$Dollars from Sense The Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy

Page created by Dan Foster
Dollars from Sense
 The Economic Benefits of Renewable Energy

What is Renewable Energy?                   The Purpose of This Document

R                                           F
         enewable energy sources are                or decades, proponents of
         either continuously resupplied             renewable energy technologies
         by the sun or tap inexhaustible            have focused on their indirect
resources, such as geothermal energy.       economic benefits, such as the reduced
In contrast, fossil fuels Ñ oil, coal,      health and environmental restoration
and natural gas Ñ form so slowly in         costs stemming from their lower
comparison to our rate of energy use        environmental impact. These argu-
that we are essentially mining finite,      ments have been acknowledged as
nonrenewable resources and will             legitimate, but have had little real
eventually exhaust quality supplies.        effect on energy resource and policy
   The use of modern renewable              decisions, partly because they are
energy technologies produces less           difficult to quantify.
pollution than burning fossil fuels Ñ          This document illustrates the direct
especially with respect to net emissions    economic benefits, including job
of greenhouse gases. Indigenous renew-      creation, of investing in renewable
able energy resources also represent a      energy technologies. Examples are
secure and stable source of energy for      drawn from across the nation, showing
our country and a potential source of       the value of generating electricity from
jobs and economic development.              indigenous renewable resources in
   Renewable energy can be used in a        several regions. Each of the most
variety of ways. This document focuses      promising renewable energy technolo-
on the use of renewables (except            gies is examined in turn, emphasizing
hydropower) to generate electricity.        the impact that individual projects
Renewable transportation fuels and          have had on the state and the local
Òdirect useÓ applications Ñ such as         community.
water and space heating with biomass,          This document quotes actual employ-
solar, or geothermal energy; and the        ment numbers at existing facilities.
mechanical pumping of water with            Where available, total national employ-
wind energy Ñ are not addressed in          ment for that sector of the renewables
this document.                              industry is also cited. There are few
   In some cases, the cost of electricity   estimates of the potential for future job
produced from renewable sources is          creation within any particular sector,
approaching the cost of generating          due to the difficulty in making accurate
power from conventional sources, and        projections.
each renewable energy technology
is economically feasible in certain

ÒThe fate of people on Earth depends on
whether we can employ efficient and
renewable energies. We need to lay big
plans for small technologies.Ó
    — David Freeman, former head of the New York Power Authority, Tennessee Valley Authority,
                 Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and the Lower Colorado River Authority,
                              speaking at the World Renewable Energy Congress in June 1996

                                                Importing Energy, Exporting Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
                                                Electricity From Biomass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
                                                Wind Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
                                                Photovoltaics: Electricity from Sunlight . . . . . . . . .12
                                                Solar Thermal Electricity:
                                                Power from the Sun’s Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
                                                Geothermal Energy: Power from the Earth . . . . . . .18
                                                For More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
                                                Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

                                                                                                       Dollars from Sense        1
Importing Energy, Exporting Jobs

                                              According to the Wisconsin Energy

         very year, Americans spend
         about $1900 per person on         Bureau, ÒInvestment in locally avail-       The Multiplier Effect:
         energy purchases, which is        able renewable energy generates more        A Little Goes a Long Way
about 8% of the average personÕs total     jobs, greater earnings, and higher
expenditures on goods and services in      output ... than a continued reliance        The multiplier effect is sometimes called
a given year. Of this amount, approxi-     on imported fossil fuels. Economic          the ripple effect, because a single expendi-
mately 40% goes to pay for electricity.    impacts are maximized when an               ture in an economy can have repercus-
Energy purchases represent a signifi-      indigenous resource or technology can       sions throughout the entire economy,
cant cost to society Ñ nationally and      replace an imported fuel at a reason-       much like ripples spreading across a
locally Ñ and it is important to spend     able price and when a large percentage      pond. The multiplier is a measure of how
energy dollars in a way that strength-     of inputs can be purchased in the           much additional economic activity is
ens the economy rather than deple-         state.Ó The Bureau estimates that,          gen-erated from an initial expenditure.
ting it.                                   overall, renewables create three times
                                           as many jobs as the same level of           In the town of Osage, Iowa, for example,
   In many cases, energy dollars leave                                                 $1.00 spent on consumer goods in a local
the community, going to regional           spending on fossil fuels.
                                                                                       store generates $1.90 of economic activity
utilities or suppliers of oil or natural      For states and municipalities with
                                                                                       in the local economy. This occurs as the
gas. Once those dollars have been          insufficient conventional energy
                                                                                       dollar is respent; the store pays its
spent on importing energy into the         reserves, there is a simple trade-off:
                                                                                       employees, who purchase more goods,
community or state, they are not           import fossil fuels from out-of-area
                                                                                       all with the same original dollar.
available to foster additional economic    suppliers, which means exporting
activity. Because every dollar spent       energy dollars ... or develop indigenous    The multiplier effect causes different types
on imports is a dollar lost from the       renewable resources, which creates          of economic benefits as a result of invest-
local economy, these energy imports        jobs for local workers in the construc-     ments in renewable energy technologies:
represent a substantial loss to local      tion, operation, and maintenance of
companies in terms of income and jobs.     nonfossil power plants and associated       Direct effects — These are on-site jobs
The challenge is to meet our insatiable    industries.                                 and income created as the result of the
appetite for energy while supporting          The advantages of renewable energy       initial investment; the people who
local economic development.                investments are becoming increasingly       assemble wind turbines at a manufactur-
                                           clear, even in areas that have tradition-   ing plant, for example.
                                           ally favored fossil fuels. ÒTexas is now
A growing number of state and                                                          Indirect effects — These are additional
                                           a net energy importer,Ó said Texas
local governments are investigating                                                    jobs and economic activity involved in
                                           Land Commissioner Garry Mauro,
                                                                                       supplying goods and services related to
ways to keep their energy dollars at       speaking at the dedication of the state's
                                                                                       the primary activity; people such as the
home Ñ for many, the answer lies           first commercial wind-power project
                                                                                       banker who provides loans to the plant’s
                                           in November 1995. ÒWe can accept our
in renewable energy investments.                                                       owners, and the workers who supply parts
                                           status as a net energy importer ... or we
                                                                                       and materials to the turbine assemblers.
                                           can face the challenge head on and
How Renewable Energy                       serve as a model to others by embrac-       Induced effects — This is employment
                                           ing new ideas such as wind power and        and other economic activity generated by
Investments Help the Economy               solar energy Ñ ideas that will make         the respending of wages earned by those
There are two main reasons why             Texas the leader in renewable energy        directly and indirectly employed in the
renewable energy technologies offer an     development, energy-efficient building      industry; jobs created by the manufactur-
economic advantage: (1) they are labor-    techniques, job creation, and environ-      ing plant workers spending their wages
intensive, so they generally create more   mental health.Ó                             at the local grocery store, for example.
jobs per dollar invested than conven-         The renewable energy industry
tional electricity generation technolo-    provides a wide range of employment
gies, and (2) they use primarily           opportunities, from high-tech manu-
indigenous resources, so most of the       facturing of photovoltaic components
energy dollars can be kept at home.        to maintenance jobs at wind power

