartboards smartboards replaced 2018 Existing projector replaced Replace big hall projector Q2 N/A HB with new laser based £7,000.00 system 2018 solution Replace dance studio projector Existing projector replaced Q3 N/A system HB £1,000.00 with 2018 Sound system installed and Q3 N/A Install dining hall sound system HB £1,000.00 operational 2018 Oldest PCs replaced Q4 N/A Replace legacy fujitsu PCs HB £10,000.00 according to schedule 2018 Renew wireless network Q1 N/A HB Wireless network upgraded £6,000.00 components 2019 Q1 Replace foyer TV screen HB TV replaced £1,000.00 2019 Total = £71,000
ICT Budget 2018/2019 Budget Holder: Harvey Barrington Task Breakdown Budget Timescale refresh fujistu PCs replace next PCs in upgrade cycle £10,000.00 renew wireless network components £6,000.00 cloud backup - Gigasoft Backup Services Gigasoft remote backup £3,000.00 antivirus mcaffee antivirus £600.00 Starlesson lesson observation licensing & support streaming sw license and support £400.00 Microsoft annual software licensing MS licensing £6,000.00 Connecting Steps licensing and addition of GAP Licensing for expanded software £1,000.00 Educational curriculum software - Espresso, Purple Goo, Help Kidz Learn educational software licensing £2,000.00 Repair and replacement budget Out of warranty repairs etc £8,000.00 Printing supplies - toner and ink Printing supplies £8,000.00 Total £45,000.00
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018-2019 MUSIC Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader Subject Leader Second Person 2018 / 2019 Music Rachel Shipp Edward Shipsey Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current year; Who is Main Tasks and Key By When Budget 2017-18 responsible Success Criteria - Costs Pianos tuned. All pianos tuned and music Edward Book appointment during February 2018 £330 therapy and music room piano inset day. Contact with music stand repaired. repair details before day. Continuation of guitar and Musiclab sessions to continue as Rachel/Edward/ Replace strings September 2018 £ 60 drum tuition through Musiclab. in house provision called ‘Rock Olivia Replace bamboo rods Final performance during band’. Replace plectrums music week. Staff choir t shirts Olivia Source t shirts July 2018 £60 Order for new staff Joint planning of English Planning of Scottish sensory Rachel/Edward Book music workshop February 2018 £600 sensory week with sensory, week. Curriculum staff Create and run sensory geography, art and P.E. story curriculum leaders. Purchase of instruments Buy metallophone, student Rachel/Edward Complete orders October 2017 £1400 classroom percussion and live trombone, clarinet, ocean drum. through to lounge equipment. Radio microphone for live lounge January 2018 Purchase of keyboard, cahon and music therapy. and accessories.(Charity donation) Staff Karaoke with live lounge Edward Source music and approach April onwards £50 band staff. Enrich staff relations/ team building through music. Sensory stories – Working with Delivery of sensory stories to Rachel/Edward/ Enrichment of sensory April onwards £250 PMLD pupils weekly. PMLD pupils. Olivia curriculum. New sensory items to be made and purchased. Material, lights, costumes, props
Music week completed, with Music week to be planned in Rachel/Edward Music curriculum enhanced. April onwards £1300 visiting musicians, in house collaboration with Art curriculum Pupils develop music musical performances etc. leader. Visits by musicians/ appreciation and listening workshops and ‘in house’ musical skills. performances. Staff choir Continue to run staff choir Rachel/Edward Provide listening April onwards £40 opportunities for pupils. Enrich staff relations/ team building through music. Service Music Therapy guitar Service Music Therapy guitar Edward Ensure guitar has better April £50 action and easier to play. School show took place in May Organise school show. Rachel/ Whole school to benefit May Edward/Olivia from performance arts. Singing around the Christmas Organise community singing for Rachel/ Edward School community musical tree. ‘Singing around the Christmas event. tree’. Continuing to deliver Renewal of sing up subscription Rachel/Edward Enrichment of musical April onwards £250 Choir, Rock Club and live for choir. curriculum through clubs lounge. Music for live lounge. and additional opportunities. Percussion instruments for live lounge guests. Music Technology Club Continuation of Music Technology Rachel/ Edward/ Enrichment of musical and April onwards £50 sessions across all key stages. club. Pupils to learn to work Carl. IT curriculum through music Collaboration with IT independently using Garage band technology opportunities. department software. Development of Initiate links with dance club. composition skills. Return visit of 7T’s band. Rachel/Edward Music curriculum enhanced. Pupils develop music appreciation and listening skills.
