SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020

Page created by Brian Christensen
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
Wisconsin Grocers Association
                                                                                10 W. Mifflin Street, Suite 205 • Madison, WI 53703
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Golf Outing
WGA’s Grocery Industry
                                 sin G

        f O u ti n g
                                       rocery I


                            u st
                  G    ry

                                            | Winter Issue 2020
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 3
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
Winter 2020

WGA Board of Directors
                                                                        THE PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE                                                                               7
 Greg Hansen                                                                   The year that was—COVID chaos                                                                                                  Save the 2021 Dates
 Hansen’s IGA, Bangor, WI
Vice-Chair                                                              GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS                                                                                                                         undation
 Michelle Harrington Albrecht’s                                                                                                                                                                                  Fo                                  A Day in the Field
                                                                               Historic elections                                                                             8

                                                                                                                                                                                                      WG A
 Delafield Market, Delafield, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                     March 2021
Secretary/Treasurer                                                            WGA’s Political Support ProgramFood                                                          Safety
                                                                                                                                                                              9                                                    in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Milford Hills Hunt Club,
 Jeff Tate Watertown/Waterloo
 Piggly Wiggly, Watertown, WI
                                                                               2020 Friend of Grocer Awards                                                                  11                                                                      Milford, WI
Steve Burkhardt                                                                New Faces in Wisconsin 2021-2022                                                              12
 Skogen’s Festival Foods, DePere, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Grocers in the
Greg Cross                                                              MEMBER SERVICE UPDATE                                                                                 14                                                                     Capitol Day
 SpartanNash, St. Cloud, MN
                                                                               The time has come                                                                                                                                                     April 2021
Diane Guererro Associated Wholesale
 Grocers, Kenosha, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Madison, WI
James Hyland                                                            VIRTUAL EXPO REVIEW                                                                                   17                                        us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          try       G
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Grocery Industry

 Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.

                                                                                                                                                                                                              n Grocery Ind
                                                                               Pallet of Product                                                                                19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      f O u ti n g
 Milwaukee, WI
                                                                               Live Zoom Booth Trade Show                                                                       20                                                                   Golf Outing      Food S
Bob Jaskolski, T.A. Solberg, Inc.,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wednesday, June 2, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                          ns i
 Minocqua, WI                                                                  Awards                                                                                           24                                           co
Steve Loehr Kwik Trip,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wis                         Evergreen Golf Course,
 La Crosse, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Elkhorn, WI
Jeff Maurer, Maurer's Market,                                           2020 REVIEW:
 Wisconsin Dells, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Grocers
Kevin Metcalfe                                                                      Events                                                                          26                                                                               Innovation Expo
 Metcalfe’s Market,                                                                 Grocers Connected
 Madison, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tuesday & Wednesday,
Chris Morton UNFI, Pleasant Prairie                                                 Marketing                                                                       29                                                                               October 12 & 13, 2021
Rick Roth Great Lakes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Fox Cities Convention
 Coca-Cola, Plover, WI                                                              Happy to be Part of the Team
Dave Ryman Certco, Madison, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Center, Green Bay, WI
Dave Spiegelhoff
                                                                                    Foundation                                                                      41
 Gooseberries, Burlington, WI                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Foundation
Matt Swentkofske                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Leadership Institute
 Molson Coors,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Watch fo r dates and locations
 Milwaukee, WI                                                          SCORE                                                                                                 31
Don Symonds                                                                      Wisconsin Industry Golf Outing Review
 Lipari Foods, Warren, MI
Dan Williamson Kemps, Cedarburg, WI                                     SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT                                                                                     43
Deb Yerkes
 Zone Mechanical North, Franklin,
                                                                        MEMBER EVENTS 42, 44, 46-48, 51
WGA Staff
President/CEO                  Member Service
Brandon Scholz                  Representative                        Anheuser Busch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52            DBS Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 52          Krueger Wholesale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53          Shullsburg Creamery . . . . . . . . . 25, 53
Executive Vice                 Mark Stellpflug                        Arctic Glacier Premium Ice. . . . . 30, 43                   Federated Insurance. . . . . . . . . . 52, 56                 Lifesytle Health Plans . . . . . . . . . . . . 50         Sparboe Companies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
 President                     Marketing                              Associated Wholesale Grocers . . 2, 52                       FoxArneson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30, 43           Lipari Foods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 53     SpartanNash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16, 53
Michelle Kussow                 Coordinator                           Avalara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52   Grassland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 50        Magnetic Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . 54           Trig’s Smokehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Events Director                Brittany Knuteson                      Badger Inventory . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 52              Great Lakes Coca-Cola . . . . . . . . . . . 28                Pan-O-Gold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53    UNFI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 53
Cheryl Lytle
                                                                      Bernatello’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 52            H. Brooks & Company/                                          PinPoint Software/                                        Valley Cooperative Association . . . . 25
Operations Director                                                                                                                  J & J Distributing. . . . . . . . . . . 25, 53                Date Check Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 50
Sarah Decorah                                                         Certco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52, 55                                                                                                                              Wausau Coated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43, 54
                                                                      Crystal Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52       KeHE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53   Prairie Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 53       WGA Business Partners. . . . . . . . . . . 10
                                                                      Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin . . . . 43, 49                    Kemps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47, 53       Professional Supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45         Zone Mechanical North Inc. . . . 48, 53
                                                                                                                                   Klondike Cheese Company. . . . . 43, 52                       Russ Davis Wholesale . . . . . . . . . 3, 53

   You’ll find updates on COVID-19 in the WGA enews. Or use the WGA COVID-19 Text Line:
                                   • WGA Members may text questions to 608.239.2960
       • Text should include: Your Name, Email, Store, and COVID-19 Question • WGA will reply as soon as we can.

   Please help us conserve resources. If you are receiving multiple copies or wish to be removed from this mailing list, please                    EDITORIAL INFORMATION: Publication dates; March, May, August, December. Please submit all press releases and stories to
   call the WGA office at 888/342-5942.                                                                                                            Brandon Scholz, Publisher, at the Wisconsin Grocers Association; toll free 888/342-5942; fax 608/244-9030. Wisconsin
                                                                                                                                                   Grocer magazine is designed by Lorraine Ortner-Blake,
   Wisconsin Grocer is published four times a year by:
   Wisconsin Grocers Association, 10 W. Mifflin Street, Suite 205, Madison, WI 53703 •                                   ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Please submit all advertising material and questions to Cheryl Lytle, Wisconsin Grocers Association,
                                                                                                                                                   10 W. Mifflin Street, Suite 205, Madison, WI 53703, call 608/244-7150; fax 608/244-9030; email
   Toll free 888/342-5942; fax 608/244-9030. Materials in this publication may not be reprinted in any form without permission
   of the Wisconsin Grocers Association.                                                                                                           The Wisconsin Grocer Magazine is printed at Thysse Printing, Oregon, Wisconsin.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 5
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020

