Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council

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Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
                         issue 87 • summer 2021

                                FEEL GOOD
                                THIS SUMMER
                                Out and about again

                                Free trees for your
                                Tree Chichester District

Welcome back to our high streets!
Open for business and ready for your support
Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
Come and visit us
                                                                                                                                            in store today                                        Welcome to the summer issue of initiatives
                                                                                                                                            1 Market Avenue,
                                                                                                                                            Southgate, PO19 1JU
                                                                                                                                            Monday - Saturday 9am - 5pm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      areas and the fantastic shops and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      businesses that they have to offer. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      addition, events are starting up again,
                                                                                                                                                                                        from                                                          and attractions have opened their doors                 Features
                                                                                                                                                                                      £499*                                                           once more and so on pages 8, 9 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      10 we encourage you to rediscover the                   Feel good this summer                   8-10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      district and all the fantastic days out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Thinking of buying a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and activities that you can enjoy.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              puppy or kitten? Use a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      If your fnancial circumstances have                     registered breeder                       22
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      changed and you are worried, then
                                                                                                                                                                    Installed                                                                         please turn to page 6 where there are                   News
                                                                                                                                                                        from                                                                          details about the help and resources
                                                                                                                                                                  £1,690*                                                                             on offer from our council. During the                   Help with housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      pandemic many people have switched to                   payments and bills                        6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      using our online services. If you haven’t
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Planning for our future              12-13
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      given them a try yet, then you can fnd
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Solar Together                           14
                       EVERY STEP OF THE WAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      out more on pages 18 and 19.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Mobility                                                        On page 14 you can fnd out how you                      Walking for Wellbeing                    16
    Come and visit your local showroom today!                                                                                                                                         Scooters                                                        can apply for free trees to plant in your
                                                                                                                                                                                        from                                                                                                                  Would you like a warmer,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      community as part of the Tree Chichester
    Chichester                   Showrooms across                                                                                                                                     £649*                                                           District project. We also have update
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              more effcient home                       16
    1 Market Avenue
                               Kent, Sussex and Surrey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      on our Air Quality Action Plan on page                  Save time. Go online                 18-19
    Southgate, Chichester       View our full range online at
    PO19 1JU                                                                                                                                                                                      A year ago things were very different               20 as well as details on how our Local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Improving our air quality                20
    Opposite Law Courts                                                                                                                                                                           from now. Then life was still so uncertain          Plan Review is taking shape on pages
    01243 839 699                                                                                                                                                                                 and an end to the pandemic didn’t seem              12 and 13.
                                                                  *Price excludes VAT and is available to those suffering from a long term illness upon completion of a declaration
                                                                                                                                                                                                  to be in sight. Fast forward to 2021 and                                                                    Cover Stories
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I hope you all enjoy a wonderful summer
                                                                                                                                                                                                  there is so much to feel positive about:                                                                    Welcome back to our high streets 4-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      reconnecting with friends and family
                                                                                                                                                                                                  many of us have had the frst dose of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      that you haven’t seen for so long. I do                 Free trees for your community            14

        Your future starts here
                                                                                                                                                                                                  wonderful vaccines that are being rolled

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      though, urge you to keep safe and to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  out across the country and we are slowly

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      follow the government guidance that’s in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  but surely beginning to do more normal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      place so that we can continue to see our

                                                                                                                                                                                                  things again. The roadmap is progressing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      loved ones.
        Our new Extra Care scheme in Monaveen offers                                                                                                                                              well, but we must all still play our part

                                                                                                                                                                                                  and continue to be careful.                         With best wishes,
        independent living for people over the age of 55* with a 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                  It’s good to see our businesses open                Cllr Elizabeth Hamilton
        hour emergency alarm and optional on-site care if needed.                                                                                                                                 again. They have had a diffcult time,               Chairman
        Pets are more than welcome too!                                                                                                                                                           and we can all help them by making sure
                                                                                                                                                                                                  we support local to aid our district’s                                                                      Follow us
        Key benefts and services:                                                                                                                                                                 economic recovery. On pages 4 and 5,
                                                                                                   Prices from:                                                                                   we focus on our wonderful high street
        • The privacy and security of your own home
        • Dedicated Housing and Care Manager                                                     (25% share) or
        • 24 hour emergency alarm                                                                 £133.32* rent
        • On-site care team 24/7                                                                    per week
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Chief Executive: Diane Shepherd                    Front cover: Business owners in Midhurst welcoming      District Council offces
        • Optional, tailored care and support                                                                                                                                                                                                        people back to the high street.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Editorial Team: Sarah Parker, Clare Hawkin and                                                             East Pallant House
        *Eligibility criteria, monthly rent up to 75%, core charges and services charges apply.                                                                                                   Terri Foster. For further information/enquiries,   To advertise with us, please email advertising@         1 East Pallant
                                                                                                                                                                                                  please ring 01243 534537/534679.          or call 01243 521059.                 Chichester
        Residents aged 55-64 must demonstrate a need for the care and support that Housing 21                                                                                                                                                                                                                West Sussex
        are able to offer.                                                                                                                                                                        Designed by: StudioMoo, Chichester                 Inclusion of advertisements does not constitute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PO19 1TY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     a recommendation by Chichester District Council of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Printed by: Walstead, Peterborough                 the products or services offered or the organisations   Tel: 01243 785166 Fax: 01243 776766
        To fnd out more please call 07872 156541 for sales enquiries, or 07596 318353 for                                                                                                         Published by: Public Relations, Chichester         involved, nor will the council incur any liability      Internet:
        rental enquiries, Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm or visit                                                                                                                District Council                                   whatsoever for any claim relating to them.              Email:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Emergencies out of hours: 01243 785339
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Because initiatives enables other groups and
        Facebook: @MonaveenWestergate                                                                                                                                                             individuals to publicise their work and consult
        Monaveen, Peckham Chase, Eastergate, Chichester PO20 3AR                                                                                                                                  with members of the public, the views expressed
                                                                                                                                                                                                  may not be those of the District Council.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  This publication is available in large print. Please telephone 01243 534679 for further details.

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Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
                                                                                                                                               Petworth is a beautiful, bustling historic town dating from

Welcome back – we’re open for business                                                                                                         Saxon times and set in the South Downs National Park.
                                                                                                                                               It has the renowned art collection at Petworth House and the            Selsey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       High Street, Selsey – by JJ Coast

It’s been a tough year for our district’s businesses, but now their doors are open again welcoming residents and visitors                      stunning Petworth Park, landscaped by ‘Capability’ Brown.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Selsey is one of the last remaining towns on the south coast
back in person. Across our high street areas we have some fantastic shops and businesses and as part of our Support                            Petworth town is a centre for antique shops and a growing               where you can see fshermen bringing in their daily catch.
Local campaign we are encouraging everyone to support their independents and help our district bounce back from the                            number of art galleries. It also has a wealth of wonderful
                                                                                                                                               independent shops and businesses including a bookshop,                  The High Street and East Beach Parade are bustling with
pandemic. If you drive then make sure that you download the MiPermit app to use within our district council-run car parks.                                                                                             independent retailers, restaurants, cafés and pubs and a
                                                                                                                                               forist, wine shop, lingerie shop, butcher, deli, cobbler, jeweller,
It provides a convenient way to pay for your parking across the district. The app also enables you to extend your parking                                                                                              visit is a great opportunity to sample Selsey’s local produce.
                                                                                                                                               hardware store, ladies and men’s clothing boutiques, gift and
remotely if you want to stay longer. Remember: support local and enjoy your summer safely! Find out more about our                             interiors shops, hairdressers and lovely pubs and cafés.                The #LoveFromSelsey Artisan Pop-Up shop based at
Support Local campaign at                                                                                                                                                           Medmerry Mill off West Beach is the perfect chance to fnd
                                                                                                                                               The thriving Farmers’ Market runs on the fourth Saturday of
                                                                                                                                               every month and showcases the best of fresh local produce.              that unique gift from the coast.

