Page created by Deborah Ramsey
Staff Member Name

The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to
make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them
the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

                           THE SCOUT OATH
                   On my honor, I will do my best.
                To do my duty to God and my country,
                      And to obey the Scout Law;
                  To help other people at all times;
 To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

                           THE SCOUT LAW
                        A Scout is: Trustworthy,
                             Loyal, Helpful,
                          Friendly, Courteous,
                            Kind, Obedient,
                           Cheerful, Thrifty,
                              Brave, Clean,

                        Plan Ahead and Prepare
                 Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces
                       Dispose of Waste Properly
                          Leave What You Find
                      Minimize Campfire Impact
                            Respect Wildlife
                    Be Considerate of Other Visitors
Dear Staff Member:

Congratulations on being selected to be a part of the 2022 Camp Frontier staff! You
have been chosen to a position of extreme importance—that of making a positive
impact in the life of a young Scout. Please don’t take this responsibility lightly.
Campers will see you as a role model—and that is a major responsibility. In
undertaking this role, I hope that your staff assignment this year will be enjoyable to
you—even though it is a job with the responsibilities that go with it.

I know you can all find a better paying job at a fast-food establishment this summer,
yet you choose to be a part of our staff. Years ago, I spent seven summer seasons on
a camp staff, and I still cherish the memories of those summers. My hope is that you
develop similar remembrances of the fun, fellowship, and accomplishments that will
attach to your life as a staff member this summer. It will be work, but work that is
much more satisfying than spending your summer mowing lawns or flipping burgers.
When you leave the staff area in the morning, you are “on stage” just like the
characters in Disney. You represent the “brand” that we want Camp Frontier to be
for our customers—the Scouts and Adult leaders who attend camp this year. There
may be some days later in the season when you just don’t feel like singing the same
camp song for the fourth week or seem unenthusiastic about cheers or skits you have
seen for a dozen times previously. But, for the Scouts in camp that week, it is new
to them, and you must remember that you are “on stage” and expected to perform
in an enthusiastic manner that entertains and excites them.

A lot will be expected of you. Most importantly, you will be required to be a model
of Scouting. Campers will look to you as they learn what Scouting is all about. You
cannot let them down. Everything you do is expected to be a most positive example
of what Lord Baden Powell envisioned as he developed the Scouting movement over
a century ago. As such, I will insist that the proper uniform is worn, you will be on
time for all scheduled activities and attend all campwide events. You will be a
responsible member of the camp community.

We will be sharing a great summer at Camp Frontier. I hope you are looking forward
to it with as much anticipation as I am. We will be developing memories that will last
for a lifetime—for ourselves, and for the young Scouts who join us as campers. I am
honored to be able to lead this outstanding staff team this summer.

