Powder Coating 2018 - www.powdercoating.org - Technical Conference

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Powder Coating 2018 - www.powdercoating.org - Technical Conference
         owder Coating 2018

March 12 - 15, 2018 | JW Marriott | Indianapolis, IN

Powder Coating 2018 - www.powdercoating.org - Technical Conference
Technical Conference

Technical Conference                          Powder Coating 101 Workshop
                                                                                             EVENT DETAILS
Monday, March 12 - Wednesday, March 14        Wednesday, March 14 - Thursday, March 15
PCI’s POWDER COATING 2018                     Ready to dig deeper into understanding         JW Marriott Indianapolis
Technical Conference will offer two           the basic essentials of a powder coating       10 S West St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
full days of educational programming,         operation? Then PCI’s POWDER
with both general sessions and in-            COATING 101 Workshop is for you!
depth breakouts. Industry experts offer       The workshop focuses on materials,             Dates
presentations covering topics from            application, reclamation, testing              March 12-15, 2018
materials to application equipment
and pretreatment to curing in a non-
                                              and evaluation, quality control, the
                                              manufacturing process and much more.
                                                                                             March 12-14:
commercial setting.                           If you are new to powder coating or            Technical Conference
                                              considering a switch to powder, this
A tabletop exhibition and networking          Workshop is a must! A networking               March 12-13:
opportunities will allow attendees            reception will be held on Wednesday            Tabletop Exhibition
the chance to speak one-on-one with           evening.
suppliers and learn more about the latest                                                    March 14-15:
innovations in the powder coating market.                                                    PCI Powder Coating 101 Workshop

                                                                                             Event Website
                                                                                             Check the event website regularly for
                                                                                             new exhibitors, sponsors and updated
                                                                                             registration details.

 Schedule of Events                                                                          Hotels
                                              1:30 PM              Tabletop Exhibition       PCI has made arrangements for
MONDAY, MARCH 12                                                                             a discounted group rate at two
POWDER COATING 2018 Technical                 		                   Concludes
                                                                                             Indianapolis hotels. To make
Conference & Tabletop Exhibition              1:30 – 3:00 PM       Breakout Sessions         reservations, go to the event website
Noon – 1:30 PM      Lunch and Tabletop        3:15 – 4:45 PM       Breakout Sessions         and click on HOTEL & TRAVEL. You
		                  Exhibits Open                                                            will find a link to make a reservation
                                              6:00 – 9:00 PM       Networking Event          directly with the hotel. You must
1:30 – 2:30 PM      Opening General           		                   Transportation Provided   go through our link to receive the
		                  Session                                                                  discounted rates.
2:45 – 4:15 PM      Breakout Sessions                                                        JW Marriott Indianapolis
                                              WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14
4:15 – 7:00 PM      Tabletop Exhibits Open                                                   $209/night + tax
                                              POWDER COATING 2018 Technical
5:00 – 7:00 PM      Reception in Tabletop     Conference & POWDER COATING 101                Fairfield Inn and Suites
		                  Exhibition Ballroom       8:30 – 11:00 AM      Closing General           Indianapolis Downtown
                                              		                   Session                   $159/night + tax

                                              11:00 AM             Technical Conference      The hotel cutoff date for reservations
TUESDAY, MARCH 13                                                                            at our discounted rates is Feb. 16,
POWDER COATING 2018 Technical                                                                2018. We recommend you make your
Conference & Tabletop Exhibition              1:00 – 5:00 PM       Powder Coating 101:       reservation as soon as possible.
                                              		                   Basic Essentials          Please book your hotel within one of
7:30 – 8:45 AM      Tabletops Open –
                    Breakfast Stations Open   5:00 – 6:00 PM       Powder Coating 101        our hotel blocks as listed above. This
                                              		                   Reception for             enables us to keep costs as low as
8:45 – 9:45 AM      General Session           		                   Workshop Attendees        possible for attendees, speakers and
10:00 – 11:30 AM Breakout Sessions                                                           exhibitors alike.

