Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...

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Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
August 1, 2017

Safety fitness system study validates UMA’s concerns
    WASHINGTON — The United             its features need improvement.               But commercial motor carriers                  ty fitness rating system based on                    its proposed rule, saying it was
Motorcoach Association’s concerns            “The report confirms many of        have long contended that the sys-                  scores generated by the agency’s                     awaiting the results of the National
about the federal compliance scoring    UMA’s concerns relating to dispari-      tem was flawed and inappropriate                   Compliance, Safety, Accountabili-                    Academies study. And, after the
system for motor carriers were vali-    ties contained in the SMS,” said         for passenger carriers. Congress                   ty (CSA) program. SMS is part of                     study was completed, FMSCA
dated by a recent report from the Na-   UMA president and CEO Stacy Tet-         responded to such complaints two                   the CSA program.                                     said it has accepted the conclu-
tional Academies of Sciences, Engi-     schner. “UMA has been particularly       years ago by mandating the SMS                         A coalition of groups repre-                     sions and plans to move forward
neering, and Medicine.                  concerned about how small fleet op-      study as part of the Fixing Ameri-                 senting property and passenger                       with implementation. It is required
    The report about the Federal        erators can be adversely affected.”      ca’s Surf ace Transpor tation                      carriers, led by the UMA, sent a                     to submit an action plan to
Motor Carrier Safety Administra-             FMCSA implemented SMS to            (FAST) Act of 2015.                                letter to Secretary of Transporta-                   ­Congress in 120 days.
tion’s Safety Measurement System        identify commercial motor vehi-              Despite the mandate, FMCSA                     tion Elaine Chao last spring asking                      The 132-page study was con-
(SMS) described the system as “con-     cle carriers at high risk for future     issued a proposed rule last year to                that she rescind the proposed rule.                   ducted over the past 15 months by
ceptually sound” but said several of    crashes.                                 establish a new motor carrier safe-                    In March, FMCSA withdrew                                        CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 c

Branson rolls out red carpet
for motorcoaches, drivers
    BRANSON, Mo. — Its                  have green rooms for them as
star-studded days have passed, but      well.”
Branson remains one of the coun-             The bureau’s marketing firm
try’s most popular — and mo-            estimated visitation at a record 8.8
torcoach friendly — tour                to 9 million in 2016. If the Mis-
destinations.                           souri Ozark Mountains region
    “Last year we welcomed in ex-       were a country, it would have
cess of 8 million visitors and 7 per-   placed just behind Egypt (9.3 mil-
cent were coming by motor­coach,”       lion) as an international tourist
said Lynn Berry, director of com-       destination.
munications at the Branson/Lakes             From 1996 to 2002, Branson
Area Convention and Visitors            was considered one of the coun-
Bureau.                                 try’s top three motorcoach desti-
    “We have motorcoach parking         nations, with tour buses delivering
down after 25 years,” Berry said.       around 15 percent of visitors to
“We treat our drivers with a red        the area’s shows, lakes and out-
carpet. Of course drivers enjoy         door activity parks, Berry said.
seeing the same shows as their               “We know we are probably
passengers, but if they do want to      still one of the top 10 motorcoach       A tour bus operated by Mid-American Coaches of Washington, Mo., is parked outside one of the many theaters
sit down and get comfortable, we                                                 in Branson, Mo., which local tourism officials say is among the top 10 motorcoach destinations in the country.
                                                        CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 c

Third-party inspections for NCAA certification extended
    WOODRIDGE, Ill. — The Go            fee structure charged motorcoach         cation plan has been controversial                 sociation and the American Bus                       government can do that. It is not a
Ground transportation manage-           carriers to be inspected and ap-         since it was instituted in 2011.                   Association to ask them to join                      straightforward, moral business
ment company announced a five-          proved for NCAA charters.                    After Go Ground announced a                    them in opposition.                                  practice,” Garrett said.
year extension of its agreement to          It also will drop a waiver that      continuation of its NCAA relation-                     “We are reaching out to other                        “If we don’t say something
certify motorcoach operators for        permitted college teams to use           ship through the 2021 college ath-                 states to ask that their members                     about this it is only going to get
post-season sports travel conduct-      their preferred operators in the         letics season, members of the Mo-                  not sign up,” said Bob Garrett,                      worse. Maybe the schools will
ed by the National Collegiate Ath-      post-season if that carrier had          torcoach Association of South                      president of the South Carolina as-                  think it’s smart and they will start
letic Association.                      achieved a Level I rating from the       Carolina voted to opt out.                         sociation and Sunshine Travel &                      to do it, too.”
    Some colleges and universities      U.S. Department of Defense in-               The 42 carrier members also                    Express in Lancaster.                                    Go Ground’s statement an-
follow the Go Ground certification      spection protocol for military           voted unanimously to draft a letter                    “This inspection company can-                    nouncing the NCAA extension
protocol.                               charters.                                to other state motorcoach associa-                 not give you or take away your op-                   called its arrangement “the highest
    Go Ground has changed the               The Go Ground fee-for-certifi-       tions, the United Motorcoach As-                   erating authority. Only the federal                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 14 c

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Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
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Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
Bus & Motorcoach News                                                        INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                           August 1, 2017 3