In Scouting,

Van F. Anderson
Camp Director

                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
COVID-19 GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................... 6
  MASKS ........................................................................................................................... 6
  HANDWASHING/SANITIZING ........................................................................................ 6
  VACCINATIONS.............................................................................................................. 6
  SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS .......................................................................................... 6
  PERSONAL HYGIENE ...................................................................................................... 6
  COVID-19 SYMPTOMS................................................................................................... 6
THE CAMP FRONTIER STAFF EMPHASIS ....................................................................... 7
EXPECTATIONS OF A CAMP FRONTIER STAFF MEMBER ............................................... 8
PREPARING FOR CAMP ...............................................................................................10
  PAPERWORK ............................................................................................................... 10
  BSA YOUTH PROTECTION TRAINING ........................................................................... 11
  SEXUAL HARASSMENT TRAINING ............................................................................... 11
  BSA HAZARDOUS WEATHER TRAINING....................................................................... 11
  ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATES AND TRAINING ................................................................ 11
CAMP EMPLOYMENT POLICIES ...................................................................................12
  EMPLOYMENT AT WILL ............................................................................................... 12
  EQUAL EMPLOYMENT ................................................................................................. 12
  CODE OF CONDUCT .................................................................................................... 13
  YOUTH PROTECTION AND MEMBERSHIP STANDARDS ............................................... 15
  TEXTING AND SOCIAL MEDIA ...................................................................................... 15
  ALCOHOL AND ILLEGAL DRUG USE ............................................................................. 15
  USE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND VAPING................................................................ 16
  STAFF CONTRACTS ...................................................................................................... 16
  STAFF SALARIES........................................................................................................... 16
  PERSONAL APPEARANCE ............................................................................................ 17
  RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WORKPLACE .......................................................................... 18
  PERSONAL VISITORS AT CAMP .................................................................................... 18
  CHECK IN/OUT POLICY ................................................................................................ 18
  STAFF DISCIPLINE ........................................................................................................ 18
  OPEN DOOR POLICY .................................................................................................... 19
  NON-HARASSMENT POLICY ........................................................................................ 20
  DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES ............................................................................................ 23
  REGULAR OFFENSES .................................................................................................... 23
  EXTREME OFFENSES.................................................................................................... 23
  STAFF NIGHTS OFF ...................................................................................................... 24
  WEATHER EMERGENCIES ............................................................................................ 25
  STAFF END OF SEASON CHECK OUT PROCEDURE ....................................................... 25
GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................26
  FOOD........................................................................................................................... 26
  LAUNDRY .................................................................................................................... 26
  THE TRADING POST ..................................................................................................... 26
VESPERS ...................................................................................................................... 26
  WEEKENDS .................................................................................................................. 26
  TRAINING AND GUIDANCE .......................................................................................... 27
  PERMANENT FILE ........................................................................................................ 27
  PROFESSIONAL SCOUTING AS A CAREER .................................................................... 27
  PAY AND PAY DAYS ..................................................................................................... 27
  PSR HEALTH LODGE .................................................................................................... 27
  ILLNESS OR INJURY...................................................................................................... 28
  INSURANCE ................................................................................................................. 28
  STAFF LOUNGE ............................................................................................................ 28
  PHONE USAGE ............................................................................................................ 29
  INTERNET .................................................................................................................... 29
  STAFF ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................ 29
  CAMP SOCIAL MEDIA .................................................................................................. 29
  PERSONAL PROPERTY ................................................................................................. 29
  CAMP CLEANLINESS .................................................................................................... 30
  BICYCLES AT CAMP...................................................................................................... 30
  YOUR PSR MAILING ADDRESS ..................................................................................... 30
  EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: 419-459-4962 ................................................................... 30
  LIMITATIONS ON HIKING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ..................................................... 30
  PERSONAL VEHICLES ................................................................................................... 31
  STAFF HOUSING .......................................................................................................... 31
  EMERGENCIES IN CAMP .............................................................................................. 32
CAMP PROPERTY/EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................33
  MAINTENANCE ORDER ............................................................................................... 33
  CAMP KEYS.................................................................................................................. 33
  CAMP VEHICLES .......................................................................................................... 33
  CAMP OWNED DIGITAL AND PAPER INFORMATION .................................................. 33
CAMPFIRE PROGRAM PLANNING ...............................................................................34
  RULES OF CAMPFIRE MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 35
  THE GRAY AREAS......................................................................................................... 36
  UNDERWEAR............................................................................................................... 37
  WATER ........................................................................................................................ 37
  TOILET PAPER.............................................................................................................. 37
  INSIDE JOKES ............................................................................................................... 37
  ALCOHOL/DRUNKENNESS ........................................................................................... 37
  CROSS GENDER IMPERSONATION .............................................................................. 38
COUNSELOR IN TRAINING (CIT) PROGRAM .................................................................39
DRESS CODE AND PERSONAL EQUIPMENT..................................................................40
  APPROPRIATE UNIFORM ............................................................................................. 40
  UNIFORM DIAGRAM ................................................................................................... 41
  PERSONAL EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................. 42
CAMP SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................44
BASIC WEEKLY SCHEDULE ...........................................................................................45
CAMP MAP.................................................................................................................46
Masks are NOT required to be worn both inside and outside of buildings
  at camp. Staff are still welcome to wear a mask at any time if they
                             choose to do so.

   Staff must wash and sanitize their hands frequently including;
                • Before and after instructing a class
                     • Before eating or drinking
                     • After using the restroom
                    • After sneezing or coughing
               • Any other time hands become soiled

    Staff are highly encouraged to be vaccinated for COVID-19 before
coming to camp. Vaccination will help prevent COVID-19 from spreading
 to a large population of the staff. Those that are not vaccinated may be
  required to quarantine for up to 14 days, at home, unpaid, if someone
       in their program areas or housing tests positive for COVID-19.

    Staff should use the head-to-toe method when sleeping in their

   Staff are always encouraged practice good personal hygiene. Staff
 should shower daily. Hands should be washed frequently throughout
    the day. Personal items such as masks, water bottles, Chapstick,
    toothpaste and toothbrushes should not be shared at any time.

Anyone developing any COVID-19 symptoms should report immediately
to the Health Lodge for evaluation. Staff suspect of having the COVID-19
virus will be sent home and will required a negative test result to return
  to camp. Camp Frontier does not pay for days missed for COVID-19.

Page 6               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)

As a PSR Camp Frontier staff member you have been given real
recognition. You have been chosen for your character, as well as your
knowledge. You are employed to serve Scouts, Scouters, volunteers,
and guests. We must ensure each receives a camp experience which
exceeds their expectations.

Being a PSR staff member means being willing and ready to assist
whenever and wherever needed. Your influence on the lives of
participants and guests is more than you may ever know. We have
the equipment, and you have the knowledge; use them together so
that every unit goes home with only praise for our camp and staff.

Remember our participants and guests don’t know if you’re working,
off duty, or passing through the area, so be ready and willing to assist
at all times.

