SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
                        February 2020

             Newsletter from the South Australian Philatelic Council

Published quarterly by South Australian Philatelic Council,
                       22 Gray Court, Adelaide, 5001.
                       PO Box 10159, Adelaide,
                       Business Hub, Gouger St., Adelaide, SA 5000
                       email -,
                       Phone: (08) 8212 3557

SAPC NEWS is also available in PDF and may also be read on the APF web site
( along with details of SA & NT Clubs.

Information for the newsletter to be sent to Dianne James at e-mail:- The cut off for receiving information to go in the May
Newsletter is the 30 April 2020.

                             VOLUNTEERS WANTED
SAPC need a Website Developer, SAPC Youth Projects Officer and Delegates for
Clubs and Societies. If you have time to spare and skills in any of the positions listed
please contact Linda Welden, SAPC Secretary, email
SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
Club Listings

Meets – Informally

Meets - Greenock Lutheran Church Hall, Bevan St., Greenock; 1st Tuesday of each
        month (exc. Jan.) from 7.30pm.

Meets - Blackwood Uniting Church, Main Rd., Blackwood;
        3rd Thursday of each month (Nov to Mar) from 7.30pm.
        2nd Saturday of each month (Apr to Oct) from 1.30pm.

Meets - Bordertown Primary School; 3rd Thursday of each month from 7.45pm.
C/- PO, Bordertown, SA 5268

Meets - Community Health Centre, Grand Boulevard, Seaford;
        alternate Thursdays from 7.30pm.   - PO Box 97, Seaford, SA 5169

Meets - Marion Croquet Club, Sturt Rd, Marion, on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of each
       month from 7.30pm.
 0421 367 665 

Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide;
        1st Wednesday of each month (exc Jan.) from 7.30pm.

Aust. Match Cover Collectors’
Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide; bi-monthly on the 4th Friday of
each odd numbered month from 8.00pm.

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide;
        4th Thursday of each month (exc Dec.) from 7.30pm.           

Meets - Royal Society rooms behind State Library of S.A., off Kintore Avenue,
        Adelaide on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 7.45pm. (mention Society
        meeting at the boom gate)
                                             792 220

Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide; South Australia Study Group
    1st Tuesday of each month from 8pm. Australian Commonwealth Specialist
    Group. 3rd Tuesday of each month from 7.30pm.
                                       Gouger Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

Postal Stationery & Postal History Society of Austral
Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide;

Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, 4th Tuesday of each month from 8.00pm.
                                         265 739

South Australian Philatelic Council Inc.
SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide.  PO Box 10159, Adelaide Business
       Hub, Gouger Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
 (08) 8212 3557      
    South Australian Stamp Clubs

Darwin Philatelic Club Inc. 
Meets - Terry Mills Office, Oasis Shopping Centre, 15 Temple Tce., Palmerston.
       Contact club for meeting dates.
 PO Box 1624, Palmerston, NT 0831
 08 8931 2898          

Eastern Districts Philatelic Society 
Meets - Senior Citizens’ Hall, 47 Reid Avenue, Hectorville.
        2nd Thursday of each month (exc Jan.) from 7.30pm.
 PO Box 62, Campbelltown, SA 5074
 0418 846 243 

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
Elizabeth Philatelic Society 
Meets – Café Nova, Murray Street, Gawler. Most 2nd & 4th Fridays from 7.30pm.
 C/- 37 Andrews Road, Elizabeth Downs, SA 5113
 (08) 8252 0542       
   Elizabeth Stamp Club – EPS

Encounter Bay Stamp Club 
Meets - School Hall, Woolworths Shopping Ctr, Victor Harbor;
        1st Wednesday of each month (exc Jan) from 7.30pm.
 PO Box 317, Goolwa, SA 5214
 (08) 8555 3311       

German Philatelic Group 
Meets - German Club, 223 Flinders Street, Adelaide;
        2nd & 4th Mondays of each month from 8.00pm.
 223 Flinders St., Adelaide, SA 5000.
 (08) 8260 2251       

Glenside Philatelic Society 
Meets - Rosefield Uniting Church, 2-6 Carlton Street, Highgate;
        1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 1.30pm.
 9 Moore Street, Tranmere, SA 5073               (08) 8356 6697      