2    Dollars from Sense
ÒA state that imports most of its
fossil fuel can receive a substantial                 The Lost Potential of Energy Dollars
employment and earnings benefit                       Several states have made efforts to quantify their electricity and total energy expenditures
from developing indigenous                            — a difficult task. Here are some examples of states that import energy.
renewable resources.Ó
                                                      • Massachusetts imports 97% of the energy it uses. In energy dollars this translated
 — Powering the Midwest: Renewable Electricity for
   the Economy and the Environment, a 1993 report
                                                        to $11 billion in 1992. The state imports 15% of the electricity it consumes.
              by the Union of Concerned Scientists    • In 1990, Iowa imported nearly 97% of its energy at a cost of about $5 billion.
plants. Through the multiplier effect                 • Wisconsin imports 94% of its energy. In 1992, more than $6 billion of Wisconsin’s
(see sidebar, left), the wages and                      $8.1 billion total energy bill left the state — approximately $1200 per resident. In its
salaries earned by industry employees                   1994 study, The Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Use in Wisconsin, the
generate additional income and jobs in                  Wisconsin Energy Bureau reported that “The energy dollar drain from the state due to
the local economy.                                      fossil fuel imports has hindered additional economic growth and job development.”
   The taxes paid by renewable energy                 • New York depends on out-of-state sources for nearly 92% of its energy requirements.
companies also strengthen the areaÕs                    Each New Yorker sends an average of $1000 each year out of state to purchase energy.
economic base, ultimately reducing the
                                                      • Rhode Island imports more than 90% of its electricity from other states.
burden on individual taxpayers in the
community; in fact, generating power                  • In 1990, Missouri spent $9.7 billion on energy, 70% of which left the state to pay for the
from renewable resources contributes                    energy. This equates to $6.8 billion, or more than $1300 for each Missouri resident.
more tax revenue than generating the                  • In 1992, Maine residents and businesses spent approximately $2.8 billion on energy,
same amount of power from conven-                       $2200 for every person in the state. Maine imports about 25% of its electricity.
tional energy sources. As an example,
the California Energy Commission has                  • Hawaii: 85% of the state’s electricity is generated from imported fuel oil, compared with
found that solar thermal power plants                   only 3% for the United States as a whole.
yield twice as much tax revenue as                    • In 1990, the 100,000 residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands spent about $40 million on
conventional, gas-fired plants.                         electricity, 65% of which left the Virgin Islands economy. More than $26 million drained
   In some cases, renewable energy                      out of the territory’s economic bucket that year for energy purchases, equivalent to
investments can enable individuals,                     about $260 per resident.
companies, or communities to reduce                   • Minnesota imports 15% of the electricity it consumes.
their utility bills. For example, schools
can cut costs by using wind power (see                • Oregon imports 11% of its electricity from other states.
page 10), and electric cooperatives can               • Despite extensive oil reserves, even Texas is now a net energy importer.
provide cheaper electricity to members
with photovoltaics (see page 15).
   Although the local economic                       are exported to industrializing nations.          ÒEvery year, people, companies and
benefits associated with renewable                   The lack of adequate fossil-fuel                  governments in the [Midwest]
energy investments are evident, it is                reserves in many of these countries,
also important to note that, in the short            combined with their lack of extensive
                                                                                                       region spend over $100 billion on
term, increased reliance on in-state                 electricity grids, makes renewable                energy in all its forms Ñ electricity,
energy resources could reduce the                    energy technologies an increasingly               fuel oil, gasoline, coal and others.
income of energy-exporting states. In                popular choice for power generation.              This amounts to about $1900 for
the long term, however, the advantages               The growing demand for electricity in
                                                                                                       every adult and child, or roughly
of developing renewable energy                       developing nations can continue to
technologies go far beyond the local                 create jobs for U.S. workers Ñ as long            10% of average personal income.Ó
economy Ñ they benefit the country as                as the United States maintains a                      — Powering the Midwest: Renewable Electricity
                                                                                                                   for the Economy and the Environment,
a whole. The United States leads the                 competitive position in foreign markets
                                                                                                                     Union of Concerned Scientists, 1993
world in manufacturing renewable                     by continuing to invest in renewable
energy power systems, most of which                  energy technologies at home.

                                                                                                                         Dollars from Sense           3
Electricity from Biomass


        iomass is a general term for all
        of the EarthÕs plant and animal
        matter. In the renewable energy
industry, however, biomass usually
refers to: (1) energy crops grown
specifically to be used as fuel, such
as fast-growing trees; (2) agricultural
residues and by-products, such as
straw, sugarcane fiber, and rice hulls;
and (3) residues from forestry, con-
struction, and other wood-processing
industries. (Note: As defined here,

                                                                                                                                            Northern States Power/PIX00240
biomass does not include municipal solid
waste or landfill gas.)
   Biomass currently accounts for
around 1% of total U.S. electric gener-
ating capacity, or 8% of the countryÕs
renewable-source generating capacity.
In 1995, there was approximately
7700 MW of grid-connected biomass           The biomass power industry creates thousands of jobs in fuel production and
power capacity in the United States.        harvesting for rural workers, such as this grapple operator on a tree farm in
   According to a 1992 study by             Oregon.
Meridian Corporation and Antares
Group Inc., the biomass power gen-         25% of MaineÕs electricity and supports               Everyone’s a Winner
eration industry employs more than         2780 jobs in wood harvesting and
                                                                                                 The Fairfield Energy facility provides
66,000 people nationwide. In 1992, the     transport, power plant construction
                                                                                                 approximately 140 jobs (38 at the plant
industry created more than $1.8 billion    and operation, and associated retail
                                                                                                 and about 100 in wood harvesting) and
in personal and corporate income, and      and service sectors. The industry has
                                                                                                 more than 30% of the townÕs property
generated more than $460 million in        nearly 500 MW of installed capacity
                                                                                                 tax base. With a population of 4000,
federal and state taxes.                   in 21 generating plants.
                                                                                                 and only about 1270 jobs available in
   Because biomass power activities
                                                                                                 the area, the biomass plant is vital to
tend to be concentrated in rural areas,    ÒSmall power producers ... have                       the health of the townÕs economy. ÒWe
this technology offers a great opportu-    been one of MaineÕs largest sources                   consider ourselves lucky to have the
nity for revitalizing rural America.
                                           of new employment and                                 energy plant,Ó acknowledged a repre-
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
                                           investment.Ó                                          sentative of the Fort Fairfield Chamber
estimates that a concerted effort to
                                            — State Planning Office of Maine, quoted in Energy   of Commerce.
develop dedicated energy crops for
                                               Choices Revisited: An Examination of the Costs       The biomass plant has generated
biomass power plants could generate                     and Benefits of Maine’s Energy Policy,   substantial economic benefits for the
120,000 new jobs over the next 15 years.                            Mainewatch Institute, 1994
                                                                                                 local and state economies, both during
Success Stories                               In rural districts with limited
                                                                                                 initial construction and since. The
                                                                                                 facility was completed in 1988 after a
                                           employment opportunities, a single
Maine: Leading the Nation                                                                        two-year construction period. During
                                           power plant can have a critical impact
Maine obtains a greater percentage of                                                            this phase, the plantÕs developers spent
                                           on the local economy. This is the case
its electricity from nonhydro renewable                                                          more than $8 million in the state of
                                           with Fairfield Energy Venture, a 32-MW
sources than any other state. The                                                                Maine, including $5.3 million paid in
                                           biomass plant located in the town of
biomass power industry generates                                                                 wages to local workers for on-site
                                           Fort Fairfield in northeastern Maine.
                                                                                                 assembly and construction.