Don’t be afraid to assist another staff member; we all need help from
time to time. Don’t be afraid to show appreciation with a praise card
or positivity point. By pulling together we will make this the best
season yet!

The Scout Oath and Scout Law are the standards we are measured by
at all times. We are the living breathing example of Scouting right
off the cover of Boys Life Magazine! Exemplifying those ideals in all
dealings with others is one of the best things you can do this summer.
Your Scouting Spirit will rub off on others, so keep it at its best and
you will make a difference!

Page 7               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
    1. Each staff member must recognize that Scout camping is a 24-
       hour a day proposition. The camp’s responsibility (as well as that
       of its’ staff) does not cease at any time during that period.

    2. Each staff member will report for duty each Sunday by 11:00 am.
       Directors arrive at 10:45 a.m. You must be in full uniform and
       ready for work.

    3. Each staff member will remain on duty for the week, until the
       Camp Director personally dismisses them on Saturday afternoon
       upon the completion of their responsibility. Before they leave,
       the staff member should ensure that their program area is clean
       and secure.

    4. It is essential that everyone have a good night’s sleep. After
       11:00pm, it will be quiet in the staff area. Noise levels must be
       kept low enough so as not to disturb neighboring staff or
       campers. Aim to be in bed by 11:30 p.m.

    5. Staff members must obtain permission from the Camp Director
       and Program Director prior to making any arrangements to leave
       camp to make sure there is coverage. Staff members should then
       checkout with the Camp Director prior to leaving and check in
       with them immediately upon their return.

    6. The Frontier summer camp session ends only when the Camp
       Ranger is satisfied that camp is properly closed. Individual staff
       members are dismissed from their duties only when camp is
       closed and when they have submitted their year-end staff

Page 8               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
7. The conduct of every staff member (both in and out of camp)
       must be of the highest standard and should not interfere with the
       camp morale or be an undesirable influence on either the
       campers or the camp’s reputation in the community. The Scout
       Oath and Law will be followed at all times. As a member of Camp
       Staff you will never know when campers are watching your every
       action or word spoken. Staff members are role models for
       campers so you must be on your best behavior.

    8. Be on time for all scheduled camp activities. Being late for
       activities as a staff member is a sign of laziness and a bad
       attitude toward your responsibility as a staff member. By
       association, it taints the entire staff.

    9. Refrain from posting any statement and / or picture on social
       media that would appear to be negative or harmful to the
       image of Camp Frontier. Think of how a parent would view such
       a posting—would it cause them to feel that they do not want to
       send their child to Camp Frontier.

    10. Have FUN this season. If you have fun at camp, you are
        probably performing your staff duties as expected. If you are
        having a “down day”, do not allow that to tarnish your behavior
        to the point that the campers detect that. Spread the FUN
        around camp, even when you don’t feel like it.

Page 9               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Before beginning work all paperwork must be completed and submitted
to the camp office.

Paid full time staff must provide…
    • Contract fully completed and signed
    • I-9 Form
    • W-4 Form
    • 2 Forms of ID
    • Direct Deposit Form with Voided Check
    • BSA Health Form (Parts A, B, C)
    • Camp Staff Code of Conduct
    • Photo Release Form
    • Parental Consent Agreement (if under 18)
    • Driver/Release Form (if under 18)
    • BSA Membership Application
    • NEW! Michigan Central Registry Clearance (If over 21)

CIT staff must provide…
    • CIT Agreements fully completed and signed
    • BSA Health Form (Parts A, B, C)
    • Camp Staff Code of Conduct
    • Photo Release Form
    • Parental Consent Agreement
    • Driver/Release Form

All paperwork must be received before beginning employment. Failure
to turn in paperwork will result in a delay in pay or dismissal.

Page 10             Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Youth Protection Training taken within the last 2 years is required by all
staff. This training is completed online and will be communicated to you
before employment. Please provide the Camp Frontier office with the
training certificate after completing the course. Certificates must be
provided on a yearly basis.

All staff must complete an online sexual harassment training course
before beginning work. Details of this course will be sent before
employments begins. Please provide the Camp Frontier office with the
training certificate after completion of the course.

Hazardous Weather training taken within the last 2 years is required by
all staff. This training is completed online and will be communicated to
you before employment. Please provide the Camp Frontier office with
the training certificate after completing the course. Certificates must be
provided on a yearly basis.

Specific staff position at camp may require additional training or
certificates before the start of the season. These requirements will be
communicated with you prior to signing your contract. Please remember
to bring documentation with you and present them to the office for
record upon arrival.

Page 11               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
All employees of Erie Shores Council are employees at will and, as such,
  are free to resign employment at any time with or without advance
 notice. Similarly, Erie Shores Council may terminate the employment
   relationship of any individual with or without advance notice. This
  handbook is merely a guide to policies and procedures applicable to
      employees of the council. This handbook is not a contract of
 employment and does not alter your employment-at-will relationship
    with the council. Nothing in this Camp Staff employee handbook
           guarantees employment for any specific duration.