Theatre/concert trip for Organise London and local Rachel/ Edward Enrichment of experience, £1300 Students 1 to Lion King theatre/concert trips. Olivia Theatre/concert trip for Class 9 Research lunchtime concert and 11 visits. Christmas Concert at Organise Christmas Concert at Rachel/Edward Music curriculum enhanced Broxbourne Civic Hall Broxbourne. by performance Liaise with two primary schools Purchase of new Christmas song opportunities. and secondary school. books. Arts Award delivery. 10 pupils entered for Arts Award. Music curriculum enhanced. £750 8 pupils awarded Bronze Links with Clare Green to deliver Pupil accreditation. award. art workshops Classes 9/10 and 10/11 began Classes 9/10 and 10/11 to Rachel Music curriculum enhanced. £80 Explore award. complete Discover award and begin Explore award. New boxes and stationery Lever arch files (target files) and Rachel Music room organisation £80 purchased for music room sundries for music room. improved Musical festival – link with other Rachel/Edward/ Organise setting, links and MLD/ SLD schools Olivia music. Organisation of costumes, Rachel/Olivia Purchase of rails and £300 purchase of rails. sundries. Purchase of books for assembly £100 songs curriculum Total: £7000
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018-2019 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leaders 2018 / 2019 Sensory Development Lucy Currie and Amy Gregg Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current Who is Main Tasks and Key Success By When Budget - 2017-18 year; responsible Criteria Costs Head of PE consultation with other Moderation of levels P1(i) to Subject To go through moderation April 2019 Stationary SLD schools to ensure that National Curriculum Level 4. leader to co- process with other teachers in £250 moderation of P levels is consistent All PE staff responsible ordinate lower and upper school team across the county. Moderation Continuation of Gold, Silver moderation meetings. updated in March 2018 and will be and Bronze assessment tool process once To monitor P levels and NC levels taken to upper and lower school in PE and Dance. per academic with SLD PE coordinators during team meetings during the summer Introduction of communication year with meetings. term. books into PE and Dance. school staff and SLD PE G,S and B assessment tool coordinators. successful along with the introduction of spreadsheet to analyse data. Pupils continue to develop Continue to increase number All PE staff Pupil enjoyment. April 2019 Stickers leadership through P.E and has of pupils provided with the Integration of pupils throughout Certificates contributed to the school achieving opportunity to develop the school and at partnership the Gold accreditation for Leadership skills through events. Sainsbury’s School Games. lessons and extra curricula activities. Pupils attended learning to lead Amwell View will attempt to training day and have been achieve a Platinum award for implementing their skills in PE. Sainsbury’s school mark for the first time. All PE staff responsible Rita to run leadership scheme through Boccia England during lunch time club. NRASTC training to be AW Staff aware of pool safety. April 19 NRASTC to organized for 2018/2019 for Staff who hold NRASTC come from all PE staff + SLT qualifications are confident to Training
make an effective rescue in an budget emergency John continues to inspect all PE Arrange for annual inspection LC Inspection Report. July 2018 Maintenance equipment. of P.E. equipment. Safe equipment Budget New mats and stools ordered and LC responsible Safe use of sports field old apparatus was donated to Hertford and Ware partnership. Affiliation fees paid to relevant LC Current information April 2019 CDTA sporting organisations. Affiliation fees £15 RLSS increased to £62.50 RLSS £62.50 BOCCIA £45 Trophies ordered and supplied for Purchase small plaques and LC Presentation of awards April 2019 Trophies Achievement Assembly by Concord awards for Achievement £100 Sports. assembly Certificates created and printed. Certificates created and printed ASDAN continues to be successful 2 Outings to be scheduled for LC and AG Completion of ASDAN modules. Sept 2018 for post 16 classes (Students 1 and 18/19 academic year. Certificates. 2) 1 indoor before Christmas Presentations. New community links created with 1 outdoor during Spring / Ware Bowls club. Summer Term. All pupils participated in offsite visit to Ware Bowls club and Stevenage Hollywood Bowl. Staff in process of arranging visit to John Warner Sports Centre to access the gym and fitness equipment.