4    Dollars from Sense
In 1992, Fairfield Energy Venture      benefits to local restaurants, gas
                              had annual operating expenses of          stations, motels, and food stores.Ó        How It Works
                              $12 million, $9.4 million of which was       Fairfield Energy Ventures is also
                              spent in the stateÕs economy. Of the      expanding the skill base of local          Because plants and trees use sunlight to
                              in-state expenditures, more than          workers. Only one of the plantÕs           grow, biomass energy is actually a form
                              $7 million stayed in Fort Fairfield and   employees had any previous experi-         of stored solar energy. Biomass energy
                              the surrounding area. This includes       ence working in a power plant. The         can be converted to electricity in two
                              $1.7 million in wages and salaries paid   Mainewatch Institute study quotes          ways:
                              to plant employees and more than          Peter Powers, the plantÕs general
                                                                                                                   Direct combustion involves burning the
                              $938,000 paid to the local and state      manager, as saying, ÒAll but one of our
                                                                                                                   biomass in a boiler to heat water, then
                              governments in property taxes, fees,      employees were Maine residents prior
                                                                                                                   running the resulting steam through a
                              and licenses.                             to being hired by the plant and all
                                                                                                                   turbine — the same process used in
                                 A 1994 Mainewatch Institute study      live in close proximity to the plant.Ó
                                                                                                                   conventional coal-fired plants. Virtually
                              found that, ÒFrom the start of the        Seven of the employees (including
                                                                                                                   all biomass electric plants today use
                              project it appears the town and local     the general manager) had previously
                                                                                                                   conventional steam turbines.
                              area have been winners. Local trades-     worked in the navy, and were able to
                              people were employed in the on-site       make use of their training in steam        Gasification involves converting the solid
                              construction; parts and supplies were     propulsion. Many of the plant workers      biomass to a gas that is then burned in a
                              purchased from local outlets whenever     were hired at entry-level positions, and   combustion turbine — potentially much
                              possible; and the influx of engineers,    the company is committed to training       more efficient, but still in the demonstra-
                              consultants, and temporary out-of-        them to help ensure job advancement        tion stage of development.
                              town workers provided substantial         and employment stability.
Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX03744

                               Harvesting alfalfa in Minnesota. Damaged crops can still be used as a biomass feedstock.

                                                                                                                                   Dollars from Sense            5
Income from Energy Crops                       The Niagara Mohawk Power                  Bad Weather? Good News ...
                                                                          Corporation and the State University
                              To expand power production from                                                          The agricultural community of Granite
                                                                          of New York (SUNY) are members of a
                              biomass substantially beyond current                                                     Falls, Minnesota, will soon become
                                                                          consortium that is developing willow
                              levels will require the cultivation of                                                   the home for a new 75-MW biomass
                                                                          energy crops on 1000 acres of farmland
                              dedicated energy crops. New York has                                                     gasification power plant that will be
                                                                          around Tully, New York. This is the
                              become the focus for a new initiative                                                    built just outside of town. The plant
                                                                          first stage of a plan to convert over
                              to develop agricultural feedstocks for                                                   will employ 100 full-time staff and will
                                                                          40,000 acres in central and western
                              energy production. This should help to                                                   create an additional 60-80 part-time
                                                                          New York to growing willow trees for
                              stabilize the revenue stream for partici-                                                jobs for people handling the biomass
                                                                          energy by 2010. Once it is fully imple-
                              pating farmers: 26 area farmers have                                                     feedstock.
                                                                          mented, the plan is expected to create
                              expressed a desire to diversify their
                                                                          300 rural jobs and generate energy
                              crop production to include energy                                                        ÒItÕs going to generate jobs in the
                                                                          crop fuel sales of almost $20 million
                              feedstocks.                                                                              community Ñ the plant itself Ñ
                                                                             Each New Yorker sends an average          but the other part of it is that itÕs
                                                                          of $1000 each year out of state to           economic development with the
                                                                          purchase energy. In 1992, only one half      farmers.Ó
                                                                          of New YorkÕs farmers were able to            — Farmer Dick Jepson, in an interview for the 1996
                                                                          earn a profit on farm operations. A                      DOE video, Growing America’s Energy:
                                                                          ÒhomegrownÓ willow crop bought                                     The Story of Biomass Power
                                                                          by power companies will help keep
                                                                          energy dollars in the state and generate        A small group of area farmers and
                                                                          new income streams for farmers.              business people are developing alfalfa
                                                                                                                       as an energy crop for the power plant.
                                                                             According to Dan Robison, a
                                                                                                                       Alfalfa is normally grown primarily for
                                                                          researcher at SUNYÕs Syracuse College
                                                                                                                       use as cattle feed. When bad weather
                                                                          of Forestry, ÒThere are a lot of farmers
                                                                                                                       destroys the crop, it can no longer be
                                                                          in New York who are struggling to stay
                                                                                                                       fed to cattle, but the damaged stems
                                                                          in business. There are a lot of farmers
                                                                                                                       can still be used as a feedstock for
                                                                          throughout the region who are essen-
                                                                                                                       electricity production.
                                                                          tially working for free, on a break-even
                                                                          basis, and any new opportunities Ñ              ÒWeÕll have a ready market for the
                                                                          theyÕre interested.Ó                         stems,Ó said John Moon, a local farmer.
                                                                                                                       ÒA brown stem has just as much
                                                                             Hybrid willow species are being
                                                                                                                       quality for gasification as a nice stem
Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX00308

                                                                          developed by the project partners to be
                                                                                                                       that hasnÕt been rained on.Ó
                                                                          fast-growing and resistant to drought
                                                                          and disease. Male willow trees can              In good years, the alfalfa crop will
                                                                          thrive in soils and climates less suitable   be separated into stems and leaves. The
                                                                          for other crops. These trees require         leaves will be sold as cattle feed, and
                                                                          minimal application of fertilizer and        the stems will be sold to the biomass
                                                                          insecticides and will assist in the          plant. So in addition to producing
                                  Most agricultural wastes can be         control of soil erosion. Because willow      clean energy for Minnesotans, the plant
                                  used to generate electricity,           is planted once, then repeatedly             provides a second source of income for
                                  including the mountains of fibrous      harvested from the same plant for up         area farmers.
                                  material left over from processing                                                      Because biomass plants can use a
                                                                          to 20 years, soil erosion is minimized
                                  sugarcane crops such as this one in
                                                                          compared to traditional row crops.           wide range of organic material, the
                                  Hawaii. Selling power to electric
                                                                             ÒThis is ... a very good alternative      technology is suitable for generating
                                  utilities helps to improve the
                                  economics of sugar production for       farm crop ... a cash crop,Ó said Larry       power in virtually any agricultural
                                  local companies.                        Abrahamson, another of SUNYÕs                region Ñ as far east as Maine, or as
                                                                          researchers.                                 far west as Hawaii.

