SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -

SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
DVB SCENE                      MARCH 2021
                                 ISSUE 57

    Shoot for the stars
    with DVB-TA

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SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
DVBSCENE Ready for the challenge?
          CONTENTS • MARCH 2021                                A year has passed since
                                                               COVID-19 began to turn our
    5   From the DVB Chair                                     world upside down. The pandemic
                                                               has been a disaster for human
    6   Developing the DVB-I reference client: an              society and the global economy
        unexpectedly adventurous journey – Juha                but, even amid so much hardship,
        Jokia (Sofia Digital)                                  one must say that this period has
    7   Enabling enhanced linear TV experiences with           presented a golden opportunity for
        DVB-I – Jan Müller (Dolby)                             video and media.
                                                                 Opportunities tend to arise
    8   Why specify new video codecs in DVB? – Jan             when there is a challenge to be
        Outters (SES) & Jason Power (Dolby)                    met, and our industry has seen,
    9   DVB Native IP: fast track to DTH 2.0? – Jean-          inter alia, a tremendous increase
        Claude Sachot (Broadpeak)                              in viewership, along with a shift
                                                               in consumption patterns. A
    10 Targeted Advertising: from specification to
                                                               huge amount of work has been
       implementation – Stefano Braghieri (Mediaset)                                                   Emily Dubs
                                                               undertaken behind the scenes to
                                                                                                       Head of Technology, DVB Project
    12 A leap forward in TV advertising efficiency –           successfully handle this sudden
       Paola Colombo (Publitalia ‘80)                          disruption.
                                                                 Some DVB Members have been            the specificities of each.
    13 New V&V test package for DVB-S2X beam
                                                               instrumental in accelerating a             In this way, one could say that
       hopping – Avi Freedman (Satixfy)
                                                               shift, working hard to achieve in       DVB is now shifting its focus
    14 An oral history of the birth of DVB Simulcrypt          the space of a few months what          towards the service as opposed
                                                               would have normally taken a             to the physical layer. In today’s
    16 DVB-HB: an in-home bridge from broadcast to
                                                               couple of years, while still actively   fragmented landscape, metadata is
       IP – Davide Milanesio (Rai)
                                                               contributing to DVB’s work.             the ‘intelligence’ aspect of media
    17 Mission accomplished: Russia’s massive                  Indeed, in this context, more than      and needs to be leveraged. DVB-I
       analogue switch-off project – Andrey                    ever, the value of open standards is    is a first approach, building on
       Chernikov (RTRN)                                        acknowledged. Standards are the         ETSI TS 103 770 that defines the
    18 New DVB solutions for a post-pandemic                   most efficient way both to deploy       mechanisms for internet-based
       world? – David Wood (EBU Technology and                 new technologies at scale and           service discovery. This is now
       Innovation)                                             monetize content. This is borne         being complemented by the Native
                                                               out, for instance, in article from      IP work (see page 9) that further
    19 Ofcom shines a light on technology futures for          Mediaset on page 10 related to          reflects this move towards IP-
       media – Simon Parnall (Ofcom)                           the forthcoming market launch           centric solutions and the service
     Published by the DVB Project Office,                      of standards-based targeted             layer.
     c/o European Broadcasting Union,                          advertisting, implementing DVB-            Our Members are thus now
     17a Ancienne Route,                                       TA and HbbTV-TA.                        defining the tools required
     CH-1218 Grand Saconnex, Switzerland.                                                              to get through this long
                                                               SEAMLESS FRAGMENTATION                  transitional phase, where multiple
     Editorial Board: Peter MacAvock,                          I believe that DVB retains a            combinations of networks,
     Eva Markvoort, Emily Dubs, Elfed Howells.
                                                               critical role in today’s standards      platforms and devices must
     Editor: Eoghan O’Sullivan (
                                                               landscape, being at the forefront       coexist, delivering an ever-
     All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be   of the convergence of regular           growing content offer. From this
     reproduced without prior consent of the publisher. All    broadcast with broadband and 5G         fragmented ecosystem, viewers
     content correct at time of printing. © DVB 2020.          media delivery. In fact, rather than    expect a seamless and unified
     The views expressed in this newsletter are those of       convergence, I would say it’s more      experience, while operators in
     the individual DVB Members or guests and are not          about sharing the strengths of the      turn, want to ensure prominence
     necessarily the views of the DVB Project Office or        various types of network, allowing      for their services! All of this adds
     Steering Board.                                           a seamless use of any of them.          up to a challenging and ambitious
                                                               DVB is defining the solutions           mandate for the DVB Project.
     DVB and the DVB logo marks are registered
                                                               that will allow content – from          Needless to say, contributions
     trademarks of the DVB Project. Certain other product
     names, brand names and company names may be               prime-time fiction and live events      from the wider membership –
     trademarks or designations of their respective owners.    to the long tail – to be seamlessly     including those who have not been
     Printed by Graphius.                                      delivered through multiple              actively involved in recent years or
     Cover photo: Mari Guti/iStockphoto                        networks, taking full advantage of      perhaps ever – are essential.
     Location icon by Pngtree

                      To subscribe to DVB Scene free of charge visit:
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SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
DVB News
Below we list DVB documents published since the
last issue of DVB Scene. They include the first ETSI-
published versions of DVB-I, DVB-MABR and DVB-
TA, as well as the BlueBook publication of DVB-HB.

ETSI TS 103 769 V1.1.1                                                DVB BlueBook A083-2r2 (Draft EN 302 307-2
Adaptive media streaming over IP multicast (November 2020)            V1.3.1):
                                                                      Second generation framing structure, channel coding and
ETSI TS 103 770 V1.1.1:
                                                                      modulation systems for Broadcasting, Interactive Services,
Service Discovery and Programme Metadata for DVB-I
                                                                      News Gathering and other broadband satellite applications; Part
(November 2020)
                                                                      2: DVB-S2 Extensions (DVB-S2X) (February 2021)
ETSI TS 103 752-2 V1.1.1:
                                                                      DVB BlueBook A178-1r1 (Draft TS 103 752-1
Dynamic substitution of content in linear broadcast: interfacing
an advert decisioning service and optimal preparation [DVB-
                                                                      Dynamic substitution of content in linear broadcast: carriage
TA, part 2] (December 2020)
                                                                      and signalling of placement opportunity information in DVB
ETSI TR 102 376-2 V1.2.1:                                             Transport Streams [DVB-TA, part 1] (February 2021)
Implementation guidelines for the second generation system for
                                                                      DVB BlueBook A179:
Broadcasting, Interactive Services, News Gathering and other
                                                                      Service discovery and delivery protocols for a DVB Home
broadband satellite applications; Part 2: S2 Extensions (DVB-
                                                                      Broadcast system [DVB-HB] (February 2021)
S2X) (January 2021)
                                                                      All available from:
DVB BlueBook A001r17 (Draft TS 101 154 V2.7.1):
Specification for the use of Video and Audio Coding in
Broadcast and Broadband Applications (February 2021)

                                          NEW DVB MEMBERS
                      Find out how to join the DVB Project by visiting:

 Quadrille, based in Paris, is an             Synaptics Inc, headquartered in                 Twise SAS, based in the south of France,
 independent software and service provider    California, develops integrated circuits for    specializes in the development of secured
 specializing in over-the-air content         user interface solutions, with differentiated   solutions for the digital pay-TV market,
 delivery. Its multicast solutions target     technologies in touch, display and              mostly for products such as CI Plus
 real-world requirements in industries        biometrics that can be combined with a          conditional access modules (in both USB
 as diverse as media, entertainment,          new generation of advanced connectivity         and PCMCIA form factors). Its mission
 transportation, and public and military      and AI-enhanced video, audio, speech and        is to provide flexible turnkey solutions
 infrastructures. (          security processing. (        compliant with any environment and
                                                                                              respecting the operators’ standards.
 “For Quadrille, joining the DVB              “The network of DVB Members and                 (
 Project was a priority as we                 the associated access to digital media
 increasingly focus on using IP               delivery insights complement the                “The ultimate goal is to contribute
 multicast technologies to deliver            increasing focus and commitment of              to the CM / TM groups for CI Plus,
 any kind of content over broadcast           Synaptics to continued technological            which is our core business, and to
                                              innovation at the edge.” Nick Dunn,             encourage new DVB initiatives to
 networks.” Xavier Battas, CEO
                                              Senior Director of Marketing, Multimedia        build our future.” Xavier Teil, President

SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
Did you miss this showcase
                                                  of DVB’s next gen specs?
                                                  A year without trade shows meant                Thanks to all our exhibitors:
                                                  a year without those landmark                 ATEME, Broadpeak, Dolby, ENENSYS
                                                  events that provide a focal point             Technologies, Google, Harmonic,
                                                  for driving industry innovation               Kineton, OnScreen Publishing,
                                                  forward and without an opportunity            OTT Broadcast, Sofia Digital, TPV
                                                  to demonstrate the latest DVB                 Technology, Unified Streaming,
                                                  specifications in action. To fill this gap,   Verance, and Viaccess-Orca.
                                                  the DVB Project Office put together             The morning session is available to
                                                  the inaugural DVB DEMOS event on              watch on demand. Just visit the event
          A word from                             26 November.                                  page, where you’ll also find direct links

         the PCM chair                               It was a little different in the way
                                                  it combined two distinct blocks:
                                                                                                to each exhibitor’s section:
     ELFED HOWELLS (HISILICON / HUAWEI)           the morning offered a two-hour                  The stream ends with a wrap-
                                                  live stream where each of the 15              up from DVB Head of Technology
    In January 2021, with pride and               “exhibitors” presented short, sharp           Emily Dubs. She explains how the
    excitement, I took up my new role             demos of products and services that           aforementioned new DVB specs, along
    as the chair of the PCM. I’ve been            implement the newest DVB specs                with ongoing work on Native IP and
    overwhelmed by the support received           (DVB-I, DVB-DASH, DVB-MABR and                5G, will come together to create a new
    from our group, and the increase in           DVB-TA). And then, in the afternoon,          unified future for media delivery.
    participation and contributions (up to        we switched to a different mode, with           Another edition of DVB DEMOS will
    25 members at our meetings) has been          each exhibitor available for one-to-          be held in the autumn. DVB Members
    heartwarming.                                 one private sessions where they could         should join the PCM group to follow
      The PCM is responsible for the              show their demos in more detail and           developments:
    promotion and communication of DVB’s          answer questions.                             PCM/dashboard
    work. We work with the Project Office
    to help ensure that DVB’s publications,
    events, social media presence and
    press releases reflect its work, while
    also shaping our conversation with our
    Members and with the outside world.
      Since January we have enhanced the
    way the PCM functions to reflect the
    dynamic nature of the specifications
    under development at DVB. We now
    meet every two weeks and touch on all
    the aspects of our remit at each meeting.
    These include the news items that are
    in focus, our DVB events, participation
    in external events, publications, and
    our outreach to Members and non-
    members, in companies, organizations,
    industries and countries worldwide.
      The recent and ongoing specification
    work from DVB, focusing on next
    generation media delivery via broadcast,
    mobile hybrid and OTT is keeping
    everyone busy. PCM participants are
    contributing to the creation of our new
    narrative that ties together existing
    and forward-looking technology
    specifications, to convey the possibilities
    these can offer to both enhance and
    expand media delivery.
      We would welcome your input and
    cordially invite you to join us at the
    PCM! Thanks for the welcome, and the
    ongoing support.

4                                                                                                                  DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
Internet-centric, broadcast-bred
– a challenging mix

                                             “My old adage is that “turkeys never vote for Christmas”:
                                             some of the changes being proposed are hard, and some
                                             are unpopular. But I believe they are necessary.”

                                             organizations vying for relevance in the     year will be to ensure that DVB is able
                                             broadband media delivery space, each         to maintain its V&V effort, maximizing
                                             with its own unique proposition. What        its usefulness and minimizing its
                                             makes DVB different? Is it its focus         administrative impact.
                                             on media? Its market-led, consensus-
                                             based approach? Its unique make-up           NEW BLOOD
                                             of big media companies, big vendors          And have we really transitioned
                                             and lots of technology providers? We         DVB into this new – more agile –
                                             cannot be certain, but it’s likely to be a   organization? Well, honestly, no; not
                                             combination of all of these.                 yet at least. The intention is there
Over the last two years or so, DVB has          We have been working on DVB’s             among those who care most about DVB
shifted to promoting itself as internet-     new direction for some time. Many of         itself, but transitioning the existing
centric. But what does this mean? It’s       the elements are already in place, like      membership is sometimes a struggle.
about changing mindsets, shifting            DVB-I, targeted advertising, DVB-            Consensus is still very valuable, and we
focus, revamping old working methods,        DASH, DVB-MABR. The task now is              do have means of overcoming obstacles
and accompanying (encouraging?               to paint a clearer picture of how these      to consensus where they appear. We
dragging?!) industry stakeholders into       elements – and others in the pipeline –      need to be quicker to apply them and
the future, all while retaining their        fit together and can enable the next great   we may even need to revisit the working
support. My old adage is that “turkeys       transition, a transition that has already    methods as described in our tried and
never vote for Christmas”: some of the       begun.                                       trusted Rules and Procedures.
changes being proposed are hard, and            What, in practice, does an internet-         Furthermore, many DVB-ers have
some are unpopular. But I believe they       centric approach entail? We have tried       been around for a long time, and
are necessary.                               to instil a faster time-to-market and,       attracting the new blood necessary to
                                             critically, a greater focus on aids-to-      generate the exciting work items and
CROWDED FIELD                                interoperability. This latter element        to work in these new ways requires
The DVB Project is uniquely placed           has meant that we don’t standardize          DVB to sell itself to a new audience,
to serve an industry that is changing        our output until such time as the            one that doesn’t care about heritage and
faster than ever. Its heritage as the        ‘verification and validation’ (V&V)          reputation. With our new PCM Chair,
cornerstone of the analogue-to-digital       phase of our work is complete. The           Elfed Howells, now firmly in place with
and SD-to-HD transitions is useful,          thinking here is that if a specification     an innovative and ambitious agenda, we
but in many ways constraining. In            is valuable, then its proponents will        have an opportunity to revamp DVB’s
years gone by, DVB was on its own as         work to produce the tools necessary to       public image. And, for the first time in a
the solutions provider in the digital        help the market deploy interoperable         long time, we have the internet-centric
broadcast space. While we believe in         solutions.                                   ingredients to provide substance to the
DVB’s credentials, there are a lot of           One of the challenges over the coming     messages.

Peter MacAvock is the Chair of the DVB Project. He is also Head of Distribution Platforms and Services at the
European Broadcasting Union.

SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
Screenshot of the HbbTV version of the DVB-I reference client                                      DVB World conference was cancelled.
                                                                                                       It was to have been the first public
                                                                                                       demonstration of the DVB-I reference
                                                                                                       client. Instead, we settled on bringing
                                                                                                       the planned DVB Masterclass sessions
                                                                                                       online, showcasing the DVB-I reference
                                                                                                       client project in a webinar on 1 April.
                                                                                                          The subsequent cancellation of the IBC
                                                                                                       exhibition and various related difficulties
                                                                                                       led to the original delivery schedule for
                                                                                                       Phase 2, with its myriad of small and
                                                                                                       bigger features, slipping. After quite a bit
                                                                                                       of struggle, and with weekly calls with
                                                                                                       the DVB experts Jon Piesing, Paul Higgs
                                                                                                       and Emily Dubs, the final version was
                                                                                                       delivered at the end of the year.