Majority of Americans believe their roads are unsafe
    NEW YORK CITY — While                   For slightly more than half of    said Ananth Prasad, transportation       best way to reduce congestion.              The HNTB survey also found
debate over the adoption of a major     Americans (52 percent), the best      practice leader and senior vice pres-    Adding capacity to critical corri-      that for 62 percent of Americans,
infrastructure-funding plan drags       way to address highway safety is      ident at HNTB. “It is imperative         dors was supported by 40 percent;       the priority for new transportation
on in Congress, Americans are           through enforcement of traff ic       that we invest needed resources into     providing timely information about      technologies should be to reduce
making it clear they want to see        laws, such as those for speeding      our entire surface transportation        traffic conditions, alternate modes     accidents and increase safety.
some action on fixing the nation’s      and drunk driving.                    network of highways, bridges and         of travel and alternate routes was          Almost half of the respondents
highways and bridges.                       Other approaches include en-      rail systems.                            favored by 36 percent; and 30 per-      said the use of connected vehicle
    According to a recent survey by     couraging automobile manufactur-           “But we must do more than just      cent supported providing technolo-      technologies would increase highway
infrastructure firm HNTB Corp.,         ers to make new safety technolo-      repair our existing infrastructure re-   gy, vehicles and roadways that im-      safety and reduce traffic accidents.
most Americans have safety con-         gies standard equipment, using        quired for today,” Prasad said. “Poli-   prove traffic flow.                         The HNTB survey also asked
cerns when driving on their local       higher safety standards when build-   cymakers should establish clear pri-          “State departments of transpor-    about the technologies drivers want
roads and bridges.                      ing or improving roads, and making    orities and make smart investments       tation are working hard to find and     in their personal vehicles. The top
    The survey, “Roadway Safety         low-cost improvements such as sig-    to create transportation systems ca-     implement solutions that can help       responses included blind spot noti-
and Congestion — 2017,” found           nage, enhanced pavement markings      pable of meeting future demands          decrease congestion, but are ham-       fication (63 percent), more infor-
that while 92 percent of Americans      and guardrails.                       and growing our economic strength.”      pered by needs outpacing budgets,”      mation on road conditions (57 per-
believe it is extremely or very im-         “Americans expect and want a           Almost half (48 percent) of the     Prasad said. “Federal funding iden-     cent), the ability to know when
portant to maintain existing high-      surface transportation network that   survey’s respondents said providing      tified by the current administration    vehicles are too close or approach-
way and bridge infrastructure to im-    delivers safe and reliable travel,”   more public transportation is the        is needed now.”                         ing quickly (55 percent), autono-
prove safety and reduce congestion,                                                                                                                            mous automatic emergency brak-
just 35 percent said they consider
their local highways and bridges to
be extremely or very safe.
                                        Quaint town No. 1 Canadian spot                                                                                        ing (45 percent), and warning that
                                                                                                                                                               vehicle speed is dangerous for the
                                                                                                                                                               driving conditions (39 percent).
    Fifty-one percent said their           ST. ANDREWS, New Bruns-            writers and experts to nominate          places like Banff and Vancouver             Prasad said the need for more
roads and bridges are only some-        wick — When Americans think           some of the best destinations in         and Quebec City,” Mayor Doug            infrastructure improvements result-
what safe.                              Canadian tourist attractions, they    Canada. The list included 20 towns       Naish told CTV Atlantic.                ed in the nation receiving a D+
    A large majority (85 percent) of    generally point to Niagara Falls or   and cities from coast to coast.              “It’s just still sinking in, I      grade by the American Society of
the survey respondents agreed that      Vancouver or Montreal.                   The top picks were then hand-         think, for a lot of us.”                Civil Engineers’ 2017 Infrastruc-
increased traffic congestion direct-       Yet St. Andrews, a quaint New      ed over to online readers, who               The mayor said he is a little       ture Report Card. And, last year,
ly contributes to highway fatalities,   Brunswick town with 1,800 resi-       voted on their favorite travel           worried that tourists could over-       voters in 34 states agreed to fund
and six in 10 said decreasing traffic   dents, beat out some of Canada’s      hotspots and gave St. Andrews-           run the town.                           local transportation projects.
injuries and fatalities and traffic     best-known attractions to be          by-the-Sea the top spot.                     “We don’t want 50,000 more              “States are stepping up to the
congestion should be the nation’s       named the No. 1 place to visit by        Even the town’s mayor was             people showing up on the same           plate and doing their part,” she said.
most important surface transporta-      USA Today.                            surprised. “I still didn’t think that    day,” he said. “It’s a great problem    “We need the federal government
tion priorities.                           The publication asked travel       we’d be in the same league with          to have.”                               to do the same.”

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Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
4 August 1, 2017		Bus & Motorcoach News

Uber and Lyft now licensed to operate in upstate N.Y.
    ALBANY, N.Y. — Ride-hail-          deputy commissioner.                   operate in upstate New York, DMV       the company the driver works for.           Companies are also required to
ing services Uber and Lyft have            “Ride sharing will enhance         also implemented new regulations,          DMV has established a com-          adopt anti-discrimination policies
finally made it to one of the last     safety on our roads, open new eco-     including requiring that the fare or   plaint process for violations by        for all passengers, including those
holdouts in the country — upstate      nomic opportunities for New            estimated fare be provided on the      ride-sharing companies, and is re-      with disabilities.
New York.                              York’s small businesses and enable     ride-sharing app to the customer       quiring the companies to have es-           Drivers must be at least 19 and
    The New York State Depart-         thousands of New Yorkers to earn       before the ride begins.                tablished processes for consumer        must pass a criminal background
ment of Motor Vehicles said the        extra income,” Egan said. “This is         The app also must display a        complaints easily accessible            check that includes a review of
companies began operations last        an exciting chapter in the history     photo of the driver; the make,         through their apps.                     their driving record before they
month in cities such as Buffalo,       of New York transportation and         model and color of the vehicle;            Ride-sharing companies must         can transport passengers.
Rochester, Syracuse and Albany.        another example of how govern-         and the vehicle’s license plate        pay the state a $100,000 applica-       Ride-sharing companies must en-
    “New Yorkers have long de-         ment and industry are working to-      number.                                tion fee and an annual renewal fee      roll their drivers in the DMV’s Li-
manded statewide ride-sharing          gether to move the Empire State            Ride-sharing vehicles must         of $60,000. They also must provide      cense Event Notification System,
services and I’m pleased that these    forward.”                              also display a prominent emblem        vehicle liability insurance for $1.25   which reports traffic ticket convic-
services will now be available,”           In approving the applications      on the passenger side of the front     million and workers’ compensation       tions, suspensions, revocations, re-
said Terri Egan, DMV executive         by the ride-sharing companies to       windshield to verify to passengers     coverage for their drivers.             instatements and other events.

FMCSA reminding drivers to operate safely around buses
    WASHINGTON — The Feder-            ministrator Daphne Jefferson.              There are several simple ac-       quire extra turning room.               test, go to
al Motor Carrier Safety Adminis-           “This important partnership        tions passenger vehicle drivers            • Stay focused on the road and      gov/OurRoadsArtContest. To
tration is continuing its efforts to   amplifies the message that all driv-   should take while sharing the road     avoid distractions.                     learn more about the Our Roads,
raise public awareness so that all     ers on the roadway must work to-       with large trucks and buses:               • Be patient driving around         Our Safety program, go to https://
drivers know how to operate safely     gether to ensure that everyone ar-         • Stay out of the “No Zones”       large trucks and buses.       
around large trucks and buses          rives safely at their destinations.”   or blind spots at the front, back          In addition to these tips, par-
through a newly formed partner-
ship under its Our Roads, Our
                                           AAA, the American Trucking
                                       Associations and the American
                                                                              and sides of the vehicle.
                                                                                  • Make sure they can see the
                                                                                                                     ents and teachers can involve chil-
                                                                                                                     dren aged 5-12 in highlighting the
                                                                                                                                                             Bus and truck
Safety campaign.
    “FMCSA is pleased to work
                                       Bus Association have joined with
                                       FMCSA to amplify the Our Roads,
                                                                              driver in the mirror before safely
                                                                                                                     importance of road safety by par-
                                                                                                                     ticipating in the Road Safety Art
                                                                                                                                                             guide available
with a group of partners that are      Our Safety effort to educate all pe-       • Don’t cut in close while         Contest. The contest allows chil-            WASHINGTON — The Fed-
dedicated to safety and share our      destrians, bicyclists, passenger ve-   merging in front of a CMV.             dren in kindergarten through sixth      eral Motor Carrier Safety Admin-
agency’s goal of reducing crashes,     hicle drivers and commercial               • Stay back a safe distance to     grade to use their creativity and       istration has released its 2017
injuries and fatalities involving      motor vehicle drivers on how to        avoid being in the blind spot.         talent to help raise awareness of       Pocket Guide to Large Truck and
large trucks and buses on the          better share our roadways and im-          • Anticipate wide turns and        how to stay safe on the roads.          Bus Statistics, a resource that sup-
road,” said FMCSA Deputy Ad-           prove safety for all.                  consider larger vehicles may re-           For information about the con-      ports the agency’s mission of pre-
                                                                                                                                                             venting commercial motor vehi-
                                                                                                                                                             cle-related fatalities and injuries.