                              6       Dollars from Sense
Electricity from Sugarcane
For a state such as Hawaii, which is
currently forced to generate most of its
electricity from expensive, imported
fuel oil, renewable energy resources are
particularly valuable. Approximately
8% of HawaiiÕs electrical power is
already being generated from biomass,
the stateÕs largest source of renewable
energy, and research is under way to
make better use of this resource.
   Most of HawaiiÕs biomass plants
use bagasse, the fibrous waste from
sugarcane processing. Sugar is
HawaiiÕs most important agricultural
export, and local sugar mills burn
bagasse to provide thermal power to
the mills and electricity for sale to
utility grids. These mills use direct-
fired steam-turbine generators.
Because biomass gasifiers are more
efficient, they are potentially capable
of producing 50% more electricity from

                                                                                                                                           Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX03810
the same amount of bagasse when
compared with systems that burn the
bagasse directly. This has prompted the
State of Hawaii to explore gasification
technology in partnership with DOE
and an industry research group.
   The government-industry joint
                                                       Compared to conventional steam turbines, biomass gasifiers are capable of
venture has built an experimental
                                                       getting 50% more electricity from the same energy crop. HawaiiÕs first
gasification facility at the Hawaiian
                                                       gasification facility, at Paia on the island of Maui, is pictured receiving a
Commercial & Sugar Company mill                        traditional blessing on dedication day.
in Paia, on the island of Maui. The
facility currently processes almost
100 tons of bagasse per day into biogas.                 The experiment shows how the
Jerry Smith, the manager of the project,              sugar mills can generate more electric-
knows how important electricity pro-                  ity with the same resources and make
duced from biomass is to Hawaiians.                   more money from selling power to the
                                                      utility; this benefits the local sugar
ÒIt keeps the people on the island                    industry by helping to keep Hawaiian
                                                      sugar competitive in worldwide
working. Plus, with a plant this size,
youÕre not dependent on importing
oil. And thatÕs a big thing when
youÕre sitting on an island.Ó
   — Jerry Smith, Paia gasifier project manager, in
           a 1996 interview for Growing America’s
              Energy: The Story of Biomass Power

                                                                                                                Dollars from Sense     7
Wind Power

                                                                                                                            Success Stories
                                                                                                                            Renewable Power for the Midwest
                                                                                                                            Utility-scale generation of electricity
                                                                                                                            from wind is particularly suited to
                                                                                                                            the rural areas of the upper Midwest
                                                                                                                            because of the regionÕs tremendous
                                                                                                                            wind resources and wide-open spaces.
                                                                                                                               In 1994, Northern States Power,
                                                                                                                            MinnesotaÕs largest investor-owned
                                                                                                                            utility, committed to developing at
                                                                                                                            least 425 MW of wind energy capacity
                                                                                                                            by the year 2002. But commercial wind
                                                                                                                            development on any scale was new
                                                                                                                            to this region, and there was some
                                                                                                                            uncertainty about what farmers and
                                                                                                                            other residents would think about this.
                                                                                                                               So, in 1995, The Minnesota Project
Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX00349

                                                                                                                            and the Clean Water Fund conducted
                                                                                                                            a survey of area residents, primarily
                                                                                                                            rural landowners, including a group of
                                                                                                                            farmers from the Buffalo Ridge area of
                                                                                                                            southwest Minnesota where develop-
                                                                                                                            ment of a 25-MW wind power plant
                               The wind industry pays more than $31 million each year in salaries to its                    was already under way. The response
                               employees. Most jobs in the industry are related to operating and maintaining                was overwhelmingly positive.
                               existing wind power plants.
                                                                                                                            ÒWind development is almost
                              Overview                                   California wind industry pays more                 unanimously supported by rural
                                                                         than $31 million each year in salaries             residents. They like the environ-

                                            ind energy currently
                                                                         to its employees, and also contributes
                                            accounts for around 2% of
                                                                         to local economies by paying roughly
                                                                                                                            mental benefits of wind energy,
                                            the countryÕs renewable-                                                        and they love the possibilities of
                                                                         $6.7 million in property taxes.
                              source generating capacity. In 1995,
                                                                            Like biomass, wind is a form of                 injecting income and jobs into
                              total wind generating capacity was
                                                                         renewable energy that has special                  rural communities.Ó
                              approximately 1800 MW, most of it
                                                                         implications for farmers and rural                      — Harvesting the Wind, a 1995 survey by The
                              (1600 MW) installed in California.
                                                                         communities Ñ in this case, mainly                      Minnesota Project and the Clean Water Fund
                                 The American Wind Energy
                                                                         because large wind farms have to be
                              Association (AWEA) reports that, in                                                              Of the 149 residents surveyed, 98%
                                                                         sited in relatively open countryside.
                              1992, approximately 1260 people were                                                          were in favor of developing wind
                              directly employed in the more than 50                                                         resources for electricity, and 92% felt
                                                                         ÒAlone among the alternative
                              firms that make up CaliforniaÕs wind                                                          that renewable energy production
                              industry. When indirect employment         energy technologies, wind power
                                                                                                                            could be a significant part of rural
                              (about 4350 jobs) is added, the industry   offers utilities pollution-free                    economic development Ñ the reasons
                              supported around 5600 full-time jobs       electricity that is nearly cost-                   cited included income generation for
                              in the state that year. Nearly all wind    competitive with todayÕs                           landowners and communities (87% of
                              industry jobs are related to operating                                                        respondents) and job creation (71%).
                              and maintaining existing wind power
                                                                         conventional sources.Ó
                                                                                     — Electric Power Research Institute,
                              plants. According to AWEA, the
                                                                                       quoted on the CREST internet site

                              8    Dollars from Sense
One of the respondents said that wind       ÒNot only do wind farms interfere
                          energy development would help               little with agricultural operations,               How It Works
                          Òmake rural communities and farms
                          more self-sufficient economically.Ó
                                                                      the leasing of land for wind                       The wind blows because of differences
                          Another said it would Òallow money          turbines can be a major benefit                    in atmospheric pressure created by
                          to stay at home in the local economy.Ó      for landowners.Ó                                   geography and the temperature differ-
                          Still another said it would Òraise the                — Powering the Midwest, a 1993 report    ences across the Earth’s surface; these
                          spirit of the community so people                       by the Union of Concerned Scientists   temperature variations are caused by
                          stay.Ó                                                                                         variations in the amount of sunshine
                                                                         Although one-time payments for                  falling on different areas — for this
                          Extra Income for Landowners                 wind rights have been made, wind                   reason, wind is considered an indirect
                          Although utility-scale wind projects        development companies typically offer              form of solar energy.
                          appear to take up a great deal of land,     lease arrangements under which the
                          the wind turbines themselves occupy         dollar amount of payments to                       Energy is captured from the wind with
                          only about 5% to 15% of the land area.      landowners varies in proportion to the             wind turbines. The turbines have rotors
                          The remaining land can be used for          output of the turbines. In 1993, the               that usually consist of two or three
                          other purposes, such as farming,            Union of Concerned Scientists found                propeller-like blades mounted on a shaft.
                          ranching, forestry, or for open space.      that a Midwestern landowner hosting                Wind turbines are mounted on tall towers,
                          Farmers can graze cattle or plant their     a wind farm under a variable-rate plan             usually 100 feet or more above the
                          crops right up to the base of the turbine   Òcould expect payments of around                   ground where the wind is faster and less
                          towers, making wind power an ideal          $40 per acre per year on top of earnings           turbulent. When wind makes the blades
                          complement to agriculture.                  from farming or grazing,Ó increasing               turn, the shaft spins a generator to
                                                                                                                         produce electricity.
Lloyd Herziger/PIX01686

                           Utility-scale wind plants coexist very well with ranching and farming. Farmers can graze cattle right
                           up to the base of the turbine towers, as on this wind farm operated by Zond Systems at Altamont
                           Pass, California.