                                                                                                                                               The acclaimed Petworth Festival returns this year from 14 to            Plan a day visit and enjoy Selsey’s world renowned crab
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and lobster at East Beach while watching the abundance of
    Staying safe                                   East Wittering                                                                              21 July and will again feature a huge variety of both musical
                                                                                                                                               and comedy performances. Artists range from Jess Gillam and             wildlife from sea birds to seals and even dolphins.
    Although most areas of life have                                                                                                           Imogen Cooper, to Alistair McGowan and BBC sports presenter             Dive in our excellent rated bathing waters or take one of
                                                   East Wittering is a mecca for outdoor         butchers, two bakers, two grocers, and        Garry Richardson.
    reopened, we still urge you to                                                                                                                                                                                     Selsey’s Mulberry Marine Experience Walks made famous
                                                   sports enthusiasts and shoppers alike.        two fsh shops. There is a variety of
    continue being careful when you                                                                                                            On 21 and 22 September, Petworth will be hosting the Annual             in the Guardian’s Top 10 Beach Activities 2020.
                                                   For the active and adventurous, there are     fantastic independent boutiques, homes
    are out and about to help keep you,                                                                                                        Heritage Days which links seven local heritage sites including
                                                   a range of nationally renowned outdoor        and interiors, vintage, toy and gift shops.
    your loved ones and others safe.                                                                                                           the fascinating Coultershaw Beam Pump and Burton Mill.
                                                   brands based in the village; Shore            East Wittering provides the perfect day out                                                                           Alternatively, after a morning shopping, grab an umbrella
    Please carry on with extra hygiene
                                                   Watersports, Bracklesham Boardriders and      whatever your age or interests. It offers a   It’s going to be a busy and vibrant summer in Petworth.                 and stake your claim on one of Selsey’s beaches for a day in
    measures and make sure that you
                                                   Witterings Surf can help get you geared       large range of cafés, bars, restaurants and                                                                           the sunshine.
    follow the current government                                                                                                              Visit for more details.
                                                   up, while the local surf school can offer     pubs – many with outdoor seating – as
    guidance which can be found at                                                                                                                                                                                     For more information on Selsey and to plan your visit go to
                                                   you lessons on the beach.                     well as an ice-cream parlour on its family If you are                                                                                                                                                                       
    out and about in the district, then            For visitors who want a more relaxed          friendly beach.
    do please read the information on              day out, there is a wide range of brilliant   Visit
    our travel guidance pages at                   independent shops including two               the-witterings for more details.                                                                                                                                                                             ADVERTISING FEATURE

                                                                                                                            A busy East

Chichester                                                                                                                  Wittering beach
                                                                                                                            – by Shore
A rural market town that punches far                                                                                        and the Natural
above its weight, Chichester offers a                                                                                       Surf school
                                                                                                                                               Picturesque Petworth
fantastic array of retail, dining, services
and entertainment experiences. This is
all set against one of the most perfectly
preserved set of Georgian streets and                                                                                                                                                                                   FREE EXPERT SUPPORT
medieval lanes in the country, still                                                                                                           Midhurst
bound by their Roman walls. There are
almost 200 independent shops and
                                                                                                                                               There are more than 100 independent shops, cafés and                      FOR ALL BUSINESSES
                                                                                                                                               restaurants in Midhurst, with many hidden off the main street.
eateries, from clothing to health and
                                                                                                                                               Midhurst also hosts a Saturday market.
beauty boutiques, gift and furniture
shops. Take a stroll along the canal                                                                                                           In Midhurst there is everything from fashion to home decor,
basin, enjoy the beautiful Priory Park,
or relax in the city’s hidden gem Bishops
                                                                                                                                               both vintage and modern, as well as unique gifts and
                                                                                                                                               furniture sourced from all over the globe. There are women’s
Palace Gardens which are set behind
the city’s 900 year old cathedral. As well
                                                                                                                                               fashion boutiques and jewellers, watch and clock repair
                                                                                                                                               specialists. There is an excellent toy shop too.                                                                   Small
as wonderful shops and places to eat,
the city is also home to the wonderful
Oxmarket Centre for Arts, The Novium
                                                                                                                                               Alongside a traditional butcher and greengrocers, there are fne
                                                                                                                                               delicatessens, an artisan real ale and fne wine shop, locally-                                                     Micro
                                                                                                                                               made ice cream and artisan chocolates.
Museum and Pallant House Gallery, as
well as the world-renowned Chichester                                                                                                          There are some charming cafés and restaurants, most with al                                                        Pre-start
Festival Theatre.                                                                                                                              fresco seating, as well as several traditional pubs.
For more details see                                                                                                   Midhurst makes the perfect base to get out and explore the                                       
for more information.                                                                                                                          South Downs National Park. It is also home to Cowdray Park
                                                                                                                                               with all it has to offer.
                                                Chichester’s iconic City Cross                     North Street in Midhurst – by Chris Ison    Go to for more information about Midhurst.                    

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Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
Perfectly placed new homes