                                                                                                                     POT SHOT                                     The compact reference guide
                                                                                                                                                             is a compilation of statistics from

                                                                                                                       TRY IT
                                                                                                                                                             the overall state of the industry
                                                                                                                                                             and provides statistics on crashes,
                                                                                                                                                             violations, inspections, investiga-

                                                                                                                      SPECIAL                                tions, enforcement activity and
                                                                                                                                                             costs of accidents.
                                                                                                                                                                  It also contains information

                                                                                                                                                             on FMCSA’s grant programs and
                                                                                                                                                             a list of agency resources.
                                                                                                                                                                  “The Pocket Guide can serve
                                                                                                                     PREMEASURED                             as a valuable, compact resource

                                                                                                                                                             for industry representatives, fed-
                                                                                                                       SERVICES                              eral agencies, and other individu-

                                                                                                                          $37.95                             als interested in motor carrier

                                                                                                                                                             safety regulations and perfor-
                                                                                                                                                             mance data,” FMCSA states on
                                                                                                                                                             its website.
                       WHILE OTHERS ARE CONTINUALLY CHANGING FORMULAS, SUPER                                          DELIVERED                                   “It will be updated periodical-
                       STRENGTH POT SHOT’S QUALITY REMAINS UNSURPASSED. THERE’S                                       ANYWHERE                               ly in the future as new data are
                                                                                                                                                             collected and analyzed.”
                       PLEASE CALL FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND YOUR FREE SAMPLE.                                     IN USA AND                                  The Pocket Guide incorporates
                                                                                                                                                             and replaces the one-page data
                       POT SHOT IS AVAILABLE IN 2 OZ, 8 OZ, GALLONS, PAILS AND DRUMS                                 TERRITORIES                             summaries, “Commercial Motor
                                                                                                                                                             Vehicle Facts,” published occa-
  (800) 879-8648 - (702) 564-6454 -
                                                                                                                                                             sionally over the past 10 years.
                                                                                                                                                                  The guide, as well as FMC-
                                                                                                                                                             SA’s Large Truck and Bus Crash
   60 Years Manufacturing Environmentally Safe Products                                                              PER SERVICE                             Facts, can be found at www.fmcsa.
                                                                                                                                                    under the “Safety” tab.
Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
Anuncio B&MN .indd 1   6/2/17 20:58
Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
6 August 1, 2017                                                                                 OPINION                                                                            Bus & Motorcoach News

Managing your law firm relationships can save money
By Thomas D. DeMatteo                         timelines.                                    You can also use a short form           Minimum time entries —                     they are directly applicable and
                                                  • Have extensive experience in        for an RFP and to obtain your best      Two issues arise in this area. The             important to your matter.
     Is the death of the billable hour        the applicable subject matter.            fee structure.                          lack of minimum time entries —                      Multiple timekeepers — This
imminent?                                         • In litigation, envision the end         Once engaged, you then want         such as a 10th of an hour or 6 min-            is my personal pet peeve, lawyers
     While many of us in the legal            game early on and develop and ex-         to be able to analyze your legal        utes — probably indicates that you             sitting around the law firm confer-
community thought this was going              ecute a clear plan to resolve the         bills. Your legal bills should con-     are being overcharged for tele-                ence table talking about your mat-
to be the case due to alternative fee         case in a cost-effective way.             tain the following line-item infor-     phone calls or minor direction on              ter and each billing the file.
arrangements, it is still the pre-                • Offer an opinion on how to          mation: date, name of attorney, de-     your matters. Many telephone calls                  The aforementioned example
dominate way law firms charge for             solve a problem, not just options.        scription of work, amount of time,      are less than six minutes and most             is a stretch but many times you
their services.                                   • Understand the difference           and a dollar value associated with      are less than 15 minutes.                      have a junior and senior lawyer in
     However, you should not be               between commoditized work and             each line-item entry.                       A large amount of minimum                  the same meeting or on the same
afraid to discuss alternative fee ar-         customized work and charge                    You should also have your law-      entries also may inflate fees, such            call, or lawyers talking about your
rangements with your lawyer.                  accordingly.                              yer set up a separate invoice for       as a mass mailing of a letter with a           matter in the hallway.
     But let’s first discuss what you             Determining whether your              each matter. Here are some red          minimum charge for each letter.                     You should feel free to let your
should expect from your lawyer. A             legal work is commoditized or cus-        flags to look for that may indicate         Clerical tasks — There seems               lawyers know that two lawyers are
review of articles in Practical Law           tomized is the key to whether al-         potential problems with fees.           to be a trend toward charging for              not required at the same meeting,
revealed the following question to            ternative fee arrangements can            Question your lawyer if you see         secretarial, paralegal and other               unless each is bringing different
a high-profile chief legal officer:           work for your company.                    any of these red flags.                 clerical tasks. You should chal-               areas of expertise or
“What does a law firm need to do                  We have all heard about con-              File review — If the entry          lenge this because administrative              responsibilities.
to impress you?”                              tingency fees used by plaintiffs in       says, “review file,” particularly if    overhead should be included in the                  Bottom line: Always feel free
     Here are some of the key                 personal-injury matters, but busi-        not contemporaneous with any ac-        lawyer’s hourly rate.                          to discuss fees and invoices with
considerations:                               nesses can negotiate different            tivity that you are aware of, there         Legal research — This can be               your lawyer.
     • Invest time to understand our          types of billing structures such as       may be an issue. You want good          very costly and should be done                      Thomas D. DeMatteo is chief
company’s business, its objectives            project-based fees, success fees, a       descriptions of the activity, i.e.      only with your approval after a                legal officer, general counsel and
and core values.                              fee per transaction if the work is        “Telephone conference with per-         thorough explanation of why the                secretary at ABC Companies. He
     • Be hands on, efficient and re-         commoditized, and, of course, a re-       son A and B concerning new driver       research is needed. You don’t want             can be reached at TDeMatteo@
s p o n s ive t o o u r n e e d s a n d       tainer or some hybrid thereof.            hours of service.”                      to pay for theoretical issues unless 

