GERMANY - Deutsche Schule Abu Dhabi
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Saturday, October 3, 2020 GERMANY Online: @GNFocus Instagram: @GNFocus YEARS OF 30 UNITY Since reunification, Germany has TOP ATTRACTIONS Wellness retreats, culinary adventures and a slice of history on the go seen its best 30 years. The next few could be challenging but new strategies can help the country 3 RECIPES TO TRY Classic sauerbraten, pretzels and continue to succeed potatoes done just right
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 2 GERMANY A ROAD B R N lished iVentures, a venture capital Special to GN Focus fund investing in start-ups involved in areas such as autonomous driving, From a technological, economic e-mobility, AI, and digital car and au- and political perspective, there’s lit- tomotive cloud services. PAVED tle doubt that the mainstream electric vehicle future is nearly here — and Eye on sustainability German carmakers are betting big on However, two years of global de- it. “The future of the automobile is clining auto sales and uncertain eco- electric and intelligently connected,” nomic headwinds pose a challenge to WITH Carsten Bender, Managing Director at all legacy automakers. “We are expe- Audi Middle East, tells GN Focus. riencing greater trends towards sus- He points to the brand’s e-tron tainable transport, convenience, per- and e-tron Sportback models, which sonalisation and affordability,” says TECH are already available in the region. John Gillespie, Principal Engineer Porsche, another Volkswagen subsid- - Transport Planning at consultan- iary, already retails three models of its cy WSP Middle East, who adds that electric Taycan in the UAE, starting transport options are now addressing from Dh401,000. convenience without requiring the ownership of a personal car. Serious investments “Huge investments are being made Globally, German automakers are in public transport, soft mobility and spending big on the electric future. on-demand transport in the region Volkswagen, the world’s largest car- with the ultimate goal to limit private maker, has committed to spending transport, traffic and personal car €60 billion (about Dh257 billion) on usage – while usually being cheaper. ●How Germany’s legacy electric vehicles (EVs) and develop- Many analysts suggest we have even ing 60 per cent of the software in its reached peak car in parts of the west- automakers are preparing for cars by 2025, and Stuttgart-head- ern world – the distance travelled per an electric, autonomous and quartered Daimler has partnered with chipmaker Nvidia to build in-vehi- capita has peaked and will now fall in a sustained manner. I expect this sustainable future cle computing systems, AI comput- trend within the Middle East as well, ing infrastructure and, perhaps most given the focus and investment in interestingly, the ability to provide prestigious non-car projects such as over-the-air software updates to cars, Etihad Rail, Hyperloop, Riyadh metro, including Mercedes-Benz’s next-gen- Makkah metro, pedestrian bridges, eration fleet. soft mobility projects and increased Over in Munich, BMW has estab- bus services across the region.” Porsche, another Volkswagen subsidiary, already retails three models of its electric Taycan in the UAE, starting from Dh401,000 Gulf News Archives A GULF NEWS PUBLICATION Dubai P. O. Box 6519 Editorial: 04 406 7473 EDITOR Krita Coelho | HEAD OF CONTENT — SUPPLEMENTS AND CONTRACT PUBLISHING Sankar Sri Pillai Advertising Sales: 04 406 7688 SENIOR ART EDITORS John Catherall, Nicholas D’Souza | ASSISTANT ART EDITOR Pranith Ratheesan | BUSINESS SUPPORT EXECUTIVE Fermel Fuentes Email: HEAD OF SALES, SUPPLEMENTS & CONTRACT PUBLISHING Sundar Ghosh | SENIOR ACCOUNT GROUP MANAGER Rimon Wadiey Abu Dhabi P. O. Box 7441 PRE-PRESS SUPERINTENDENT Shaji Varughese | PRE-PRESS OPERATORS Yousaf Naeem, Atul Paradkar Tel: 02 634 5144 CEO AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Abdul Hamid Ahmad | DIRECTOR, SALES AND PUBLISHING Anshuman Joshi PUBLISHER David George | DESIGN DIRECTOR S.M. Arshad | PRODUCTION EDITOR Floyd Gonsalves
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 4 GERMANY Audi’s Human-Centric Lighting project is experimenting with the effects of various lighting shades on passengers’ concentration and memory Gulf News Archives For Gillespie, the move should not automatically keeps a car a set distance consider it important for their next vehi- be to increase net growth in sales but from the one in front of it; and adaptive cle to support such services. rather to boost the attractiveness of front lighting. Audi’s Human-Centric The report outlines a three-stage AI electrical cars while phasing out their Lighting project is experimenting with model for technology. Stage one fo- fossil fuel-driven counterparts. the effects of various lighting shades on cuses on collecting and correlating “Our direction is clear,” says Bend- passengers’ concentration and mem- data, allowing manufacturers to trace er, adding, “Sustainable mobility ory. Bosch has something similar – an every part used in a vehicle back to suitable for everyday use.” He points autonomous interior camera system its source, reducing warranty risk of to Audi’s 2025 plan to ensure all its that recognises a driver’s tiredness, defective parts and even organising plants are carbon neutral as an ini- warns them and even slows the vehicle Carsten Bender more finely targeted recalls. The sec- tiative that fits this bill. “This aligns down if need be. Managing Director, ond stage is about recording and inter- with Audi’s plans to have around 30 A report on artificial intelligence in Audi Middle East preting conditions – which the report electric models in its line-up by 2025, the automotive industry shared with refers to as “human-inspired pattern and in our region we are very much GN Focus sheds light on various aspects recognition” – particularly tempera- aligned with this momentum.” of a key technology for the sector. “It is ture, vibrations and humidity. This can In a bid to boost its pandem- helping the important business areas aid preventative maintenance by help- ic-stricken economy and encourage of smart factory, driver assistance sys- ing consumers avoid major repairs. automakers to sell environmental- tems, autonomous driving, customer Finally, stage three sees the margin for ly-friendly vehicles, the German experience and smart city traffic infra- algorithm error reduced to the extent government announced a multibil- structure such that companies remain that autonomous driving is safe. lion-euro subsidy programme in competitive,” says the report pub- June. The initiative sees