                                                                                                                                               Book your

Help with housing                                                                         New electrical
payments and bills                                                                        regulations
Although the roadmap to the end of lockdown is in progress and
looking positive, the fnancial effects of the past year will be
with us long-term.                                                                        for landlords
If you are experiencing fnancial hardship       its Self-employment Income Support        If you are a landlord then new
then please contact us for advice. There        Scheme (SEISS), set up to support
                                                                                          electrical regulations have come
is a lot of help available, and we want         people as a result of the pandemic.
                                                                                          into force that mean you must
to reach out to people before their
situation worsens and before people
                                                You can fnd out more at www.entitledto.
                                                                                          have electrical installations                         Discover the exciting new collection of 3 and 4 bedroom
slide into debt or are faced with potential
                                                Support_Scheme                            in your properties inspected
                                                                                          and tested by a person who is
                                                                                                                                                        homes in Chichester from Bovis Homes.
There are many different circumstances          Mortgage help
affecting people: for example you
                                                                                          qualifed and competent, at least
may have been furloughed, or made               If you need help with your mortgage       every fve years.                                   You couldn’t be better placed to enjoy modern day                                      Call 0124 3913022
redundant, or your household may have           then we can advise you of the different
suffered the loss of one or both incomes.       government help available and options     You will also need to provide a copy of the        living than Minerva Heights.                                                           or visit
This may have caused you to fall behind         around payment holidays which are         electrical safety report to your tenants, and
                                                                                                                                             Ideally located just a mile from the heart of Chichester city centre, this   
with your rent or mortgage for the frst         offered by mortgage and loan providers.   to our council’s Housing Standards team
time. Or, you may be a landlord with                                                      if requested. If a report shows that repair        brand new community will include a new primary school, country park, sports
a single property which acts as your            Council tax support                       or further investigative work is necessary,        pitches, shops and health facilities. In addition fantastic transport links by rail    Minerva Heights
                                                                                          this work must be completed either within
retirement pension but you are currently
                                                If you are struggling with the cost of    28 days or within a shorter timeframe if
                                                                                                                                             and road are within easy reach and you can enjoy stunning open countryside             Chichester
not receiving any income and don’t know                                                                                                      on your doorstep.
what to do. Our benefts team can offer          your council tax then please do get in    specifed. The tenant and local authority                                                                                                  West Sussex
advice and guidance about your options          touch with us to discuss your account     must also be notifed once it has been
                                                so that we can try and work out how we    completed.
                                                                                                                                             These beautiful new homes benefit from a stylish specification, contemporary           PO19 3PH
and where to go for further support.
                                                can help you.                                                                                open plan living and flexible layouts to suit you and your family whether it be
                                                                                          The regulations came into force last June and
                                                                                                                                             for relaxing, entertaining or working from home.
Have your earnings                                                                        are part of a government drive to improve
                                                                                          the safety of all residential premises,
changed?                                           Please contact us                      especially in the private rented sector.
                                                                                                                                             Call us to book your private viewing today.
If your earnings have changed because                                                                                                        3 and 4 Bedroom Homes from £385,000 with a range of tailored
                                                   We know that there are people in       If you need help fnding a qualifed
of the pandemic then you can check
                                                   our district who may be struggling     and competent person, you can                      incentives available. which is a quick
                                                   with the stress of changes to their    fnd out more information at
and easy benefts calculator which
                                                   fnancial situation, but help is
will tell you if you would be eligible to
                                                   available and we would really urge
                                                                                                                                                             Ask about our home-buying options:
receive any benefts.                                                                      For more information about the regulations
                                                   you to contact us before things
                                                   get more serious, so that we can       themselves visit
Are you self-employed?                             provide help and advice.               publications/electrical-safety-standards-        Smooth                        Home                        Key               Armed
If you are self-employed then it’s worth           You can fnd out more information       landlords-tenants-and-local-authorities/         Move                          Exchange                    Workers           Forces
checking to see if you are eligible for            at              guide-for-landlords-electrical-safety-
Government help being provided through             helpwithfnances                        standards-in-the-private-rented-sector
                                                                                                                                          Specific terms and conditions apply to the purchase assistance schemes.
                                                                                                                                          Ask a sales consultant for details. 59922

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Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
Services we offer at Dovecote View
                                                                                                                                            Residential Care Home:

Let’s get out and
                                                                                                                                            • Long-term Care
                                                                                                                                            • Respite/Convalescence Care
                                                                                                                                            • Day Care

feel good this summer!
                                                                                                                                            For more information on our services, please call us on
                                                                                                                                            01243 779080 or

It’s been a while since we’ve
been able to get out and                             Find your Great Sussex Way!                                                                                                     Gina Beck Julian Ovenden
                                                                                                                                                                                     Joanna Ampil Keir Charles Rob Houchen
about so now is the perfect
                                                     The Great Sussex Way® manages tourism for the Chichester District,                                                              Rodgers & Hammerstein’s

                                                                                                                                                                                     SOUTH PACIFIC
time to rediscover our district.
                                                     covering the north of the South Downs, including the picture-postcard
Here we feature some of the                          towns of Petworth and Midhurst, travelling down past the city of
wonderful places you can visit,                      Chichester and onto the Manhood Peninsula, which includes the famous
and activities that you can do,                      Chichester Harbour and seaside destinations of Selsey and the Witterings.
including some top tips from our
                                                     The district boasts natural beauty, art,      people and visitors alike so they can
friends at The Great Sussex Way,
                                                     culture and history, as well as an array of   make the most of their time here.
who oversee tourism across our                       activities, from watersports to mountain
                                                                                                   If you’re looking for something new
fantastic district.                                  biking and hiking, and world-class horse
                                                                                                   and exciting to do, create your own
                                                     racing, polo and motorsports to name                                                                                            5 July – 4 September
                                                                                                   Great Sussex Way by visiting www.
                                                     but a few. The Great Sussex Way brings                                                                                 01243 781312
                                                     all these elements together for local                                                                                           #SouthPacifc
The Chichester                                                                                                                                                                       Presented by Concord Theatricals Ltd on behalf of R&H Theatricals

Summer Street
Party is back!                                                                                                                                 The Great Sussex Way’s fve family favourite walking and cycling routes
We have been working closely with                                                                                                              Salterns Way – from the city centre to                 9km. In West Dean, the village stores await        Petworth, this circular walk explores
Chichester BID to bring back the successful                                                                                                    the dunes of West Wittering beach, this                for a much needed coffee and cake stop.            the town before heading out across the
Summer Street Party for 2021. It will be                                                                                                       route runs along safe and car-free paths,              Please note: the section between Binderton         beautiful Shimmings Valley to the village of
taking place on Thursday 26 August, 3pm                                                                                                        making it a good place for families or                 Bridge and West Dean Tunnel will be closed         Byworth, returning to Petworth alongside
to 7pm in Chichester city centre, subject to                                                                                                   couples to cycle together. Other parts of              until October 2021 with signposted alternative     the small meandering river where kids big
the covid guidelines in place at the time.                                                                                                     the route follow quiet lanes where there               routes in place. For more details see www.         and small can enjoy a game of pooh sticks

