Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup

Page created by Clara Bell
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
Shire of Broomehill-

                                                          VOLUME 51 ISSUE
                                                          OCTOBER 2008
                                                             JUNE 2012

Your local newsletter covering the Broomehill and Tambellup communities.

                Saturday 2 June
        Broomehill CWA grounds and rooms
                    (42 India St)
                     Stalls $5
Sell your unused treasures or come and pick up a bargain
           Contact Carole 9824 1354 or 0488 944 416
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
2                                         BT TIMES

                                                              Sympathy to Bertrum on
                                                                  the passing of
 Congratulations to Megan and Graham                             VERNA WILLIAMS
            on the birth of
          22 May 2012, 9lb 8oz
A little brother for Airlie and Grandson
        for Bryan and Jo Trezona

 Congratulations to David Roberts and
     Renae Burt on the arrival of
          23 May 2012, 2.2kgs
     Another grandie for Pop Yarney

 Its a girl for Melissa Brown and Craig
Leese and the fifth grandchild for Peter
      and Evelyn Brown. Welcome
          23 May 2012, 7lb 1oz

                                                        Tambellup’s new rock
                                                      garden, corner Norrish St
                                                           and North Tce.
          To Neil, Maria,
       Bonita and Sancha
         Enjoy Pemberton!
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
BT TIMES                                                 3

                                       SHIRE OF BROOMEHILL‐TAMBELLUP
                     Phone: 98253555            Fax: 98251152       Email:
                  The next meeting of Council will be held on Thursday 21 June 2012 commencing at 4.00pm in
                  the Tambellup Council Chambers. Members of the public are welcome to attend all
                  Council meetings.

From the May Council Meeting                              Other projects in the Pipeline…
Council endorsed the appointment of the following         Works have commenced in Norrish St to install a
Bush Fire Brigade personnel for the 2011/2012 fire        gazebo, complete with tables and seating, and a
season:                                                   shelter which will eventually house the old Shire
Chief Bush Fire Control Officer          Craig Bignell    grader which is presently located at the Tambellup
Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers Ray Squibb        Rural Traders shed. Before the grader can be
Brigade Fire Control Officers                             relocated to Norrish St, it will require a scrub down
             Broomehill East    Nathan Heron              and touch of paint. Is there anyone in the community
             Broomehill West Jerome Hardie                who would be interested in helping with this? If you
             Broomehill Central Peter Guazzelli           are interested, please contact Pam at the Shire.
             Tambellup East      Kim Oliver               This project has been funded by the Great Southern
             Tambellup West John Cristinelli              Development Commission’s Town Centre
             Tambellup VES Unit Laurie Hull               Enhancement Program, using Royalties for Regions
Thank you to the outgoing Chief ‐ Tony Cristinelli, and   funds.
Brigade FCOs ‐ Scott Thompson, Andrew Woithe and
                                                          Another project which will be commencing soon is
Ian Cunningham for their efforts over the past couple
                                                          the construction of new public toilets in Broomehill.
of fire seasons.
                                                          Council has endorsed a design for the toilets, which
Council endorsed the Ten Year Plant Replacement           will be located in Holland Park. This is a Country Local
Program, which provides for the progressive renewal       Government Fund project, through Royalties for
of the Shires fleet over the next ten years. By           Regions. Watch that space!
adopting this program, Council is able to streamline
the fleet, increase usage of major plant items and        Tambellup Independent Living Seniors
reduce the cost of changing over vehicles.                Accommodation
Council also endorsed a Proposed Five Year Road           This project is progressing slowly, with the staff focus
Construction program for the Shire. This enables          firmly on ensuring all the necessary agreements for
Council to schedule significant road works projects       the various funding agencies are in place. Council has
with regard to the Shires annual budgets and grant        appointed Howard and Heaver Architects from
funding.                                                  Albany to manage the project. As the project value is
                                                          over $100,000, Council is required to go to tender for
                                                          the design and construction of the facility. Howard
Pensioner Rates Rebates                                   and Heaver are currently developing the tender
All pensioners are reminded that in order to claim the    specifications, ensuring that all requirements are
Pensioner Rebate in 2012 the amount due on your           included to make the facility suitable for our
rate notice needs to be paid (in full) before 30 June,    intending residents.
2012. If you think you may be eligible for a rebate       Staff are currently researching management options
and require further information, please contact Kay       for the units, with the information to be presented to
O’Neill at the Shire. If you haven’t registered as a      Council in the near future.
pensioner please do so as soon as possible. We will
                                                          We will continue to provide updates to the
require a copy of your pension card.
                                                          community as the project progresses.

