The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions

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The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
the Shopsteward
               Volume 30.1             COSATU 35th Anniversary      Special Digital Edition

        The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions

35 Years of Militant Working Class Struggle!                                             1
The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
Editorial                      COSATU 35th Anniversary

                                                            Bheki Ntshalintshali - Editor in Chief

             he Congress of South          through political processes, as       and unprepared and workers             garages, hotels, transport, and
             African Trade Unions          well as mass mobilisation. As         in South Africa have been the          agricultural sectors have not
             is celebrating 35 years       we reflect on the three decades       most heavily impacted.                 been complying with the UI Act.
             of non-stop struggle          and half of our existence,               This reflects the poverty           The UI Act requires all
      against exploitation in pursuit of   we need to recognise our              wages workers are paid, high           employers to register their
      social emancipation of both the      achievements, without masking         levels of inequality, lack of access   employees for the UIF and to
      workers and the working-class        our setbacks.                         to decent healthcare, resulting        pay their monthly employer and
      This is a momentous occasion            In this copy of the                levels of low immunities due           employee contributions. This is
      for the federation because           Shopsteward Magazine, we              to the prevalence of infectious        worse for domestic workers who
      it allows us to reflect on our       take a look at some of those          diseases e.g. tuberculosis,            often have multiple employers.
      past achievements, reflect on        achievements and also reflect         diabetes, HIV/AIDS etc, and               The challenge going forward
      our challenges and reaffirm          on the plan ahead including           extreme overcrowding in most           is to address the issue of job
      our commitments to waging            the Collective Bargaining             townships. Over the past nine          losses, vulnerable workers
      a relentless struggle against        Campaign and Organising               months we have all been                and the so called new normal.
      exploitation.                        Conference held late last year.       dealing with Covid-19 , a health       The unilateral closure of the UIF
                                                                                 crisis unlike any previous health      TERS Fund as a huge mistake
         The voice of organised               All of this is happening           crisis. This has been worrying         and we need to see it corrected
      workers has consistently been        in the midst of a health and          for South Africa given our pre-        soon, especially now with the
      felt since the federation was        economic crisis as a result of        existing health challenges, the        second wave of infections
      born 35 years ago on a wide          the COVID-19 pandemic that            poor state of public healthcare        and the Alert level 3 lockdown
      range of policy, legislative         has led to millions of job losses.    institutions and unaffordability of    having been introduced.
      and political issues. Workers        We believe that this crisis period    private healthcare.
      have      achieved    concrete       we are living in poses serious                                                  The COVID-19 inspired
      victories, partial gains and         dangers for the workers and              COSATU welcomed the                 economic crisis has exposed
      sometimes they have had to           the working class. At this critical   lockdown and the speed with            and shown the limits of
      defend progressive measures          period, the role of the labour        which government moved to              capitalism. This is also a crisis
      introduced by government.            movement is to study, analyse         implement it. It was critical to       of neoliberal policies. This whole
      While there have also been           the emerging developments             lowering the surge in infections       situation creates a serious risk
      some setbacks, interventions         and then strategise for a             and deaths and to avoid                for the rights of workers.
      by the organisation have             coherent and efficient response       overwhelming our healthcare               In response to this crisis,
      disrupted the progress that has      to     these       developments.      institutions before they were          big capital is manoeuvring to
      been made by anti-worker and         The      current      period     is   ready. This was not an easy            strengthen the exploitative
      anti-poor forces.                    characterised by economic             choice for workers as many             system of capitalism, to acquire
                                           inequality, stagnant wages,           companies in the private               new impetus and use the
        All of this has happened in a      massive           unemployment,       sector implement the no                crisis to gain more profits for
      rapidly changing, and constantly     deepening poverty, and the            work, no pay principle. Many           themselves and create more
      evolving environment and the         accumulation of enormous              companies depend upon daily            wealth concentration as a
      federation has had to learn          wealth by the few elites.             earnings to pay workers and            result. All of this is done at the
      to adapt to different terrains          No one in South Africa, or the     remain viable. It has become           expense of workers through the
      to advance its positions.            world, could fully appreciated the    clear during this crisis that          intensification of exploitation.
      These include, advocacy,             challenges we would face last         many employers especially              We have already seen a rise
      negotiation,        engagement       year. We were caught unaware          in the hospitality, restaurants,       in unemployment, a push

The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
COSATU 35th Anniversary                       Editorial

for the privatisation of public      that front with our recruitment    technologies work for the people     government         since     1996.
enterprises and a serious attack     campaign bringing over 120         and are not used to destroy the      Our quest for a developmental
on collective bargaining and         000 members to the federation      people and their livelihoods.        state is continuous. The state
labour rights.                       last year. The COVID-19            Technologies should not be           is a powerful force with a lot of
   Much has been said about          outbreak has shown that many       imposed recklessly in a manner       influence. It holds monopoly to
the 4th industrial revolution, in    workers are not protected and      that destroys livelihoods, jobs,     tax, print money and to engage
particular the risks that it poses   are open to joining unions.        and communities. We need a           in borrowing on behalf of the
to the jobs and livelihoods of                                          jobs plan that will act as a guide   country. It influences who has
blue- and white-collar workers          Fourty hour week will           and a regulatory framework.          access to national productive
as well as the developmental         limit the working hours to                                              resources and also determines
opportunities it offers society.     the maximum of 40 hours.             We are grappling with              how they are deployed and
Our challenges as unions is to       This is part of our bigger drive   the    lack    of     resources      used. It is within this context that
fight to make sure workers’ jobs     to usher in decent work for all    and government’s lack of             the role of the state should be
are protected, to make sure that     workers in the country.Fight       preparedness when it comes           understood and framed.
government and industry plan         against retrenchments, this        to procuring the necessary .
for a just transition, to work for   involves campaigning for the       Our underperforming economy             The collapse of service
workers’ lives to improve. If we     amendment of LRA Section           has forced the government to         delivery, as symbolised by
do not do that, then millions of     189 to make retrenchments          borrow more money worsening          public protests, can only be
workers will be thrown into the      negotiable issues because          our already bad public debt.         traced back from the decision
unemployment line.                   employers currently do not         South Africa’s debt levels will      to push for the reduction of
                                     have an obligation to consider     exceed 100% of gross domestic        the headcount of personnel
   Our priority as we celebrate      viable options put forward by      product by 2024-25 and rise          in the public service and
these 35years is to unite the        the unions as this section only    to almost 114% by 2028-29,           the     commercialisation       of
working class around aims            gives an obligation to consult.    according to National Treasury.      the State-Owned Entities in
which reflect the present-day                                                                                their mode of governance.
needs. This unity should be          National Minimum Wage                 The upcoming Budget               This right-wing push for SOEs
reflected in organised struggles     - we need to ensure that the       Speech and will hopefully be         to operate along the lines of the
based on its class interests,        CCMA and the Department of         used to lay the foundation           private sector is the source of
starting in workplaces. The last     Labour are empowered to deal       of an economy and the kind           the inefficiencies and corruption
congress resolved to identify the    decisively with issues of non-     of a development state that          that we have seen.
following campaigns as priority      compliance by employers on         we envision and need post-
campaigns around which we            implementation of the national     Covid-19. One of the most               This country needs a
will be mobilising the workers       minimum wage.                      fundamental features of our          capable developmental state
as part of our recruitment and       Living Wage Campaign               national situation has been the      to implement a uniquely
organising of workers into the       - this campaign should             inability of our policymakers to     South African developmental
Federation.                          be      intensifying  because      find a solution to the systemic      economic model. We fully
   We remain optimistic that         more workers are getting           and deep existential crisis of the   support our members in the
these campaigns and the              impoverished due to starvation     South African capitalist system.     public service who are fighting
discussions that will ensue          wages.                                The       rentier    monopoly     back against the undermining
going forward will further           Occupational Health and            finance-capital that oversees        of collective bargaining and
strengthen      our    common        Safety - we need to make sure      the country’s monetary policy        government’s decision to
efforts to deal with the current     that there are OHS committees      at a distance as well as the         renege on the 2018 Collective
economic crisis. Some of these       in workplaces and that they are    Neoliberal deep-state within         agreement. The workers
priority campaigns this year         functional and beneficial and      government continues to resist       at SABC and elsewhere
2021 are the following:              that we work together with the     a change of monetary policy          who are engaged in a titanic
   Recruitment and retention         Department of Employment           as evidenced by the recent           struggle to save jobs should be
campaign-The mandate of the          and Labour to take forward         decision of the Monetary             supported by all of us. Unity is
congress was to organise the         campaigns for safety in the        Policy Committee to leave            paramount at this critical
unorganised increase trade           workplace.                         the interests rate unchanged.        moment and narrow
union membership and improve         Fourth Industrial Revolution       The current socio-economic           sectarianism             should
the service that workers get.        - encompasses all of us            situation reflects the class         be exorcised from our
We are making progress on            working to ensure that the new     character       of    the ANC        ranks.