Building Bridges Scheme continues Continue to invite local LC and RL Liaise with local schools and April 2019 Festivals – to be successful. Pupils from 11 primary pupils from H&W to monitor impact. Hire of primary schools have participated in build relationship between the An increase in the number of Presdales – PE lessons, which is an increase of schools. schools participating. Free due to schools. . Following learning to lead Sports Presdales school offered use of workshop - LC and RL to Leaders their sports hall to Amwell View for organise for selected pupils to running free in exchange for allowing visit mainstream classes in event. Presdales leaders to come into PE their PE lessons. Trophies/ equipment lessons in order to complete their £30 National Level 3 sports leader’s award. Certificates made by PE staff and presented to all competitors at the event. Hertford and Ware Festival were a Create dances for the AG Performance on stage in local April 2019 Costumes - huge success. Pupils were Hertford and Ware and AG and LC theatres. £300 supported by family members and County Dance Festival. Performance on stage during School Show this event increases awareness 3 dance clubs to perform at school show costumes across the county. school show. £50 Pupils from Chauncy School have Provide more collaborative been into afterschool dance club to opportunities with mainstream support pupils as part of the schools. National Level 3 Sports Leader’ Create dances for the school show.
Class 9 and upwards continue to Monitor provision at deep AW and LC April 2019 Cost of pool attend off-site swimming lessons at water pools to ensure hire - Part Fanshawe Pool. progression funded by Pupils from class 9 are the youngest parental to swim off-site and have found the contribution. transition difficult. However, with Cost of support from NW pupils have restocking become acclimatised to the new equipment surroundings. £300 Aqua beat continues to run as a lunch time club and new equipment has been purchased to support pupils. New pupils swimming aid needs have meant that more equipment has been purchased i.e. neck floats. Unfortunately the SLD Gala had to Organise Gala for SLD AW Building relationships and Feb 19 be postponed due to weather. AW schools at Fanshawe Pool, completion element alongside liaising with other SLD schools to Ware. other SLD Schools. arrange a new date. AW Selected pupils competed with great Pupils to attend Swimming enjoyment and success with parents Panathlon at the Olympic making the effort to watch their Pool. young person participate in a new environment.
SLD Boccia competition took place Continue to hold SLD Boccia LC and RL Participation from as many SLD April 19 at Presdales School. competition for SLD Schools. schools as possible Ran by Rita Leader and team run by Book date and venue for Lucy Currie Spring 2019. Gaining an understanding of Sportshall provided by Presdales Offer leaders at Presdales competitive events free of charge. school training in Boccia Certificates provided for officiating – RL Continuing to build relations and participation by AV. SLD Primary and Secondary share practice with other SLD A number of schools entered both A Panathlon events to take schools. and B teams. place. Show interest in Presdales young leaders helped to entering both A and B teams. run competition/ officiate and built relationships with SEND pupils across the county. Secondary teams enter and finish 1st in Panathlon competition. Pupils from class 10 experienced Panathlon at the Cooperbox and used public transport. Sports Day programme continued Sports Day Liaise with Pupils enjoyment June 17 Hire of from last year. Invitation for Rock Choir to Wodson Park Pupils prepared for future Wodson Park Reduced number of races in the perform during lunch – LC competitions. £400 – afternoon with success. Archery will be introduced as Enlist help of Sports Day Adapted and new field events were a new field event. leaders from Wodson successful, positive feedback from During Summer Term pupils Simon Balle. track parents and staff. to visit Wodson Park to – AG practise £2 Simon Balle Students invited to lead practise completing races on per pupil. field events during the morning. the track. = £160 Scooters were a great addition to sports day. Unfortunately due to lack of availability rock choir were unable to perform but we will try again. We were unable to access Wodson Park during the Summer term due to PE calendar being full.