Erie Shores Council is committed to equal employment opportunity and
compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws that prohibit
  workplace discrimination and unlawful retaliation, such as those that
     prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin,
   religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or
 related medical condition), gender identity, sexual orientation, gender
    identity, marital or familial status, genetic information, citizenship
       status, protected activity (such as opposition to or reporting of
      prohibited discrimination or harassment), or any other status or
 classification protected by applicable federal, state, and/or local laws.
  This policy of equal employment opportunity applies to all aspects of
 the employment relationship, including without limitation advertising,
     recruiting, hiring, training, evaluation, promotion, transfer, work
 assignments, compensation, benefits, disciplinary action, termination,
          or any other term, condition, or privilege of employment.

Page 12               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Erie Shores council’s code of conduct is built on BSA values. As such, we
 acknowledge our responsibility to ensure its success—individually and
  collectively—by practicing and promoting the principles of the Scout
 Oath and the Scout Law. These values reflect how we want to operate,
how we expect our employees to operate, and how we strive to be seen
                                by others.

    We pursue the mission of the Boy Scouts of America with honor,
 fairness, and integrity, ever mindful to uphold the values of the BSA in
every action and decision. We are committed to act in good faith and to
  comply with the rule of law, the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and
       policies of both the council and the Boy Scouts of America.

  Our code of conduct is not intended to cover every applicable law or
provide answers to all questions that arise. Each employee must be able
    to rely upon personal common sense of right and wrong. Before
  undertaking any action on our behalf, an employee should consider
 carefully whether the conduct is in our best interest and complies with
the spirit and letter of this code and the BSA Bylaws, policies, and Rules
         and Regulations, and if it is in compliance with the law.

   An employee must not proceed with any action if it is not clearly in
compliance with these criteria. In addition, if an employee believes that
the actions of anyone in the workplace are unethical or expose us or our
   employees to liability or disrepute—or is unsure of what to do—the
 employee should report the situation by contacting his or her manager,
 or the appropriate level of management to deal with the situation. This
includes any disclosure of “confidential information” (as defined herein)
 to anyone who is not an employee or to an employee whose job duties
          do not require access to that confidential information.

  Acting with integrity when conducting business is not an occasional
     requirement; we expect and demand that our employees act
            consistently with the highest ethical principles.

Page 13               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
The code of conduct sets forth the fundamental principles, policies, and
 procedures that govern the conduct of employees. It does not create
     any rights for any employee. The code does not constitute an
 employment contract or an assurance of continued employment. We
 may modify or repeal the provisions of the code or adopt a new code
 whenever deemed appropriate, with or without notice. All employees
must become familiar with the code and conduct themselves strictly in
compliance with it and with the bylaws, policies, procedures, rules, and
                   regulations pertaining to this code.

   We are committed to providing a work environment that values
 diversity among its volunteers and employees. All human resources
 policies, guidelines, and activities are intended to create a respectful
 workplace where every individual has the opportunity to reach his or
                          her highest potential.

     The council is committed to equal employment opportunity and
compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws that prohibit
  workplace discrimination and unlawful retaliation, such as those that
    prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin,
   religion, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or
 related medical condition), gender identity, sexual orientation, marital
   or familial status, genetic information, citizenship status, protected
 activity (such as opposition to or reporting of prohibited discrimination
    or harassment), or any other status or classification protected by
      applicable federal, state, and/or local laws. This policy of equal
   employment opportunity applies to all aspects of the employment
 relationship, including without limitation advertising, recruiting, hiring,
       training, evaluation, promotion, transfer, work assignments,
  compensation, benefits, disciplinary action, termination, or any other
                term, condition, or privilege of employment.

Page 14                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
   All persons involved in Scouting shall report to local authorities any
 good faith suspicion or belief that any child is or has been physically or
  sexually abused, physically or emotionally neglected, exposed to any
form of violence or threat, or exposed to any form of sexual exploitation
      including the possession, manufacture, or distribution of child
  pornography, online solicitation, enticement, or showing of obscene
      material. This duty may not be delegated to any other person.

 Per Scouting’s Barriers to Abuse, two-deep leadership and no one-on-
    one contact between adults and youth members includes digital
  communication. Youth staff members under the age of 18 and adult
 staff members age 18 and older cannot communicate with each other
electronically unless another 21+ aged, registered adult is copied on the
  communication. This includes texting, social media, messenger apps
 and any other digital communication platforms. This policy reinforces
        the BSA’s youth protection policies and Barriers to Abuse.