Equity firms competing to buy private bus companies
By Victor S. Parra                            interested in buying their                about $1.2 trillion in private-equity   tangible assets.                               Probably the most common option
                                              business.                                 money sitting on the sidelines              • The businesses have real                 is the “platform buy,” in which pri-
    I suspect some of you reading                 Usually, I didn’t have a recom-       looking for businesses to invest in     value, particularly compared with              vate-equity firms purchase 80 to
this headline assume it’s the title of        mendation but would keep this in-         (trillion is not a typo).               other investment options such as               90 percent of the bus company.
a sci-fi movie. Well, to the surprise         formation confidential until, by               You should know private-equi-      technology firms.                                   They keep current manage-
of many (including me), it’s what’s           coincidence, a company in their           ty firms mostly buy mature com-             • Buses (tangible assets) have             ment in place through a two- to
happening right now.                          market would surface looking to           panies that are already established,    high liquidation and capitalization            three-year contract, depending on
    And the stars of the movie are            expand their business. As you can         unlike venture-capital firms look-      values.                                        what the ownership is comfortable
dozens, even hundreds, of pri-                imagine, this rarely happened.            ing to invest in startups with un-          • Business performance is                  with. The bus company owners
vate-equity firms looking to pur-                 Recently, I was invited to serve      predictable chances of failure or       steady, with no major swings ei-               may retain 10 to 20 percent equity
chase private bus companies.                  as an advisor to an invest-               success.                                ther way, up or down.                          in their company, get paid a salary
    Let me step back for a moment             ment-banking company engaged                   So, the next question is, why          • Private equity firms appreci-            possibly higher than what they’re
and give you some of my historical            in mergers and acquisitions. In the       are private-equity firms interested     ate the fact that bus operators are            currently paying themselves and
perspective.                                  past few years, the company has           in the private bus industry?            smart, savvy and hard-working,                 have a large amount of capital
    During my 19 years as presi-              handled several transactions in the            There are several important        qualities that seem absent in other            from the sale.
dent and CEO of the United Mo-                private bus industry.                     reasons for this interest. Mid-         industries looking to make the pro-                 The owner(s) may choose to in-
torcoach Association, periodically                I have since learned how pri-         dle-market private-equity firms         verbial “fast buck.” (This one I al-           vest in the current business (since
I would receive calls from bus op-            vate-equity firms view the mo-            see the motorcoach industry as a        ready knew!)                                   they still have an equity interest) to
erators asking me confidentially if           torcoach industry.                        smart investment because:                   Private-equity firms offer dif-            build new services, buy more
I knew of a company that might be                 I also learned that there is               • Private bus companies own        ferent types of purchase options.                              CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 c

 How to contact us                                                                                                                                           ISSUE NO. 335
                                                                                                                                                                                           Jeff Polzien
                                                                                                                                                                                           Red Carpet Charters
                                                                                                                                                                                           Oklahoma City
To submit or report news, Letters to            To advertise: Interested in placing an ad,
the Editor, articles, news releases or                                                                                                                                                     Tom Ready
                                                and new to Bus & Motorcoach News?                                                                                                          Ready Bus Lines
to report corrections:                          Call: Jamie Williams at (352) 333-3393     A PUBLICATION OF THE UNITED MOTORCOACH ASSOCIATION                                              LaCrescent, Minn.
E-mail:                                         E-mail:                                                                                                               Ray Sargoni                                                        Staff                                   Advisory Board                                            Gray Lines of San Francisco
                                                                                                                                                                                           San Francisco
Mail: 2250 W. Roper Lane                       Existing advertisers, or to submit          Publisher, Executive Editor:        William Allen             Larry Hundt                      Brian Scott
       Cottonwood, AZ 86326                     advertising materials:                                                          Amador Trailways          Great Canadian Trailways         Escot Bus Lines
Call: (602) 284-6049
                                                                                                   Stacy Tetschner              Sacramento, Calif.        Kitchner, Ontario                Largo, Fla.
                                                Call: Johnny Steger at (866) 930-8426
                                                E-mail:                                          Editor: Hal Mattern            Brian Annett              Dale Krapf                       Tim Stout
To subscribe or inquire about your                                                                                              Annett Bus Lines          Krapf Coaches                    Stout’s Transportation
                                                 Sales Director: Johnny Steger        Sebring, Fla.             West Chester, Pa.                Ewing, N.J.
                                                Mail: 2200 N. Yarbrough, Suite B                                               Roman Cornell             Joan Libby                       Dennis Strief
E-mail:                                                Box No. 336, El Paso, TX 79925
                                                                                            Industry Editor: Ken Presley        ABC Companies             Cavalier Coach Trailways         Vandalia Bus Lines
                                                                                                                                Orlando, Fla.             Boston, Mass.                    Caseyville, Ill.                                                             Associate Editor: Ellen Balm
                                                                                                                                Dave Dickson              Marcia Milton                    Alan Thrasher
Fax: (405) 942-6201                             To contact the
                                                United Motorcoach Association:
                                                                                           Art Director: Mary E. McCarty        Elite Coach               First Priority Trailways         Thrasher Brothers Trailways
Mail: 3108 NW 54th Street                                                                                                      Ephrata, Pa.              District Heights, Md.            Birmingham, Ala.
       Oklahoma City, OK 73112                  Call: (800) 424-8262                             Editorial Assistant:           Gladys Gillis             David Moody                      Larry Willaims
Call: (866) 930-8421                            Online:                             Maggie Vander Eems              Starline Luxury Coaches   Holiday Tours                    L.W. Transportation
                                                                                                                                Seattle                   Randleman, N.C.                  Chantilly, Va.
                                                                                         Editorial Assistant: Julianne Ryder    Bob Greene                Michael Neustadt                 T. Ralph Young
©2017 by the United Motorcoach Association. Reproduction in whole or in part without                                           Amaya-Astron Seating      Coach Tours                      Young Transportation
  written permission is prohibited.                                                           Accountant: Ted Williford         Omaha, Neb.               Brookfield, Conn.                Asheville, N.C.
                                                                                                                                                                                                CONTINUED    ON PAGE 15 c
Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
7 &
 Bus  Motorcoach
     August       News
            1, 2017                                                                     OPINION                                                              Bus August
                                                                                                                                                                 & Motorcoach    7
                                                                                                                                                                        1, 2017News