the lished by NetApp, a data man- Factors affecting the future government subsidising agement and cloud storage In terms of technological advanc- €6,000 on electric ve- solutions provider that is John Gillespie es aiding the electric vehicle cause, hicles that cost up to AI has been working with Nvidia to Principal Engineer, Gillespie singles out lithium-ion bat- €40,000, while buy- build AI architecture Transport Planning, teries. “Prices of lithium-ion batteries ers of these cars pay integrated into for the automotive sec- WSP Middle East have fallen 87 per cent over the past 3 per cent lower sales vehicles at a steady tor. “With AI, complex decade and are forecast to continue tax. “This is about pace over the past everyday tasks can be to decline.” Bigger, better-performing renewable energies,” few years solved where conven- batteries are massively important for German Finance Min- tional algorithms fail. the electric vehicle category – the first ister Olaf Scholz told This is also true for the fully electric cars suffered from lower CNN. “This is about all the automotive industry, which ranges in comparison to their conven- climate activities which are is struggling to cope with the tional counterparts. “Electricity is also necessary to get to a [carbon] neutral sustainability debate, the trend to- much cheaper than petrol to run a ve- economy in 2050. We have to start wards e-mobility and now the corona- hicle, therefore running costs will be now.” virus crisis.” lower throughout the life cycle of the According to the report, AI can be a car. In the UK, the tipping point was Role of AI panacea for a number of issues in the reached this year where an electrical Artificial intelligence (AI) has been automotive industry, though it adds that car was cheaper to own and run than a integrated into vehicles at a steady pace public acceptance remains a challenge. petrol car over the car’s life cycle.” over the past few years, adding a num- An online survey commissioned by Ne- The technological pieces are falling ber of useful features. These include tApp earlier this year found that only 16.7 into place for an electric, autonomous lane departure warning systems, which per cent of 1,000 respondents were aware and affordable future for cars. Will alert drivers when they are veering out- of the benefits of AI in cars. Just 9 per cent Germany’s automakers reign supreme side their lane; autonomous emergency said they used any kind of internet ser- over younger upstarts such as Tesla? braking; adaptive cruise control, which vice in their car, and 12.2 per cent would Time will tell.
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Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 6 GERMANY GOING FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH ● UAE and Germany embrace future trends with high ambitions and there are many fields where we can further strengthen our cooperation, says Ernst Peter Fischer, Germany’s ambassador to the UAE B C S Editor H ow would you sum up the cur- rent relations between Ger- many and the UAE? The bilateral relations between Germany and the UAE have developed very well since the es- tablishment of diplomat- ic relations in May 1972. The founding father of the UAE, the late Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, had a very close relationship with Germany and visited the European nation sever- al times. As a consequence, we established a strategic partnership with the UAE in 2004. The visit of His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Com- mander of the UAE Armed Forces, to Germany last Gulf News Archives year did not only mark the ● His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of 15th anniversary of this the UAE Armed Forces, addresses a joint session with Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, prior to a dinner reception at strategic partnership but the Chancellor’s office in Berlin in June 2019 also upgraded our relations to a new level. The joint task force was launched What are your focus ar- the German International Ministry of Foreign Affairs statement he signed with in July this year and will eas in strengthening rela- School in Abu Dhabi with and International Cooper- German Federal Chancel- serve as a networking fo- tionship with the UAE? the Abitur. The schools ation about two weeks ago lor Angela Merkel during rum to leverage links be- In 2017, Germany and and also the Goethe-In- is just one example. his visit to Berlin set the tween businesses, R&D the UAE signed an energy stitut in Abu Dhabi help framework for our future bodies, academics and partnership, resulting in us to build cultural bridg- Can you provide up- cooperation. government bodies in the numerous high-level and es between our two coun- to-date figures of exports Both countries embrace field of technology, digital working-level visits, sem- tries through the future and imports between the future trends with high connectivity and artificial inars and studies around generations. Moreover, two nations? What are ambitions. I think there intelligence. renewable energy, energy we had the privilege to the major products being are many fields where we efficiency, mobility, and witness performances of traded? can further strengthen our new technologies. Hydro- first-class ensembles from The UAE is Germany´s cooperation. These include gen is one of the central Germany in Abu Dha- most important trad- digitalisation and smart themes of these events at bi such as the Bayreuther ing partner in the region. manufacturing, the inter- the moment. In my opin- Festspiele, and I am very German exports to the net of things (IoTs), artifi- ion the recovery from the happy about Germany UAE totalled $9.7 billion cial intelligence, as well as pandemic has to be green being the guest of honour (Dh35.6 billion) in 2019, enhancing the global ener- and therefore, the role of at the 2021 edition of Abu while its imports from the gy transition. As an exam- our energy partnership Dhabi International Book UAE were valued at $1.2 ple, I would like to mention will become even more Fair. billion. Aluminium prod- the Emirati-German task significant. Last but not least, there ucts are the UAE’s main force on the fourth indus- But our relationship is is an ongoing close ex- export to Germany, while trial revolution (4IR). The much broader and does change on international Germany’s main exports not only focus on the politics between Germany to the UAE are motor ve- economy. We have three and the UAE. The intense hicles, machinery and ● Ernst Peter Fischer, German schools in the exchange between the electrical goods. Undeni- German Ambassador UAE and in 2019 policy planning depart- ably, the goods traded re- to the UAE the first Emirati ments of the Federal For- flect the UAE’s love affair graduated from eign Office and the UAE’s with safe and fast cars