The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
COSATU 35th Anniversary

    Editor's note

                                                   A 'New Normal'
                                                   is upon us - Tackling Post
                                                   COVID-19 Catastrophe!
          Editor: Norman Mampane

              ince the outbreak      lockdown      was       about    devastating environmental         during     the     Covid-19
              of      COVID-19       corruption     related      to   catastrophe.' According to        pandemic. This requires
              across the globe,      personal           protective    the International Labour          more investment flows,
              many       workers     equipment, non-payment           Organization,         'Global     economic      diversification
     were hugely affected and        of    danger       allowance     labour income is estimated        and greater policy space
     suffered loss of wages,         to   the    frontline     and    to have declined by 10.7          in the rules of the World
     working time, and the           essential workers, and the       per cent, or US$ 3.5 trillion,    Trade Organization [WTO]
     extreme their jobs!             undeserving       individuals    in the first three quarters of    for vulnerable economies
                                     benefiting from COVID-19         2020, compared with the           commencing the hard work
        The     pandemic       has   Unemployment Insurance           same period in 2019.              of economic recovery.'
     changed        our      world   Fund Benefits, with many
     in     ways      we     could   poor workers forced into           This figure excludes               The     G20    Ministers
     hardly have imagined.           poverty and destitution.         income support provided           'recognised the need to
     Working remotely is a new                                        through          government       increase the sustainability
     challenge, with no labour         The so-called 'new risk        measures. One reason for          and the resilience of
     legislation available in most   mitigation'       introduced     the estimated increases           national, regional, and
     companies to regulate           by the Employment and            in working-hour losses is         global supply chains and
     such an 'arrangement’,          Labour is still to stand the     that workers in developing        to    expand     production
     should not put workers in a     test of time.                    and emerging economies,           capacity     and      trade,
     disadvantaged position!                                          especially those in informal      notably in the areas of
                                     On International issues,         employment, have been             pharmaceutical,     medical
       In this edition, we cover     many      global    unions       much more affected than           and other health-related
     the period since the            have     expressed     how       by past crises...'                products. The Ministers
     declaration of Covid-19         various governments and                                            further recognised the
     as a 'pandemic' by the          employers are undermining           The        G20        Trade    importance of continuing to
     World Health Organization       labour rights during the         Minister's virtual meeting        foster women's economic
     [WHO] and how did labour        coronavirus outbreak. Many       in September 2020 agreed          empowerment       with     a
     respond.                        global federations argue         that 'Africa needs to deepen      view to achieving global
                                     that 'COVID-19 corner-           its levels of industrialization   recovery.'
       The most depressing           cutting measures will lead       and address its 'strategic
     scandal during Coronavirus      to more deaths and a             vulnerabilities'      exposed     It is not yet Uhuru!

The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
Now is the time to celebrate those who are gone,
but not forgotten. To immortalise men like Silumko,
a teacher who shaped the stories of the past for the
children of the future. That he also sacrificed his life
to save a young child from the sea is part of his legacy.
For the many people who can’t gather to pay their
final respects, we’ve created The Memory Collection.
To read Silumko’s story or share your memories
of a loved one who has passed, visit

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The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
COSATU 35th Anniversary

    COSATU Profile

             Elijah Barayi
                    As we reflect on the last 35 years of struggle, we salute the founding generation of this giant federation!

                                         in 1949. He left Fort      Ngalo; they fought back        and underpayment.
                                           Hare        University   and defeated them.               In 1981, he met then
                                            after struggling to                                    NUM General Secretary
                                             pay for his studies      He linked up with Rev        Cyril Ramaphosa and
                                             and went on to         Calata, a former ANC           became one of the first
                                             work as a clerk in     secretary general, who         miners to join the NUM.
                                            the Department of       was his mentor. He joined      He was elected a NUM
                                                 Native Affairs     the Defiance Campaign          shaft steward and soon
                                                     in Cradock.    and when the ANC was           after was elected vice
                                                         H      e   banned in 1960, he was         president of the union.
                                                         joined     arrested under state of
                                                           t h e    emergency provisions.            During the unity talks
                                                                                                   leading to the formation of
                                                                       He spent five months        COSATU, Barayi played an
                                                                    in jail and after his          important part in bringing
                                                                    release   he    left   the     NUM, then affiliated to
                                                                    Eastern Cape because           CUSA, into the process.
                                                                    of police harassment.          In 1985, Comrade Barayi
                                                                    He unsuccessfully tried to     became the first president
                                                                    join Umkhonto weSizwe.         of COSATU until 1991.