                                                                                                       IMPROVING THE SPEC
                                                                                                       During the first phase of the project
                                                                                                       our focus was clear: the feature list
                                                                                                       consisted of the absolute essentials of
                                                                                                       a DVB-I client, namely the channel
                                                                                                       list, the EPG, the info banner and the
                                                                                                       player. In addition to this, the backend
                                                                                                       service list editor was developed to

    Developing the DVB-I reference
                                                                                                       help us to understand the Service
                                                                                                       Discovery and Programme Metadata for
                                                                                                       DVB-I specification (then published as

    client: an unexpectedly                                                                            BlueBook A177) and its implications for
                                                                                                       the client. However, the second phase
                                                                                                       was more about handling many small
    adventurous journey                                                                                but useful features and thus a feature
                                                                                                       tracker was applied. It was surprisingly
                                                                                                       time-consuming to complete everything
                                                                                                       and during the work we found elements
                                                                                                       of the specification that were unclear or
    There was a lot of excitement in the                   Because of this, we decided to recycle      not fully fleshed-out – which was exactly
    air when we received the news that we                  some of our existing codebase for the       the original intention of the project. It
    had been chosen to deliver the DVB-I                   HbbTV implementation, modifying it          was also a great privilege to participate in
    reference client. The contract was signed              enough so that it could be released with    the regular calls of the DVB TM-I group
    on 6 January 2020 and the work began.                  the open-source MIT licence to GitHub,      during the project, to assist in getting
    The project was divided into two phases:               as requested by DVB. For the Android        the specification in even better shape
    Phase 1 covered the most basic and                     implementation everything was coded         and seeing everything come together,
    essential use cases and Phase 2 was                    from scratch.                               including the low-latency streaming
    about packaging some more ‘nice-to-                       The first phase was successfully         effort together with FFmpeg.
    have’ features together.                               delivered on 28 February, complete             The GitHub repository and our
                                                           with the service list editor (backend),     example hosted implementation will
    OPEN SOURCE                                            grid-based EPG, channel selection, and      remain available for the foreseeable
    The project is hosted on a public GitHub               stream playout. It was finalized, after a   future. We can see that there is a lot of
    server registered by the DVB Project.                  few corrections, on 11 March. We had        interest – more than ten different forks
    The first commit to the repository                     to be careful not to design a client that   have been made by interested parties
    was made on 20 January after the first                 was too good looking: as the chair of       studying the code and UI. DVB-I is in a
    two-week sprint. The initial delivery                  the Technical Module, Jon Piesing, had      very strong position to gain worldwide
    deadline for Phase 1 was already on                    remarked, “DVB is not paying for user       implementation and we hope that the
    31 January, with the final Phase 1                     interface design!”                          reference client developed by Sofia
    delivery scheduled for 28 February                        Around this time the COVID-19            Digital remains helpful in fulfilling that
    – a particularly challenging timeline.                 situation had worsened, and the planned     potential.

                                Juha Joki has many years’ experience in DVB and HbbTV technologies. Currently he is in charge of DVB
                                broadcast products and testing and certification services for DVB and HbbTV at Sofia Digital.

6                                                                                                                          DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
Enabling enhanced
                                                                                           PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCES
                                                                                           In enabling viewers to choose their
                                                                                           preferred audio experience, DVB-I

linear TV experiences
                                                                                           can bring the level of personalization
                                                                                           interactivity usually associated with
                                                                                           watching internet content to the world

with DVB-I
                                                                                           of linear TV. At its simplest, this can be
                                                                                           a choice of languages, the option to add
                                                                                           director commentary, or to choose a
                                                                                           dialogue version more appropriate for
                                                                                           children. Personalized audio can also go
                                                                                           beyond dialogue preferences to make the
                                                                                           whole audio scene more individual, for
JAN MÜLLER (DOLBY)                                                                         example with adjustable or even team-
                                                                                           biased crowd noise in sports content.
                                                                                           The ‘preselection’ concept within DVB-I
TVs and mobile devices are increasingly       running a prototype DVB-I client.            and DVB-DASH provides a standardized
capable of reproducing enhanced viewing       This utilized an AC-4 audio stream,          framework for the selection of different
experiences that bring us closer to           enabling fully immersive 360-degree          audio versions via the DVB-I client, all
reality – with UHD high dynamic range         audio reproduction with its built-in         derived from a single audio bitstream.
video, for example, and immersive 3D          loudspeaker system, without requiring          DVB-I doesn’t come with a complete
audio. But while some bigger streaming        any additional speakers.                     new set of requirements for codec
and pay-TV services have been able to                                                      support and media delivery – it builds
take advantage of these new capabilities      ACCESSIBLE CONTENT FOR ALL                   on top of existing DVB standards for
already, it can be more challenging           DVB-I also provides new opportunities        receiver interoperability. As proven with
for broadcasters to find the spectrum         to increase content accessibility. Again     the prototype, compliant DVB devices on
to innovate, especially over congested        through support of the latest NGA            market today can be used to implement a
terrestrial networks.                         codecs, DVB-I offers extensive features      DVB-I client application and reproduce
  DVB-I offers a solution for                 including dialogue enhancement               an immersive experience for consumers
broadcasters to innovate and launch new       and audio description. Dialogue              using built-in technology.
enhanced television services, making          enhancement enables the user to adjust         The opportunities with DVB-I in terms
use of flexible broadband delivery while      the level of dialogue within a programme     of enhancing the user experience even
achieving scale with an open, cross-          compared to the background audio to          further are huge and user interaction
platform approach. Through enhanced           maximize intelligibility. And extended       for accessible and personalized content
audio capabilities, DVB-I enables             support for audio description can            adds great value for consumers. To give
new possibilities to improve service          provide audio commentaries in a more         the viewers access to those features
accessibility and to meet the preferences     extensive and scalable way – for example,    the DVB-I client needs to implement
of individual viewers.                        making it possible to offer description      a corresponding user interface; we
                                              for different language versions and across   are looking forward to seeing the first
IMMERSIVE AUDIO                               stereo, surround and immersive listening     prototypes soon. We’re excited to see how
Immersive audio wraps the viewer in           scenarios, or to change the level of the     broadcasters choose to leverage DVB-I to
detailed 3D sound from all around,            descriptive commentary versus the main       innovate with new immersive, accessible
including overhead. It has been used for      programme.                                   and personalized services.
several years now to make movies and
episodic dramas much more exciting and
is increasingly used for live broadcasts to
recreate a realistic atmosphere for sports,
concerts and other events. By enabling
use of the latest next generation audio
(NGA) codecs, DVB-I enables immersive
audio to be included in linear broadband
services in a single data-rate-efficient
   Dolby and TP Vision recently
                                                A prototype from Dolby
collaborated to show how DVB-I
                                                of how DVB-I can enable
can deliver a UHD service complete              viewers to personalize
with immersive audio to an off-                 their audio experience
the-shelf Philips connected TV

Jan Müller – Commercial Partnerships and Standards Manager at Dolby. He works with the industry on
enhanced media experiences in horizontal ecosystems and is involved in standardization activities within DVB
and HbbTV.
SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
Why specify new video codecs in DVB?

    Video codecs timeline, courtesy of Harmonic Inc.