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 8 GERMANY ‘Things should look different next year, and we are expecting an interesting Expo in Dubai’ WAM/Gulf News Archives ● Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, ● Holger Mahnicke, Germany’s receives Heiko Maas, German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, in Abu Dhabi in August. They discuss Consul General in Dubai, talks about strategic ties between the two countries and ways of strengthening cooperation in the areas of trade consular responses during Covid-19 and investments, education and food security. how his team helped the community during the crisis and the appreciation for finer the UAE so far. Not only have the last couple of months are T things in life. It is no surprise the UAE become their second just one example for this. The he year 2020 took a different path than that the main food products home, but since the outbreak latest visit of German Foreign what we expected. We should have the UAE imports from Germa- of the pandemic the German Minister Heiko Maas to Abu been actively preparing for the opening ny are chocolate and candies. community feels safe here Dhabi in August was the first of Dubai Expo by now. But the Covid-19 crisis as we have confidence in the of its kind since the outbreak has changed the focus of work for the German Germany has always been preventive measures taken by of the pandemic and has un- Consulate General in Dubai. After the closure a preferred travel destination the UAE authorities. derpinned the high-level bi- of the airports in the UAE on March 25, our for UAE residents for leisure lateral cooperation between priority had been to repatriate German citizens and health. How does Ger- Are you expecting any the two nations, as he had stuck in the UAE and in the transit areas of the many plan to bring tourists high-profile visits from Ger- some in-depth discussions airports in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. We organised back to the nation after the many later this year? with Shaikh Abdullah Bin three repatriation flights in close cooperation pandemic? After quite a few high-rank- Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister with German tour operators and were about to The coronavirus is an enor- ing political delegations from of Foreign Affairs and Inter- conclude preparations of a repatriation flight mous challenge for all of us, Germany at the beginning national Cooperation in the with the German government, when Emirates especially for tourism. We of this year on the occasions UAE. Airlines started to offer one-way flights to can’t wait to welcome tourists of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Frankfurt earlier in April. from the UAE back to Germa- Week, World Urban Forum Finally, how does the em- When the commercial flight became ny again, but for the moment, bassy plan to mark the Na- available, we stopped our efforts and shifted we have to be patient and tional Day this year? the focus to the consular and visa services. We join our forces to prevent the further spread of the virus. BILATERAL Unfortunately, we won’t be able to mark our National organised ourselves in a way that despite all restrictions due to Covid-19, we were able to Nevertheless, the UAE and TRADE Day with receptions in Abu provide all possible services to both the German Germany have been reacting Dhabi and Dubai this year community in Dubai as well as Emiratis in need $9.7b quite effectively so far and I because of the ongoing pan- of an exemption from the travel restrictions. am convinced that we will demic. Therefore, we decided Now we work in two teams, which gives us the manage to re-establish tour- to prepare a virtual journey necessary flexibility to remain available to our ism between our two coun- German exports to the UAE through the German-Emira- clients amid all disruptions. Unfortunately, things tries again and even stronger, in 2019 ti relations to celebrate the have become complicated and most cases $1.2b once the pandemic is under 30th anniversary of German require more time than usual. Most probably control. Unity. I would hereby like to this will not change anytime soon. If infection invite everyone to join us on rates continue to increase, entry restrictions and What are your plans for the Germany’s imports from this virtual journey through travel warnings will not be lifted. German community in the the UAE the history, the present and However, things should look different next UAE? How many Germans the future of German-Emira- year, and we are expecting an interesting Expo in are living in the UAE and ti relations, today at 6pm on Dubai. The German pavilion — Campus Germany how many have gone back and at important exhibitions the Facebook page of the Ger- — will focus on the subtheme of sustainability. home since the outbreak of such as Arab Health and Gulf man Embassy. I don’t want to Germany has a reputation for having produced Covid-19? Food, travel has come to an al- reveal too much about the scores of new ideas and approaches in this area. The German community most complete standstill since event, but I can promise you Germany’s energy revolution, the Energiewende, in the UAE plays a significant the outbreak of Covid-19, some great impressions and has even become a global benchmark. The role in our bilateral relations making it impossible for Ger- perspectives you might have pavilion is organised like a university where as they have developed per- man delegations to visit the not known about yet. you start with the enrolment and finish with a sonal relations and have built UAE. Nevertheless, our polit- Moreover our guest of hon- graduation. The major idea is to get all visitors personal bridges between ical leaders continued their our Dr Sultan Al Jaber, UAE engaged with a number of interactive exhibits, these two countries. Before close cooperation virtually Minister of Industry and Ad- including through special displays for children. the outbreak of the pandemic, and via phone. Several phone vanced Technology, will share A highlight will be our Nation Day at the Expo, about 15,000 Germans lived in calls between Federal Chan- his thoughts on German-Emi- scheduled for November 29, 2021, just a few the UAE and to our knowledge cellor Merkel and Shaikh Mo- rati relations. So make sure to days before the golden jubilee of the UAE. not too many of them have left hammad Bin Zayed during join us today at 6pm.