11:30 – 1:30 PM     Tabletop Exhibits Open    THURSDAY, MARCH 15                             Register
Noon – 1:30 PM      Lunch in Tabletop         POWDER COATING 101 Workshop                    www.powdercoating.org/PC18
                    Exhibition Ballroom       8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Powder Coating 101:
                                              		                Basic Essentials
Technical Conference Sessions
MONDAY, MARCH 12                                 3. Raising the Quality Bar                                10:00 – 11:30 AM
1:30 PM                                          Rick Gehman, Keystone Koating LLC                         BREAKOUT SESSIONS
GENERAL SESSION                                  Rich Saddler, Industrial Finishing Solutions, LLC         6. Building a Business Case and Planning for a New
1. Driving Consistent Performance Excellence     What does quality powder coating look                     Finishing System Installation
Dr. Amber Selking, Selking Performance Group     like? In a red ocean of steep competition,                Nick Liberto, Powder Coating Consultants
                                                 what does a job shop powder coater have                   Eddie Koehler and Jorge Martinez, JR Custom Metal Products
From the manufacturing floor to the
                                                 to do to accomplish a job with a quality
football field, delivering consistent                                                                      It is critical to plan and design for the
                                                 finish? It is easy for us to do the minimum
performance excellence is critical to team                                                                 best finish that addresses the required
                                                 required and look in the rear-view mirror
success. Through her experiences working                                                                   performance needed for corrosion
                                                 at our “competition” who undercut us on
in manufacturing for SPX Corporation and                                                                   protection, durability, weatherability,
                                                 both price and quality and complain about
as the mental performance consultant for                                                                   etc. This session will help you to better
                                                 them. Or we could look to the future and
the University of Notre Dame football team,                                                                understand your costs and assist you in
                                                 at our own process and continually raise
Dr. Amber Selking will share insights from                                                                 moving forward with a thorough feasibility
                                                 the standards for ourselves, ensuring the
the field of human performance psychology                                                                  study. Eddie and Jorge will relay the research
                                                 industry moves forward. How do we raise
that will help you deliver your best on a                                                                  steps they took to plan for a new powder
                                                 our standards? What tools do we use and
more consistent basis. The mind is an often                                                                coating system, what they learned along
                                                 what areas do we focus on? How do we
untapped and unrealized source of energy,                                                                  the way, questions you should be asking
                                                 communicate to our customers and the
efficiency, and effectiveness. This keynote                                                                throughout the process and what they know
                                                 industry that we have the processes and
will lead you to discover the power of your                                                                now after one year of operation.
                                                 standards in place to meet their high
mind and share strategies to help you deliver
                                                 expectations? What does that look like for
your absolute best, consistently.                                                                          7. Optimizing Your Batch Powder Coating Operations
                                                 all job shop coaters, big and small? You’ll
                                                 learn the answers to these questions during               Suresh Patel, Chemetall US, Inc., now part of BASF Corp.
2:45 PM                                          this informative session.                                 John Cole, Parker Ionics
BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                                                                          John Sudges, Midwest Finishing Systems, Inc.
2. Top 10 Fundamentals of a Powder Coating       4. Determining True Applied Cost
Operation                                                                                                  As with most “processes” there are many
                                                 Michael Withers, Axalta Coating Systems                   well-known and easily identified areas
Bill Owens, Akzo Nobel Coatings                                                                            where optimization can translate to cost
                                                 Many applicators may not understand
Jeff Hale, Gema USA, Inc.                        what it truly costs them to powder coat                   efficiencies. This presentation will discuss
The session will highlight the top 10 issues     their parts. This session will go in-depth to             optimization opportunities related to
a powder coater needs to understand when         discuss exactly how to calculate all the true             cleaning/pretreatment, powder application
they start powder coating. While these are       applied costs. We will also cover the ways in             and booths, ovens (dry-off and cure)
not the only issues you will encounter, your     which you can control these costs.                        and material handling options for batch
proactive approach to these top 10 will not                                                                operations. Attendees will go home with
only save you some headaches, but also time                                                                many specific hints and things to look at in
and money. Master your understanding of          TUESDAY, MARCH 13                                         their own operations that can equate to cost
                                                                                                           savings and their bottom line.
each of these basic critical issues and you’re   8:45 AM
well on your way to a quality powder coated      GENERAL SESSION
finish.                                                                                                    8. Minding Your Business
                                                 5. Responsibilities and Liabilities for Powder Coaters
                                                                                                           Frank Mohar, Nordson Corp.
                                                 Michael Cravens, Icon Powder Coating & Powder Finishing
                                                                                                           Joel Watts, Alabama Power Co.
                                                 Successful powder applicators take a                      Taking care of your overall business is as
                                                 pragmatic and proactive approach to avoid                 important as taking care of your powder
                                                 legal problems by implementing sound                      coating operations. They go hand-in-hand.
                                                 business policies and practices that govern               In a never before offered session, we’ll
                                                 the way they operate. This session will                   review the following important aspects of
                                                 highlight case studies that have resulted in              minding your business:
                                                 millions of dollars of product liability and              • Grants & Incentives for Business
                                                 we will cover objectives for establishing                 • Keeping Skilled Workers
                                                 a proactive approach to managing your                     • Determining the Right Time for
                                                 powder operations.                                          Equipment Replacement

