Sales Tax And Service Tax - Latest Updates! - INDIRECT TAX - 21 August 2018 One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya

Page created by Carolyn Daniel
Sales Tax And Service Tax - Latest Updates! - INDIRECT TAX - 21 August 2018 One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya

Sales Tax
And Service Tax –
Latest Updates!
                    Extra! Dialogue with
                   Inland Revenue Board
                        on Tax Audit
                     and Investigation

21 August 2018
One World Hotel,
Petaling Jaya
Sales Tax And Service Tax - Latest Updates! - INDIRECT TAX - 21 August 2018 One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya
Workshop Objective
The Sales Tax Bill 2018 and Service Tax Bill 2018 have been tabled and passed at the Dewan Rakyat. As we
draw closer to the proposed effective date of 1 September 2018, the Royal Malaysian Customs Department
(“Customs”) has also been actively updating and providing more information and clarification on the proposed
scope and mechanism of the Sales Tax and Service Tax (SST). With SST set to return in less than 1 month, it
is imperative for businesses to prepare and ensure that their systems, processes and documentations are
ready to ‘go live’ in compliance with the SST legislations on 1 September 2018.

During this half day Seminar, we will share the key provisions in the Sales Tax Bill 2018 and Service Tax Bill
2018 as well as insights based on the additional information provided by Customs. We will also cover the key
takeaways from the GST (Repeal) Bill 2018 which businesses should take note of as they manage their exit
from GST.

Also, we have specially invited Dato’ Sri Subromaniam Tholasy, the Director General of Customs where
you will have the chance to pose questions to during our Q&A session! By 21 August 2018, it would be
exactly 10 days to the proposed SST coming live so do not miss this opportunity to hear the latest updates to
be shared by Customs.

 [Extra!] Tax audit and investigation – Future direction by the Inland Revenue Board (“IRB”)? We
 have invited Karen Koh, Director of Large Taxpayer’s Branch, IRB to have a dialogue session with us to
 share on the latest developments from the income tax audit and investigation perspective.

Our agenda includes:
 Implementing SST – Key provisions in the Sales Tax Bill 2018 and Service Tax Bill 2018 as well as insights
  based on the additional information provided by Customs
 Exiting GST – Key takeaways from the GST (Repeal) Bill 2018
 Q&A with the Director General of Customs
 Dialogue with the Director of Large Taxpayer’s Branch, IRB
Sales Tax And Service Tax - Latest Updates! - INDIRECT TAX - 21 August 2018 One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya
       Ng Sue Lynn, Executive Director
       Sue Lynn joined KPMG in 2005 and is a member of KPMG Malaysia’s GST Strategic
       team. She has experience in both corporate income tax and Indirect Tax. For GST, Sue
       Lynn’s experience includes assisting her clients on GST implementation, advisory,
       compliance and health check projects. For Indirect Tax, Sue Lynn has assisted her clients
       in advisory and due diligence. Sue Lynn is also experienced in advising clients on the
       Price Control and Anti-Profiteering requirements.
       Her clients come from a diverse range of industries such as plantation, retail, financial
       services, manufacturing, property and construction. She has also advised overseas
       clients intending to invest in Malaysia.
       She is an approved HRDF Certified Trainer and a regular speaker at Indirect Tax seminars
       and workshops both locally and internationally.
       Sue Lynn is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, United
       Kingdom, a BA (Honours) Accounting graduate from University of Hertfordshire, United
       Kingdom, and a GST agent.

       Dato’ Tan Sim Kiat, Advisor
       Dato’ Tan joined KPMG in 2017 as a GST advisor and specialises in GST, Customs,
       Service Tax, Excise, Sales Tax and Indirect Tax. Dato’ Tan was the Director of Customs
       in the GST Division of Customs Headquarters in Putrajaya, prior to retirement.
       Dato’ Tan was with Customs for over 34 years. He was a pioneer in the GST Project
       Team and was actively involved in the consultation, research, development, formulation
       of the concept, process and procedure, promotion and implementation of GST in
       Dato’ Tan has trained Customs officers and GST agents since 2005 to prepare them for
       the implementation of GST. He regularly represented Customs in conferences, forums,
       seminars, meetings and in television and radio interviews. He frequently attended
       Parliamentary sessions which discussed and debated on the GST legislation and issues,
       and regularly briefed the Minister of Finance on GST.