                                   The Year That Was—COVID Chaos
                                   Brandon         During the course of the WGA on-going                And that is the WGA’s darkest moment of the
                                   Scholz          member support, over 15,559 pages of                 year. Without the Expo, the WGA’s financial
                                   WGA President   the WGA’s website were viewed by                     status was in jeopardy.
                                   and CEO         10,154 visitors between March 16 and                 In order to keep the WGA doors open, the
                                                   May 23; there were 4, 784 visits to the              WGA’s Board of Directors approved a two-step
To paraphrase an old UK                            Grocers For You web page and 4,080                   approach, first using the WGA’s Restricted
                                                                                                        Reserve Fund to pay bills for the third and
television show from the                           separate visits to the COVID-19 page.
                                                                                                        fourth quarters. And second, the Board
                                                   The WGA distributed 44 COVID-19 Alerts               authorized an amount – 15% of the 2020
1960s “TW3,” 2020 was the                          through May 26, (almost one every other day).        dues – for the “Voluntary Assessment.”
year that was.                                     WGA members read 24,341 emails with 3,524
                                                                                                        WGA retail and warehouse members have
                                                   click throughs and 6,603 page views. That’s
It certainly started out like any other year but   record-setting stuff for the WGA.                    received a “2020 Voluntary COVID-19 Dues
quickly exploded into unknown situations and                                                            Assessment” from the WGA with an option to
unforeseen challenges for almost every business    One of the “keepers” you’ll want in your             voluntarily increase additional support for the
and industry. Grocers, as essential businesses     memory box is the WGA’s Summer 2020                  WGA.
were thrust in to the middle of the COVID          Wisconsin Grocer magazine. As Don Symonds,
                                                   WGA Board member and Director of Events &            Asking for voluntary support is the last
chaos.                                                                                                  option the WGA has. We hope you
                                                   Trade Relations for Lipari, noted, “I’m gonna
New rules and regulations from federal, state      keep this and pull it out in a few years. The        support the Association.
and local governments filled inboxes almost        detailed timeline (pages 10-18) is an excellent      The pandemic isn’t holding us back. We are
every day. Our daily and nightly news was          recap of what happened in the grocery industry       planning a full array of event and programs for
consumed by the Coronavirus pandemic!              when this happened to us.”                           2021 and we’re using our experience from this
To be sure, March, April and May were a                                                                 year to tackle next year head on.
                                                   One of the few “normal” events for the year
grocery industry whirlwind, or a ‘hamster          was the WGA’s annual Industry Golf Outing at         Doug Rinehart of Dick’s Fresh Market notes,
wheel’ as WGA Board Chair Greg Hansen              Evergreen Golf Club. By all counts, the outing       “2020 has presented a greater awareness and
called it.                                         was a good event by attendance and                   understanding of the community connections
Stories from across the state and country were     participation. All those who attended welcomed       that our essential business influences. It has
abundant about the gallant efforts grocers had     the opportunity to meet up with fellow retailers     truly become the year of learning, growth, and
gone through to protect their employees and        and suppliers in a clean and sanitized outdoor       opportunity.”
customers. There’s no shortage of examples of      environment.                                         You can be certain, with your help and
grocers engaging health and safety protocols,      As soon as we put the head covers back on the        support, the WGA will be there for its
sharing best practices and creative ways in        golf clubs in Elkhorn though, reality set in and     members, learning from 2020 and ready
which grocers dealt with self-serve, delis, meat                                                        for 2021!
                                                   the prospects of an in-person WGA Innovation
cases and more. Michelle Harrington, WGA
                                                   expo quickly disappeared. The WGA Board
Board member and Albrecht Sentry co-owner,
                                                   approved a ‘virtual’ Innovation Expo.
looks back and notes, “Every day has been a                                                             WGA Board of Directors Welcomes New
challenge and very unpredictable.”                 While the WGA staff had been researching and
                                                   preparing for the virtual Expo, they had about
The WGA, for its part engaged in non-stop,                                                                       Diane Guerrero,
                                                   six weeks to pull it all together. And, as virtual
COVID-information machine mode, cutting                                                                          Associated Wholesale Grocers
                                                   events go, the WGA’s Expo was pretty good—
through the mountains of Coronavirus
                                                   lots of content, great seminars, lots of industry                 Diane M. Guerrero, Business
content and providing WGA members with
                                                   connections, the state bag-off championship,                      Development Manager for
what they needed to know at that moment.
                                                   industry awards and top-end speakers. The            Associated Wholesale Grocers, Kansas City
The association provided direction and
                                                   tough part was running a virtual trade show.         KS. Experienced in the grocery industry for
information on a thousand different “What do
                                                                                                        over 25+ years, Diane holds a BSBA and
we do if…?” questions that came the WGA’s          Our post-event surveys had this anonymous
                                                                                                        MBA- Finance Minor from Cardinal Stritch
way every day and established the WGA as the       observation, “I thought the information
                                                                                                        and Ottawa Universities, respectively. Diane
“COVID-19 Go To” place for WGA members.            provided during the Expo was very good and I
                                                                                                        started her career in retail management for
                                                   really appreciated the efforts of the WGA to
While grocers were sustaining record sales and                                                          Sun Foods, Godfrey Fleming Inc. and has
                                                   make this whole thing work in a very difficult
daily challenges, the WGA was setting records                                                           since worked for Supervalu and Certco, Inc.
of its own. The WGA built a new COVID-19                                                                in areas of wholesale procurement,
web page featuring COVID-19 Updates, The           While the WGA provided up-to-date industry           category management, sales and marketing
Toolkit, Best Practices, Signage, Regulatory       info, COVID updates, and retailer panels, there      and store development. Diane was born
Updates, Positive Grocery Stories, FAQs,           was one thing missing. We weren’t at the Expo        and raised in Wisconsin and is married with
Resources and more.                                in person.                                           four grandchildren.

   You’ll find updates on COVID-19 in the WGA enews. Or use the WGA COVID-19 Text Line:
                               • WGA Members may text questions to 608.239.2960
   • Text should include: Your Name, Email, Store, and COVID-19 Question • WGA will reply as soon as we can.
                                                                                                                  2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 7
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
Government Affairs

                 WGA Executive
                                      Historic Elections
                 Vice President       2019-2020 Legislative Session

The year 2020 is historic due to the                Debit Cards for Lottery                               Alcohol Pick-up and Delivery
worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, but the                The Assembly and Senate adjourned without             As online shopping continues to grow, the
2019-2020 Legislative Session and the               taking action on legislation that would require       WGA began the process to make changes to
                                                    retailers to accept debit cards for lottery sales.    Wisconsin’s alcohol law to allow grocers to
November Presidential Elections will also
                                                                                                          deliver alcohol with groceries and to also
go down in history.                                 Senator Darling (R-River Hills) and Rep.
                                                                                                          clarify our laws specific to online orders and
                                                    Katsma (R-Sheboygan) introduced the bills
                                                                                                          pick-up of alcohol.
2019-2020 Legislative Session                       with the intention that allowing debit cards for
                                                    lottery would increase sales and allow for more       Working with Rep. Tauchen (R-Bonduel) and
The Legislature was set to                          property tax relief. However, WGA was opposed         Sen. Dave Craig (R-Big Bend), two bills were
                                                    and felt that any increased revenue from lottery      introduced to address delivery and pick-up of
wrap-up the 2019-2020                               sales would be at the expense of Wisconsin            alcohol. The Wisconsin Tavern League was the
Legislative Session in                              retailers.                                            biggest opponent to the bills and concerned
                                                                                                          about the competition from the grocery
                                                    Retailers currently receive a commission of
March when COVID-19 hit                             5.5% of the retail price for lotto tickets and
                                                                                                          industry. The opposition from Wisconsin’s
                                                                                                          taverns and bars was enough to prevent
and Wisconsinites were                              6.25% for instant tickets. Lottery tickets are
                                                                                                          lawmakers from holding hearings on the bill.
                                                    sold for cash only and the commission is
confined to their homes                             intended to help with the retailer’s administrative
                                                                                                          Ironically, the Tavern League of Wisconsin
                                                                                                          asked for the ability to deliver alcohol during
                                                    costs to sell lottery and collect and submit the
due to the Safer-at-Home                            money to the state. If retailers will be required
                                                                                                          the pandemic.