                                                                                                                         REGISTER NOW AT
Technical Conference Sessions                                                                                 NETWORKING EVENT:
1:30 – 3:00 PM                                            13. Pretreatment: Understanding Your Options        Speedway Indoor Karting
BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                         David Schimpff, DuBois Chemicals                    Tuesday, March 13 | 6:00 PM
9. Safety: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility                 Choosing the best pretreatment to ensure
Marty Korecky, Akzo Nobel Coatings                        the performance that customers require,
Mike Thies, Gema USA, Inc.                                while protecting the environment and
Sergio Mancini, BCI Surface Technologies                  considering costs can be a real challenge.
                                                          Are there situations where iron phosphate
Over the past year, PCI has received many                 still reigns? Should I be looking at the newer
safety and regulations related questions. We              technology and will it solve some of my
have taken your most asked safety questions               problems? This session will address these
and put together a panel of experts to                    issues and more.
address them. This segment will provide a
presentation discussing the topics of your
concerns. Our panelists will save time at
the end for any new questions you may have                WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14
regarding safety and regulations.                         8:30 AM
                                                          GENERAL SESSION
10. Architectural Powder Coatings                         14. The Robots are Coming, IIoT, and Advanced       Here’s your chance to test your
Mike Withers, Axalta Coating Systems                      Automation                                          driving skills like Indy car
Carl Troiano, Trojan Powder Coating                       Matt Kirchner, LAB Midwest LLC
                                                                                                              champs when we spend a fun
This session will focus on powder coatings                The fourth industrial revolution is upon
                                                          us and powder coating will never be the
                                                                                                              evening at Speedway Indoor
specifically designed to meet the rigorous
specifications of the American Architectural              same. Finishing robots that communicate             Karting. You won’t be going
Manufacturers Association (AAMA). We                      with the cloud, order their own replacement         nearly as fast as the pros, but
will discuss the AAMA 2603, 2604 and 2605                 parts and repair themselves. Automatic              this fun event will find which
specifications and their requirements. We                 analytics that improve finishing processes
will also review the Qualicoat specification              with no help from a human being. Machine            of our Powder Coating 2018
and how it compares to AAMA. The                          Learning. Artificial Intelligence. Artificial       Technical Conference attendees
presenters provide perspective from both                  Neural Networks. Even if you’re not                 will be crowned the winner and
powder manufacturing and job coating shop                 thinking on this level yet – your competition
                                                          might be. In this entertaining and                  earn bragging rights!
                                                          provoking presentation, Matt Kirchner, who
3:15 – 4:45 PM                                            has invested much of the last 18 months             A dinner and beverages will be
                                                          studying Industry 4.0 and the Industrial
BREAKOUT SESSIONS                                         Internet of Things – will share what’s on           included along with the facility’s
11. Roundtable for Applicators                            the horizon for manufacturers and powder            game room. This will be a
Sharing your knowledge with others is                     coaters alike.                                      great evening to connect with
one of the highlights of any PCI technical                                                                    others in the powder coating
conference. This year we’ll be holding                    15. Troubleshooting Your Powder Coating Operation
roundtable discussions that will include                                                                      industry. Transportation will be
                                                          Ron Cudzilo, George Koch Sons, LLC
these topics….
                                                          Joe Glassco, Wagner Industrial Solutions            provided from the JW Marriott,
• Approaching management for new                                                                              and this event is included in
  equipment needs                                         Ken Kaluzny, Coral Chemical Co.
                                                          Bill Owens, Akzo Nobel Coatings                     the Full Technical Conference
• Application tips – Have you thought about . . .
                                                          Every powder coating operation runs into            registration fee.
• Powder disposal
                                                          problems now and then. How you learn
                                                          to solve those challenges when they arise
12. Creating a Comprehensive Finishing Specification      is what’s important. In our final session,
Michael Cravens, Icon Powder Coating & Powder Finishing   we’ll explore a variety of troubleshooting
Consultants                                               exercises that will teach you how to
So many companies outsource their                         identify problems, determine what caused
finishing work and do not have a formal                   them, steps to solve them and ultimately
written finishing specification. This leaves              prevent them from happening again. This
all quality accept/reject criteria open to                interactive session will include industry
subjective opinion. Let’s review the best                 experts and audience participation!
approach to generating a comprehensive
specification and why it is so important.
Tabletop Exhibitors (as of December 7, 2017)
ACT Test Panels, LLC                               DuBois Chemicals                                  Powder Coating Consultants, Division of
                                                                                                      Ninan, Inc.
Arkema Coating Resins                              Echo Engineering & Production Supplies Inc.
                                                                                                     Powder Coating Institute
Axalta Coating Systems                             Elcometer, Inc.
                                                                                                     Products Finishing
B.L. Downey Company LLC                            Fischer Technology Inc.
                                                                                                     Richards-Wilcox, Inc.
BCI Surface Technologies                           Fostoria Process Equipment, Div. of TPI Corp.
Blasdel Enterprises                                Gema USA Inc.
                                                                                                     RollSeal, Inc.
Canadian Finishing & Coatings Manufacturing        Gemme Barium Sulfate
                                                                                                     SAMES KREMLIN
Caplugs/Shercon                                    George Koch Sons, LLC
                                                                                                     Tape Industrial Sales, Inc. & Coating Delivery
Carlisle Fluid Technologies                        Global Finishing Solutions
                                                                                                     Technology, LLC
Chemetall US, Inc.                                 Intek Corporation
Chemical Coaters Association International         IntelliFinishing
                                                                                                     TQC-USA, Inc.
Col-Met Engineered Finishing Solutions             Midwest Finishing Systems, Inc.
                                                                                                     Wagner Industrial Solutions
Coral Chemical Co.                                 Nordson Corporation
DeFelsko Corporation                               Parker Ionics
Companies in bold are members of the Powder Coating Institute
Check www.powdercoating.org/PC18 for updates to the exhibitor list