Come and join us for an afternoon of fun,
                                                     The Great Sussex Way’s                                                                    is little traffc. The route is extremely                    – there are some steep inclines but you’ll
                                                                                                                                               fat too making it ideal for easy cycling.              of-section-of-centurion-way-for-essential-         enjoy the stunning views across the valley.
food and festivities including:                      top 10 different days out for 2021:                                                       Several sections of the route offer access             tree-work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Around The River Rother – beginning
•   Music from a local radio station                 • Alpaca Fun – take a scenic walk in the      • Meet the majestic Red Deer at Sky         opportunities for all-terrain or soft-wheeled
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Selsey’s Blue Plaque Heritage trail – the          at Midhurst’s Wheatsheaf pub, the walk
•   Street Food                                        Downs with an Alpaca, at Dunreyth             Park Farm Deer Park, West Harting.        wheelchairs. The shops of West Wittering
                                                                                                                                                                                                      entire family will enjoy these three short,        through Woolbeding countryside follows
•   Entertainment                                      Alpacas, Funtington.                                       village are the perfect ice cream stop off or
                                                                                                                                                                                                      self-guided routes exploring some of the           the River Rother. You’re likely to see
•   In-store events, activities and special offers                                                               opt for a detour to the Crown & Anchor at
                                                                                                   • Take to the seas in a taster sailing                                                             town’s notable residents, which can be             cows, sheep, geese or swans and other
                                                                                                                                               Dell Quay.
Make sure you pop the date in your                   • Wine-d down with a vineyard tour              session with The Sail Boat Project,                                                              combined into one longer walk. Discover the        wildlife – and maybe even a glimpse of a
diary and check our What’s On pages at                 and wine tasting at one of our local,         Itchenor          Centurion Way – once the Chichester to                 site of the Selsey Tram or Gibbet Field where      Kingfsher if you’re lucky. You’ll also enjoy and our                  award-winning vineyards – or get            • Indulge in a chocolate making             Midhurst Railway line, Centurion Way is a              members of the infamous Hawkhurst Gang             views of the impressive Cowdray Heritage
social media channels for more details                 really stuck in and help with the             experience at Le Salon du Chocolate,      mostly fat and off-road cycle route with an            were exhibited following their execution, as       Ruins before you return to the town centre
nearer the time.                                       harvest during September.                     Chichester                                easy access trail suitable for wheelchairs.            a warning against smuggling. Fish and chips        where you’ll be spoilt for choice for ice
                                                                       Named by a local schoolboy, inspired by                from Nice Plaice or a crab sandwich from           cream and coffee stops.
                                                     • Explore Selsey’s underwater residents                                                   the fact that the path crosses the course              Potters will be a welcome reward.
                                                                                                   • Have an unforgettable Aerial                                                                                                                        All these walks and cycling adventures
                                                       through a scuba/snorkel experience or                                                   of a Roman road, the route goes from the
                                                                                                     Adventure and take off for a fying                                                               Petworth’s Shimmings Valley – beginning            are available online at
                                                       marine life walk.                                                                       city of Chichester to West Dean, covering
                                                                                                     lesson (aeroplane or helicopter) or                                                              and ending in the picturesque town of    
                                                                      experience, at Goodwood Aerodrome
                                                     • Water sports for everyone from the  
                                                       adrenaline flled surfng/windsurfng            aerodrome
                                                       (lessons are available from local           • Book a private Star Gazing session
                                                       operators), or a more tranquil                with Dr John Mason of South Downs
                                                       paddleboard or kayak along the coast.         Planetarium, making the most of our
                                                                  wonderful Dark Skies. For details
                                                     • Jump, bounce, climb and slide around          contact Dr Mason through the South
                                                       the infatable Aqua Park at Chichester         Downs Planetarium
                                                       Watersports                          or via
                                                            The Great Sussex Way.

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Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
Let’s get out and feel good this summer!

                                                                                  DAYS OUT
                                                                                  For more days out summer
                                                                                  inspiration why not try these?

                                                                                  Chichester Cathedral
                                                                                  Call 01243 782595 or
                                                                                  Chichester Cinema at New Park
                                                                                  Call 01243 786650 or
                                  EVENTS                                          Chichester Festival Theatre
                                                                                  call 01243 781312 or
                                                                                  Chichester Ship Canal Trust
 Mystery Warrior                          Handle and hold replica weaponry        Call 01243 771363 or
 Summer Family Days                       and objects, and see more from the
                                          museum’s collection. Hear about
 Visit The Novium Museum to meet the      the work that takes place at Butser     Fishbourne Roman Palace
 team and fnd out more about their        Ancient Farm, a leading site for        Call 01243 785859 or
 Mystery Warrior exhibition and the       experimental archaeology, as well
 fascinating objects you can see! Learn   as from archaeologists from Thames      fshbourne-roman-palace
 about how people made their clothes      Valley Archaeological Services who
 and what they ate; view replica Iron                                             Goodwood House
                                          excavated the site. Learn more about
 Age artefacts and take part in a range                                           Call 01243 755055
                                          what people wore and how they
 of themed craft activities. Summer                                     
                                          made their clothes, and have a go
 family days take place on August 4,                                              goodwood-house/
                                          at weaving on our loom. Take part in
 11, 18 and 25.         mini-digs, crafts and activities.       The Oxmarket Gallery

 Mystery Warrior Community                The Novium Museum’s Mystery
                                                                                  Call 01243 779103 or
                                                                                                                                  A BRIGHTER FUTURE
                                                                                                                                       FOR YOUNG ADULT CARERS
                                          Warrior events have been made           Pallant House Gallery
 Day, Saturday, 14 August
                                                                                  Call 01243 774557 or

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Registered Charity No. 1123359 Company No. 6418743
                                          possible by National Lottery players
 10am – 2pm                               thanks to funding from The National
                                                                                  Petworth House
 Join The Novium Museum at Jubilee        Lottery Heritage Fund. For more
                                                                                  Call 0344 249 1895 or
                                          information about these events, visit
 Hall in North Bersted for their                                              Shine is a service dedicated to providing support to 18 – 25-year olds looking after
 Mystery Warrior Community Day, to
 learn more about life in the Iron Age.
                                                                                  and-park                                      a family member or friend who depends on that help. Does this sound like you or
                                                                                  RNLI Selsey Lifeboat Station                  someone you know?
                                                                                  Call 01243 265267 or
                                                                                             The Shine team recognise the value of this caring role and would love to work with Young
                                                                                                                                Adult Carers to provide a stepping stone in achieving their dreams and aspirations. There
 Wellbeing                                                                        South Downs Planetarium
                                                                                  Call 01243 774400 or                          are so many benefts to joining Shine, such as help with gaining employment, training,
 HeartSmart Walks                                                       
                                                                                  Stansted Park House and Grounds
                                                                                                                                funding for mobile data or sports equipment or simply providing a base to socialise and
 Our Chichester Wellbeing team also                                               Call 02392 412265 or
                                                                                                                                someone to talk to in confdence.
 offer a range of Heartsmart Walks,                                     
 aimed at those wanting to gently up
                                                                                  Tangmere Military Aviation Museum
                                                                                                                                All this and more are free and easy to access. All you need to do is contact The Shine
 their ftness levels, while meeting
 other people. The walks vary in                                                  Call 01243 790090 or                          team today to register or refer someone.
 length, diffculty and terrain, and                                     
 are held in small groups. For more                                               Uppark House and Gardens                      Contact us for more information
 information see www.chichester.
                                                                                  Call 01730 825415 or                          Visit
 being-active/healthy-walks                                                       and-garden                                    Email
                                                                                  West Dean College and Gardens                 Call 0300 028 8888
                                                                                  Call 01243 811301 or
 What’s on                                                                                 Shine is a service provided by Carers Support West Sussex

 For more local events across the district see our online what’s on               Weald and Download Living Museum
 pages at                                           Call 01243 811363 or