Council Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and Minutes from every Council and Council Committee meeting are available at the Shire
Administration Offices and Tambellup Community Resource Centre for perusal. These documents are available
in alternative formats, on request, for people with a disability.
Agendas and Minutes can be accessed online by browsing to and clicking on the “Our
Shire” tab.
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
4                                               BT TIMES

Works have commenced in Broomehill on the                  RESUMPTION OF
replacement of a number of footpaths in the
town centre. Existing paths on India St and
                                                          MEDICAL SERVICE TO
Lathom St have been removed in preparation for            TAMBELLUP HEALTH
the installation of new asphalt paths. New paths
will also be constructed on Lavarock St and Ivy St.            CENTRE
The footpath projects on India, Lathom and
Lavarock Sts have been funded by Royalties for
Regions ‐ Country Local Government Fund. The              DR WOLE OLUYEDE
Ivy St footpath is funded by the Department for              FROM GNOWANGERUP SHIRE MEDICAL PRACTICE

Transport’s Regional Bicycle Network program.
                                                            Will be attending clients on
                                                             Wednesdays fortnightly
Road Works
Two major funded road works projects are                  commencing Wednesday 30 May
underway at present. Gravel resheeting is being                        2012.
carried out on 2km section of Toolbrunup Road,
and clearing in preparation for the widening of          Appointments from 9am—1.30pm,
the next 5km section of Broomehill‐Kojonup Rd            this is also a bulk billing service.
has commenced. Motorists are asked to observe
works signage in these areas and drive with
caution.                                                      Appointments are essential!
Works to widen a 2km stretch of Gnowangerup‐                       Phone 9825 1101
Tambellup Rd are nearing completion, with all
gravel works finished. Final trim grading and
sealing of this section will be undertaken in the                   Broomehill CWA
near future.                                           Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 7th June at
                                                       11am in the Broomehill Museum office. We would like
                                                       to thank the bootscooters who joined us on our
                                                       walkathon. This month is Broomehill CWA’s 75th
Water Harvesting and Reuse                             birthday; we are celebrating this milestone with a
                                                       luncheon on the 15th June. Everyone is welcome to join
Council, in conjunction with the Southern Link         our little gathering, competition and roll call – your
Voluntary Regional Organisation of Councils            favourite t-towel.
(VROC) Shires of Kojonup, Cranbrook and                Inquiries contact Carole 98241354, 0488944416 or
Plantagenet, has engaged the services of an            Edna 98241208.
engineer to explore the options and opportuni‐
ties to capture storm water in the townsites of              Broomehill Historical Society
each shire, for use on Council parks, gardens and      Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 7th June at
ovals. This information, and its subsequent            10:00am in the Museum office. Membership fees are
recommendations, will then be used to support          Individual - $3.00 and Family - $5.00. Community
                                                       members are most welcome to come and join us help
an application by the VROC for Country Local
                                                       preserve our history.
Government Funds to implement the on ground            Inquiries to Ernest Chapman – 98241378 or Carole –
works in each townsite.                                98241354 or 0488944416 or email broomehillhistori-
This is a major project for the Shires involved. In
Tambellup this will also explore the potential for
the reuse of treated sewage water from the             Catholic Churches Mass Timetable
                                                       Our Lady of Fatima, Broomehill – Saturday 9th May at
Water Corporation’s sewage ponds. More
information will be provided when an outcome           Saint Michael’s, Tambellup – Saturday 2nd & 16th May
to the funding submission is known.                    at 6pm.
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
BT TIMES                                                      5

             MISSING                                                         Towards 2022
  The pie warmer is missing
 from the Tambellup pavilion                                                Ideas required!
 As the Footy and Hockey season has               We need your ideas for the future of Broomehill-
started, it is urgently needed. Could it          Tambellup. Got a "crazy" idea or have an opinion about
                                                  the future? Don't miss this opportunity to tell us about
please be returned or if any one knows
                                                  it. There are three engagement opportunities:
 of its whereabouts could they please
                                                  1. Complete a survey. The survey can be completed
      contact Tania on 98258289.                  online at (click on the survey
                                                  link) or complete the survey in this month's BT Times
                                                  and return it to the Shire.
      WANTED                                      2. Attend a futures workshop where the survey and
                                                  ideas for the future will be explored. There are two
  Birthday messages, get                          opportunities to participate.
                                                  Futures Workshop 1: 10.00am - 3.00pm, Sunday
 well’s or congratulations,                       22 July 2012, Tambellup Town Hall, Norrish
                                                  Street (lunch included).
 sporting fixtures, weekly                        Futures Workshop 2: 3.30pm - 7.30pm, Monday
 round-ups, and photos.                           23 July 2012, Broomehill Recreation Centre, Tie
     Send into the BT Times for publication       Line Road (light refreshments included).
    E:, F: 9825 1152       For catering purposes please RSVP by 15 July to
or hand in at the Broomehill or Tambellup shire or call 9825 3555 to reserve
                     office.                      your place.
                                                  3. Comment on the draft community strategic plan due
                                                  in late 2012.
                                                  While you are welcome to participate in one or all three

            LOST                                  opportunities, we would encourage you to complete the
                                                  survey as this provides us with our starting point.

                                                    "A new idea is first condemned as
 At Tambellup Rubbish Tip                            ridiculous, and then dismissed as
  Shovel and Trailer Tyre                          trivial, until it finally becomes what
                                                             everybody knows".
     Phone 9825 1199                                                        William James, 1842 – 1910.

                                   HELP WANTED:
   Are you a Senior Citizen or retired?
   Do you enjoy playing games like Snakes and Ladders, Memory, Beetle etc?
   Can you spare an hour between 2.00pm and 3.00 pm Tuesday afternoon June 26th?
If you answered YES to these questions, the Pre Primary and Year 1 children would
like you to come and help them play games.
Please contact Sue Sheridan on 98251144 or email if
you are able to help.
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
BT TIMES                                        7

                                   BROOMEHILL PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                                    Phone: 9825 3555
                                                  New Book Exchange for
                                                  15th May 2012 has arrived.
                                                  Some of the new items
                                                  available are:

                                    Open 8.30am—12.00, 1.00pm—4.30pm

                              Come in and choose a book, dvd or audio book.
                                        Internet is also available.

Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
8                                            BT TIMES

Broomehill Playgroup hosted Australia’s Biggest Morning tea on
Friday 25th May. Over 40 ladies attended to support the cancer
council and the fight against cancer. A big thank you to the
wonderful stall holders for attending the day and for donating
prizes for the raffle. The very talented ladies and their wares
included Rhonda from Phoenix Cards, Emma with her bags from
Designs by Emma, Sarah from Hunting for Ladybugs, Kristy from
Jewelpani and Trena with her handmade hairclips and hair elastics. A
big thankyou also to Colleen from Red Robin Beauty and Melanie
from Great Southern Chiropractic for their very generous raffle
prizes. With donations and raffle tickets sold a total of $460 was
raised. A fantastic morning was had by all and we look forward to
seeing you all next year to raise some money for this wonderful cause.


      To the                                                   Biggest
   Tambellup                                                    Tea!

Primary School
who have earned
 an exemplary
 Only 13 out of
  800 schools
    have been                                                Pre-primary
                                                               / Year 1
  identified as                                               Assembly.

   exceptional                                                   Choir
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
BT TIMES                                                                            9

   BOWMAN, MUSIC TEACHER?                                       DONT FORGET
An extraordinary benefit of growing up in Tambellup in
the fifties was the world-class musical education I had        TO FILL IN YOUR
                                                               FUTURES SURVEY
from Mrs Bowman. I am wanting to write a profile of
Mrs Bowman and the influence she had on her music
students, and I would love to hear from anyone with
memories of being her student. At this stage, I am
planning to write a short 800 word piece for the
national rural press, but who knows? It might develop
                                                                FOR THE SHIRE!
into something more.
If you can let me know what instrument you learned,           (INSIDE BACK COVER)
roughly when you were a student, whether you played
at the Wagin or other Eisteddfods, or any anecdotes
you have about Mrs Bowman, they would all help.
I know that she was born in Perth in 1909, and that                                    ACT NOW!
she had to choose (at least she claimed she did)
between touring as a solo cellist around the world or               Weight Control Breakthrough
marrying Bert (in 1925). I know she was teaching in                                     Lose up to15kg
the fifties and sixties, but must have been started
earlier than that. I know she played first cello in the                         ο      Stop storing fat and start losing it!

WA Symphony Orchestra during the war, but women                         ο     Feel revitalized and energized while losing weight!

then were not really welcome in WASO, and that gig
                                                                    ο       Get rid of cravings, hunger and food obsessions forever!

finished after World War 2.
                                                                ο   Free personal success coaching via ONE on ONE telephone calls.
                                                                                ο      Start noticing results within days.
If you have memories of Marj Bowman, please email                           Money Back Guarantee !!!
me on or ring 9701              Our clients never feel hungry and lose clothing sizes like crazy.
9430, and I will call you back because the call is free                    Margaret lost 3 dress sizes
for me. Daytime is best for phone calls.                                      and 17kg in 16 weeks.
                                                                                  Call 62729151
Ted Witham                                                    

                                                               *To everyone who donated prices for the raffle
                  Thank you!                                     Retravision – Katanning
A very big THANK YOU to everyone who supported                   Jewelpani – Kristy Boyle
the ‘Biggest Morning Tea for Cancer’ on Thursday                 Phoenix Trading – Rhonda Carnegie
24th May at Tambellup Primary School. A total                    Nutrimetics – Louise Cristinelli
amount of $1211.00 has been forwarded to the                     Tambellup Post Office – Peter & Janene
Cancer Council of W.A.                                           Tambellup Deli – Ron and Judy
                                                                 Tambellup C.R.C.
Special thanks must go to the following people for               Primaries of W,A.– Peter Sheridan
their generous help and support:                                  Shear Class Hair Studio – Kojonup
                                                                  Great Southern Regional Football Council
    *Peter Heron – for helping with setting up &                                         –Brent Sheridan
cleaning up                                                       Staff of Tambellup Primary School
    *Staff of Tambellup Primary School – for their
help                                                          We look forward to seeing you all again next
    *The mums who helped with the cooking -                                     year!
Marie, Vicky, Kay, Charmaine, Karessa, Kerry, Doris,
    *The ladies who helped on Thursday morning –          2013 School Enrolments
Carolyn, Kerry, Jane, Lee                                 Applications for enrolment of children
    *Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup – use of the           entering Kidergarten, Pre-primary and
                                                             Year 8, and for children changing
    *The Year 6/7 class – for their help
   * Pre Primary and Year 1 children – for being             schools for the 2013 school year
fantastic!                                                 should be made by Friday 3 August.
Saturday 2 June 9am-12pm - Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup
10                                                    BT TIMES

          2012 Amateur Photography at the Katanning
                     Agricultural Show
The Photography Section subjects & format have been changed for 2012, so we are letting you know now so that over the
next few months keen Photographers can plan their photos. There will be 4 different sections, you must read carefully each
section, there is a change in the size of the photo required AND the number of entries permitted for each section. Also
take note of the definition for each subject & follow it. There are No restrictions on the number of colour or black &
white, all of your entries can be B/W or mono if you wish.
Section A2012 Australian Year of the Farmer Photo Competition
Prints to be 21cm x 29.7cm (A4), Colour or black & white.
Maximum of 2 entries per entrant. Open to all ages.
1 YEAR OF THE FARMER; must depict the Farmer(s) in their farm environment. I.e. sheep farmer with &/or infrastructure
for sheep/wool, etc.
2 A FUTURE FARMER ; Show person(s) aged 18 years & under who are interacting in agricultural pursuits, i.e. tending
animals, collecting eggs, showing animals at Ag Shows, etc.