                                                                    His contact was arrested.
                                                                                                     From the outset he
                                                                      He went on to work as        fearlessly        provided
                 lijah Barayi was     ANC Youth League in           a clerk at a gold mine in      defiant leadership defiant
                 born in 1930         1948 at the time when he      Brakpan. In 1973, he got       leadership that stood
                 in the Eastern       was about to complete his     a job at Blyvooruitzicht       against the vile system of
                 Cape         town    JC(Grade 10).                 gold mine in Carltonville.     apartheid. He took on the
      of Cradock and was the                                        He was elected to chair the    then apartheid President
      youngest of 10 children.           The impetus for him        mine’s liaison committee.      Pik Botha and his demand
      His father was a municipal      joining the ANC Youth                                        for the abolishment of the
      worker, and his mother,         League was preceded             He was banned from           pass laws was heeded by
      a     domestic      worker.     with a racist incident in     running for re election        the apartheid regime.
      He      completed         his   town when some racist         because he had tried to          He died on the 22
      education        at       the   young white boys attacked     raise political issues such    January 1994, but his
      Healdtown         Institution   him and Comrade Zenzele       as racial discrimination       memory lives on.

The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
The Shopsteward COSATU 35th Anniversary - The official publication of the Congress of South African Trade Unions
Worker Issues

COSATU 35th Anniversary

     Worker Issues

       the FORMATION
                     of         COSATU

                OSATU          was    participation in the struggle    empower ordinary workers.        Congress resolved to merge
                launched         in   for peace and democracy          We try to develop the skills     unions into cartels or broad
                December 1985         Principles· To organise the      and abilities of those most      sectors such as public sector
                after four years of   unorganised ·                    disadvantaged by apartheid.      and manufacturing (see list
      unity talks between unions                                       We want workers to be            of unions). We also remain
      opposed to apartheid and          From its inception, the        equipped to determine their      committed to unity with all
      committed to a non-racial,      federation is based on the       own future in the country        unions and federations that
      non-sexist and democratic       following core principles:·      and in the economy. In a         are committed to, among
      South Africa. At our launch                                      country where women have         others, these principles.
      we represented less than        Non-racialism – COSATU           been highly oppressed,           At the same time, for as
      half a million workers          rejects apartheid and racism     we are determined to             long as there is no single
      organised in 33 unions.         in all its forms. We believe     strive for gender equality       federation, we have no
      We currently have more than     that all workers, regardless     and women leadership.            choice but to recruit even
      two million workers, of whom    of race, should organise                                          those workers who belong to
      at least 1.8 million are paid   and unite. Now more than         Paid-up membership –             other unions and federations.
      up. Even by international       ever before we need to           COSATU and its affiliated
      standards we have been          bury the apartheid legacy.       unions strive for self           International           worker
      among the fastest growing                                        sufficiency. This means that     solidarity – International
      trade union movements in        Worker         control      –    while we receive money for       solidarity is the lifeblood of
      the world. Today when most      COSATU        believes    that   specific projects from other     trade unionism – particularly
      trade unions are facing a       workers must control the         trade unions, we remain able     in the era of multinational
      decline in membership, we       structures and committees of     to take our decisions without    c o m p a n i e s . C O S AT U
      have continued to grow.         the federation. This approach    interference from funders.       maintains links with a range
                                      aims to keep the organisation    While it has not been easy,      of national and international
      Our main broad                  vibrant and dynamic, and         we      remain     committed     centres. We are committed
      strategic objectives            to maintain close links with     to    its   full  realisation.   to building links with unions
      have always been:               the shop floor. We have                                           in the newly industrialised
       To improve material            programmes to develop            One industry, one union –        countries. New international
      conditions of our members       worker leadership, especially    one country, one federation      conditions open possibilities
      and of the working people       women, within the trade          – In order to unite workers      for a unified union movement.
      as a whole.·                    unions and the country as a      across sectors, we have
                                      whole. Through training we       grouped our unions into          Political Policy COSATU
          To    ensure      worker    have been able to build and      industries. Our 6th National     believes in a democratic

COSATU 35th Anniversary

                                                                                               Worker Issues

society free of racism, sexism    transformation programme         employers, but based on the     the International Workers
and the exploitation of the       for the Alliance, based on       struggles of our members.       of the World marched
working class. We believe         the RDP. These independent       This campaign remains           in support of an eight-
in a society where workers        organisations also have          relevant as we attempt to       hour day. This started an
have full control over their      separate but complementary       eliminate the wage gap          international tradition of
lives. We are determined to       programmes. COSATU and           between senior management       observing a workers’ holiday
work with other democratic        the SACP are also committed      and workers, men and            that continues to this day.
forces to do away with all        to the struggle for socialism.   women, and between skilled      By 1986, the tradition had
forms of oppression and           Socio-economic          Policy   and unskilled workers – the     been observed for 100 years.
exploitation.                     Our socio-economic policy        majority of whom are black      While COSATU was barely
                                  is based on the need             or women.                       six months old, May Day
From our inception, we            to    eliminate     economic                                     celebrations in South Africa
have always believed in           inequities and poverty in        LRA – In September 1987,        that year were the biggest
the need for broad fronts         society and in the workplace.    PW Botha’s government, at       ever, with huge rallies all over
to achieve our political and                                       the request of employers,       the country. South African
socio-economic struggles.         Taking      into      account    proposed amendments to          workers had embraced the
Together with the UDF and its     COSATU’s       rejection    of   the then Labour Relations       day as their own. The fact
affiliates we were involved in    the government’s macro-          Act (LRA). The amendments       that it is today part of our
struggles that brought about      economic framework, the          sought to emasculate the        public holidays, is due to
the current dispensation.         Alliance agreed that we          growing union movement          COSATU members.
When political organisations      need a developmental,            and undermine the gains
were unbanned, the ANC,           macro-economic         policy,   made by workers since the
SACP        and      COSATU       aligned to the needs of the      1970s. In 1988, millions        VAT – COSATU’s anti-VAT
agreed to work together as        country. Such a policy must      of workers stayed away          campaign in 1991 had far-
a Revolutionary Alliance          evolve in line with these        from work to press for the      reaching effects. Apart from
(Tripartite   Alliance,   the     needs, while recognising         reversal of the changes         winning certain short-term
Alliance). The Alliance is        the real constraints we face.    despite the threat of           demands, it established
centered around short,            No macro-economic policy         dismissals by employers.        labour’s right to have a say
medium to long terms              is cast in stone and the         In the end we had the last      on macro- economic issues.
goals of the National             Alliance needs to continue       laugh when the regime           The campaign was a good
Democratic         Revolution     discussions on areas where       agreed to the proposed          example of the power and
– the establishment of a          there    is    disagreement.     changes in 1990. Later in       success of alliances on single
democratic and non-racial         At the same time we should       both the constitution and the   issues. Groups as diverse
South Africa, economic            ensure that policies enhance     LRA we secured more rights      as welfare organisations,
transformation and continued      job security and job creation    for workers. The constitution   doctors’ associations and
process of political and          rather than destroy jobs.        and the LRA which was           small business organisations
economic democratization.                                          piloted by the ANC and          were      galvanised       into
                                  Campaigns                        opposed by the NP, DP,          action      by     COSATU.
The 6th National Congress         Some       of the     major      IFP and the FF has been         Constitution – COSATU
resolved that the Alliance        campaigns of COSATU over         heralded as one of the most     has played a major role in
remains the only vehicle          the past decade include the      progressive in the world.       South Africa’s transition to
capable of bringing about         following:                       The struggle for the new        democracy. We were in the
fundamental transformation                                         LRA saw President Mandela       trenches as members of
in       South          Africa.   Living wage campaign –           join thousands of workers       the ANC, SACP and civics
Despite    difficulties    and    During    1987,     Cosatu       in Johannesburg to press        to bring about the current
challenges of the transition      members were the only            home the demands.               dispensation. From the
including certain differences     workers to win wage                                              drawing up of the RDP to
over      approaches         to   increases above inflation        May Day is ours –               the adoption of the new
macro- economic policies,         rate.   This    was    not       On 1 May 1886, American         Constitution,     we     have
we are working out a              based on the goodwill of         workers  organised   by         ensured that the interests of