10                                                                                                                                                                                                         11
Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
What progress has been made                                Update on                             Review. While a site may be included
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in the HELAA, it doesn’t mean it will be
                                                                                                                                              on roads and waste water?                                  waste water                           developed – the HELAA does not allocate
                                                                                                                                              The biggest issues affecting the Local Plan        As you may be aware, in order to deliver      sites and does not mean that planning
                                                                                                                                              Review are around transport and the A27, as        the Local Plan we need more waste water       permission for any site will be granted.
                                                                                                                                              well as the extra infrastructure needed for        capacity. Waste water has long been           Instead, it is intended to provide details
                                                                                                                                              treating waste water. Although we are not          a problem in the South of the district.       of housing and employment sites that
                                                                                                                                              responsible for roads or waste water, these        Following an offcial complaint to the         have the potential to deliver development
                                                                                                                                              issues need to be resolved in order to deliver     Water Services Regulation Authority,          requirements. Further assessments will
                                                                                                                                              the Local Plan development strategy, and so        Ofwat, we have been holding constructive      then take place to ensure the plan only
                                                                                                                                              it is critical that we work with our partners to   meetings with Southern Water and the          selects the most appropriate locations
                                                                                                                                              explore all options and ensure that we have        Environment Agency. Southern Water            across the plan area.
                                                                                                                                              the evidence to demonstrate that the level         has agreed to work with us jointly on
                                                                                                                                                                                                 identifying improvements that need to         We have recently updated the HELAA
                                                                                                                                              of development proposed can be delivered.                                                        and latest version of the HELAA is now
                                                                                                                                              These are extremely complex issues and             be made.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               available to view at:
                                                                                                                                              require extra detailed work to be carried out                                                    uk/HELAA
                                                                                                                                              before the review can be fnalised. This is                 Housing and
                                                                                                                                              refected in the timetable that has been set
                                                                                                                                              out in the Local Development Scheme.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Economic Land
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Availability                             Sign up for regular
                                                                                                                                                      Update on transport                                Assessment’ update                       updates
                                                                                                                                                      network                                    As part of the Local Plan process, we are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We’ve also launched a regular
                                                                                                                                                                                                 required to publish details of sites across
                                                                                                                                              Work to date has identifed the need for a          the Local Plan area that could potentially       email newsletter that keeps
                                                                                                                                              series of junction improvements on the A27,        accommodate housing and employment.              you informed of our progress
                                                                                                                                              including a link road from the Fishbourne          This document is called a Housing and            and information on the work
                                                                                                                                              roundabout to the Manhood Peninsula. Our           Economic Land Availability Assessment            that we are currently focusing
                                                                                                                                              partners have agreed that the evidence             (HELAA) and is one of the many important         on. You can sign up for this
                                                                                                                                              points to the need for the link road if we are     technical documents that support and             at:
                                                                                                                                              to meet the level of growth the Government         inform the preparation of the Local Plan         localplannewsletter
                                                                                                                                              expects, and that this approach is needed

                                   Planning for our future
                                                                                                                                              while we wait for a decision from Government
                                                                                                                                              on the longer term plans for the A27.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ADVERTISING FEATURE
                                                                                                                                              In response to concerns raised over the
                                                                                                                                              fnancial and environmental impacts of
                                                                                                                                              the Stockbridge Link Road, the council’s
                                                                                                                                              transport consultants were asked to
 Planning affects all of our lives.              the control of other agencies, such as        can to consider all reasonable options.        investigate alternatives to the Stockbridge
 It affects where we live, work                  Southern Water, the Environment Agency,       However, if our evidence shows that            Link Road and identifed a different
                                                 Natural England and Highways England.         certain things are not possible, the           approach utilising revised works to the
 and relax; where new shops and                  Key examples are the capacity of the          Inspector will take this into consideration.   Stockbridge roundabout. However, following
 community facilities are built; and             A27 and the issues with waste water.                                                         testing, the alternative was found not
 it protects our historic buildings              Our councillors agreed that given the                                                        to be capable of addressing the traffc
 and the natural environment.                    constraints that the council is under, that                                                  impacts of Local Plan growth. A report on
                                                 the revised timetable is the council’s           Timeline
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NEED MONEY TO START
                                                                                                                                              the alternatives to the Stockbridge Link
 The Local Plan addresses all of these           best response.                                                                               Road, detailing all of the fndings from
                                                                                                  March – April 2022
 issues and more, helping to make                The timetable is otherwise known as                                                          the work and evidencing the need for the
 Chichester more resilient and create a
 fairer, healthier, safer and greener area.
                                                 the Local Development Scheme and
                                                 outlines all of the work that will take
                                                                                                  We will be asking for your views on
                                                                                                  the revised Local Plan and whether
                                                                                                                                              link road, has now been fnalised and
                                                                                                                                              is available at:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           OR GROW A BUSINESS?
                                                                                                  you feel this meets the national policy     localplanevidence
 This is more important than ever in light       place around the Local Plan Review               tests set out by the Government. We
 of the Covid-19 pandemic and gives us the       going forward, including details of the                                                      The next step is for us to carry out a
                                                                                                  will explain more about the tests that
 opportunity to create a better future for       documents that are being prepared to                                                         much more detailed assessment so that                                                                    Our Invest4 Grant Fund
                                                                                                  the Local Plan must meet in the next
 our residents and businesses.                   form the evidence base for the plan, and                                                     the full impacts can be understood. This
                                                                                                  issue of initiatives and in a future                                                                                                                 can award up to £5,000
                                                 when these will be published. It also sets       email newsletter.                           extra work will begin soon and we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to start-ups and up to
 Timetable agreed                                out key dates for when people will have                                                      keep you updated on this.
                                                 further opportunities to have their say and      June 2022                                                                                                                                            £170,000 to growing
 Since we published the last issue of our        provide us with their feedback.                                                                                                                                                                       businesses to help
 magazine, the council has announced                                                              We will be submitting the Local
 its revised timetable for the Local             It also provides timings to indicate when        Plan to the Secretary of State.                                                                                                                      them to grow faster.
 Plan. Councillors agreed a motion that          the different pieces of work will be
 expressed their regret at the delay to the      completed and when the fndings will be           March 2023                                                                                                                                           Over 90% of applications
 plan and asked residents to understand          published as documents on our website.           This is when we expect the Local                                                                                                                     to the fund are successful.
 that this is due to the impossible timeline     These documents are really important             Plan to be adopted.
                                                 because they will form our evidence base                                                                                                                                 EMAIL              
 set by central Government. They also                                                                                                                                                                                     US TODAY
                                                 and will be considered by the Planning           The full timetable can be viewed
 highlighted the complex challenges,
                                                 Inspector when the Local Plan Review is          at:
 constraints and delays we face as key
                                                 submitted for formal examination. We have        localdevelopmentscheme                                                                                                             
 parts of the process are largely within
                                                 to show that we have done everything we

12                                                                                                                                                                                            13
Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
Looking for extra support
                                                                                                                                            with your day to day living?
                                                                                                                                            The Connect to Support website is for anyone                         Visit our website to:

 Free trees for the district                                                                                                                in West Sussex who is looking for
                                                                                                                                            additional help or support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 • discover tips on improving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   your health and wellbeing
                                                                                                                                            to maintain their                                                    • view equipment to help
 Back in January, we launched Tree Chichester District – a fantastic project to help increase the number of                                 independence, manage                                                   you stay independent
 trees being planted across our communities. The project has been made possible following funding from                                      day-to-day tasks and                                                 • find support for carers
 DEFRA, The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.                                                                             improve their health                                                 • learn about options for
                                                                                                                                            and wellbeing.                                                         extra care and support.
 Our dedicated Tree Project Offcer,             “We’ve received a really positive response    planting and maintaining them and
 Sophie Hamnett has been busy working           to the scheme so far and we want to           have landowner permission and/or
 with community groups, residents               thank everyone who’s already been in          management control over the land.
 and organisations across the district,
 supporting them to access funding
                                                touch with us for advice on accessing
                                                funding for their tree planting projects,”
                                                                                              You will also need to be able to collect
                                                                                              the trees, which will come in bundles of
 and sourcing trees through a range of          says Councillor Penny Plant, our Cabinet
                                                                                              10 or 20 and will be suitable for the soil
 organisations.                                 Member for Environment. “We are really
                                                                                              type you are planting in. They will come
 As part of the scheme, a number of free
                                                excited about this next phase of the
                                                                                              complete with plastic-free, biodegradable     Do you need help to use the website? • Email: • Phone: 01243 642121
                                                project and we know that it will make a
 trees are also being made available to our                                                   guards and stakes to help protect them.
                                                real difference to communities across our
 district which people are able to apply for,
                                                district and is an important part of our      For an application form please visit:
 ready for the upcoming planting season
                                                work in helping to combat climate change.
 which starts in November.
                                                In the future we also hope to share stories
                                                                                              For more information, email treescheme@
 These free trees are available to everyone     of some of the residents and groups who
                                                                                     or call 01243521161. You
 including schools, community groups,           are taking part in the project.”
                                                                                              can also request a postal application form
 individual residents, landowners and
                                                To apply, you will need to ensure you         if you would prefer.
 businesses. They can be planted on
                                                have the space available to plant the
 your own land, or owned land – with the
                                                trees, have someone responsible for
 landowner’s permission.

 Solar panel scheme                                                                                     Together
                                                                                                                                           Walberton Place Care Home

 relaunches this autumn
                                                                                                                                           Vaccinating against Covid-19
                                                                                                                                           At Walberton Place, we provide the kind of care
                                                                                                                                           we’d want all of our loved ones to receive. If you’re
                                                                                                                                           concerned about how your relative is coping and
                                                                                                                                           would like them to have more support, our friendly
                                                                                                                                           team ofer family-led care in a luxurious and homely
 We’re pleased to let you                       Cllr Penny Plant, Cabinet Member for          will be contacted by letter and invited      environment. The Covid-19 vaccine is available to all
                                                Environment and Chichester Contract           to take part, although anyone who is         those in our care, allowing them to live safely and as
 know that the popular ‘Solar                                                                                                              they wish.
                                                Services says: “We are thrilled to be         interested in joining the scheme can
 Together Sussex’ scheme will                   working alongside West Sussex County          register their interest by visiting www.
 be relaunching later this year,                Council and iChoosr to be able to offer
 offering homeowners and                        Chichester District businesses and            when the scheme reopens later in the year.
                                                residents the opportunity to access
 both small and medium-sized                                                                  Keep an eye out for updates on
                                                affordable solar panels. Solar panels
 businesses across the district                                                               our social media channels and
                                                are a great way to reduce your carbon
                                                                                              in future issues of initiatives. For
 the opportunity to purchase                    emissions while at the same time
                                                                                              more information about Solar
 high quality solar panels at a                 reducing your energy bill.                                                                                                      Yapton Lane, Walberton,
                                                                                              Together Sussex, please visit: www.                 01243 551 549                                             
 competitive price.                             Households that are thought to be                                                  Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 0AS
                                                suitable for this group-buying scheme

14                                                                                                                                                                                 15
Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
where small changes make a big difference

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           So we’re proud to present
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Shopwyke Lakes in Chichester.
                                                                                            New for
                                                                                            summer 2021                                                                                                                                       Shopwyke Lakes is an exciting new development just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               launched on the outskirts of Chichester. Offering a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               stunning collection of 2, 3 & 4 bedroom homes, we
                                                                                            Walking with poles is a great low                                                                                                                            have something for everyone.

                                                                                                                                                        Right now,
                                                                                            impact workout that burns calories
                                                                                            and, through regular participation,                                                                                                                               S HOW HOM E S OPE N DAI LY
                                                                                            can improve core strength and

                                                                                                                                                        your home
                                                                                            balance as well as strengthening the
                                                                                            heart and lungs. There are so many

                                                                                            health benefts to walking but simply                                                                                                                                                                   NEW HOMES

     Walking for Wellbeing
                                                                                            adding poles can help reduce the                                                                                                                                                                  A S TH E Y S H O U L D B E .
                                                                                            accumulated stress of walking to the
                                                                                            feet, legs, knees, hips and back.
                                                                                            Our Chichester Wellbeing team are
                                                                                            introducing a series of free 8-week
     Now that lockdown restrictions have      These 30 minute walks are aimed at            ‘Walking with Poles’ courses for
     eased and summer is here, it’s the       beginners and are a very gentle way           beginners, delivered by a friendly
     perfect time to get out in the fresh     to return to exercise. The walks start        qualifed and experienced instructor.
     air, get some exercise, reconnect with   and fnish near a coffee shop, giving          The walks start and fnish at
     friends, and meet new people.            you the option to stay for a cuppa            Oaklands Park, Chichester, with the
                                              and a chat afterwards.                        opportunity to stay for a chat at the          SHOPWYKE LAKES,                                  #taylorwimpey
     To celebrate 20 years of our
     HeartSmart volunteer-led walks,          For more details and to book your             café afterwards if you wish.
                                                                                                                                           WEST SUSSEX,                                     Call 01243 218 589
     our Chichester Wellbeing team is         place on any of our wide range of             For more information and to book               PO20 2BL                               
     expanding the range of short walks       walks, please visit: www.chichester.          your place on the next course, call            Normal Taylor Wimpey terms and conditions apply. Images used for illustrative purposes only. Please speak to our sales executives regarding the tenure of our new homes. Taylor Wimpey has
     in its programme so that people can                             Chichester Wellbeing on 01243 521041           the highest number of excellent reviews on Trustpilot compared to other FTSE 100 listed housebuilders, with over 2,289 as of 6/10/2020. May 2021.
     enjoy more of our beautiful district.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Explore Chichester Canal
     Would you like a warmer, more                                                                                                                               Explore our 200-year-old heritage and unique habitats
     effcient home? We can help!                                                                                                                                            connecting the city to the sea

     If your home has low energy                • solid wall insulation;                   Authority Delivery scheme to help residents
                                                • loft insulation;                         save money on their energy bills and make
     effciency and your income is                                                          our district’s homes more environmentally
                                                • frst-time energy effcient double
     less than £30,000, you could be              glazing;                                 friendly. We have successfully bid for more
     entitled to a free Government              • frst-time gas central heating and air-   funding for this scheme and the grants are
                                                                                           available up until the end of September 2021.
     grant of up to £10,000, which                source heat pumps; and / or,
     can be used to upgrade your                • smart heating controls; and              To apply, contact our delivery
                                                • solar panels.                            partner, Warmer Homes at
     property with:                                                               or call
                                                This fnancial support is all part of the   0800 038 5737.
                                                Government’s Green Homes Grant Local