public health order.                                to accept debit cards, the interchange fees alone
                                                    will dramatically overreach the commission            Increased Penalties for Retail Theft
The home quarantine also affected the               received.                                             Rep. Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls) and
Legislative Session because the Senate had been                                                           Senator Stroebel (R-Cedarburg) introduced a
prepared to have their last legislative floor       Credit Terms for Beer                                 bill that would mandate 180-days minimum
period on March 25, and were unprepared for a                                                             jail time for persons convicted of three or more
                                                    WGA actively supported a bill introduced by
virtual session.                                                                                          retail theft crimes.
                                                    Rep. Dan Knodl (R-Germantown) that would
On the agenda for that day were more than 200       extend the credit terms for beer from 15 days         WGA was one of the first groups to register
Assembly Bills that just needed the final Senate    to 30 days.                                           support for this issue and lobby for passage.
approval before making the last step to become                                                            However, due to concerns for the additional
                                                    Retailers have long had concerns about this
law, and all of these bills were left to die.                                                             costs to Wisconsin’s correction system, this bill
                                                    provision, as well as the 30-day credit terms for
                                                                                                          was not included in a final package of crime
Here’s a quick recap of the key issues on the       liquor, but without support from the Wisconsin
                                                                                                          bills passed by the Assembly.
WGA’s legislative agenda for the session:           Beer Distributors Association, this bill was dead
                                                    on arrival and did not even receive a public
                                                    hearing.                                              T21
Tax Reform                                                                                                In 2018, President Trump signed legislation
After facing an unexpected revenue surplus in                                                             increasing the federal minimum age to buy
                                                    Streamlining Bartender’s Licenses
2019, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle                                                                tobacco to 21.
promoted various ways to spend the money.           Legislation that streamlines the process to
                                                    obtain a bartender’s license was signed into law      The FDA announced that the law was effective
Governor Evers called a special session and         in March by Governor Evers.                           immediately, however without a change to
directed the Legislature to spend $250 million                                                            Wisconsin law, there are inconsistencies and
toward education and providing additional           The bill was introduced by Rep. Dan Knodl
                                                                                                          confusion with enforcement.
dollars for school aids and school districts. The   and Sen. Chris Kapenga (R-Delafield) and
Republicans in the Legislature, however, wanted     removes the requirement that a municipal              WGA supported legislation, AB 422, that
to return the money to those that paid in by        governing body approve operator/bartender             would conform Wisconsin law to federal law by
offering various tax cuts including a personal      licenses. Instead, this new law allows the            making it illegal for a RETAILER to sell
property tax exemption for manufacturers. This      municipality to pass an ordinance designating         tobacco or nicotine products including nicotine-
bill was subsequently vetoed by Governor Evers,     another city official, such as the city clerk, to     vapor products to anyone under the age of 21.
which in hindsight worked in the state’s favor to   approve and issue the licenses. This change will      The bill was passed by the Assembly on their
help fend off part of the economic losses due to    cut the time to obtain licenses from 4-6 weeks -      final floor date, but due to the premature
COVID-19.                                           and sometimes longer - to a few days.                 adjournment of the Senate, was not taken up.
                                                                                                                                       Continued on page 10   >

SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
W G A ’s P o l i t i c a l S u p p o r t P r o g r a m

               LOYAL CONTRIBUTORS                                                               LIFETIME CONTRIBUTORS
           Annual personal contributions exceeding five years
                to the WGA Political Support Program                                                  Personal contributions totaling more than
                                                                                                              $5000 over their lifetime
Trig Solberg             Rob Webster/             Jeff Basting
Trig’s                   Candie Baker             Point Foods                       Trig Solberg              Dave Spiegelhoff         Mark & Mary
since 1985               Webster’s                since 2012                        Trig’s                    Gooseberries             Stinebrink
                         Marketplace                                                                                                   Stinebrink’s
Tim Hogan                since 2005               Frank & Stephanie                 Mark Skogen               George Prescott
                                                                                                                                       Piggly Wiggly
Sentry Foods                                      Lueptow                           Festival Foods            Prescott’s
since 1999               Dave Ryman               Frank’s Piggly Wiggly                                       Supermarkets (retired) Mike Coppersmith
                         Certco, Inc.             since 2013                        Paul & Karen Godin
                                                                                                                                      New London
Dave Spiegelhoff         since 2006                                                 Godin Grocers             Paul Nelson
                                                                                                                                      Festival Foods
                                                  Doug Rinehart                     retired                   Nelson’s County
Gooseberries             Pam Coy                  Dick’s Fresh Market                                         Market (retired)        Pam Coy
since 2000               Viking VIllage, Inc.     since 2013                        Tom Verhagen
                                                                                                                                      Viking Village, Inc.
                         since 2010                                                 Larry’s Markets           Brian Conrad
Mark & Mary                                       Mark Maloney                      (retired)                 Conrad’s                Carl Miller
Stinebrink               Greg & Kari Hansen       Russ Davis Wholesale
                         Hansen’s IGA                                                                         Sentry (retired)        Miller & Son’s
Stinebrink’s Piggly                               since 2014                        Terry Daniels
                         since 2010                                                                                                   Supermarket
Wiggly                                                                              Daniels                   Jerry & Pat Mountin
since 2002                                                                          Sentry Foods              Mountin’s
                         Jeff & Cindy Tate
                         Tate’s Piggly Wiggly                                                                 Piggly Wiggly (retired)
                         since 2011

             2020 PERSONAL CONTRIBUTIONS*                                                                        2020 CORPORATE
      Century Club
                                                      Capitol Club
Personal contributions totaling                 Personal contributions totaling                                   Corporate contributions totaling:
$1000 or more in calendar year                   $500 or more in calendar year                                            Platinum
Mark Maloney,                          Mike Tadych, Tadych’s Econofoods                                           $5,000 or more in calendar year
Russ Davis Wholesale                                                                                               Miller & Sons Supermarket
                                       Tim Hogan, Sentry Foods
Curt Schmidt,                                                                                                        Sendik’s Food Market
                                       Mike Quillin, Quillin’s IGA
Mayville Piggly Wiggly
                                       Dave Hediger, Abby County Market                                                       Gold
Rob Webster,                                                                                                      $2,500 or more in calendar year
Webster’s Marketplace                  Doug Rinehart, Dick’s Fresh Market                                            Piggly Wiggly Midwest
Candie Baker,                                                                                                          Jerry’s Enterprises
Webster’s Marketplace
                                                   Chairman’s Club
                                                Personal contributions totaling                                              Silver
Bill Pierce, Viking Village                     $250 or more in calendar year                                     $1,000 or more in calendar year
Pam Coy, Viking Village                Mark Stinebrink, Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly                                    Abby County Market
                                       Mark Thompson, Thompson’s IGA-Cuba City                                     Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
Carl Miller, Miller & Sons
Supermarket                                                                                                           Russ Davis Wholesale
                                       Jeff Basting, Point Foods
                                                                                                                      Olsen’s Piggly Wiggly
Trig Solberg,                          Dave Ryman, Certco, Inc.                                                     Cowley’s Piggly Wiggly
Frank & Stephanie Lueptow,                         President’s Club                                                         Bronze
Frank’s Piggly Wiggly                                                                                             $500 or more in calendar year
                                                Personal contributions totaling
                                                $100 or more in calendar year                                 Sentry Foods-71st & Lisbon Avenue,
Hy-Vee, Inc. Employees’                                                                                                  Milwaukee
Political Action Committee             Gary Hanke, Hanke’s Sentry Foods
                                                                                                             Sentry Foods-92nd & Lisbon Avenue,
Mike & Georgette                       Joe Zietlow, Kwik Trip                                                            Milwaukee
Coppersmith,                                                                                                              Quillin’s IGA
                                       Terry Daniels, Daniels Sentry Foods
New London Festival Foods                                                                                                Nilssen’s Foods
                                       Pat Barnes, Fox Bros. Piggly Wiggly                                             Lee’s Piggly Wiggly
                                                                                                                       Dick’s Fresh Market

                                                                     *as of November 11, 2020
                                                                                                                           2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 9
SC REG Golf Outing WGA's Grocery Industry 2020
Government Affairs, continued from page 8

The November, 2020 elections were exceptionally adversarial and
will go down in history for that reason, and also for the historic
amounts of money that were spent.
The Presidential race resulted in a win for Democrat Joe Biden after
days of slow poll results and several states within a few thousand
votes of the other candidate, including Wisconsin. Joe Biden took
Wisconsin with only 20,000 votes more than Donald Trump—
definitely the closest Presidential election in history.
In Wisconsin, races were extremely divisive with Democrats
outspending Republicans on local races 20 to 1 and spending
unprecedented amounts of money on individual campaigns.
With that said, the election results in Wisconsin show little to no
change in the Wisconsin legislature. Republicans in the Senate
picked up two more seats but fell one win shy of achieving a two-
thirds majority. The Republicans now hold a larger majority in the
Senate with 21 seats to the 12 seats held by Democrats. In the
Assembly, the Democrats beat two Republican incumbents in the
Suburban Milwaukee area—Jim Ott and Rob Hutton.
Regardless, the Assembly Republicans still safely hold the majority
with 62 seats to the Democrats 37 seats.
For a look at the new faces in the Legislature for the 2021-2022
Legislative Session, please see pages 12 and 13.

      ank                                         GA
                                                                       WGA Business Partners are the top-tier supporters of
                                         BUSINESS                       the WGA and strategically promote themselves to

    y                                    PARTNERS                       WGA members at WGA events and programming.