      Always be fair and courteous to fellow camp staff employees,
 volunteers, and members when posting to social media. If you decide
  to post complaints or criticism, avoid using statements, photographs,
 video, or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene,
    threatening, intimidating, or that might constitute harassment or
bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant
     to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could
   contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex,
 sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other status protected by
                       law or council and BSA policy.

Camp Frontier has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for the possession,
consumption, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on
camp property. this includes the purchase of alcohol or illegal drugs for
other staff members including minors. VIOLATION OF THIS POLICY WILL

Page 15               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Smoking, vaping, and the use of smokeless tobacco products is
prohibited in all Camp Frontier public spaces, buildings, tents, and
vehicles. The designated smoking area at camp is restricted to the back
of the staff parking lot out of view from participants, campers, and other
staff. Staff under the age of 21 are prohibited from the use of any
tobacco products and vaping of any kind. USE OF THESE PRODUCTS BY
under 21 are also not permitted in the designated smoking area unless
retrieving something from their personal vehicle.

You are responsible for READING and UNDERSTANDING the contents of
your contract before signing it. Your signature indicates your approval
of all conditions. PSR Leadership reserves the right to transfer an
employee to another assignment at any time if it is felt he/she is better
suited to that position or that a change would better serve the Camp
Frontier participants.

Salaries are determined by experience, rank, responsibilities of the
position, and work ethic.

Page 16               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Developing Character in youth is the primary objective of the Boy Scouts
of America and must be kept in the front of each staff member’s mind.
Anything that a staff member does that detracts from this purpose is
A fresh, clean and approachable look ensures that every participant feels
comfortable. Personal appearance is important since each staff member
reflects not only on themselves, but also on the Boy Scouts of America
organization as well.

Camp Frontier’s Standards for personal appearance include…

    •     Correct uniform that is clean and properly fitted.
    •     Personal cleanliness and hygiene are required. Staff must shower
          frequently and encourage participants to do likewise.
    •     Facial hair, if worn, must be clean, trimmed, well-kept, and show
          evidence of grooming. Camp is not the place to begin growing a
          new beard or mustache.
    •     Extreme hairstyles such as Mohawks, dreadlocks, etc.. are not
          allowed. Hair will be kept clean, neatly trimmed, and show
          evidence of good grooming.
    •     Offensive tattoos and visible body piercings that may be
          offensive to participants or interfere with job duties and
          performance are unacceptable.

Pride in your appearance, uniform, and personal grooming makes you
and others aware that you are a part of the Camp Frontier Team. If your
appearance is less than that of the Camp Frontier standards, this implies
that your attitude and performance are less as well. Each staffer shares
responsibility for how the entire staff is perceived. Each Area Director is
responsible for enforcing appearance standards within their assigned
area. Should you want assistance, please speak with a member of the
Leadership Team.

Page 17                 Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Staff are encouraged to socialize and develop professional
relationships with other staff and Scouters while at camp. Staff who
are engaged in a personal relationship before the start employment
are expected to retain a professional environment around other staff
and campers. Hand holding, kissing, and other similar displays of
affections are not appropriate at camp including in staff living
quarters and staff lounge. Camp is not the place to start new
relationship. Displays of affection towards other staff members or
campers is ground for termination of employment.

Family members and friends are welcome to visit staff members
during nights off. All visitors must sign in at the Camp Office before
proceeding into camp. Visitor should not interfere with the staff
member’s job responsibilities or interrupt program. Visitors are not
allowed to stay in camp overnight and must leave property by 11pm.

All staff are required to sign in/out at the camp office when arriving
or leaving camp property. This includes weekends and nights off.

Trust is important to the BSA and the Camp Frontier Leadership team.
It is part of the Scout Law. The Camp Frontier Leadership Team take
these matters seriously, because we care not only about your
welfare, but the welfare of our participants. Therefore, any employee
credibly suspected of violating the trust placed in them through the
BSA Staff Code of Conduct policies can and will be disciplined
accordingly. All violations will be noted in the staffer’s individual
personnel file and may jeopardize future employment at Camp
Frontier. Discipline will be on a case-by-case basis and discipline will
vary based on the offense. Discipline will be between the staffer and
management and shall not be the concern of others. Camp Frontier
may terminate the employment of any individual with or without
advanced notice or reason.

Page 18                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
  Erie Shores Council and Camp Frontier is committed to maintaining a
good working relationship with its employees and camp staff members.
    However, in any work environment, there will be occasions when
problems and complaints arise. It is important that these problems and
   complaints be discussed so that a resolution can be reached. Most
  problems can be solved; but if they are not freely discussed, they can
 become more serious. Therefore, it is the responsibility of everyone to
               help maintain a good working atmosphere.