                                                   *Register for the Full Technical Conference and receive $100 off your Powder Coating 101
                                                   Workshop registration.

 Full Technical Conference                         One-Day Technical Conference                     Tabletop Exhibition Only
 PCI Member           $495 (through February 14)   PCI Member          $250 (through February 14)   PCI Member         $125 (through February 14)
                      $550 (after February 14)                         $295 (after February 14)                        $150 (after February 14)
 Non-Member           $595 (through February 14)   Non-Member          $295 (through February 14)   Non-Member         $150 (through February 14)
                      $650 (after February 14)                         $340 (after February 14)                        $175 (after February 14)
 Member Exhibitor: $375
                                                   Includes:                                        Includes:
                                                   • Admission to Powder Coating 2018               • Admission to the Powder Coating 2018
 • Admission to any Powder Coating 2018              conference sessions on one day                  Tabletop Exhibition
   technical conference session
                                                   • Admission to the Tabletop Exhibition           • Reception on Monday, March 12
 • Admission to the Tabletop Exhibition              on both days
   on both days                                                                                     • Continental breakfast on Tuesday, March 13
                                                   • Continental breakfast, refreshment             • Lunch on March 12 & 13
 • Continental breakfast, refreshment                breaks & lunch on one day
   breaks & lunch for the duration of the
   technical conference                            • Tabletop reception on March 12
 • Tabletop reception on March 12                  • One copy of conference proceedings on          Powder Coating 101 Workshop
                                                     a flash drive
 • Ticket to the Speedway Indoor Karting                                                            PCI Member         $395
   evening event on March 13                                                                        Non-Member        $495
 • One copy of conference presentations
   on a flash drive

             Registration is now open at www.powdercoating.org/PC18
                Technical Conference     FIRST CLASS
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The Powder Coating Institute                 PAID
PO Box 679                             CINCINNATI, OH
Independence, KY 41051                   PERMIT 6159

     Register now at www.

     Thank You to Our Event Sponsors

     Media Sponsors
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