2020 Friend of Grocer Awards

                     2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 11

               New Faces in Wisconsin
                                                                                                     District 48
                                                                                                                    Previously held by
                                                                                                                    Melissa Sargent

                                                                                                                    Samba Baldeh
                                                  District 23                                                       (D-Madison)
Congress                                                         Previously held by                                 is an IT Project Manager at
                                                                 Jim Ott                             American Family Insurance and
District 5                                                                                           also services on the Madison
               Previously held by                                Deb Andraca                         Common Council.
               Jim Sensenbrenner                                  (D-Whitefish Bay)                  District 55
                                                                  most recently has been a
               Scott Fitzgerald                   substitute teacher, but she has previously
                                                                                                                    Previously held by
                (R-Juneau)                                                                                          Mike Rohrkaste
                                                  held numerous political jobs including as a
                is not a new face in Wisconsin    lobbyist for the Environmental Law and                            Rachael Cabral
politics, but he is new to Congress. Fitzgerald   Policy Center of the Midwest.
previously served in the State Senate since                                                                         Guevara
1994 and as the Senate Majority Leader since      District 29                                        (R-Appleton)is a family nurse practioner and
2013.                                                             Previously held by                 founded Nurse Practioner Health Services in
                                                                  Rob Stafsholt                      Appleton.
State Assembly                                                    Dr. Clint Moses                    District 57
District 8                                                       (R-Menomonie)                                      Previously held by
               Previously held by                                and his wife are both                              Amanda Stuck
               JoCasta Zamarripa                  chiropractors and own a chiropractic
                                                  business in Menomonie.
                                                                                                                    Lee Snodgrass
               Sylvia Ortiz Velez                                                                                   (D-Appleton)
                (D-Milwaukee)                     District 35                                                       is currently the Director of
                currently serves on the                          Previously held by                  Communications for Girl Scouts of the
Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors and                        Mary Felzkowski                     Northwestern Great Lakes and serves as the
is a Wisconsin-licensed real estate broker.                                                          2nd Vice Chair to the Democratic Party of
                                                                 Calvin Callahan                     Wisconsin.
District 11                                                        (R-Tomahawk)
               Previously held by                                  currently serves on the Lincoln   District 69
               Jason Fields                       County Board, Town of Wilson Board and as                         Previously held by
                                                  Chairman of the Lincoln County Republican                         Bob Kulp
               Dora Drake                         Party. Prior to announcing his candidacy, he
                 (D-Milwaukee)                    worked for the Republican Party of Wisconsin                      Donna Rozar
                 has a degree in Social Welfare   as a Regional Director for Northern                              (R-Marshfield)
& Justice from Marquette University and is a      Wisconsin.                                                       is a nurse at the Marshfield
Member Service Coordinator at the Center                                                             Medical Center and has served on the Wood
for Self Sufficiency.                             District 41                                        County Board of Supervisors for 20 years.
                                                                  Previously held by
District 13                                                       Joan Ballweg                       District 75
               Previously held by                                                                                   Previously held by
               Rob Hutton                                         Alex Dallman                                      Romaine Quinn
                                                                 (R-Green Lake)
               Sara Rodriguez                                    is currently the Chair of the                      David Armstrong
               (D-Brookfield)                     Green Lake County Republican Party                                (R-Rice Lake)
               is a registered nurse and has      and previously worked for                                         is the Executive Director of the
worked in a variety of healthcare leadership      Congressman Glenn Grothman.                        Barron County Economic Development
roles including founding a healthcare                                                                Corporation and previously served on
consulting firm.                                  District 44                                        the Rice Lake City Council.
                                                                 Previously held by
District 17                                                      Deb Kolste                          District 76
               Previously held by                                                                                   Previously held by
               David Crowley                                     Sue Conley                                         Chris Taylor
               Supreme Moore                                      currently serves on the                           Francesca Hong
               Omokunde                           Janesville City Council as the Council                          (D-Madison)
                                                  President and has spent 30 years in the                         is a chef and owns Morris
                                                  nonprofit sector as a volunteer and board          Ramen Restaurant in downtown Madison.
is the son of Congresswoman Gwen Moore
and currently serves on the Milwaukee             member in various organizations.
County Board of Supervisors.

District 90                                         District 14                                          District 28
                Previously held by                                   Previously held by                                  Previously held by
                Staush Gruszynski                                    Luther Olsen                                        Dave Craig

                Kristina Shelton                                     Joan Ballweg                                        Julian Bradley
               (D-Green Bay)                                        (R-Markesan)                                         (R-Franklin)
                                                                    previously served in the State                       is a former professional wrestler
               is a member of the Green Bay
                                                    Assembly since 2011 and owns Ballweg                 and currently works in management with a
Area Public School Board and works with             Implement, an agricultural and lawn equipment        Fortune 150 insurance company in Franklin.
many community groups.                              dealership.
                                                                                                         District 30
                                                    District 16
State Senate                                                         Previously held by
                                                                                                                         Previously held by
                                                                                                                         Dave Hansen
District 10                                                          Mark Miller
                Previously held by
                                                                                                                         Eric Wimberger
                Patty Schachtner
                                                                     Melissa Sargent                                     (R-Green Bay)
                                                                     (D-Madison)                                         is a former Marine and currently
                Rob Stafsholt                                        most recently served in the State   owns a law practice in Green Bay.
                                                    Assembly and is a former small business owner.
                (R-New Richmond)                                                                         District 32
                previously served in the State      District 26                                                          Previously held by
Assembly since 2016 and currently owns a waste                       Previously held by                                  Jen Shilling
disposal company.                                                    Fred Risser
District 12                                                                                                              Brad Pfaff
                Previously held by
                                                                     Kelda Roys                                          (D-Onalaska)
                Tom Tiffany                                          (D-Madison)                                          most recently was appointed by
                                                                     is an attorney, business owner      Governor Tony Evers as the Secretary-designee of
                Mary Felzkowski                     and health care advocate. She previously served in   the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade &
                                                    the State Assembly and ran for Governor in 2018.     Consumer Protection, until his nomination was
                                                                                                         rejected by the State Senate.
                previously served in the State
Assembly since 2012 and owns the C.I.S. Insurance
Group in Tomahawk.

                                                                                                                   2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 13
Mark Stellpflug
                                WGA Member Service Representative