Gulf News | Saturday, October 3, 2020 GERMANY 9 Worldwide travel warnings lifted ● The move could help non-European tourist destinations that receive huge number of visitors from Germany G ermany lifted its for non-European tourist blanket warning destinations that have tra- against travelling ditionally received large to all countries outside the numbers of visitors from European Union early on the EU’s most populous Thursday, although little country. is likely to change for most Special provisions for travellers under the new Turkey, with which Ger- regulation. many has close ties as a The cautious reopen- result of being home to ing, agreed by the German almost four million cit- cabinet three weeks ago, izens of Turkish ethnic comes as Europe faces an background, will remain uptick in Covid-19 cases, in place. Travel to several with many warning the coastal destinations will continent is on the cusp of be permitted so long as a second wave of the coro- travellers take a corona- navirus pandemic. virus test in Turkey before Germany imposed a returning. global travel warning in The foreign ministry March, when the virus will continue to warn Shutterstock was raging in northern against travel to countries Italy, but lifted it for most that have imposed re- European countries in strictions on people arriv- June. In September, Berlin ing from Germany due to began reissuing warnings In future, the same travellers will be able to will only be possible in their own low prevalence for regions within Eu- standard will be applied return to Germany with- parts of Europe and Geor- of coronavirus. rope when infections rose to the rest of the world. out going into quarantine gia. But with more warn- These include Australia, above the level of 50 cases This means that provided pending a negative test. ings being lifted in the China, Canada, Rwanda per 100,000 people over a the prevalence of the virus At present, entry and near future, the change and Uruguay. week. is below that threshold, exit without restrictions could prove significant — Reuters
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 10 GERMANY ROAD TO RECOVERY ● A traditional weapon and some radical new strategies could see Germany return to growth in 2021 – unless a second wave of coronavirus infections strikes B K J F Special to GN Focus T he English language has borrowed several terms from its Indo-Euro- pean linguistic sibling. But even as the coronavirus blitz forced us all to take refuge in the comfort of a metaphorical eiderdown, policymakers around the world dug out their dictionar- ies — and doubtless, their macrofinance textbooks — to understand a policy that has prevented Germany from being as badly affected by other economies. A version of the country’s famous Kur- zarbeit scheme has been implemented across several major economies, from France and Italy to the UK and Canada. Described as an excellent crisis man- agement tool by the IMF, Kurzarbeit (literally: short work) keeps workers in employment and allows businesses a bit of breathing space during recessionary times. The salary subsidy programme al- lows German employers to reduce work- ing hours for their staff instead of laying them off. As compensation, the govern- ment pays 60 per cent of workers’ sal- aries, although the figure is higher for workers with children. In practice, this economic bridge means that employees receive 60 per cent of their wages for the hours that they don’t work, while being fully remunerat- Shutterstock ed for actual hours on the job. Staff asked to work only 70 per cent of their normal after the 2008 financial crisis like it did in programme to help small businesses and week — 28 hours instead of 40 — there- other advanced economies,” notes Anke self-employed professionals vulnerable fore only experience a 10 per cent salary Hassel, an economist at the Hertie School to bankruptcy. Bridging help for sectors loss, allowing them to keep the bagels in Berlin. “It was definitely due in large hardest hit by the crisis, such as tourism, and bratwurst on the table. With fewer part to the Kurzarbeit because companies hospitality, and entertainment amounted job losses, consumption remains more or did not have to fire their workers,” she to €25 billion from June to August. less stable at a time when it is desperately told NPR. In June, the government launched a needed. further €130 billion stimulus programme. The Kurzarbeit package is expected to Economic support programme It shored up the country’s automotive cost the state €10 billion (Dh43 billion) Traditional fallbacks are not the only sector, which represents 5 per cent of its this year, but its effects are already being weapon in Germany’s arsenal as it GDP, with €2.2 billion in subsidies on felt. According to a survey by the German rushes to contain the widest eco- electric cars and another €2 billion for IFO economic institute in Munich, 37 nomic contraction on record. manufacturers and suppliers to spend on per cent of companies interviewed still Second-quarter economic activity research and development. There were had workers on short-time hours in declined by 9.7 per cent, as facto- also monetary incentives for green in- August, down from 42 per cent in July. ries stopped production, trade fairs vestments, VAT tax breaks and extra relief At the end of the second quarter, Ger- were postponed, and restaurants for families with children. many’s unemployment rate was 4.3 per and hotels closed. Overall, GDP will “It’s clear that all of this requires a bold cent, far lower than the EU-wide 7.1 per fall by 5.2 per cent year on year in response,’’ Chancellor Angela Merkel told cent rate, and 11 per cent in the US. 2020, the IFO estimates. reporters in Berlin in June. “It’s about The scheme has helped Ger- To minimise the effects of what is securing jobs, and keeping the economy many weather a number of likely to be the worst recession in running, or getting it going again.” previous crises, no- 70 years, Germany has rolled tably in 2008 when out an economic sup- Adopting new measures the nation was the port programme worth In rolling out these measures, Merkel only major econ- €1.1 trillion in March, has abandoned a hitherto-unchangeable omy not to be hit financed by new bor- policy of running a “black zero” balanced by a downturn in rowing. The amount budget. Federal budget deficits above unemployment. Olaf Scholz included a business 0.35 per cent of GDP are verboten, thanks “ Un e m p l oy- Finance Minister, stabilisation fund to a constitutional debt brake. Germany’s ment did not Germany of €600 billion, as initial reluctance to take on more debt – rise in Germany well as a €50-billion in effect, to spend its way out of the