    At the time of writing, the participants            “Clarity around licensing terms will be an essential factor
    in DVB’s CM-AVC sub-group are
    particularly active. The goal is to agree           in the successful growth and adoption of any technology
    on a set of commercial requirements that            in the marketplace.”
    will ultimately lead to the addition of
    one or more new video codecs to DVB’s
      This current phase of work was
    kickstarted with an online workshop                 broadband like 8K, and also accelerate      LCEVC – all reaching key milestones.
    that took place last September. For DVB             adoption of 4K UHD on terrestrial           The standards work is generally done for
    Members only but featuring several guest            networks.                                   all of these codecs and volume shipment
    speakers, the workshop attracted more                  It has been suggested that the success   of devices can be expected in 2021–23
    than 140 participants, which provides               of codecs is heavily influenced by the      depending on the technology and
    an indication of just how important this            “three Cs”: compression, complexity         demand for it.
    topic remains for the industry.                     of implementation, and commercial              All five of these codecs were presented
                                                        characteristics. And while current          by their proponents during the
    MAIN DRIVERS                                        technology is sufficient to meet some       September workshop. DVB Members
    There was a strong mandate from                     near-term opportunities like 8K, there      can access the individual presentations
    DVB’s membership for further work                   is general agreement that new codecs        via the CM-AVC workspace. They
    in this area. In a survey that had been             will be needed for the longer term, from    provide a wealth of information about
    undertaken prior to the workshop, 94%               2023 onwards. Clarity around licensing      the technology used, performance,
    of respondents indicated that they would            terms will be an essential factor in the    commercial factors and the status of
    like to see one or more new video codecs            successful growth and adoption of any       licensing.
    added. While the phenomenal growth in               technology in the marketplace.                 The CM-AVC group has a target to
    OTT video traffic is perhaps the biggest                                                        deliver first commercial requirements
    driver for the emergence of new video               THE YEAR OF CODECS                          around the start of Q2 2021. The
    codec solutions, these codecs could also            2020 was a landmark year for video          TM-AVC group has already begun
    be important enablers of new enhanced               codecs, with several – AV1, AVS3,           preliminary work in anticipation of the
    video experiences for broadcast and                 MPEG-5 EVC, MPEG-I VVC and MPEG             Steering Board approving the next step.

                                               Jan Outters is Senior Engineer – Product Management with SES; Jason Power is Senior Director
                                               of Commercial Partnerships and Standards with Dolby. They are, respectively, vice-chair and
                                               chair of the DVB Commercial Module sub-group on audio and video coding, CM-AVC.

8                                                                                                                      DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
DVB Native IP: fast track                                                                   could be switched off.
                                                                                               However, when a new technology
                                                                                            proves to be mature, brings benefits

to DTH 2.0?                                                                                 to consumers as well as content
                                                                                            distributors, and offers good prospects
                                                                                            for profitability, the next step for the
                                                                                            industry is to identify a viable migration
                                                                                            path that permits its early market
                                                                                            introduction and the progressive
JEAN-CLAUDE SACHOT (BROADPEAK)                                                              withdrawal of the previous generation.
                                                                                               For technologies that rely on legacy
                                                                                            consumer-premises equipment,
The DTH 2.0 platform                                                                        migration obviously cannot happen
                                                                                            overnight. The migration path is usually
                                                                                            long, but as with the shutdown of
                                                                                            analogue television or video codec and
                                                                                            format transitions, the recipe for success
                                                                                            is good planning and a willingness to
                                                                                            move forward. Given the long legacy the
                                                                                            satellite industry has to live with when
                                                                                            new generations of TV sets or set-top
                                                                                            boxes hit the market, I believe that now
                                                                                            is the right time to engage in serious
                                                                                            planning activities for introducing
                                                                                            Native IP delivery to satellite broadcast.

                                                                                            MIGRATION PLANNING
                                                                                            Most content providers already have
                                                                                            OTT streaming playout capabilities
                                                                                            that can be leveraged for Native IP
                                                                                            distribution via broadcast. When it
                                                                                            comes to transmission bandwidth,
Aside from the introduction of new            benefits offered are wide-ranging, and        a viable migration path could be to
codecs and formats, direct-to-home            not only in the context of satellite.         reduce the number of live TV channels
(DTH) digital satellite television has not      A first important milestone was             distributed by satellite (offloading
improved much since the mid-1990s:            achieved last summer when the                 the low audience channels to OTT
it remains limited to the TV screen,          DVB Steering Board approved the               distribution only) and reuse the released
in most cases connected to a bespoke          commercial requirements for Native IP.        satellite spectrum to simulcast high-
satellite receiver decoder. However,          This subsequently triggered the creation      audience channels or live events in
we have now reached the point where           of the new Technical Module Native IP         Native IP, addressing all consumer
the broadcast of live video channels          sub-group (TM-NIP) at the beginning           devices.
using video packaging formats such as         of November, to deliver a specification          Legacy set-top boxes pose perhaps
DVB-DASH or HLS can revolutionize             and implementation guidelines.                the biggest challenge. Nevertheless, we
video content distribution by natively                                                      have demonstrated that the software of
addressing all types of screens.              LOOKING AHEAD                                 eligible set-top boxes can be upgraded to
   At the start of 2020, amid growing         Moving from a specification to                support Native IP redistribution across
momentum, several industry players            broad market adoption, however,               consumer homes. Native IP satellite
joined forces within the DVB Project          will not be straightforward. There            gateways could present another solution
to initiate work on producing                 are understandable fears that the             here.
commercial requirements for a Native          demand for solutions targeting the               The vision that drives us is enabling
IP specification allowing the delivery,       B2C segment, such as next-generation          providers to operate all of their
via broadcast means, of media content         DTH, may still be many years away.            broadcasting and OTT streaming with
natively tailored for distribution over       The most common concern is that, for          one single distribution platform, rather
any IP-capable network, using the same        broadcasters, deploying Native IP would       than operating two siloed ecosystems
media packaging formats that have             require additional transmission capacity      forever. Native IP is a clear opportunity
enabled OTT streaming. From unifying          for quite a long time on top of the           for significant short-term cost savings
systems on the headend side to enabling       conventional MPEG Transport Stream-           and greater consumer satisfaction, and
new business models, and beyond, the          based transmissions, until the latter         paves the way for a successful DTH 2.0!

Jean-Claude Sachot is the Business Development Director for Broadpeak. He has more than 30 years of
experience in digital video processing and delivery, and was previously vice president of pre-sales – video
CPEs at Technicolor.
SCENE ISSUE 57 Shoot for the stars with DVB-TA -
Targeted Advertising: from                                                                       enabling personalized ad substitution in
                                                                                                  live broadcast.