                                The Time has Come
I have served as the WGA Member                                                                                           WGA Board
Service Representative since 2014.                                                                                        Lastly, I want to thank the WGA Board of
                                                                                                                          Directors. This volunteer group of men and
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the                                                                                women devote countless volunteer hours to
WGA for these past six years. Going in, I knew I                                                                          oversee the operations of the WGA and chart the
would do this job as long as I was physically able,                                                                       course for where the organization will go in the
or as long as I thought I’d have something                                                                                future. I have nothing but the utmost respect for
worthwhile to contribute. The time has come for                                                                           the WGA members that serve on the board.
me to end my days traveling for the WGA. So,
with this article I officially end my time with the                                                                       With that, as they say, I will ride off into the
Wisconsin Grocers Association.                                                                                            sunset wishing you and yours health
                                                        My wife Dianne, and grandkids Cora and Mark, and myself happily
                                                                                                                          and happiness in the new year, and much success
                                                   riding off into the sunset.                                            in the future. (And good riddance to COVID-19!)
A Lifetime in Grocery
As I look back on my lifetime associated with the I take heart in the fact that I                                         Finally, as I used to like to remind the staff at
grocery business, I have the battle scars to prove                                                                        my store, “let’s go out there and have some fun
it, but more importantly, the comfort of knowing leave the profession in good                                             selling groceries!”
I was part of a noble profession. I started my
career in 1967 at the age of 11 in my parent’s       hands, as it has been a distinct
6,000-sq.-ft. SuperValu store in the role of “vice   honor and privilege to meet,
president in charge of filling soda machines and                                                                               Thank You, Mark!
emptying ash trays.” (Yes, for those young folks     get to know, and interact with
                                                                                                                               When I asked Mark Stellpflug to join the
reading this, customers commonly smoked in
stores until approximately the mid-1970s.)           my peers, but also meet an                                                WGA as our Member Service
                                                                                                                               Representative, I promised him he could
I worked for my parents, as did my six siblings,          entirely new up-and-coming                                           make the hours work for his schedule, serve
through junior high, high school, and when                generation of retail and                                             as the WGA’s ambassador without me
college allowed. When I was 18 years of age, the                                                                               breathing down his neck and he could end
last thing I ever contemplated was that I’d make          wholesale grocers!                                                   the arrangement any time he wanted to. I
the grocery business my lifelong profession. But                                                                               regret the third part of the offer!
as I’m sure you can attest, life does have a way of      for your economic investment in, and your                             Mark has been a great member of the WGA
going in directions one never anticipated. And I         personal commitment to the Association. For                           team. He did an amazing job reaching out
can say with confidence in hindsight, I couldn’t         without your interest, involvement, and                               to WGA members during his travels and
be happier that I chose the grocery business!            investment the organization would not exist.                          succeeded in expanding and making the
                                                    There is a community near where I live that                                WGA presence known out in the field.
50 Years Later                                                                                                                 Mark related to grocers because he has been
                                                    touts itself as “The little city that does big
So today I find myself sitting at my computer,                                                                                 in the grocery biz all his life! Mark knew
                                                    things.” A similar statement could be said of the
over 50 years later, writing my last MSR article                                                                               and understood what was happening in
                                                    staff of the WGA, of which I had the pleasure of
for the Wisconsin Grocer magazine. I find the                                                                                  each and every store and with each owner
                                                    playing a minor role. Including myself, the entire
moment somewhat bittersweet in that it is                                                                                      and manager in his many trips across the
                                                    staff of the WGA consists of six dedicated
difficult to say goodbye to a profession I came to                                                                             state.
                                                    people. In a normal year the WGA plans,
                                                    organizes, and facilitates numerous events such                            Mark didn’t end his job as he was pulling
and love. I take heart in the fact that I leave the as Grocers in the Capitol, a golf outing, the                              out of the parking lot. As you can see in
profession in good hands, as it has been a distinct Leadership Institute, and a multi-faceted trade                            this magazine and from years past, Mark
honor and privilege to meet, get to know, and       show, to name just a few. In addition, the                                 has shared his grocery industry insights with
interact with my peers, but also meet an entirely association lobbies at the state and federal level                           us through his column. He also shared his
new up-and-coming generation of retail and          on your behalf. It keeps the grocery retail and                            perceptions and his experiences with the
wholesale grocers!                                  wholesale community informed of legislative and                            WGA staff as we experienced changes and
                                                    regulatory developments, trends in the industry,                           challenges in the industry. Mark’s keen
As a WGA Member                                     grocery-related happenings and events around                               knowledge and understanding of what
                                                    the state and much more via many media,                                    makes the grocery business work was
Service Representative
                                                    including timely email updates to members,                                 extremely valuable to us.
In a typical year I logged over 5,000 miles and     legislative alerts, the weekly Prez Letter, and this
visited about 165 stores. I want to thank all of    magazine. Additionally, the staff oversees the                             Mark will be missed as he settles into his
you for taking time to meet with me when I          WGA Foundation which is the educational and                                “final” retirement but his contributions to
showed up unexpectedly at your store                training arm of the WGA. It would be fair to                               the industry and the WGA are indelibly
representing the Wisconsin Grocers Association.     say, this is a small association that does big                             inked into our fabric. Thank you, Mark!
On behalf of the WGA I also want to thank you things!                                                                                                      ~ Brandon Scholz

2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 15
Virtual                                           “Innovation” in “The WGA Grocers
                                                                        Innovation Expo” took on a new

                                                                        meaning this year as the WGA adapted
                                                                        to the challenges of the COVID-19
                                                                        pandemic. The WGA brought members

                      Review                                            the traditional, quality Expo event of
                                                                        the past in a virtual form.

                                                                         Enjoyed the Expo, especially the two keynote
                                                                         presenters, Greg Ferrara and Leslie Sarasin. Also, the
                                                                         data from Dr. Mark Kaufman of the WHA was an
                                                                                 James Hyland, Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.

                                 Written by Brittany Knuteson                       Leading Resilient Teams
While the road to produce and    The WGA team was delighted to bring                The first seminar, Leading Resilient Teams:
create a virtual Expo            you the regularly-scheduled Expo in a              Addressing Compassion Fatigue, discussed the
experience was a learning        new, exciting virtual format to connect            strain on mental health of grocery-industry
                                                                                    employees. Team-care strategies and best
process, all traditional in-     while apart. Registrants can relive the            practices were shared; attendees also had the
person Expo elements such as     Expo experience by visiting the “Virtual           opportunity to participate in live Q & A with
                                 Expo” tab on the WGA website to watch              speaker Russ Turner, Director of the Training
educational seminars, round                                                         Institute.
                                 the seminars!
table discussions, awards, and
the coveted Great Wisconsin                                                         Retailer Panel:
                                 DAY 1                                              Respond, Rethink, Recover
Bag-Off were able to be          In response to the new challenges COVID-19         The second Day 1 seminar, Retailer Panel:
incorporated.                    presented to the grocery industry, the WGA         Respond, Rethink, Recover, featured industry
                                 rethought many of its educational seminars to      leaders Kevin Metcalfe & Lisa Grudzielanek,
                                 provide solutions to these new challenges.         Metcalfe’s Market; Curt Schmidt, Mayville    >

                                                                                            2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 17
Piggly Wiggly; Clint Woodman, Woodman’s                                                                               Messages were also shared by several Wisconsin
Market; & Ryan Olsen, Olsen’s Piggly Wiggly.                                                                          Legislators including Assembly Speaker Robin
                                                         We finished up day three of the virtual
The leaders addressed the respective topics of                                                                        Vos (R-Rochester), Senate Majority Leader
                                                         Expo and want to give you and all of
how they responded, rethought operations,                                                                             Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau), Senator Chris
                                                         your teams a big shout out for putting
and recovered as a company in the continuing             together a great line up and Expo. I am                      Kapenga (R-Delafield), Representative Mark
pandemic. Additionally, Live Vendor Panel                sure there were long days trying to get it                   Born (R-Beaver Dam), and Representative Dan
guests Mark Maloney, Russ Davis Wholesale;               done in such short time.                                     Knodl (R-Germantown). IGA President &
Chad Vincent, Dairy Farmers of America; and                                                                           CEO John Ross, a live guest, shared how
Don Symonds, Lipari Foods shared how their                                    Tim Stocker, SpartanNash                COVID-19 continues to impact the grocery
companies continue to respond and adapt to                                                                            industry. Wisconsin Hospital Association chief
the pandemic.                                                                                                         medical officer Dr. Mark Kaufman and president
                                                                                                                      and CEO Eric Borgerding, also live guests,
                                                                                                                      addressed the rising number of COVID-19
        I want to congratulate you on                 DAY 2                                                           cases in Wisconsin as numbers continue to soar.
        what I thought was a very well-
        done event. Great job team.                                                                                   UW System President Tommy Thompson,
                                                                                                                      Fabulous Farm Babe Pam Jahnke, and the
                          Bob Jaskolski, Trig’s                                                                       Wisconsin Historical Society were all welcomed
                                                                                                                      additions to Day 2 of the Expo.