PARTNER CONTENT 11 Education Made in Germany The German International School in Abu Dhabi (GISAD), founded in 2008, is owned by the German Embassy in in the UAE Abu Dhabi and generously supported by the Crown Prince Court. Since 2008, GISAD has established itself as a renowned international school that is regularly awarded “very good” from ADEK (Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge). From Kindergarten to the graduate level, the three German International Roughly 400 students attend GISAD and are taught by highly trained teachers, mainly from Germany, although other nationalities include British, Austrian, Syrian, Egyptian, Palestinian and Jordanian. GISAD has a German curriculum, Schools of the United Arab Emirates, based on the German Thuringian Education Plan. Our curriculum incorporates bilingual elements and offers our situated respectively in Abu Dhabi, students of 17 different nationalities a multicultural learning environment. The relatively small size of the school allows Sharjah and Dubai offer education for a familiar atmosphere, students feel at “home” at GISAD. “made in Germany”. They are The focus on multilingual education begins at the kindergarten level and offers language instruction in German and part of a network of currently English. Further, the school provides language integration classes for academically high achieving students with little or no prior knowledge in German but seeking a late entry into the German education system. 140 German Schools Abroad in 72 countries all certified through the Our graduates benefit from the general educational approach the German curriculum offers to combine a global awareness of culture with deepened knowledge in math and sciences: They study different fields of science, medicine, German Conference of Ministers of and business administration, to name a few, at prestigious universities. We are proud that the first Emirati student Education (KMK). They adhere to a from a German School Abroad graduated in 2019 at GISAD. worldwide quality standard and are For further information please visit: recognized for this with the seal of Facebook: @germaninternationalschoolabudhabi Instagram: @gisabudhabi approval “Excellent German School Linkedin: @germaninternationalschoolabudhabi Abroad” signed by the German Federal President. All schools in the network are governed by the Federal Republic of Germany, which sponsors qualified teachers from Germany and financially support the schools. The German International School (DIS Sharjah), is DISD, the German International School in Dubai, German Schools Abroad do not known for its unique ambience of a green oasis right was founded in 2008 and is owned by the Consulate in the heart of Sharjah. Founded in 1976, it is a school General in Dubai. Around 750 students from more only impart academic and language with vast experience and a long history, following its than 30 nations study here in a respectful and open- commitment to progress and to providing its students minded atmosphere. DISD is located in Dubai Academic skills, but shape their students to City and can be counted among the most modern with the best education. Having nearly 200 students in become global citizens. Through the kindergarten, primary, secondary and the (G)IB, the DIS German Schools Abroad. DISD fosters the unique Sharjah has succeeded in creating a familial atmosphere German engineering spirit and aspires STEM excellence cooperation with Germany and being that enhances learning and provides the children with a (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) governed by the Federal Republic of place to feel at home. from Kindergarten to the Abitur. The school offers an outstanding and inspiring learning environment with Germany, the three German Schools The atmosphere of openness and mutual support modern science labs, two libraries and state-of-the-art promotes teamwork as well as personal growth and sport facilities to cater to the students’ needs in every Abroad in the UAE are at the core category. independence in the students. The campus offers great of intercultural exchange and place facilities for scientific work, music, arts and sports while All Primary and Secondary School classes work with a high emphasis on maintaining the spacious outdoor area, boasting wide lawns and iPads, implemented with an innovative evidence shading trees is ideal for playing and relaxing. based approach. DISD students thrive in a multilingual German and Arabic cultural assets environment and develop into true global citizens with in a strong school community. They Thanks to small classes, the DIS Sharjah teachers can the German language as a core competence. Many of give the students the individual attention they require the students reach a native speaker level in several follow a German curriculum, which to develop their skills and potentials. We aim to enable languages, next to German, as well in English and Arabic. their multilingual, responsible and analytical thinking The city Dubai, region and the world serve as classrooms is specifically supplemented and along with digital, social and critical thinking skills to in stimulating national and international excursions and expanded by Arabic and social studies prepare them for the work place of tomorrow. exchange programs. from the local curriculum. For further information please visit: For more information visit Website: Social Media:, Facebook: and German Schools Abroad offer a Instagram: dissharjah variety of graduate qualifications, such as the German International Abitur (DIA), the International Baccalaureate (IB) or the Bilingual International Baccalaureate (BIB). All respective diplomas offer the highly qualified German students the chance to not only study in Germany but also worldwide.
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 12 GERMANY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 February 2018. IHS Markit’s UAE-Germany form joint crisis – received flak from policymakers and allies, final Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to 52.2 in Au- gust, crossing the 50 mark task force to explore the although it has since been that separates growth from praised for its fiscal efforts. contraction for the second The exceptional situation time in 20 months. potential of 4IR will see the country borrow Retail, on the other €96.2 billion euros in 2021 hand, exhibited a more to fund continued stimulus nuanced picture. Al- measures. Next year’s bud- though the sector boomed get will focus on economic in May and June with ● The German Emirati Joint Council for Industry and support, securing employ- shops reopening and VAT ment and health protec- rates remaining low, sales Commerce (AHK) acts as a bridge between the two tion, according to Finance fell unexpectedly in July – business communities Minister Olaf Scholz. by 0.9 per cent, the feder- “We are acting decisive- al statistics office report- B O O Energy in September ly, even if it costs a lot of ed. Nevertheless, in the Special to GN Focus last year demonstrates money — doing nothing first seven months of the a visionary move, while would be much more ex- year, retailers increased T he UAE has been German export busi- pensive for our country,” their sales by 2.6 per cent home to a large ness in the MENA region he said after the budget for in real terms despite the number of Ger- has been benefitting 2021 was approved. man companies for from German govern- Scholz, who is in the many years. From large ment-backed guarantees running to succeed Merkel corporates to small and for many years. Export- when she steps down af- medium-sized firms, ers, banks and local im- ter a general election next some 1,000 compa- porters now have access year, expects the German nies currently operate to qualified support and economy to return to its in the UAE. The strong advice on German ECA/ pre-crisis size by the be- presence of such a large Hermes-cover directly ginning of 2022 at the number of German com- not leave the German here in the region. With very latest, and hopefully panies is not only proof business community deteriorating financing bring the deficit back in of the excellent invest- in the UAE untouched. conditions due to the line with constitutional ment and business cli- Nearly 80 per cent of the pandemic, such instru- requirements. mate in the UAE, but also AHK members are ex- ments and support have Early reports indicate We