                                                                                                                                                  Scheduled and private boat trips                                                                                            Rowing boat hire
                                                                                                                                                  Waterside cafe                                                                                                              Heritage centre
                                                                                                                                                  Paddleboard, kayak and angling licences                                                                                     Towpath walks

                                                                                                                                    01243 771363                                          
                                                                                                                                             Canal operations are dependent on Covid-19 restrictions

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        17
Initiativesissue 87 summer 2021 - Welcome back to our high streets! Open for business and ready for your support - Chichester District Council
Accessing our online services is quick and easy:

                Save time.                                                                          1. Access                                     2. Apply                                     3. Report it                                      4. Pay

                Go online.
                                                                                        Access your services through                 Here, you can apply for a range of              Here you can make us aware of a problem      Paying using our website is quick and
                                                                                        My Account                                   services, including:                            such as:                                     secure. You can:
                                                                                        If you pay council tax, business rates or    • car park season tickets,                      • fy tipping                                 • buy car park season tickets, resident
                                                                                        receive benefts, My Account is a secure      • help with council tax (council tax            • extensive littering or a street cleaning     parking permits and pay for Penalty
                                                                                        and easy way to:                               reduction)                                      issue                                        Charge Notices.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  • pay planning application fees.
                                                         • manage payments
                                                                                        • access council tax or business rates
                                                                                                                                     • help with housing costs (housing beneft
                                                                                                                                       and discretionary housing payments)
                                                                                                                                                                                     • a missed bin collection
                                                                                                                                                                                     • a parking problem                          • sign up to our Bulky Household
                                                                                          records                                    • licences                                      • noise pollution                              Waste or Garden Recycling collection
                                                                                                                                     • planning permission                           • a food safety issue, or                      services.
                                                                                        • view account details and recent bills
                                                                                                                                     • parking permits                               • a change of address.                       • settle your council tax or business
                                                                                        • claim housing beneft, council tax
                                                                                                                                     • disabled badges                                                                              rates bill through the ‘My Account’
                                                                                          reduction and discretionary housing                                                        Simply click on the ‘apply, report,            service, and
                                                                                          payments                                   • job opportunity
     Over the last year, we have been working hard to make it                                                                                                                        pay’ link from any page on the site or       • pay or appeal a parking ticket.
                                                                                        • report a change in your circumstances,     • housing through the Chichester Housing        go direct to
     easier for you to use our services online. Using our website                       • upload documents needed for a claim,         Partnership, and                              applyreportpay                               Simply click on the ‘apply, report,
     is the most Covid-safe, quickest and convenient way of                               and                                        • building regulation approval                                                               pay’ link from any page on the site or
                                                                                        • update your personal details.                                                                                                           go direct to
     accessing our services.                                                                                                         Simply click on the ‘apply, report, pay’ link                                                applyreportpay
                                                                                        Simply click on the ‘My Account’ link from   from any page on the site or go direct to
     Whether you want to pay for it, apply     As well as improving our online          any page on the site or go direct to
     for it, report it or book it, then head   offering, we have also been busy
     straight to in      adapting and improving our customer
                                                                                        You can also sign up to paperless
     the frst instance, either from home or    service area for those residents that
                                                                                        billing, which is quicker and which will
     on the go. Our website also allows you    really need to visit us in person.
                                                                                        help us make a positive impact on our
     to view information such as planning
                                               Our Customer Service Centre at East      environment.
     applications, waste and recycling
                                               Pallant house now has a dedicated
     collection dates, and much more.
                                               self-serve area for those that do not
     Services are available 24 hours a day,
                                               have their own internet access. Our
     all year round.
                                               friendly foor walkers are able to help
     If you are having trouble fnding what     those that have never used our website
     you need online, our friendly customer    before to access our online services,       For all the latest news,
     service team are available to take your   and if a face-to-face appointment is
     calls on 01243 785166.                    needed to see an offcer, they can
                                                                                           service updates and
                                               arrange this for the customer.              coronavirus guidance
                                                                                           sign up to our email
        “During the pandemic, our priority     “Most of our customers expect     
        is to keep staff and customers         our services to be available                newsalerts
        safe and so wherever possible we       online, which is why we have been
        are asking people to access our        improving our website and we
        services using our website as their    will continue this work to ensure
        frst port of call,” says Councillor    that customers can access our
        Peter Wilding, our Cabinet Member      services in the way that they want          You can also sign up to
        for Finance. “We know that there       to. Since the improvements, we              ‘My Alerts’ for updates on
        will be circumstances when a           have received some really positive
        face-to-face meeting is needed and     customer feedback, with people              job opportunities, events,
        that some people will need to visit    commenting that the website has             and planning applications
        our offces, so we have been busy       run really smoothly and effciently
        making our customer service area       and that they have preferred not
        as Covid-safe as possible.             having to come into the offce.”             myalerts