Due to weather conditions pupils Lucy to liaise with St LC Continue to develop community 8 x 2 hour were unable to access the Tennis Margaretsbury club to links. sessions Courts but will do so where possible organise sessions again for £160 this year. this summer term. Amy and Lucy to deliver sessions Class 8 Provided with funding to Expanded Curriculum through LC and AG Continue to develop community April 19 PE receive a free bell bottom boating OAA and off-site links contribution lesson and class 9 will be opportunities. to activities participating in the regatta. Class 10, 11 and 12 to £400 Due to Stanborough lakes being experience climbing at Essex closed for the winter months and Outdoors during Summer only accessible in June/July, pupils term 2. will have the opportunity in Summer Arrange for KS2, 3 and 4 to term 2. experience cycling at Class 10, 11 and 12 will be climbing Stanborough Lakes in June 2018 at Essex Outdoors. Parents will be asked to contribute, P.E department may be able to subsidise costs. The school will try to find funding streams and avenues to enable other groups to experience skiing lessons as Snowbility funding has been cut. Replacement set purchased and Purchase log and wedge for AG Pupils use equipment regularly July 18 Jenx Log and pupils continue to access Panathlon pupils with low mobility to use and achieve their physiotherapy Wedge cost and Table Cricket competitions. in PE lessons (especially targets (may be linked to PE £1000 Gymnastics and expected outcomes) Trampolining) LC and AG to liaise with physiotherapy team to ensure that PE is supporting pupils to achieve their physio targets.
Dance agencies. Outside Agencies LC and AG Pupil enjoyment April 19 Outside Two outside agencies delivered Arrange for outside Agencies Widening of curriculum and Agencies dance performances and to deliver workshops in the specialist subject knowledge £700 workshops. ActOnce performed school to support sensory their show piece called ‘HOP’ for the week/ sports week and whole school, followed by a dance develop cross curricular links workshop for upper school. Swing i.e. Geography Dance UK came in for a cross curricula workshop based around the WW2. They also performed to the whole school and delivered 40 minute workshops for classes. Watford FC have delivered a 10 week block of lessons for class 3 and 12. This has supported community links for both the school and pupils who would like to attend football sessions outside of school. Students 2 had the opportunity to take part in a 10 week block of skiing lessons at Hemel Ski Centre. The session where funded by Snowbility. Total = £3972.50
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018-2019 SENSORY Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leaders 2018 / 2019 Sensory Development Jane Connolly and Lisa Dillon Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current year; Who is Main Tasks and Key Success By When Budget - 2017 -18 responsible Criteria Costs Communication resources Maintain appropriate balance of SL Communication resources Spring 2019 550.00 purchased sensory resources including object cues available Annual sensory room 600.00 Annual maintenance visit – maintenance visit 1,500.00 engineer praised upkeep of SI resources purchased 50.00 room VI resources purchased 500.00 Central resources Sensory room training Train health and wellbeing and SL All teachers, trainees, health Sept 2018 100.00 sessions held for staff new staff members in use and well-being TAs and class members sensory room resources leaders confident in developing and reviewing sensory room Sessions feature on 15/16 Meet with individual teachers and programmes class timetables class leaders to review their Sessions feature on each class pupils sensory room programmes timetable Each class uses sensory room Teachers develop apps for use with identified pupils at least on Magic Carpet once every week Develop assessment profile with Share profile with relevant staff SALT for pupils using Eye Gaze members Relevant staff trained in use of Eye Gaze Staff members supported in Deliver sensory integration and SL Training delivered Spring/ discussion and advice re. SI sensory awareness training for HT Links to attachment awareness Summer resources; strategies; sensory new staff (updates for explicit 2018 diets. experienced staff) Staff have a solid understanding of basic principles of SI Some staff members confident Staff members confident in in use of SI approaches and effective use of SI approaches integrating them into the school day