                                                                                                                      Day 2
                                                                                                                      Excellence in
                                                      NGA President & CEO Greg Ferrara answered questions after his
                                                      NGA Seminar                                                     Service
                                                                                                                      Awards.         Rick Estridge, Wayne’s Foods Plus
                                                      Day 2 kicked off with the National Grocers
Employment and Safety                                 Association seminar hosted by NGA President                     Excellence in Operations honorees include
Implications of COVID-19                              & CEO Greg Ferrara. Changing grocery                            James Hyland, Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.;
The final seminar of Day 1, Employment &              shopping trends and consumer behavior were                      Nate Weitz, T.A. Solberg Co. Inc.; and Rick
Safety Implications of COVID-19 for Retailers,        shared; many grocery stores have altered their                  Estridge, Wayne’s Foods Plus.
was hosted by Conn Maciel Carey Founding              operations or added new elements to the grocery
                                                      shopping experience to address these changes.                   Community Service honorees are Chad
Partner Kara M. Maciel, who is also Chair of
                                                      Examples include extended curbside pickup and                   Schultz, Bernatello’s; Chris Campbell, Dick’s
the firm’s National Labor & Employment
                                                      expanded pre-made food offerings. Attendees                     Fresh Market - Menomonie; Danny & Kevin
Practice Group. A flood of new legal and
                                                      had the opportunity to take part in live Q & A                  Konnow, Charlie’s Northwoods Market; &
regulatory developments such as those presented
                                                      with Ferrara.                                                   Tim Engel, Dick’s Fresh Market - River Falls.
by OSHA, EEOC, and CDC, can be difficult to
navigate. Maciel educated attendees about these
new regulations and guidelines and answered                                                                           DAY 3
live post-seminar Q & A.
                                                                                                                      FMI Seminar: Painting Grocery
                                                                                                                      Shopping Behavior using COVID-19
                                                                                                                      FMI President & CEO Leslie Sarasin hosted
                                                                                                                      the first educational seminar of Day 3 titled
                                                                                                                      Painting Grocery Shopping Behavior Using
                                                                                                                      COVID-19 Colors. This pre-recorded seminar
                                                                                                                      summarized the constantly changing, evolving
                                                                                                                      shopping trends of consumers with the
                                                      Grocery Industry Summit                                         influence of the pandemic.
Kara M. Maciel responded at the live Q&A
                                                      The annual Grocery Industry Summit seminar
                                                      featured reports from WGA President & CEO
                                                      Brandon Scholz, WGA Board of Directors
  I thought the seminars were informative             Chair Greg Hansen, Hansen’s IGA & WGA
  and gave great scenarios to think about.            Foundation Chair Kristie Maurer, Maurer’s
                                  Mick Kneeland,      Markets. Governor Tony Evers shared a special
                          Viking Village, Reedsburg   message with attendees at the beginning of the
                                                      Grocery Industry Summit.

...What a great job you all did on your first virtual show!! It is amazing what you all
                                                            got done in the time frame you were dealt! I thought the seminars were outstanding. I
                                                            thought they were timely and really gave anyone who attended a chance to hear, and
                                                            steal, other company’s ideas. Really hit me that we are not out there alone and we can
                                                            use each other’s ideas to make our businesses the safest they can be. Also, what everyone is
                                                            thinking about the future was very informative to me. Again, great job!! Came off as
                                                            you planned for this the entire year. I also thought the award presentation went really
                                                            well in this COVID-19 environment!! Thanks again.
                                                                                                                             Dan Williamson, Kemps

 Austin Vogler answers live Q&A from attendees

Live Round Tables:                                           Great Wisconsin Bag-Off
E-commerce/Human Resources                                   The Great Wisconsin Bag-Off was pre-              I just wanted to say thank you for a
T.A. Solberg Co., Inc. Marketing Director Kindl Furtak       recorded at Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin       great virtual Expo! I know a LOT of
and Marketplace Foods, Inc. Senior Human Resources           Dells on September 30.                            work goes into putting an Expo together
Business Partner Austin Vogler moderated live round                                                            and then to add virtual on top of that! I
                                                             COVID-19 precautions such as mask-                thought it was absolutely a success and
table discussions on the topics of e-commerce and            wearing and social distancing were enforced
human resources; both fields have been greatly affected                                                        the keynote speakers were phenomenal.
                                                             for the safety of staff and attendees. The food
by the COVID-19 pandemic.                                    was switched and the counters were sanitized                          Emilie Williamson,
                                                             between rounds. Julia Nunes, the 73rd Alice                     Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.
                                                             in Dairyland hosted the event. The
                                                             competition was tough; Matthew Casey,
                                                             Metcalfe’s Market Wauwatosa finished in
                                                             first place. Casey will compete in the NGA
                                                             Bag-Off in May of 2021.

                                                             Honorees                                             I liked the idea since I work 3rd shift,
                                                             To conclude the final day of the Expo,               so this make it easier for me to
                                                             Vendor of the Year Valley Cooperative                “attend” the food show virtual. I
                                                                                                                  enjoyed my “chats” with each vendor
Pictured L-R: Matthew Casey, Metcalfe’s Market- Wauwatosa    Association and Grocer of the Year Bob
                                                                                                                                            Dale Hanke,
(1st Place); Joseph Mueller, Miller & Sons Supermarket -     Jaskolski, T.A. Solberg Co., Inc. were
                                                                                                                         Hanke’s Sentry, Wittenberg, WI
Verona (2nd Place); Alice in Dairyland Julia Nunes; Logan    honored during the pre-recorded
White, Trig’s - Steven’s Point (3rd Place); Michael          broadcasting. Check out photos of the
Standiford, Main Street Market Piggly Wiggly - Lodi; and     honorees on page 24.
Jonathon Redden, Viking Village Foods - Reedsburg

  Wisconsin Grocers Association

    Education and
                                           PALLET OF PRODUCT
                                                 SILENT AUCTION WINNERS
             Arctic Glacier Ice                                          100 - 20# bags of ice                  Justin Campbell, Brodhead Piggly Wiggly
             Bernatello’s                                        432 Brew Pub Hearty Artisan Pizzas            Matt Stinebrink, Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
             Bernatello’s                                   576 Bellatoria Breadcrumb Artisan Crust Pizzas     Matt Stinebrink, Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
             Berres Brothers Coffee                                   Holiday Coffee and Shipper                           Pam Coy, Viking Village Foods
             Kemps, LLC                                                   216 gallons 2% Milk                               Jeff Maurer, Maurer’s Market
             Lipari Foods                                          Amish Wedding Jar Goods Rack                 Justin Campbell, Brodhead Piggly Wiggly
             Lipari Foods                                                 30 Cases iO Popcorn                  Mark Stinebrink, Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
             Old Dutch Foods                                                40 cases of chips                   Justin Campbell, Brodhead Piggly Wiggly
             Russ Davis Wholesale                                 200 – 5# bags WI Russet Potatoes              Justin Campbell, Brodhead Piggly Wiggly
             Russ Davis Wholesale                                    240 - 3# bags Yellow Onions                Justin Campbell, Brodhead Piggly Wiggly
             Russ Davis Wholesale                            30 cases of 30/1lb. bags Baby Peeled Carrots                          Brad Brayshaw, Trig’s
             Valley Cooperative Association                              Racine Danish Kringle                 Mark Stinebrink, Stinebrink’s Piggly Wiggly
             Valley Cooperative Association                      48 – 15# pails Pre-whipped Topping                           Greg Hansen, Hansen’s IGA
                                                                                                                     2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 19
                                                                                                                    Thank you for joining

                                                                         Thank yo   Live Zoom Booth

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the 2020 Expo
 Trade Show

   First Virtual Zoom Booth Trade Show!
   A WGA Grocers Innovation Expo staple, the trade show, took place on a virtual format via
   Zoom all three days of the Expo to connect retailers and vendors. If you missed the trade
                                                           show or want to reach out to a
                                                           specific member, visit the WGA
                                                           website to view company contact
                                                           information! Thank you to all
                                                           vendors and retailers who
                                                           participated in the 2020 Zoom
                                                           Booth Trade Show!
                                                           Visit wisconsingrocers.

                                                             Trade Show Flash Back!

                                                                                               2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 21
                                                                                                Thank you for joining

                                               Tha n k you   Live Zoom Booth

                                                        the WGA

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the 2020 Expo
 Trade Show

                                                                                          Trade Show Flash Back!

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                                                                                                                  2020 Winter Issue   WISCONSIN GROCER 23
Grocer of the Year
                                                                            Bob Jaskolski
                                                                            T.A. Solberg Co., Inc., Minocqua
                                                                            Nominated by Nate Vollmer, T.A. Solberg Co., Inc.