18                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
Improving our air quality                                                                                                                                                                                           Expert advice on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         paying for care
        Our district is a beautiful place to live, work and visit and we are lucky that in general, our air quality
        is very good. However, there are a small number of places that are adversely affected by air pollution                                                                                                           Long-term care in your own home or in a
        and we are working to help tackle this issue with our revised Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP).                                                                                                                    residential care home is expensive, but with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         expert advice from independent financial
     When an area is identifed as not meeting          recommended to remove both these areas         • enabling the Co-Wheels car club to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         specialists, Carewise can help you to make
     national air quality standards, it is declared    from future plans as well as decommission        set up in Chichester.                                                                                            informed decisions on choosing and paying
     as an ‘Air Quality Management Area’. For          the air quality monitoring station in
     each of these areas, a range of actions           Orchard Street. We will however, continue
                                                                                                      • adopting the Chichester City Local Cycling                                                                       for the right care.
                                                                                                        and Walking Infrastructure Plan.
     that can be taken to improve air quality          to monitor the air there using a different
     has been put in place, and these are set          method known as diffusion tubes.               • installing an 18-strong network of electric                                                                      The Carewise care fees specialists are
     out in the Air Quality Action Plan. Our                                                            vehicle charging points across our district                                                                      regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
                                                       Both St Pancras and Rumbolds Hill AQMAs,         council-owned car parks.
     plan, which was frst produced in 2008,
     has been reviewed and updated following
                                                       will continue to be monitored, although
                                                                                                      • doubling the number of Chichester City                                                                           and members of the Society of Later Life
                                                       they are predicted to meet the UK’s Air
     a consultation in May, and outlines the
                                                       Quality Standards by 2024. In addition, we       centre bike racks.                                                                                               Advisers, so you can have peace of mind
     actions that could be taken to improve air
                                                       are also decommissioning monitoring of         • providing a grant to help develop the                                                                            when discussing your finances.
     quality between now and 2026. It is based
                                                       ground-level Ozone (O3) at Lodsworth due         Selsey Greenway cycle route from Selsey
     on a comprehensive review of 10 years’
     worth of air quality monitoring data and air
                                                       to improvements.                                 to Chichester.                                                                                                   Carewise could also help to protect your
     quality modelling.                                There are many factors that contribute to      • producing a feasibility study for a
                                                       the quality of the air we breathe, but as a      shared use cycling and walking space on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         finances for the future. Contact Carewise to
     Up until now, the plan focussed on the                                                                                                                     |
     following areas of Chichester, which had
                                                       council we are committed to doing all that       Oaklands Way, Chichester.                                                                                        find out how you could benefit.
                                                       we can to make our area a cleaner, safer       • carrying out on-going air quality
     three Air Quality Management Areas:
                                                       and healthier place to live, work and visit,     monitoring.
     • St Pancras, Chichester;                         and enhancing air quality is one of our
                                                       priorities.                                    • carrying out air quality modelling for the                                         0330 222 7000
     • Orchard Street, Chichester, and                                                                  Air Quality Management Areas from 2018
     • Stockbridge A27 roundabout, Chichester.         Our Air Quality Action Plan is just one of       – 2025.
                                                       the steps we are taking to help protect
     Since then, Rumbolds Hill in Midhurst has                                                        • introducing various behavioural change
                                                       our district’s environment. Air quality is
     been added and is now included in the                                                              projects.
                                                       a complex issue and one that we cannot
                                                                                                                                                      A CHANCE TO WIN ONE OF
     revised plan.                                     tackle alone so we will be working with        You will be able to read the full,
     The good news is that over the last fve           our partner organisations, such as West        revised document and access more
     years, air quality in the district has steadily
     improved and air quality modelling predicts
                                                       Sussex County Council, and continuing
                                                       to encourage people to help reduce air
                                                                                                      information about air quality in our
                                                                                                      district at              THREE FABULOUS PRIZES
     that this trend will continue. Air quality        pollution in their everyday lives.             pollutioncontrolairquality
     has improved in the Stockbridge A27 and           Over the last ten years we have introduced                                                     • Vineyard tour and wine tasting for four at
     Orchard Street Air Quality Management             a number of measures to help improve air                                                         Tinwood Estate
     Areas (AQMA) to such an extent that it was        quality including:
                                                                                                                                                      • Afternoon tea for two at Leonardslee House
                                                                                                                                                      • A crate of Nyetimber

                                                                                                                                                      To enter, email
                                                                                                                                                      or call NFU Mutual Chichester and Horsham
                                                                                                                                                      Agency on 01273 492239 with your contact details.

                                                                                                                                                      Prize Draw Rules: 1. Entries are made by submitting your contact
                                                                                                                                                      details and home renewal date to us. 2. No purchase necessary
                                                                                                                                                      3. Winner can choose preferred prize. No cash alternative. 4. Closing
                                                                                                                                                      date is 30/07/21. 5. The winner will be contacted by 03/08/21.
                                                                                                                                                      6. Entrants over 18 only. 7. For Full Terms and Conditions please ask
                                                                                                                                                      a member of staf.
                                                                                                                                                      To fnd out more about how we use your personal information and
                                                                                                                                                      your rights please view the Privacy Policy on our website.

                                                                                                                                                      C A Modi is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union
                                                                                                                                                      Mutual Insurance Society Limited (No. 111982).

20                                                                                                                                                                                                        21
uying a puppy or kitten?
     Thinking of b                  R

 During lockdown there has been a huge increase in the                                        • dishonest sellers will often suggest
                                                                                                meeting in a location that is convenient
 number of people wanting to buy a puppy or kitten,                                             to you, such as your home, somewhere
                                                                                                nearby, or a halfway point, to avoid
 with around 2 million dogs purchased in the last year.                                         showing you the animal’s living
                                                                                              • do not feel rushed into paying a deposit
 A new law introduced last year, banned        We have also received numerous                   before you’ve seen the puppy in
 third party sales of puppies and kittens      complaints from members of the public            person.
 and means that the buyer must see the         who have purchased animals that turned         • a Licensed Breeder will be able to show
 animal interacting with the mother in their   out to be suffering from nasty illnesses         you their licence certifcate. If you are
 place of birth when it is offered for sale.   such as cherry eye or parvovirus, which is       unsure, you should contact the local
 The aim is to prevent illegal puppy and       distressing for both animals and owners          authority to check the details.
 kitten farms. If a business sells puppies     and can be extremely costly to cure.
                                                                                              • a good breeder will not say that they
 or kittens without a licence, they could
                                               Our Environmental Protection Team, which         have misplaced documents or promise                   ALL ASPECTS OF TREE SURGERY UNDERTAKEN
 receive an unlimited fne or be sent to
                                               deals with animal welfare licensing, have        to send them later.
 prison for up to six months.
                                               been working hard to encourage dog             • a responsible seller will want the puppy
 Anyone who breeds and sells puppies or        breeders to apply for a dog breeding licence     to go to a good home. They should be
 kittens must now be licensed if they meet     since the new laws came in, and carry out        engaged and asking you questions to
 the ‘business test’. They may not have a      regular, unannounced inspections.                assess your suitability as an owner.                 Tree Felling          Stump Grinding
 shop or a website, but if they advertise
                                               They are urging people to make sure that       • check vaccination and health records,                Hedge Cutting         Crown Lifting
 puppies for sale and make more than a
                                               they purchase from a registered breeder          details of the microchip record and
 £1,000 proft in a year then they may well                                                                                                           Crown Reductions      Pollarding
                                               and have put together these useful tips to       details of worming and fea treatment.
 be classed as a business.
                                               ensure you are buying a healthy animal:                                                               Trees with T.P.O’s
 Sadly, coronavirus travel and social                                                         • do not feel under pressure to buy the
                                               • meet the seller at the animal’s home,          animal.
 distancing restrictions resulted in a           and make sure that the mother and rest
 signifcant number of prospective buyers                                                      • if you are at all unhappy about the                     NPTC Certifed Insured Free Estimates
                                                 of the litter are present before agreeing
 paying money to reserve or secure an            to a purchase.                                 situation or the conditions that the                     Domestic & Commercial work carried out
 animal based only upon images or videos                                                        animal and its mother are in, do
 of them. In many cases, these puppies         • always see the animal interacting with         not buy the animal and report your
 did not exist or were not genuinely for         its mother and siblings. When you see          concerns to the local authority.
 sale at all. Demand for puppies through         the animal they should be sociable                                                                        CALL LLOYD FOWLER
                                                                                              If you think that a premises within our
                                                                                                                                                   01243 389168 or 07711 653401
 lockdown has meant that prices for              and alert, they should not look nervous
                                                 or dirty.                                    district is unlicensed you can report this
 animals have rocketed, with the cost of a
                                                                                              to us online at
 puppy rising by 134%, which has caused
 some people desperate for an animal to
 fall victim to illegal sellers and scams.

22                                                                                                                                  23
Charlwood Street, Bognor Regis PO21 2PQ
             01243 866753
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