 specification to implementation                                                                  CLIENT-SIDE SUBSTITUTION
                                                                                                  Figure 1 shows a high-level diagram of
                                                                                                  the implemented solution where the
 STEFANO BRAGHIERI (MEDIASET)                                                                     Mediaset Play HbbTV application, with a
                                                                                                  CSAS module running, is compared to a
                                                                                                  terminal not providing the application.
                                                                                                    The solution uses synchronous triggers
                                                                                                  instructing the HbbTV application to:
                                                                                                  • Start dialogue with the advertising
                                                                                                    server and pre-load into the device
                                                                                                    memory the advert that will be inserted;
                                                                                                  • Perform the switch from broadcast
                                                                                                    content and play pre-loaded content;
                                                                                                  • Switch back to broadcast content.
                                                                                                    The proprietary solution used to trigger
                                                                                                  the application, and integrated into our
     Figure 1. HbbTV 2.0 implemented solution
                                                                                                  legacy playout system chain, provides a
                                                                                                  working mechanism to achieve a satisfying
                                                                                                  level of performance on deployed HbbTV
 Mediaset, the major Italian commercial            in order to ensure either incremental          2.0 terminals.
 broadcaster, has been involved as a DVB           reach or additional frequency. It also           The solution was deployed in 2019
 Member for many years, taking advantage           makes television accessible for first-time     and since then is up and running as a
 of the opportunity to contribute to the           advertisers, such as SMEs and local            commercial product; nevertheless, we
 definition and standardization of new             businesses, since it requires lower budgets,   faced some relevant issues:
 technologies.                                     avoids ad waste and allows geographic          • Some terminals did not successfully
   Since the days of MHP, we have                  segmentation.                                    implement the HTML5 video element
 understood that a deep involvement in                Not least, TA allows broadcasters to          functionality
 DVB and other standardization bodies is           prevent video ad budgets shifting away         • Switching time and accuracy
 key to maintaining a leading position in          from television towards ad-funded online         performance on the broadcast to
 the competitive environment where new             platforms from the likes of Google,              broadband transition, and vice-versa,
 technologies come along more and more             Amazon and other digital players.                were not defined, leaving terminal
 frequently.                                          From a technical point of view, in 2017       performance dependent on terminal
   This article describes how Mediaset has         we understood the potentialities offered by      implementation
 developed a proof of concept based on             the HbbTV 2.0 core specification thanks        • No requirements for buffer size
 the newly released Targeted Advertising           to early terminals deployed in the Italian     • No requirements about the supported
 (TA) specifications, aiming at real               market at that time. Italian broadcasters        codec
 product deployment to offer personalized          agreed on a “Statement of Direction              As a consequence, we were not able
 advertising slots to our advertising agency       Towards HbbTV 2.0” in 2014, moving             to count on a well-functioning and
 and its clients (see page 12).                    away from MHP in a green-field HbbTV           predictable set of reachable terminals
                                                   context that avoided an HbbTV 1.5 legacy.      without putting in place a managed
 WHY TARGETED ADVERTISING?                         Such a choice allowed us to count on           terminal “whitelist” to address only the
 For the Mediaset Group, TA is strategic           terminal implementation compliant with         subset of well tested and verified HbbTV
 mainly because it offers the best of the          the HbbTV 2.0 core specification, which        2.0 terminals.
 two worlds of television and digital: brand       introduced HTML5 functionalities and             In June 2018 a set of commercial
 safety in a curated editorial environment,        in particular, within the scope of TA, the     requirements for TA were approved by
 viewability, regulation, and addressability.      HTML5-video-element and the DSMCC              the DVB Project; the technical groups
 It is therefore essential for our company to      do-it-now stream event.                        delivered their work around the end
 invest in the development of such formats,           Based on those HbbTV 2.0 core               of 2019, offering a TA framework that
 in order to satisfy the evolving needs of         functionalities, a client-side-ad-             includes the specification for the “Carriage
 our advertisers.                                  substitution (CSAS) module was                 and signalling of placement opportunity
    TA can be used in an upselling                 developed and integrated in Mediaset           information in DVB Transport Streams”
 strategy towards brands that already use          Play, the Mediaset broadcast-related           (DVB-TA Part 1) and the guidelines for
 television advertising, by extending their        catch-up and VOD HbbTV application             “Interfacing to an advert decisioning
 linear campaigns on connected TVs                 signaled on all Mediaset channel line-ups,     service and optimal preparation of

                              Stefano Braghieri has more than 25 years of experience in broadcast technologies in various capacities, from
                              code writing to standard definition. He has been working for Mediaset since 2011, involved in technical and
                              commercial support for new technologies and product innovation.

10                                                                                                                    DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
provisioning and (b) the ad
                                                                                                           substitution process reporting. The
                                                                                                           existing Mediaset infrastructure was
                                                                                                           already compliant with DVB-TA Part
                                                                                                           2; we had just to generate different
                                                                                                           configurations of the backend services,
                                                                                                           setting up a validation environment
                                                                                                           providing support for this activity.
                                                                                                         To test the whole chain, a great deal of
                                                                                                      effort went into defining and building a
                                                                                                      validation package to test the three areas
                                                                                                      just described. The validation package
                                                                                                      • Recorded transport streams: a set of
                                                                                                         streams, carrying signalling for the
                                                                                                         HbbTV application, provide timelines
                                                                                                         and placement opportunities for all
                                                                                                         the use cases to be tested. The streams
                                                                                                         also cover the set of broadcast audio
Figure 2. TA specification area of applicability                                                         and video formats in use at Mediaset in
                                                                                                         compliance with the TA specifications.
media” (DVB-TA Part 2). The HbbTV                      cooperating closely with technology            • Substituted advert content: a range
Association, on the other side, provided               providers to develop headend                      of advertising content in various
the terminal specification to be applied               apparatus implementing DVB-TA                     audiovisual formats and durations was
on top of an HbbTV 2.0 compliant                       Part 1 signalling, we were able to                prepared.
terminal, providing new functionalities to             generate signals correctly simulating          • A test protocol: the validation package
an application in order to perform the ad              the payload of the placement                      came with detailed instructions to run
substitution in a predictable and invariable           opportunities. Once the real headend              tests to avoid misunderstanding of the
way (HbbTV-TA).                                        product became available, no changes              expected results.
                                                       were required in the terminal block –
STANDARDS-BASED APPROACH                               just minor changes in the application          READY TO LAUNCH
The arrival of the new set of TA                       and a no-regression test phase were            The proof of concept and the test activities
specifications and guidelines allowed us               necessary.                                     have been successfully completed. The
to remove the proprietary solution and             (2) In the second area, strong                     implementation of various use cases
resolved the aforementioned issues. The                collaboration with terminal                    required by Mediaset confirmed what was
new solution is still based on a CSAS                  manufacturers was established,                 foreseen by the specifications.
module which is integrated in the HbbTV                achieving fully open contributions                The terminal executes the ad
Mediaset Play application. Figure 2,                   generating a positive win-win                  substitution within the time constraints
related to an HbbTV terminal running                   process where terminal firmware and            imposed by the HbbTV-TA profile #2 for
Mediaset Play, illustrates where the new               applications were developed step by            all audiovisual content formats considered
TA specifications apply.                               step, sharing and discussing topics            relevant.
  Because the whole set of TA                          and issues, including those arising               The whole project has been performed
specifications were brand new, when we                 from different interpretations of the          100% in agreement with the TA standards,
started to study how to best implement                 specifications, finally reaching the           providing solutions for issues we found
them, there were neither products nor                  goal of having an implementation               in early implementations based on
prototypes for any of the blocks in the                compliant with the HbbTV-TA                    the HbbTV 2.0 core specification and
end-to-end chain; once again we faced the              specifications.                                allowing a forthcoming launch on the
well-known chicken-and-egg scenario,               (3) In the third area of work, a dialogue          market of TA based on DVB-TA and
which led us to develop a proof of concept             with backend services was defined              HbbTV-TA specification.
in collaboration with technical partners               to test (a) the correct ad substitution
involved in the whole production chain.
  Three main areas of work, depicted in
Figure 3, were identified:
(1) The HbbTV-TA specification provides                                                                                        Backend
                                                             Headend                    Terminal       Application
    a means of decoupling the terminal
    implementation from the signal
    carrying placement opportunities, as
                                                   Figure 3. TA specification area of applicability
    per DVB-TA Part 1. While we were

A leap forward in TV
                                                                                          promote their new “smart EQ fortwo”
                                                                                          hybrid electric car is a good illustration
                                                                                          of these technologies in action. Together

 advertising efficiency                                                                   we planned an addressable campaign on
                                                                                          mobile and connected TVs.
                                                                                            The audience targeted in this project
                                                                                          was a premium custom target, based
                                                                                          on the intersection of some variables
                                                                                          identified with Mercedes-Benz on
                                                                                          connected TVs. It was enriched by the
                                               A recent Pubitalia ‘80 campaign            “driving” interest of users who usually
                                               leveraging targeted advertising            browse the automotive sections of the
                                                                                          Mediaset digital property network
                                                                                          and other partner sites, including
                                                                                          DriveK, a European web platform for
                                                                                          configuring new cars. The profile was
                                                                                          further enriched with geo-behavioural
                                                                                          data relating to users who had visited
                                                                                          car dealers and who attended points of
                                                                                          interest perfectly aligned with the target
                                                                                          indicated by Mercedes-Benz.
                                                                                            In particular, the targeted advertising
                                                                                          campaign on connected TVs was
                                                                                          combined with a mobile rich-media
                                                                                          campaign with a “drive to dealer” call-to-
                                                                                          action to point out the closest Mercedes-
                                                                                          Benz dealer.