SI resources purchased and in Suitable SI assessment tool SL Identify simple SI assessment Summer use adopted tool 2018 Pilot use Sensory themes – accessible Support staff teams to meet SL Plans reflect pupils’ sensory Autumn 500.00 to all pupils (Halloween; pupils’ sensory needs needs and pupils receive 2018 Christmas Grotto; England , appropriate support and make Winter, St Patrick’s Day) progress Themes at least half termly in Intervenor training attended Sensory room: termly VI; MSI and HI specialist teacher termly visits facilitated and advice acted upon Annual audiology Clinic held at school – 4 pupils Total = 3,800.00
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018-2019 PSHE and Citizenship Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader Subject Leader Second Person 2018 / 2019 PSHE and Citizenship Sharon Streater Amy Adams Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for current year; Who is Main Tasks and Key Success By When Budget - Costs 2017-2018 2017-2018 responsible Criteria Money for toiletries was not To promote teeth cleaning Sharon Toothbrushes for each class June 2018 £400 claimed Streater – to be changed once a term £270 Amy Giant teeth for each class Adams Dental mirrors £10 4 x brush bus and covers £70 Fruit and vegetables now School council sash for each Sharon To enhance self-esteem and June 2018 £54.00 supplied by Barbara so member Streater self-worth money not claimed Amy Adams Yoga mats purchased for To promote use of the salon for Sharon Shampoo and conditioner April 2019 £40 whole school use. Stored in washing hair and experiencing Streater Hair bands £20 Dance Studio the process of visiting a Amy Adams Electric razor for shaving £30 hairdressers Hairbrushes £20 Combs £15 Role play uniforms Sharon - Fire service January £360.00 approx Streater - Police people 2019 Amy Adams - Doctors - Paramedic Tuck shop once a week - pupils Sharon Encourage team work, working May 2018 to work together to set up the Streater alongside each other and shop. Pupils to buy items – Amy Adams economic wellbeing (using prices flexible to pupils’ money). Sell fruit and veg knowledge supplied by County. Encourage classes to sell the food they make during Food Technology sessions. Recycling in classrooms and visit Sharon Each class to have their own May 2018 £320 recycling centre Streater recycling centre. Products to Amy Adams be recycled- cartons, cardboard, plastics Upper school to have a
timetable to visit recycling centre monthly. Toiletries to promote good Sharon Deodorant, shower gel, shower May 2018 £20 per class hygiene skills Streater puff Amy Adams Sanitary ware Yoga to be delivered across Sharon Sharon and Amy to attend December upper school Streater yoga training and deliver CPD 2018 Amy Adams to the rest of the teaching staff. Investigate a dentist to visit Sharon Contact dentists that specialise December Amwell View School Streater in pupils with special needs to 2018 Amy Adams visit classes. Total = £1,929
BUDGET ACTION PLAN 2018-2019 GEOGRAPHY Budget Action Plan Subject Subject Leader Subject Leader Second Person 2018 / 2019 Geography Rebecca Bennett Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for Who is Main Tasks and Key Success Criteria By When Budget - 2017 / 2018 current year; responsible Costs Monitoring Geography SOWs were 1. Teacher’s plans Rebecca 1.Monitor teacher plans and support colleagues to On-going. £50 to accessible on the system will be supported by Bennett access the Geography SOW. purchase and available to support SOWs and will • Plans reflect SOW. topic- planning. reflect and support • Plans are well resourced. specific Observations will be pupil progress. • Teachers able to locate SOW on system. resources arranged and continued 2. Observations will • Plans reflect and support progress throughout. as throughout the coming be undertaken by 2. To continue to collect evidence of P-level attainment requested year. Geography subject for moderation: by Moderation took place and leader throughout • Pupil’s written work teachers teachers were able to the