Lower Murray Philatelic Society 
Meets – White Park Centre, 19 Mulgundawah Rd, Murray Bridge;
        1st Saturday & 3rd Sunday of each month; from 10.00am to 2.00pm.
              , Murray Bridge, SA 5253

Mount Gambier Philatelic Society 
Meets - Reidy Park Community Centre, O’Halloran Terrace, Mount Gambier on the
        3rd Tuesday of each month from 8.00pm.
 PO Box 2261, Mount Gambier, SA 5290
 0419 817 697         

Para Hills Philatelic Society Inc. 
Meets -, Para Hills Uniting Church, cnr Liberman & Barcoo Rd
        Para Hills 1st Sunday of the month (exc Jan & Sep) from 8pm.
 PO Box 64, Para Hills, SA 5096
 (08) 8522 4345          

Philatelic Soc. of South Australia 
Meets - SAPHIL House, 22 Gray Court, Adelaide; 1st & 3rd Tuesday from 7.45pm,
 PO Box 10159, Adelaide Business Hub, Gouger Street, Adelaide, SA
 (08) 8555 3311        
SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
Port Pirie Philatelic Society 
Meets - GEMCLUB, Wandearah Road, Port Pirie;
        Last Monday of each month (exc Dec. & Jan.) from 2pm.
 7 Arnold Street, Port Pirie, SA 5540
 0429 858 856          

Riverland Philatelic Society 
Meets – Whitmore Hall, Bonnyview Village, Nookamka Tce, Barmera on the 4th
       Monday of each month from 10am (April to September) or 7pm (Feb, Mar,
       Oct, Nov.)              PO Box 901, Berri, SA 5343
 (08) 8584 1343       

Salisbury Philatelic Society 
Meets – The Dutch Club, 21 Greenfield Drive, Greenfields 1st Monday of each
       month (Feb-Dec) from 7.30pm. & 3rd Monday (Jan-Nov) from 7.30pm.
 PO Box 336, Salisbury, SA 5108
 (08) 8252 2392         
  Salisbury Philatelic Society INC.

SA Power Networks Stamp Club 
Meets - Canteen, SAPN Building, 1 Anzac Highway, Keswick
        1st Monday of each month from 7.45pm.
 PO Box 2079, Magill North, SA 5072
 (08) 8278 7163       

Stirling Philatelic Society 
Meets – “The Hut” (Old Aldgate Railway Station); 4th Friday from 7.30pm.
 PO Box 334, Stirling, SA 5152
 (08) 8351 5850         

Strathalbyn Philatelic Society 
Meets – Rosa Hoare Room, Lutheran Church, cnr. Commercial Road & North Pde,
        Strathalbyn; 2nd Monday of each month from 8.00pm.
 C/- Lloyd Deer, 5 Butler Drive, Strathalbyn, SA 5255
 (08) 8536 2640        

Ukrainian Collectibles Club 
Meets - Ukrainian Museum, 6 George Street, Hindmarsh; as per syllabus.
 PO Box 466, Woodville, SA 5011
 (08) 8345 4033       

Yorke Peninsula Collectables Club
Meets - Senior Citizens’ Club, Taylor Street, Kadina; 3rd Wednesday of each month
(exc Jan.) from 7.30pm.

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
                          Lower        Murray
                          Philatelic Society
                          finished the year
                          with a Christmas
                          Break up at the
Chinese Restaurant in Murray Bridge (our
clubs patrons). The Annual Trophies were
presented by SAPC President Jenny Roland and this year adult members
were presented with medallions and the junior members with trophies.
                                            2019 was a busy year for a number
                                     of our members in the organization side of
                                     club activities, administrations etc. With an
                                     increasing number of members, the society
                                     has found itself in need of finding a larger
                                     room       to
                                     meet, and
                                     with thanks
                                     the society,
was able, through the local council to find a
building to share with other groups.
         We thanked two retiring members for
their effort over the many years of service as
                                 Alan Stone and
                                 Robert Phaup
                                 have decided
                                 to step down from all formal activities to allow
                                 newer members to take the helm of the
                                 society. Alan has been the President for the
                                 society for over thirty years and was involved
                                 with reforming the society in 1979.
                                         This year marks the 40th year.