                                                                                          IMPRESSIVE RESULTS
                                                                                          Measuring the effectiveness of targeted
                                                                                          advertising campaigns on connected
                                                                                          TVs in terms of store visits was the goal
 Recent developments in television           its enrichment with data from other          of the “attribution model” developed by
 technology have had a direct impact         sources, we can now offer our clients        the AdTech team of Publitalia ‘80 with
 on TV advertising campaigns, with           an even more efficient ad service. New       Beintoo, another Mediaset company,
 significant benefits for advertisers,       innovations that are made possible           specializing in geo-marketing solutions
 agencies, broadcasters and end users.       include:                                     that track users on the move.
    For Publitalia ’80, the advertising      • The definition of ad targets based on        The Beintoo attribution model,
 agency owned by Mediaset Group,                geographical, socio-demographic,          which verifies the progress of a mobile
 using the DVB and HbbTV Targeted               behavioural and attitudinal               advertising campaign in relation to the
 Advertising standards in connected             characteristics, according to the         accesses generated in the store, is now
 TVs marks a crucial step forward. This         objectives of our clients.                applied to the connected TV campaigns
 integration of broadcast and broadband      • Real-time replacement of                   managed by Publitalia ‘80; analysis allows
 on TV sets means they join other digital       broadcast commercials based on            the evaluation these new advertising
 touchpoints in our portfolio, such as          the characteristics of the chosen         formats by comparing visits to dealers by
 mobile and portable devices. If we             target, known as Dynamic Advert           customers who have been exposed to the
 add also the possibility of interaction        Substitution.                             targeted advertising compared to a non-
 between the main TV set and portable        • Re-targeting, which means                  exposed control group with the same
 devices – also known as companion              optimization of reach and frequency       demographic.
 devices – we see this whole ecosystem as       objectives based on the accurate daily      Applying this to the Mercedes-Benz
 a gamechanger that offers the best of the      analysis of campaign performance          “smart EQ fortwo” advertising campaign
 two worlds of television and digital.          across multiple media at the same time.   told us that targeted advertising on
    Combining the advent of platforms        • Analysis of ad campaign performance        connected TVs led to an uplift of 43%
 like Mediaset Play – the broadcast-            with timely attribution of the            compared to the control group; it is a
 related catch-up and VOD HbbTV app             contribution of connected TVs.            valid tool for our clients for measuring
 signalled on all Mediaset channels – with                                                the efficiency of targeted ads and the real
 the collection of user data via digital     MERCEDEZ-BENZ CAMPAIGN                       impact of Mediaset Play’s addressable
 properties, the analysis of this data and   The Mercedes-Benz Italia campaign to         campaigns on sales.

                        Paola Colombo is General Manager of the Adtech and Business Development unit at Publitalia ’80, where
                        she focuses on new business strategies, partnerships, and technology-driven innovation.

12                                                                                                           DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
The specific objectives of the V&V
            Use case                   Reference            Reference                   package are:
                                       Simulator             Values                     • Ensure the unambiguous description of
                                                                                           use cases, protocols and formats.
                                                                                        • Facilitate the standard implementation
                                                                                        • Ease interoperability between
                                                                                           implementations from different
                                                                                           For now, the package includes only
                                                                                        computer files. Further activities,
                                                                                        including actual equipment tests against a
                                                                                        satellite emulator and plug fests between
                                                                                        different manufacturers, are envisaged for
                                                                                        the future.
                                                                                           The V&V package includes a set
 Figure 1. DVB-S2X V&V structure                                                        of reference streams and waveforms
                                                                                        that allow validating different
                                                                                        implementations of the DVB-S2X
                                                                                        extensions for beam hopping. Several

New V&V test
                                                                                        test cases are provided, to allow for
                                                                                        a thorough verification of the beam-
                                                                                        hopping formats. Other features of the

package for DVB-S2X
                                                                                        DVB-S2X standard can also be tested.
                                                                                           The V&V structure is shown in Figure
                                                                                        1. Each test case is defined as a set of files

beam hopping                                                                            that contain configuration parameters as
                                                                                        well as a description of the test; the input
                                                                                        data file to the modulation function;
                                                                                        and the output files, starting from the
                                                                                        baseband frame, and ending with the
                                                                                        physical layer frame (PLFRAME),
                                                                                        which is the set of symbols to be
In July 2019, the DVB Steering Broad         VERIFICATION & VALIDATION                  transmitted, including preambles, pilots
approved a revised version of the            However, specifications alone do not       and postambles, scrambled according
DVB-S2X (EN 302 307-2) specification,        assure interoperability! In 2018 the       to the standard specification. Thus,
adding support for beam-hopping              Steering Board mandated a policy           an implementor can make use of the
systems. By that, and with the               wherein every specification going          package for development and debugging,
completion of the signalling specification   to ETSI will be accompanied by a           beyond its function as a verification tool.
for beam hopping and advanced satellite      V&V – verification and validation             Verification can be performed either
systems, expected this quarter, DVB          – package. Typically, this comprises       by an independent modulation function,
offers a suite of solutions for the new      reference streams and signals, verified    generating output files according to the
era of satellite systems, be they high       and validated by several entities as       input and configuration parameters, and
throughput GEO satellites or even LEO        complying with the specifications.         comparing them to the output files in
constellations. These standards are key to   Although this policy came into effect      the package; or by a receive simulation
an open market, leading to real market       only after the beam-hopping revision       function, which would take an output
growth.                                      was approved, the TM-S group, with         file at its input and compare the decoded
  The interoperability made possible         the endorsement of the CM-S group,         stream to the input file. The test cases
by standards brings many benefits: end       elected to produce a V&V package for       cover a large variety of possible waveform
users can freely choose between service      this revision.                             streams and superframe formats.
providers and equipment types, and have          The purpose of the V&V programme          Interoperability cannot be achieved
open access to different systems; service    is to verify equipment compliance to       without cooperation. Production of
providers can offer a wider variety of       the standard and interoperability in a     the package would not have been
services to their customers; content         defined set of configurations that are     possible without the cooperation of all
providers can extend their audience          considered most significant to reach the   of the DVB Members that participate in
reach; and satellite operators are freed     scope. The complete V&V package has        TM-S, contributing to the effort in so
from the burden of micro-managing            been available to the public via the DVB   many ways for the benefit of the whole
customers, and even gateway operation.       website since February 2021.               industry.

Avi Freedman is a director of system engineering at Satixfy, involved in R&D for modems and smart antennas
for satellite communications. He has been active in DVB standards development efforts for eight years.

An oral history of the birth of
 DVB SimulCrypt
 In January 2021, we learned that DVB’s work on common encryption was to be recognized with a Technology & Engineering
 Emmy® Award. To mark this honour, we invited some of those who were involved in the commercial and technical work that
 led to Simulcrypt to share their memories of that time.

               Robin Crossley worked for SES Astra between                                                                   Andrew Glasspool began his career in the
               1986 and 1989 and again between 1991 and                                                                      television industry with BSB, after which he
               1995. From 1995 he worked for Sky until his                                                                   founded Farncombe Technology. He still works as
               retirement in December 2020.                                                                                  a consultant on a wide variety of digital television
                                                                                                                             and telecoms projects, when not sailing around
                                                                                                                             the world.
               David Cutts, now retired, worked with several
                                                                                                                             Erik Lambert joined the Canal+ group in 1986
               companies in the pay-TV sector, including BSB in
                                                                                                                             and partook in the DVB Project’s work as a
               the UK and France Télécom, before forming S&T
                                                                                                                             representative of Canal+ until 2002. Lately he has
               (with Nick Birch).
                                                                                                                             helped launch two SVOD platforms, HBO Nordic
                                                                                                                             and StarzPlay Arabia.