COSATU 35th Anniversary

 Worker Issues

      the working class are central        while the lock-out is not.         maternity leave, child labour    While the General Secretary
      to the broader development                                              etc. These successes were        and       Deputy    General
      strategy. A major victory was        Basic Conditions of                again in large part due to       Secretary are full time
      won around the exclusion             Employment Act –                   the systematic campaign          officials of the federation,
      of the lock-out clause in the                                           run by COSATU as well as         the worker leaders are
      Constitution, after a hard           This Act is a major victory for    the Alliance resolve to bring    full time shopstewards.
      battle led by COSATU.                the South African working          about real changes in the        For an overview of the
                                           class particularly the most        workplace.                       first decade of COSATU
      Despite employers’ attempt           vulnerable     –      women,                                        (1985 – 1995) see the
      to get the Constitutional            domestic and farmworkers.          Leadership Based on the          10th anniversary issue
      Court to reverse it, the court       There are numerous areas           principle of worker control,     of the Shopsteward.
      ruled that the right to strike is    where the lives of workers         the COSATU leadership is
      a fundamental human right            will fundamentally improve,        drawn from the shopfloor.
                                           including working hours,

       Tracing the revolutionary footsteps -

       The Rise of COSATU
               OSATU          was         intensified repression from        Union of South Africa            1982. The rebellious nature
               born on the 1st            the    minority   apartheid        Constitution in 1910.            of the federation came from
               of      December           government run by the                                               its roots, its predecessors
               1985, as a result          Nationalist Party, since           It was for this reason that      like SACTU (South African
     of the culmination of                1948 .                             COSATU          immediately      Congress of Trade Unions)
     painstaking and protracted                                              after its launch became a        which after its banning had
     talks, which started in 1981         It was natural for the             target for severe repression     to operate underground
     between mostly industrial,           trade unions who had just          from the state. Many of its      and FOSATU (Federation
     “anti-apartheid     unions”.         been recently “legalised           offices countrywide were         of SA Trade Unions).
     This is important to point           ” to conflate workplace            targeted, burned down and
     out this fact, because the           struggles   and    political       destroyed, its leaders were      The latter, however adopted
     environment, in which the            liberation  struggle     for       arrested and some even           a more middle of the road,
     Federation came about,               masses of disenfranchised          killed like Vuyisile Mine in     which      compromise    its
     was very explosive with              black majority since the           1964, and Neil Aggett in         political stance.

COSATU 35th Anniversary

                                                                                                             Worker Issues

                                                                            members       and     33         registered trade unions.
                                                                            affiliated       unions.
                                                                            COSATU went on to                On 2 May 1979 the Rand
                                                                            become an important              Daily Mail reported that the
                                                                            centre of mass based             Commission had called for
                                                                            resistance in the 1980s          "radical changes to South
                                                                            and was critical in              Africa's industrial relations
                                                                            bringing apartheid to its        system". Unions were to be
                                                                            knees.                           allowed to organize non-
                                                                                                             racially and black workers
                                                                            Recognizing black                were to be granted full
                                                                            trade unions                     industrial participation.
                                                                            Despite heavy-handed
                                                                                                             Job       reservation-which
                                                                            interventions by the
                                                                                                             had barred black workers
              COSATU launch - 1st December 1985                             state, unions open to
                                                                                                             from       skilled     jobs-
                                                                            African members grew
                                                                                                             would be phased out.
                                                                        around the country. While
                                                                                                             Workers would become full
                                                                        the state barred them from
                                                                                                             citizens in the workplace
Once black trade unions              The Rand Daily Mail charted        participating in collective
                                                                                                             even as their basic political
could      participate    in         the formation of several           bargaining and employers
                                                                                                             rights continued to be
collective bargaining, they          new unions as well as              throughout the 1970s did
began to have massive                attempts to form a national        their best not to recognise
influence in factories and           federation. The Mail also          them, workers clung to
                                                                                                             Today, COSATU continues
mines     throughout    the          covered various issues of          these unions and gave
                                                                                                             to be a voice of reason on
country.                             concern to workers. In 1984        them life.
                                                                                                             various fronts to influence
                                     a series of articles showed
                                                                                                             policy           formulation,
As     union    membership           the impact of lunch disease        They became a stronger
                                                                                                             implementation             of
exploded in the 1980s, the           on    underground      Mine        and stronger presence in
                                                                                                             International         Labour
pages of the Rand Daily              workers and particularly the       many workplaces. In 1977
                                                                                                             Standards                and
Mail were filled with reports        painful and deadly effects         the government cracked
                                                                                                             Fundamental        Principles
of the growth of the unions,         of asbestosis.                     and appointed the Wiehahn
                                                                                                             in workplaces, fighting for
large scale strikes and                                                 Commission to investigate
                                                                                                             social justice and engaging
the rising confidence of             By the time COSATU was             the advisability of dropping
                                                                                                             in International Solidarity
organized labour.                    launched in December               its requirement that African
                                                                                                             Actions with global
                                     1985-with half a million           workers be excluded from

         Most of these unions which had sprung up after “1973 Durban strikes” were racially based.
         After coming to power in 1948, the Nationalist Party passed many repressive laws one of which was
         Refer to The Wiehahnn commission, 1979

Conference                   COSATU 35th Anniversary

     COSATU holds                             Virtual National
     Collective Bargaining, Organizing & Campaigns Conference