look forward of the maturity of this pecting a drop in annual become particularly im- that their containment to Q2/Q3 in 2021 market. German compa- turnover this year. Most portant in insuring pay- measures may lead to a nies utilise the UAE not companies are strug- ment receipts for Ger- V-shaped economic re- for the metal only as a hub for trade gling with making sure man exports. covery, and economists industry to slowly and logistics, but also that its qualified teams Looking forward, are hopeful that the coun- recover. Industries to run critical services weather the storm safely. there is significant po- try has returned to growth like construction such as headquarters and In this regard, the chal- tential for taking the in the third quarter. are still doing R&D centres, for the re- lenges in the UAE are not bilateral business rela- The IFO’s Business Cli- gion at large. very different from the tions to another level. mate index is almost back well because of Emerging simultane- ones in Germany — both Covid-19 has been accel- to pre-crisis levels in many finishing jobs ously with the growing economies are strongly erating cultural change sectors, as industrial activity awarded in 2019 business community in depending on regional not only in the UAE, has resumed following the and before.” the Emirates, the German and international mar- but also with regards to easing of shutdown restric- Emirati Joint Council for ket developments, sta- the future of the Ger- tions. The institute expects David S Gower Industry and Commerce ble supply chains and man-Emirati economic third-quarter GDP to grow Business (AHK) was founded in smooth logistics. At the relations. Just to make by 6.6 per cent after a drop owner 2009, building upon the same time, the outlook it clear — yes, the ex- of 2 per cent and 9.7 per successful establishment for 2021 is equally slow- cellent infrastructure of cent in the first and second of two trade offices 10 ly turning more positive. free zones will continue quarters, respectively. While crisis. The HDE retail as- years before. The Council With industrial demand to be highly relevant as fourth-quarter perfor- sociation now believes forms part of the glob- picking up again, the a hub for German prod- mance appears uncertain, nominal sales will grow al network of German robust business com- ucts and services. But the the country is expected to by 1.5 per cent this year, Chambers Abroad (AHKs munities in the two new future will be digital continue growing in 2021 a sharp upward revision —Auslandshandelskam- countries are ready for a — the fourth industrial with annual growth forecast from its previous estimate mern in German). As the quick rebound. This for revolution (4IR) bears at 5.1 per cent, possibly put- for a 4 per cent drop, Reu- first of its kind in the GCC sure will be happening enormous potentials for ting economic activity back ters reported. region, it now compris- in 2021, being driven by developing the UAE fur- to pre-pandemic levels by Other sectors may need es nearly 500 corporate significant packages of ther as a global platform the end of next year. GDP more time. members from both Ger- additional liquidity in for future technologies will continue to expand in David S Gower is own- many and the UAE. With Germany or by a resilient and solutions. And Ger- 2022, at an expected rate of er of Newform, a found- a team of 30 professional and stress-resistant in- many is ready to partner 1.7 per cent. ry supplier of mica linings staff members across the frastructure and system with its Emirati peers. A Manufacturing, the for furnaces in ferrous and region, and led by a hon- in the UAE. recently launched joint country’s economic back- non-ferrous foundries, as orary board of 18 C-level Retrospectively, the task force on 4IR will bone with about one-fifth well as mica tapes for the business representatives, establishment of the be presenting first out- of GDP, is forecast to drive cable and electrical HV the AHK acts as a bridge Competence Centre for comes soon. Stay tuned. much of the growth going motors industry. Speaking between the two busi- German Export Finance —The writer is CEO, forward, although services to GN Focus about the met- ness communities. in the AHK by the Ger- German Emirati Joint will likely remain under- al sector, he described the Surely, the current man Federal Ministry Council for Industry and performing. Output has second and third quarters of Covid-19 pandemic did for Economic Affairs and Commerce (AHK) continued to rise, posting this year as “horrible”, after the fastest growth since a “perfect first quarter”.
Gulf News | Saturday, October 3, 2020 GERMANY 13 “We look forward to Q2/ by just +3 per cent in the Q3 in 2021 for the metal next year,” he said. industry to slowly recov- Beyond the coronavirus, er,” he says. “Some indus- however, several other sig- tries like construction are nificant events will affect still doing well because of Germany’s economy. The finishing jobs awarded in possibility of the UK crash- 2019 and before.” Gow- ing out of the European er is also President of TiE Union without a deal re- Germany, a non-profit or- mains another major risk, ganisation that promotes as does the prospect of an entrepreneurship. escalation of the trade and Going forward, exports geopolitical conflict between remain a particular area of the US and China conse- concern, and hospitality, quent on the results of the US aviation and tourism and presidential election. “How- services may be in for a ever, short-term negative significant cold spell. impact on Germany would be relatively moderate,” Dr Ready for a second wave Scheuermeyer wrote. For now, all attention is Any recovery could also be on a possible second wave affected by an unlikely but of Covid-19, which could not impossible surprise re- bring new lockdowns and Shutterstock sult in next autumn’s federal a new reduction in eco- 6,000 new cases a day. out creative solutions. On targeted and regional con- election. Merkel has prom- nomic activity. With coro- “Germany is trying to the flip side, sectors deal- tainment measures than in ised to step down after 15 navirus infections rising delay a possible lockdown ing with digital and tech- the spring, second-round years at the helm, but there across Europe for weeks, as much as possible, while nological advances such as effects such as business in- is no clear successor in sight. Merkel warned that the enforcing social distancing artificial intelligence, the solvencies would probably As what seems to be one daily number of new cases measures, TiE’s Gower says. internet of things and tele- increase considerably. “As of the most eventful years could hit 19,200, the Ger- “However, with higher health will do well.” a risk scenario with local in history draws to a close, man daily national news- numbers of infections, the Dr Philipp Scheuermeyer, lockdowns in autumn and perhaps we should all look paper Bild reported. By autumn and winter could an economist at the state- winter, we believe it is plau- to another German phrase comparison, at the peak be difficult to handle. If the owned development bank sible to assume that Ger- for the period ahead: Ich of the crisis in late March second wave is anything KfW wrote in a recent pa- many’s economic output drücke die Daumen, goes and early April, Germany like the first, companies per that while previous ex- would contract by almost 8 the idiom. Translation? was reporting more than will lose their market with- perience will enable more per cent in 2020 and grow Fingers crossed.