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation
             This year our club is making a huge effort to be very
progressive. We have new fantastic club rooms and our meetings are
    held at the White Park Centre, 19 Mulgundawah Road, Murray
  Bridge on the 1st Saturday and the 3rd Sunday of each month from
10am till 2pm approximately, the venue will be open from 9am to set
 up (you are welcome to come early).Our members also collect coins,
paper money & postcards. Also, there will be Auctions every meeting,
   there will be the SAPC circuit books and members circuit books.
Sunday meetings there will be group workshops Guests are Welcome
         Secretary is Wendy Ph 08 85704074 and her email is if you need more information. Our website is
             below and a work in progress – please look us

                       AUCTIONS AT SAPHIL HOUSE
           On behalf of those who support the auctions this is a thank you to
Peter Siggs, John Walker and Mike Kovaleff for organizing the auction. Also,
 I would like to thank David Figg our auctioneer, Jeff Taylor for putting lots to
bidder numbers, George Turner, Jen Mibus and Maria Kanas our scribes for
 the show and lastly anyone else who helped in the setup of the hall. Finally,
 a thank you to Jenny Roland for bringing her scones, which are always well
received. If you are interested in having lots in our next auction being held at
   SAPHIL House, it is being held on the 29th March, 2020 and please call
            Mike Kovaleff 85521983 or Peter Siggs on 0408806894
   29th March, 24th May, 26th July, 27th September and the 29th November
                     (May auction is not the last Sunday)
                           LATE AUCTION NEWS:
        We have just received a collection which includes a strong selection
of Diamond numeral cancellations of South Australia and postcards. As the
March auction is already full these will appear in over several auctions
starting in May. As this material is likely to generate considerable interest,
we will send an email to all clubs with a listing of major items for the May
auction for those of you who collect this material.
Refreshments and Credit Card facilities available plus absentee bidders

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation

                                                         On    the     28th
                                                  November,     2019     at
                                                  SAPHIL     House     the
                                                  Postcard Society held its
                                                  break-up meeting for the
                                                  year.   The 15,     who
                                                  attended   enjoyed      a
                                                  display of Orchids from
                                                  Gaye     and     Graham
                                                  Chequer (our members
from     Tasmania),
Neil Bonel and his
Christmas themed
postcards and then
our President put up
three of his one
frame exhibits, The
Hoboken       docks,
Ebenezer          Pitt
(orchardist     from
Adelaide) and Brookes Ltd., (stone masons)
Members enjoyed a light supper and a chat, browsed through a plethora of
postcards and had a successful raffle (12 of our members were very happy
with their prizes).
                                        STEEL SHELF UNITS FOR SALE.
                                      The APF has a quantity of prefabricated
                              steel shelving for sale, (see illustration). The
                              shelving is easily erected and is very stable,
                              complete with MDF shelf inserts.
                                      Cost is $20 per unit and can be delivered
                              to SAPHIOL House for collection by
                              arrangement. Contact Anthony Presgrave on
                              8555 3311
SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation

                                             The Community Philatelic Society
                                     held the second of their two auctions at
                                    SAPHIL House. There were 780 lots and
                                  the doors were open at 10am for viewing. A
                                   consistent flow of people came through the
                                  doors. Using the dot system, we sold 280 +
                                    lots at the main auction with another 30 +
                                                lots via After Sales.
                                           With over 50 people attending the
                                  canteen catered well for everyone. We had
                                  40 bidders, plus 4 absentee bidders.
Overall, it was well attended with a 38% clearance rate.

                      Services to Philately Award
        Nominations are now due by the 25th May, 2020 for the Services to
Philately at the National Level Award (SPAN Award) for 2020. Guide lines
for this award can be found at and
previous awardees are listed at
Nominations are to be sent to
        Nominations are required by 25th May 2020 to enable them to be
considered by the APF Executive Meeting 6-7th June 2020.