                                                                                                                                        Dollars from Sense           9
his return on the land Òanywhere from       Revenues are expected to total approxi-
                                                                                              30% to over 100%.Ó                          mately $3 million over the 25-year life
                                                                                                 The leasing of land for wind power       of the project, or about $120,000
                                                                                              plants pays well in other parts of the      annually.
                                                                                              country, too. In California, for example,
                                                                                              the City of Santa Clara leases 640 acres    ÒPublic education in Texas will
                                                                                              of land to Zond Systems, Inc., which        benefit by receiving millions of
                                                                                              owns and operates a wind farm at            dollars in lease money from this
                                                                                              Altamont Pass, one of the largest
                                                                                                                                          project. ... I hope to see more wind
                                                                                              developed wind sites in the United
                                                                                              States. Zond sells the electricity to the   power projects on state lands
                                                                                              local utility, Pacific Gas and Electric     dedicated to the public schools.Ó
                                                                                              Company, and pays a royalty to the          — Texas Land Commissioner Garry Mauro, speaking
                                                                                              city Ñ about $152,000 in 1994 alone.                  at the dedication of the Culberson County
                                                                                                                                                                wind project, November 1995
                                                                                                 The existing lease contains a buyout
                                                                                              option for the city, and Santa Clara
                                                                                                                                             At the other end of the scale, a small
                                                                                              may purchase the wind power plant
                                                                                                                                          school district in northwest Iowa is
                                                                                              from Zond once the city has learned
                                                                                                                                          making money from the sale of elec-
                                                                                              enough to be comfortable managing           tricity generated by its very own wind
                                                                                              the project.                                turbine. A project that started out as a
                                                                                                 According to William Reichmann, a        response to environmental concerns
Jerry Miller, Northern States Power Company/PIX01490

                                                                                              senior electric utility engineer in Santa   turned out to have a substantial finan-
                                                                                              ClaraÕs Electric Department, ÒOur lease     cial benefit for the local community.
                                                                                              agreement has been lucrative both              The project began in 1990, when a
                                                                                              financially and in terms of information     group of high school biology students
                                                                                              we gained from the site.Ó In fact, the      challenged Harold Overmann, superin-
                                                                                              city has recently signed a lease agree-
                                                                                                                                          tendent of the Spirit Lake Community
                                                                                              ment with Zond for another site that
                                                                                                                                          School District, to find a renewable
                                                                                              shows promise for wind energy
                                                                                                                                          source of energy for the district.
                                                                                                                                          Instead of ignoring them, Overmann
                                                                                              Wind Projects Bring Money                   took them up on their challenge.
                                                                                              to Schools                                  District staff began a dialog with the
                                                                                                                                          local utility company, Iowa Electric,
                                                       Farmers can earn extra income by       The Louisville Gas and Electric
                                                       leasing land for wind power plants,                                                and investigated various renewable
                                                                                              Company operates a 35-MW wind
                                                       such as this one on Buffalo Ridge in                                               energy technologies before deciding
                                                                                              farm in Culberson County, Texas,
                                                       southwest Minnesota.                                                               on wind power. They then gathered
                                                                                              about 100 miles east of El Paso. The
                                                                                                                                          data on wind speeds at the proposed
                                                                                              Lower Colorado River Authority buys
                                                                                                                                          site and worked hard to find a way to
                                                                                              the electricity generated at the wind
                                                                                                                                          finance the project.
                                                                                              site and distributes it to its customers.
                                                                                              As a result of an innovative partner-          Three years later, at a cost of
                                                                                                                                          $238,000, the district installed a wind
                                                                                              ship with the Texas General Land
                                                                                                                                          turbine at the local elementary school.
                                                                                              Office, lease revenues from the wind
                                                                                                                                          A grant from DOE paid for half of the
                                                                                              project go directly into the Permanent
                                                                                                                                          cost and a loan from the Iowa
                                                                                              School Fund, which helps to finance
                                                                                                                                          Department of Natural Resources
                                                                                              public schools and universities in
                                                                                                                                          covered the rest. Since then, the turbine
                                                                                              Texas; in effect, school children are
                                                                                                                                          has been generating 324,000 kWh of
                                                                                              benefiting financially from the wind
                                                                                                                                          electricity annually, worth about
                                                                                              energy harnessed in west Texas.

                                                       10   Dollars from Sense
$25,000. The elementary school,                           Once the districtÕs loan is repaid,          Not only is the district helping
                                          however, uses only $20,000 worth of                    all of the electricity generated by the      itself, it is also saving the environment,
                                          electricity. Surplus power is sold to                  turbine will represent a direct saving to    just as it set out to do. The electricity
                                          Iowa Electric. With the $25,000 yearly                 the district and, therefore, local taxpay-   generated by the wind turbine replaces
                                          savings, the loan will be completely                   ers. The money saved can be directed         225 tons of coal and prevents 750,000
                                          paid back within a five-year period.                   into education. ÒWeÕre using our non-        pounds of carbon dioxide emissions
                                                                                                 instructional costs for instructional        from polluting the air every year.
                                          ÒIÕve never done anything thatÕs                       costs,Ó said Overmann. ÒWith the             ÒWeÕre proud that we are helping to
                                          been so popular in the community.Ó                     money we save we can fully equip             solve the pollution problem,Ó said
                                             — Superintendent Harold Overmann, Spirit Lake       a computer lab every year instead of         Overmann.
                                              School District, quoted on the Iowa Department     paying for electricity.Ó
                                                            of Natural Resources internet site
Lower Colorado River Authority/PIX02355

                                          Lease revenues from this west Texas wind farm are used to finance public
                                          education in Texas. The local electric utility leases the land from the state,
                                          paying an average of $120,000 annually.

                                                                                                                                                              Dollars from Sense     11
Photovoltaics: Electricity from Sunlight


         hotovoltaics is a technology in
         transition. Photovoltaic (PV)
         power has long been cost-
competitive in a variety of off-grid
applications; and as the cost of PV
electricity continues to fall, this envi-
ronmentally benign technology is
becoming increasingly attractive to
electric utility companies. In the United
States, photovoltaics is currently mak-

                                                                                                                                  Sacramento Municipal Utility District/PIX02439
ing the move from primarily remote,
stand-alone applications to utility grid
   Acording to the Solar Energy
Industries Association (SEIA), total
grid-connected photovoltaic generat-
ing capacity in 1994 was about 18 MW,
spread across 36 states. Although
stand-alone applications are difficult
to quantify because they are so widely
                                             Through its PV Pioneers program, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District
dispersed, there are an estimated
                                             (SMUD) installs and operates grid-connected, rooftop PV systems on
25,000 homes in the United States            customersÕ homes. The program creates jobs in the utilityÕs service area and
powered exclusively by photovoltaics.        reduces the need for SMUD to purchase electricity from other regions.
   More than 850 U.S. companies are
currently involved in the manufacture
and sale of photovoltaic modules and        Success Stories                            production and 21% of total world
                                                                                       production that year. To help meet
system components. The industry             The United States leads the world in
                                                                                       growing worldwide demand, SSI
brings in more than $300 million in         photovoltaic research and manufactur-
                                                                                       completed a $3 million expansion of its
revenues annually and employs 15,000        ing, accounting for 43% of global PV
                                                                                       facility in Vancouver, Washington, in
people Ñ most of them in high-quality       module production in 1995. The
                                                                                       February 1996. The expansion created
jobs, such as manufacturing, engineer-      growing international popularity of
                                                                                       33 new jobs in the Vancouver area, and
ing, sales, installation, servicing, and    photovoltaics is creating an increas-
                                                                                       all work on the facility was awarded to
maintenance.                                ingly buoyant domestic PV industry,
                                                                                       local contractors, further contributing
   International sales continue to drive    and U.S. manufacturers are scaling
                                                                                       to the local economy. SSI employs a
the PV industry. The largest market         up their production facilities to take
                                                                                       total of approximately 350 people at its
for photovoltaics is in the developing      advantage of emerging markets. These
                                                                                       facilities in California and Washington.
world, where two billion people still       expansions are creating skilled jobs in
                                                                                          Solarex, the second largest PV
do not have electricity in their homes.     several states.
                                                                                       manufacturer in the United States, has
Photovoltaic systems are particularly
                                            U.S. Manufacturers Lead the Way            been in business for over 20 years.
well suited to this market because of
                                            Siemens Solar Industries (SSI), based      During the late 1970s and early 1980s,
their high reliability, their suitability
                                            in Camarillo, California, is the worldÕs   as oil prices rose, major oil companies
for applications of almost any size, and
                                            largest manufacturer of photovoltaic       began investing in renewable energy
the fact that they do not need costly
                                            cells and modules. In 1995, the com-       as a hedge against an uncertain future
transmission lines. Approximately 70%
                                            pany shipped 17 MW of photovoltaic         in fossil fuels. Amoco Corporation
of U.S. photovoltaic manufacturing
                                            modules, representing half of U.S.         bought Solarex in 1983. Most of the oil
output is exported.