Section B
Prints to be min. size 10cm x 15cm, max. Size 21cm x 29.7cm (A4), Colour or black & white.
Maximum of 2 entries per entrant per class.
3 CHILD’S WORLD; child/children engaged in activities typical of childhood, they are to be absorbed by the activity or
4 CHARACTER STUDY; showing the personality of the subject, can use props.
5 LANDSCAPE; show the natural scenery of the terrain, can use buildings, trees &/or people, but they shouldn’t dominate
the image.
6 ALTERED REALITY; take a photo & using photo software to create a work of art.
7 RURAL; Life or activity on the land.
8OPEN; any subject not listed.

Section C
Prints to bemax. Size 10cm x 15cm (postcard), Colour or black & white.
Maximum of 3 entries per entrant per class.
9 MACRO; a sharp ‘close-up’ of an image.
10 ROADS, TRACKS &STREETS; the image features a road, track or street, buildings must be secondary to the street.
11 SILHOUETTE; the featured subject(s) is one colour & devoid of detail, the background maybe multi-coloured.
12 SOMETHINGOLD; anysubject (including people) that is seen to be old by a few years, in appearance, style or use.
13 TEXTURE; the image gives the impression of the physical nature of the surface of the material being portrayed.
14 URBANSCENE; to show medium to high building density &/or an aspect of the life associated with the area.
15 HUMOROUS; an image with a humorous appeal to the viewer, the humour should lie in the photo not the title.

Section DJuniors
Prints to bemax. Size 10cm x 15cm(postcard, Colour or black & white.
Maximum of 3 entries per entrant per class.
16 UNUSUAL SHADOWS; photo to show unusual or funny shapes &/or patterns, the cause of shadow is not to domi-
nate photo.
17 FRUIT; the image of any fruit(s) shown in an interesting way.
18 ENTRANCE (the); show the entrance to a building or enclosure.
19 SOMETHING OLD; any subject (including people) that is seen to be old by a few years, in appearance, style or use.
20 RURAL; Life or activity on the land.
21 OPEN; any subject not listed.

ALL prints are to be mounted on black card with 3cm borderapprox. & securely fixed to mount.
All entries must have entrants name, address, phone number & class on the back top left-hand cor-
ner. Entries close on Friday 19th October 2012 and there are no entry fees. Children are encouraged
to have a go at Section A as well as Section D.
The Stewardsfor 2012are Jo Kempin 98241220, & Helen Bignell 98241270,Have Fun everyone!
BT TIMES                                                      11