SAPC NEWS February 2020 - Australian Philatelic Federation

7th March –             Briskham and Butler Awards Dinner
13th – 15th March       Canberra 2020: Half National
16th March –            Salisbury Monster Auction
13th – 15th March –     Canberra ½ National
16th March –            Salisbury Monster auction
29th March, -           Community Auction
2nd May –               APS Open Day - Postcard open day
11th May –              Strathalbyn Monster Auction
24th May -              SAPC Auction
30th- 31st May –        Postcard & Match Cover Collectors Joint Exhibition at
                        Drill Hall, Torrens Parade Grounds (dealers also sell
                        all types of philatelic items and coins)
30th July - 2nd August 2020 Antarctic Festival Exhibition, Hobart, Tas

             Eastern Districts will be hosted congress this year

                       Society Meetings for 2019
   The following are the clubs the secretary has received information about
their dates of events. (If your programme is not mentioned then the secretary
has not received it and can you please forward it to her so it can be included
                         in the next Newsletter in May.)

March 4th – display by Iris Mullins “The Bleriot”
April 1st – The Smith Brothers Come Home to SA (all members)
May 6th display by Kaye Ridge & Andrew Ridge “Sir Hubert Wilkins: A
         Person Aspect”

27 February – display by David Figg “One Fame Pot Pourri”
26th March – Trading night – Members tables
23rd April – display by Alma Downes “Edinburgh Castle”
2nd May – Open Day at SAPHIL House 10am – 4pm
28th May – display by George Turner “Railway Advertising”
30th to 31st May – Annual Postcard Exhibition, Drill Hall, Torrens Parade
        Ground, Saturday 10am – 5pm & Sunday 10am to 4pm

Thursday 20th February – display by Dave T
Friday 21st February – visit to Stirling Philatelic Society
Thursday 19th March – display by Peter J
Saturday 11th April – display by Jeff
Saturday 9th May – display by Paul

                      City of Noarlunga Philatelic Society
6 Feb - Members to bring 3 sheets
20th Feb - Jane Bridle – Titanic
5th march - David Holmes – Stamp Quiz
19th March - Robert Way – Christmas Island
2nd April - Club Auction night
16th April - Colleen Martin - surprise
30th April - Steve Smith – China
14th May - People’s Choice -Alphabet ‘C’
28th May - Michelle Kelly – NZ Private post/mail

                       ENCOUNTER BAY STAMPCLUB
4 March – Regimentally undressed, an exhibit on hagners
1st April – Auction Night
6th May - Eric

                  Lower Murray Philatelic Society
February   16th Second Meeting Angela Groves – Luna New Year,
               Trevor Johnson - Japanese Occupation of the
March 7th First Meeting Wendy Johnson – Health 1964 Birds
March 15th Second Meeting ...Visit by Jenny Roland (Postcard Judge)
               Nigel Carter – Transport Postcards Display
April 4th First Meeting Dianne James 50th Anniversary of 1st Flight to
April 19 Second Meeting Robert Phaup – Peel and Stick Australia

May 2nd First Meeting Nigel Carter – Czech Pictorial Postal Marks
May 17th Second Meeting Trevor Johnson – Japanese Occupation Dia
            Nippon Overprints

March 17th – Australian KDVI Definitives (SW)
April 7th – Circuit Books and Auctions
April 21st – John Bell Shield (1 Frame Competition) all members
May 5th – Circuit Books and Auctions
May 17th – OPEN DAY
May 19th – Members Night (4 sheets or more)
May 19th – Committee meeting
March 27th – Members Choice
May 22nd – AGM and other hobbies
May 22nd - Special Meeting
May 30-31st Match Exhibition, Drill Hall

              PORT      PIRIE    PHILATELIC     SOCIETY
FEBRUARY 24          President’s Display
MARCH 30             Member Display
APRIL 27             Secretary’s Display
MAY 25               Member Display

February 17th: Clair van der Pijl – Israel
March 2nd: Sandy Keepence – War
March 16th: Monster Auction
April 6th: Werner Ott – Austria United Nations
April 20th: Hans Kexel – Early Germany
May 4th: Committee Members’ display
May 18th: Linda Welden – New Zealand

28 February          Visit by Blackwood PS -Blackwood (TBC)
27 March             Jeff T- 5c Grasslands and its flaws
24 April             Members- Military Matters
22 May               Owen M- TBC AGM

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