Think long term so downturns don’t become death spirals
By Dave Millhouser                     er we float when the economic tide     rational individually mix badly        survive then thrive.                   will do best.
                                       comes back in.                         with other rational decisions.             Sometimes it works the other           The country
    Uncle Henry had a heart attack          One friend who sells used         There’s no crystal ball, but think     way. Following 9/11 the manufac-       really needs what
and looked awful. To make things       coaches has always responded to        long term, understand your busi-       turer I worked for quickly did a       we do, and will
worse, the guy in the hospital bed     slow sales by getting on the phone.    ness’s dynamics and your market’s      bunch of corporate streamlining,       need more of it
next to him had just died, and he      He calls everyone who ever heard       needs, then be willing to react        trimming production velocity and       in the future.
heard the footsteps of the orderlies   of a bus, just letting his customers   when unintended consequences           cutting people, inventory and              If I’m right,
coming for the body.                   know he’s thinking of them.            pop up.                                wasteful operations.                   and the business
    Unk summoned his remaining              He doesn’t pitch buses, but he        Years ago a large operator re-         It turned out builders knew that   cycle is on the Dave Millhouser
strength and sat up in bed. Worried    reminds folks that he’s around if      sponded to a cash crunch by sell-      demand had dropped precipitously       upswing, now is
that he looked a bit like a corpse     they need anything, sorta like Unk     ing its newest coaches, figuring it    before the attack. They had been       a good time to think about how to
himself, he pointed to the dead        sitting up.                            could raise the same amount of         reluctant to cut back because they     handle the next one. Those gritty
man just to make sure they carted           Some situations seem impossi-     money but sacrifice fewer reve-        feared the industry would perceive     folks who are making buggy
off the right guy.                     ble. We can’t afford new buses be-     nue-producing buses.                   them as being troubled.                whips or eight-track tapes don’t
    The story has a happy ending.      cause we have no business, and we          At the same time the operator          The nature of the downturn         have to worry about cycles, but
Unk married, had a child, lived        have no business because our           craftily reduced its maintenance       gave cover for doing what was          for the rest of you (who have sur-
into his late 80s and taught me lots   buses are old.                         budget. You can imagine what           necessary (and already planned).       vived this one) more are on the
of bad jokes.                               One friend made his coach ap-     happened.                              The market was more understand-        way.
    We seem to be emerging from        pear new by taping over the man-           Unless you’re making buggy         ing than it otherwise would have           If we understand our business
a downturn, but in the middle of       ufacturing date on the builder’s       whips, it’s sensible to assume that    been.                                  and how it all fits together, we’re
bad times it’s hard to be certain      plate. He got away with it because     the tide will turn, and you don’t          The combination, in recent         better able to act rationally in bad
whether we are in a business cycle     his equipment was well                 want to cut out the people or parts    years, of an economic downturn         times. It’s easier to think all that
or a death spiral.                     maintained.                            of your business that will be useful   accompanied by a regulatory tsu-       through BEFORE we’re worried
    As in Unk’s case, it’s important        Refurbishing may be an an-        when times get better.                 nami has ganged up on us, and in       about making the next payroll.
to note the difference (and to make    swer, or new graphics — anything           If you are making buggy            my view has stifled our industry.          Most companies have plans for
sure your market knows you are         to show signs of life and that you     whips, you’re excused from the         That is a cycle, not a death spiral.   dealing with accidents, why not
viable).                               are committed to your clientele.       rest of this column.                       Both of these situations may       one for the next downturn? Acci-
    When you’re in a death spiral,          Business cycles can become            In some cultures companies         be easing. As the economic tide        dents may happen; economic cy-
nothing will help (eight-track tape    death spirals when we take short-      respond to bad times by unload-        begins to rise, those companies        cles are certain.
manufacturers take note). But          sighted measures that gut our abil-    ing their highly paid employees.       that have done the best job of             Dave Millhouser is a bus indus-
when the business cycle reboots,       ity to respond to an improving eco-    The problem is, assuming they          managing near-term cash crises         try marketing consultant and free-
how we behaved during the bottom       nomic environment.                     weren’t top-heavy, those are the       without squandering the resourc-       lance writer. Contact him by email
of the cycle may determine wheth-           Sometimes decisions that seem     folks most qualified to help them      es necessary for long-term growth      at

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Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
8 August 1, 2017                                                                           INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                Bus & Motorcoach News

From cabdriver to CEO: An Ethiopian’s drive for success
By Nancy Kirk                                                                                                                                                determined to dive into the city of Osseo’s
School Bus Fleet                                                                                                                                             school transportation scene.
                                                                                                                                                                 “In the summer of 2003, I started actual-
    FRIDLEY, Minn. — The transition from                                                                                                                     ly writing letters and delivering them to the
Ethiopian culture to that of the U.S. may                                                                                                                    school districts, offering them services that
have been drastic, but for Metropolitan                                                                                                                      weren’t around,” Tufaa says. “Many of them
Transportation Network (MTN) Inc. Presi-                                                                                                                     made fun of me, but there was one transpor-
dent and CEO Tashitaa Tufaa, an Ethiopian                                                                                                                    tation director who was willing to give me a
of the Oromo ethnic group who immigrated                                                                                                                     chance because I had been bothering him so
here in 1992, adjusting to baseball-con-                                                                                                                     much.”
sumed television and the occasional unre-                                                                                                                        Because of his persistent effort, Tufaa
lenting Minnesota snowstorm was a small                                                                                                                      was awarded a single opportunity to transport
price to pay for a life of security.                                                                                                                         three homeless children to school with the
    “Let me put it this way: Whatever I did not                                                                                                              van he owned, a task that he says he succeed-
have back in Ethiopia, I have it now through my                                                                                                              ed at, receiving no complaints.
freedom,” Tufaa says. “If you are free, then                                                                                                                     From there, the director started offering
your mind is free, and you can use your talent                                                                                                               him more consistent work, and this one-time
wherever you want to go.”                                                                                                                                    errand steadily matured into a full-blown
    While Tufaa’s talent eventually brought               Tashitaa Tufaa, an Ethiopian who immigrated to the U.S. in 1992, went from driving cabs to         company that he now conservatively esti-
                                                          owning a school bus company that provides student transportation for dozens of local public,
him to own and operate MTN — a school                                                                                                                        mates to be worth $35 million.
                                                          private and charter schools and owns more than 300 vehicles.
bus company based in Fridley that provides                                                                                                                       Today, Tufaa employs over 400 people
student transportation for dozens of local                mortgage, so he started working nights and         love about it.”                                 who transport more than 15,000 K-12 stu-
public, private and charter schools and owns              weekends as a driver for Metro Mobility, a             Desiring more flexibility and hoping for    dents to school every day across the Twin
more than 300 vehicles — the road to suc-                 Minneapolis-area transportation provider           higher pay, Tufaa left Metro Mobility and       Cities metropolitan area.
cess was windy and unpaved.                               for people with physical and mental disabil-       started driving a cab, where, he says, “I           “I did see a need here in the school bus
    Although he majored in political science              ities. There, he discovered an unexpected          would drive drunk people from the bar, peo-     industry for a contractor that was dedicated,
and diplomacy, he couldn’t legally work for               passion.                                           ple coming from work, and everyone else.”       that was doing business wholeheartedly,” he
the U.S. State Department because he wasn’t                   “I fell in love with driving, really,” he          Despite his formal education and his        says.
yet a U.S. citizen, so he started working a               says. “It’s very flexible and there’s fresh air,   urge to succeed, Tufaa struggled to hold            Tufaa capitalized on this recognized
civil service job with the Minnesota                      and instead of being in the office, you go to      these jobs. Unsatisfied with unsteady em-       need and founded MTN in 2004. More re-
government.                                               the parks and drive around with open win-          ployment and energized with his newfound        cently, MTN’s expanding customer base
    Tufaa wasn’t earning enough to pay his                dows. There are so many different things to        craving to get behind the wheel, Tufaa was                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 9 c