12   Dollars from Sense
companies concentrated on developing       ÒThis dynamic expansion project
                                     their renewable energy for the long-       by Solarex will provide the kind of                     How It Works
                                     term utility market; in other words,
                                     they were not very concerned with
                                                                                high quality [jobs] that Maryland                       Photovoltaics is the direct conversion
                                     short-term profitability. Amoco, on the    needs to continue building a                            of light (“photons”) into electricity
                                     other hand, treated Solarex as part of     prosperous, vibrant economy.Ó                           (“voltage”).
                                     the business from the very beginning,               — James Brady, Secretary of the Maryland
                                                                                 Department of Business and Economic Development        The basic unit of a typical photovoltaic
                                     producing revenues from existing
                                                                                        (Solar Industry Journal, First Quarter, 1996)   system is the PV cell, which is made of
                                     products at the same time as investing
                                                                                                                                        layers of semiconducting materials similar
                                     in technology development.
                                                                                   Solarex is also building a $25 million               to those used in computer chips. When
                                        Today this strategy is paying off. In
                                                                                manufacturing plant in James City,                      incoming photons of light strike atoms
                                     1995, Solarex captured 27% of the U.S.
                                                                                Virginia. The company was lured                         in the semiconductor material, some
                                     market (12% of the global market),
                                                                                there by state incentives specifically                  electrons are knocked loose, causing
                                     with total sales of $45 million. In
                                                                                designed to create jobs and strengthen                  electricity to flow. The greater the intensity
                                     January 1996, the company broke
                                                                                the stateÕs economy by attracting PV                    of the light, the more power is generated
                                     ground on a new wing at its manufac-
                                                                                manufacturing companies to the area.                    by the cell.
                                     turing facility in Frederick, Maryland,
                                                                                The new plant will employ a total of
                                     which already employs 240 people.                                                                  PV cells, which produce DC electricity, are
                                                                                approximately 80 people.
                                                                                                                                        usually connected together and enclosed
                                                                                                                                        in protective casings called modules.
                                                                                                                                        Photovoltaic systems can provide an
                                                                                                                                        independent, stand-alone power supply
                                                                                                                                        or can be connected to the electrical grid.
                                                                                                                                        In stand-alone applications, modules can
                                                                                                                                        be connected to inverters to supply AC
                                                                                                                                        electricity and to batteries to store
                                                                                                                                        electrical power for periods when the sun
                                                                                                                                        is not shining. Grid-connected systems
                                                                                                                                        both feed power into the grid and use the
                                                                                                                                        grid as a source of backup power.
David Patryas Photography/PIX01545

                                      U.S. manufacturers are expanding their output to meet the growing demand for
                                      PV systems. This creates skilled jobs at production facilities in several states,
                                      such as this thin-film plant in Golden, Colorado.

                                                                                                                                                        Dollars from Sense          13
Craig Miller Productions/PIX03500
 The U.S. PV industry employs 15,000 people, most of them in high-quality jobs, including installation, servicing, and
 maintenance. This 340-kW system was installed on the roof of the aquatic center for the 1996 Summer Games in Atlanta,
 Georgia. It is the worldÕs largest building-integrated, rooftop PV system.

   Another PV manufacturer, Atlantis       plantation past behind and heralding       encourage,Ó said Ann Broadwater
Solar Systems/Solar Building Systems,      its future in high technology.Ó Virginia   of the Virginia Department of
also took advantage of VirginiaÕs          has increased its investments in           Development.
incentives; Atlantis is constructing a     science and math education at all             Other U.S. manufacturing compa-
production facility in Cape Charles that   levels, and is looking to attract indus-   nies have also been expanding their
will create 25 jobs.                       tries that will provide high-paying        operations. Solec International, for
   According to an August 1995 article     jobs for its home-grown graduates in       example, the countryÕs third largest PV
in The Newport News Daily Press,           the fields of engineering, chemistry       manufacturer, more than doubled its
ÒVirginia, whose economy once was          and science. ÒPV is exactly the kind       workforce between 1993 and 1996. The
rooted in tobacco, is leaving its          of industry that Virginia wants to         company now employs 130 people.

14   Dollars from Sense
And AstroPower, Inc., a tiny start-up                    A growing number of electric
venture 10 years ago, now has 145                     utilities are also becoming familiar
employees and annual revenues                         with the advantages of photovoltaic
exceeding $10 million, 80% of which                   power for remote applications. In 1994,
are from exports.                                     Southern California Edison (SCE)
                                                      started an off-grid PV program called
Growing Utility Interest                              Partnership with the Sun. John Bryson,
According to the Utility PhotoVoltaic                 SCEÕs chairman, says it is a win-win
Group (UPVG), ÒUPVGÕs market                          program: ÒHomeowners and busi-
evaluation work has shown that PV                     nesses in remote locations get clean,
can make a contribution to every utility              quiet electricity. Independent contrac-
in every part of the country.Ó UPVG                   tors get jobs and construction projects.
is a group of more than 80 electric                   And Edison is able to serve new
utilities formed in 1992 to investigate               customers who otherwise have no
utility applications of photovoltaics.                dependable source of power.Ó
Today, 39 U.S. utilities are actively
testing grid-connected photovoltaic                   Saving Money for Ranchers
systems, including CaliforniaÕs                       Photovoltaics can be a winner for
Sacramento Municipal Utility District                 rural electric cooperatives. KC Electric

                                                                                                                                         Roger Taylor, NREL/PIX01860
(SMUD), a UPVG member and, with                       Association, a rural electric cooperative
480,000 customers, the nationÕs fifth                 in eastern Colorado, is saving its
largest customer-owned utility.                       members money by providing them
   More than half of SMUDÕs projected                 with photovoltaic power. The associa-
load requirements have been met with                  tion serves 4000 square miles of prairie
renewable-source electricity, such as                 with an average of only two customers
the utilityÕs PV Pioneers program, and                per mile of distribution line. Every
                                                                                                  Worker installing a grid-
energy efficiency programs. SMUD                      year, winter storms knock out as many       independent, PV-powered street
also operates the countryÕs largest PV                as 1000 utility poles and 38 miles of       light.
power plant, a 2-MW facility on the                   lines. With replacement costs of $10,000
grounds of the utilityÕs now-closed                   per mile of line, the association has
Rancho Seco nuclear power plant.                      been spending up to $380,000 on
These programs have created jobs                      maintenance every year.
within the utilityÕs service area and                    The lines provide little revenue.
mean that SMUD has to purchase less                   About half of the associationÕs cus-
power from other regions.                             tomers use the electricity primarily to
                                                      power small irrigation pumps. In 1990,
ÒOur customers want more from                         KC Electric began using photovoltaics
us than just a good price; they                       as a more practical and affordable
                                                      alternative to replacing damaged
want long-term reliability, a clean
                                                      distribution lines serving remote
environment and local economic                        livestock wells or extending lines to
development. Solar can help us                        new well sites. The cooperative can
meet these needs.Ó                                    provide PV-powered water pumping
     — Don Osborn, SMUD solar program manager         at a cost of $1800 to $6000 per well Ñ
      (Solar Industry Journal, Third Quarter, 1995)   saving its members thousands of
                                                      dollars when compared with the cost
                                                      of providing grid electricity.