 Andrew Glasspool: SimulCrypt, just                                                                                                                                                           the broadcast so that individual users
 a word, with a simple definition, meant                                                                 PRESS RELEASE                                                                         can descramble at the receiver. This
 so many different things to the different                                                                                                       For Imm
                                                                                                                                                               May 2, 1997

                                                                                                                                                             edia te Rele   ase
                                                                                                                                                                                               requirement was met by the common
 players in the industry. And ironically                                                                       Tel:     +41 22 717 2719                                                        scrambling system, a core part of the
                                                                                                                        +41 22 717 2727
 it delivered something that went far                                              Project Office
                                             Contact:        Martin Jacklin, DVB
                                                             Ancienne Route

 beyond its original scope. The technical                                                                                                                                                           Another key part of the DVB activity
                                                             1218 Grand Saco
                                                             Geneva, Switzerla
                                                                                                                                                    ec   i f i c a   t i o   n
                                                                                                                    m u l Cr yp t Sp
 working groups brought together                DVB a p p r o ve
                                                                                 s Pa r t 1 o f Si
                                                                                                                                         tal Vide    o  Broa  dcas ting Project                 was   in defining the architecture,
 experts from each of the conditional                                                                                                                                                            its standardization   and regulation
                                                                                                                     world-wide Digi
                                                                                            ring Board of the
                                                         th         l 1997 - the Stee
                                              Geneva, 16 Apri                        Sim  ulCr  ypt  spec ification.                                                        llel, in
                                                                   Part 1 of the                                                                                  in  para
                                                                                                                                          ess (CA) systems
 access (CA) system vendors in a way          (DVB) approved
                                              “SimulCrypt” is
                                                                   a process that facil
                                                                                            itates using seve
                                                                                              Scrambli   ng  Algo
                                                                                                                  ral Conditional Acc
                                                                                                                    rithm , to control access
                                                                                                                                                  to pay-TV services.                            such   that it could support at the
 that had never happened before. At                                                                                                                                                              same    time  both a high-volume
                                                                    the DVB Common                                                                        Streams in a DVB
                                               conjunction with                                                                   ditional Access
                                                                                                          two or more Con                         lly the requirem
                                                                                                                                                                         ents for
                                                               invo  lves   the   interoperation of                           esses   spec  ifica
                                               SimulCrypt                                                                addr
                                                                                                ypt specification
 times these experts, having worked in          environment. The
                                                                         DVB’s SimulCr
                                                                         een two or more
                                                                                                conditional access
                                                                                                                        systems at a head
                                                                                                                                                                                                  implementation of the underlying
                                                interoperability betw                                                        two parts:
 isolation for much of their careers, were                                                                                                                                                        silicon hardware and customized
                                                                                                          is divid  ed  into
                                                                        ypt technical spec
                                                 The DVB SimulCr                                                     on.
                                                                                                   Synchron    isati

 surprised to find that their solution for       • Part 1 - Head-en
                                                 • Part 2 - Extended
                                                                         d Architecture and
                                                                            Interoperability and
                                                                                                                          approved   Part  1   of  the  specification, whic
                                                                                                                                                                                h will             and secure implementations of the
 messaging and interfacing was not the                                                                                                                                                             security mechanisms required to
                                                                                                Steering Board has                                                               In the
                                                                          ting of the DVB                                           l Committee for
                                                  The 16 April mee                                               I Joint Technica
                                                                       to  the EBU      / CENELEC / ETS                            spec ifica tion   which will also be
                                                  now be released                                                  Part 2 of the
 only way and perhaps not even the best           meantime, work
                                                                       continues in the
                                                                       com   pleti on.
                                                                                             DVB Project on

                                                                                                                                                     age,  addi ng   to   its existing        deliver   descrambling keys to individual
                                                   to the JTC upon                                                            nal Access Pack
 way. This created interesting dialogue         fromSimulCryptthe  forms cable
                                                                             an integral part  one,           due to differences
                                                                                                    of DVB’s Conditio
 and challenges for the specification,          inelem  the commercial                            rithm policies. Thus was                                                                       DVB set up a specialized policy/
                                                                            Scrambling Algo
                                                     • DVB Common
 given than none of the systems had             born •          the
                                                         DVB Common Inter
                                                      • Cod  e  of Con
                                                                                            of nal a
                                                                                   face (EN 50221)
                                                                               for Conditio         Acccommon
                                                                                                         ess                          scrambled                                               commercial      group, reporting to the
 been designed to interoperate at a DVB         signal• Anti-piraand             a     common                         signal  ry for thearchitecture,                                         Steering    Board   and chaired by Eamon
                                                                    cy recommendat
                                                                                          ions                                                                   multiple condition
                                                                                                                                          interoperation of
                                                                                      ypt  spec ifica tion is not mandato                       on    of Part  2  of the specification,
                                                                           SimulCr                                                   completi
 headend.                                       associated                       with             several                 CASimulCrsystems,
                                                                                                                itates this. Upon
                                                                                                                                                                  that                        Lalor,   from  the  European Commission,
                                                       While the DVB                                                                                         or the existing Com
                                                                           or “Sim    ulCrypting”, it facil                           ypt specification
                                                       access systems,                        of usin  g either the new
                                                                               the   choi ce
                                                       operators will have
                                                is, Inter
                                                            face specification.                                                                                                               that set out to give structure and
 Erik Lambert: The idea of SimulCrypt                  During the first Proj                             years             of the
                                                                                                              Bac k grou n d
                                                                                                              ect (DVB) is
                                                                                                                                               90s itover 200triesbroaworldcasdwidters,e, resolution to these issues. At the heart
                                                                                                                                   a consortium of

 was born in the analogue era. At               became                   clear             (at leastforto                    the technically                                                  of the whole solution is the common
                                                                                            dcasting                                                              coun
                                                                                 o   Broa                                                   more than 30
                                                        The Digital        Vide
                                                                                                ators   and    regu  latory bodies in                            . Numerous broa
                                                                             network oper                                                  digital television
                                                         manufacturers,                                                the delivery of                                         Africa, Asia,
                                                                                          a global standard                                              South America,
 the end of the 1980s, Canal+ was in            savvy)               that the       standard future of broadcasting                                                                           scrambling algorithm (CSA). The
                                                                       to   designin   g                                             pe,  Nort  h   and
                                                                                               s are  now   oper   ational, in Euro
                                                         services using DVB

 discussions with France Télécom about          would               be digital. The European
                                                          and Australasia.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1
                                                                                                                                                                                              DVB Members involved put together
 using D2-MAC transmissions (an                 Launching  DVB_pr034.doc
                                                                                   Group (precursor to the DVB                                                                                a specialist team of cryptographers of
 analogue standard with some limited            Project) was created, and the European                                                                                                        global stature to work out how to provide
 data capacity) to feed both the DTH            pay-TV operators, who had toyed with                                                                                                          this function.
 and cable markets. A standardized CA           the idea of each controlling their own
 system was being developed – Eurocrypt         digital transmission system, joined the                                                                                                       Erik: Scrambling and CA became a
 – but Canal+ quickly identified two            common standardization effort in 1993.                                                                                                        contentious topic, and immediately
 major issues. The first was linked to                                                                                                                                                        positions (and camps) mimicked the
 the change of CA in case of a major            David Cutts: Critical to making the                                                                                                           earlier French debate of a single system
 system breach (this was quite a frequent       DVB system as close to standardized                                                                                                           vs. multiple coexisting systems. Under
 occurrence) with the necessity to              as possible was the requirement for a                                                                                                         the constant push of Eamon “how to
 temporarily associate two systems to the       means, analogous with the ‘cut and rotate’ eat an elephant, one spoonful at a time”
 same scrambled signal; the second to the       scrambler of MAC, that would scramble                                                                                                         Lalor, the concept of SimulCrypt was,
 necessity to isolate the DTH network           the video and audio transmission in                                                                                                           after a while, accepted by all parties.