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Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
Bus & Motorcoach News                                                             INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                          August 1, 2017 9

Ethiopian                                 to protect the families and children     years of his life in danger, he’s able   trips to support the local pro base-   keep his business afloat, especially
                                          that we service,” he says. “Safety       to more easily adapt to everyday         ball team at the Minnesota Twins       while it was just getting started.
                                          is number one.”                          business challenges.                     stadium.                                    “There are some things I’ve
i­ nevitably resulted in the need for a       He recounts an instance where            “We put ourselves in our cus-            Sometimes the recognition          had to compromise to get where
 space about 30 percent larger than       a driver’s bus had broken down and       tomers’ shoes, and we listen to the      goes beyond simple social events,      we are as a business, but as long as
 the existing one.                        his radio had stopped working.           feedback we receive. As a result,        like when Tufaa expressed his          my wife and family understood
      The new facility was expected       Fortunately, the team realized it        people want to do business with          gratitude by naming a newly built      me, that was all that mattered,”
 to be ready this summer. The rede-       had broken down because of its           us, and we don’t turn our backs,”        site the Iverson Terminal, after the   Tufaa recalls. “I had to work ex-
 velopment will cost about $2.7           lack of movement on the GPS              he says. “In Ethiopia, I was raised      last name of a driver who had sud-     tremely long hours in the begin-
 million and is being handled by          system.                                  in harm, and so it’s easier for me to    denly passed away.                     ning, and sometimes it came down
 Thor Companies, a real estate de-            Sure enough, upon physically         understand where people come                 “We named it after her because     to paying the people who were
 velopment and construction com-          locating the bus through the             from, whether it’s with our cus-         our drivers have an ownership in our   working for me before being able
 pany that is also based in Fridley.      ground tracking system, Tufaa and        tomers or our employees.”                company,” he says. “We don’t want      to pay myself.”
      “It will have corporate offices,    his team found it immobile and               Appreciation for MTN em-             to be just another corporation.”            Eventually, the achievements
 a break room where drivers can           were able to service it.                 ployees stands tall on Tufaa’s prior-        Tufaa’s triumph does not come      overcame the hardships, and now
 enjoy themselves, a fleet mainte-            Tufaa calls himself a “f ield        ities as a business owner. Every         without its challenges. As with        Tufaa and the whole MTN team
 nance shop, and parking storage          guy,” meaning he does not like to        year, the company holds an em-           school bus contractors and dis-        work fervently to transport the
 inside for the buses,” Tufaa says.       remain in the office. In fact, despite   ployee appreciation banquet where        tricts across the U.S., he has been    community’s youth to their daily
 “It’s a much better and newer space      MTN’s recent expansion, Tufaa de-        everyone, from the human resourc-        affected by the widespread driver      education.
 — a good image for both our cus-         cided not to build himself a person-     es team to the workshop mechan-          shortage, and he worries about              “As a contractor, it’s important
 tomers and those who work here.”         al office. Instead, he works in avail-   ics, is invited to mingle with their     Minnesota’s slippery roads in the      to love what you do,” he says. “I
      The majority of updates focus       able desk spaces when necessary          peers, along with their plus one.        winter. He’s also had to forgo sig-    still drive, and I love taking those
 on the exterior site improvements,       and still drives buses every day.            “We want to show our employ-         nificant family events in order to     children to school.”
 such as landscaping, a complete              “I don’t want to be a guy who        ees that we value them,” Tufaa
 resurfacing of the asphalt parking
 lot, and enhancements to the secu-
                                          just stays inside. I want to be out
                                          there in the field,” he says. “I sit
                                                                                   says. “We are a family, and the
                                                                                   MTN family gets together once a
                                                                                                                            NTSA executive resigns
 rity systems.                            with the drivers and I listen to         year, every year, to enjoy this              A L E X A N D R I A , Va . —       Weber is working with SEC, Inc.,
      Because the agency is respon-       them. I listen to their stories in the   classy corporate-style dinner.”          Ronna Weber resigned her post as       and RC Kelly Law Associates to
 sible for the well-being of thou-        morning and the afternoon, and               Other MTN-planned gather-            executive director of the National     transition her executive director
 sands of students, Tufaa says he         then I drive the bus to see what the     ings that aim to boost company           School Transportation Associa-         and regulatory relations
 ensures that each bus is equipped        issue is. This way, instead of some-     morale include a monthly bulletin        tion at the end of July.               responsibilities.
 with top-notch technology, from          one reporting to me, I see it            that informs the team about com-             NSTA President Todd Monte-             Weber joined NSTA five years
 two-way radios to GPS to surveil-        firsthand.”                              pany happenings and employee             ferrario said Weber agreed to re-      ago as executive director after pre-
 lance camera systems.                        Tufaa attributes his leadership      birthdays, as well as weekly pre-        main through the completion of the     viously serving as a student trans-
      “We want the maximum safety         style to his perilous upbringing in      pared breakfast for drivers, blood       association’s summer convention.       portation lobbyist in Washington,
 possible in all of our buses in order    Ethiopia. Because he spent many          drives, summer barbecues, and day            Montefer rario added that          D.C.
Safety fitness system study validates UMA's concerns - The ...
10 August 1, 2017                                                             INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                     Bus & Motorcoach News