                                                                                                               Dollars from Sense   15
Solar Thermal Electricity: Power from the Sun’s Heat

                                                                                                                              are still operating successfully, produc-
                                                                                                                              ing more than 90% of the worldÕs solar
                                                                                                                              thermal electricity and saving the
                                                                                                                              energy equivalent of 2.3 million barrels
                                                                                                                              of oil every year.

                                                                                                                              ÒThe SEGS provide employment
                                                                                                                              to over 250 skilled operators,
                                                                                                                              craftspersons, and professionals,
                                                                                                                              and millions of dollars in contracts
                                                                                                                              to local vendors.Ó
                                                                                                                                 — KJC Operating Company, which manages five of
Sandia National Laboratories/PIX01332

                                                                                                                               the SEGS plants (Clean Power Day 1996 prospectus)

                                                                                                                                 In 1991, Luz employed more than
                                                                                                                              700 people. According to Michael
                                                                                                                              Lotker, formerly LuzÕs vice president
                                                                                                                              of business development, each of its
                                                                                                                              80-MW SEGS plants required about
                                                                                                                              1 million job hours (500 job years) to
                                         The assembly system used by Luz International for its parabolic-trough               construct. Because maintenance of the
                                         generating plants.                                                                   SEGS solar field is more labor-intensive
                                                                                                                              than maintenance of a fossil-fuel power
                                                                                                                              plant, the solar plant pays higher
                                        Overview                                  Success Stories                             payroll taxes.

                                               olar thermal electric systems      The three types of solar thermal electric      It has been estimated that, over their
                                               provide utilities with a variety   technologies Ñ troughs, power towers        30-year life, the operation and mainte-
                                               of modular power options, some     and dish systems Ñ are in different         nance of each of the 80-MW plants will
                                        of which can be constructed in a          stages of development. Troughs have a       contribute $11.6 million in taxes to the
                                        relatively short period of time. There    proven track record, power towers are       local government, $65.8 million to the
                                        is currently about 365 MW of utility-     in the demonstration stage Ñ which          state, and $228.9 million to the federal
                                        connected solar thermal generating        means that they are close to commer-        government.
                                        capacity, all of it installed in          cialization Ñ and dish/engine systems
                                        California.                               are still under development.                The Solar Two Power Tower
                                            More than 250 people are directly                                                 Solar Two, in CaliforniaÕs Mojave
                                                                                  Solar Troughs: Proven Success               Desert, is a 10-MW, second-generation
                                        employed in the operation and mainte-
                                        nance of 354 MW of solar thermal          Parabolic trough systems have already       demonstration project to confirm the
                                        trough systems in California. A fossil-   proven themselves in the field. Nine        technical and economic viability of
                                        fuel-fired plant producing the same       solar electric generating systems           power towers. The plant uses a field
                                        amount of electricity would employ        (SEGS) totaling 354 MW have been            of 1926 heliostats located around a
                                        only about 100 people. A 1994 study       operating successfully in California,       300-foot tower to focus solar radiation
                                        by the California Energy Commission       some for more than a decade. Their          onto a central receiver. Molten salt is
                                        also revealed that solar thermal power    availability to produce power when          used as the heat exchange and storage
                                        plants yield twice as much tax revenue    the sun is shining is greater than 92%,     medium, providing up to three hours
                                        as conventional, gas-fired plants         a statistic that rivals utility-scale       of dispatchable power after the sun
                                        producing the same amount of              power plants of any type.                   goes down.
                                        electricity.                                 The SEGS systems were all built by          The project has been financed by a
                                                                                  a private company, Luz International,       consortium of electric utilities and
                                                                                  between 1984 and 1991. These systems        high-tech companies (led by Southern

                                        16   Dollars from Sense
California Edison) and the U.S.                       the plantÕs control systems plus a
                              Department of Energy. The industry                    maintenance crew consisting of two         How It Works
                              consortium is currently involved in                   full-time mirror washers and their
                              discussions about using the experience                truck driver, an instrument technician,    Unlike photovoltaic systems, which
                              gained from Solar Two to build a                      an electrician, and a mechanic.            generate electricity directly from light,
                              commercial 30-100 MW power tower                                                                 solar thermal power systems use the heat
                              in Nevada, a project that would create                Dish/Engine Systems:                       from the sun’s rays to generate power.
                              many new jobs.
                                                                                    Future Opportunity                         Reflective surfaces concentrate the sun’s
                                                                                    Although dish/engine systems are           rays to heat a receiver filled with oil or
                              ÒSolar Two represents both a new                      still under development, the prospects     another heat-exchange fluid. The heated
                              source of clean power for California                  for this technology look promising.        fluid is then used in some form of heat
                                                                                    The systems are transportable and          engine to generate electricity. Mechanical
                              and neighboring states, and a new                                                                drives slowly turn the reflective surfaces
                                                                                    are appropriate for both on-grid
                              source of export technology for                       and remote applications. Science           during the day to keep the solar radiation
                              America and jobs for American                         Applications International Corporation     focused on the receiver. There are three
                              workers.Ó                                             (SAIC), a solar dish developer, plans      main types of solar concentrators used
                                 — John Bryson, chairman of Southern California     to produce five precommercial, 25-kW       in solar thermal electric systems:
                                 Edison, at the Solar Two dedication in June 1996   systems by 1999. SAIC also expects
                                                                                    to be producing 1000 commercial            Parabolic trough systems concentrate
                                 Solar Two gives an indication of the               dish/engine systems per year by 2002,      solar rays onto a receiver pipe located
                              range of jobs that would be required                  creating 500 high-tech jobs at a manu-     along the focal line of a curved, trough-
                              to operate and maintain power towers                  facturing facility in the Southwest and    shaped reflector. The synthetic oil flowing
                              once they are commercialized. The                     an additional 1000 jobs at supplier        through the pipe is heated to as much as
                              demonstration project employs nine                    facilities throughout the United States.   750°F. The hot oil is used to boil water to
                              full-time staff: three people to operate                                                         make steam, which runs a conventional
                                                                                                                               steam turbine to generate electricity.