year and across • Photographic evidence which may provide examples to go key stages. Make sure teachers are supported to provide be missing along with P-levels and 3. Evidence will be moderation examples where necessary. from routes for learning across collected to support Make sure that Geography moderation file is up to existing the Geography curriculum. moderation file Rebecca date. boxes. across P-levels and Bennett • Moderated work file is updated after moderation. Contingen Resources were built on RFL. along with cy to • Moderation reflects P-level and RFL. and maintained and 4. Resources will resources replace 3. To continue to build up a resource file of activities, resource files of activities continue to be and breakages suggested outings, useful websites and so on. were updated and added to developed and suggestion to existing Encourage staff to put Geography resources into by staff members. added to on the s from the resources. resources file on the shared system. shared system to teaching • Range of resources available to cover the breadth support teaching and staff. of study and in different formats i.e. film clips, learning across key interactive games. stages. • Contributions from colleagues valued and 5. Resources will included. continue to be 4. Maintain existing resources. developed and • Teaching staff will report any breakages or need for added to in the batteries. 5. Resource boxes to be added to and created to
resource boxes to support topics. support topics • Subject leader to go through year plans to assess across key stages. any gaps. • Teaching staff to report where resources are needed. Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for Who is Main Tasks and Key Success Criteria By When Budget - 2017 / 2018 current year; responsibl Costs Focus days e Focus week planned for 1. To Rebecca 1. Liaise with subject leaders. March £200 June 2018, with ‘Water’ collaborate Bennett • Structure opportunities for indoor and outdoor 2018 (to include theme. A specific country with music, learning. resources of focus in a locality art, food • Generate ideas for themed activities within for different to our own will be technology, Specialist Subjects. Summer used to link events. 2018 focus Geography Coordinator to PE and • Devise a ‘drop in’ cafe in Class 4 to celebrate week) sensory country of focus. liaise with Specialist subject 2. Create differentiated activities to support topic of Subject teachers to deliver an enriching curriculum for leaders to week. the Water Focus Week. devise a • Range of activities to support learning. Explore possible charitable sensory week • Activities support the use of a range of senses. links, including ‘Toilet- (2019, topic 3. Provide resources to support class activities and Twinning’ (£60) which could to be learning throughout the week. be achieved through fund- discussed). • Resources are available to immerse pupils in raising and will directly link theme. to the chosen country of focus. • Resources are available to support learning. • Resources differentiated to be accessible to all. 4. Communicate ideas and activities to members of staff to ensure active participation. • Create a handout/resource pack for reference. • Put resources on the shared system for use throughout the week to support activities. • Make members of staff aware of the resources available.
Review of Previous Year Outcome Target for Who is Main Tasks and Key Success Criteria By When Budget - 2017 / 2018 current year; responsibl Costs Purchasing e Train tickets:£25.10 1. Christmastime: Rebecca 1. School to take part in Goal for the Gambia Christmas N/A Becky Nature Reserve:£4.00 Goal for Gambia Bennett and Christmas ‘Treasure Chest’ event. 2018 has Sand and Plants:16.00 donation boxes. class • Subject leader to organise event. contact for teachers. • Notify staff about event. shipping, 2. Teachers to use • Staff to collect shoeboxes. donations budget to buy from staff • Send out letters to parents to send in items for resources to and shoeboxes wish list found at: support families. (1 Geography topic shoebox teaching e.g. help1. Ask for old football shirts too post-World per class, food tasting. Cup! 16 • Create presentation for classes. classes) • Present in assembly. Total= £250
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