More passengers using own electronic devices on buses
    The days of giant movie           Your Own Device” (BYOD) is               users on one account can slow down       ed providing high-powered Wi-Fi         monitors and DVD players are still
screens and VCRs providing on-        making its way through the Amer-         Internet speed, and data-usage costs     routers, streamable licensed            standard features on buses manu-
board entertainment for bus and       ican workplace, school classrooms        are increasing as more passengers        movie libraries and unlimited           factured today. High school, col-
motorcoach customers are fading       and the fleets of bus and mo-            stream movies, answer emails or          data packages.                          lege and professional sports teams
away.                                 torcoach companies.                      browse social media.                         Specialized routers are built to    often request screens, DVD play-
    According to a recent Pew Re-         Onboard Wi-Fi was first avail-           Some companies pass Internet         handle the Internet traffic of 70       ers and satellite TV.
search Center poll, 95 percent of     able to some passengers 10 years         costs along to customers by              users and up to 148 different elec-         And many new buses are
Americans own a cellphone and 77      ago, followed by power outlets for       charging a daily Wi-Fi fee, while        tronic devices at one time. Movies      equipped with HDMI interface
percent own a smartphone.             personal electronic devices, and         others pay data overage bills as         are streamed directly from the rout-    systems allowing laptops to be
    People today are connecting to    now USB charging ports are in            high as $2,000 a month to avoid an       er so there is no buffering or inter-   hooked up to onboard monitors.
their devices for work and enter-     high demand.                             interruption in service to passen-       ruption of service. Plus, the unlim-        “You will always need at least
tainment while “on the go,” and           Many motorcoach operators say        gers. Others block or restrict cer-      ited data package bandwidth is          one monitor on board to play the
the bus and motorcoach industry is    Wi-Fi connections on vehicles have       tain sites to avoid a slow down or       easily distributed to all passengers.   video safety message,” said Brent
finding ways to keep up with the      improved greatly over the years, but     interruption of service.                     Although many passengers are        Danielson, director of product plan-
demand.                               there are still issues with meeting          Within the past few years, a         bringing their own electronic de-       ning and sales engineering at coach-
    The current trend of “Bring       consumer demands. Fifty or more          handful of companies have start-         vices on board for entertainment,       builder Motor Coach Industries.

SMS study                             d­ ata-oriented approach that mea-
                                       sures the performance of individu-
                                                                               should use it to replace SMS.”
                                                                                    The study identified a number
                                                                                                                        collection would require greater
                                                                                                                        collaboration between FMCSA
                                                                                                                                                                scheduled-service companies often
                                                                                                                                                                travel five times the miles of char-
                                       al trucks and buses.                    of data quality issues and recom-        and the states to standardize the ef-   ter buses annually.
a 12-member panel of academics,             IRT has been applied success-      mended that FMCSA should con-            fort and to protect carrier-specific        “We are grateful to Congress
several of them specialists in sta-    fully in informing policy decisions     tinue to collaborate with states and     information, it said.                   and the National Academies of Sci-
tistics and transportation safety      in other areas such as hospital rank-   other agencies to improve the col-           The study left open the issue of    ences, Engineering, and Medicine
policy.                                ings, and also has a long history in    lection of data on vehicle miles         crash accountability, which remains     panel that worked so diligently to
     The study, released in late       commercial air, rail and waterway       traveled and on crashes.                 a top concern for UMA members.          prepare this report,” Tetschner said.
June, was generally compli-            transportation, the study said.             It also said FMCSA should re-        The current SMS system doesn’t          “This report will help FMCSA
mentary of FMCSA for many of                “This approach to assessing        search ways of collecting data on car-   differentiate between crashes           identify commercial motor vehicle
its ideas and efforts.                 safety performance is ubiquitous        rier characteristics, including driver   caused by the carrier and those         carriers that require intervention
     However, it recommended that      throughout the transportation           turnover rates, type of cargo and        where the carrier wasn’t at fault.      more accurately and fairly. At the
over the next two years regulators     agencies that report on safety,” the    method and level of compensation.            The report did recommend cap-       end of the day, an improved SMS
develop a more “statistically prin-    study said. “If the model is then           Compensation levels are rele-        turing better crash and operations      will save lives, a goal we all share.”
cipled approach” based on an           demonstrated to perform well in         vant because drivers who are better      data, such as vehicle miles traveled,       The National Academies study
“item response theory,” or IRT,        identifying motor carriers that         compensated have fewer crashes,          a practice UMA has suggested may        can be read at www.nationalacad-
which involves a more detailed         need inter ventions, FMCSA              the study said. This additional data     help differentiate carriers. Typical

                                                                UNITED MOTORCOACH ASSOCIATON


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Bus & Motorcoach News                                                         INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                              August 1, 2017 11

Little Rock Tours owner
gets taste of VP security
      LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Gina Martin’s          SWAT team…I’ve got snipers on my roof.
opposition to the Affordable Care Act —          I’m telling you, it’s pretty crazy this week.”
better known as Obamacare — earned her a             This all happened as the House of Rep-
visit from the Secret Service in the spring.     resentatives was trying to pass an Obamacare
    But it was a good thing.                     repeal bill in March, and Pence’s visit to Lit-
    Martin’s vocal criticism of Obamacare        tle Rock was planned to coincide with the
caught the attention of the White House,         House passing the legislation.
leading Vice President Mike Pence to sched-          However, when the House bill failed to        Gina Martin’s vocal criticism of Obamacare caught the attention of the White House, leading
ule a visit to her business, Little Rock Tours   pass, Pence canceled the trip at the last         Vice President Mike Pence to invite her to a health care listening session. Martin, with long
and Travel, to hold a health care listening      minute.                                           blonde hair, is seated second from the top right.
session with small business owners.                  “But they kept me in mind for when the
    “We spent a week with Secret Service         issue resurfaced,” Martin said.                       Martin said she discussed the rising              rising costs and regulations with FMCSA,
preparing for the visit,” said Martin, founder       She ended up traveling to Washington in       health-care costs affecting her business and          and I suggested to the vice president that we
and co-owner of the motorcoach company.          June, along with eight other women small          the complexity of the law with respect to             needed a listening session about them next,”
    At the time, she told the Northwest Ar-      business owners, and they were given the          motorcoach drivers, who are variable                  Martin said.
kansas Democrat-Gazette that there was           opportunity to discuss the detrimental af-        employees.                                                “Everybody in the room laughed, includ-
“Secret Service everywhere and I’ve got a        fects of Obamacare on their companies.                “I stated these additional costs join the         ing the vice president.”