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 14 GERMANY GORGEOUS ● GERMANY The plethora of activities and experiences on offer make the European nation a top destination for all types of travellers den. Situated on an island, you can access this palace only by walking on a tree-lined avenue. This palace is fa- mous for being one of the most impres- sive baroque palaces in central Europe. B Y S For history and culture lovers, eager Special to GN Focus to dive into the Middle Ages, a trip to the Castle Road will guarantee a once- in-a-lifetime experience. The Castle Road runs for almost 1,200km from the city of Mannheim, south west Ger- many and offers over 70 castles, fairy- WHERE HISTORY tale palaces and stately homes and UNFOLDS medieval masterpieces. F or those, who enjoy a journey back in time, Germany ticks WELLNESS all the boxes, with 25,000 cas- tles and palaces spread all over RETREATS the country. Surrounded by stunning landscapes, every castle has an inter- Whether by the sea, in the moun- esting story to tell. tains or surrounded by green mead- ● Thermal bath in Baden-Baden One of Germany’s historic icons is ows and forests, Germany promises Neuschwanstein Castle, located in the amazing relaxation and well-being ex- magnificient Bavarian Alps of south periences to all. Thanks to the diverse One of the world’s best-known Germany. Also known as Germany’s range of natural therapies with over healing spots is Baden-Baden, situat- fairy tale castle, Neuschwanstein is 350 rated health resorts and spa towns ed in southern Germany. The spa town one of the most frequently photo- combining traditional healing meth- offers 12 thermal springs where water graphed attractions in the country. ods with modern medicines, Germany bubbles up from a depth of 2,000 me- Another breathtaking palace is is known as an attractive destination tres underground, making it an un- Moritzburg Palace in the city of Dres- for health travel. forgettable experience. ● Moritzburg Palace in Dresden IMAGES COURTESY OF GERMAN NATIONAL TOURIST OFFICE (GNTO)
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 16 GERMANY ● Germany has hiking trails for every ability level OUTDOOR from the unique Black Forest and the Alps in the south, the lakes and riv- ADVENTURES ers in the countryside to the beautiful beaches and islands in the north. Germany has plenty of adventure activities for tourists of all ages. From family-friendly attractions covering CULINARY 100 theme parks, 300 zoos and 100 wildlife parks and nature reserves to EXPERIENCES recreational activities such as para- gliding, sightseeing, cycling tours, Located in the heart of Europe, Ger- kayaking, or hiking in the mountains, many has always welcomed Europe- Germany has definitely something an and international influences to its for everyone. With a well-connected cuisine, but at the same time it has public transport system throughout preserved its traditional recipes that the country, visitors enjoy an easy and were handed down from generation to ● White asparagus is a rare spring delicacy quick access between cities and rural generation. areas whether by train, bus or by taxi. One of the authentic culinary Travellers can also discover Germa- treats in Germany is the white as- paragus is available all year round, ny by bike through its 200 cycle routes paragus, known as the vegetable of white asparagus can only be tast- spanning over 70,000 kilometres that kings or white gold. While green as- ed during a short season, between offer stunning views of the country, April and June every year, present- ing a unique flavour experience. Black Forest cake is another must- try in Germany. While this chocolate dessert has many myths surrounding its origin, one thing is certain. This famous cake that took the world by storm is a product of Baden-Würt- temberg, where it was first made over a century ago and where bakers have been refining it ever since. Food enthusiasts exploring one or more of Germany’s 16 regions will enjoy an exquisite culinary journey, whether at its traditional inns or at one the 300 Michelin-starred gour- met restaurants spread all over the country. Visit for more in- formation. The writer is the Director Sales and Marketing, German National ● Germany has over 200 scenic cycle routes through towns, mountains and villages Tourist Office Gulf Countries
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 18 GERMANY HABEN SIE ● HUNGER? Check out traditional German dishes that you need to try at home BRATKARTOFFELN Prep 30 mins Cook 1 hour Serves 6 INGREDIENTS ● 2kg potatoes, thinly sliced ● 1 onion, finely chopped ● 6 slices beef bacon, chopped ● ½ cup butter, diced ● salt and pepper to taste METHOD 1. Preheat oven to 200 °C. Grease an ideally 9x13 inch casserole dish with oil. Shutterstock 2. Place potatoes neatly in greased dish. Sprinkle onion and beef minutes. Remove foil and stir until crispy. You may need Camera Press bacon over potatoes, then dot potatoes. Turn oven to broiler to stir every minute or so to with butter. Cover dish with foil. 3. Bake in preheated oven for 45 setting and allow potatoes to brown for about five minutes, achieve even browning. Serve immediately. HOME-MADE PRETZEL ROLLS Prep 1 hour, 15 mins Cook 20 mins SERVES 3-4 INGREDIENTS ● 300g cake flour, plus extra ● 2 tsp sea salt ● 1 tbsp sugar ● 10g instant dry yeast ● ½ cup milk, warmed ● ¼ to ½ cup warm water ● 3 tbsp oil ● 1/3 cup bicarbonate of soda ● 1 egg, beaten, for brushing ● 2 tbsp coarse salt, for topping METHOD 1. In a large bowl, mix together the flour, sea salt, sugar and yeast. In a jug, whisk together milk, water and oil, add to the dry ingredients and stir to form a soft dough. Shutterstock 2. Add a little more water, if needed. On a lightly SAUERBRATEN ● 2 tbsp all-purpose flour and black pepper in a large bowl. floured surface, knead the dough for 5-10 ● salt and ground black pepper Sprinkle flour mixture over beef. minutes until smooth. Place in a bowl, cover Prep 15 mins to taste 3. Heat vegetable oil in a large oven or with a damp tea towel and leave to prove for Cook 4 hours ● 2 tbsp vegetable oil pot over medium heat; cook beef one hour or until it doubles in size. Serves 6 ● 10 gingersnap cookies, until brown on all sides, for about 3. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Knock back the crumbled 10 minutes. dough and divide into six even portions. Roll INGREDIENTS 4. Pour reserved marinade over beef, each piece into a long sausage and shape into ● 1 kg beef rump roast METHOD cover, and reduce heat to medium- pretzels. Dissolve the bicarbonate of soda in a ● 2 large onions, chopped 1. Place beef rump roast, onions, low. Simmer until beef is tender for saucepan of boiling water. Carefully dip each ● 1 cup vinegar, or to taste vinegar, water, salt, black pepper, 3.5 to four hours. Remove beef to a pretzel in the hot water for about a minute, ● 1 cup water sugar, cloves, and bay leaves in a platter and slice. then drain and place on a greased baking tray. ● 1 tbsp salt large pot. Cover and refrigerate for 5. Strain the remaining liquid and 4. Brush the pretzels with the beaten egg ● 1 tbsp ground black pepper two to three days, turning meat continue cooking over medium and sprinkle coarse salt on top. Bake for 15 ● 1 tbsp white sugar daily. Remove meat from marinade heat. Add gingersnap cookies and minutes or until dark golden brown and ● 10 whole cloves, or more and pat dry with paper towels, simmer for about 10 minutes until baked through. to taste reserving marinade. gravy is thickened. Serve gravy over 5. Serve hot with mustard, salad and pickle on ● 2 bay leaves, or more to taste 2. Season flour to taste with salt sliced beef. the side.