      Broomehill Historical Notes
Quite a few years ago Shirley MacDonald began to work through the diaries
of her Grandfather, Thomas Norrish (TN) which he wrote when he first came
to Eticup to take up farming and the diaries of William Henry Graham (WHG)
who was also one of the first pioneers of the Eticup district. Shirley collated all
the information both in alphabetical and chronological order. There are many
wonderful pieces of information and anecdotes in these diaries and we are             CLUB - NEWSLETTER INFORMATION
proud to share them with the community each month.
                                                                                      Sport 4 All is a new $20 million state government
Robinson, John – “Four-Fingered Jack” was a blacksmith.
He worked at Goblup in July 1883, repairing chaff cutters
                                                                                      initiative, which aims to build stronger, healthier,
and doing other work, finishing up on 3rd August.                                     happier and safer communities! The initiative has four
Robinson, Rev – The new Minister and his wife came to                                 parts, KidSport, Community Volunteer Project,
Eticup for the first time on 19th May 1895. On 5th June WHG                           ClubTalk and Nature Play WA.
brought Mr Robinson to Goblup and TN’s daughters drove                                KidSport will assist eligible families to receive up to
him on to Broome Hill. He held the service at Eticup Church
on 21st July and 15th September that year, having dinner at                           $200 annually for each of their children aged between
Goblup on the second occasion. The Minister received a                                5 – 18 years, to subsidise fees to join a sport and
quarterly stipend of £3.                                                              recreation club.
Roche, Brigid – School teacher at Broome Hill. She was a                              Eligible families include those with health care cards
regular visitor to Goblup, referred to frequently in 1898. She
married Thomas McGuire on 5th September 1900.                                         or pension concession card, or those referred by
Rogers – Unidentified. Won the contract to do roadwork in                             other community groups, such as schools, juvenile
late 1892. On 5th October, TN walked to Fairfield and he and                          justice teams, government agencies and health
WHG inspected the road that Rogers was making. On 18th                                practitioners. These groups are known as referral
October, TN and WHG passed some of Rogers’ roadwork
but on 9th November TN rode to see WHG about the gravel
that Rogers’ was using; it was nearly all sand. On 19th                               The process for accessing KidSport is simple!
November, TN and WHG marked out some drainage for                                     Kids and parents/guardians can obtain an application
Rogers to do on the side of the road.                                                 form from their participating local government office
Rogers – “Young Rogers”, possibly Edward. Believed to
                                                                                      or their website, or from a sport or recreation club, a
have been the elder son of Thomas Rogers. From February
1887, employed by TN cutting firewood, shifting horses,                               referral agent or anywhere local governments make
ration carrying and running messages. He helped with                                  them available. The parent/guardian fills in the
drafting and in January went with others fire fighting.                               application and takes it to be validated at the local
However by June 1898 it was Thomas Rogers ploughing                                   government they reside in. A photocopy of the
(thought to be the younger son), although it was simply
‘Rogers’ helping with grubbing on 15th July 1898, erecting                            health care card or pension concession card must be
wire netting around Whitton’s fence to form TN’s 200 ac                               attached.
(81ha) block on 24th August, shearing on 22nd December                                Alternatively referral agents may assist in filling out the
1898. On 4th January 1907 TN paid T Rogers £5 for getting                             application, complete their section on the back and
bark, but remaining entries, except one, have the surname
only; carting mallet bark from Wagerup in January; cutting
                                                                                      give it to the parent/guardian to sign. The parent/
saplings in the north paddock with Louther on 2nd February                            guardian will take the voucher to the sport or
before going to Broome Hill in the afternoon with others from                         recreation club for processing when registering their
Sunnyside to play cricket against a team from near Oak                                children. The club will then invoice the local
Farm; taking bark to Broome Hill and ration carrying to
Wagerup and grubbing poison and chaff cutting in April –
                                                                                      government. It’s that easy!
last entry 16th April. On 11th February 1907, TN paid Rogers                          Not all local governments have signed up for
two sovereigns (£2) and on 16th March paid Ed Rogers                                  KidSport yet, so you will need to check with them.
£2.15.0 on Thomas Roger’s account.                                                    Parents can also benefit from participation as a club
Rogers, James – Shepherd, called at Goblup in March                                   volunteer, taking on roles such as a coach, club
1881 and returned a year later to take over Kelly’s flock at
the Gordon. His wage was £40 with rations. At Pootenup a                              secretary or to help in the canteen. The Community
month later, flocks were drafted and Rogers had 1278. After                           Volunteers Grants are now available for clubs to
shearing he returned to Pootenup with 806 ewe lambs, tags                             apply for! This initiative will ensure the next
and 66 culls. The flock was made up to 1331 including some                            generation of volunteers is trained and motivated to
of Van Zuilecom’s that had been lost. On 27th January 1883,
Louther shifted Rogers from the Gordon back to Pootenup.                              serve the community. Volunteers will be trained with
On 19th August that year TN overtook him near Pootenup                                the life skills needed to be a coach, an umpire and
and later wrote “his sheep look very well”. On 7th January                            help administer clubs.
1884, TN paid Rogers for 1883 shepherding and from then                               For more information regarding KidSport and the
on he was employed as a general servant – threshing
barley, cutting chaff with Jack the Sailor, carting jam stakes
                                                                                      Community Volunteer Grants go to the Department
for firewood and carting and spreading manure. In May he                              of Sport and Recreation website
was put to ploughing but managed only 7 acres (2.83ha) in 9                  or contact
days. On 26th May he did not plough as he was lame –                                  your local government.
boxer had trod on his foot. TN commented that he might
have to do the ploughing himself as Rogers was so slow. On
27th June, James complained about getting up too early and
blamed Singing Billy for getting him up. On 6th September
1884, Rogers and Antony Silva felled a tree and cut 60 slabs
from it.
12                       BT TIMES

                                BROOMEHILL BOWLING CLUB
                             From the desk of —#3 foot short#
                             Things are at a high in our club at the moment
                             with the confirmation that a synthetic lawn
                             green will be installed before the start of the
                             new Bowls season—thanks to the hard work
                             and commitment of Dave Kempin and our
                             Bowls Committee.
                             The new green will enable the club to go ahead
                             with its plans for “year round bowls” that can
                             be held both day and night, and will include
                             social games for those who enjoy the fun/social
                             side of sport rather than the competitive
                             side—or both.
                             The club provides expert advice from
                             experienced players to anyone who is
                             interested in playing bowls and coaching is also
                             If you would like to become involved you will
                             be very welcome. For further information
                             John Dye—Captain 9824 1329, Dave Kempin—
                             Treasurer 9824 1220, Bob Vesey—Secretary
                             9824 1405 or Ross Thomas—Coach 9821 5464.
     Free Junior Golf
     Lessons for Friday 22
     June 2012 at
     Tambellup Golf
     Course 4.00pm to
     Golf Lessons,
     Individual or
     Group, Tuesday 19
     June 2012 to Sunday
                                    For fun, fitness and fine music
     24 June 2012                   with friends. Beginner and
                                    intermediate dances. Monday and
                                    Wednesday mornings 9:30am to
                                    11:30am at the Broomehill
                                    Complex, $3:00 per person. All
                                    ages and fitness levels welcome.
                                    Inquiries contact Carole
                                    98241354 or 0488944416.
                                    Bootscooting for beginners,
                                    Tuesday nights 7.00pm to 9.00pm
                                    and Saturday afternoons 1pm to
                                    3pm at the Broomehill Hall. $3:00
                                    per person. Inquiries contact
                                    Carole 98241354 or 0488944416.
BT TIMES                                                      13