Equity firms                               There are other options, as         looking for an exit plan because            Selling either all or part of a           right, or if they need more time to
                                       well. Let’s say an operator has a       the owner’s children are not inter-    business is no easy decision. In               improve their f inancial perfor-
                                       partner or family member who            ested in continuing to work in the     many cases, ownership goes back                mance to increase the value of
equipment and/or invest in captur-     owns 50 percent of the company          business. There’s an option for that   several generations, making the                their company.
ing new markets. Or they may opt       and is not willing to sell. The oper-   scenario, as well.                     d e c i s i o n ve r y p e r s o n a l a n d       Victor S. Parra, former presi-
to just save and invest in various     ator can still parcel out the 50 per-       It’s called a “tuck in,” where     difficult.                                     dent and CEO of the United Mo-
financial instruments, stocks or       cent equity interest to a private-eq-   private-equity investors may merge          But any operators contemplat-             torcoach Association, runs his own
bonds.                                 uity firm and use the capital from      the business into another bus com-     ing selling should, at a minimum,              consulting firm, Strategic-Focus
     And because of the strong in-     the sale to start a new venture or      pany in the area. This way the         know what their businesses are                 Advisors, and is an advisor to Cor-
terest from the private-equity sec-    invest in other businesses.             owner gets to take the equity from     worth in the open market through               porate Finance Associates. He can
tor, there may even be multiple            Or, let’s say a small bus compa-    the business and walk away with-       an “opinion of value.” This will               be reached at vparra@strategic-
firms bidding for the business.        ny with fewer than 20 buses is          out any debt.                          help them decide if the time is       or 703-501-6947.
12 August 1, 2017                                                             INDUSTRY NEWS                                                                        Bus & Motorcoach News

Branson, Mo.                           shows coming all the time with big      story of Moses at the Sight &            Shoals Lake.                              “Some are one of a kind and the
                                       names — Andy Williams, Wayne            Sound Theatre, she said.                      Later came a few homegrown           newest in the U.S. The third pillar
                                       Newton, Mickey Gilley, Roy                  “It was a big seller. I offered it   country music shows. Branson              of our hospitality would be our
destinations.”                         Clark. There were reasons for peo-      this year and it sold out again. We      emerged as an entertainment               outdoor adventures.”
    The exodus of celebrity stars      ple to go back. Now Branson is          also will do a Christmas tour.           Mecca around 1991.                            S i l ve r D o l l a r C i t y i s a n
from Branson’s many music shows        geared more toward families,” he        Christmas is big in Branson.”                 Theaters were built to house         1880s-themed amusement park
has reduced repeat visits by char-     said.                                       The Sight & Sound Theater            extended-run shows by country             filled with rides, theatrical perfor-
ter customers, said Jeff Arensdorf,        Louise Yoder, tour manager for      often is called “the Christian           music stars including Boxcar Wil-         mances and crafts demonstrations.
president of Village Tours & Trav-     Mid-American Coaches in Wash-           Broadway.”                               lie, Mel Tillis, Conway Twitty, Lo-       The Shepherd of the Hills Theater,
el, which is based in Wichita, Kan.,   ington, Mo., said destinations such         Motorcoach operators that            retta Lynn and Waylon Jennings.           long the venue for a popular his-
and operates from additional facil-    as Nashville and other large enter-     offer trips to Branson highly rec-       Pop stars appealing to an older           torical drama set in the Ozarks late
ities in Salina, Kan.; Oklahoma        tainment centers will experience        ommend it as a coach destination.        generation of tourists also moved         in the 19th century, failed to open
City and Tulsa, Okla.; and Fort        big booms and everybody rushes              “It is the most motorcoach-          in, notably Andy Williams and             this spring following a bank fore-
Smith and Springdale, Ark.             there.                                  friendly town we go to,” Arensdorf       Bobby Vinton.                             closure. New owners purchased
    “It used to be a very popular          “That can go on for six or eight    said. “They have dedicated bus                A Ti m e m a g a z i n e s t o r y   the property in June and have an-
destination, but it has declined       years, then all of a sudden they get    loading and unloading areas at           prompted more national media              nounced some events scheduled
since the early 2000s and leveled      in a flat spot,” Yoder said. “Some      most of the attractions. The hotels      coverage. In 1991 the CBS-TV              later in the summer.
off about five years ago,” Arens-      of the big-name entertainers have       are used to handling luggage for         news program “60 Minutes” pro-                Christmas has become Bran-
dorf said. “In the late 1990s our      left Branson. I only offer it a cou-    buses because they cater to lots of      claimed Branson “the live music           son’s annual highlight, with some
company would run 60 tours there       ple of times a year unless there is     groups. A lot of the theaters have       capital of the entire universe.”          shows attracting 15 to 20 buses at
a year. Now we run maybe 16.           something that really stands out.”      driver lounges and treat our drivers          Even with fewer celebrities on       a time.
    “Branson used to have new              One of this year’s hits is the      and tour directors very well.”           stage, the Branson/Lakes area’s               “The Christmas season for
                                                                                   Yoder said her customers feel        tourism industry attracts $3.1 bil-       them starts 30 days ahead of
     Calendar                          17-20 National Association of
                                       Motorcoach Operators Annual
                                                                               like they get good value for the
                                                                               money they spend in Branson.
                                                                                                                        lion in consumer spending annual-
                                                                                                                        ly. About four dozen theaters in
                                                                                                                                                                  Christmas,” Arensdorf said. “We
                                                                                                                                                                  probably do over half of our tours
                                       Conference, Alexandria, Va. Info:           “They can count on good qual-        Branson hold 60,000 seats, a total        to Branson during that time.”
August 2017                                       ity entertainment and the meals          that surpasses Broadway, the con-             Branson is located a few high-
6-9 IMG Strategic Alliance             25-29 Student & Youth Travel            are, for the most part, pretty good,”    vention bureau claims.                    way hours from a number of major
Meeting, Nashville, Tenn. Info:        Association Annual Conference,          she said.                                     The region also offers 14,080        cities: 209 miles from Kansas City,                       Albuquerque, Info: www.syta                 Branson, located in the scenic,      hotel rooms, 5,274 condo units,           252 miles from St. Louis, 273
                                            forested Ozark Mountains of              2,870 camping sites, 200 restau-          miles from Memphis, 305 miles
14-15 Midwest Bus & Motor­                                                     southwest Missouri, began to build       rants and more than 100 specialty         from Oklahoma City and 418
coach Association Annual               September 2017
                                                                               a tourist industry after World War       shops.                                    miles from Dallas.
Convention and Roadeo,                 11-17 BusCon, Indiana Conven-           II around the region’s 1,000-plus             “This week we have 115 differ-           “It’s not so far that people have
Traverse City, Mich. Info: www.        tion Center, Indianapolis. Info:        miles of shoreline on Table Rock         ent shows and a large variety of          to stay on the bus for 12 hours,”                               Lake, Lake Taneycomo and Bull            family attractions,” Berry said.          Yoder said.

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