               COSATU National Office Bearers participating in the first virtual National Collective
               Bargaining, Organizing and Campaigns Conference

              ince    the   first   ways we could hardly have     trade unions such as                the economy, return to
              March 27 National     imagined.                     AFADWU, Taxi workers                work and building a normal
              Lockdown in South       In South Africa, the        participating for the first time.   that supports the most
              Africa, COSATU        Congress of South African     The     Conference           was    vulnerable sectors first.
     has been at the forefront,     Trade Unions organized        addressed        by      various      Almost 1,6 billion informal
     with targeted campaigns        the first virtual National    Researchers,        Academia,       economy workers have
     on the ground to mitigate      Collective      Bargaining,   Labour                Services      suffered due to the impact
     against the adverse effects    Organizing and Campaigns      Organizations, International        of Coronavirus.
     of COVID19 pandemic on         Conference, held under        Labour            Organization
                                                                                                        In South Africa, of the
     socio-economic front in        the Theme, ‘The Future        Specialists and the Alliance
                                                                                                      14,7 million persons, who
     society.                       of Collective Bargaining:     partners;      to    reassess
                                                                                                      were employed in Q3:2020,
       COVID19 has affected         In defence of Wages and       the specific risks in each
                                                                                                      7 in 10 [73,2%] were
     the world in devastating       Jobs’, attended by almost     sector, adopt the relevant
                                                                                                      expected to work during the
     manner and the pandemic        eighteen affiliated trade     measures to ensure a safe
                                                                                                      national lockdown by the
     has changed our world in       unions, with newly admitted   and healthy reopening of

COSATU 35th Anniversary               Conference

companies or organizations       Conference is, “As part of      the inadequate healthcare       financial institutions and
they work for. Many were         heightening our Living Wage     system exacerbated by           National treasury to displace
found working remotely,          Campaign, we will convene       the lack of Comprehensive       the economic resolutions of
especially managers and          the Collective Bargaining       Social     Protection,    the   the ANC adopted at the 54th
professionals.                   Conference in 2020 where        increasing poverty levels       National Conference, as
   It has been acknowledged      we will seek practical          and the widening inequality     well as those contained in
than before that workers’        and creative intervention       and           unemployment,     the 2019 National Elections
organizations     are   key      strategies to respond to the    which       has     reached     Manifesto.
actors to protect worker         changing global balance         unprecedented level of over
in the most vulnerable           of forces, which include        14 million people without          Delegates      discussed
situations in the world of       the changing nature of          jobs, with the majority being   extensively the state of the
work, particularly when          work, the 4th Industrial        youth. Towards that end,        alliance and acknowledged
workers have poor access         revolution and reflect on the   Conference paid special         the challenges facing the
to labour rights and social      progress made since the         tribute to the thousands        alliance and the immediate
justice during the period of     2013 National Collective        of     frontline    workers,    tasks     ahead      ranging
the pandemic.                    Bargaining        Conference    particularly the healthcare     from fighting corruption,
                                 and review the victories        workers for the outstanding     addressing        economic
   COSATU acknowledged                                                                           recovery that is inclusive
                                 and set-backs of our            sacrifices and good work
that     Covid19      had    a                                                                   and      creating     decent
                                 struggles for a living Wage”.   in saving lives to the point
devastating       effect   on                                                                    work, the reversal of the
                                                                 of paying the ultimate prize
human lives and livelihoods                                                                      gains attained since the
                                                                 of losing theirs to protect
and the need for workers’          The delegates analysed                                        democratic breakthrough,
                                                                 others. Conference further
unity of action in the country   the     international    and                                    including the departure
                                                                 noted with dismay the
is critical as part and parcel   national balance of forces                                      from the Freedom Charter,
                                                                 massive and coordinated
of the vision to build a 'One    in the context of the global                                    the Reconstruction and
                                                                 attack led by capital on
Union, One Sector' principle     economic crisis and the                                         Development Programme,
                                                                 collective       bargaining,
of the founding Congress of      generalised intensification                                     ANC manifestoes..’
                                                                 reneging on legal and valid
the Federation in 1985.          of the attack on the            agreements.
                                                                                                 Setting the tone
  COSATU           General       working class by capital.
                                 This has been particularly        Of major concern was          for a successful
Secretary,           Bheki                                                                       Conference!
Ntshalintshali         said      directed at the trade union     the observation that the
                                 movement as the most            ANC-led government has             COSATU         President,
‘The Conference built on                                                                         Zingiswa Losi in the
the foundations of the           organised component of          bought to this idea as
                                 the class, made worse           evidenced by its stance,        Opening      Address      to
13th National Congress of                                                                        the National Collective
COSATU resolutions and           by the conditions of the        which not only undermine
                                 COVID 19 pandemic in            legal and valid collective      Bargaining      Conference,
the momentum from the                                                                            Organizing and Campaigns
last Collective Bargaining       an effort to maximise their     bargaining     agreements,
                                 profits at the expense of the   but also attempt to go to       Conference      said,   Karl
Conference held in 2013,                                                                         Marx famously words that,
which      launched     the      working class and the poor.     court to nullify such an
                                 The obscene of capital          agreement. The delegates        “Workers of the world unite,
impetus for a National                                                                           you have nothing to lose but
Minimum Wage (NMW)               accumulation is generating      understood that this attack
                                 massive poverty, inequality     on public sector workers        your chains”. That rallying
and the urgency to advance                                                                       call which has guided
towards a Living Wage.           and       underdevelopment      was a launching pad to
                                 amongst the majority.”          the attack on all workers.      billions of workers for over
The 13th National Congress                                                                       150 years remains as
of COSATU held in 2018                                           Delegates understood that
                                   Ntshalintshali   said         these latest developments       valid today as it was then.
expressed clearly what                                                                           Workers remain as much
                                 ‘The Conference further         are coordinated efforts by
the primary mission of this                                                                      under threat today, not only
                                 analysed the impact of          capital, the Reserve Bank,