                                                                                                                               Power towers, also called central
                                                                                                                               receivers, use a field of sun-tracking
                                                                                                                               mirrors (heliostats) to reflect solar
                                                                                                                               radiation onto a receiver that sits on top
                                                                                                                               of a tall tower. The fluid in the receiver
                                                                                                                               is heated to as much as 1050°F before
                                                                                                                               being passed through a heat exchanger
                                                                                                                               to produce the steam used to generate

                                                                                                                               Parabolic dish systems are similar to
                                                                                                                               trough systems except that they use a
                                                                                                                               dish-shaped reflector. The dish concen-
                                                                                                                               trates solar radiation onto a receiver
Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX02407

                                                                                                                               mounted at the focal point of the dish,
                                                                                                                               heating the receiver fluid to as much as
                                                                                                                               1500°F. Instead of boiling water to run a
                                                                                                                               steam turbine, most dish systems today
                                                                                                                               generate electricity by using the hot fluid
                                                                                                                               to run a Stirling engine mounted at the
                               Solar Two technician Hugh Reilly inspecting one of the 1926 heliostats                          dish’s focal point.
                               (mirrors) that track the sun during the day. Power towers provide a variety of
                               jobs in systems operation and maintenance.

                                                                                                                                               Dollars from Sense            17
Geothermal Energy: Power from the Earth


                                                                                                                  eothermal power is a com-
                                                                                                                  mercially proven renewable
                                                                                                                  resource. Geothermal generat-
                                                                                                        ing capacity in the United States is
                                                                                                        currently about 2300 MW, distributed
                                                                                                        among baseload power plants located
                                                                                                        in four states Ñ California, Nevada,
                                                                                                        Utah, and Hawaii. Geothermal energy
                                                                                                        accounts for around 2% of the coun-
                                                                                                        tryÕs renewable-source electric generat-
                                                                                                        ing capacity.
                                                                                                           In 1996, the U.S. geothermal energy
                                                                                                        industry as a whole provided about
                                                                                                        12,300 direct domestic jobs, and an
                                                                                                        additional 27,700 indirect domestic
                                                                                                        jobs. The electric generation part of
                                                                                                        the industry employed about 10,000
                                                                                                        people to install and operate geother-
                                                                                                        mal power plants in the United States
                                                                                                        and abroad, including power plant
                                                                                                        construction and related activities such
                                                                                                        as exploration and drilling; indirect
                                                                                                        employment was about 20,000.

                                                                                                        Success Stories
                                                                                                        Providing Jobs and Tax Revenue
                                                                                                        NevadaÕs geothermal plants produce
                                                                                                        about 210 MW of electricity, saving
                                                                                                        energy imports equivalent to 800,000
                                                                                                        tons of coal or three million barrels of
                                                                                                        oil each year. Although California has
                                                                                                        much greater installed capacity,
                                                                                                        Nevada, with just over a million
                                                                                                        residents, uses more geothermal
                                                                                                        energy per capita than anywhere else
                                                                                                        in the country.
                                                                                                           Taxes received from geothermal
                                                                                                        operations are a significant source
Jeff Hulen/PIX04133

                                                                                                        of revenue for NevadaÕs local and
                                                                                                        state governments. In 1993, NevadaÕs
                                                                                                        geothermal power plants paid $800,000
                                                                                                        in county taxes and $1.7 million in
                      The drilling of production wells, such as these at The Geysers (above) and        property taxes. In addition, the U.S.
                      Imperial Valley (opposite) in California, accounts for a third to a half of the   Bureau of Land Management collects
                      cost of a geothermal project. About 10,000 people are directly employed in the    nearly $20 million each year in rent
                      geothermal electric industry.                                                     and royalties from geothermal plants

                      18   Dollars from Sense
Most of the electricity produced
                                                                               from the Coso geothermal field comes                 How It Works
                                                                               from power plants located on U.S.
                                                                               Navy land near China Lake in Inyo                    Geothermal (“Earth-heat”) energy comes
                                                                               County. Tax revenues paid to Inyo                    from the residual heat from the Earth’s
                                                                               County by CalEnergy amount to more                   formation and from the radioactive decay
                                                                               than 20% of the countyÕs annual                      of atoms deep inside the Earth. This heat
                                                                               income. In addition, the Navy gets                   is brought up to the Earth’s crust by
                                                                               royalties and cheaper electricity from               molten rock (magma) and by conduction
                                                                               the plants; in one year alone (1993), the            through solid rock. There it raises the
                                                                               Navy saved $4.2 million in electricity               temperature of groundwater trapped in
                                                                               costs, which equates to a one-third                   the fissures and pores of underground
                                                                               reduction in the total electricity bill for          rock, forming zones called hydrothermal
                                                                               the China Lake Naval Air Weapons                     reservoirs. Geothermal power plants are
                                                                               Station.                                             driven by hot water and steam produced
                                                                                                                                    from wells drilled into these hydrothermal
Warren Gretz, NREL/PIX0045

                                                                               Displacing Imported Fuel Oil                         resources.
                                                                               in Hawaii
                                                                               Hawaii has no conventional energy                    In most geothermal power plants, the
                                                                               resources and is forced to import                    steam from hydrothermal reservoirs is
                                                                               virtually all of its energy, including               used to generate electricity by spinning a
                                                                               every drop of oil. Fully 85% of the                  turbine generator directly; in others, the
                              Geothermal production well at                    stateÕs electricity is generated from                geothermal hot water is used to vaporize
                              Imperial Valley, California.                     petroleum products, primarily fuel oil,              a working fluid that boils at a low temp-
                                                                               compared with only 3% for the United                 erature. This vapor is then piped to a
                                                                               States as a whole. Importing oil repre-              turbine to generate electricity.
                             producing power on federal lands in
                                                                               sents a significant drain on the stateÕs
                             Nevada Ñ half of these revenues are                                                                    Potential geothermal energy reserves are
                                                                               economy, and creates a strong incen-
                             returned to the state.                                                                                 so large that they are considered inex-
                                                                               tive to develop domestically available
                                                                                                                                    haustible. Nevertheless, the fluid in
                                                                               renewable energy resources.
                             ÒNet proceeds tax, property tax and                                                                    individual hydrothermal reservoirs can be
                                                                                  Geothermal energy has been identi-                depleted to the point where the reservoir
                             county tax payables have increased                fied as perhaps the best near-term                   becomes economically unproductive. For
                             for geothermal plants throughout                  indigenous resource to meet the energy               this reason, sustainable use of specific
                             the state, especially in rural areas.Ó            needs of the Òbig islandÓ of Hawaii. A               hydrothermal resources always requires
                                       — Thomas Flynn, University of Nevada    single 25-MW geothermal plant on the                 the reinjection of water into the under-
                                        (Geo-Heat Center Bulletin, May 1996)   island produces 19% of the baseload                  ground reservoir to maintain pressure.
                                                                               needs of the Hawaiian Electric Light                 Injection of fluids from the Earth’s surface
                                The California Energy Company                  Company, replacing 1000 barrels of                   can also help to increase output from
                             (CalEnergy) operates geothermal                   imported fuel oil per day.                           reservoirs after they have become
                             power plants in California, Nevada
                                                                                                                                    depleted, a strategy that is being pursued
                             and Utah. In California, the company              ÒThe [Salton Sea Geothermal]                         at The Geysers field in California.
                             employs 226 people at its Salton Sea
                                                                               Project will provide economic
                             geothermal field in the Imperial Valley
                             and 121 people at the Coso geothermal             benefits to the State of California
                             field. In 1995, CalEnergy contributed             in the form of additional jobs and
                             more than $45 million to CaliforniaÕs             an expanded tax base.Ó
                             tax base through income taxes, payroll                          — David Sokol, CalEnergy chairman
                             taxes, local (county) taxes and unem-                          (CalEnergy press release, April 1995)
                             ployment taxes.

                                                                                                                                                    Dollars from Sense           19
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