14                                                                                                                                                                                      DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
by any multiplexer manufacturer, is a
                                                                                 First mee
                                                                                             ting of th
                                                                                                          e Simul
                                                                                                                    crypt su                                                          DVB-SI
                                                                                The inau                                       b-group
                       Robin Crossley: The challenge for this                                                                                                                                             great tribute to the skills of the people
                                                                                          gu                                                                                                 M 004
                                                                                                                                         of the C
                                                                               de Gaulle ral meeting of th                                          ommon
                                                                                                                   e                                           Interfac
                                                                              Appendi airport on Thursd above group w                                                     e Guide
                                                                                                                                                                                   lines Gro
                       work, of course, was that there were                                                                                                                                              that came together in the SimulCrypt
                                                                                         x A.                     ay 27th             as
                                                                                                                            June 1996 held at the Hol                                        up
                                                                                                                                        . A list            iday Inn
                                                                                                                                                 of attend             Hotel at
                                                                                                                                                             ees is in            Pa
                                                                                                                                                                       cluded he ris Charles
                       very strongly held views about the                                                                                                                                               group. Today the output of this group
                                                                             1.       Approva                                                                                     re as
                                                                                                  l of Cha
                       need to use proprietary technology                                                                                                                                               goes far beyond just enabling two CA
                                                                           This nom lasspool had prev
                                                                                       ination w               io
                                                                                                   as approv usly been nomin

                       (secret, with lots of IPR) versus ‘open’                                                                                                                                        systems to work together. The standard
                                                                                                               ed by all            at
                                                                                                                          those pres ed as chairman of
                                                                                                                                      ent at th
                                                                         2.        Agenda                                                       e meetin the group by Dav
                                                                                                                                                           g.                      id Cutts.
                       technology (not secret and not so               The draf
                                                                                   t agenda
                                                                                                                                                                                                      that was created is implemented
                       much IPR). One testing question                                                                                                                                               in every DVB headend, allowing
                                                                                                          x B) was
                                                                                                                                  by the m
                                                                      3.        Introduc                                                    eeting.

                       someone once asked was “ask                   In introdu
                                                                                  cing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                     manufacturers since the mid-1990s to
                       yourself who’s going to pay to fix it                                                                                                                                         make equipment without concern for the
                                                                    Chairman                discussio
                                                                    UK DTI referred to a pape on the role and
                                                                              ),                        r                     fu
                                                                   This docu entitled “The Re published by th ture activities of
                       when it gets hacked?”                                                                                                                                                         CA system or systems that might be used.
                                                                                 ment repr            gulation               e UK’s D                the Simul
                                                                   directive                                     of                     ep                       cr
                                                                               on conditi esents the UK go Conditional Acc artment of Trad ypt Group, the
                                                                  principle,               onal acce              vernmen               ess Serv               e and In
                                                                                guarante               ss                    t’s                   ices                  dustry (th
                          Most of my memories relate to                                  ed access and states that interpretation of for Digital Te
                                                                                                                                                                                                             SimulCrypt has therefore become
                                                                  commen                                                                                                            e
                                                                            t can be                  to                     under Si                                     le
                                                                 and it sh             co nsidered        de co ders oper              mulCryp       th e Eu ropean U vision ”.
                                                                            ou                                             at                    t                       ni
                                                                 practice. ld be the object as representative ing with differe “the broadcaste on
                       the workings of the sub-sub-group        Bob Ely
                                                                                                  ive of th                                     nt
                                                                                                             e SimulCr of the expectatio CA technologi is, in
                                                                                                                         ypt Group             ns of
                                                                                                                                      to ensure the SimulCryp This
                                                                                                                                                                     es”.                                          one of the longest lasting,
                       that was tasked with inventing a                                                                                                                                                                important but little-
                                                                           no                                                                     that this              t co
                                                               the Euro ted that similar                                                                     can be ac ncept,
                                                                         pean Uni                documen                                                                 hieved in
                                                                                     on.                     ts were kn
                                                                                                                         own to be
                       common scrambling algorithm,                                                                                                                                                                         known standards
                                                              However                                                                 in preparat
                                                             broadcas the Group felt th                                                             ion by ot
                                                                                                                                                               her mem
                                                                        te                     at
                                                             other broa r should be able one of the obje                                                                  bers of
                       needed if SimulCrypt was going to                 dcaster,              to                    ctiv
                                                                                    is not fe adopt a SimulCr es stated in the
                                                                                              asible.                  ypt solutio          UK
                                                                                                                                   n withou DTI paper, that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                created by the
                       work. Because of the nature of this work,                                                                                                                                                                  DVB Project.
                                                                                                                                              t the coop             a
                                                                                                                                                           eration of

                       it was a restricted group; in fact, Frits
                       Schreuder (SES) and I were the only two                                                                                                                                                                     Erik: Today,
                       who weren’t ‘super mathematicians’! Each                                                                                                                                                                   the basic
                       of the main protagonists of encryption                                                                                                                                                                   concept of
                       nominated their own expert: Dr Amos                                                                                                                                                                     SimulCrypt
                       Fiat for Canal+, Professor Adi Shamir for                  attempts by the US                                                                                                                          with a common
                       NDS (now Synamedia), Louis Guillou                         secret service to activate                                                                                                                   scrambling
                       for CCETT/France Télécom, and Donald                       a passive microphone in                                                                                                                       applied to the
                       Davies for Irdeto.                                         a Russian embassy building                                                                                                               audiovisual content
                                                                                  across the river. They apparently                                                                                                     signal and several access
                       Erik: Difficult discussions with the                       beamed so much microwave energy at                                                                                                     management systems
                       European security administrations                          it that the window glass got hot!                                                                                                        associated with this
                       introduced extra constraints on the
                       system: it was to be highly asymmetric                     David: SimulCrypt, strictly defined
                       – the encryption equipment difficult                       as allowing different CA systems to
                       to implement and under severe export                       control a single TV transmission, has                                                                              scrambled
                       control, so as to allow for the free                       been rarely used, in each case in the                                                                              signal, is also
                       circulation of the decryption chips.                       process of switching from one CA smart                                                                             the standard
                       Furthermore, the administrations were                      card system to another. But the work                                                                               mode of operation
                       not happy with the real entropy of the                     done to define how a headend supports                                                                              for OTT
                       system (the resistance to brute force                      SimulCrypt and common scrambling has                                                                               services.
                       attacks) so there was to be a CSA1 and                     been used throughout the industry.                                                                                   From
                       a CSA2, with an over-the-air upgrade,                                                                                                                                         analogue
                       to allow for the base requirement of                       Andrew: That a solution was found that                                                                             broadcast to
                       life-length for the system: the upgrade                    accommodated every “security” quirk of                                                                             the internet,
                       was done very soon after the commercial                    every system, yet could be implemented                                                                             the long life of a
                       launch of digital pay-TV in 1995–96.                                                                                                                                          simple idea!

                       Robin: These people were all top                                                                                                                                              David: What
                       ‘algorithimists’ and spent much of their                                                                                                                                      we managed to
                       time trying to outscore their peers on                                                                                                                                        achieve, between
                       intellectual prowess! There were more                                                                                                                                         us – companies often
                       than a few tense moments and tantrums                                                                                                                                         strongly competing in
                       and even walking-out-of-the-room                                                                                                                                              the market for viewers,
                       episodes. A particular memory I recall                                                                                                                                        content and technology-
                       is Adi Shamir saying to Amos Fiat “did                                                                                                                                        platform share – was to pull
                       you not listen when I taught you this stuff                                                                                                                                   together the different threads
                       in university?” These two are famous                                                                                                                                          into technical, commercial
                       for the Fiat Shamir ‘zero knowledge’                                                                                                                                          and regulatory consensus that
                       authentication algorithm.                                                                                                                                                     enabled the industry to grow CC BY-NC-ND

                          There were some interesting ‘cold war’                                                                                                                                     based on what we all wrote down.
                       stories discussed over dinner, as most                                                                                                                                        This was enshrined in EU regulation,
                       of these guys had connections with or                                                                                                                                         thus enabling a high-volume base to be
                       were directly employed by government                                                                                                                                          built for digital television in Europe and
                       intelligence agencies. I particularly                                                                                                                                         across the planet.
                       remember Donald Davies telling us of
                       DVB SCENE | MARCH 2021
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