                                                Excellence in Operations

               Rick Estridge                                    James Hyland                                    Nate Weitz
         Wayne’s Foods Plus, Webster                       Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc.                 T.A. Solberg Co., Inc., Wausau
            Nominated by Jason Nilssen,                           Milwaukee                                Nominated by Keven Niemi,
                 Nilssen’s Foods                               Nominated by Ken McClure,                         Kemps Dairy
                                                                 The Kroger Company

                                                     Community Service

       Chris Campbell                            Tim Engel                      Danny & Kevin Konnow                  Chad Schultz
      Dick’s Fresh Market,                   Dick’s Fresh Market,             Charlie’s Northwoods Market,          Bernatello’s Foods,
         Menomonie                                River Falls                          Land O Lakes                     Kaukauna
  Nominated by Michelle Donnelly,         Nominated by Michelle Donnelly,        Nominated by Mark Mead,           Nominated by Matt Selvig,
       Dick’s Fresh Market                     Dick’s Fresh Market                     Certco, Inc.                   Bernatello’s Foods

                                                              Vendor of the Year
                                                              Valley Cooperative Association,
                                                              Nominated by Andrew Brehmer,
                                                              Skogen’s Festival Foods

2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 25

2020 Grocers Connected
                                                                                                  • Extending credit terms for beer; and
                      As I look back over 2020, I recall the                                      • Streamlining process for bartender’s license.
                      anticipation I had for a great 2020.                                     Attendees met with their legislative
                                                                                               representatives at the State Capitol. Overall
                      By Cheryl Lytle                                                          there were 58 attendees who met with 32
                      Events Director                                                          legislators.

I had plans for an events line-up that         hard to remember 2020 before COVID              Grocery Industry Golf Outing
would build on previous successes,             hit, but this meal was one I’ll never
resulting in one of the best years for the     forget! Mmm … amazing!                                            tr y   G
                                                                                                                                         Planning with
                                                                                                                                         COVID-19 in mind

                                                                                                 n Grocery Ind
WGA ever.

                                                                                                                          f O u ti n g
                                               Capitol Day                                                      When Safer at Home
On that note, I felt the numbers of ‘2020’
                                               On Wednesday, January 22, WGA

                                                                                             n si
created synergy that would add to the                                                                       Wis
                                                                                                                mandates began in March, it
                                               offered is shortest Capitol Day ever!                            was uncertain if the WGA’s
remarkable year that I thought it was
                                               From 8 am to noon, attendees heard              Grocery Golf Outing would happen. The
going to be.
                                               from Senate President Roger Roth and            original date of this event was to be June 3.
Well, 2020 was remarkable, but not in          Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. Issues              The date was moved to the end of July and
the way I thought. COVID-19 hit and it         briefings were discussed on the following       then again moved to August 27.
was a game changer. More on this later.        topics:
                                                                                               Once the summer hit and the Safer At Home
                                               • Require debit card sales for lottery          mandate ended, people were excited to get
                                                 tickets;                                      out and socialize to see other people. Golf
                                               • Labeling of meat, cheese and dairy            courses were one of the first service industries
                                                 products;                                     to re-open and— because we could social

                                                Grocery Industry Golf Outing
                                                Thursday, August 27, was the hottest day of the year.

Grocers in the Capitol Day                      It was 95 degrees and a perfect day for the Grocery Industry Golf Outing! There were 33
                                                teams with 144 golfers and an activity on almost every tee location. An additional 30-
Right out of the 2020 gate, WGA offered         plus people participated on the course and provided the fun on the course!
Grocers in the Capitol Day in January at
                                                New this year, was the WGA Foundation’s golf ball launcher that projected your ball 200
the Madison Club in downtown Madison.
                                                to 250 yards.
On the evening of January 21, a dinner          The day went so smoothly, the entire program was completed almost an hour earlier
was held to recognize WGA’s Loyal               than past years! It was a marvelous day outside and it felt good to connect with peers in
Contributor and Lifetime Contributor            the grocery industry.
honorees—new levels within the WGA’s
                                                The Grocery Industry Golf Outing was a big hit. See pages 31 through 40 for the full review
                       Government               of the outing.
                       Affairs program.

                         Loyal and Lifetime                              Thirst is the worst...                                                   Hit a mid-morning snag, don’t fall apart.
                         Contributors                  We know                                                                     We have a

                        Sixteen people
                                                     it’s a drag;                                                                  hunch you’ll     We’ve left a
                                                    please don’t
                                                   touch the flag       be smart and grab a drink
                                                                                                                                    need boxed
                                                                                                                                                    goody bag
were recognized as indivual contributors to                              from the complimentary                                                    on your cart.
the Political Action Program for more than
                                                                            beverage cart Avoid the germ &
5 years. Thirteen people were recognized                                                        pick it up at the turn
as Lifetime Contributors, contributing
more than $5,000 over their lifetime.
Dinner was sponsored by Superior Fresh
and featured their greens and salmon. It’s
                                                         BE ON THE TEAM; Prevent COVID-19.
Grocers Innovation Expo –
                                              Virtual is a reality
                                                                      As mentioned
                                                                      earlier, when
                                                                      COVID-19 hit, it
                                                                      changed everything
distance outside— it was not                                        We were sent home
discouraged.                                                        from the office to         several direct mail Expo solicitations,
The WGA team discussed how we could                                 work at home until         created a password protected virtual Expo
help stop the spread of the virus and                               further notice. The        portal on the WGA website done “in-
provide a safe event to hold the outing.      WGA team was all hands on deck to be a           house,” and produced nine hours of
                                              relevant resource to WGA members.                educational content with transitional
We reached out to New Jersey Food                                                              videos down to the second. And, almost
Council to learn what measures they                WGA COVID-19                    I ran the
                                                                                               every detail to make all this happen was in
took. They shared a quirky rhyming                  Q & A Text Line                WGA’s
                                                                                               our original plan … and we really worked
saying to help people remember in a                Quick Answers to Your Questions COVID-
                                              19 Text Line with much help from the             it.
fresh way COVID safety measures; “Be
wise, hand sanitize” and “Prevent the         rest of the team for accurate responses. It      The Virtual Grocers Innovation Expo was
bug, no bear hug.” WGA also added cute        was a wonderful service that answered            4 hours over the 3 days of October 20 –
graphics to the sayings and used them in      questions efficiently.                           22. The full review can be found in this issue
pre-event promotions and during the golf      During that time, I also tried to soak up        on pages 17 through 24.
event.                                        as much information as I could on                We felt it was important to continue
We also met in-person in advance with         planning, producing, and sponsoring              to offer the Grocers Innovation Expo
Bill Rogers, Evergreen Golf Course and        virtual events. The uncertainty of what          to provide continuing education for
Dave Spiegelhoff, Gooseberries/               the future was, made me certain that             WGA members to help them
Courtyard Catering, to develop a plan to      things were not going to stay the same.
                                                                                                               through the
make sure the flow of the day allowed for     I wanted to be prepared to continue
                                              the success of WGA events.                                       pandemic.
social distancing, sanitation stations, and
food packaging for safe food handling.                                                                            We thought of all the
                                              Going Virtual                                                       elements offered at the

                                              On August 12, the WGA Board of
                                              Directors voted to change the Grocers
                                                                                                                      in-person Expo and
                                                                                                                       had them virtually.
                                              Innovation Expo from an in-person event                                  We covered
 & Hand                                       to a virtual one. The same day, the WGA                                   everything except
 Sanitize                No Bear Hug          team met and created our overall vison of                                 the cake decorating
                                              the virtual Expo and soon followed up                                 contest!
                                              with a detailed to-do list.                      The education featured COVID-19 from
Lunch was boxed and handed out at the         Someone once said the key to success is          how to help your team stay mentally
Starters Station. For the first time, WGA     to plan your work and work your plan.            strong during tough times, pressures of
took advantage of the outdoor pavilion;       And that’s just what                                                customer service with
the evening dinner was served by masked       we did. There were                                                   Russ Turner,
and gloved servers. We determined that if     47 business days                                                     (Training Institute’s
we reduce participation from 180 to 140       between August 12                                                    Leading Resilient
golfers, there’d be more space on the         and the opening of                                                   Teams,) to learning
course and dinner. And, the lower             the Expo on October
number allowed more carts; we could           22. In that time, the
offer individual carts to anyone who          WGA team executed
requested one. So, with lots of questions     the Grocery Golf
and phone calls, WGA developed our            Outing on August 27;
                                              invited and organized the
                                              educational speakers,
                                              panelists, and moderators;
                                              held an in-person Great
                                              Wisconsin Bag-Off;
                                              produced a 60-page Expo
                                              magazine; created and sent