       Broomehill Golf Club
Results 28.04.12
Stableford Event
Sponsored by Cut N Cote
                     18 Holes
          Winner: Alan Goodall, 41 Points
          Runner Up: Tim Altus, 38 Points
             Gross Winner: Phil Russell

                     9 Holes
          Winner: Julie Gooch, 30 Points

Nearest The Pin      No.3 Alan Goodall
Nearest The Pin      No.6 Phil Rae
Nearest The Pin      No.10 Tim Altus
Best 2nd Shot        No.2 Phil Russell
Best 3rd Shot        No.8 Alan Goodall
Longest Chip/Putt    No.9 Phil Rae

Results 05.05.12
Stroke Event
Sponsored by The Imperial Hotel
                     18 Holes
          Winner: Charles Russell, 64 Nett
         Runner Up: Simon Hanna, 70 Nett

                     9 Holes
          Winner: Julie Gooch, 20 Points


Nearest The Pin       No.3      Charles Russell
                                                             Petticoat Lane Op-Shop
                                                        The Petticoat Lane Op-Shop is open Thursdays 1pm to
Nearest The Pin       No.6      Alan Goodall            3:30pm & the 1st Saturday of the month 10am to 12pm, at
Nearest The Pin       No.10     Simon Hanna             the Broomehill CWA rooms, 42 India St. Over stocked sale,
Best 2nd Shot         No.2      Alan Goodall            everything ½ price, clothes, linen, household items, books,
Best 3rd Shot         No.8      Simon Hanna             toys and more, starting on the 7th June. 4kg bag of cut
                                                        rags $5.00 each. Great for workshop, garage and
Longest Chip/Putt     No.9      Colin McAndrew
                                                        household use. We have bras of all shapes, sizes and
                                                        colours for the Cancer Day.
Monthly Longest Drive (April) – Tim Altus               Watch for our “Op-shop open” signs when you drive
                                                        through Broomehill.
Results 12.05.12                                        After hours inquiries contact Carole 98241354,
Par Event                                               0488944416 or Edna 98241208.
Sponsored by CGS Tyres
                    18 Holes
             Winner: Alan Goodall, +6
                                                                               For Sale
                                                         Futon, black frame, green patterned material cushion/mattress,
        Runner Up: Wendy Russell, Square
                                                                              converts to double bed
         Gross Winner: Charles Russell, 18
                                                                         AB King Pro exercise equipment
                                                                            Wooden double spring bed
                    9 Holes
                                                                               Glass top coffee table
         Winner: Brian Sanger, 18 Points                                     Baby Love infant restraint
                                                                 Tempo 1200w halogen heater, upright, rotating
                    Novelties                                    Electric fry pans, Kitchen canisters, Dinner sets
                                                            Mad Cats steering wheel and foot pedals for all PC’s and
Nearest The Pin       No.3      Charles Russell                                     compatibles
Nearest The Pin       No.6      Philip Russell                               Busy Needles craft books,
Nearest The Pin       No.10     Wendy Russell                                         Lamps
Best 2nd Shot         No.2      Philip Russell              Available at the Petticoat Lane Op‐Shop or phone Carole
Best 3rd Shot         No.8      Simon Hanna                                    98241354, 0488944416
Longest Chip/Putt     No.9      Alan Goodall
14                                                    BT TIMES

                                         Tambellup Junior Football Club Inc.

                                                “OFFAL” SEASON 3
Mickey (still can’t kicky) BatcheloDoc       Jamie Tim Pig Stewart             TC Packer Cunningham
Tombstone Baker                              Dooper Woods                      Cheeky Kingston
Alan Hank                                    Farmer Bill O’Keeffe              Grubs Groves
Clive Waterhouse Rienke                      Alex Robbie Flower White          Sleepy Neil Jackson
Stuart Loo Anderson                          Rusty McKay                       Chester Willmott
Nathan Nay Nay Willmott                      Terry Tuck Waldron                Dopey Sam Jackson
Tom Kibbles Anderson                         Brenton Sparks Stewart            Rat Clapin
Sneaky Gav Lamont                            David Clean Seed Penny            Jimmy S Bend Beaton
Nic Cheeky Lockyer                           Bird Cameron Taylor               Dick Polish
Duck Tuckett                                 Ron Fitzroy Alexander             Jeddles Jeddstar
Greg Chirpy Lockyer                          Honka Cunningham                  A B Banjo Patterson
Horse Anderson                               Paul Papparazzi Jarvis            Dougie Brown
Pidgeon Nazzari                              Damien Damo Herbert               Phantom Reynalds
Joffa Cunningham                             Chubba Zizz Witham                J R Paganoni
Noodle Nic Collins                           Frankie Valli Aylmore             Leo the Lionhardt
Grinter Nazzari                              Jez Hardieplex                    Bobby Paganoni
Jared Crow White                             Basil Taylor                      Rusty Herbie
Billy Ray Squibb                             Wilbur Willie C-Jones             Neal Love Letter
Bongo Oliver                                 Jack Roo Taylor                   GP1 Parnell
Community Clint Masters                      Randy Travis Collins              Ivor Birt Williams
Supa Mario Turco                             Shane Woof Willmott               Tiger Witham
Rocket Bowman                                Luke Twistie Oliver               Y T White
Smiley Ray Williams                          Chubby Chub Walker                Collyn Alf Garnett
Sam the Chief Annick                         Brodie Brodstar Kingston          Drew Reynalds
Tommo Tomblesom                              Uncle Dean Hull                   Derek Yoogle Sadler
Wayne Wet Dog Newbey                         Justin Fatty Lamb Taylor          In like Flynn Taylor
Webby Webster                                Guru Heron
Barefoot Bardie                              Joss Brick Taylor