  We have adopted the following procedure for handling suggestions,
                        problems, and complaints:
  1. Any staff member who has a suggestion, problem, or complaint
           should discuss the matter with his or her area director.
    2. If the suggestion, problem, or complaint is not satisfactorily
    resolved by the immediate area director, or the problem or concern
      involves the area director, the staff member may meet with the
          Program Director or Camp Director who will listen to the
      suggestion, problem, or complaint and attempt to recommend a
                             satisfactory solution.
3. If the suggestion, problem, or complaint has not been resolved, or if
     the nature of the problem is such that the staff member does not
     want to discuss it with area director or Program/Camp Director, he
               or she may discuss it with the Scout Executive.

Employees may bring issues to the Camp Director or Scout Executive at
                             any time.

When a staff member uses this Open-Door policy, he or she will receive
a response. While the Council may not be able to provide the solution
   that the employee desires, they will listen to the staff member’s
   concerns and have frank and open communication with the staff
  member regarding any issue they feels needs to be brought to the
                        Council’s attention.

   Staff members are encouraged to use the above procedures. Every
effort will be made to render a fair and just decision. Once the decision
is made, an explanation will be given to the staff member who brought
                 the suggestion, problem, or complaint.
Page 19              Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Pursuant to applicable law, it is the policy of Erie Shores Council that all
   employees shall have the opportunity to work in an atmosphere and
   environment free from any form of harassment or retaliation on the
  basis of any protected category, including, but not necessarily limited
  to, race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex (including pregnancy,
 childbirth, breastfeeding, or related medical condition), gender, sexual
  orientation, marital or familial status, genetic information, citizenship
      status, protected activity (such as opposition to or reporting of
     prohibited discrimination or harassment), or any other status or
classification protected by applicable federal, state, and/or local laws. In
keeping with that policy, Erie Shores Council and Camp Frontier will not
  tolerate harassment of any kind by or of any employees or applicants
                               for employment.

“Harassment” is defined as verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or
  shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her
race, religion, color, age, gender, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
   veteran status, or protected disability, or that of his or her relatives,
                       friends, or associates, and that:
   1. Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or
                         offensive working environment.
    2. Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an
                          individual’s work performance.
       3. Otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment

Page 20                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
 Examples of harassing conduct can include, but are not limited to, the
    1. Use of epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, or threatening,
        intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to race, color, religion,
      gender, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability;
  2. Written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or
        aversion toward an individual or group because of race, color,
       religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or
     disability and that is placed on walls, bulletin boards, or elsewhere
           on council premises, or circulated in the workplace or on
                            computers, phones, etc.
 3. Verbal or nonverbal innuendoes that relate to or reflect negatively
      upon someone because of their race, color, religion, gender, sex,
              sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability

                Similarly, sexual harassment involves:
1. Making as a condition of employment unwelcome sexual advances,
     requests for sexual favors, or other offensive verbal or physical
     conduct directed toward an individual because of his or her sex
  2. Making submission to or rejection of such conduct the basis for
                           employment decisions
3. Creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile work environment by
                               such conduct

 Conduct which could rise to the level of sexual harassment can include,
                          but is not limited to:
  1. Verbal—sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, insults, threats,
         jokes about gender-specific traits, or sexual propositions
2. Nonverbal—making suggestive or insulting noises, leering, whistling,
                        or making obscene gestures
  3. Physical—touching, pinching, brushing the body, coercing sexual
                           intercourse, or assault

Page 21                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
 Such forms of harassment or retaliation may constitute discrimination
  under various state and federal laws and will not be tolerated by the
 Council. Any employee who is found to have engaged in such conduct
    will receive disciplinary action up to and including termination,
                   depending upon the circumstances.

  Any employee or staff member who feels that he or she has suffered
 any form of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation by anyone must
immediately report the alleged conduct to the Camp Director so that an
  investigation of the complaint can be undertaken. Please review the
                     Open-Door Policy in this manual.

  Reports will be treated as confidential to the extent possible without
 impeding the ability of the Council to conduct a thorough investigation.
 Any person employed by the Council who is found to have violated this
     policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and
    including termination. Further, any staff member who engages in
  conduct that violates this policy, or whose conduct would violate this
 policy if allowed to continue, is subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination. Retaliation or discrimination against an employee
     or staff member for reporting or complaining about harassment,
discrimination, or retaliation is prohibited. Such misconduct will result in
  disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any staff member
who knowingly makes a false report of harassment or discrimination will
     be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

We trust that all staff members will act in a responsible and professional
     manner to establish a pleasant working environment free of
                      discrimination and harassment.