Saturday, October 3, 2020 | Gulf News 20 GERMANY “We felt obliged to react and give something back to the country” ●When WHO declared the Covid-19 pandemic, Verotex Gulf acted fast to produce masks made of antimicrobial fabrics. We talk to Heike Scholz-Reinhard, the company’s Managing Director on how the fabric counters the settlement and growth of microorganisms C an you give us a brief history of Verotex? Verotex weaving mill was founded 27 years ago as a result of a yarn we de- veloped in our spinning mill. The intention of our founder had always been, and still is safe- ty, comfort and kindness to the environment. It started with a range of fabrics, including Vero- safe, which is PVC-free, inherently flame retar- dant and has no additional chemical finishes. At that time all roller blinds and vertical blind fabrics needed a coating to stiffen them, and we were the first company to combine design and safety with environmentally friendly fabrics. All our fabrics are produced at our facility in Ger- many to secure consistent quality and smooth logistics. From our first range, Verosafe, we then developed Veroglim (high reflection screens for computer working stations), Veroflex (mostly How are your reusable face masks different blackout coated fabrics) and Veromed, to the from the ones available in the market? highest industry standards. In the beginning of February, when WHO declared the Coronavirus pandemic, the Dubai How did the idea of Veromed fabrics form? government didn’t have enough safety equip- Veromed was developed five years ago as a ment. We, as Verotex Gulf, felt obliged to re- direct result of our market research in the UAE act and give something back to the country to and the huge demand for antimicrobial fabrics protect its citizens. We started producing the in the healthcare sector. The fabric contains reusable Veromed face masks, for which we a biocidal product. It’s also called silver ion got a lot of support from our partner the Dubai technology that is built into the fibre polymer Airport Free Zone Authority (DAFZA). to counter the growth of microorganisms in The idea of making comfortable masks, using or on the fabric. It is machine washable up to ● Heike Scholz-Reinhard, Managing Director, a fabric that is already tested against bacteria and 60°C with fine detergent without losing the Verotex Gulf viruses and does not have any harmful substanc- bioactive character. Its brand name is Veromed es made sense. The standard disposable masks, Trevira CS Bioactive and this fibre is patented. which are being promoted and sold to the general The idea was to come up with a fabric that ful- in fabrics that are woven out of Trevira CS public are made for non-intensive medical usage filled the needs of the healthcare sector, mean- Bioactive fibre. Also, all our fabrics are tried and are for one-time use only. But once you put ing it had to be antimicrobial, flame retardant at independent institutes in Europe. We have it on, or touch it in case you come in contact with and durable, but which should be not affected tested this fabric range for several standards the virus, contamination will spread all over the by washing or usage. Veromed offers all the in flame retardancy and an extensive range mask. This seemed too risky. Furthermore, you possible safety — viruses and bacteria cannot of bacteria and viruses, including Covid and have to change these masks after three to four grow on that fabric, it is flame retardant, it does Pox viruses. hours. This is a few million masks each day, so not use any additional coatings or finishes, it is what about the waste? When it comes Veromed washable up to 60°C, all while completely free What can these fabrics be used for? Are they masks, you need two to three, so you can rotate of any toxic substances. With a light fastness of only for hospital use? them with your laundry. six to seven it never fades, retains its shape even Veromed fabrics are presently used mainly for under the toughest of conditions and is offered the health care sector, while Verosafe is usually What tests were conducted to prove the effi- in many different designs and colours. used for commercial projects, such as offic- cacy of the product? These fabrics can be particularly used es, hotels and schools. But times have We test all our products in independent for cubicle beds and window curtains changed. If there is a chance to im- high-grade institutes in Germany, France as well blind systems in hospitals, prove safety, why not use it? Veromed and the UK. The trials have been conducted which are constantly being touched also has other benefits, for instance, for flame retardancy, antimicrobial and an- by so many different people all bacteria cannot grow on it. tivirus standards such as DIN4102, EN1021, day. The Veromed material makes The fabric also does not devel- ISO18184.2019, and Oekotex 100. it possible to develop appropriate op mold, or carry the typical moldy measures to prevent cross-contami- odours you find in damp, old houses What’s next for the company? nation in medical environments. or hotels due to Chloroanisole (a bacte- In 2021, we will be launching our new range, rium that develops because of humidity). VeroBlue (named after our home, The Blue How does the fabric guarantee the death of That’s not all, our PVC-free fabric range of Planet), which is made of 100 per cent recy- Covid-19 viruses on the surface? Veromed and Verosafe is not to be underesti- cled material, and features all the attributes that Trevira CS Bioactive is a fibre made of a mated. In case of fire, PVC releases a harmful make our range of fabrics such a great choice. polymer that has a silver ion embedded in its chlorine gas (dioxin) and you have only few Furthermore, we will also launch VeroDur, a molecular structure. This silver ion makes it minutes to leave the premises before suffering range of super durable fabrics for outdoor appli- impossible for bacteria and viruses to grow serious injuries. cations, which are also 100 per cent PVC-free.
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