Offal Season 3 was, again, a lot of fun.
This season we strung together 13 weeks of training and fellowship on Monday nights with
approximately 7,000kg of Offal coming along at some stage to participate!
The fact that all Offal members ended the season with better football skills is of no consequence at all,
however it is a nice little bonus that came for free!
An important football skill is goal kicking. In order to pick 2 teams for a goal kicking competition, the
coach often resorted to public opinion. From this exercise we learnt amongst other things that:
    Skyhooks were a better band than Sherbet!
    Gary Ablett Jnr is a better footballer than Gary Ablett Snr.
    Bon Scott was the preferred lead singer of AC/DC.
    Megan Gale and Jennifer Hawkins are equally desirable!
In general we also learnt that:
    Bronny’s Tuesday night girls train harder than we do.
    Venus is the bright star low in the western sky during Offal training.
    South Australia has no convict history because they (the convicts) refused to go there.
    Sport and life in general should not be pressure – pressure is a Messichmidt up your trumpet!
    Most young Offal don’t know what a Messichmidt is!
    Derek Sadler is the coach’s “pet” – (he only missed one training)
Many thanks to all those who helped us out through the season. Amelia Bishop, Kobey Coombes, The
Fremantle Football Club, Tambellup CRC, Debbie Cristinelli (team photo), Di Olden and our Shire for
maintaining our change rooms and oval, and especially to all the Offal who sponsored our 13 fellowship
nights. The second half of each training is probably more important than the first.
Stay well brothers – Looking forward to season 4 - The Coach.
BT TIMES                                       15

   **4 OR 5 STAND**
      CONTACT:                 Jim Jardine’s Satellite
  PAUL—0437 549 000
  TASAH—0404 533 031           TV & Antenna Service
                                   For Installation of Satellite TV
                                         & Antenna Systems

                                      Vast Digital TV Available

                                   0457 376 162
                                    64 Daping St, Katanning WA, 6317

                              Hully’s Spraying
                              Slashing Service
                              also available.
                              9825 1176
                              0428 251 177
16              BT TIMES

Pallinup Contracting Pty Ltd

     For all your earthworks
     Servicing your local area
       Call 0428 789 493

                           TINY’S SHEARING
                                 WORK WANTED
                                   Ring Trevor for dates
                              T: 9825 1199, M: 0429 684 732

                                         Mobile Phone
                                  Screen Repairs
                    For most
                    makes and models
                    including iphones.

                    Call or message Scott 0457 007 661
BT TIMES                                                        17

   Broomehill Post Office and
Not only do we have Australia Post products and Bill
                                                        JAVE FASHION
         paying but we also have a range of
 stationary and hardware products, and if we don’t
   have it we will try our hardest to get it for you.                 Bridal, Evening wear, Day wear
 Give Murray, Susan or Colleen a call 98241246.              (casual or tailored), Formals, Special Occasions,
Open Monday – Friday but won’t                                               Mens Casual wear.
    say no to a call on the
                                                        Jan Vesey
                                                        9824 1405

                                                                      THE RURAL MARKETING SPECIALIST
     Tambellup Railway Platform                                   

  Email—                          LIVESTOCK –Peter Sheridan 0428 872 911
                                                        Wayne Fuchsbichler 0429 314 703
                  9825 1542                                                       WOOL—Tim Chapman
                                                                                      0427 857 552
     Open Tuesday and Thursday                                                        Matt Pedersen
   10am—3pm, or by appointment.                                                       0428 929 751

Zadow’s Crutching
 Four stand crutching unit.
 Competitive Rates, Clean
    Job, No Problems!
    MARK 0439 945 955

           Henry Jones
          Winery & Cafe
                        Open Tuesday to
                       Sunday for unique                 For all of your grain, lime, fertiliser and gypsum cartage. 5 to
                     European tastes and                                             75 tonne.
                     fantastic local wines.                                 Contact Barrie or Monica
                                                                           9824 1059, 0427 591 024
                                  9824 1513
18                                                                   BT TIMES

 BOOT ROCK BOBTRAK &                                                                                            Scott
     FARM WORKS                                                                                               Ballantyne
 Your LOCAL people servicing Broomehill, Tambellup and sur-
                                                                                WHEATBELT SOUTH                   Manager
 “Quality Domestic Earthmoving at Competitive Rates”                                 Great Southern Regional Business
House and Shed Pads, Site Levelling, Trenching, Yard Cleanups, Post                Association Inc, PO Box 161, Narrogin
Hole Boring, Waste removal, Urban and Rural Fencing, Pallet lifting, Sand
and Gravel also some Garden Soils - subject to availability.                          Office Telephone: 9881 3000
Phone: Jacko or Anne                                                                        M: 0437 209 692
0439 241 309                                             WATER                         E:
or 9824 1309                                                                       OFFICE HOURS—10.00am – 3.00pm
                                                                                           Monday to Friday