COVID-19 safety plan.
                                                                                                       2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 27

 2020 Grocers Connected continued
from each other on the Respond, Rethink,       recognized with a WGA award. Those and          with WGA members with their trade
Recover panel with WGA retail and vendor       the video of the in-person Great Wisconsin      show sales pitches and ideas to help grow
members viewpoints, to Attorney Kara           Bag-Off—which revealed the winners—             your sales margins in different categories
Maciel’s HR seminar with help to guide         were popular elements. The program              or services to assist your business. I thank
retailers though the plethora of new           streamed for three hours each day and           everyone who participated in Zoom
government regulations.                        transitional videos helped fill the space       Booths!
                                               between sessions.
                                                                                               Congratulations to Dale Hanke, Hanke’s
                                                                                               Sentry in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, who
                                                                                               won $500 in Zoom Booth Bingo. Dale
                                                                                               visited 24 Zoom Booths over three days
                                                                                               and received the company’s secret Bingo
                                                                                               code to fill his bingo card. His name was
                                                                                               drawn to win $500!

                                                                                               Marketing Coordinator
WGA is fortunate to have great national                   It was great to see the variety in
                                                                                               Brittany Knuteson
association leaders who joined the program                the video that included
too. Greg Ferrera, NGA and Leslie                         legislative leaders, Pam Janke,                               I’d also like to
Sarasin, FMI both shared their views of                             the Fabulous Farm                                   send a special
COVID-19 and                                                        Babe, and paid                                      thank you to
provided suggestions                                                sponsored videos.                                   Brittany
on opportunities                                                                                                        Knuteson,
                                                                   The last hour of each       WGA’s new Marketing Coordinator. She
through this difficult
                                                                   day featured Live           started in July and charged through every
                                                                   Zoom Booths, a virtual      challenge in front of her with a smile.
The Expo included                                                  trade show. Over 20         She’s a joy to work with and hope we can
videos of each                                                     companies were              gather soon, so WGA members can meet
honoree who was                                                    available to connect        her, too.

Brittany Knuteson
                                  WGA Marketing Coordinator

                                  Happy to be part of the team:
                                  Marketing in 2020

Four months ago, I joined the                           Email Marketing                                           WGA Virtual Grocers Innovation Expo
WGA team as the new marketing                                      As seen in previous years, email                                  The WGA Virtual Grocers
                                                                   marketing continues to play a                                     Innovation Expo was an exciting
coordinator!                                                             prominent role as a                                         project to be part of! My previous
The WGA community has been so welcoming                                  communication tool to                                       experience in using cameras, video
and I am thrilled to be part of such a great team.                       connect with WGA members.
                                                                          The WGAis in your inbox now
                                                                                                                  production, and production planning consisted of
WGA Events Director Cheryl Lytle has been an                        W                                             using a Cannon camera to take basic photos.
                                                                   S p ee e k l yPre-Coronavirus, two or
amazing mentor; she acclimated me to the WGA                            cial
                                                                                sthree emails were sent per       That said, the road to bring you a virtual Expo was a
world of events, communications, and operations.                       week. Since COVID-19 began, WGA            learning-from-scratch experience, but it is one that I
While I have not experienced “normal” WGA                               VP Michelle Kussow sends at least         immensely enjoyed. The entire WGA team worked
marketing in a world without COVID-19,                                  one COVID-19 Update weekly to             together, day and night, to bring you the educational
I look forward to continuing to bring the                                keep members up-to-date on the           seminars and special events, like the Awards
WGA community informative marketing                                      ever-changing COVID-19                   Presentation and Great Wisconsin Bag-Off, that you
communications.                                                           guidelines and regulations. Between     look forward to each year.
Be on the Team, Prevent COVID-19                                          advertising webinars, Weekly
                                                                                                                  The Expo truly was a team project; WGA President
The Be on the Team, Prevent COVID-19                                      Specials, and the President’s Letter,
                                                                                                                  & CEO Brandon Scholz had a vision to bring you
                                                        five to six emails are sent on a weekly basis. It is
  We cannot wait to see marketing campaign              my goal to keep WGA members informed about
                                                                                                                  the Expo virtually after it was decided that there was
   your winning smile,      was designed to bring                                                                 not a safe way to host the event in-person.
                            peace of mind to            all of the latest news, events, and opportunities
  wear a mask                                           among the WGA community.                                                       Special thanks to Cody Sheehy,
   to go the extra mile     Grocery Industry Golf
                            Outing attendees. The                                                                                      the video guru from Pinpoint
                                                        Social Media                                              Software, Inc., for making the Expo videos look
                            campaign consisted of                        Since I joined the WGA in July, I
                            short, quirky slogans                                                                 polished and professional. Scheduling Expo programs
                                                                            have strived to grow social           accurately to the second, filming, and producing
                            with colorful, fun                               media presence to connect
images to inform golfers of the many health and                                                                   content was a challenge that I would gladly tackle
                                                                             with a broader audience.             again in the future.
safety precautions implemented at the event.                                  WGA member initiatives,
While the graphics gave the campaign a light-                                 such as community outreach          Website Remodel
hearted feeling, the messaging was serious. The                             and achievements, are so                             By late January 2021, WGA will
idea for the campaign was inspired by a similar                             important and deserve to be                          launch an updated, remodeled
initiative by the New Jersey Food Council.                                  shared with a large                                  website. Clean lines and easy
WGA Spotted                                                                 community. The amount of                             navigation are just a couple of the
                                                        LinkedIn followers has doubled to reach 138. Over         additions to the site! Also, there will be a password-
     GA           The WGA Spotted initiative,
                                                        1,000 people follow WGA on Facebook! I look               protected, WGA member-only section. We are
                  originally designed for social
                                                        forward to continuing to expand our social media          excited to share it with you soon.
                  media, highlights the great
                                                        presence in 2021 by posting relevant, interesting
things local grocers do in their communities.                                                                     What to Expect in 2021
As of this Fall, WGA Spotted has a permanent                                                                      As noted previously, I look forward to expanding
section in the weekly President’s Letter to share the Mail                                                        social media presence for WGA. Additionally, I plan
good deed initiatives of grocers with a broader                         During pre-Expo marketing,                to send out more mail materials to encourage WGA
audience. Additionally, WGA Spotted initiatives                         WGA members received a variety            members to register for more events, such as the
were shared in a video format during the streaming                     of mail materials to encourage             Grocery Industry Golf Outing. In 2021, I will
of the 2020 WGA Virtual Grocers Innovation                             them and non-members to                    expand my video knowledge to continue the In the
Expo. Cheryl Lytle and I volunteered at Second                        register for the Expo. A variety of         Business video series featuring Brandon Scholz, who
Harvest Foodbank in Madison for an afternoon                            mailers such as postcards and a           conducts brief, informative interviews with grocers.
sorting and packaging fresh produce for families                        bi-fold brochure were sent in the         Additionally, I plan to add videos to the WGA
in need. Post COVID-19, the WGA staff and I                             mail.                                     Spotted initiative.
would like to schedule more opportunities to                            While mail communication is               It is my priority to continue to connect the WGA
volunteer throughout Wisconsin.                                         old school, it is the most                community with a variety of relevant, effective
While I enjoy spotlighting the goodwill initiatives   personable  form  of marketing as each recipient can        communication and marketing methods. With
of WGA members, it’s also important for the           keep the tangible mail item. Wisconsin Grocer               COVID-19, it has been in the best interest to cancel
WGA staff to give back to the community.              magazine, the iconic mailer exclusively written for         most in-person WGA events. Once it is safe to
Volunteering has always been a passion of mine;       WGA members, has been a delight to work on!                 gather again, I look forward to meeting the WGA
one of the many reasons why I find it important       Cheryl and I would like to send out more mail               community as I have not yet had a chance to meet
to share WGA Spotted initiatives is to provide a      materials in 2021.                                          everyone in person!
moment of pure positivity.

                                                                                                                             2020 Winter Issue WISCONSIN GROCER 29
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