Conference                       COSATU 35th Anniversary

     here in South Africa, but          large. We were in a deep        public servants’ wages until    following key tasks:
     across the world.                  economic recession before       2024. Government did this       •   Defend and advance
                                        Corona. We are now in           without even bothering              our              collective
       However,       the      one
                                        danger of entering an           to engage workers at the            bargaining          rights,
     difference that workers
                                        economic depression. 2.2        PSCBC.         We are now           including compliance
     face today is that many
                                        million jobs were lost last     seeing government entities          with             collective
     of the victories workers
                                        quarter.    Unemployment        and SOEs retrenching                agreements and the
     have achieved since 1994
                                        has risen from a peak of        workers left and right. With        right to strike
     are under severe threat.
                                        40% to 52%.                     little or no engagement with    •   Strengthen our Save &
     Yes, workers must lose
                                                                        workers, said Losi                  Create Jobs campaign,
     their chains of exploitation
                                           More jobs are likely                                             and fight retrenchments
     and abuse. But equally                                             Resolutions taken by
                                        to be lost. We remain a                                             to the bitter end
     thousands are losing their                                         Conference!
                                        world leader in inequality                                      •   Fight a relentless battle
     jobs, wages, pensions,                                                Affiliated trade unions
                                        and poverty. The public                                             against employers who
     medical aid, rights to paid                                        participating on the first
                                        services    that     workers                                        persist to challenge
     leave, rights not to be                                            virtual Conference from
                                        depend upon are in varying                                          the      constitutionality
     physically and sexually                                            their offices remotely
                                        stages of collapse. Public                                          of the gazettal and
     abused and even their rights
                                        services are understaffed,                                          extension of collective
     to collective bargaining.                                          Our immediate short
                                        under     resourced     and                                         agreements
                                        over stretched.       SOEs      term task: Ratify ILO           •   Strengthen and expand
        As the leadership of                                            Convention 190 now!                 centralized bargaining
                                        are heavily indebted and
     COSATU we are looking                                                In       the      immediate   •   Ensure that the National
                                        many collapsing.      Some
     forward to these 3 days of                                         period ahead, we will               Minimum Wage levels
                                        SOEs have already been
     engagements. We know                                               focus on the Ratification           are urgently improved
                                        liquidated. Thousands of
     the enormous amount of                                             of ILO Convention 190,              for vulnerable workers,
                                        their workers have been
     good work that so many                                             “Eliminating Violence and           especially            farm
                                        retrenched or left unpaid.’
     of   our     shopstewards,                                         Harassment In the World             workers.
     leadership and members                                             of Work”. In this regard, we    •   Ensure that the gender
     have been busy with night                ‘The importance of
                                                                        now require government to           pay gap is eradicated
     and day over the past few          collective bargaining has
                                                                        announce a firm date when       •   Eradicate             non-
     tumultuous months.                 been highlighted during this
                                                                        ratification will take place.       compliance             with
                                        difficult period of Covid-19.
                                        Not only do workers face                                            collective agreements
        The fact that we meet                                              We will launch a serious     •   Increase                the
                                        the challenge of only 30%       of rolling protest pickets in
     in our first ever virtual                                                                              intensity and scope
                                        of workers falling under        support of this demand at
     conference is testimony                                                                                of our membership
                                        collective bargaining, but      all Department of Labour
     of the seriousness with                                                                                recruitment campaigns
                                        even those very institutions    Provincial Offices, on every
     which you are taking your                                                                          •   Strengthen           social
                                        of collective bargaining        working day of the upcoming
     mandates of defending the                                                                              dialogue       processes,
                                        are under massive attack.       16 Day’s of Activism for No
     gains and advancing the                                                                                procedures             and
                                        The very government that        Violence against Women
     rights of workers and that                                                                             provisions
                                        workers of this Federation      and Children, culminating
     we are adjusting to the                                                                            •   Introduce       proposals
                                        fought for and ensured was      in a protest picket at the
     conditions of today.’                                                                                  for     more      efficient
                                        elected, has sought to attack   Department of Labour and
                                        and undermine collective                                            case      CCMA         and
       ‘As we develop our                                               Employment Offices in               Labour Court case
                                        bargaining by not only          Pretoria.
     collective           bargaining    unashamedly reneging on                                             management
     objectives, strategies and         a signed wage agreement                                         •   Promote            gender
                                                                          Our other medium terms
     tactics, it is critical that we    for 2020 but now presenting                                         equality          through
                                                                        tasks: Fight a relentless
     reflect upon the economic          a fait accompli to workers                                          collective bargaining
                                                                        battle to advance our other
     challenges       facing      our   by tabling a medium term                                        •   Modernise our digital
                                                                        Living Wage Demands:
     members, their families            expenditure framework in                                            skills and platform
     and the working class at           Parliament that will freeze                                         usage deployment
                                                                        We will focus on the

COSATU 35th Anniversary                 Conference

•   Prioritise       improved          programmes               for       to education for the poor           agreements.
    member              service        workers, and its related           and the working class,
    delivery provisions                institutions                       to promote access for           •    Reaffirm         the
•   Review, strengthen and         •   Modernise              and         the visually impaired,               criminalisation    of
    expand our collective              expand the collective              whilst     fundamentally             employers who do not
    bargaining        research         bargaining            skills       protecting the rights of             adhere to collective
    capacity                           capacitation training for          creative workers are                 agreements
•   Development a series               our shop stewards and              signed into law.
    of     labour       market         staff                          •   ·     Ensure that there       Closing Address!
    and employment low             •   Campaign        for     the        is decent employment             COSATU          President,
    reform proposals, to               expansion        of     the        conditions in public          Zingiswa Losi concluding
    help strengthen the                social wage and the                works programmes              the virtual Conference said
    collective     bargaining          strengthening of it            •   The Universal Basic           ‘Our Central Committee
    rights of workers                  institutional      delivery        Income Grant (UBIG)           to assess the work done
•   Strengthen              our        structures                         must be implemented           since Congress is due
    participation in the           •   Strengthen the health              immediately as part           in      September      2021.
    development            and         and safety provisions              of the social security        We must go to that Central
    implementation           of        and rights at workplace            framework.                    Committee having already
    global         framework           level                          •   Workers needs to put          begun the roll out of the
    agreements                     •   The development of                 the “right to refuse          demands of this historic
•   Ensure       that       our        a clear programme                  dangerous work” back          Collective        Bargaining
    collective     bargaining          against Gender-based               onto the agenda, in           Conference. Workers and
    outcomes           promote         Violence and Sexual                the case where the            their families are looking to
    decent work                        harassment at the                  necessary       Personal      us to protect them, defend
•   Build the capacity of              workplace,       including         Protective Equipment          their rights and improve
    our affiliates to engage           that affiliates must               is not provided.              their lives.’
    in effective collective            negotiate       workplace      •   Ensure        compliance
    bargaining                         collective agreements              with      the     COIDA          Losi said ‘We have grown
•   Use              collective        covering gender-based              framework       on      all   from strength to strength.
    bargaining to promote              violence and sexual                aspects,        including     We have survived the
    local procurement                  harassment policies                emotional             and     tribulations of the past
•   Review           collective    •   Empowerment of labour              psychological trauma.         decade. We have emerged
    bargaining agreements              market institutions like       •   Affiliates are tasked to      intact from the greatest
    to ensure that it                  the CCMA, Bargaining               introduce amendments          pandemic in a century. It
    accommodates           new         Councils and Labour                to     their    collective    is this fighting Federation
    forms of job categories            Court to effectively               agreements              to    that made history in forcing
    arising out of the                 take up workers cases              provide for adequate          government and business
    changing nature of how             and accelerate their               protections for workers       to agree to a national
    work is performed                  effective adjudication.            in the event of crisis        minimum wage. It is this
•   Campaign for reform            •   Build          monitoring,         such as the recent            Federation that has led
    to our retirement fund             enforcement,           and         COVID-19 pandemic.            the fight against corruption
    landscape, to ensure               inspectorate capacity                                            wherever it rears its ugly
                                                                      •   Procurement policies          head in both the private and
    that its investment                within the Department
                                                                          must be amended and           public sectors.
    decisions and access               of Labour and the
                                                                          restructured to promote
    in the first instance              support role of StatsSA
                                                                          local procurement from          It is this COSATU that
    benefits workers and               in providing essential
                                                                          only companies and            stopped         compulsory
    the objectives of the              data for bargaining.
                                                                          state institutions which      annuitisation and forced
    working class                  •   Ensure        that      the
                                                                          are compliant with            government to negotiate
•   Strengthen              our        Copyright & Performers
                                                                          employment laws and           on comprehensive social
    involvement               in       Rights       Amendment
                                                                          collective     bargaining     security reforms at Nedlac.
    industrial skills training         Bills to promote access