                                                                             LANCE AND JO
                                                                                                                      Call us for
                                                                             T/F: 9824 1552
                                                                                                                       a quote
                                                                            M: 0422 213 274

                                                                              Trade painter, Roof tiler, Gardening, Mowing, Weeding,
                                                                              General Maintenance, Cleaning, Gutters, Windows........
                                                                                   OR ANYTHING ELSE WE ARE ABLE TO DO!!!

PL LIC 6270                                                  Residential
GF 007353                                                & Commercial
                                                          plumbing and

KJB                                       Maintenance plumbing and
                                                    gas installation.
& GAS                                                   James Beaton
                                                          0419 909 794

                                                                                      PJ HAMS
                                                                                   STOCK CARRIER
               Broomehill / Tambellup RBC                                                 Contact Phil
        Rams for sale, easy care EBV’s available.                                  0427 251 133 AH 9825 1133
                            9825 3083
                          0419 193 744
BT TIMES                                                              19

                                          Hannaford seedmaster
                                          Katanning & districts

                                          Cleaning, grading & seed
                                          treatment requirements

                                                          Derek batchelor
                                                  9824 1360 or 0428 241 306

                                                   Helen Bignell Physiotherapy
                           For all your
                                          Private Physiotherapist for all aches, pains, sports injuries, neck and
             Modern Cloth Nappy needs
                                                                                                 back problems.
                                          Get those nagging injuries seen before they become a real problem.
                                               Open ALL day Monday, Wednesday and Friday with same day
                                                                                appointments usually available.

                 Lee and Erin Jamieson            Private health rebate apply. DVA and Workers Comp cover.

                             9825 1070                                              9831 2237 or 0438 137 851

                          0428 251 029                                Kojonup Hospital, Spring Street, Kojonup

                                          COME AND ENJOY A GREAT ATMOSPHERE!
                                             Great Southern Hwy, Broomehill
                                                       9824 1222

         $5.00 per bag
                                                       OPEN: 12 noon 7 days a week
Corey and Shannon Hull 9825 1176                 COUNTER MEALS: 12-2pm and 6-8pm

                                                                       Super Spreading
                                                                          Grain Carting
                                                                     CONTACT KEVIN
                                                               9824 1218, 0427 961 810
20                                                       BT TIMES

                                                                  Holiday House- Denmark
                                                                ‘The Denmark Getaway’
                                                                 Modern 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom fully
                                                                 equipped house (with linen included)

                                                                            5 min walk from town

                                                                        Please contact 9848 2055 or

                   9 Taylor Street Katanning
                    Open 5 days/wk and 1 Sat/month

                          9821 7999

                Paul R Pellant.
                                                                      Tambellup B & B
                Mobile:    0417 955 601.                                 Trevor and Aileen Prout
                Email:                            27 Garrity St (Great Southern Hwy) Tambellup
                Website:                             9825 1182,
We come to you, mobile computer problem solving.
Repairs - upgrades - networking - new systems - 2nd hand
sales - software problem solving - website design and           Competitive Rates, Self Catered or B&B,
publishing - in home computer lessons.                            3 Bedroom House, Fully Furnished,
For free advice just contact us - no fix no cost to you.
                                                                          All linen supplied

                                                                Tambellup Post Cafe
               For all of your livestock                        Janene and Peter
                        cartage.                                9825 1169
               Sheep anywhere, Cattle
                       anytime!                                 Open Monday—Friday 9—5
                                                                     (closed 12-1)
                              GINO BASSANESE
                                            P/F: 9824 1235      Coffee, Biscuits and Slices
                                              0429 112 624
                                           UHF channel 40
                                                                Dine in or Take away
22                              BT TIMES


              TO THE HOUSEHOLDER

                     FROM BT TIMES
                       46—48 NORRISH ST
                      TAMBELLUP WA 6320
                         (08) 9825 3555
                                               ADVERTISING RATES
Calendar                                         Local Business and Community Groups;
                                               Full Page                         $66 inc GST
JUNE                                           Half Page                         $33 inc GST

2        BH GARAGE SALE/MARKET                 Quarter A4 page                   FREE

         DAY                                   Eighth of A4 page                 FREE
                                                                 Out of Shire;
7        BH CWA                                Full Page                         $66 inc GST
7        BH HISTORICAL SOCIETY                 Half Page                         $33 inc GST
11       TA JUNIOR FIRST AID                   Quarter A4 page                   $17 inc GST
18       TA CRC PURPLE BRA DUE                 Eighth of A4 page                 $9 inc GST
28       TA PLAYGROUP—JUDY              Please forward all Community News, Events
         TRIGWELL                                 and other information to;
JULY                                                       FAX; 9825 1152
19 COUNCIL MEETING                                POSTAL; 46-48 Norrish St
22 TA FUTURES WORKSHOP                                 Tambellup WA 6320
                                                   By the 25th of the Month.
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