       Soh Lian Seng, Executive Director
       Lian Seng leads the Tax Risk Management Group at KPMG in Malaysia and is also the
       Head of Korea Business Practice at KPMG in Malaysia.
       With 25 years of experience in Tax, Lian Seng is proficient in handling corporate tax
       assignments, specialising in advising local and multinational corporations on tax audits
       and tax investigations. He has represented Malaysian taxpayers during tax audits,
       investigations and dispute resolution hearing before the IRB.
       Lian Seng is an approved HRDF Certified Trainer and a regular speaker at conferences,
       seminars and workshops besides contributing Tax thought leadership and articles in
       various professional journals, newspapers and within the Malaysian SME fraternity.
Workshop Details
Date    : 21 August 2018
Time    : 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Venue   : One World Hotel, First Avenue,
          Bandar Utama City Centre,
          Petaling Jaya, Selangor

Who Should Attend?
• Finance Managers
• Accountants
• Tax Managers & Executives


  8.00 a.m. – 9.00 a.m.            Registration

  9.00 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.           Key provisions in the Sales Tax Bill 2018 and
                                   Service Tax Bill 2018 as well as latest insights

  10.30 a.m. – 10.45 a.m.          Break

  10.45 a.m. – 11.15 a.m.          Exiting GST – Getting it right

  11.15 a.m. – 12.15 p.m.          Q&A Session with Dato’ Sri Subromaniam Tholasy

  12.15 p.m. – 1.00 p.m.           Dialogue with Karen Koh
Registration Form
(Please photocopy the registration form, if necessary)

Registration: Sales Tax and Service Tax – Latest Updates! – 21
August 2018
   FOR ENQUIRY:                    Online
   Ms. Pershen Kaur                       Ms. Esther Teh             Registration
   at 03-7721 7112                        at 03-7721 7120

Delegate Details

   Name:                                                            For participants
                                                                     who are
   Salutation:                                      Designation:     vegetarians,
   Organisation:                                                     please indicate in
                                                                     the box
   Tel:                                            Fax:
   Postal Address:

   Name:                                                            For participants
                                                                     who are
   Salutation:                                      Designation:     vegetarians,
   Organisation:                                                     please indicate in
                                                                     the box
   Tel:                                            Fax:
   Postal Address:

   Name:                                                            For participants
                                                                     who are
   Salutation:                                      Designation:     vegetarians,
   Organisation:                                                     please indicate in
                                                                     the box
   Tel:                                            Fax:
   Postal Address:
Certificate of attendance will be issued for 4 CPE hours.

Fees & Payment
•     RM500 per participant (inclusive of 0% GST). For those who have attended our SST Seminar on 30 July 2018, we
      are pleased to offer a 30% discount.
•     HRDF application may be made under the Skim Bantuan Latihan, subject to approval by
      Pembangunan Sumber Manusia Berhad.

Cheques should be crossed and made payable to KPMG Tax Services Sdn Bhd.

I/We enclose payment of RM             via Cheque/Bank Draft no.
payable to KPMG Tax Services Sdn. Bhd.
*     Registration fee is inclusive of training materials, refreshments and lunch.
**    Please note that limited seating is available for this workshop. Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis.

•    No cancellation and/ or refund will be entertained but replacement delegate is welcomed at no additional charge if
     registered delegate is unable to attend.

© 2018 KPMG Tax Services Sdn. Bhd., a company incorporated under Malaysian law and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms
affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Printed in Malaysia.

The KPMG name and logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International.
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