Conference                     COSATU 35th Anniversary

     It is COSATU which has           home. I will not attempt         lower and middle income,        workers must be placed
     now convinced Treasury           to summarise the rich            from inflation.                 under the UIF. Government
     to agree to our pension          and vibrant discussions                                          must pay its due and extend
     withdrawals proposals. It is     over the past 3 days.               We must ensure that          the protections of the UIF to
     COSATU that has led the          But I must confess comrade       employers pay the pension       public servants. We need
     nation on solutions to not       leadership how pleased           and medical contributions       to defend the social wage
     only saving Eskom but in         I am to have heard you           due. We need to exercise        victories we have achieved.
     fact the reconstruction and      articulate the demands of        leadership and ensure           The R350 unemployment
     recovery of our economy.         workers in such a powerful       that workers’ pensions          grant must be extended.
     It is COSATU which made          manner.’ She said ‘On            are safe and are invested       Government must find the
     sure that parental leave is      Zoom nogal!                      in a manner that benefits       money.’
     now a law of the Republic.                                        workers not fund managers
     It is COSATU which pushed          ‘Our marching orders are       or politicians. We need one        Losi said ‘Comrades
     for the massive increase in      clear comrades. Workers          health and safety act for all   we need to send a clear
     UIF and maternity leave          expect us to go all out to       workers. Workers must be        message to our ally the
     benefits. It is our Federation   defend their constitutionally    allowed the right to refuse     ANC. Next year is local
     which        has       pushed    enshrined rights to collective   dangerous work.                 elections. No pamphlets
                                                                                                       or tired slogan will convince
                                                                                     Section 189       workers to turn out in
                                                                                   of the LRA must     numbers to vote for their
                                                                                   be amended.         organisation. Workers are
                                                                                   Workers must        tired of broken promises,
                                                                                   receive at least    corruption, retrenchments
                                                                                   4 weeks pay         and now government’s
                                                                                   for every year      attacks      on     collective
                                                                                   served when         bargaining.
                                                                                   Retrenchments          If the ANC wants the
                                                                                   must be an act      votes of workers then it
                                                                                   of last resort.     must respect workers and
                                                                                   The         fight   listen to them.     It must
                                                                                   a g a i n s t       engage unions in good
                                                                                   retrenchments       faith and stop taking them
                                                                                      must be at       for granted. Government
            Affiliated trade unions participating in the virtual                      the heart of     must honour the 2020
            Conference from their offices remotely                                    all our work.    wage      agreement     and
                                                                                      Government       engage unions on the next
                                                                                      m u s t          3 year wage agreement.
                                                                                      extend the       Government must deal with
     government to release            bargaining. This includes,       UIF Covid-19 TERS until         the pandemic of corruption
     up to R60 billion from the       to government’s shame,           December 31 without fail.       and wasteful expenditure
     Unemployment Insurance           even within the public           This is workers’ money not      that is collapsing the
     Fund into the economy            service. We need to rebuild      government’s.                   state and many of our
     during the lockdown.’            all our collective bargaining                                    SOEs. It must deal with
                                      councils and ensure that                                         unemployment and build an
                                                                       If government refuses,
        She said ‘We are now          all workers are covered                                          inclusive economy.’
                                                                       then heads must roll
     seeing    many        unions     by them. We must ensure          in     the    Department.       Forward with Class
     applying   to     join   the     that both public and private     The corruption and chaos        Struggle!
     Federation of Elijah Barayi.     sector employers are made        of the UIF must be dealt        Forward with
     We have welcomed the             to honour agreements,            with and not swept under        Socialism!
     farm and food workers            including the 2020 public        the carpet.’                    Down with Neo-
     from AFADWU, we have             service wage agreement.                                          Liberalism!
     welcomed the National            We must protect the wages         She alluded that ‘All
                                                                                                       Down with
     Transport        Movement        of workers, especially the       workers, including atypical

COSATU 35th Anniversary                    COSATU

          The rise of COSATU
          and how it all came to be!

    he Congress of South       in collective bargaining,      Commission had called for         in the economy.»
    African Trade Unions       employers throughout the       «radical changes to South           Many trade unionists
    is celebrating its 35th    1970s did their best not to    Africa›s industrial relations     suffered many setbacks,
    Anniversary since its      recognize them, workers        system». Unions were to           with many arrested and
inception in Durban at the     clung to these unions          be allowed to organize non        hanged by the regime but
Kings Park Stadium.            and gave them life. They       racially and black workers        many held the fort until
                               became a stronger and          were to be granted full           South Africa was freed
  After its launch, the        stronger presence in many      industrial participation.         in 1994 after the first
federation     vowed      to   workplaces.                                                      democratically    managed
dismantle the apartheid                                          Job   reservation-which        elections, where all races
regime      machinery     of      In 1977 the government      had barred black workers          were allowed to vote
separate development and       cracked and appointed the      from skilled jobs-would           for their parties to be in
segregation. In the years to   Wiehahn Commission to          be phased out. Workers            government.
come, workers displayed        investigate the advisability   would become full citizens
resilience by organizing       of dropping its requirement    in the workplace even as             The Labour Movement in
across sectors of the          that African workers be        their basic political rights      South Africa played a key
economy.                       excluded from registered       continued to be denied.           role historically in providing
  Despite    heavy-handed      trade unions. Workers                                            worker’s education and
interventions by the state     fought    tenaciously   for      «The               Wiehahn      broader adult education
before the 1985 launch,        recognition of black trade     Commission on Labour              initiatives and enriched
unions open to African         unions!                        laws called for radical           our      understanding       of
members grew around the                                       changes in South Africa›s         ‘radical           pedagogy.’
country.                        On 2 May 1979, the            industrial relations, opening
  While the state barred       media such as Rand Daily       the    way      for    entirely   And the rest is
them from participating        Mail reported that the         new dispensation for black        history!