Page 22                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
• Verbal Warning/Coaching
• Written Warning
• Dismissal

• Not attending meals, flag ceremonies, campfires, or camp-wide
• Not wearing the correct uniform at designated times
• Sleeping in any program area during program time
• Sleeping in Staff Lounge after 11 PM closing
• Being continually late to program activities
• Returning after midnight from a night off
• Not signing in or out when leaving camp property
• Disrespect to campers, unit leaders, or other staffers
• Riding in pickup truck bed, trailers, or any vehicle without back seats
   unless it is an official hayride

• Use of tobacco products or vape products anywhere other than the
   designated smoking area
• Use of tobacco products or vape products by minors (under 21)
• Possession, use, or under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs on
   camp property
• Theft of PSR or another person’s property, including food
• Repeat offenses or gross misconduct
• Hazing staffers including sexual harassment
• Fighting
• Sexual relations or cohabitation by unmarried couples
• Use of fireworks or explosives
• Bringing personal weapons on camp property
• Unauthorized or personal use of PSR vehicles
• Carelessness or deliberate failure to observe safety measures
• Tampering with smoke detectors, fire alarms, or fire extinguishers
• Abusing camp equipment and/or facilities including graffiti
• Inappropriate, unauthorized or illegal use of the internet

Page 23               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Staffers have the privilege of taking one night off Monday through
Thursday evenings each week at the discretion of their Area Director and
the approval of the Camp Director. Areas Directors must submit their
staff nights off before week one to the Program Director and the Camp
Director. Specific staff with permission to leave Friday night will not
receive an additional night off. Nights off begin at 5pm and end at

Drivers transporting others must be 18 years of age or older. All staffers
under 18 must have written permission from a parent or guardian to
leave camp with another staff member. A list of staff members who are
permitted to drive them is required.

All staffers must sign out at Loftus Lodge prior to departing and sign in
immediately upon returning. Failure to do so may result in a loss of the
next night off. If a staffer stays in camp on their night off, they must
remain in uniform while in the presence of Scouts.

Senior Staff members over 18 with one or more years of employment
may have the opportunity to leave camp between 9:00 PM and 10:30 PM
Mon. through Thur. All staffers must have completed their program
duties and have approval from the Camp Director. Request MUST be
made by 1:30 PM to the Camp Director. Failure to return by 10:30 PM
will result in forfeiture of the next night off. Permission to leave may be
denied for excessive requests or if we drop below a minimum number of
staff on site.

Page 24               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
                          • Alerts & Warnings
A National Weather Bureau radio will be located at the Camp Office and
Ecology Area. These radios will be monitored during the entire weather

                          • Extreme Heat & Humidity
   All program areas will be notified of heat illness/injury possibility.
 Physical activity will be limited as much as possible except at Aquatics.
  Operation at most program areas are not affected, with exception of
                  programs that require physical exertion

                          • Thunderstorms
Aquatic Programs, High-Course Project C.O.P.E., and Climbing Tower will
                           be suspended.

                          • Tornado or High Winds
Camp staff will be notified of all “tornado” watches. The Tornado Alarm
   will be sounded when a “tornado” warning goes into effect for the
  immediate area. Campers and staff will proceed to a low area. The
Tornado alarm is the siren going up and staying up for a period of time.

                                    • Hail
Whenever possible all campers and staff will proceed to the dining hall
in case of the threat of hail. Other acceptable locations are handicrafts
                              or Ecology area.

Your last working day is Saturday August 6. Staff are required to work
until they are excused by the Camp Director. At that time, shower and
finish packing. Load your gear and personal items in the provided vehicle.
Then, report to the COSA field for the staff meal and end of year
celebration. Feel free to bring a blanket to stay warm during the staff
video at the amphitheater. Check out at Loftus begins at 7 AM on Sunday
August 7. You will need to turn in any assigned keys, radios, and staff
evaluation form at that time.

Page 25               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
You are provided 3 meals a day. You should discuss special diets for
medical or religious reasons with the Camp Frontier Commissary
Director 3-4 weeks prior to staff week. If staying the weekend, Dining
Hall leftovers from the previous week may be eaten. A Scout is clean.
Please clean up after yourself.

Washers and dryers are available at no cost to you. You will need to
provide detergent and fabric softener. Staff only machines can be
found in the Butler and Clark shower houses. Do not leave your clothes
in the washer or dryer when their cycle is done. This causes other staff
members to remove your items and this needs to be avoided. CIT’s are
only permitted to use laundry facilities during their time on staff. If a
Scout or leader needs laundry facilities, please direct them to the
camper laundry facilities at the Quartermaster Building.

The Camp Frontier Trading Post carries a wide array of gear, uniform
parts and souvenirs. Note that uniform parts are already set at a
special price for staff when ordering prior to camp. Refer to your
welcome packet for details. The Trading Post operates on cash, check,
and credit cards for everyone in camp.

All Program Staff members are strongly encouraged to attend Sunday
evening’s non-denominational service. During the service, all staff
members are expected to represent themselves and Camp Frontier at
their highest level following all aspects of the Scout Law and the Scout
Oath. The Camp Frontier Chaplin(s) will be happy to visit or consult
with you upon request.

Staff are strongly encouraged to leave over the weekend time off
however they may stay on property if needed. Any staff related
behavioral issues will result in the loss of this privilege.