COSATU                          COSATU 35th Anniversary

         ELIJAH                                    C
                                                              omrade          Comrade        Barayi's   (COSATU) after the
                                                              E l i j a h     activism is perhaps       launch in Durban, at
                                                              Barayi was      best described by         the Curries Fountain
                                                              awarded an      Vic Allen in his book,    Stadium in 1985, with

                                                   honorary Doctorate         "The History of Black     almost       thirty-three
                                                   from the University        Mine Workers in           affiliated trade unions
                                                   of South Africa on 6th     South Africa". He         at that time.
                                                   November 2020 as a         wrote: "Elijah Barayi
                                                   ‘special recognition of    on hearing that the          Former       General

                                                   the humble sacrifices      NUM      had      been    S e c r e t a r y
                                                   he     undertook     by    formed immediately        Ramaphosa          went
                                                   challenging         the    started     organizing    on to say, 'when he
                                                   apartheid regime and       workers into an NUM       (Elijah Barayi) was

       by UNISA
                                                   all his efforts led to     Branch at the mine        elected       president
                                                   the building of a non-     where he worked. He       of     COSATU,        he
                                                   racial,     non-sexist,    was much older than       declared       in    his
                                                   democratic society’.       the other activists and   acceptance speech

            with an
                                                                              had had experience        'to the South African
                                                      'Elijah Barayi was      in the ANC.               government, I say:
                                                   a great human being                                  your time is over. We
                                                   and      a    dedicated       He    came     from    do not apologize for

                                                   cadre of our struggle.     Cradock      in     the   being black. We are
                                                   He was a person of         Eastern Cape which        proud of it. As from
                                                   principle, conviction      was an area well          today, Mandela and
                                                   and        commitment.     known for its support     all political prisoners,

                                                   As a potent, but           of the ANC. He was        should be released.
                                                   unassuming,                entirely     unknown      PW Botha, you have
                                                   champion       of    the   before the Congress       failed in your duties to
                                                   working class and the      but achieved instant      release Mandela'.
                                                   poor, Elijah Barayi        popularity     through       'Then in a manner
                                                   would not expect us        his        impressive     that            became
                                                   to sing him praises.       oratory, his political    customary for him
                                                   He would insist that as    commitment         and    he departed from his
                                                   much as we may want        unrestrained attacks      script and, in a rousing
                                                   to honour him, the         on the apartheid          and         memorable
                                                   kindest way to do so       government,'              political    peroration,
                                                   would be to advance        alluded      Comrade      gave the government
                                                   the struggles of his       Cyril     Ramaphosa,      an ultimatum to repeal
                                                   people. And yet, if we     while addressing a        the pass laws within
                                                   are to draw lessons        Memorial Lecture to       six months or face the
                                                   from the enormous          remember the life and     consequences.'
                                                   contribution        that   times of the giant of
                                                   Elijah Barayi made         the Labour Movement       Early years
                                                   to our struggle, we        on June 2016, in            Elijah Barayi was
                                                   will need to reflect       Cape Town, Western        born in Lingelihle,
        Ms. Zukiswa Mlhwatika,
                                                   on his life and his        Cape at a Provincial      (Cradock ) Eastern
      daughter of the late Dr. Elijah
                                                   person. It is telling      Shopsteward Council.      Cape,     on    15th
     Barayi, receiving a certificate on
                                                   that Elijah Barayi            He was the first       of June in 1930.
       behalf of her father at UNISA
                                                   was never recruited        president     of    the   He was one of eight
                                                   into      the     NUM.     Congress of South         children of working
                                                   He recruited himself.      Africa Trade Unions       class parents. Barayi

COSATU 35th Anniversary              COSATU

attended Lwana Primary            of administering apartheid.     movement on the mines.         as convener at Ipeleng,
School and completed                Thereafter, there was no      In 1981 he became a shaft      Ramaphosa presided over
his junior certificate at         turning back.                   steward at Blyvooruitzicht     the launch.
Nuwell        High      School.     As a young man, he left       for the National Union of         The congress began
He          matriculated    at    Eastern Cape to take up         Mineworkers (NUM).             to draw up a constitution,
Healdtown Institute in 1949.      employment as a clerk               In 1982, the National      making          amendments
   Comrade Elijah was born        around Brakpan at a State       Union      of  Mineworkers     to a draft that had been
at the time when the world        mine. And at night, he was      was formed with Barayi         circulated     earlier,   the
was still recovering from         an organizing secretary         as the Vice-President.         most     significant    being
the after effects of the First    for the African National        In May 1985 he led 9000        the creation of the post
World War, which ended in         Congress.                       miners at Blyvooruitzicht      of     assistant      general
1918-with little knowledge                                        on strike in protest against   secretary. The constitution
that armed conflict was           Life as a young worker          the dismissal of two shaft     determined that workers
about to escalate again              Barayi joined the ANC        stewards.                      would dominate all the
with the onset of the             Youth League in 1952 as           In 1986 when the             federation’s structures; that
Second World War in 1939.         a teenager and became           nationwide      state     of   a national congress would
Like most of all comrades,        an efficient organiser and      emergency was declared,        be held every two years
Barayi was a child of his         an able speaker. He was         he was detained for two        and would be the highest
environment. His family           arrested in the early 1950s     weeks then restricted to       decision-making         body;
was part of the African           for his participation in the    the Caltonville magistrate     that a central executive
Community in Cradock              Defiance Campaigns.             district. In 1987 he was       committee would meet
where the political and              Barayi worked briefly for    back on public platforms.      every three months; and
spiritual sustenance and          the Department of Native                                       that an executive committee
guidance was generously           Affairs but resigned as he      The founding                   would meet every month.
provided by Canon James           felt it was in the forefront    president of COSATU
Arthur Calata.                    of administering apartheid.        In December 1985 at the     The congress set out
   Canon        Calata     was    He held a variety of jobs       launch of the Congress of      various resolutions:
a consummate activist             until 1960 when he left         South African Trade Unions     •   To establish one union
against racial discrimination     the Eastern Cape to take        (COSATU), Barayi was               for each industry within
in all its forms and wherever     up employment as a clerk        elected president of the           six months.
it manifests itself. He was       at State Mines, Brakpan.        new organisation, a position   •   To focus on the
a formidable leader of the        At that stage, he was an        he held until 1991.                exploitation of women
African National Congress,        organising secretary for           The    federation    was        workers.
who served as the President       the ANC and was detained        launched, at the height        •   To call for the lifting of
in the Cape Province and          during the 1960 State of        of the struggle against            the state of emergency,
at national level where he        Emergency and held for six      apartheid. As a federation,        withdrawal of troops
served as the Secretary           months.                         it brought together many           from the townships and
General.                             In May 1973, Barayi          of the unions formed after         release of all political
                                  moved      to    Carltonville   the wave of strikes at the         prisoners.
  Comrade Elijah Barayi           and in 1976 he became           beginning of 1973 which        •   To continue the call
was a protégé of Canon            a personnel assistant on        marked a renewal of                for         international
Calata and never spared           the mine. He experienced        trade union activity after a       pressure,       including
himself in taking the             firsthand the conditions        decade-long lull.                  disinvestment.
struggle of his mentor and        that miners experienced            On 30th November 1985,      •   To demand for the right
the oppressed to a higher         underground.                    more than 760 delegates            to strike and picket.
level.                               He was elected as the        from 33 unions descended       •   To determine a national
  He resigned from a              liaison committee. Following    on the sports hall of the          minimum wage.
secure employment at the          the report of the Wiehahn       University of Natal, in        •   To extend the struggle
Department of the Native          Commission       in    1979,    Durban, to inaugurate the          for trade union rights in
Affairs, because he felt that     Barayi became active in         new trade union federation.        the homelands.
they were at the very centre      establishing the trade union    After his earlier success

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