Page 26                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Expert training is provided for programs and positions throughout the
summer. Your supervisor is interested in assisting you grow and
develop. You will have a mid-season and final performance review. At
these reviews, your supervisor will talk about your performance, how
you can be more effective, and how you can make the best use of your

Camp Frontier regularly confirms employment history for potential
COUNCIL AND IS CONFIDENTIAL. Termination details may be shared
with other BSA programs.

You will have an opportunity to meet with the Erie Shores Council
Executives and Board members during the summer. Staff are
encouraged to reach out to these individuals if they have questions
about careers in Scouting.

Staff salaries are based on a tiered schedule that is linked to position
responsibility and Camp Frontier experience. Pay periods are weekly. All
staff are required to setup and use direct deposit. Please be sure to
include a voided check with your enrollment form otherwise your first
check will be cut and mailed. Employees are responsible for verifying
deposit amounts are correct. For issues with payroll please speak with
the Program Support Director.

The PSR Health Lodge offers emergency health care by our Camp
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). Camp Frontier does not provide
physicals for employment. You are responsible for the purchase and
securing any maintenance drugs you may require.

Page 27              Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Staff members who incur an illness or injury preventing them from
performing their regular job responsibilities and/or requires a
prolonged recovery period may be released to recuperate at home at
the discretion of Camp Frontier Leadership and medical staff. Upon
complete recovery and full release by a physician, the staff member
may return to work if the position has not been filled, or they may be
reassigned to another staff position. Staff will not be paid for time
missed from these injuries.

All staff members should have a copy of their medical insurance card
with their physical form on file in the health lodge. It is important that
you and/or your parents understand the coverage and limitations of
your plan. Camp Frontier provides coverage for injuries received from
accidents WHILE ON THE JOB through Workers’ compensation.
Lodge staff and to your supervisor so you can receive proper care and
the benefits from this insurance. An incident report will be submitted
for workers’ compensation insurance claims.

The Staff Lounge is located in Frontier Headquarters. The Lounge is
carpeted, air conditioned, has a television with a VCR/DVD player, a
refrigerator, microwave, games, and sofas. You are welcome to bring
PG and PG-13 rated movies for the staff lounge. Camp Frontier is not
responsible for lost or stolen personal items in staff lounge. R rated
movies should NOT be played in the staff lounge and only played with
staff that are 17 and older in your private staff living areas.
Appropriate staff uniforms are required in the lounge at all times.
Sleeping in the Staff Lounge after hours is NOT allowed and is grounds
for dismissal. All staff are responsible to keep the lounge clean. Failure
to keep the staff lounge clean may result loss of use of this facility.

Page 28                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
Cell phones are not permitted during program time or in front of Scouts.
Cell phones should be kept in your personal living area or out of site
during program times and when Scouts are present.

Camp Frontier has computers available for use in the camp computer
lab. If you are using a computer and a Scout needs it, please sign off.
Scouts working on Merit Badge homework is our first priority. Bringing
your own electronic device is acceptable. WIFI is available in various
locations for your personal use when off duty or for Camp Frontier
business. Users are expected to be courteous and not engage in
illegal or inappropriate activity.

Throughout the course of the summer the leadership team will provide
the staff with a variety of special events and activities for staff recreation
and enjoyment. More information on these events will be announced
during the summer.

PSR maintains official websites on Facebook and Twitter. The PSR
Leadership are only authorized to speak on behalf of PSR. However, we
have a private staff Facebook group. The images, information, and
opinions expressed on this site should follow the guidelines in the Scout
Oath and Law. The Program Support Director is responsible for inviting
staff to this page; please see them for an invitation if you have not already
been invited.

The Erie Shores Council cannot assume responsibility for the loss, damage
or destruction of personal property at camp. It is highly recommended
that you lock up personal items in a lock box or vehicle when not in use.

Page 29                Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
All staff share in the responsibility of keeping camp clean. Pick up litter
when you see it. Staff will be assigned by team to share in cleaning
common areas such as staff lounge.

The use of bicycles at camp is limited to job task for your position. All
bicycles must be approved by the Camp Director before bringing to camp.
The Camp Director may limit the number of bicycles in camp for safety
purposes. Any staff must wear an approved helmet when riding on camp
property. Program bicycles are not to be used for personal use or task
around camp.

Your Name: Staff
Pioneer Scout Reservation
07371 County Road S
Pioneer, OH 43554

Leave this number with your family for emergency calls. Explain to your
family that you may not be reached immediately. We will do our best to
have you to a phone within 30 minutes.

If heat or humidity conditions at camp become severe, the Camp Director
will notify staff of precautions or limit activity in some areas to prevent
against dehydration and heat exhaustion. Areas are expected to run as
normal unless instructed otherwise by either the Camp Director or the
Program Director. The Commissioners will inform all Troops of the above

Page 30               Camp Frontier Staff Guidebook 2022 (last Revised 5/5/2022)
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